“Tony Hale was thrilled to work with Beyonce on the Verizon ad” links

Tony Hale was so excited to work with Beyonce on the Verizon commercial and he said that she’s just lovely in person. [Pajiba]
Another view of the Bennifer messiness this week. [LaineyGossip]
What’s up with Selena Gomez & her cryface emoji? [Buzzfeed]
I love this – an NBA fan is using astrology to predict team chemistry. [Jezebel]
Salma Hayek celebrates 15 years of marriage. [JustJared]
Matt Damon talks about the Dunkin Donuts commercial. [Socialite Life]
Travis Kelce admits he crossed a line with his coach. [Hollywood Life]
Kate Hudson was in Home Alone 2. [Seriously OMG]
Juliette Binoche wore Dior to The New Look premiere. [RCFA]
Kim Petras has new music! [OMG Blog]

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12 Responses to ““Tony Hale was thrilled to work with Beyonce on the Verizon ad” links”

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  1. K says:

    Beyonce was a blast in that commercial. I am so thrilled for this music she’s amazing for this drop.

  2. Pinkosaurus says:

    Re: Tony Hale, that was too cute that he and his wife had to lie about the job to their daughter but she and her friends figured it out anyway from all the Bey Hive Easter eggs and online speculation. We are raising an entire generation of crack sleuths! After Gen Z, the upcoming generation will have to be Gen Sherlock.

  3. Kokiri says:

    Yes, he did cross a huge line.
    Screaming in someone’s face is never ok.
    It came from somewhere, & he needs to figure it out fast.
    It’s not “passion in the moment”, it’s an inability to manage one’s emotions & behaviour.

    • Square2 says:

      Not just someone, it’s his COACH! This behavior undermined the coach’s authority on game time game plan and could potentially destroy other players’ confidence in coaching staff’s decisions.

      Well he was not the only famous NFL player did this on live TV over years. What does this teaching the children watching the game? *Sign* 😞

      PS. Yes I agreed with you, kokiri, he needs to figure out the roots of his behavior.

  4. Pomski says:

    I’ve been playing/watching sports all my life. What Travis did was inappropriate and he owned it. For anyone reading too much into it, there are thousands of incidents with baseball coaches getting in the face of umpires, athletes yelling at refs, players against players etc. It’s called the heat of the moment and it looks worse than it actually is.

    • Raven says:

      I love it when people make excuses like this when athletes from high school all the way up to pro are more likely to be physically and sexually violent .

      • Kokiri says:


        Like the number of domestic abusers the nfl alone covers for, like it’s just on the field heat of the moment.
        Like we don’t know how often it happens and is just explained away.
        It’s violence. Time to stop excusing it.

      • ArtFossil says:

        @Kokiri: Just one of the reasons I don’t watch the NFL.

    • ArtFossil says:

      Baseball *managers* not baseball coaches. And if the manager of my team (or a player) assaulted an umpire or his manager or another player the way Kelce did, he’d be ejected and then fined/suspended.

      There is no excusing Travis Kelce’s behavior.

    • Josephine says:

      I don’t think he is owning it. He’s pretending that he accidently “bumped” Andy, who was already “unbalanced.” I get that the team or the two of them or some PR people decided to make that the story, but it played out on national tv and their story is just that, a story. And his immediate response was to shrug it off, so now he’s doing a little soft shuffle. Meh, he’s not owning anything.

    • Ange says:

      It shouldn’t happen at all though. You wonder why there’s more prevalence of violence at kid’s games and refs being assaulted etc, this is it. Because the ‘small’ stuff is let slide and it leads to worse. It should never be acceptable to yell at any game official, coach, or otherwise.