I know y’all work up this morning wondering what the latest goss about T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach was. Well, Happy Monday, friends, because I am coming through for you. When we last left off, America’s favorite sweetheart podcasters (/s) had successfully completed Dry January and done their first live podcast. During the live pod, T.J. cried while talking about his daughter, who was sitting in the audience, and Amy compared herself to both Cersei on Game of Thrones and Elizabeth Taylor. It was a lot of eye-rolling and yet another unwittingly live advertisement for therapy.
This week’s episode of “T.J. and Amy” deals with separation anxiety. You know when you drop your toddler off at daycare and they suddenly have an awareness of how time works and cry when you leave? Or, if they are home with you and get upset if you go to the bathroom where they can’t see you? That is the kind of separation anxiety I am talking about. Poor T.J. suffers from it. He just hates being away from his lovaaah so much. In fact, when they are apart, it makes him anxious and afraid that something will happen to her.
“I have said this to you plenty of times. I get not pissed [but] I get really frustrated when we are, not apart, but actually apart and traveling apart,” he said after Robach mentioned that she’s getting ready to travel without him for four days.
“We have been through so much together,” he reasoned. “I always get an anxiety, I get fear that [if] we’re not together, I’m not there with you, frankly, to protect you, to help you if anything goes on. I just don’t like being apart from you.”
Holmes added that he feels anxious “that something is going to happen” to Robach when she is away from him.
“It is not a matter of missing you,” he clarified. “I miss you when you go to the bathroom. I hate when we travel apart for long periods of time.”
I want to be snarky but on the surface level, I actually don’t think it’s super problematic for one partner to miss the other one when they are gone. Mr. Rosie had to do a solo road trip for work last month and I was worried for his safety. That said, as we established through both common sense and Tori Spelling, it is a bit extra to miss someone when they’re just using the restroom. Scroll through your phone or something while they’re gone, man.
I know this may sound a little bit mean, but when T.J. says he gets anxious and afraid when he and Amy are apart, like “something is going to happen,” I cannot help but wonder if he’s talking more about himself. Anxious and afraid is better than naked (with another woman) and afraid, #amirite? Is he worried that something is going to happen to Amy or to his willpower?
photos via Instagram and credit: Michael Simon/startraksphoto.com
Does anyone else think these two are co-dependent alcoholics? This is not a healthy relationship.
Absolutely! In a few years time, there will be some ghastly made for tv z list movie about their substance abuse and co dependency, which poor recovering alcoholics and addicts will have to suffer through at budget treatment centres. What is it with these nauseating couples and anxiety with a partner using the loo? Meghan “Tedious” Trainor has 2 toilets side by side so she and her husband can relieve themselves together. Vile.
Kind of hard not to have trust issues when your entire relationship began on the betrayal of somebody’s trust lol.
Because I suffer from anxiety disorder which got worse when I was diagnosed with PTSD after a nasty car accident, whenever my guy was late or similar I would feel stressed that something bad had happened. I’m better now but I can be sympathetic to those who deal with this sort of thing. But…and it’s a big but…I haven’t read that T.J. suffers from anxiety or anything of the sort. The main thing, however, for me is that despite anything I was dealing with, I NEVER got stressed when my guy went to the bathroom! That is just weird.
Yes! That is just weird!!
The reason he’s scared of her traveling alone. He knows she is much more likely to get a new job than he is. So he doesn’t want her out there alone taking meetings. He’s starting to realize that his career is over. Because whichever (her) gets a new job first. That will be the end of their relationship.
Yeah he probably also gets separation anxiety when she’s gone because they are both cheaters and he’s afraid she’s cheating on him/will possibly cheat when away.
What a horrible way to live thinking your partner may be cheating when you aren’t together.
You nailed it !
TJ knows its very likely she can have a career resurgence.
I had never heard of these 2 until these posts about them but to me they are both very immature, insecure and dysfunctional people who have created a very obsessive/controlling co-dependent relationship (he in particular is showing controlling behaviours with comments like this).
Oh gag. These two again.
We are so in love and we have such a storybook romance. Yeah right.
I’m sure that they don’t want to let each other out of their sight. They might get interested in someone new.
Remember the saying: you lose them they way you got them?
This reads as a love that burns too hot- and does not end well.
But, you never know.
I was mostly single in my life, and i LOVE solo travel.
But i have been with the nice man i live with for more than a decade, and unless i am crossing an ocean, 3-4 nights is a long as i want to be away from him. Plus, i’ve always loved coming home. (though at the same time, if i get on a plane at all- it is a minimum 3 nights- b/c airlines have made flying such an unpleasant process.
I’m surprised he doesn’t want a few days apart. Some down time, now that they’ve settled in to a relationship and aren’t hooking up on the downlow. Reality can be a cold thing. 🙂
I don’t watch the morning news shows, but I knew who Amy Robach was from 20/20. I cannot get over the alternate universe for this woman where she was the one to break open the Prince Andrew story (she had it and it got killed) in the US (I know it was already “known”, but not in popular conscience) and went on to become one of the most high profile investigative journalists. Ah well
No, that doesn’t sound like the prelude to a very special episode of Dateline. Not at all.
They are definitely alcoholics. And the kind of neediness that they both display is just gross. It is so obvious how they will end, it’s just a matter of when. One or both of them is going to cheat, I assume it will be him first, but maybe not. They are both truly terrible human beings.
Good journalists don’t like to be the story but they are all about themselves! So annoying
He’s afraid of the “how I got her is how I’ll lose her” mentality. This is not healthy in the least, but not surprising considering how they got together.