King Charles, 75, wants to ride his horse for Trooping the Colour in June

Buckingham Palace has been pretty consistent with issuing behind-the-scenes photos of King Charles throughout his treatment for cancer. He’s been doing meetings and private audiences with the prime minister, various ambassadors and staffers, and many of those meetings involve the palace’s in-house photographer, documenting everything. That’s how we know that Charles has lost weight and that he seems pretty uncomfortable sitting down. That might be from his prostate issue in January, but he still seems to be sitting gingerly these days. All in all, given all of Charles’s recent medical issues, even Charles’s biggest haters would be totally fine with him riding around in the safety of his Bentley or simply walking to wherever he needs to go. Instead, Charles is apparently making plans to RIDE A HORSE for Trooping the Colour.

The King wants to get back on his horse following his cancer diagnosis with plans to appear on his favourite steed at Trooping the Colour. It has now been reported that the monarch – seen driving himself to church on Sunday – is determined to saddle up on his horse Noble for Trooping the Colour in June. He is said to want to be seen to ‘lead from the front’.

The sight would provide a huge boost to the nation following Charles’ shock diagnosis. His appearance on horseback is not guaranteed, as doctors are still urging caution.

Last year Noble, a black mare which was a gift from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, was slightly frisky during the procession from Buckingham Palace, up The Mall.

Sources told the Mail all options are still on the table and no firm decision will be taken until nearer the time, given the nature of His Majesty’s condition. It will be dependent on medical advice, as well as issues such as the weather on the day.

An insider told The Sun on Sunday: ‘It is a sign of the King’s desire to get back to work and follow the mantra of the late Queen that a monarch needs to be seen.

‘He is raring to go. He doesn’t need to appear on horseback at Trooping the Colour because his mother did stand down when she was 60, but believes if it can be achieved – and with the agreement of royal doctors – then he wants it to happen.’

[From The Daily Mail]

Even if Charles didn’t have a bum prostate AND CANCER, he’s still a 75 year old man with a bad back! My dude, just ride in your Bentley, it’s fine! There’s part of me which wonders if Charles would actually prefer to ride a horse rather than sit gingerly through a bumpy, uncomfortable ride in that fakakta gold carriage. Isn’t the carriage supposed to be really horrible as a passenger? Which is why I still say he should ride in his Bentley. Seriously, no one is judging Charles for this kind of stuff. It reminds me so much of QEII and her advisors convincing themselves that no one should ever see QEII in a wheelchair, despite the fact that she had bone cancer and severe mobility issues. The world will not end if a monarch allows people to see their health frailties.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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68 Responses to “King Charles, 75, wants to ride his horse for Trooping the Colour in June”

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  1. equality says:

    Let the people who are active military parade and stick all the royals on the sidelines watching from the balconies.

  2. The Hench says:

    Honestly, I think they just make this stuff up as they go along to fill space. Yeah – nobody cares whether he’s on a horse. Given what just happened recently with horses from the Cavalry getting loose and running amok through London, with riders and animals injured and horrific photos of bloodstained, panicked animals running wild, I’d say most Brits would prefer he WASN’T on a horse actually. Cancer and prostate or not.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Only Charles cares whether he’s on a horse or not. Charles with his uncertain future, will be extra all the way for any occasion, during a possible vert short reign, not to be forgotten as king.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Exactly. Nobody would blink an eye if he were to ride in the carriage, or even his Bentley (which truly would break with tradition, but why not??). I understand getting older & wanting to do what you did when you were younger, but still–75, on horseback? After surgery & cancer treatments? I cannot imagine his medical team giving the go-ahead for that. This is the press just making things up.

        But oh, oh, if he did? Successfully? Couldn’t you deem his surgery ‘abdominal surgery’? What would that say about Kate? A much younger person….

      • Christine says:

        Yeah, this is nothing more than the hubris of Charles. His mother rode on horseback as monarch, and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t get his turn. This is pitiful, absolutely no people expect someone with cancer to ride in a long parade.

  3. olivia says:

    Cosplay of a dying megalomaniac.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      You found my words

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Yes, it feels like he wants to tick every box against his mother’s reign, whether its a wise idea or not. As The Hench mentioned, those cavalry horses getting spooked and running loose recently was such gothic example of how unpredictable riding horseback can be.

      • BeanieBean says:

        That was…horrific. Those images will stick in my mind for a long, long time. Those poor horses. And the white one with the blood????

      • olivia says:

        I believe I saw an article flash in my feed of a whistle-blower speaking of horrible conditions in those stables. The white one was in dire condition and said not to be doing well.

    • Yes and nothing more.

    • GoldenMom says:

      Precisely put.

    • Geegee says:

      Well done.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Chucklebrick’s flights of vanity certainly take strange turns. Didn’t he insist on commissioning a whole ass brand new gold carriage for the Coronation? Why isn’t his butt being strapped into that for Trooping?

      He sells all the Sandringham horses off soon as he gets the keys to everything, and then insists on being hoisted onto one, Henry VIII style, for what might be his last Trooping. Make it make sense. If he really wants to dig into the ceremonial cosplay, let his valet and esquires sew him into an artisanal, bespoke suit of armor made up of metal scrap dredged from the Thames. He is the “environmentalist king” after all. Once they clean all the raw sewage off the scrap, it should shine up a treat! Big boost to the local mudlark economy too!

      • olivia says:

        That was well put. That is the front, right? All about the environment, now going to cancer units like Diana.. And I saw him pop up on the news and all I thought was “If I am sitting in a chemo chair, getting chemicals pumped into me, the last thing I would want is some film crew and a person with no mask talking so close to for his publicity”. I also wondered if he pushed again his ridiculous coffee enemas in place of chemo do wonders against cancer garbage.

  4. Roo says:

    These gray men still live in the 1600s in their minds. Seeing him ride a horse in the parade is not going to give the entire nation a moment of joy. Most people will think “oh, looks like he’s feeling better. Good for him “ and that will be it. People will simply get on with their day.

    • Trex says:

      Agreed. This ‘want’ seems more to him than anything about tradition. Whatever. If he wants to sit a horse let him. PS: I just watched a video of him and the side chick today – He looks well.

    • SarahCS says:

      Yep, it may be presumptuous of me to speak on behalf of us all but I do not think it would be a ‘huge boost’ to see him on a horse. We have other things on our minds. Sitting on a horse and telling us when the election will be, that would be a boost.

      • olivia says:

        It is not presumptuous, no. The narcissism of this person thinking that seeing him on a horse in a ceremony that is meant to celebrate the birth of this person… it just makes me feel nauseated.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I know! I had to snort when I read the line about ‘giving the nation a huge boost’ after his ‘shock diagnosis’. Seeing him at this event isn’t a boost. They do this event pretty much every year, and can easily swap out the cast of characters, doesn’t matter. As for the ‘shock diagnosis’? Sure, everybody probably read that and that, oh, that’s too bad, then went on with their day. Everybody’s going to be fine. Or not. Charles’ health is neither here nor there except to those who love him (I was going to say ‘family’, but they’re not a real family; I’m also not too sure who really loves him).

  5. Maxine Branch says:

    Honestly with how fraught the economy is for everyday folks in the UK will anyone actually care. They still have to piut food on the table for their family and get up to go to work the next day. While he rides into the sunset. Good grief.

    • olivia says:

      How much more popular would those ghouls be if they opened up their profits to feed the starving families of the UK instead of going around saying how we all need to volunteer and give to charity? Out of touch.

  6. Jais says:

    Lordy. Didn’t the queen have that car with extra windows so she could be seen? Use that. Or he could get some sort of Bentley convertible. It’s weird that they never use convertibles. I guess bc they use carriages? But in this case, it would work well. It’s stories like these though that make me think that we will not see Kate at Trooping. Or at least not as her first event back. Charles does not want that to be her first day back. He’s gonna want the attention, whether he rides on a horse or not. Assuming she has a day back before the fall…or next Christmas.

    • Becks1 says:

      I would say the lack of convertibles etc is a security issue, but then the horseback riding seems like more of a security issue, right?

      • Jais says:

        Yes! I don’t know how being on a horse would be any more or less safe than an open convertible? An open land cruiser jeep? They’re in the uk so it might not feel as colonial? Hmm. It still might.

      • AMB says:

        Presumably he can’t fall off a Bentley, so yes, I’d call that more secure.

      • Becks1 says:

        @AMB well yes lol, but I was honestly thinking of assassination attempts. Maybe that’s too american of me though. Also we just watched the Naked Gun the other night lol.

      • BeanieBean says:

        That was my thought, too, being an American & thinking of JFK’s assassination, but–they ride around in open carriages, so maybe not? And is horseback any better? Remember that time somebody shot a starter pistol at TQs horse?

  7. cazzie says:

    No fool like an old fool!!!

  8. Amy Bee says:

    Charles is 75. He was born in 1948 and that’s why the press was making a big fuss about Harry not attending his birthday party last year. He wants to show the public that he’s not an old man and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. He’s always lived in the shadow of his father and that’s why he took over the role of Captain General of the Royal Marines after the Queen died.

  9. Pinkosaurus says:

    Eh, why not? He is certainly not getting any younger and I’m sure Noble is a gorgeous girl. If it all goes horribly wrong, he will at least have a memorable passing.

    • Underhill says:

      There are worse ways to go. One minute you are riding along on your beloved horse, doing what you love and the next minute, bonk, you have passed over. Better than endless rounds of chemo, if that is what he is facing.

  10. Brassy Rebel says:

    The ableism, along with the toxic masculinity, is strong in this family, or institution, or whatever it is.

  11. WiththeAmerican says:

    Way to stick it to the AI princess. He not only will show with his cancer, but he will be riding a horse.

    Meanwhile, the preventive chemo princess is still in hiding. Can’t even be seen in a car, carriage, balcony, or photo.

  12. Miss Kitty says:

    Just ride in the Bentley Charles, much safer and more comfortable. No one really cares if you ride Noble unless they’re waiting to see if you fall off her.

    My brother in law had the same surgery at the same time and has only just gotten back to feeling semi comfortable sitting in a car for more than an hour. He says the idea of riding a horse makes him cringe for the family jewels. When was the last time Charles was seen in public on a horse? Last year’s’s Trooping?

  13. Armoire says:

    The teeth! Saw the latest pics on Daily Heil and my god. There’s no dental plan for the Royals?

    • AMB says:

      Apparently the dental plan consists of somebody putting his toothpaste on his toothbrush for him.

      I hope you don’t envision that poor toothpaste lackey having to FLOSS for him, too? Words fail – they probably are paid but a pittance – we live in a society – oh, the humanity …

  14. Sarah says:

    As someone who has ridden horses for the majority of my life, I can confirm that riding the horse is probably MUCH more comfortable than any other option. Plus you know that Noble will have had a hefty “cocktail” no matter what, so it really is quite a safe thing for him to do IMO.

    • equality says:

      A hefty “cocktail” would affect the horse’s gait and make it unsafe to ride. Maybe a gentler horse more used to parading could be used. Charles has also likely lost muscle mass during his treatment and probably hasn’t been riding regularly which can affect the comfort level on a horse.

      • Sarah says:

        Well, not that hefty of course. I am talking 1 cc of Ace, a commonly used mild sedative. It would not affect the gait even remotely.

      • equality says:

        Ace is a muscle relaxant and isn’t advisable to use before riding a horse even in low doses. Not that people don’t do it.

  15. Digital Unicorn says:

    This is their way of showing ‘see am all good now, nothing to see here’.

    Also BP are showing KP hows its all done again – they’ve put out SM posts about supporting the MacMillian Cancer Trust with links to the website. Chuck and Cams have come all out to show support to other cancer patients and their families with continued crickets from the Wails (not even a peep from the Middletons). I could say a lot of things about the Wails and their crickets on supporting other cancer patients but I won’t esp as am extra salty about it today as I just found out an old family friend has started cancer treatments.

  16. Looty says:

    In my experience, people dealing with cancer often yearn to turn back the clock even if just temporarily e.g. feel normal, get rid of the bag, get rid of the port, get around like they used to. Sometimes you can sometimes you can’t. My point is this may be a genuine need for him.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      Certainly if he succeeded it would be good for his mental health but if he doesn’t…

    • Eurydice says:

      Yes, I was going to post this – and the article says 3 times that it’s up to the doctors to decide.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Yeah, I get it. Same for just getting older. It’s hard to let go of doing things you love.

  17. Hypocrisy says:

    I personally think he should go everywhere in England by horse or carriage it should be required of the king and queen, full crown and robes also. The Royalist really should be demanding this😁

    • BeanieBean says:

      And the next in line, too. That’d take care of the flashing issue the current Princess of Wales has!

  18. Concern Fae says:

    This is vanity. So many friends dealing with parents who won’t wear glasses or other such foolishness.

    • The Hench says:

      This just gave me the giggles – I’m seeing a child of elderly parents support forum pop up…
      “My elderly father just will not wear a hearing aid…”
      “My Great Aunt refuses to give up her driving licence..”
      “My mother will NOT wear her glasses…”
      “My father is ADAMANT that despite cancer and prostate issues he is going to dress up in full military dress uniform (including unwieldy enormous bearskin hat), get on a horse and parade through central London in full view of the world’s media and millions of people…when there’s a perfectly good Bentley for him….”

      • Underhill says:

        Freaking hilarious. You made my day. (I spend a good part of that day caring for my mostly demented, entirely recalcitrant, occasionally ornery and very disabled 92 yo mother so this is right up my alley).

      • BeanieBean says:

        I think of that a lot when I see older people out & about, obviously wobbly but doggone it! Not going to use a cane, no! I worry about them.

        As for Charles–it’s that hat that has me worried! I understand those bearskin hats are heavy!! He shifts his head slightly & he’s going over!

  19. Beana says:

    It still irked me that QEII refused to be seen publicly in a wheelchair. I think it sends a message to the average person with mobility issues that they appear undignified. As much as I wish that the Royals weren’t still viewed as role models, in those moments where they have a disability, they could do a real service for the disabled community by showing they are not ashamed of it.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      Excellent point. The French still seem to hide their disabled away as well, plenty of blue badge parking places but in the ten or so years I have been here I have only seen one or two people in wheel chairs.

      • SarahCS says:

        Don’t get me started on that! My 91 year old grandmother could have had a blue badge years ago as her mobility issues have been getting worse and worse but nope, she won’t even do that. She stays in the house instead now and used to just struggle when she did go out. Don’t even mention borrowing a wheelchair if we do go somewhere that has them. Sigh.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Shame, really. I’ve been using a cane as of a couple of years ago, due to a progressive neuropathy. Zero qualms about it, it keeps me from falling! I truly do not understand the resistance. People think you’re old? So what? And you know what? People are nicer to you when you use a cane! If you’re walking along slowly, people get irritated (oh, I’d hear the ‘tsks’); but with a cane? Nope, it’s understandable.

        As for France, I’ve never been, but I’ve been in a few other old European cities. Those hundreds/thousands of years old places have not adapted well to the needs of the infirm, not at all. Not the roads, the sidewalks, buildings, or mindset, apparently.

  20. Krista says:

    Does anyone think it odd the Charles is working WITH CANCER. Yet Bill can’t work b/c his wife is receiving treatment?

    • SarahCS says:

      Yep, they’re signposting it as loudly as they can without actually calling out KP.

    • Unblinkered says:

      Charles is showing fortitude, great strength of character (like him or not, he is), and real grit.
      Well done, that man.

    • Scorpio says:

      I think the consensus is that William has been sidelined to a few events where he can’t do any harm. He won’t be allowed to do big boy events due to his general inability to act in a normal fashion.

  21. Leigh_S says:

    @equality Ace isn’t a muscle relaxant, that’s robaxin. Its technically an anti-psychotic and chemical restraint. From a riding perspective its a safer option than the now popular dormosedan.

    Dorm messes with the balance system, which is why it makes horses stand and lock their legs. Ace doesn’t mess with balance but does slow movement and reaction time. Ace is lousy though because it isn’t doesn’t block anxiety. The animal is just as anxious, just less physically able to respond. (Also why there can be paradoxical explosive behavior if they ‘break through it’)

    They’d probably opt for reserpine for a longer effect and lower risk. I’d almost be surprised if that wasn’t in use for the big parades with horses not frequently in public.

    (I’ve had to do a lot of equine rehab, in case anyone can’t tell)

    • Sarah says:

      Thank you Leigh! Agree on all of your points!

    • equality says:

      Calling it a muscle relaxant wasn’t meant as a classification of the drug. It has muscle relaxing effects though. Manufacturer’s statement: It “has a depressant effect on the central nervous system and, therefore, causes sedation, muscular relaxation and a reduction in spontaneous activity.”

  22. QuiteContrary says:

    This seems very ill-advised … which means he’ll probably do it.

  23. olivia says:

    Although the last seasons turned to mud as the producers kowtowed to the firm, these is a nice gem describing the situation: