Barbra Streisand asked Melissa McCarthy if she was on Ozempic, forgot it was public

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Once when I was a little girl we were at a family reunion of sorts, and a distant cousin tried to compliment my parents on my cherubic beauty (I was adorable as a child). Only, what she ended up saying to my parents was, “I can’t believe you two have such a pretty kid!” Well, Barbra Streisand has just made a similar faux pas; only instead of blurting out an inelegant sentence at a private function, she typed it out on Instagram for the world to see. Babs commented on a pic Melissa McCarthy — probably the nicest person in show business! — posted of herself, and while the sentiment intended was, “You look great!” What Babs actually wrote was, “Did you take Ozempic?” Oy and Vey.

Barbra Streisand came under fire when she bluntly asked Melissa McCarthy in an Instagram comment whether she had used Ozempic to lose weight.

The “Bridesmaids” star, 53, shared a carousel of images of her and choreographer Adam Shankman outside the Centre Theatre Group Gala in which she wore a pastel green blazer over a similarly colored dress that featured plenty of tulle.

“Pastels only to honor the incredible @matthewbourne13 at the @ctgala last night with this fella @adamshankman !! Thiiiiis much closer to my dream of dancing on stage 💃🏻💚,” she captioned the post Monday.

The “Funny Girl” star, 82, responded in the comments, “Give him my regards did you take Ozempic?”

Streisand ultimately deleted her question — but not before users could weigh in with commentary of their own.

“Babs. No, honey. Just no,” responded one follower.

“Major boomer aunt with wine and ipad energy,” quipped another.

“Babs typing away on IG like my elderly mom telling me she text someone something, and me explaining:
‘No, mom, you wrote it on FB on your wall for all to see 😂😂,’” added a third.

However, others defended Streisand from the criticism, noting she would likely “never” try to embarrass McCarthy.

“I believe she meant that for a private reason. Cant any of you show her some grace !!” wrote a Streisand devotee.

“Babs in 82🤷🏽‍♀️ kinda par for the course, old people do not know how s–t works nor do they give a fk,” added another.

[From Page Six]

This may be nitpicky and/or irrelevant, but I truly despair for the state of punctuation in the world today. And in fact it’s punctuation, or the lack thereof, that makes Barbra’s comment seem even more callous. There’s no separation between “Give my regards to the boys,” and “No really, are you on Ozempic??” It reads like she can’t finish with the pleasantries fast enough in order to get to her real, burning question! But even worse than the absence of helpful punctuation, is that Babs missed a golden opportunity to make a quip only she could slay with (and it’s happened before, just ask Stephen Colbert). Now think about it: you’re Barbra Streisand and you want to tell a friend she’s lookin’ good. What is the perfect comment? “Hello Gorgeous!”

Anyway, while Babs deleted her original comment she did post this to her Instagram Stories later in the day:

“OMG — I went on Instagram to see the photos we’d posted of the beautiful flowers I’d received for my birthday!” Streisand began in a statement shared to her Instagram Story on Tuesday.

“Below them was a photo of my friend Melissa McCarthy who I sang with on my Encore album,” she continued. “She looked fantastic! I just wanted to pay her a compliment. I forgot the world is reading!”

[From Page Six]

Yeah, I buy that Barbra legitimately forgot her comment would be public. I’m also laughing at how Barbra managed to work in a mention of her beautiful birthday flowers, in a post that perhaps should have focused more on Melissa? And speaking of, Melissa was not offended in the slightest by Barbra’s gaffe. Either that, or she had thoroughly rehearsed her response for TMZ’s cameramen when they caught up with her on Tuesday. She made a pshaw! gesture and simply said, “I think Barbra is a treasure — and I love her.” Melissa McCarthy: a real class act, wrapped in the spirit of a comedian.

photos credit: IMAGO/MediaPunch/Jennifer Bloc/Avalon, Getty images for Netflix via Netflix press

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32 Responses to “Barbra Streisand asked Melissa McCarthy if she was on Ozempic, forgot it was public”

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  1. equality says:

    One unfortunate “side effect” of Ozempic being in the world is that now anyone who puts in the diet/exercise work to lose weight will immediately be accused of using it. The question would be rude even if asked privately.

    • Kate says:

      There’s a lot of moral superiority in the idea that there is a right/hard way to lose weight and a wrong/easy way to lose weight. Ultimately whether and how someone loses or gains weight is none of our business and I hope we as a society eventually get to a point where someone being on Ozempic is not judged as a lesser than form of weight loss.

    • North of Boston says:

      I haven’t completely coffeed up this morning, so I’m not sure this will come out right, but …

      Baked into this comment is some kind of inherent judgement that “putting in the diet/exercise work” is admirable and taking Ozempic is something bad that “unfortunately” hardworking upstanding good people get “accused of” doing.

      First of all, there are actual *medical* physiological reasons why SO many people struggle to lose weight or regain all they’ve lost, for many Ozempic and similar medications help alleviate those physiological issues and help improve health in many ways. Often the weight loss is a by-product of the correction of things that haven’t been normal for a long time (and which led to weight gain in the first place).

      Second, if the goal is improved health, any way that can be achieved, maintained is a good thing.

      It’s like the common mentality about treating Type 2 diabetes (especially in the past but still around today), that if a person needs insulin to manage their blood glucose levels, keep them in a healthy range it’s somehow shameful, wrong and they are a bad person. Actual doctors use that shame AT their patients, like “having to go on insulin” is a punishment, a declaration they are an irredeemable failure. I have known people who avoided seeing a doctor, or using insulin as much as they should have and lost toes, kidney function, vision,died early because of it.

      But taking insulin, or Ozempic to manage a medical condition isn’t something to shame people over, to be concerned that people who manage a condition the perceived morally superior way will be accused of. If right now, for whatever reason, someone needs medication to manage their BG or other medical issue the smart, righteous thing to do is take the insulin, or the Ozempic or whatever. Sure, if some lifestyle changes also can move things in a healthy direction, do that too.

      (And also, none of that is anyone else’s business, any more than any other medical condition, treatment is)

      • equality says:

        Didn’t mean it as shade. Unless I were hoping to emulate a person’s results, I wouldn’t ask how someone lost weight or why they gained weight or anything else period.

      • CatMum says:

        I wouldn’t bring it up at all. There are many reasons why someone might lose or gain weight and it’s not always on purpose.

        I guarantee that many of them you do not want to emulate!

        It’s like asking if someone is pregnant. Just don’t go there.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      If Melissa is on it then she is probably the only Hollywood actress that is using it as it was intended. That is assuming on my part that her weight created health issue such as diabetes (type 2). This is literally why the product was made and who it’s supposed to be helping. Asking the ozempic question to anyone is intrusive, but to do it on social media is beyond rude, no one wants their medical issues and treatments to be a public debate.

      • Amy says:

        That is a weird assumption to make. You literally cannot tell whether someone’s weight triggered type 2 diabetes. Nor is the causal mechanism given. Maybe read this:

      • lucy2 says:

        Thanks for the link Amy. I have had PCOS and insulin resistance for a LOOONG time and it’s made it very, very difficult to lose weight. I’ve had everyone my whole life telling me to just eat less and exercise more, and so many doctors who ignored me when I said I was doing that and not getting results. Finally an endocrinologist got it.
        More than half of women with PCOS are diagnosed diabetic by the time they’re 40. I made it to 46, at least, which considering my strong family history, I’m shocked it wasn’t earlier! I’ve been on Ozempic and now Mounjaro. Works great for my glucose, I’ve lost a little weight, but nothing huge.

      • Hypocrisy says:

        Having lost most of my family members to issues surrounding obesity and type two diabetes. I was at their doctors appointment and I was the kidney donor for one. I am perfectly ok with what I said.

      • Lulu says:

        People often substitute Ozempic for semaglutide, like Kleenex for tissue. There are semaglutides, Wegovy is one, which are intended for weight loss.

  2. Brassy Rebel says:

    When you’re Barbra Streisand, your senior moments go public. I relate to the senior moment, and I’m very grateful that mine remain private.

  3. The Hench says:

    Weirdly I just listened to a DOAC podcast with a guy (Johann Hari) who took Ozempic for a year and did a big study on it – the book is The Magic Pill. He was fascinating – about Ozempic et al and also I learned a whole load about obesity too.

    He was saying that everyone – everyone – in Hollywood is on Ozempic and they discussed the fact that those very few people who might now lose weight the ‘old fashioned (hard) way’ would never be believed. He was also interesting around the way that obese women are targeted and attacked both for losing and for not losing weight in a way that no man would be.

    • equality says:

      Hard to take him seriously when he claims that “everyone” in Hollywood is on Ozempic. I’m sure it is widespread in use there though with the big emphasis on thinness. He is applying his same standard of ‘not believing’ those who stay thin the old-fashioned way. Of course, the “old-fashioned” way also includes a lot of unhealthy habits like inducing vomiting.

      • manda says:

        I believe that everyone, or practically everyone, is on it. There is a youtuber named Lorry Hill that breaks down the likely procedures that stars have had, and it is SHOCKING how many people likely had some kind of bariatric surgery who weren’t in need of it. And this is a lot less invasive

      • Giddy says:

        I am on Mounjaro, so same thing different name. I’m working the program, exercising, eating right, and I’ve lost 70 pounds. It’s important to take the shot on the same day each week. So this past week when I tried to refill my prescription the pharmacy didn’t have any. That’s when I learned that there is a nationwide shortage. I got lucky and was only 3 days late in finally getting my refill. But yes, I would say that just about everyone is on these meds. So that’s my first problem, getting my monthly refill. (that costs $1400.00) My second problem is figuring out a good reply when asked if I’m on it. I can’t see myself telling anyone that it’s none of their business.

  4. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Just 2 girlfriends talking – unfortunately, babs made a mistake… im not offended, my girlfriends probably could be as blunt too without an ounce of remorse and me, without an ounce of offence

  5. Kokiri says:

    The lack of proper punctuation makes me weep. The Oxford comma is real.

    Anyway, because it apparently bears repeating: it’s never ok, under any circumstances, to comment on a persons body, diet, weight loss, weight gain, pregnancy. Or a bad haircut.
    If they initiate the conversation, smile & say you’ve always thought them beautiful.

    • JustBitchy says:

      I am obsessed with this lack of punctuation all over. I sometimes can’t comprehend the message/actions the words convey. I am just focused on the lack of punctuation.

      Another issue that drives me batty is when folks say “the reason is because.” The “because” is not needed. I know it’s acceptable now (another slide in standards if you ask me), but 40+ years ago you’d lose points on any writing for that.

      • Kokiri says:

        “I’m emailing to ask …”

        Yes, we know you are emailing. We’re reading it. Just ask your question.

  6. nutella toast says:

    I mean this happens to everyone at some point – just not always on social media. When I first met a coworker of mine she blurted out, “I hear you used to be pretty”. I honestly didn’t know what to do with that so I just smiled and said, “Lucky me!” She turned out to be one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met and would never ever want to hurt someone – sometimes we just say stupid stuff (or type it)

  7. Becks1 says:

    I said this in the links post -but my impression is that she and Melissa had maybe talked about it before so Babs question is more like – “oh did you start with the ozempic like we discussed?” not just “you’re so skinny it must be ozempic.” But I don’t know. I definitely think it was either meant for a DM or she just forgot how internet comments work, lol.

  8. Lau says:

    That comment is brutal but then I remember how my grandmother loves to say to anybody who listens that I was the ugliest of her 10 grandchildren when I was a baby.

  9. Angelica Schuyler says:

    The thing I don’t get is the shame for losing the weight via Ozempic. They shame people for being overweight, and then shame them for losing the weight. You can’t win. Especially people who have historically had a lot of trouble losing the pounds and found success through use of the drugs. It’s like people feel you haven’t suffered enough to be thin.

  10. lucy2 says:

    I’m with you on the lack of punctuation, it drives me crazy.
    I totally believe she didn’t realize it would be public.
    “You look great!” is a compliment. “Are you on Ozempic?” is not.
    I wonder if Melissa ever gets tired of having to be so gracious.

  11. lucky says:

    Andy Cohen just did this to dope queen Pheobe. She posted it to her insta and was clearly laughing about it. It is such a part of the zeitgeist at the moment…

  12. longthymelurker says:

    The only problem I have with the Ozempic usage is when my Mom who needs it for her diabetes and it is backordered (we’re in Canada). I also don’t get how non-diabetics get the prescription! Not sure if this is available in the US, but I am taking Contrave and highly recommend it.

  13. Goldie says:

    Even if it had been a private remark, it would still be a bit rude, imo. It would be one thing if Melissa herself had mentioned her weight loss. Making unsolicited comments about people’s bodies seems intrusive.

  14. Susie Q says:

    My mother is of the same generation as Barbra, and is in fact also a Babs! That generation thinks nothing about talking about weight, and it’s not going to change now. Also not realizing her post was public is also a Boomer thing. While it’s a little embarrassing for Melissa, I’m sure she knows people are saying it anyway, just like they are about Mindy Kaling.