Kendall Jenner wore an archival Givenchy to the 2024 Met Gala: kind of meh?

Kendall Jenner went for a vintage look at this year’s Met Gala. This is an archival Givenchy from 1999, meaning Alexander McQueen designed it. A lot of women had designers pull archived pieces and then based something new on those vintage looks. Not Kendall. I’ll say this though – I doubt Givenchy had to make any alterations, I’m sure she just fit into the archive look. That being said, if you’re going to the trouble of asking Givenchy for an archived piece, surely you would want something better than this??

Sydney Sweeney in Miu Miu. SO BAD. I hope that’s a wig. I hope this is just a phase.

I’ll give Jessica Biel some credit: her styling was ass, her Tamara Ralph gown looked like she was being attacked by birds, but at least she wore a lovely color.

Naomi Campbell also wore a lovely color – this is Burberry. To call this on-theme would probably be a reach, but she’s Naomi. She just wanted to wear a great dress and she did.

Alia Bhatt wore this gorgeous Sabyasachi saree. I loved this!

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28 Responses to “Kendall Jenner wore an archival Givenchy to the 2024 Met Gala: kind of meh?”

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  1. Eurydice says:

    I don’t know, I kind of like Kendall’s dress – it’s giving Maleficent vibes.

    • Mcali02 says:

      I agree! I loved it. Very witchy.

    • Kitten says:

      Same. It’s not THEE most unique or thematic, but it’s a really beautiful dress and Kendall looks really gorgeous here: great makeup and overall styling IMO.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I think she used to have an interesting look, then she had so many procedures she looks exactly like several of her sisters & her mother; which is to say, no longer unique. Pretty, sure, but blah.

      • Kitten says:

        To me Kendall’s like Kim: surgery or no surgery, she’s always been pretty. Insufferable for sure, but undeniably pretty.
        When I look at pics of her from 15 years ago she looks the same to me, just older and with lip injections that aren’t over-the-top. She’s not like Khloe and Kylie who literally got entirely new faces….

    • Josephine says:

      I liked the top. The sheer panel near the hips is straught-up ugly. She’s a shark bite victim who hasnt been put back together yet.

      Her styling was great, especially for her. It looks like she’s been enhancing in the family way.

    • Bad Janet says:

      I agree. I’m not a Kendall Jenner fan but I think she looks fantastic here.

    • Abby says:

      I liked Kendall’s version over Dua Lipa’s similar one.

      I loved the color and flowers on Jessica Biel’s. I wish she’d done something different with her hair though, it pulled her face down.

    • Turtledove says:

      I see the Malificent vibes too, but my first thought was sort of sexy storybook princess. (which, lol, Malificent sort of is…)

    • JustMe says:

      Her after party dress was more on point looked like wings

  2. Kiera says:

    I would be so mad if I was Cartier right now with Jessica Biel’s people. They said she was wearing a necklace from them but her hair hid it completely. Why bother with the bling if you don’t show it!!

  3. Nubia says:

    What happened to Khloe and Kourtney this year? I thought they were finally accepted to the Gala.

  4. KASalvy says:

    Kendall’s look felt very Maleficent meets Bob Mackie .

    SUCH an underwhelming event this year. Everything was either sand/beige/naked or goth girl.

  5. Lightpurple says:

    Christian Siriano was hilariously catty about Kendall and he was right. The dress is exquisite but it was barely on theme and it did absolutely nothing for her and she did absolutely nothing for it.

    That saree is exquisite. Also very similar to my tenant’s wedding gown.

  6. Jackson says:

    I actually really love both Kendall and Sydney’s dresses. And while I get the dark hair w the gown, it looks way too severe on SS.

    • Zengirl says:

      Agree about the hair – due to the hair and her build, she looks like Billie Eilish at first glance.

    • tealily says:

      I actually kind of liked the dark hair/gloves with the pale blue dress, but that wig styling was just atrocious! Extremely messy and in her eyes. Still, I did like that she was bucking her blond girl vibe.

    • JustMe says:

      I think she was going for Snow White?

  7. Lucía says:

    The dress is not the problem here, in my opinion. It’s the wearer. The mannekin had more grace than she does.

  8. Danbury says:

    That sari is gorgeous!

  9. Flamingo says:

    One thing I like about Kendall is she always looks better than her sisters. And she is never overtly trying to look ‘sexy’ like Kim. Or thirsty like Kylie. She seems like the most normal of them all.

  10. Nanea says:

    Lovely street, and it’s got flowers!

    Was JB allocated a room without access to airbrushes and did she forget to bring her own? And she looks, like so many others, as if she prefers a daytime make-up. It’s the Met Gala, the one place where one can experiment with bold, dramatic looks.

  11. Ilsa says:

    Alia Bhatt wins the night.

  12. Jdls says:

    Alia Bhatt looked exactly how I imagined the theme. She had the top look imho

  13. NotSoSocialB says:

    Naomi doesn’t; look like Naomi anymore!! What the hell??

    I agree with many others that the sari is fabulously beautiful.