King Charles hosted his first palace garden party of the year, all to snub his son

Here are some photos from Wednesday’s garden party at Buckingham Palace. This was the first garden party of the season, and apparently, King Charles “ordered” all of the working royals to show up to support him. All of the working royals save Prince William and Disappeared Kate. The garden party was scheduled to coincide almost down to the minute with the Invictus anniversary service at St. Paul’s Cathedral. Another reason why Charles ordered the working royals to turn out – he wanted to create a side-by-side image of the family rallying around him versus Solitary Harry. Good thing Harry was surrounded by the Spencer family and his Invictus family. Oh, and the hundreds of people who came out just for a glimpse of the ginger one.

So, who did come out for this? King Charles and his wife. The Princess Royal. The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh. The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester. It was a gathering of the crème de la crème of the pale and stale. I won’t lie though, Charles actually got a good turnout for the garden party, there were hundreds of people there, and almost all of them wore unfortunate hats. I realize that Charles’s doctors gave him the greenlight to work and be around people, but I would think most medical professionals would hesitate to okay this kind of event for a 75-year-old man who is still receiving chemotherapy. That man was wandering around looking like Count Dracula, that’s all I’m saying. (That and he owns a home in Transylvania.)

In case you’re curious about Camilla’s jewelry, she wore the famous Cullinan V brooch, which is a f–king enormous heart-shaped diamond. QEII used to wear it to special occasions, usually a few times a year.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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116 Responses to “King Charles hosted his first palace garden party of the year, all to snub his son”

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  1. equality says:

    They certainly look like a miserable lot in comparison to the smiling and happy Harry with the Spencers. Why are some of them hiding in the top picture?

    • nutella toast says:

      Cams wearing a stolen diamond while Harry steals their thunder #appropriate

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      They are only second rank royals.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Hmmm 🤔 that dress… Is that Camilla cosplaying kkkhate?

      • Lorelei says:

        That was my first thought, did Camilla buy Kate’s dress in a larger size? These people have all of the resources in the world and end up looking like each other so much of the time. It’s so dumb and unoriginal.

    • Lau says:

      They’re honestly so embarrassing. I’m sure that Charles tried to force William to come but he’s just too lazy and said “no”.

  2. JanetDR says:

    Something nice: Anne doesn’t look as though the last time she bought a bra was 1970. 😏

    • Blueberry 🫐 says:

      Anne looks great.

    • Mrs Robinson says:

      I wondered at first who was wearing board shorts to the garden party when I scanned the photos and saw that floral.

      • Smart&Messy says:

        Board shorts hahahaha. So true. Thank you for the laugh.

      • Steph says:


      • Lorelei says:

        Board shorts!! 😭

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        LOL @Mrs. Robinson. To be fair, maybe? it’s Anne’s way of modernizing the monarchy? Sofie certainly isn’t.

        On 2nd look, Anne is the most colorful of the lot.

        I’m sure, l/s, that RR’s covering this event, were super excited. Don’t feel sorry for them.

        This event is so embarrassing with the timing and so uncharismatic. Good times.

  3. Jan says:

    Apparently the sewer backed up, because the 8 thousand invited guest, spent most of the time complaining about the smell.

  4. Maxine Branch says:

    All of those royals looked old and stale compared to the youthful gathering of the crowd including Harry that he drew. What a pathetic display for this old sick man.

    • Chloe says:

      He did this so that he’s guaranteed a headline. Holding an event the same time as harry’s makes it easier for the royal rota to place both their names in the same headline. As usual the man is desperate for attention

      • Christine says:

        I need a Brit to weigh in here, but is it usual for a garden party to start late afternoon/early evening?

    • Barb Mill says:

      Yes and I knew either of the York sisters would attend any of these after the Queen was gone so they didn’t even have that. I guess Charles slimmed down monarchy is really just a boring one.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Christine, I’m an uncouth American like you, lol, but for some reason this *does* feel like a very strange time for a garden party to start? I would have guessed early afternoon for sure.

    • anotherlily says:

      @Christine the garden parties start at 3pm and end at 6pm. The royals don’t appear till 4pm when the the National Anthem is played and they disappear back to the Palace at 5.30. Guests mostly stroll around the gardens and visit the tea tents. Those who want a chance of shaking hands with a royal are organised into lines and the royals are allocated to particular sections. There is a special VIP tea tent where royals meet a selected few. The royal family website has full details.

      I’m astonished at the numbers of guests, typically 8000. Vast amounts of tea sandwiches, cakes etc are consumed.

  5. Jais says:

    Hmm, support veterans or go to a garden party…
    Charles looks so bad for this and the united royals just seem old and out of touch. Which works for their royalist base but does nothing for attracting the youth. Guess it’s up to George?

    • Christine says:

      I don’t know what I expected exactly, but this was so much more hilarious than my wildest dreams. It’s like they are from central casting, and they nailed the director’s notes for “death rattle of an obsolete and irrelevant monarchy”.

    • Chloe says:

      Contrary to his father, who had the privilege of gallivanting well into his 30’s, I fear that George will be ordered to pick up royal “work” the minute he graduates uni.

      • Kelly says:

        Poor George. Actually poor kids all in all. They deserve better than these cardboard cutouts.

  6. Digital Unicorn says:

    I wouldn’t say that garden party was deliberately setup on this date – they are pretty much at the same time of year every year and the Monarch always attends the first one if not most of them.

    It interesting that Heuvo wasn’t there but I guess he’s too busy doing the school run and caring for his sick wife. Will be interesting to see how he behaves when he does his joint engagement with the King.

    • Nanea says:

      Huevo the Incandescent had an investiture in Windsor. One of the people present was Ridley Scott.

      Not even the Fail really cared about him though, they only had a stamp-sized pic inserted to a big, nice one of Harry with his charismatic personality on full display.

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      He’s going to the Silly Isles.

  7. BeyondTheFringe says:

    I’m curious how all this is going over with the average Brit. It clearly looks sad and desperate and scrambling to all us regular royal watchers who have kept up with the timeline/petty BS but I wonder how it’s playing for the average person with a limited working knowledge of it.

    • Chloe says:

      The average Brit doesn’t really pay attention to the royals like that so im pretty sure that it just seems like a coincidence to them or maybe they don’t even think anything of it at all. I just know that the average Brit isn’t really checking for Charles

      • Smart&Messy says:

        It’s so confusing to me that the Brits insist they don’t pay attentiin to royals. If it were the case, then why do millions turn out for a wedding and the media keep covering their every move (or fed narrative). I have the impression, as an outsider, that it’s like those trashy reality shows everyone denies watching and yet somehow they know the characters and storylines.

    • Jais says:

      I think it depends on how someone consumes the news. Some may pay no attention but read the headlines when they’re in line at the store. Younger people will hear about it through SM. If someone watches a lot of ITV morning shows, they’ll be fed the palace narrative which is now that Charles didn’t want to see Harry bc of trust issues. And Harry’s the one who keeps talking to the press. I just see clips on Twitter and I’m always pretty shocked at how hard those morning programs go in towing the palace narrative. But I’m not a Brit so that’s just me guessing.

      • windyriver says:

        it’s really supposed to be “toeing”, but I’ve come to appreciate “towing”, because it seems like an apt description of what it must feel like for the RR keep slogging away putting out these sycophantic pieces when they all must know there are so many juicier bits of information they are not allowed to reveal.

      • Jais says:

        Ha! I really thought it was towing😂

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      It doesn’t matter what it is, it’s all Meghan’s fault. Everything is Meghan’s fault. Every time, especially if it rains.

  8. Hypocrisy says:

    Good heavens those are some boring ass photos 🥱.. I can’t image being this petty when I’m that old and with one foot in the grave, what a disgrace. I am hoping the germs that were spread at that vanity party were worth it. I expect after Monday’s ceremony to “hurt” Prince Harry he will be on medical leave again.

  9. SussexWatcher says:

    Yuck. They’re all just so repulsive. In looks and character. It’s hilarious to me that Chuckles and his team thought this was the better play over supporting his son and his country’s veterans. He’s like Nero and, wake up dude, your Rome is burning.

  10. PunkyMomma says:

    KCIII’s large fingers are back—🤨

    • BeyondTheFringe says:

      It does make one wonder if KC has been having serious circulation issues. I’d be willing to bet his feet match the hands. And like you said, it’s been going on for years.

    • Bad Janet says:

      Chemotherapy can do that. He might have some kind of underlying rheumatic issues. They’re common.

      • Steph says:

        I don’t think his chubby fingers have anything to do with chemo. He’s had them since he was in his thirties at least. I actually think it’s a sign of improving health bc they shrunk earlier in his chemo treatment. This is back to his “norm.”

  11. Lulu says:

    There’s no fool like an old fool. Or in this case, five of them. Was the world watching and laughing or cringing at the Windsors? Answer, both!

  12. Becks1 says:

    So last night around 10 pm east coast time, I saw the royal family post about this pop up on my IG. It had been up for 9 hours, and there were 950 comments. I’m assuming a great many were deleted, or else that engagement number is very low. Anyway, I scrolled through the first two dozen or so – they were all roasting Charles for attending this and not the Invictus event. There was pushback from some of the more diehard royalists, but there’s no way no one on the BP social media team didn’t see that reaction and pushback.

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      The overall engagement for RF social media is always astonishingly low. Will and Kate do decent numbers (*cough cough*), but overall there’s very little happening on most of their posts. The Queen used to do alright if I remember correctly, but nobody is interested in chatting about this goon show.

      • Lorelei says:

        I guess C+C don’t care enough about social media engagement to buy followers, so their accounts probably give a more accurate reading compared to KP’s.

  13. Eurydice says:

    Well, there you go. All the “boo-hoo, poor Charles, he wishes he could see his grandchildren, blah, blah, blah.” Charles can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants – he’s in total control.

  14. StellainNH says:

    Sophie looks like she has a large paper plate on her head. Yes, all those hats are hideous.

    • DLR says:

      The white dress Camilla has on is not flattering at all. Makes her look like she’s got a roll round her waist!

      • Hypocrisy says:

        That’s because she does, it’s where her control garment rolled down or didn’t come up high enough to smoothe the excess. 😅 I think she is expanding in the middle lately but these dresses are not the answer.

    • Lulu says:

      I bet fiesta was in her glory to be at a big event and the youngest royal woman.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Lulu, agreed, yet she still managed to somehow look both frumpy and bored

  15. Olivia says:

    Charles apparently made all the women wear pantyhose 👀 What a controlling petty tyrant.

    The way he threw a tantrum over a pen tray, in front of the whole world, is exactly who he is (but worse) behind closed doors.

    You just know he’s livid that he cannot control Harry anymore.

    • Bad Janet says:

      Charles is the living embodiment of Boomer energy.

      I’m so grateful my parents (who are the same age) aren’t entitled twits like this.

      • StarWonderful says:

        So, what is “Boomer” energy?

      • AMB says:

        Again with the Boomer comments.

        You do realize this makes you sound like “all those ___ people are awful, except of course the ones I know”, right? Fill in the blank with any age, gender, race, ethnicity, social class …

      • 1960tlm says:

        @Bad Janet, I know lots of Boomers that are not classic POS like Charles & Camilla. What about William & Kate? Two more, just as awful as clueless Charles, two more POS! This has absolutely nothing to do with Charles’ age and everything to do with him trying his hardest to upstage his second son, who is probably the only person in that family that actually gives a crap about Charles. You’re right that Charles is an entitled baffoon. He is also a petty, jealous, angry incompetent who is letting Camilla run the show, and destroy the Monarcy. But none of this has to do with his age.

      • MelodyM says:

        Um, I’m a boomer, but I’m here, supporting Harry, Meghan, Doria and the beloved children. 🙂

  16. Cassie says:

    Gosh I wish I was there ,looks so much fun ☺

  17. EasternViolet says:

    What is up between Chaz and Billy? Why was he a no show?

    • Just Jade says:

      The company rats 🐀 have their talking points of another snubbing. They are trying so hard to bash the Sussexes and still trying desperately to rid on their cocktails.

    • Jaded says:

      Willbur has been persona non grata since late December. One can only shudder at what caused his pariah-like status in the family at the same time Kate disappeared. His (and Kate’s) disrespectful behaviour at the coronation started the ball rolling but as of late 2023 he’s been benched for the most part.

  18. Chaine says:

    They all look ghastly. And imagine wearing a priceless diamond brooch like that on a garment that looks like it came from a Dress Barn clearance rack.

    • one of the marys says:

      I thought Edward looked well compared to some pictures in the last year when I was sure he was very ill

  19. Lolo86lf says:

    I don’t mean to be mean to King Charles but yes, he does look like grandpa (Al Lewis) in the tv show the Munsters.

  20. Concern Fae says:

    My understanding is that getting one of these garden party invites is a huge deal. It’s how they honor people who do local things. Not surprised they had a full house.

    • Elizabeth says:

      A friend of mine was supposed to attend a garden party at Buckingham Palace in 2020, but it was canceled because of the pandemic. She posted a picture of what she would have worn on Instagram.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Elizabeth, I hope they invited your friend to another one once the parties started up again, instead of just moving along to the next list of people!

    • windyriver says:

      Yes, it’s an honor to be invited, so a royal garden party is the way to ensure there’s a large crowd around you when you’re someone who worries so much about appearances and proving how important you are. Like, when a son you refuse to see has an event across town taking place at the same time.

  21. Amy Bee says:

    The side by side comparison pictures just made the Royal Family look old and out of touch.

  22. Bad Janet says:

    Ugh, I am immune compromised and the idea of being around all those people makes me cringe, even outside. Aside from just being petty by hosting your first event in months at the same time as your son’s event, he is willing to do this in spite of his own health. Bring outside is lower risk, but it’s still a risk to socialize with that many people. I’ve definitely gotten sick from it before, even outdoors.

    We get it. You hate Harry. Proud dad moment, huh?

  23. Lulu says:

    Apparently William was not invited to the garden party, he had to schedule something else. Charles hasn’t been seen with him this year.

    • one of the marys says:

      Wow that’s a sobering piece of information considering it’s May. Whatever is going on??

  24. Harper says:

    Sophie stole Kate’s look from Pippa’s wedding. All she has to do next is put on a long brown wiglet and start jazz handing and Kate’s vacancy will be filled.

  25. Blithe says:

    I’m projecting, I know, but in that picture, Anne looks like she wishes she were somewhere else — like at the Invictus service. Some of them must feel at least a little conflicted about so visibly and publicly propping up Charles and all that he and Camilla embody. Some of them surely feel some kind of way about all that Harry and William and the virgin bride Diana have have endured because Charles is both whipped and insensitive.

    • Bad Janet says:

      Anne has passions and interests outside of this crap and probably DID wish she was somewhere else. She was born into the wrong family. I really wish the BRF operated more like the royal families in other modern democracies, where the members go get masters and doctorates and have careers in the real world before they come back to the “working royals” nonsense stuff.

    • Serena says:

      You’re giving her too much credit, imo.

    • Jais says:

      At the end of the day, Anne is a monarchist who supports her brother the king. She gets good press for being hard-working by doing so many events. However, I’ve seen it reported that the visits are very short so she can pack many into one day. It’s old-school but it does follow the one needs to be seen to be believed strategy. .

  26. martha says:

    The March of The Ancients.

  27. Serena says:

    Look at Chuck satisfied grin, he really looks like a villain.

  28. kelleybelle says:

    Jeebus, what an hideous lot.

  29. Kelly says:

    Reminds me of the scene in Blazing Saddles where the cardboard cutouts wave from the side. They just get fustier and mustier.

  30. Villanelle says:

    Everyone keeps saying he’s receiving chemotherapy. All that the palace has said is that he’s receiving ‘cancer treatment’. It may be immunotherapy, which can have success in bladder cancer. This gives him a 70% likelihood of being symptom-free from the treatment.

    • HeatherC says:

      I agree. If this cancer was found during the procedure for an enlarged prostate it makes sense it would be either prostate or bladder cancer. As a bladder cancer warrior in remission, I did a few courses of immunotherapy which were successful for a time (then I had a few recurrences and switched to mitomycin). If he still has his bladder (as I do) he may be receiving chemotherapy or immunotherapy directly into his bladder (intravesical) which isn’t systemic and the side effects are usually milder (I was very fatigued and it caused superflares of my psoriasis).
      (If a patient keeps their bladder they have a high chance of recurrence, like I did. I’m also half his age so I have more time on the plate to recur)

  31. Murphy says:

    Damn he put the entire line up out on day 1, who will be left for the rest of the parties? Bea might get one but other than that there’s no one left

    • equality says:

      Interesting that he didn’t drag Bea out for this one for some younger blood. Wonder if that’s because of all the articles about her becoming a “working” royal and this is his way of saying no or if the articles have it wrong and she isn’t interested in working for Uncle Chuck. And, for all of her displayed affection for him, Zara and Mike didn’t score an invite.

    • Jais says:

      I’m wondering if they all made sure to have plans this week. They knew the storm was coming and didn’t want to get roped in. Zara is at a different horse thing. Beatrice is maybe still in nyc. Maybe eugenie’s in Portugal. But at the same time it could just be that Charles only wanted the working royals. Reminders of how Zara and Beatrice can have their own lives but still be invited to certain events isn’t exactly something Charles wants to remind people about. Bc obviously that could have been the case with Harry.

  32. Plums says:

    The Spencers coming out in force for Harry to undercut the concerted effort of the Firm to promote a “We’re punishing Harry by snubbing him and cutting him off and forcing him to do stuff alone without his family” narrative is hilarious. It reminds me of those rumors around the wedding when there was a concerted effort to prevent Meghan from wearing one of the tiaras until someone got wind of the possibility that the Spencers were going to step in and lend her the Spencer tiara instead, and then everyone freaked out that she’d be wearing Diana’s tiara and got her the one she wound up with very quickly.

    • Lorelei says:

      I LOVE that the Spencers are coming out in force for Harry, to counterbalance this bullsh!t

  33. QuiteContrary says:

    Camilla’s pantyhose were sagging around her ankles. I guess to match her face.

    What a sorry bunch of bores.

  34. Beverley says:

    KC and the Leftover royals have an ironclad agenda to ignore Harry no matter what good he is doing, even if it means spurning their own military veterans. How this is considered wise is beyond my comprehension.

  35. Nerd says:

    They have known about this 10 year anniversary for Invictus Games for months yet he planned a garden party on the same exact day. The same way he planned his ConAnation on the same day as Archie’s birthday. There was a foul smell at this garden party because the stench of who he is as a father, FIL and grandfather can’t be avoided.

  36. tamsin says:

    Pictures of Charles in his baggy suits is starting to acquire a comic feel- he’s looking a bit Chaplinesque.

  37. Teagirl says:

    What I am always repulsed by is the strange habit Charles (and others) has of showing his tongue when he smiles. It’s disturbing

  38. VilleRose says:

    Well I guess this is a good sign and a bad sign. Good sign: Charles’s health is improving if he’s doing a garden party! I am not a fan of him but I also don’t want him to suffer, he is Harry’s dad after all and the only parent he has left for better or for worse. Bad sign: BRF continues to be petty but nothing new there.

    I am curious, how far in advance are these garden parties scheduled? There’s no way it was thrown together at the last minute to try to upstage Harry considering the hundreds (thousands?) of people who attend these. They announced this church service for the 10th anniversary of the IG a few months ago so I’m just curious if they just coincidentally got scheduled on the same date because Charles refuses to communicate with Harry on a regular basis. Anyways I was happy to see the York princesses (especially Eugenie!) didn’t go to the garden party. It was probably best for them to avoid all the events so no one could accuse them of favoritism.

    • Barb Mill says:

      I wondered when this was scheduled. I would imagine it would have been scheduled at the beginning of the year as I don’t know if they would have scheduled one if Charles had already had his cancer diagnosis. After all he was just cleared to start attending events 2 weeks ago.

    • 1960tlm says:

      I don’t think this was scheduled before Harry’s Invictus event. Just because it wasn’t on the calendar doesn’t mean Charles didn’t know about this event months ago. Your giving Charles too much credit! He schedules everything, all of his events, to coincide with the date of something having to do with Harry, Meghan or the children, just because HE IS THAT PETTY.

  39. Jane Wilson says:

    He’s like the Ryan Reynolds of royalty:
    handsome and famous and friendly and funny… adores his wife and children, is natural and empathetic with his fans and followers, and is genuinely devoted to his causes.
    Very few movie stars have Reynolds’ gift for connecting with regular humans, and only one Prince I’m aware of…

  40. Debbie says:

    My hat is off to Prince Harry. I must say that he and Meghan have the most remarkable ability (from remote distances no less) to get these so-called “working” royals off their bums and doing events. Who does that?! I mean, Charles says he’s dealing with cancer but he still has the energy to get up off his shriveled rump to an even just so he can “show Harry” that he’s important too, and to try to distract from Harry’s event.

  41. monlette says:

    Sounds like this was simply a mandatory scheduling conflict for all the working royals who want to stay on the payroll.

    Dick move on Chucky’s part.

  42. Jks says:

    This garden party looks so lame. They are all just standing around on the lawn. Thousands of poncy old farts in top hats with no seating or tables or shade. The ones on the wheelchairs are at least in the shade of the building.

  43. Jen says:

    Kaiser, you brought up the fact that 5 pm was unexpectedly late for a church service, but to me, a garden party at 5 pm is even odder.

    • equality says:

      KC, in his own garden, could have scheduled whenever he wished. The service may have been reliant on when the church was available.

  44. MrsClincy says:

    Fun fact, Charles is actually related to Vlad the Impaler. I learned about as I was trying to trace my dad’s side of the families lineage because we’re from the Stewart clan. Our family was born of an illegitimate child so they considered our line a dead line but we are distant cousin of Mary. Queen of Scots and Queen Elizabeth I. But while I was researching I found out that Charles, William and Henry are distant relations of Vlad the Impaler

  45. AC says:

    Did anyone care(outside the UK) that he had a garden party. Most of the world were watching H.