Prince William plans to spend his ‘first night away from Kate’ since her cancer diagnosis

Here are some photos of Prince William in Newquay, Cornwall today. This was his big plan for Prince Harry’s visit to England this week – William hid out in Windsor (or wherever?) on Tuesday and Wednesday, only stepping out briefly for an investiture at Windsor Castle (which got very little attention). Then William’s clownish advisors arranged for two days of events for the end of the week – one day in Cornwall and then he’ll spend Friday visiting the Isles of Scilly. Tomorrow will be his first visit, as Prince of Wales, to the Isles of Scilly. Apparently, William isn’t taking the helicopter back to Windsor Castle later today. He’s staying the night in Cornwall and then traveling from there to the Isles of Scilly in the morning. This will be his “first night away” from the Princess of Wales since she was hospitalized in January?

Prince William is set to spend his first night away from wife Princess Kate Middleton since she received her cancer diagnosis.

The prince has been switching up his diary to be by Kate’s side as she undergoes treatment for the illness. He is due to spend Thursday, May 9, and Friday, May 10, in Cornwall, where he will carry out engagements in Newquay and then on the Isles of Scilly.

On Thursday he will visit the site where the Duchy of Cornwall’s first homeless housing project will be built, in Nansleden, Newquay.

The project will provide 24 homes and offer support to homeless people. William briefly took a step back from public duties since his wife made the news of her health public in March.

[From Us Weekly]

Yeah, I kind of doubt that. I think William has spent plenty of nights away from Kate this year. There’s such a weird feel to all of these lies, both big and small. William took the Mother’s Day frankenphoto, William hasn’t spent one night away from Kate, Kate took Louis and Charlotte’s birthday photos recently, etc. All of these little lies really start to add up.

Anyway, at least William looks healthy-ish and sober in these photos. He’s checking in on the big “housing project” he announced several months ago. It’s like five homes and he thinks it will solve Cornwall’s housing crisis.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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52 Responses to “Prince William plans to spend his ‘first night away from Kate’ since her cancer diagnosis”

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  1. Hypocrisy says:

    Until we see 🦴 in real time from a reputable news source I’m not really caring about anything Peggy is going through. (He’s sounding like a whiny brat tbh)

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      I agree. Until we see her holding up a newspaper with the day’s date and headline, and also outside with members of the actual public, we will not believe anything.

  2. equality says:

    Curious about this? Is it for the destitute homeless or for those who are homeless because of lack of affordable housing? Will these homeless people be paying rent?

    • goofpuff says:

      its just his excuse to get funding for his project so he can get homes and make more money. He’ll let the rent be good for a little while for some PR and make people sign NDA’s. Then drive the price up and to force out what he thinks are “undesirables” so he can make a profit.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      They had to cobble together some ‘affordable housing’ scheme because he needed to be seen doing it after KP strong armed Twitter into crowding out #princewilliamaffair with #princewilliamaffordablehousing.

      It would have been funnier if the trolls came back with “Prince william affordable housing for his mistress” but I don’t know how long hashtags are allowed to be. They don’t have to be well thought out, just provide a good photo op to pretend himself working.

  3. Katy says:

    It’s giving “my wife has the kids and a restraining order with my name on it”.

  4. Belli says:

    First night away this year? I don’t think even his biggest fans believe that.

    • The Duchess says:

      I doubt he’s spent even one night with her since her diagnosis, let alone without. It’s evident he has no comparison or consideration for Kitty.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      The media is really setting him up to fail now and I kind of love that for him.
      This is going to continue to escalate until Trooping.
      Trooping is going to be 🔥 b/c he will be vulnerable to questions about Judy if he shows, and if he hides again from his duty and decides to be a no-show, the press will tear Punch’s arse apart. Domestically and internationally.

      I think Cloppy the King’s mare will seed the press with some nastiness about Punch ahead of Trooping, just to keep him on the back foot going into it. It’s been her MO in the past with both Punch and Judy.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Thought he said she had 24hr nursing care (the two Filipino guest nurses).

  5. Agnes says:

    Where’s Kate? I doubt he’s seen her since December of 2023.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Judy’s most likely 🧠💀 but not ready for 🇬🇧⚰️
      Punch is probably livid that she clings to life. In his head he’s already moved on, you can tell by his reaction to questions about her.

  6. Jais says:

    So if we take this at face-value(I know🙄), then presumably Kate is getting better if he can spend his very first night away from her.

  7. Tessa says:

    More tall tales.

  8. JD says:

    Quick Kate, ‘‘tis your chance to escape the dungeon and be free!!!

    • K-Peace says:

      I’m afraid that Kate (if she’s even alive anymore) is physically unable to do that, or anything else.

  9. swaz says:

    dull, dull, dull 🤣🤣🤣

  10. Nanea says:

    If the reporters refuse to do their job and try to find out the truth about Schrödinger’s princess, they could at least do their job and write about Nansledan’s origins.

    This project was created by Charles since 2013 as a bit of a counterpoint to Poundbury, with more affordable housing than in Poundbury. The DoC is both the landlord and acting as a charitable organisation, so they get financial support from the government in addition to tax-breaks.

    And we all know about the helicopter at KP. So of course 🥚 has never been away from 🦴 ever, much less a night. Right. 🙄

  11. Sam says:

    Hilarious!! I looked at the pictures in Getty Images of William today and one is worse than the other! And how he tries to imitate Harry’s hand on his stomach. Just embarrassing..

    Also, I could puke again at how the British media portrays William as dutyful etc. with the appointment today. The Dutchy of Cornwall is stolen land from the citizens of England! This appointment is of no benefit to the taxpayers, only William personally earns millions from this stolen land. Also, I don’t understand how anyone can think this is about doing good?! William and Charles, along with the Dutchies, are just as much real estate moguls and building contractors who will stop at nothing for money as any other company. And that he is building social housing or something like that. Don’t make me laugh. It’s regulated by law, these people would never spend a single cent on their “subjects”!

  12. minnieder says:

    Speaking as an American, but I associate “housing project” with shitty, poorly built and maintained housing for no-low income people. Aka “the projects.” I know that’s not how it’s meant but that’s how it sounds (to my American ears).

  13. BW says:

    FUN FACT: The Isles of Scilly is pronounced Silly.

  14. Jaded says:

    What a pile of malarkey.

  15. girl_ninja says:

    I can’t believe that they really have not been question where that woman is? She has not been seen since December 2023 and no one has any concerns? And we have these chuckle f*cks out here talking about how they are entitled to see Duchess Meghan?!?! What the f*ck kind of shit is this?

    • Athena says:

      They’re not asking where she is because they know. Angela L. almost let the cat out of the bag in a recent interview, “when Kate comes out of her” and she stopped there and tried to save the comment.

      • Jais says:

        One thing I’ve noticed from Twitter clips of news reporters is that some of them, unconsciously without intending to do it, pause very briefly before referring to Kate’s preventative cancer treatment. Or they’ll look down as they say it. I’m not convinced she doesn’t have cancer. I have no idea and at this point I don’t really care. Wish her a healthy recovery, all hail, may she recover! Mostly, I just think the RF and the BM are being weird and lying and I’m just gonna sit back and see what happens.

    • Gabby says:

      In the chucklef*cks defense, who wouldn’t rather look at Meghan than Kate?

  16. cazzie says:

    Homes for up to 25 homeless people I think? They will be built on Duchy of Cornwall land, build probably funded by the local Council, then ‘rented’ out to the homeless. That normally means rent/council tax etc taken direct from their benefit payments. Council will then pay rent to the Duchy of Cornwall for the land. WOW that there is philanthropy and altruism in action. Win win for Baldie in any event.

  17. Blithe says:

    Why on earth does anyone want to publicize where William spends his nights as “news”?

    Is this some sort of warning to William? Are US readers really that interested?

    • Bad Janet says:

      To me, this signals they are now aware of the rumors that Huevo doesn’t even live with Kate, so they’re lying their asses off to get ahead of it. Because you’re absolutely right – this is completely NOT news, and nobody who has paid the slightest bit of attention believes it. Taking pages out of the book of gaslighting tips, just like Putin and Trump. Great company to be in.

      • Liz says:

        Yes, it’s setting up the narrative that he rarely left her side during her ‘illness’.

    • Bad Janet says:

      It’s also cover for why Huevo can’t see Harry. He is “out of town on business” 🙄

    • Becks1 says:

      It definitely feels a bit like a warning.

      First – its normal for most husbands and wives to spend most of their time together, unless one partner travels a lot for work or maybe they work opposite shifts. My husband has not left me alone for a night since January, lol. But we also do not have multiple houses and helicopters.

      So this just emphasizes, to me, that William DOES have those things (multiple homes, helicopters) and that it is not normal for him to go months without being away from Kate for a night -and I doubt this is his first time since her diagnosis, please. We all know better.

      The press knows where William spends most of his nights and my guess is its not with Kate.

  18. Amy Bee says:

    I would have expected as his wife is sick that he would have taken the helicopter back to Windsor like he and Kate did when they paid a 2 day Wales last year. It’s very strange that he would overnight now. Didn’t the press that he’s dedicated to Kate and the children and is remaining by Kate’s side? Although there’s no doubt that he’s spent some nights away from Adelaide Cottage since he’s moved there.

  19. Bad Janet says:

    Really? Is Huevo taking his first break from daily meetings with Charles, too?

    I mean of course they’re planting this story now. They have to have an excuse for why he can’t be in town while Harry is there (plus it gets a story for him while Charles and Harry both have their names in the paper). I wonder who told him that a business trip is a better look than “NO! I HATE HARRY!”

  20. kelleybelle says:

    BahhhhhHHHHhaaaaaa! They haven’t lived together in years.

  21. Interested Gawker says:

    First night away… GTFO

  22. Bettyrose says:

    Where are Kate and Shelly Miscavige? Someone call Leah Remini!

  23. Beverley says:

    I once took a university course, Fundamentals of Logic 101. I found the concept of the “Big Lie“ to be fascinating. The theory was, if you’re going to lie, make it a huge one. The bigger the lie, the easier it will be believed.

    Pegs is doing the very most with this one. First night away from KKKhate? Sure Jan.

  24. tamsin says:

    You know, I hope William will have some success with his projects. Perhaps his own success will lessen his jealousy and resentment of his brother.

  25. QuiteContrary says:

    They really are keeping Willy out of London. Wonder why.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Cloppy the King’s favorite nag gets all of Punch’s working royal events this way.

      I hesitate to suggest that Cluck is doing this to punish Punch for whatever he did to Judy; because the man clearly had/has no remorse for what befell Di.

      Punch probably slighted Cloppy in some way – that’s usually Cluck’s trigger for attacking his own progeny.

  26. BeanieBean says:

    Hmm, they’re saying he’d been switching up his diary to ‘stay by Kate’s side’ (barf on their romance novel language); doesn’t that imply that he ordinarily isn’t with Kate? That he typically spends nights away from his wife?

  27. Gabby says:

    Please. He spends ALL his nights away from Kate. In 2024, in 2023, and probably 2022, with the possible exception of the Flop Tour where the logistics stood in the way.

    I don’t think Kate is sick. I think she’s hiding and refusing to associate with him. I really think something has turned in her and she is the one who now wants a divorce. I have nothing to back it up, it’s just my gut. The same gut that knew Kristin shot J.R. The same gut that knew with horror that Trump was going to win the 2016 election after the Cubs won the World Series that year.

    Anyway, I think she wants out, is playing hardball on divorce terms, and that Peg is panicking at the thought of having to be king all by himself. She may not have worked much, but she was a buffer for him and he didn’t realize it until now.

    And I don’t believe he has a sidepiece waiting in the wings either. No woman wants a piece of that. Even for the most bored and lonely woman, the novelty of William must wear thin pretty quickly.