King Charles stepped out solo in Hampshire for a military photo-op, surprise

Here are some photos of King Charles today in Minley, Hampshire, visiting Gibraltar Barracks. He was doing a very special royal photo op with the 3 Royal School of Military Engineering and 8 Engineer Brigade. He was in a real rush to get photographed around men in uniform the same week his younger son was in town to celebrate the international veterans competition, huh. This appearance comes after Charles’s first garden party of the season, which he held yesterday at Buckingham Palace. He scheduled it to start right when Prince Harry arrived at St. Paul’s Cathedral.

I’m surprised Queen Camilla didn’t travel with her husband, but I guess it was unnecessary. She doesn’t travel well, and she made her point abundantly clear throughout the week, that she ordered her husband to avoid meeting with Harry. She’s in charge. She’s been running this operation for decades and part of the operation is the forced estrangement of Charles and his sons. Don’t forget that the estrangement of the two brothers works in her favor too – if Harry and William are so busy hating each other, that means Diana’s sons will never work together to take down Camilla. Speaking of, this clip from the Jeremy Vine show is making the rounds:

The woman is Nina Myskow and she’s making some points – yes, Charles is mad that Harry “committed the cardinal sin” of “attacking Camilla,” but Harry has every reason to dislike or hate Camilla because he was collateral damage in her campaign to be queen. I also like the larger point that this is a deeply dysfunctional family and that should not be applauded whatsoever. Especially given that the king is the head of the Church of England, for goodness sake. The open sadism on display is shocking.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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52 Responses to “King Charles stepped out solo in Hampshire for a military photo-op, surprise”

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  1. Libra says:

    Was this scheduled or a spare time afterthought?

    • Hypocrisy says:

      All these engagements are reactionary.. Quickest way to get the left overs out of their crypt is for Prince Harry to make positive headlines. As of a few weeks ago they had nothing scheduled and we’ve known about this anniversary service for quite awhile.

    • ArtFossil says:

      According to the Daily Mail, Charles said to the commanding officer “I do apologise for taking you by surprise, when this opportunity appeared and I had been allowed out of my cage, I wanted to come to have a look.” There was pushback in the comments about what Charles regards as a “cage.”

  2. My god what a jealous little putz.

  3. Serena says:

    This is so disturbing. He heard the criticism and said ‘see, see! I care for the military TOO!’.

    Charles you’re utterly disgusting.

    • Water Lilly says:

      Repulsive. Repugnant. Revolting. Redacted.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      The third photo, of Cluck smiling to the cameraman over the backs of the two soldiers?
      It’s creepy af.
      Cluck looks like a shady-ass gameshow host from the 70s in this photo. In fact, this photo has him looking a lot like Jimmy Saville, his old pedo buddy. Which is seriously disturbing.

      It’s telling that Cluck & Cloppy are not bothered about being sh*tty people – they’re bothered about being named and shamed as being sh*tty people.

      All those lives ruined so they could achieve their goal to sit on thrones together and be loved by the public, and the public hates them more with every passing day. It’s all their crimes and clownery coming back to bite them. Karma’s a bitch, innit?

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        Omg that’s who it reminds me of, Jimmy Saville! YIKES.

        I’ve defended Charles off and on as being good at his job, etc, but what’s really coming in to focus here is that every really lethally crappy thing that’s gone on in the last 40 years has him at its center.

        Charles is the problem. He always has been. And William is his just like him.

  4. equality says:

    Both PH and Diana were “collateral damage” in Cam and Charles’ campaigns. I bet nobody was shouting, “we love you, Charles”.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      There was a haunting recording of Diana saying “they needed a sacrificial lamb,” from some of those tapes she made. It is grotesque that Cam moved on to torturing Diana’s children.

  5. Olivia says:

    I mean… good on Harry for getting the ef out of here.

  6. Jaded says:

    Too little too late you weed.

  7. Simone says:

    I don’t think the criticism of Camilla in Spare is the real reason Charles is snubbing Harry this trip. Daily Mail court docs have just been unsealed because The Mail’s attempt to block their release failed. 4 current newspaper editors and a bunch of senior journalists are implicated in illegal info gathering. I think Camilla is being thrown under the bus here when the real problem is that Harry won’t take Murdoch’s settlement offer & now his action against the Daily Mail is implicating Charles, Camilla & William’s press buddies.

    • That is very interesting. I wonder when Harry heard Chuckles had cancer and made a visit to him if Chuckles asked Harry to take a settlement?

    • Amy Bee says:

      Yeah, the real sin Harry has committed is going against the press. Spare/Oprah/docuseries are just smoke screens.

    • Jais says:

      So I thinks it’s all intertwined. Going after the tabloid press is essentially going after Camilla’s best friends. All the people who helped rehabilitate Camilla’s reputation are the ones who threw Harry under the bus. They’re the ones who spied on him and wrote illegally-gotten stories about him when he was a kid. And Charles was okay with all of it. He essentially sanctioned all of it while cozying up to Victoria Newton and Becky English. Not just for Camilla but for himself too. He’s always wanted to see flattering headlines of himself and Camilla. At the expense of his son.

    • Olivia says:

      Good point. I wonder as well how much of it is silencing Harry for the things he did *not* write in Spare that he must have under lock and key somewhere.

      • Shawna says:

        I remember those stories about KP and BP breathing sighs of relief when the Oprah interview aired and again when Spare was released. There is so much more.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        I sometimes wonder what gave Harry pause on just dropping all of it.

        The way Spare reads, it’s very much giving “I’m putting all _my_ stuff out there so the tabloids have nothing to hold over me anymore”. Which, valid. His principal beef in public is the press intrusion on his life, and their decades of character assassination.

        He didn’t get into his family’s role in it, as much as he could have. Mentioned Cloppy because how could he not, we literally all saw it happen in real time.

        I’m half of the mind that Harry decided to be magnanimous/generous towards his family by holding back some of the darker stuff… and half of the mind that he’s keeping his powder dry for now. If Cluck, Cloppy, Punch or the tabs come for his kids, he’ll let it fly, scorched earth and salt.

      • BeanieBean says:

        ‘Cloppy’. Goodness! 🤭

    • VoominVava says:

      These are all really great theories and something I had never thought of before. Smokescreens, for sure!!

    • Shawna says:

      “Harry won’t take Murdoch’s settlement offer” – wait, what? I lazily assumed that Hugh Grant’s calculations would serve Harry as well, but do you have an indication that Harry won’t take the settlement? That would be amazing.

      • Jais says:

        As of now, he hasn’t taken any settlement. As the trial draws closer, I expect they will keep upping the settlement, which makes it likelier that even if Harry wins he will still have to pay their lawyers fees. I’m not sure how it works. Can he change his mind and settle the day before the trial begins? Which I think is a year away. No idea if he will or not but so far he hasn’t.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      This rings much more true to me than the idea that he’s defending Camilla. After all, Charles requested to see Harry and provided security for it after his cancer diagnosis and that was after Spare.

      Charles and Camilla are toxic and dirty, but Charles doesn’t let Camilla get in the way when he wants something from his son.

      This righteous war against the illegal tabloid methods is one of the biggest pieces in this puzzle, aligning the Tories, the tabloids and the Royal family against Harry.

  8. A says:

    I hate to say this, but this is giving me the vibes of the queens finale days. I get that snubbing Harry, and looking like it’s business as usual is important and all. But if this guy is truly undergoing radiation therapy of all things, then going to a garden party full of 8000 people is not just not advisable but damn near suicidal!

    • olivia says:

      You know, I saw that photo of him close up and was thinking he looks like one foot in the grave.

  9. wolfmamma says:

    The Royal Family or most of it is destroying itself. Truly abusive for all to see. Tragic downfall.

    Well done Harry and Meghan for getting
    the kids out! And to Meghan for staying away and keep the kids away from the snake pit.

  10. Saga says:

    The tabloids are the Anansi character in all of this.
    Nice to see JK Show allowing for more balanced perspective.

  11. ariel says:

    All the royal lip service to the military – in their pretend uniforms with pretend medals- and then they snub an international WOUNDED VETERANS organization and event.

    Aside from their toxic, abusive, punish him until he crawls back crap- this is appalling behavior from a “leader” supposedly of the country and the military.

    Every headline for a week should be about how the king does not respect, value or honor wounded veterans.


    I’m sure the spencers are no day at the beach either as a family- but i would bet Diana would be proud and thankful to her siblings for coming out to support her son.
    She also may have burned buckingham palace to the ground- had she not been killed by the royal pr machine.

  12. Amy Bee says:

    BP is doing what KP did in September last year. Load up their principals with a bunch of engagements to counter-programme against Harry and Meghan.

  13. Jais says:

    Nina is talking such sense. I’m actually shocked that Jeremy vine allowed her to speak that long without cutting her off. It’s funny to see how blatantly a memo of talking points is put out to the BM. It’s such a repetition of how Harry cuts a lone and lonely figure. It gets repeated so much that it just become obvious propaganda. Jeremy vine and Katie Nichols are being told to say this talking point. Editors at itv and other news organizations have to be getting WhatsApp memos from the palace on what to say bc it’s so coordinated.

    • Eurydice says:

      Yes, it’s also interesting how the Camilla story was spun – the implication that Charles was the one to throw Harry under the bus as part of Camilla’s rehabilitation – also that Charles made Camilla “Queen” when Elizabeth wanted “Queen Consort.”

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Is this evidence that at least some media figures are resisting the propaganda? I was pleasantly surprised by how frank all three of these people were about the estrangement and how they laid it at Charles’ feet. One gentleman even said, “This is not how families should behave. It’s wrong!” Louder for the folks in back.

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        This was really shocking to hear admitted, both that Harry was fed to the wolves for Camilla and that QEII didn’t want Cams to be Q, but Q Consort.

        I mean, those two things are true, but the tabloids never say them. I’m going to mark that as a huge win for Harry, for truth, and against royal propaganda/Cam’s evil ways.

        Britain lost their Prince because this evil woman fed him to the tabloids for her own image. Then they lost him and his super star wife because William and Kate drove them out after feeding Meghan to the tabloids.

    • Monika says:

      I watched it and it was refreshing to have somebody on TV who tries not to re-write history and just telling the truth as it is.

  14. Hypocrisy says:

    Finally someone was allowed to finish a statement on that show that was an honest evaluation of what is going on and how it looks, usually they are interrupted almost immediately. In the war with the Sussex’s, the left overs are loosing and after this weeks display they are starting to smell as bad as an egg sandwich 🥪 that been rotting for a month in the 🌞 sun.

  15. Becks1 says:

    I don’t know when this was planned, but this is pretty standard BP in terms of – Harry is doing something! We must do something bigger and better to counteract it!

    But of course….they just look desperate and grasping and obvious. They tried this last fall during the Dusseldorf games, and the big thing I find surprising is that they didn’t even attempt to upstage the IG events in Canada in February.

    I guess upstaging Harry motivates William enough to get him to work, but its funny/sad that he’s not upstaging him, no one cares what William is doing, harry’s London appearance is the big topic lol.

    • Square2 says:

      “…they didn’t even attempt to upstage the IG events in Canada in February.”

      Probably because:
      1.) BP was in health crisis mode in February. Camilla could only do so many “engagements”. As for KP, since they loudly announced in January they wouldn’t do much work & was in no shape or form to carry out much official work.

      2.) They (BRF, BM) did not expect the Sussex has such successful short visit to Canada. And that’s why now they are worry sick of H&M’s Nigeria visit.

  16. aquarius64 says:

    The damage is done. Charles, the commander in chief of UK’s armed forces, was a no-show at the IG anniversary service. No one will forget that.

    • VoominVava says:

      And they didn’t even mention that on the clip of the show above. They had some great points (about time!!), but they should have mentioned what you said as that may make some royalists who are Harry haters sit up and listen.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      As someone who wants the IG to be in Washington, D.C., I’d like to thank Charles for sinking the UK’s chances of hosting the games.

      And this panel discussion was a refreshing change of pace.

    • Gabby says:

      I love how the Spencers showing up to support Harry brought Diana front and center into the narrative. That must really chap C&C’s hides. They didn’t expect to hear her name this week did they? Overshadowed by Diana 27 years after her death.

  17. Over it says:

    How anyone in military uniform can shake this turd hand after he is so disrespectful to their fellow comrades is beyond me

    • Pat Gaddess says:

      I have read numerous places that the book publisher has an offer on the table for 7 figures for a second book. It is not believed to be for the 400
      pages but could be a completely different look at philanthropy and the royal family etc. The King has to be aware this is a possibility and I would think he would be careful. Harry could burn the whole place down.
      Does Harry want to spend another year doing the hard work of writing again? Who knows?

  18. Amy says:

    I continue to be surprised that Charlie’s valet is not adjusting the fit of his clothes. He is wasting away and it is all the more obvious when the seam of your suit jacket fall off you shoulders and your torso is swimming in extra fabric. Not too mention how long his baggy pants look just from volume loss.

  19. Lau says:

    “She doesn’t travel well”, she only travels well when it’s about going halfway across the word to go to a spa.

  20. 1julie says:

    Isn’t there a Royal tailor who could take a few tucks in those pants???