It sounds like the Windsors are mad that the Spencers came out for Prince Harry

If you’d like to read a Windsor-centric history on the Spencer family, the Daily Mail has everyone covered. It seems like the Spencer family’s visible support for Prince Harry at the Invictus service has ruffled more than a few royal feathers. King Charles doesn’t like to be reminded of Diana, and Charles has little to no relationships with the Spencer family at this point. Which is sort of extraordinary given the fact that A) the Spencers clearly wanted to be part of Harry and William’s lives and a good father would have supported that and B) the Spencers are very high-level aristocrats. I remember the Earl Spencer (Diana’s brother) speaking last year about how he had zero plans to attend the coronation and how moved he was that people brought up Diana and how the coronation would be a difficult day for people who loved Diana. Like… the Earl Spencer should have been invited to the coronation just on rank alone, you know? But given the tortured and intertwined history of the two families, it didn’t happen. Now we’re getting history lessons from the Mail:

The divide between the Spencers and the Windsors was highlighted by those who did and didn’t attend Prince Harry’s Invictus Games service, an expert claimed today. Harry gave warm hugs to his uncle Earl Spencer and aunt Lady Jane Fellowes at St Paul’s Cathedral before the event to celebrate the competition’s 10th anniversary. Princess Diana’s siblings were also joined by former army officer Mark Dyer, who acted as the Duke of Sussex’s mentor after his mother’s death in Paris in 1997.

Other notable guests at the service in London yesterday included his cousin Louis Spencer, lawyer David Sherbourne and the Prime Minister’s wife Akshata Murty. But there were no senior royals with Harry, as they instead put on a show of unity for King Charles who attended a Buckingham Palace garden party two miles away.

Former BBC royal correspondent Michael Cole said it was notable that none of Harry’s royal blood relatives – including his father and brother William, who attended the inaugural Invictus event in London at Harry’s side in 2014 – were at St Paul’s. He told MailOnline that there ‘never was much love lost between the Spencers and the Windsors’, and the ‘divide was shown in its deepest and starkest form’ yesterday.

Mr Cole pointed out that while Harry’s ‘birth family’ – led by Earl Spencer and Lady Jane Fellowes – went to St Paul’s to support the Duke, ‘the entire Royal Family stayed away’. He also recalled that when Princess Diana’s coffin arrived for burial on the Spencer family estate of at Althorp in Northamptonshire in 1997, Earl Spencer ‘whipped off the flag that covered it and replaced it with the Spencer standard’.

Mr Cole said: ‘Nothing could have illustrated more clearly the gap that will always separate two famous families. Words have power and actions have consequences, as Prince Harry – whose criticisms of his Windsor family have been harsh, cruel and wounding – is increasingly finding out. ‘

[From The Daily Mail]

What I find interesting, and it’s not mentioned by this Michael Cole person, is that William barely seems to keep up any kind of relationship with the Spencer family. It’s just Harry. It was always just Harry – he’s always spent time with his Spencer cousins and he wanted the Spencers close-by for his son’s christening. There’s evidence to support the idea that the Earl Spencer has visited Montecito a couple of times in recent years, and I’d be willing to bet one or two Spencers made it to Lili’s christening as well. I’m sure all of that pisses off Charles AND Camilla to no end. While Camilla’s family – the Shands – absolutely had aristo ties, they weren’t titled and they basically hustled their way into those circles. I’ve always said that part of the reason why Charles and Camilla never wanted Harry around was because they both saw so much of Diana in him, so much SPENCER.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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164 Responses to “It sounds like the Windsors are mad that the Spencers came out for Prince Harry”

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  1. I’m glad Harry was with his family the Spencer’s. I remember his Uncle speaking at Diana’s funeral. He let them know he was not happy with the treatment of Diana. It is interesting that Peg isn’t involved with the Spencer’s but he has chosen his father who he never sees unless Harry comes to town.

    • SarahCS says:

      William has always doubled down on him being the main event because he will be king, everyone else is background scenery unless he needs them to do something for him. Given that the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha’s, sorry, Windsors, treated Diana terribly AND lack the British aristocratic pedigree of the Spencer’s it’s no surprise he’s erased them from his life. I think every relationship he has is purely transactional.

      • MelodyM says:

        Sit in your cribs and cry harder, you big babies! You have f**k all control over the Spencers, esp after what you did to their sister and her younger son. Harry’s real family showed you royals as the clowns you are on the world stage and I love that for you!

    • Wagiman says:

      Charles Spencer is very problematic, unlike his sisters, but I’m glad he was openly supportive.. However I won’t forget the watermelon wedding cake thing. Aside from his past relationship allegations.

      • Tessa says:

        It’s great that he’s supports harry and Meghan especially after huevo wanted help from Spencer in trying to break up harry and meghan. All the spencers support harry and meghan

      • Unsurprisingly, a lot of people are smearing Charles Spencer right now over false allegations that he’s had to have his lawyers act on.

        For example, He did offer Diana a home after her split from the horrible man.

        Personally I’m not here to dredge up crap on someone who was abused as a kid himself, all for just showing up for his nephew who has zero parental figures on his life. No person in the public eye has a perfect past. He loves his nephew, he spoke up for Diana when no one else would, he has courage.

      • MaryContrary says:

        He’s not “very problematic.”

      • May says:

        Sorry @marycontrary, I agree with @wagiman. I find racist jibes on a public forum to be “very problematic.”. While I was not surprised that Harry’s Aunt Jane was at the service, it was surprising to me that his uncle showed up. My take? The Earl Spencer threw his lot in with the Windsors, for example siding with William regarding Harry’s “rushing” in to marry Meghan, until he realized it was fruitless and that the Windsors would never accept the Spencers in their fold. Add to that his nephew William implying that Diana was “paranoid” didn’t help.

      • goofpuff says:

        How much of the problematic is truth? And how much is Windsor propaganda?

        I lean more toward its Winsor propaganda since Charles Spencer openly supports Diana and King Chunk hates that with a passion. I can see him and Camilla smearing Diana’s brother easily for messing up his PR campaign.

      • Get Real says:

        It’s always “problematic ” to tell the truth for those who would deny it.

      • Christine says:

        goofpuff, agreed. I no longer believe anything I’ve read about the Spencers, since I fully understand the Windsors have a choke-hold on the British press, and have since way before I was born. I’m GenX, that’s a lot of years.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        I’ve been quite outspoken about my feelings towards Charles Spencer here on CB. Dianaland was not cool. AT ALL. Charles Spencer is also the one to reopen the BBC Diana interview that quasi eliminated some shame from Charles/BRF/The Firm. I still believe that at that time, he was encouraged to do so by the palaces. Yes, he gave a great eulogy at Diana’s funeral.

        My hope, opinion, Charles Spencer had an epiphany or a good talking to by Baroness Fellowes and Lady Sarah. Along the lines of (in American terms), “Little Bro, you’re a douchebag.Stop selling our sister out you MFer. Harry hasn’t done any of us wrong…you on the otherhand..”.

        Harry’s aunties showing up for him is/should be the big focus.

      • Belinda says:

        Im a Brit, mid sixties, and we lived in the USA for some of the 1900s and 2000s. In Texas. The racism was off the scale, and totally abhorrent. I learnt then the racial connotations of slices of watermelon. Before that, i didnt know how horribly it was used. So perhaps Charles Spencer wasnt aware of it? Whoever made the picture display was probaly aware imo and how disgusting of them. But Charles Spencer could have just posted it without realising?

        Often on summer afternoons, we would have afternoon tea outdoors, with sandwiches, teacups, small cakes etc and a plate of peaches or rasberries. So he could have perhaps have thought fruit was part of the food, in all innocence.

        I do hope so, as i really admire him for his school memoirs, and the truly heartbreaking time that he had there. My siblings and I were part of the boarding school of that era, and it was a hateful time. Us girls were prepared for marriage “the best career a girl can have”!!!!! and my brothers school (all boys) were really just posh thugs. So kudos for Charles Spencer for bravely writing about it.

    • Chelsea says:

      @MAY are you really repeating stories from a Robert Lacy book in big 2024? Because THAT is the source of the claim that Earl Spencer tried to get Harry to slow down in his relationship with Meghan. Harry makes no mention of it in Spare but he does explicitly thank his maternal uncle and aunts for their support. And let’s not forget that last year when that crazy UK ‘journalist’ was tweeting crap about Harry being obsessed with Chelsy because of his court cases Charles shut it down. I’m not saying the guys a saint but I’d be very careful to not parrot negative stories about him from the British press when we know those people lie, especially about people who have been as critical of the press as he has, and his showing of public support for Harry has been a huge lift for H this week.

      Side note: the idea that the Spencers, and especially Charles, would want to be accepted by the Windsors is ridiculous. Charles Spencer literally told that family he didn’t want Diana’s sons to be like them to their faces at her funeral in front of hundreds of millions of people and Harry said himself that when William and Angela Kelly were playing dumb games with Meghan around her wedding tiara that Charles offered her the Spencer tiara to wear (which in hindsight she should’ve worn tbh).

      • May says:

        It was always reported that Harry’s maternal aunts offered the use of the Spencer tiara for the Sussex wedding. NOT the Earl Spencer.

        And no, I am not repeating stories from a 2024 book. I am recalling reports out in the summer of 2017 that the Earl Spencer was not receptive to Meghan. For example, Meghan flew over to join Harry at a special service at Althorpe to memorialize his mother on the 20th anniversary of her death. At the last moment, she was disinvited (or, if she was not officially invited, it was made clear that she was not welcome). It was also around this time that it was widely reported that the Earl Spencer, at William’s behest, asked Harry to slow down on his relationship with Meghan.

        The Earl Spencer showed what a pig he is by posting a picture of a very racist wedding tableaux of Harry and Meghan on Instagram before the Sussexes’ wedding.

        Just because Harry is gracious about his uncle doesn’t mean I have to be. 🙄

      • equality says:

        @May The aunts could have offered, I guess, but the Earl actually owns the tiara as the inheritor of the estate.

      • May says:

        Yes @equality, and in the end, could that be one of the reasons why the tiara was not worn by Meghan?

      • Lawrenceville says:

        @May, I believe what Harry wrote in Spare, end of. Harry said his maternal family offered the tiara, but the queen didn’t want to hear any of it. Plus, the sisters couldn’t have offered the tiara on their own, it belongs to the male heir, so technically they don’t have the authority to OFFER the tiara. If Harry says the Spencer tiara was offered, then it was offered by Harry’s uncle the Earl himself, end of. Even Princess Diana “borrowed” it, it was her “something borrowed” because it belongs to Earl Spencer. And why are we peddling tabloid talking points, pooping of Harry’s party when we have no facts whatsoever about Earl Spencer and what he is being accused of?

      • May says:

        It’s not the repeating of tabloid fodder when the entire world could see that Meghan flew in specifically from Toronto to attend an event at Althorpe that she was ultimately not allowed to attend. At the time, the reason given was that the Earl Spencer said that the memorial for Diana was only for “family.”. I don’t know why Meghan really was not allowed to attend but we could all see her fly in from Toronto, not attend the event for which she flew over, and then have to fly back to Toronto. And, we could all see the racist tableaux that the Earl Spencer posted online prior to the Sussex wedding. As for the tiara, if his uncle had offered the use of the tiara it seems that Harry would have specifically said that. He did not.

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        Sorry May, but you’ve offered no proof of your claims against a man who is being dragged everywhere in Britain right now.

        I think it’s despicable to claim reporters somehow know he rejected Meghan, when in deed we watched him do the opposite over and over again and we heard from Harry himself how supportive his Spencer family was.

        Are you claiming to know more than Harry about his own life?

      • May says:

        Mind you, the racist watermelon trope was widely known and used in Britain prior to Charles Spencer’s posting this picture (Boris Johnson got in trouble a couple years previously for referring to “watermelon smiles”).

        This is the event that Meghan specifically flew over from Toronto to attend. I misremembered, the event took place on Diana’s birthday, July 1st, 2017, and not on the anniversary of her death:

      • May says:

        An article referencing Meghan’s exclusion from the July 1st, 2017, event:

        Admittedly, much should be taken with a grain of salt in this article but it does reference my previous point about Meghan’s not being invited, or disinvited.

        The articles about Meghan’s flying in from Toronto to attend the event are out there if anyone wants to look.

      • Annalise says:

        What is the racist tableau that Harrys uncle posted?? This is the first I’m hearing about it…..

      • May says:

        @annalise, a copy of Charles’ post is in the first link that I posted above (since @withtheamerican wanted “proof” of my allegations). An exhibition was going on at Althorpe shortly before the Sussex wedding and Charles posted a photo of one of the exhibits.

        It was a big deal going around in some quarters on Twitter when it happened but I don’t know that it reached the mainstream media. I also don’t think it was discussed on this site.

        No way Uncle Charles would have posted this about his very soon to be niece-in-law unless he agreed with it and/or thought it was funny… He received a lot of push back so he deleted the post but to my recollection he never apologized for it.

        Sorry, I assumed wrongly that most people at this site had seen it!

      • kirk says:

        Wow. So much 7-year old hostility for Charles Spencer from @May. I do recall from a book by Robert Lacey (historian without a graduate degree) that supposedly William tried enlisting Charles Spencer’s aid in halting the Harry-Meghan romance. Not sure how much Spencer aided in that scheme since Lacey apparently only got leaks from Wm, not Chas.

        The Vanity Fair link says nothing about Meghan. It just says there was a small intimate re-dedication ceremony for Diana at her burial site on her July 1 birthday led by Archbishop of Canterbury and attended by Cambridges and Prince Harry. Zero mentions of Meghan in the VF article. However, People magazine’s timeline of their relationship says M-H were in Africa for three weeks starting with Meghan’s August 4 birthday. The VF link does not support the assertion that Meghan flew in for the Althorp rededication ceremony, or that she had been disinvited from it.

        As for the tweet Charles Spencer sent with picture of cake decoration made for his nephew’s wedding, i don’t see the problem. He just took a picture of a decoration made by an exhibitor at the Althorp Food Fest. The scale looks a little crazy with a cake that towers over the couple. But the tableau is nice with tea sandwiches, goblets, bottles of fizzy drinks, and watermelon slices. It appears any negative connotation is entirely in the eye of the beholder, i.e. no ill intent by the foodfest decorator.

        Generally not wowed by anything that’s overly respectful towards aristocracy. But must admit I’m impressed by those regimental cufflinks Charles Spencer wore. I think he did fine, i.e. not problematic at all.

        The latter link provided has timing all wrong. VF article with Meghan came out Sept 2017.

      • May says:

        “the tableau is nice with tea sandwiches, goblets, bottles of fizzy drinks, and watermelon slices. It appears any negative connotation is entirely in the eye of the beholder, i.e. no ill intent by the foodfest decorator.”

        Yes, there are little figures that are clearly supposed to be Harry and Meghan in wedding attire at a table and a wedding cake, and, yes, there are tea sandwiches and goblets and bottles of fizzy drinks in front of the figure of Harry but, interestingly, the only thing in front of the very heavily darkened Meghan figure is a plate with slices of watermelon.

        Well, this beholder finds the display blatantly and incredibly racist and we will just have to agree to disagree.

      • aftershocks says:

        @May, you are wrong. It was expressly William who did NOT want Meghan, as Harry’s girlfriend, to attend the 2017 re-dedication service for Diana at Althorp.

        Also, from a tweet or IG post made by Earl Spencer in November 2017, there are hints that H&M may have had dinner at Althorp with the Spencers to celebrate American Thanksgiving.

      • Will Scarlet says:

        To be fair all of these people are racists. It’s wired into them. But it’s not only other races they don’t like, it’s also anyone who isn’t like them.
        Charles Spencer should arguably be applauded for his standing up to the royal family nonsense. He’s a wonderful thorn in the side.
        He also just came out with a memoir and apparently gets stuck into boarding schools. This was pretty brave and wouldn’t sit well with a lot of his cohort. Good for him!

  2. Tessa says:

    The Windsor s not harry have been harsh cruel and wounding much like Charles behavior to Diana the spencers have every right to be upset about how Diana was treated

    • Blithe says:

      “Harsh, cruel and wounding” perhaps, but even Charles’s public supporters fail to argue that any of Harry’s comments might be untrue.

      Regular reminder that any writer carping on about “Spare “ should read and comment on Charles’s book with Dimbleby for context.

      Oh, and amidst these petty distractions, is anyone at the DM wondering: Where’s Kate?
      Surely at least some of their readers want to know.

  3. 2legit2quit says:

    Gosh the Windsors are just trash. Straight up trash. So glad the Spencers have Harry’s back. That’s what a real family looks like.

    • The Windows are absolute trash. now anyone who loves Harry must be smeared on the public.


    • Isabella says:

      Instead of honoring UK veterans, the Windsors put on “a show of unity for King Charles.” Their laziness and nastiness is hard to believe. Their “shunning” of Harry and criticism of the Spencers is beyond the pale.

      What good do these people do, anyway?

  4. TheOriginalMia says:

    Earl Spencer promised to be there for Harry & William and he has. William is pure Windsor, while Harry is Diana’s little Spencer. I’m glad he had his family there. Charles or William should have been there, but their pride, ego & jealousy won’t permit them to be supportive. Every slight to Harry makes them look less like a family & more like a pit of vipers.

    • Jaded says:

      Even Diana remarked after Harry was born that she was happy she now had a little “Spencer”. As for the Windsors, the fact that not ONE of those leeches chose to honour military veterans speaks volumes. What does that say about a family that continues to wear dozens of unearned medals, braids, ribbons and uniforms when they’ve done sweet eff-all for the brave men and women who were injured defending their country? Avoiding the IG church service was one of the worst tactical blunders the BaRF has ever made and I hope it haunts them for the rest of their miserable lives.

    • aftershocks says:

      Yep, in a passage from his eulogy for Diana, Earl Spencer made this promise:
      “I pledge that we, your blood family, will do all we can to continue the imaginative and loving way in which you were steering these two exceptional young men so that their souls are not simply immersed by duty and tradition, but can sing openly as you planned.”

      Sadly, the Spencers (especially Earl Spencer) were not given much access to influence Harry & William in the immediate years after Diana’s death. Harry did reach out seemingly on his own as he grew older, and thus he maintained contact with his Spencer cousins, and with his Spencer aunts, Lady Jane and Lady Sarah.

      As well, sadly, Harry is the only one of Diana’s sons to have created a life for himself in which his soul is now able to “sing openly as his mother planned.”

      • aftershocks says:

        Over the years, I believe Harry may have been closer to his Spencer aunts and cousins than to his uncle, Earl Spencer. In part, I think that may have been due to the firm, and to Chuck especially being apoplectic over Earl Spencer’s eloquent and truthful sock-it-to-the-Windsors digs in his fierce eulogy honoring Diana!

        In recent years, it seems that Harry has developed an increasingly warm and respectful connection to the Earl, too.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Cluck and Cloppy hating Harry for… :checks notes: circumstances of his birth that were not under his control. Wow. Slow clap, for the King and Queen of Refuse, of Filth, and Putrescence.

      They actually hate Harry for looking like his mother whom they successfully colluded to hound to death via their press buddies, and also for looking like his grandfather Prince Philip, a man Cluck resented and hated most of his life (because he couldn’t measure up to his father).

  5. Brassy Rebel says:

    I did not know that Charles Spencer “whipped off” the royal standard from Diana’s coffin when it arrived at Althorp and replaced it with the Spencer flag. But I love it! It’s just amazing to me that the Windsors think the Spencers care for a minute what the Windsors think of them. As I said yesterday, the Spencers predate the Windsors and likely will outlast them.

    • equality says:

      Starting to like Charles Spencer more and more.

    • Christine says:

      That is a detail I’ve never heard before!

    • Emme says:

      And Diana had far more English aristocratic blood in her veins than Charles and his German ancestry!

    • Gabby says:

      That is a great detail I haven’t heard before either. I hope that discarded royal standard was later used to clean up dog poop on the Althorp estate.

    • Tarte au Citron says:

      Didn’t know that, but good for him!

    • Becks1 says:

      I’ve never heard that before but if true, that’s amazing. He made sure she was buried as a Spencer not as a royal. good for him.

    • goofpuff says:

      this detail makes me respect charles spencer even more.

    • Isabella says:

      Did he whip it off or merely replace it? I don’t believe anything these people say.He was bringing his sister home & I think it’s alovely gesture.

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      Yes, it’s significant.

      FWIW I think they weren’t expecting her to die so young so didn’t have a custom pall ready for her in the vault. QEQM had quartered royal arms and Bowes-Lyon. Philip’s had Greece, Denmark, Edinburgh, and the Royal Arms.

      (As someone who can “read” heraldry, I gasped when I saw the coffin coming off the plane with the Princess of Wales’ standard covering it – she was, despite the divorce, being buried as a Princess of Wales.)

  6. JENNIFER says:

    Interesting though, that William named his 2 youngest children after Charles Spencer’s kids. Was he “colonising” the names?

    • GlamGirl says:

      He was probably taking them so Harry couldn’t have them

      • JENNIFER says:

        Smh, he would. And yet is still kicking himself that he didn’t think of using Lilibet.

      • Becks1 says:

        I think it was so Harry couldn’t have them and I think it was also to try to curry favor with Charles and QEII, which is stupid because those kids are the direct heirs, they were always going to be propped by the institution, no need to curry favor.

    • Chrissy says:

      Well, Willnot IS laziest man on earth, so it tracks! (Shrug)

    • Magdalena says:

      I don’t think he named them after Charles Spencer’s children. Those names are common enough in those circles. At the time the media reported that Charlotte was a “family” name of the Middletons’ (Pippa’s middle name?) and Louis was not only one of William’s names, it was also one of George’s and also that of the infamous Mountbatten-Windsor relation. So nothing to do with curry-favouring with the Spencers. In fact, I don’t recall much attention being paid to them around the time of Charlotte’s and Louis’ christenings.

      • Flower says:

        Louis is a RF middle name. Apparently Chuckles who was very close to Mountbatten :

        William, Prince of Wales (William Arthur Philip Louis; born 21 June 1982)

        Prince George of Wales (George Alexander Louis; born 22 July 2013)

        Prince Louis of Wales (Louis Arthur Charles; born 23 April 2018)

      • aftershocks says:

        Charlotte is clearly a royal family name, too! Queen Charlotte, wife of George III; Princess Charlotte, grand-daughter of George III and Queen Charlotte. (BTW, Charlottesville, VA was named in honor of Queen Charlotte).

        In any case, I believe that current Princess Charlotte of Wales was named in part after her grandfather, Chuck.

      • aftershocks says:

        As well, the popularity with the royals for the name, ‘Louis,’ is not just due to Lord Louis Mountbatten. Even he was named after both his father (Louis Battenberg) and his maternal grandfather, a German married-in ancestor to the royal family, Louis IV or Ludwig IV Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine, who had married Queen Victoria’s second daughter, Princess Alice.

        Ludwig IV’s and Princess Alice’s daughter, Princess Victoria of Hesse and by Rhine married Louis Battenberg (later Mountbatten), 1st Marquess of Milford Haven. Their first child, Princess Alice, gave birth to Prince Philip. Their youngest child was Lord Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma.

  7. Agnes says:

    Team Spencer here. When Harry raises an army and takes on the German interlopers, I hope he flies the Spencer standard into battle. What stupidity on Chuckles part.

    • Allyn says:

      The Glorious Revolution II: The Ungermaning

    • Roseberry says:

      The Spensers are an old established aristocratic family, their family tree is littered with Earls, Viscounts and dukes. Diana is a direct descendant of King Charles II of the royal Stuart house.These people definitely view the Windsors as upstart interlopers !

  8. Serena says:

    Nobody gives a duck that those senior old farts attended Chuck stupid garden party. All eyes were on Harry AS USUAL.

    • Betsy says:

      I don’t mean to defend Charles and all, but aren’t the guests at those garden parties supposed to be a mix of regular people and people who do work with charities? Organizing a competing event was crass (especially since it was intended as a snub) but I don’t want to denigrate the regular people who hopefully got to feel a little spotlight on them.

      • Serena says:

        I’m sorry for those people. All they got were dusty bored royals gloating about their own importance and snubbing Harry.

      • Couch Potato says:

        In a normal family they would’ve cooperated with Harry and his team to make time for Harry to attend that garden party as well. Giving the people from those charities a nice surprise. But the Firm is to self centered to understand how bad this looks for the rest of the world. Everytime I read about these so called snubs I think of the Skarsgard family. How they show up for each others premieres and praise their family members work. The RF would’ve been so much better of if they’d learned common decency.

      • Jais says:

        I didn’t take it as a diss toward the guests. I thought the senior old farts were referring to Charles and Camilla and Edward and Sophie. The senior royals.

  9. SarahLee says:

    The Windsors hate this because try as they might, they cannot erase Diana. It is just so clear that Harry carries her legacy. He inherited all of the good, from her easy way with people and children, her sense of humor, to her desire to simply “love people.” From this to the SussexRoyal tour of Nigeria – Harry is making them look old and pasty and gray and inbred just by living his life.

    • Agnes says:


    • CatMum says:

      It certainly doesn’t hurt that they are old and pasty and grey and inbred in the first place!

      • Renae says:

        Charles looks more like a vampire every day!.
        His side-piece looks ready for the glue factory and who the he’ll knows where Kate is (hint, no one really cares). As for the other brother, people here have called it: A pe*is with teeth.
        Meanwhile, the Spencers while aging, look good.

      • Cali says:

        A penis with wonky teeth.

      • Pajala says:


    • So much coming through loud and clear. Only this time, Diana/Harry got away before they could have her worst fears come true (Diana’s written fear of the Windows organizing a car accident to take her out).

      And this is why they were so threatened by her. She was a global superstar. Harry is his own brand of global superstar, not on Diana’s level until Meghan came along, but together they are Diana level. And here they are, showing service is universal.

    • Becks1 says:

      And the Spencers attending such a high profile event just brought Diana back into the conversation louder than before (b/c she never really left the conversation.) It really showed a stark contrast between the Windsors and the Spencers and the Windsors, as per usual, come out the losers in that comparison.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Becks1, what I felt when I saw the Spencers supporting Harry is that this is what CLASS is. Too bad the Windsors fall so far short.

  10. Nanea says:

    Diana always called Harry “my little Spencer”, so it must have rankled the RF even then.

    And I’m sure Bulliam the Incandescent calling his mother paranoid didn’t improve his relationship with the Spencers.

    Harry not only inherited Diana’s charisma but also her work ethic, unlike others who are lazy, stuck in their ways, self-centered, incurious, unintelligent, entitled.

    The BaRF are nothing more than a bunch of jealous, envious loser clowns stuck in the last millennium where they still had an empire and everyone kowtowed.

    • Fortuona says:

      Well Harry and his Spencer /McCorquodale cousins in George McC were doubles when they were kids up until the point that George lost his hair

  11. equality says:

    So now they are “senior” royals instead of “working” royals? Is that because the BM got a clue and realized that “working” royals is an oxymoron? Or is it that they are all senior citizens? If it is supposed to indicate hierarchy, it is BS because PH is higher up in succession than all of the attendees except, of course, KC.

  12. Eurydice says:

    Sure, the senior royals (minus William) “put on a show of unity for King Charles” – as in “be there, or else.”

    • rosa mwemaid says:

      How high do you have to be in the succession to qualify as a senior royal.

      • Eurydice says:

        I’m just guessing, but I imagine it’s the monarch and the monarch’s siblings, children and spouse.

  13. Jais says:

    The Spencer show of support was sublime. Really though, it was sweet seeing his uncle aunt and cousins there. It’s sad that Harry being supported by people who love him is likely setting some people off. If the Windsors are upset by the Spencer presence, well that’s a bad look too.

    • Agnes says:

      One thing I really loved about that Invictus service was that you could feel Diana’s angel there, through her son and siblings of course, but also through the love and good of the entire foundation. As one of the servicemen said somewhere on Twitter, Harry could have spent his time and energy in a thousand frittering ways, but he chose to help. F the Windsors, they are selfish useless parasites.

    • Lulu says:

      Well, Twitter is telling me the Kents declined the garden party invite. Row with Chuck over something to do with their SIL death. Anyone have tea?

      • AOC says:

        Mary P posted this and it was subsequently removed within hours. It seems that numerous people were aware of it which added to his torment.
        KKkate took off after she was so publicly humiliated and embarrassed. Did she only then find out??

  14. Normades says:

    The Spencers like the Cholmondeley‘s are the real aristocrat deal. Camilla and Kate and the other senior royals are so tacky in comparison. One exception is Anne so it’s too bad she doesn’t support Harry.

    • seaflower says:

      I always remember reading about the time Chuckles got engaged to Diana that most aristo families in the UK look down on the Windsors as common. Diana was considered the catch, not Chuck.

      • goofpuff says:

        Yes, the Windsors are not from the English aristocracy. Their line is considered inferior to the the big Aristo families. Diana was the catch, not Charles. He choose a young naive girl to lovebomb because no other woman would marry him, not even Camilla (she wanted to marry Parker-Bowles).

    • Vader says:

      Apparently Anne was the one who suggested to chucky to evict the h&m from frogmore. She is also close to chucky, it would be more surprising if she did support harry.

      • Normades says:

        True and it’s a shame because they used to be close but she obviously will just tow the line for Chuck

      • Miranda says:

        Anne still seems far more cordial (if not exactly “supportive”) with Harry than any of the rest of them, I imagine because it ties into her sense of duty more than anything else. But I remember seeing her greeting Harry at the fancy hat party, looking genuinely pleased to see him, and I thought, “I wonder if she’s going to get a talking-to for being too friendly with the ‘enemy’?”

      • windyriver says:

        Yes, I saw the article that came out at some point saying it was Anne’s idea, but don’t believe it’s true. The initial news that Charles was kicking the Sussexes out of Frogmore came out just after Spare was published. It was the kind of knee jerk reaction that has Charles written all over it. More likely one of his merry men decided to drag Anne into it to divert sole blame from Charles and thinking it would look good for people to think she was on the same page. She was mentioned once or twice, then it was dropped, I suspect because Anne told them in no uncertain terms to leave her out of it. She has her own busy life and I’ve never had the impression she’s an integral part of the plotting going on over at BP.

        Besides, she might be relatively close to Charles, but was also extremely close to her mother. And QEII loved Harry. Anne was the one who greeted Harry when he arrived at Balmoral and asked if he wanted to see his grandmother one last time. She was the one in friendly conversation with Harry at the coronation.

        Yeah, I’m all in on this being on Charles. I wonder if he ever read Spare himself. What I picture is, after it was published, one of his courtiers preparing a synopsis for him (and Camilla), being sure to highlight all the negatives, and Charles blowing a fuse, especially over Harry’s comments about Camilla. Yanking money, yanking security, yanking patronages, yanking their UK home. It’s how he rolls.

      • sevenblue says:

        I agree with @windyriver, I don’t believe it was Anne either. When it was first reported, they said it was because Harry spoke badly about Camilla. Then, they changed it to Anne’s idea. By the way, I would imagine Anne advising something like that. But, according to Omid, both Edward and Anne advised Charles to stop bad press against H&M before they left the firm. He didn’t listen to them then, so why did he listen to Anne about that? Charles does what he wants and all he cares about himself and Camilla.

  15. Maxine Branch says:

    Whether Harry’s countrymen love or hate him, when he enters a room, the energy shifts to him. Not many folks have the “it’ factor but Harry and Meghan have it in droves. When they both left that family it was as if the fresh air was sucked out of that institution.

    Was happy to see Harry was surrounded by his Spencer family and equality happy to see the big hugs he greeted them with. From this you could see they have a very warm relationship. I know his mother would be proud he has remained close to her sibling’s.

  16. Hypocrisy says:

    Love that the Spencer side of the family showed up to support Prince Harry.. the much better looking side for sure. As for the BRF being upset, aren’t they always at this point? If they haven’t noticed in the past few years people have stopped caring about the BRF and their propaganda team tantrums. The nonexistent crowd and outpouring of flowers in support of two cancer diagnosis should have been a huge clue.

    • equality says:

      Can you imagine if it had been Di with a cancer diagnosis? Even this long after her death people put up flowers and displays in her honor at the palace gates. If KC or Kate were as popular as they want their rigged polls to show, wouldn’t that be a thing for her also?

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        That lie about Kate being so popular has been humiliatingly revealed to be as fake as the Windsor’s claim to divine rights.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        People would have gathered in the street in front of the clinic to sing songs for her, wanting to support her and cheer her up, the respect and affection for Diana was like no other.

  17. Amy Bee says:

    Before the Spencer’s showed up at the service the press’ narrative was that Royal Family rightfully snubbed Harry and he cut a lonely figure but now some in the press are saying that Charles not meeting with Harry was a mistake. The Spencer’s being there showed up the Royal Family and brought back memories of Diana. I love it.

    • swaz says:

      It was a mistake especially after dead beat dad was trending 🥲

    • Vader says:

      Tampon’s entire strategy for dealing with harry has been one mistake after another. It’s at the point where it’s only worth mentioning when kc3 actually makes a decent decision regarding harry and meghan. Tampon was truly that foolsih to not think about whether the Spencer’s would show up. He keeps reinforcing that harry is diana’s son.

      They just keep showing who they really are.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Amy Bee, well between the Windsors and Spencers only one of them have class. The Spencers particularly shine here, and it clearly was a very deliberate act to support Harry.

  18. PC says:

    The Spencer family being there to support Harry has thrown a monkey wrench into the establishments story line that Harry has no family support in the UK. Dash it all! LOL!!! The BaRF and the BM will never recover from that part of their narrative. Anything said about the Spencers after this will just sound like sour grapes and make them look even more petty than usual.

  19. Laura D says:

    Well excuse me but, if I were a Spencer I’d still be f’ing fuming at the way they treated my sister. Then to see it repeated against one of her sons I know I’d being doing my damnedest to make sure that the end result wasn’t the same. KCIII and Camilla may be “mad” that Harry still has close contacts with his mother’s family but, they have to ask themselves whose fault that is? They ignored those boys and only used them when they needed good PR. In Spare Harry tells us that Camilla did very little to befriend the lad and how his father allowed her to change his room into a walk-in wardrobe. That’s hardly shining examples of loving parent and step-parent. After briefing the press that the BRF were going to “snub” Harry’s big event, and calling a three lined whip on family members to ensure they attended his garden party, KCIII now has the audacity to call foul! Just give me a f’ing break.

    As I posted yesterday instead of making it an “us vs them” situation. If KCIII was a “grown-up” king all he had to do was send a good will video message thanking those veterans for their service. He didn’t even have to mention Harry but, to ignore those veterans was disgraceful. The goodwill and positivity he would have gained from such a small gesture would have been off the charts. Instead he doubles down on his “Harry is a bad prince” narrative by trying to slate the Spencers. The Spencers who quite frankly embarrassed the Windsors by showing them what family is really all about. As others have posted on Twitter: “Even from the grave, Diana is still the better parent.”

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      It’s been so painful watching them try to smear and silence Diana. then do same to her kid and his wife.

      It is really hard to watch. It gets me sometimes. I can’t find that video of her interview anywhere. They’re really changing history with their lies and cover ups. It was so smart of Harry to publish a book that can never be taken down completely or hidden.

      The Spencers know what is up. I hope they have copies of that video in a vault and buy a website hosted outside of the U.K. dedicated to Diana hosting that video and her diary entries about the car accident.

  20. wolfmamma says:

    The Spencer’s showed up because that is what family does. Such elegance in their support.

    What I keep going back to is that the UK wants those games and the revenue they bring yet this is what the RF does. Haha – Invictus to DC !!!!

  21. Lucy says:

    One of the most amazing Instagram reels I’ve seen lately was posted by Charles Spencer- his teen/young daughter in pink pajamas on horseback, riding around the estate hunting Easter eggs. It is exactly the aristo content I want – beautiful house and grounds, doing a mundane thing in the most ridiculous way.

    • MaryContrary says:

      Countess Spencer (who’s just a regular old Canadian) is very involved with the estate and all of its history. She has a YouTube channel and a newsletter about the things she finds in the house, restoration of different items, move into organic farming. It’s absolutely fascinating.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        I went looking for it, it’s interesting. (“Spencer 1508” on youtube for those intererested).

    • Agnes says:

      That’s why I’ve never believed the WIlliam/Rose hook up stories. Have you seen the Houghton Hall IG (run by the marchioness?) It’s the most fairytale imagery, no way crude bald boring Huevo would do anything but stink up those magical gardens.

      • Eileen Bruce says:

        I agree. Rose’s home is beautiful and very aristocratic. Why would she ever leave?

      • sevenblue says:

        @Eileen Bruce, Rose doesn’t need to leave anything. They are aristos, they cheat all the time. Also, her husband has a boyfriend and spends a lot of time abroad according to the reports. So, she would probably feel lonely and Will was near at the time. I don’t think it was more than that. Kate trying to oust Rose from friend circle created the press mess.

  22. Aimee says:

    It was always said that Diana’s blood was bluer than Charles’. It shows.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      The Spencers are all class, dignity, and blue blood bearing- everything the Windsors are supposed to be, but aren’t.

      The comparison was so stark it was shocking! I can’t believe the Windsors let this all get away from them, but that’s what poisonous Camilla and weak Charles do together and always have. They ruin everything they touch. The queen was right, Camilla really did ruin the British royal family.

  23. s808 says:

    I’m sure C&C were FUMING that the Spencer showed up to support Harry. No one expected it and like other have said the Spencers are Real Deal aristos, moreso than the Windors. Their presence reminded everyone that Harry is DIANA’S little boy. Charles and his side piece aren’t gonna succeed in cutting down another Spencer.

    • Laura D says:

      It also shows there were no “sources” who could “leak” the information. I’ll hazard a guess that if KCIII and/or Camilla had known the Spencers were attending, the whole lead up to the event would have been played out a lot differently on the MSM.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Just wait until those 70 “journalists” named for illegal news gathering by PH start talking about where they got their tips.

      Oh my god. The downfall of the house of Tampax will be epic.

  24. Ameerah M says:

    What’s really wild is the the Spencers PRE-DATE the Windsors. The Spencer line goes back centuries. They are an older more entrenched aristocratic family than the Saxe-Coburg-Gothas (nee Windsors). That was one of the reasons why they chose Diana. But I think it’s also one of the things Charles – and especially Camilla- resents. That bloodline runs deep and long and will probably be around long after the Windsors

  25. Libra says:

    Kate wanted to be accepted by the aristocracy and was snubbed. They, as a group, are far more powerful than the Windsors. Charles snubbed them by not inviting them to the coronation. Now it’s pay back time. Thank you Earl Spencer!!

    • Tia says:

      Bwahaahaaahaa yep and even though Harry attended it, he left just after Chuckles was crowned. I’m glad he did that cause I wouldn’t wanna be on that balcony with THAT thing, Chuckles and others! Also that was rude Chuckles didn’t invite him. He should’ve.

  26. QuiteContrary says:

    The Spencers’ attendance really was perfection. Not only was it clear that Harry has a close and warm relationship with them, but they completely smashed the rota’s narrative.

    And if they annoyed Charles and the sidepiece, that’s even better!!

  27. Gabby says:

    It’s telling that while Michael Cole said that Harry’s criticisms of his Windsor family were “harsh, cruel and wounding” he didn’t say they were untrue.

    I rewatched Earl Charles Spencer’s euology at Diana’s funeral last night. One thing he said really stood out because it is an exact description of the current Windsor reaction to the Sussexes:

    “Genuine goodness is threatening to those at the opposite end of the moral spectrum”.

  28. Sylindria says:

    I’m old enough to remember Princess Diana’s funeral in 1997. Earl Spencer delivered a eulogy that was both touching and blistering to the Windsors then. In it he promised that their mother’s family would always be there for them and willing to help their hearts sing as their mother would have wished. That promise was kept. I looked it up again this week and found some parallels as he stated his sister had been thinking of leaving the U.K. due to media intrusion,British%20girl%20who%20transcended%20nationality.

    • Lulu says:

      I remember too, he said it in church, to their faces and there were speakers (maybe monitors) outside too.

    • MaryContrary says:

      Yes-Earl Spencer was furious (rightly so) with Charles and the BRF. He also has a long running feud with Piers Morgan. I’m a regular listener to his podcast, Rabbit Hole Detectives, (which is wonderful btw), and the only negative word he’s ever made about anyone personally on that is about Piers. He did a segment on the history of the Coronation and never mentioned anything negative about Charles or Camilla.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      That made me cry when I watched it yesterday. I could feel his passion for the wrongness done to his sister. His honesty. His deep pain and his promise to care for the parent less children left behind, with only Charles left who threw Harry under the bus to save Camilla from the truth of her rotten character.

    • PotatoPuff says:

      I remember it, too. I was a tween and was shocked by Earl Spencer reading the royal family for filth so publicly! I was like, “can he do that?! Won’t he get in trouble??” Lol. Yes. Yes, he can.

  29. JJ says:

    How can Charles be so controlling? I know he is a king but does he really expect to control if the Spencers want to support their nephew/cousin? He’s just pissed that they ruined his plan to make it look like Harry was all alone. Not only was he not alone but it looked like Diana, who is beloved by all, was watching over her son and had her family go to support her youngest (or that’s the thought on social media). Oh Charles. You and Wills need to stop plotting cuz it always goes sideways for you.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      We are really getting a masterclass history reminder of where the evil controlling started on that “family.” Charles has been at the root of it all.

      The Queen was far from perfect, but she wasn’t selling out her own family and children for better press for her side piece.

  30. tamsin says:

    The press line is that Harry cut a lonely figure going up the steps of St. Paul’s. I think it was a striking image- dignified, poised, elegant even. In truth, Harry is enough by himself. From all reports, the church service was joyous, and celebratory. Hope there will be a video of the service released eventually.

    The photo of the royal family, all lined up together in their stuffy clothes, hats, and morning suits, just looked dated, contained, corsetted. Why does Charles need “support” and a “show of unity”? Why could he not appear at an event alone, to challenge Harry man to man? He also took a bit away from the people who were being honoured by the invitation to the tea. They should have had their day.

  31. AA says:

    I know Earl Spencer can be considered problematic, but I kind of love his “f— you” energy. I’ve read a few of his books (one was about the history of the Spencer family and then his latest one about his boarding school experiences). I’ve seen a few interviews with him also, and through his writing and speaking he comes off to me as well-educated and becoming more reflective as he ages. Has no love for the Royal Family even though I think the Queen was one of his godmothers?!? I 100% love that they came out for Harry. Harry has a whole other side of the family, C-Rex (who doesn’t like to be reminded of this).

    • Lucky Charm says:

      @AA, “Harry has a whole other side of the family,” that’s exactly why this line by Michael Cole stood out to me:

      “Mr Cole pointed out that while Harry’s ‘birth family’ – led by Earl Spencer and Lady Jane Fellowes – went to St Paul’s to support the Duke, ‘the entire Royal Family stayed away’.”

      He’s admitting who is really considered Harry’s family. It’s laughable the Windsor’s (and BM) think they’re the only family Harry has, completely ignoring his mother’s family.

  32. JoanCallamezzo says:

    I have to wonder how problematic Charles Spencer actually was considering the obscene attacks on his nephew and Megan. He did defend Diana, and he fought the press for the boys safety and privacy. If Harry is okay with him he must be okay. I didn’t know he ripped the Windsor flag off Diana’s casket and put the Spencer one on. Bravo. That’s how you stand up for your sister. The Spencers are more blue blooded than the Windsors. Which makes Diana’s empathy and warmth more remarkable. I read Charles Spencer was partly inspired by Harry to write his truth about his abusive childhood knowing it would help others.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      JoanCallamezzo, I am getting his book about his childhood. The little I know about it, I’m glad that Harry’s memoir was part of his inspiration to write it. It’s always better to have it come out into the light.

      I saw an interview with him where he was talking about a book he had written (history about a ship that had one down) and it made me want to read it, too. At the end of the interview he was asked about Lilibet’s birth/name. He said something to the extent that as he’s aged he’s discovered that family is what’s important and he was delighted. That’s definitely a paraphrase. If you look for the interview now, they cut part of his response.

  33. Berkeleyfarm says:

    I remember reading that Aunt Sarah and Aunt Jane made the trip to Montecito for Lili’s christening.

  34. Aud says:

    His “birth family?” That’s a term used in situations where a child has been adopted. What a strange turn of phrase.

    • Blithe says:

      It’s quite common — particularly in situations involving abusive and neglectful biological families — to distinguish between families of choice / families of the heart and families of origin/ biological families/ “birth families”.

  35. JudyB says:

    Charles can be controlling because he holds the royal purse strings and can financially punish anyone who gets money from him. There may have been members of the Yorks, for example, that would have liked to go to the Invictus service, but if they had done so, Charles would have found some way to take money away from them. And even though Eugenie and Beatrice might have wanted to show support for Harry and the veterans, they could not have taken the chance that their parents would have had money taken away from them.

    Harry spent most of his life having to rely on his grandmother and father to pay his bills and provide him with money for clothing and everything else. That is another reason why the British brand of royalty is so wrong. Harry and Meghan had to leave the country and all their royal duties to become truly “free.”

    Would YOU want to work for your grandmother or father????

    • Unblinkered says:

      It also explains the behaviour over the last few years of Sophie Rhys-Jones and Mike Tindall. Self-serving characters both, their default setting has to be anti-Harry.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        Well we know Tindall is, he has actually said bad things about Harry directly.

  36. AC says:

    What real family would do. And it makes the Windsors look more and more bitter and out of touch – Except to their older royalist fans – Which if you look at it, it’s nots a very big base.

    • Unblinkered says:

      The Windsors can get back on the front foot by publishing a congratulatory message to Invictus on their 10th anniversary on the Palace website.
      And it’s time for the British press to put the knives away and really celebrate Invictus on its 10th anniversary – and Harry’s part in it.

  37. blunt talker says:

    Not sending one person from the royal family to Harry’s event shows hatefulness and meaness of the highest order-punish punish punish is all the Windsors know how to do-they try to embarrass Harry everytime he is in the UK-well this time they should be ashamed of themselves for acting petty and vile to a blood relative-Harry walking up those steps looked confident and happy to show his respect for IG-no head hanging down on that day-come hell or high water the Spencers will support any positive events involving those boys-their sister Diana has been taken away from her children and her siblings will step in and give support-that’s family and no poll will dictate their support of Diana’s boys.

  38. Cassie says:

    Here on Oz tv they showed how welcoming the Nigerians were to the Sussexes after Harry was (snubbed ) in the UK .
    Sounding like his event was ignored and no mention of the Spencer family supporting him .

    My husband just looks bewildered when I start yelling at the TV after this sort of coverage.

    Makes me so angry and I don’t even know this couple and they certainly wouldn’t know of my existence .
    I take their abuse personally as if they are family .
    It’s just weird how protective I am of them .

    Anyone else feel the same ?

    • Alice B. Tokeless says:


    • Unblinkered says:

      I think many of the UK public like them and are appreciative of the work both do. But more than anything, is the sense of what the UK has lost in letting them go.

      • antipodean says:

        Yes and thrice yes, @Cassie. I always felt furious at the way those Saxe-Coburgs had the gall to treat Diana. As far as they were concerned she was just a glorified brood mare. They were/are no better than the scrapings from the bottom of a barrel. Not fit to tie her shoe laces, and yet they behave as if they are agents of the divine!!!! Ha, I say, not in this manor, squire. Rock on Harry and Meghan.

  39. Kathalea says:

    I just love how Willknot looks like Earl