Quinn: Prince William’s ‘silence is deafening, it is as if Harry no longer exists’

Here are some photos of Prince William today, Friday, visiting the Isles of Scilly. This is his first visit to the area as Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cornwall. Technically, the Duchy of Cornwall owns extensive real estate throughout much of Cornwall, including the Isles of Scilly. He walked on St. Mary’s Harbor, he chatted with local business owners, he picked up some “Cornish pastries” which he claimed were for his wife and children (but you know he’s probably going to panic-eat them himself while looking at the Nigeria photos on his phone). He also claimed to have taken a morning swim, which is probably a lot like his infamous Central Park run last year. Remember, this was his first night away from Kate in months.

Some days, I almost feel bad for Ol’ Huevo. You know he thought he looked charming and manly as he staggered down the boardwalk. What’s worse is that Huevo probably thought he would overshadow whatever the Sussexes were doing. The photos of H&M in Nigeria will make international headlines (and they’re the top story in Britain too), all while William just seethes. Speaking of, royal biographer Tom Quinn said words:

Mr Quinn told The Mirror : “Harry’s visit to the UK has done nothing to repair royal relations – Harry has been very publicly snubbed by his father and brother. Despite being stricken with cancer King Charles says he is too busy to see his son; Harry’s brother doesn’t even bother to issue an excuse.”

“He says nothing. It is as if Harry no longer exists. There’s been no obvious criticism from either side, but the silence from William is deafening.”

[From The Daily Mirror]

Considering that Harry didn’t make any public statement about his brother, I think it’s safe to say that Harry did not request any meeting with William. If we’re looking at Harry’s moves and the lack of statements, it also seems like Harry “said nothing” about William and the “silence is deafening” on the other side. That being said, Harry’s team confirmed to People Mag that Harry invited William, Charles and Kate to the Invictus service.

Also: “I hate Harry so much, I’m going to ignore him, point out that I’m ignoring him and make a point of scheduling events to look busy while Harry is in town” is not sending the message William thinks it’s sending.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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56 Responses to “Quinn: Prince William’s ‘silence is deafening, it is as if Harry no longer exists’”

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  1. Eurydice says:

    William doesn’t say anything about Kate, either – it’s as if she no longer exists.

    • Agnes says:

      I came here to say those same exact words.

    • Snuffles says:

      Peggy be like:


      Seriously though, I think that is the play. They are going to spend the rest of the year saying she’s recovering. Then they are going to say that she’s retiring from public life for her health and well being. Then they will she announced she passed away from “complications”.

      • A Guest says:

        My thoughts exactly. And the Middletons won’t say a thing.

      • Joyful Liluri says:

        What’s absolutely freaking me out is that I predicted this exact scenario as the best way to replace Kate and move her off into the background and no longer to be seen.

        I commented it a number of times, years ago. Under the name MoxyLady.

        And now knowing that Kp reads this blog…. That makes me a little anxious.

    • OliviaOne says:


    • Joyful Liluri says:

      Kate doesn’t exist any longer.

      And William barely exists. He only shows up after Harry has done something or if alcohol or celebrities are involved. Also as some sort of dig at Harry.

      Does he know that Harry goes days and days without thinking about him, or what he’s doing or what he’s “accomplishing”?

      Lastly. For the media banging on about how terrible Harry was to William in spare – the opposite is true. Harry humanized William in so many ways. Made him more relatable and accessible than William has ever been. He speaks often of his great love for his brother in the book. He doesn’t talk badly about him even after William physically attacked him. He just relays the facts, within a context that repeatedly showed William to be a person on whom he relied and who he loved deeply. And who he trusted. Completely. For far too long.

    • Daisy says:

      Just think that Harry’s title from his regiment being given to William is absolutely disgusting.
      Harry was an apache pilot …William cannot even fly an Apache helicopter he has been a co pilot as didnt pass exams like Harry did.
      They should of made time to see Harry as they are his family regardless of him living away from UK and giving up his Royal work.
      Think Royals are being soo petty not to have made time for him.

      • Feeshalori says:

        Oh, they had the time to see him, they just made up busy work at the last minute as an excuse not to do so. Even William broke his WFH policy to get out of town to avoid his brother.

  2. Carol Mengel says:

    Harry is class, Huevo is an ass

  3. Hypocrisy says:

    If Prince Harry no longer exists why are all his people briefing about him? Also this falls flat when we only see this man when Prince Harry is getting good press. These puff pieces are just to obvious now.

    • goofpuff says:

      Yes, for a guy whose people claim that he never thinks about his brother, Wills certainly has his people talk about how he feels about Harry every single week if not day. Harry barely mentions Wills. They have the wrong brother, again.

  4. Look at those poor little kids trying desperately not to look evil in the eye. The teacher looks like she is keeping the poor little kid away from the evil. Nice try Peg but people and even little children got your number.

    • Agnes says:

      They looked absolutely terrified, I could feel my stomach knotting up in sympathy.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      I see kids are just as uncomfortable around William as they are with Kate.

  5. Lau says:

    I’m surprised he didn’t try to get Mike Tindall to come along to keep the “newfound brother” storyline alive.

    • LRB says:

      Why didn’t Tindall go to the Abbey? I thought he was taking Invictus over from Harry… is that senior NATO person going to want to meet with Tindall the thug or Harry? They sort of need to keep up better with their own lies.. if Tindall really was getting a role in IG then he should have been at the Abbey.

  6. Andy Dufresne says:

    What a total loser William is!

  7. Oh come on. says:

    Every week, William’s team briefs that he’s not thinking about Harry AT ALL.

    • Daisy says:

      I agree with you …
      We really think William is being so nasty … and poor Harry is being treated again very badly… they want to realise life is short and to be awful to a brother when he suffered so much …I mean he has mental wounds from being away in military.
      What has William done except be a total whinger and act so spoilt ..he has not suffered out there like Harry has.
      Harry needs to be shown kindness and after all he wrote what he felt .
      Perhaps more truth than anyone realises….
      I feel for him as now his military title to be taken away… This is definitely out of order as he earned it.. This is more than his brother has ever done.
      We do not have respect for him.

  8. Maxine Branch says:

    Harry never mentions William. I kinda think these folks are missing that point.

  9. swaz says:

    William has Nothing to offer Harry 🤣🤣🤣 it’s strange how William is now looking like the Spare 🤣🤣🤣


    • LRB says:

      Love it Willi the spare.

    • Laura D says:

      My favourite was the video where a group of lads were talking about who was in-line for the throne after QEII passed. One of them said, “you know who I’m talking about. Harry’s brother.” Even now it makes me chuckle. 😆

  10. TN Democrat says:

    Que Taylor. “WE ARE NEVER, EVER GETTING BACK TOOOGETHER.” Lort. How many times can the rota repeat this story???? Is Will-not really going to be a 70 year old man blithering, complaining and explaining because his brother didn’t allow himself and his family to be scapegoated/bullied endlessly and had the gumption to make a living without the royals controlling him with money and security?

  11. Mslove says:

    All I see is a billionaire nepo baby leeching off the taxpayers and hiding his wife North Korea style. Peg is really giving off evil dictator vibes recently.

  12. Beverley says:

    Those kids look positively distressed, like they can’t wait to get away from there. You’d think Pegs was a novice with children.
    What a contrast to Harry with Scotty’s Little Soldiers.

  13. Jais says:

    It must be hard to be the less charismatic brother. For real, I actually do wish William could just be secure in himself. It’s kind of like what Harry said about Camilla in Spare. He actually wished she could be happy bc then she’d be less dangerous. Imagine if William could just be happy in himself and not feel a need to compete. He could have looked like a proud and supportive brother for all these years. He could have said something when his nephew was compared to a monkey. There really was such an alternate life that could have been had. But that’s just not who William has chosen to be.

    • windyriver says:

      Will wasn’t always charisma-free. As time went by, what charm he had morphed into bitterness, while Harry’s blossomed. Will’s now the stereotype of the 40 year old who finds himself disappointed at how life’s turned out. Taught to believe things would always be golden because one day he’d be king, Will never noticed people learn as they get older there’s more to life than the ability to just do whatever you want. Never developed skills for personal fulfillment. So when the bottom dropped out, and being heir wasn’t enough to always get attention, he was adrift. He scrambles from one thing to another – global statesman, solving homelessness, etc. – to find what will make him feel important and confident.

      Unfortunately for Will, instead of becoming another useless party animal aristocrat (like other spares), his only brother Harry did get the memo, and built a life anyone would be proud of. Will would do himself a lot of good by actually just shutting up and taking on a workload of routine appearances that would eventually speak for itself. He and Charles would both benefit by aligning themselves with Harry rather than fight over who gets more real estate on front pages. But they’re too jealous to even consider that, and have too many people around them (e.g., Camillla) who like things just the way they are.

  14. Royal Downfall Watcher says:

    Interesting that his silence is deafening about Harry….but the silence about Kate is not???

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      To be fair – the whole ass United Kingdom media has been put on notice / threatened into silence regarding the missing POW, Kate.

      And William’s idea of publicly being over Harry, of not needing Harry, of not caring about Harry, about the message of how William doesn’t talk about or think about Harry – involves William actively ranting and raging about Harry, directly to the press. multiple times a day.

      Do you think any of the press see his number on their phones and just go – Jesus Christ. Not again. It’s been years and years mate! Ok. Therapist hat on.
      “Hello your highness, what can I do for you today?”

      • Royal Downfall Watcher says:

        Ding! Ding! Ding! You nailed it! 🎯 he’s a big baby who is screaming into the void about how much he is super definitely absolutely NOT jealous of his brother and he NEVER thinks about him. And he wants people to know this 10x per day 😂

        Imagine the utter bottom of the rota. Like how many times can you gift wrap a turd? Lord knows they keep trying though

  15. Laura D says:

    I saw those pictures on Twitter and it seemed to me like their PR person has been watching the old Obama videos on Youtube. The second one reminded of the “Bear is on the loose” video where Obama took a walk in the park with his bodyguards (I loved that video) and the third shot is similar to when Obama goes into Five Guys (and various other eateries) and orders food for his staff. The difference between William and Obama is that in all his videos Obama’s bodyguards are practically having kittens because he kept insisting on stopping and chatting with the public, whereas William’s shots just look like another staged photo-op (especially the second one.)

    • Bluenoser says:

      The main difference is that Obama was all charisma while Peg has the personality of sawdust.

  16. Amy Bee says:

    William thinks he’s snubbing Harry but it doesn’t seem like Harry has any interest in meeting with him. Plus, Harry invited the Royal Family to prevent the press from running with the narrative that he didn’t invite them. It’s a very smart move and he probably knew that they wouldn’t come.

  17. Vader says:

    If only wank was actually silent. Wank desperately needs to hire a good PR strategist. Becoming a better person will never happen for him, but at least he can keep silent and do nothing. That would be a far better strategy than throwing a temper tantrum every time harry does something. He comes across as unhinged and childish. I’m not sure if his camp is leaking these stupid stories or if the ratchets are making it up but they do him no favors in the long run

    • Joyful Liluri says:

      Super random.

      But I keep thinking about how Harry defended William in spare. About accusations of laziness. While William didn’t even show up to his part time shifts.

      After Harry had been deployed to active war zones. And then Harry was the work horse of the family, being sent on tours and meetings and meet and greets and random events across the globe while he was suffering from agoraphobia / panic attacks / ptsd.

      I truly wonder how much of William being sidelined is from the king and how much is him just being his selfish self centered self.

      I wonder when the queen wanted them to work more and made it publicly known – was Charles already very much in charge even then?

      • Vader says:

        Willy is lazy but has a massive ego. I bet he wanted easy but high profile gigs where he drinks a pint and then leaves or where kHate gets a new outfit and they smile at people for an hour. Tampon and the horse would easily get upstaged by a new outfit on kate so they probably tried to tamp that down, which only further encouraged wank’s laziness.

  18. Honeybee says:

    The man in icy blue coat looks charming like the Prince. Manly, stylish, handsome….etc. while Bulliam looks like his weak, giant bodyguard. He is just tall and giant.

  19. Well Wisher says:

    Harry’s successful trip to the UK was not intended to ‘mend’ relations with his brother, it was for other more pressing reasons.
    It would have been impressive if William was indeed “silent about all things Harry”

  20. Brassy Rebel says:

    But he does exist and is living rent free in William’s egg-shaped head.

  21. Molly says:

    Am I the only one that reads Duchy as “Douchey” when it comes to him?

  22. Maryse42 says:

    @Kaiser: it’s probably Cornish pasties, not pastries, just FYI https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasty

  23. Rose says:

    I think the WHOLE ROYAL FAMILY needs to look in THIER OWN BACK YARDS and at themselves before they pass judgment on Harry,they doing far and much worse then Harry ever did,they bteating him down like what they did to poor princess Diana, tearing him down to the point ,belittle him , taking his titles with in the family structure and more, this all happen just around the time of his mother coing into the family/passing and all her struggles , i feel they all had it setbup from the start cause she was most loved by the people they don’t know how to handle it bit to tear down Harry just to make them look good in thier peoples eyes , as I see it, I NEVER BE UNDER THIER THORNE OR OR CAARE TO BE AROUND THEM AT ALL,THEY ARE OVER SEEINGBTHIER POWER. FAR TO MUCH

  24. Rose says:

    As for his brother William is taking to much and making things worse as his father had done , all the family is taking advantage of the whole situation and Harry mental state to do it cause NO ONE I REPEAT NO ONE EVEN CARED ENOUGH TO EVEN HELP HARRYBWHEN HE NEEDED SOMEONE THEY ALL FAILED HIM TERMIOUSLY WHEN HECWAS ONLY ASKING FORBHELP NO ONE CAME TO HIS AIDE

  25. QuiteContrary says:

    Why does he hold his hands like they’re about to clench into fists?

    Willy doesn’t work, but nevertheless it must be exhausting to be so angry all the time.

  26. amy says:

    My goodness, he managed to get almost dozens of people to come out to see him during this special visit to Wales. Perhaps a few less if you discount all of the kids who were forced to attend by their school. Still. What a triumph.

  27. one of the marys says:

    I agree with the columnist that Harry’s visit did nothing to heal the family rift. Because That’s not why he came and no part of hhis plans hinged on them participating. But it did make Charles and William look terrible and for that they’ll blame Harry. No one being so thoroughly snubbed should look so happy Damn it!