Prince William played with a shovel & gave an update on the Princess of Wales

As someone with a “bad knee,” I tend to bend at the waist. I know I should bend at the knee, but there are some days where I probably wouldn’t be able to make it back up if I bent at the knee. I’m bringing this up because I’m actually growing somewhat concerned about Prince William’s waist-bends. William spent Thursday and Friday in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, and he spent a lot of his time during that little mini-tour bending over to talk to kids or bending over to shovel dirt. The man not only has terrible posture, he tends to hunch down at the waist and place his hands on his knees to steady himself. Does Huevo have bad knees? I wonder. He used to run, right? Hm. Anyway, enjoy the shovel photos, they are… a lot. The imagery is probably not what the palace wanted either, especially given that his wife hasn’t been seen in months and months. The shovel photos will get used a lot, that’s all I’ll say. Also: William was totally worthless with that shovel, my god. He was “breaking ground” on a new hospital/medical facility and he “dug” about one handful of dirt. Meanwhile, he did give an update on Kate.

The Prince of Wales has said that Princess Catherine is “doing well” in an update about her condition after the announcement in March that she has cancer.

William, 41, was asked how his wife and three children were doing as the Princess of Wales undergoes preventative chemotherapy to treat an undisclosed form of cancer.

“She’s doing well, thank you,” William said, as he greeted Lynda McHale, the matron at St Mary’s Community Hospital on the Isles of Scilly.

William said their children — Prince George, 10, Princess Charlotte, 9, and Prince Louis, 6 — were “very jealous” of his trip. He may bring them to Cornwall later in the year, he added. The trip is William’s first official visit to the Isles of Scilly since becoming Duke of Cornwall, a title he holds in addition to his Prince of Wales title.

At St Mary’s Community Hospital he met Tracy Smith, a hospital administrator. She said later: “I asked how Princess Kate was and how the children were and said I hoped they would enjoy some time here over the summer. He said he would very much like that to be able to happen.”

[From The Times]

So, there you go. Kate is “doing well” and William would “very much like” to bring Kate and the children to the Isles of Scilly. Sidenote: judging solely from the photos, the Isles of Scilly look like a collection of gorgeous beach communities. Is it all just beach houses, hotels and boardwalks? Why did it take William so long to visit a cute place like this? Oh, right. He’s lazy, I remember. If my job was visiting “adorable beach towns in a British archipelago,” I would be working there constantly. “Just popping down to the Isles of Scilly again on Duchy business!”

PS… The children are our future and they are NOT into Huevo at all.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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112 Responses to “Prince William played with a shovel & gave an update on the Princess of Wales”

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  1. EasternViolet says:

    The whole bending thing is a power move. He’s still lording over them. Its intimidating, as opposed to getting down at a kids level to speak with them,

    • UnstrungPearl says:

      Exactly what I thought. It confirms his dominance over the peasant children, he is not their equal and does not want to be.
      It could also be bad knees but I think he would bend like this anyway.

      Also, there has to be a pegging joke in here surely?!

    • Miranda says:

      THIS. Crouching or sitting to be at eye-level with kids is actually something that elementary school teachers are frequently taught to do. Bending down like this is often perceived as condescending or even intimidating, and young children DO pick up on it, even if they can’t quite articulate why they don’t like it.

    • Lulu says:

      We need a side by side of these kids cringing away from Willy, and H&M playing and dancing with kids in Nigeria.

  2. NotTheOne says:

    Someone is pranking him. That’s a shovel for loose material – not one for breaking ground. He should’ve had a spade (pointed end).

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Well, since he doesn’t know how to hold it, it doesn’t really matter. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

    • Liz says:

      Just keeps digging himself in deeper – kind of an apt metaphor

      • Smart&Messy says:

        The digging photos are awful for so many reasons. He looks like a lazy fool trying to catch his breath after like 30 seconds of physical activity. The tool is the wrong kind and size. And the metaphors… at least he is not offending half of the earth’s population like the chainlink photos. But it’s cringe as fxck.

      • Honeybee says:

        He looks like struggling with constipation.
        Willy: oh gimme the shovel. I am struggling to poop. 💩 💩 💩

    • Tessa says:

      The photo William whinnies is priceless.

    • seaflower says:

      Exactly. And they could have loosened it a bit and then patted it down to make it look smooth., and then Huevo could have easily broken ground.

      • rosa mwemaid says:

        A pickaxe would be better by the look of it, but swinging a pickaxe is a bit like hard work.

    • Surly Gale says:

      first thought also. The wrong tool is gonna make anyone look the fool. (was that part of the point, I wonder?).

      • ML says:

        It would very much surprise me if he has used a shovel more than a few times in the past.
        Definitely the wrong tool. Also, W is tall, and that shovel is too small for him. (I’m married to someone taller that does know how to rake and dig—his tools have a longer handle!)

    • Genevieve says:

      That’s what I was going to say – that is totally a bad shovel for that job.

    • TheFarmer'sWife says:

      Headline: “Shovel Refuses to Do a Proper Job! POW tried his bestest. William, Prince of Wales, done in by a chromed shovel!” Seriously, though, you can “break ground” with a shovel like that if you know how to use it. Is it the best type for that particular job? No, but come on, are we blaming the shovel now? Peggy, you have to put your foot on it! You should be good at that, given how many times you’ve kicked people under the bus! I realize this is a bit mean, but Harry would’ve known how to get it done.

    • Lulu says:

      Willy (maybe whole rf) just doesn’t have a competent person working for him. I mean, would this mistake happen with H&M? No, because they hire smart, competent people and they also put in the effort to make sure these details don’t get overlooked.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      Okay, I thought I was the only one who noticed someone gave him a scooping shovel not a digging shovel. I truly hope someone was trolling him.

    • Skyblacker says:

      Are you really going to call a spade a spade?

    • TheFarmer'sWife says:

      According to the Canadian version of Lee Valley Tools, Pegs is using a Stainless-Steel Digging Spade: “The digging spade is ideal for all heavy digging jobs, ground preparation and harvesting. It measures 45″ long, has an 11 1/2″ × 7″ head and weighs 6 lb 2 oz.” Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

      • Nic919 says:

        If he would have just put his foot on the top and pressed down he could have used that shovel much better.

  3. nutella toast says:

    …has no one taught this guy how to shovel even for a photo op? You use the strength of your foot my dude. One good shove with your foot and you’d have something to stand back and admire, and it wouldn’t require a strong knee if it was just one photo op. It literally looks like he scooped with a spoon. And yes, @nottheone – this isn’t the right tool either. It’s a performative shovel…appropriate.

    • Carrie says:

      I’m shooketh 😂😂😂😂😂😂. The photos look the equivalent of those I’ve seen of him on Twitter trying to manoeuvre his way along a balance beam with the sound of a recorder being played. That little amount of dirt. OMG 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • Nanea says:

      You’re all expecting too much from someone who won’t even be bothered with reading his briefing notes.

    • Dutch says:

      The organizers are either incompetent or messing with Pegs. At a ceremonial groundbreaking (I’ve organized a few during my career) they either pile up material at the photo site or till up the ground beforehand to make it easy to throw that first shovel full for the cameras.

      Makes me wonder if this event was also hastily thrown together

      • Concern Fae says:

        This! Proves that no one who works for him is in anyway competent at their job. Someone should have gone down there, checked out the site, what shovel would be used, where he would be digging. They actually let him be photographed using entirely the wrong time of shovel, on unprepared ground.

        Also shows what a shite father Charles is. My father loves gardening. It never really took with me, but I did help enough as a kid to know the basics and how to use the tools. So Charles’s great hobby is gardening. Raised his kids at a house with spectacular gardens that he designed. Oldest son doesn’t know how to use a shovel to move soil. Spoiling doesn’t help children.

      • Dutch says:

        Yeah but Charles’ idea of gardening is telling the gardeners what to do. No way those sausage fingers have ever pulled a weed

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @Dutch, I was wrong (fortunately at least 2 years ago? maybe?, ever defending The C’s. I’ve apologized multiple times for having done that. I’m still gobsmacked at a parent being jealous/not happy for their child’s or their child’s significant other (aka-Meghan, Chuck’s daughter-in-law) and, now Princess of Nigeria, success.

        I’ve been not quite comfortable with some of my daughter’s choices. Not afraid to say that. Been very happy to see her succeeding in her life away from her hometown. She moved away and we both grew as individuals/mother/daughter.

        She said she would like to come back home. I told her, there is always room at the inn for her and her loved one, if they need a place to stay temporarily. Joked, that ten years from now might be different. (like, you might need to take of us?). Plan well.

        Scapegoats are not suppose to grow up and leave . Scapegoats are supposed to be happy to be abused. So effed up. As much as I want to see the dirty deeds of William to become public, my B*tchy self wants everything to come out about RR’s and their lives. Their family names, so people can investigate every misstep anyone one of them took.

        I believe that sausage fingers has pulled weeds.
        It’s a minor win for him.

    • Royal Donwnfall Watcher says:

      This man has never done any manual labor in his life. Bless whoever gave him that shovel and bless the photographers for taking this photos. Someone cue up the recorder!

    • CC says:

      He would have known to use his feet if he had slippers with little shovels embroidered on them.

    • Lulu says:

      The Prince of Wales won’t be bothered to learn to speak Welsh. So it follows he won’t bother to learn how to use a shovel.

  4. BeyondTheFringe says:

    Those are pictures of a man who has never used a shovel in his life.

    That one where he is holding it so close to the ground and picking up half a handful of dirt? 😂

  5. Eurydice says:

    William vs Shovel – it’s kind of sad.

  6. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    My god this looks empty and boring and glamless when compared to what happened in Nigeria

  7. Jks says:

    Oh look. It’s Quagmire. Diggitty dig.

    Ass in the air, head in the sand as usual.

  8. He couldn’t even dig a hole all he did was break up some of the dirt. Probably needs help after using the restroom. So glad to hear Can’t is doing well wherever he has her hidden.

  9. Carmen says:

    I don’t believe a word he says about Kate. She’s been MIA for four and a half months with no proof of life.

  10. Brassy Rebel says:

    Those poor kids. Some of them look scared, others unhappy. But they all look bored by the big bald man.

  11. Interested Gawker says:

    I remain dismayed by the way the media keeps “Kate” in the news without giving any recent information about her at all.
    We really need proof of life and a formal explanation of her condition from a representative of her medical team.

    • MrsCope says:

      So “someone” was putting some money behind Twitter posts about her this weekend. Out of nowhere Elle Magazine and Seventeen Magazine had the same fashion article about her with a roundup of what she has worn to weddings. It was the most random post. When I muted the post, Twitter referred to it as an ad….

      • Royal Donwnfall Watcher says:

        Interesting… ad for Elle and Seventeen mag? Or an ad for Kate? hmmmm

      • Interested Gawker says:

        An ad??!! And that’s another thing. Why is William allowed to withhold information aboutS the spending KP is doing annually? You can’t tell me all this SM propaganda, aimed at an international audience, isn’t taxpayer funded…

        Transparency. Proof of life and accountability for their lies and spending. KP needs to be brought to heel and straightened out.

  12. Becks1 says:

    The funny thing is, I remember once (maybe 2020 or 2021) he and Kate and the kids went to the Isles of Scilly for a “staycation” (remember, we had a big discussion on here because apparently staycation means something different in the US vs the UK) and that was when we were told they were only going to vacation in the UK for the foreseeable future, which turned out to only last until they got a free trip to Jordan.

    I digress, but my point is – it seems as soon as visiting Cornwall was “work” he decided to avoid it.

    Kate is “doing well” – isn’t that what he said a few weeks ago? They should come up with something a little better than that, why are they so bad at this?

  13. Mslove says:

    Look at Peg trying to dig a hole, his face is bright red! Is it from embarrassment or exertion? Hahahaha!

  14. Tina says:

    This man does not have an ounce of charisma. If I didn’t loathe him so much I’d feel bad for him. Man even the daily mail was mocking him.

    • Eurydice says:

      I know, I’m feeling a twinge of sympathy and I don’t like it. Not only does he look pathetic, but also the worst of tired middle age – pale, spindly and weak, bad posture and what looks like a spreading waist. Life has not been good for him lately.

  15. Elisa says:

    I doubt very much Kate is doing well. If that was the case, she would be out and about!

    • Tina says:

      If there was any time where a new photo from Kate was going to drop it was the past weekend. It could have been a photo or video from far away but any Kate sighting would have covered by the media globally. The fact that they couldn’t even do anything speaks volumes.

      • Elisa says:

        Let’s see if she turns up on the balcony at Trooping The Colour mid June!

      • ShazBot says:

        I maintain that Kate is far too vain to want to be seen looking less than her normal self. We won’t see her until she thinks she looks acceptable.

    • Agnes says:

      Twitter “Body Language Experts” were saying he was “practicing deception” with that statement. Duh. She’s gone, and not in a good way.

  16. Tessa says:

    How come Charles never reports on the daughter he never had

  17. Hypocrisy says:

    These photos didn’t do what he wished for. I am amused that they will be haunting him forever now. What a meme goldmine.

  18. Caitlin says:

    Would have been useful if he came and shoveled up all of his bullshit!

  19. sevenblue says:

    Even Melania dug better and she was wearing heels. 😭😭

  20. BeyondTheFringe says:

    I know they’re fancy royalty so they have different protocols than us peasants and *technically* it is work (eyeroll) but just once I’d like to see him wear appropriate clothing for an event. Casual wear like that looks absurd at a beach event.

  21. Mooney says:

    That photo with the kids 😂😂😂😂 the kids look legit scared and the kids on the either side of the teacher look like they’re trying to avoid the bully, let me scratch the wall because I’ve nowhere else to go and the Bully won’t notice me either if I don’t meet his eyes.

  22. Tarte Au Citron says:

    He looks like such a dweeb. I don’t know how he is such an alleged cheating sexhound.

    Having said that, did his father and uncles ever do lame performative tasks like that? Is this some lame zeleb stunt for the ‘gram? I can’t see Prince Philip or his sons doing it back in their day. KP Comms should really stop it, but I’m glad they’re too thick to realise that!

    • sevenblue says:

      Charles was sent to all the international diplomatic meetings, conferences. I think, no one in the government or palace trusts Will with that kind of job. He literally got fired in front of the cameras, no one respects him.

      • Tarte Au Citron says:

        Awful, isn’t it.
        Why would the courtiers revamp a system that suits them so well? They infantilise the royals to a ridiculous degree.

    • Agnes says:

      I bet the “alleged cheating sexhound” rep is just a backroom attempt by courtiers to give him some sort of interesting Man of the World personality facet. The Playboy Prince, yah, right. He’s probably a puking drunk with hobbies so rank they’d topple what’s left of the monarchy in 5 minutes, if known. Allegedly.

  23. Amy Bee says:

    The cry from the press was that Harry and Meghan were overshadowing William’s visits to Newquay and the isle of scilly. I love this for him. Maybe KP will learn not to schedule engagements in or around the times that Harry and Meghan are doing events.

    • Eurydice says:

      Omg, that’s hysterical. H&M visiting an entire country overshadowed William trying to dig a hole in front of 2 dozen school kids – who would have thought?

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      Yep, trying to steal attention from Harry and Meghan backfired. You’d think Charles and William would learn from this, but I doubt it – neither one of them seems very bright.

  24. Wagiman says:

    I love these pics for him. The jokes really do write themselves. One thing we now know for sure, willy may know where the bodies are buried but he sure as shit didn’t bury them himself.

    • Blithe says:

      Lol. Honestly, given the fun that people will be having with these pics, it’s probably a GOOD thing that he doesn’t look too familiar with the task.

  25. Harper says:

    His face is always so red, like he’s straining. What a loss. When is he going to abdicate? Probably when the whole truth behind the Kate mess gets exposed.

  26. lanne says:

    “How are my wife and children?” asks Macduff.
    “They are well,” Ross replies, feebly.
    “The tyrant has not battered at their peace?”
    “They were…at peace, yes,” Ross says, edging closer to the news he doesn’t want to deliver.
    (from Macbeth, Act 4, when Ross shows up in England to tell Macduff that Macbeth has slaughtered his whole family)

    These so-called updates are not updates at all. An update would be: “She’s still feeling fatigued, but she gets up to have breakfast with the kids before school,” or “We go for walks in the afternoon,” or “her appetite is getting better.” Not that Kate is “doing well.”

    These reports are growing more and more ominous. Is Kate “at peace?” Is that what we’ll be hearing next? The truer headline should be:”” William provides no updates on the Princess of Waleses condition.” If, like the tabloids said about Meghan, royals aren’t entitled to privacy, then why aren’t the rota demanding answers? There’s definitely room between “she’s well” and “here are her complete medical records.” The condition of the future queen of England is a legitimate news story, and the fact that they refuse to say even the tiniest thing should be raising some serious eyebrows.

    The “Kate has cancer” story clearly was intended to buy them time–whether it’s true or not. But how long can that statement stave off questions (or stifle them.)

    The “where is Kate” story needs to return in a big way. Because as of now, the royals are showing zero accountability for her safety. She could be buried under Kensington Palace for all we know. There are lots of ways to show proof of life that don’t consist of blurry pictures and distanced videos. If the royals are hiding something, for Kate’s sake, it needs to come to light. Because the royals right now are giving a master class on disappearing someone with the complicity of the entire media.

    • Eurydice says:

      That’s an awesome reference – I love it!

    • Interested Gawker says:

      100% agree

    • Royal Downfall Watcher says:

      Brilliant comment.

    • Dilettante says:


    • SIde Eye says:

      Amazing post lanne! And since his minions read CB, the next time he is asked, he will say “her appetite is getting better.” They are always reacting. I also loved your MacBeth reference!

      I am in the camp of Kate is no longer with us. I hope I am wrong. I believe he had something to do with it and yes the BM is complicit. They claim to have so much love for their White Princess – why don’t they show it by investigating where she is and if she is even alive?

      No one has seen her! Not another patient at the hospital, no one at the doctor’s office, etc. NO ONE HAS SEEN HER. We have had zero proof of life since December 2023.

      He is channeling Mr. Burns in that shovel pic. Also, his chinos are still too snug. And yes I am psycho for pointing this out brown shoes and a black belt where is the incredible edible egg’s haberdasher FFS!

  27. windyriver says:

    @Kaiser – it isn’t necessarily true that you should bend over at the knees, but if you bend at the waist, don’t do it like Will! You might find the ideas of Esther Gokhale interesting. Brief summary: after severe back pain during pregnancy, she studied the postures of young children and people in traditional societies, and developed her own ideas about the natural way the body should move. She is/was working in northern CA, where my SiL came across her back pain book, and sent it to me (I’d had back surgery). I’ve found some of her suggestions very useful.

    • LynnInTX says:

      I agree. I think a better way to phrase things would be “bend at the hips”. His hunching his back over when bending down just looks painful. The whole ‘bend at the knees’ thing is, as far as I’m aware, mainly for lifting heavy objects.

      With that said, I have horrible knees (decades of being majorly overweight, starting in my teens). Deep squats (assisted, for now) have drastically *improved* my knees at this point. We all know W won’t do that though, it’s work and might make him break a sweat.

  28. Chaine says:

    Well if the missing Kate is dead and buried, we now know Will has had to have an accomplice

  29. Gisby says:

    ‘Kate is doing well! She has gone to live on a farm, where she can play with other Princesses.’

  30. Lau says:

    I loved to see the DM trying to spin it into “William : a life of service vs Harry : partying in Nigeria” all day long yesterday. It was great and made even better by every single one of these shovel photos.

  31. Lulu says:

    William, dearest, can you imagine the praise you would have received since last week and going forward if you had defied your father, attended the IG Service and shook hands with Harry? You would have set yourself up as a ‘bigger man’ than your father forever. Has Camilla convinced you she can be on your side? I know you are not bright but how is that working out?

    • WithTheAmerican says:

      That’s the only way William ever gets on top of this again. But Bully Basher Billy will never make amends and he will never apologize.

  32. QuiteContrary says:

    William is sooo weird.

    He manages to take what could have been a positive sentiment — “My kids would have loved to be here!” — and frame it in the worst light: They are “very jealous.”

    It’s probably because he only knows jealousy and bitterness, rather than true joy.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Look at his upbringing, they had all the newspapers laid out at breakfast each day. Seeing who got the front page, his father telling them ‘don’t let Kate hold a tennis racket’ or your event will upstage mine… Add nobody disciplining him, being the heir and his own negativity and it’s a recipe for disaster!

  33. Kate says:

    Every time I see him, I think of the movie Clifford, where Uncle Martin yells “Look at me like a normal boy!” Clifford just can’t do it. William can’t seem to look like a normal person, no matter what. It’s crazy that he’s been in public for so long and yet the simplest things confound him.

  34. BeanieBean says:

    That shovel is not a serious hole-digging shovel, it’s more like a little garden spade. And the soil is rather sandy looking. It shouldn’t have been a difficult exercise, and yet it was. Love, love, love how the kids ignored him!

  35. AOC says:

    Ooh! Look mommy, the tool has been given the wrong tool.

  36. 6onethree6 says:

    Wonder what he’s burying or preparing for 🤣🤣🤣

  37. tamsin says:

    That is a terrible shot of William and the tiny hole he appears to have dug. It makes him look pathetic, and closeness of the shot makes him look like is all by himself. The area looked pretty packed down as well- I thought he was trying to dig up a parking lot, and should have used a jack hammer. There was absolutely no proper prep done for this event- I can’t think there is anyone to blame except his own staff. Are they trying to make their boss look like an fool?

  38. Kathalea says:

    God he works hard, doesn’t he…
    He’s so red from all the hard work.
    Poor little prince

    Divorce, negotiation time. I believe they found a cyst of some sort, it wasn’t cancer. Mr Tampon is lying.

    While everyone was showing sympathy and suddenly, the comments were full of, ‘BUT Ive always liked Khate’, when the first post about her cancer dropped, I instantly posted that i don’t believe the lie. I never found that post, cause it didn’t get uploaded.

    Khate didn’t made up the cancer story. Willknot did. Boy how it backfired.

  39. therese says:

    That is NOT how one shovels!!! Anyone who is worth their salt, dug a garden (me), or done any work in their life knows that you put your foot on the side of the shovel to get more purchase and give more shove to the shovel.

  40. Debbye says:

    I have to say Won’t has the long, slender fingers of someone who would be good on the piano. He definitely didn’t get those beautiful hands from Chuckie. Wonder if he plays, I believe Princess Diana did.

  41. DeniseCB says:

    So, I don’t know anything about shovels but couldn’t they have found one with a longer handle to fit his height?