The Sussexes had a double-date at a Montecito steakhouse for their anniversary

Sunday, May 19th was Prince Harry and Meghan’s sixth wedding anniversary. Six years of marriage, and almost eight years together. We’re coming up on the eighth anniversary of Harry seeing Meghan on his friend’s social media and feeling like he got punched in the throat because he fell in love at first sight. And then he was late for their first date! What a journey they’ve been on for eight years. Anyway, it looks like they had a date night over the weekend – they went to their favorite Montecito steakhouse, Lucky’s, with two friends. One of those friends is the CEO of Paramount.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stepped out for a romantic dinner over the weekend as they celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were spotted dining with Brian and Tracey Robbins at Lucky’s, an upmarket steakhouse in Montecito, on Saturday. The couples are believed to have developed a close relationship in recent years, with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle joining Paramount boss Brian and fashion designer Tracey for the Bob Marley film premiere in Jamaica in January. Tracey was also among the elite few who received a jar of the Duchess’ homemade American Riviera Orchard jam earlier this month.

The steakhouse appears to be a favourite of the Duke and Duchess, who have often been seen dining at the restaurant since their move to California. It was here that they came for a double date with friends Katharine McPhee and David Foster in 2020, dining at one of the tables outside. Meghan was also seen enjoying lunch with her agent at the steakhouse last year.

The dinner comes amidst a busy period for the Sussexes, who were celebrating their sixth wedding anniversary over the weekend. While it is not known if the couple marked the occasion with a private dinner, they are likely to have bought one another highly personal anniversary gifts. Back in 2019, Prince Harry gifted Meghan an eternity ring to mark their first year of marriage, while the Duchess gave the Duke a framed copy of her wedding speech.

[From Tatler]

I’m sure these two couples’ relationship is based more on Meghan and Tracey’s friendship, but it’s still funny to me that the Paramount CEO is regularly hanging out with the Sussexes despite having zero business together. Like, they’re just social friends and it’s really cool. It shows you how the Sussexes move very comfortably in those circles.

As for the menu – I’ve looked it up before, Lucky’s food sounds so good. They do all kinds of steaks, they do a pan-roasted half-chicken, Dover sole, baby back ribs, skinny onion rings and more. God, I love steakhouses. Damn it, now I want to go to a steakhouse.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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51 Responses to “The Sussexes had a double-date at a Montecito steakhouse for their anniversary”

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  1. Nubia says:

    I appreciate her choice of wedding dress so much more now.

    • Wagiman says:

      I really like it too.. And the slight looseness that was endlessly criticised as *she can’t fit her clothes * screams, which we still hear every time she’s in public, , it’s really her style. We see it every time. Just because Kate gets all her clothes vacuumed sucked onto her body, M does not.

      • seaflower says:


      • CatMum says:

        it’s called “ease” and it is totally a thing. not everything has to be skintight lycra!

        she looked amazing. they both did. the wedding was gorgeous.

        and Willie’s face in that bottom pic says it all. I was so happy and hopeful for them. the wedding was beautiful, but the dye was cast. and now they are living their best lives, and inspiring so many of us.

    • Pam says:

      The material was so heavy, that was what made it look ill fitting instead of loose and flowing.
      Her makeup that day was a thing of pure beauty!
      But that one strand of hair drove me nuts.

      • Nubia says:

        Maybe she even dropped some weight leading up to the wedding,imagine the pressure. Now Diana’s dress looked like it weighed a tonne.

      • sevenblue says:

        I remember she talked about losing weight because of the stress of her own father talking sh*t about her on british media.

      • Square2 says:

        Yes, not only her father, KP, RR caused Meghan a lot of stress, we now knew there’s also bridesmaid’s dresses & page boy’s gathering demands from the Missing KKKate. No wonder Meg lost weight involuntarily before wedding day.

        The dress probably was fitted correctly at the last fitting (one or two wks) before the wedding. Considering the fabric & the sewing standard from Givenchy, there was no way they could do an alteration just before the wedding.

    • Jais says:

      Happy sussex anniversary❤️. And yes to the dress. Simple timeless silhouette. Looking back, the photos from the wedding are so fairy tale. The story took a twist but now they’re eating at steakhouses with their friends in beautiful montecito. Far away from the uk tabloids.

    • I’m glad to see them just living their lives and celebrating their Anniversary with some friends.

  2. Maxine Branch says:

    Happy to see the Sussexes living their best lives out and about.

  3. JENNIFER says:

    I can’t stand Tatler. That’s one magazine that needs to fold.

    • Proud Mary says:

      I did a double take on that myself. While a working royal, Tatler did its part, on behalf of the monarchy, to abuse Meghan regularly. But I’m glad to see that, despite their best efforts, the Sussexes are doing so well that even this so-called venerated, turnip-toff magazine is scraping for crumbs from their table. The ancestors aren’t playing.

    • sparrow says:

      Let’s not forget Tatler did one of the best reality checks on Kate ever and stood pretty robust against her demands to remove bits from their Catherine the Great article. I like Tatler for standing by its aristocratic loyalties in this regard. Do I like it’s other output and angles. No.

  4. Smart&Messy says:

    How can they when Kate has/had cancer? I hope they discussed KC’s cancer too.

  5. Eurydice says:

    I just love how the tabloids are like children pressing their noses up against the candy store window – so near, and yet so far. All they have is a jar of jam and wedding gifts from 2019.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Exactly. It really shows us what a bunch of backstabbing blabbermouths the staff at KP and BP were. Harry and Meghan operate with no leaks and no calls to paparazzi! They just go about their business, living their lives, seeing their friends, and releasing completed, well thought out projects. I’m so glad they escaped the sunken place!

      • kirk says:

        Lately I’ve been questioning KP involvement in messing with Meghan before the wedding. Even to the point of tricking or using Tom Markle, Meghan’s father. William tried to involve Charles Spencer in his scheme to prevent the H-M marriage. William has always treated Harry like his scapegoat. Tom Markle said Jason Knauf was his contact. Just sayin’.

      • Christine says:

        I have no doubt that Thomas Markle was the useful idiot of KP and BP. Meghan and Harry have truly walked through the fire together. I am amazed they have made it with their very obvious adoration for each other intact.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        I have no doubt KP/W&K (and others), were messing with Meghan before the wedding. Everything was done by design.imo Seriously. So diabolical. The crying story never made sense to me. If Kate was living at KP, and AJ? was at KP for the bridesmaids fittings, why throw a conniption about dresses not fitting when someone was there to make corrections? Why throw out something about something that their wedding designer said something? Who does that? Nasty people. Those BRF/BM people are awful and treat the public like ignoramuses. Sad.

        The menu.. Dungeness crab, french onion soup, half chicken and arugula salad. Husband would order one of the steaks. I would get a bit of my beef meat on.

        Happy belated Anniversary Harry & Meghan! You deserve and earned a very Happy Anniversay!

  6. Dee(2) says:

    “While it is not known if the couple marked the occasion with a private dinner, they are likely to have bought one another highly personal anniversary gifts” Well no crap. So much of their writing is supposition. I don’t think I really realized that until reading the excerpts on this site. The media know absolutely nothing and yet keep churning out articles eight years later. I hope H&M had a happy anniversary and I hope it gives them pleasure this is all the BM can do now. Speculate with as much surety as I could on their lives.

    • Sue says:

      It’s always so much fun reading the tabloids, who have zero sources now on Harry and Meghan. “It is thought…” “It is believed…” “It is assumed…” all code words for “we have no damn idea and are making this up as we go along”.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      If H&M exchanged gifts, it’s not a big jump of belief that they would be highly personalized.smh

      We won’t know what they gave each other. As far as I’m concerned, gifts don’t always have meaning, actions speak louder than words.

      I remember the BM saying a week or so before Kate’s 42nd bday that she would be spending it with her Mom most likely. Something to that effect. Why? I don’t have a problem with someone wanting to spend their birthday with their Mom, why be so pointed that W&K were not spending her birthday together? That was just weird along with BM saying Will wanted it to become normal for the children not seeing their Mom. Odd sh*te.Have my guesses.

  7. Lady Esther says:

    The wine menu won’t open, boo! I’ll have the New York strip, 10 oz, medium rare with Béarnaise sauce, house salad and frites. Oh and the triple molten chocolate cake, please and thank you!

    • Eurydice says:

      I’m thinking the grilled artichoke, 7 oz filet med rare, mushrooms and broccolini, and the affogato for dessert.

    • Giddy says:

      I gained five pounds just reading this.

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      It’s an extensive wine list with a good mix of Central Coast, Napa/Sonoma, and non US (mostly French, because it’s a fancy house) vintages and a good selection of half bottles.

      I was thinking I hadn’t seen abalone on a menu for a while, but then the few times recently I have gone to a well known local “fish house”, it’s been for work events and we have a set menu. (And I have cioppino on my mind.)

      Definitely also a place for women’s power lunching with a good selection of full meal salads on that menu.

    • Gubbinal says:


      What I want most in life that I never knew existed until now.

  8. Becks1 says:

    I love when Harry and Meghan (or even just Meghan) go out to eat because I know the menu is going to be fun to look at! Those prices are eye-watering but hey, I’m not a multi-millionaire.

    I do think its clear at this point that they’re friends with the Robbins, not just business associates, and I love it because every reminder that the Sussexes are well connected and people in Hollywood LIKE them is just another dig at the RRs, lol.

  9. simplycarmen92 says:

    We just went to Lucky’s for Mothers day! The food is tasty and the ambience is lovely. Perfect place to celebrate an anniversary. Happy Anniversary to the Sussexes!

  10. Amy Bee says:

    Even Tatler is desperate for information about Harry and Meghan.

  11. Bettyrose says:

    I just went broke looking at that menu, but I love that they have a vegan option at a fancy steakhouse.

    • SarahCS says:

      Ooh that’s music to my ears! I’m largely vegetarian these days and I love that even places like this now cater to non-meat eaters too. My boyfriend loves a good steak and now we can both enjoy a great dinner out. In a couple of places I’ve had vegan burgers that I would not be able to tell apart from the real thing. Epic.

    • Bettyrose says:

      First time I had a grilled impossible burger at a baseball game, I was in vegan heaven. But for the steakhouse I really have my eye on the tofu steak, which I’m sure they’ll do magic with.

  12. aquarius64 says:

    The sixth wedding anniversary in the US is iron. The things Harry and Meghan have gone through ( and still go through) is a testament to their relationship. Other couples would have broken but are still going strong. Happy anniversary.

  13. sparrow says:

    It was a lovely day. I have vivid memories of it. So much sunshine.

    • Sue says:

      Same. It was the last royal event that I watched with my late sister. I admit it I totally bought that Charles was a decent person when he walked Meghan down the aisle and was so kind to Doria. Didn’t take long for him to let that mask slip! But anyway the dress, the wedding, everything was perfect on the day.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        Yeah with the drama of that last period in the run-up I did remark on my social media “How f-d up is that family that the WINDSORS look like a good alternative?”

        spoiler: turns out they were not

        (cue Adele singing “we could have had it allllll”)

    • SarahCS says:

      Absolutely, my friends had a party so we all got dressed up and had plastic crowns to wear and everything. Who doesn’t want champagne at 11am? It was a blast.

    • twoz says:

      Yes, it was the last royal event my late mother (the one who was dying from a stroke when Thomas Markle had his fake one) watched together. We had a Christmas pud with silvery glitter that we’d never eaten, so it was perfect for watching the wedding along with some bubbly.
      Watched the whole thing too, unlike Billy and Bones’, where as I recall I painted the ceiling in the back room for much of it.

  14. Jan says:

    I think they were 6 people, there is a guy sitting opposite the CEO of Paramount, and most likely he had a partner with him.

    • Roan Inish says:

      @Jan where did you see photos of them at Luckys? I couldn’t find any online. 😕

  15. QuiteContrary says:

    I loved both of Meghan’s dresses that day … she looked incredible. And Harry clearly knew it!

    • Liz says:

      I agree. The dresses were unfussy and stunning in their simplicity. I loved the ceremony too.

  16. Beverley says:

    Happy anniversary to the Sussexes! And many more.

    And to all the cretins who said Meghan was a “degree wife” – go pound sand. Their marriage has outlasted your petty, racist imaginings and will continue as strong as ever. Cry harder.

  17. Berkeleyfarm says:

    I seem to have only heard that recently but she’s lasted twice as long as the usual British degree term and they still seem to be going strong!

  18. CherBear says:

    Gianni’s escargots in garlic butter; Wedge of Iceberg with Roquefort; Porterhouse, 28 oz., Hashed Brown Potatoes with Gruyére Cheese…..and a finish with Grand Marnier Soufflé! Mmmn loved that La Spinetta Rosé from Italy. Had to take some of that steak home!

    Loving the life in Montecito…dreaming…

  19. MsIam says:

    Happy anniversary to this lovely couple! This time of year is busy for them with Archie’s birthday, their anniversary and Lilibet’s birthday coming in a few weeks. I wish them much joy and happiness always.

  20. NotSoSocialB says:

    Dover Sole and skinny onion rings? I am in heaven. YUM

  21. GiveMePizza says:

    I had dinner at Lucky’s for my 15th anniversary. The steak was so yummy, and we got a spot by the fireplace, on a rainy night. Cozy! We thought of going back for our 20th anniversary this year, but after reviewing the prices, decided not to. They were normal-steakhouse-pricey before, now they’re royal-steakhouse-pricey.