Royalist: King Charles thinks Prince William looks ‘petty & ridiculous’ over Harry

There’s a new Royalist column in the Daily Beast which I find incredibly curious. As we’ve seen throughout the month of May, the whole “King Charles would love to reconcile with Prince Harry” storyline is dead and buried. Charles threw a series of tantrums over Harry’s visit to the UK, refused to meet Harry, tried to put Harry in danger, and briefed about Harry for two solid weeks. Charles made it clear that he wants no part of the Sussexes and he does not want to see them whatsoever. Evicting the Sussexes from Frogmore Cottage was not a tempermental and temporary act of spite, it was part of a larger strategy to have the institution declare Harry persona non grata. The reaction to Charles’s latest moves have been gently criticized by the British media, which still wants to feed on the royal drama and wants nothing more than to have access to the Sussexes. Which might explain why Royalist is now claiming that of course Harry is open to reconciliation, as is King Charles, but it’s all to do with Prince William’s rage. Never forget that Charles is a dogsh-t father to both of his sons.

Talking to friends of the Windsors in recent days, it is notable that many of them, while sympathetic to the overarching Windsor complaint of broken trust and betrayal by Harry in his book, also suggest that the Windsors and their circle are now as exhausted as the Sussexes of the feud that has dominated the royal narrative for several years now.

As has been reported, it seems the major block in the way of reconciliation is coming from William. A friend of his told The Daily Beast: “Meeting with Harry is the last thing that William or Catherine want or need right now. It’s a fantasy. It’s not about apologies or who said what, it is about protecting his family. Kate is recovering from cancer, and they are avoiding stressful situations.”

A friend of Charles and Queen Camilla told The Daily Beast that the meeting between Harry and Charles after Charles was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year was a “significant step in the right direction,” but they added, “The idea that Harry and the kids are going to descend on Balmoral this summer is wishful thinking. It’s all just very sad.”

The general atmosphere is summed up in comments made by another friend of Charles and Camilla, who told The Daily Beast: “Everyone understands that William is absolutely furious with his brother, but ‘absolutely furious’ isn’t a deliverable plan for a king, which William will be, perhaps sooner than he had imagined. A king not speaking to his brother over an argument about a broken dog bowl, a costume party almost twenty years ago, or who said what about some lip gloss, will make William look petty and ridiculous.”

The friend added that Charles is “gently trying to lead by example,” adding, “A king should be magnanimous.”

The comments echo remarks made by the journalist Petronella Wyatt in the Telegraph last week who said that Charles would like to warm up relations with Harry but is being “prevented” from doing so because of William’s well-known animosity to his brother. A friend told The Daily Beast that there was some truth in the remarks, although they said that Harry’s abrasive remarks about Camila in his book were also to blame for some of the froideur between Harry and the king.

Calls for the royals and Harry to put the argument behind them were also made by the influential Daily Mail columnist Liz Jones, who urged Charles and William to “be the bigger men” and “welcome the firm’s biggest assets back into the fold.”

[From The Daily Beast]

It’s a neat trick from Buckingham Palace to pretend that they didn’t spend the entire month raging about Harry whilst simultaneously pivoting back to William’s incandescent rage about all things Sussex. “A king should be magnanimous” – someone tell that to Charles, who evicted his grandchildren from their family home in the UK. “A king not speaking to his brother over an argument about a broken dog bowl, a costume party almost twenty years ago, or who said what about some lip gloss, will make William look petty and ridiculous.” While I agree that William absolutely looks petty and ridiculous, the fight was not ABOUT a broken dog bowl, the broken dog bowl was the result of William assaulting his brother over Meghan. Until William stops seething with hatred and jealousy that Harry fell in love, got married and moved away from the toxic family, the fundamental problems will remain. “Petty and ridiculous” is the Windsor Brand, and William is just the petty and ridiculous apple from the petty and ridiculous Windsor tree.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Backgrid.

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56 Responses to “Royalist: King Charles thinks Prince William looks ‘petty & ridiculous’ over Harry”

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  1. Hey Chuckles you’re petty too. People have eyes and brains to see how you have treated Harry and his family. So now you want to throw Peg under the bus for being petty? The bus has a reverse on it Chuckles so I would STFU.

    • Lawrenceville says:

      It’s a pot calling kettle black situation.

    • Lau says:

      Charles has thrown Harry (and his family) under the bus so many times already that it’s not surprising that he’s now throwing William under the bus as well. That’s his and Camilla’s way of doing things.

  2. KeKe Swan says:

    Lordt. The collective despair wafting up from those pews at the wedding says it all, doesn’t it?

  3. girl_ninja says:

    Really Charlie?

    Pot meet kettle.

  4. Eurydice says:

    What an interesting game of Royal Twister. The important words here are – “welcome the firm’s biggest assets back into the fold.” The tabloids are desperate to get H&M back and I think Charles wants that, too. Not because he cares about H&M, but because they’ll add glamour while providing a buffer between him and William.

    • Brassy Rebel says:


      • kirk says:

        If my anointed by God family had provided me with a built-in scapegoat and client media to cover up all my bad acts, I’d be ticked if my scapegoat ran away with his half-black wife too.

  5. MY3CENTS says:

    This Is pretty obvious damage control from Chucky king Tampon.
    We see you. You are both terrible people.

    • Agnes says:

      It doesn’t look like the BM (The Royalist or Wyatt or Jones) or the whole left-over BRF have gotten the memo that Harry has moved on and is “doing his own thing” — and he’s doing it well. Invictus, Sentable: he uses his glamour and the headlights fixed on him by deflecting the shine onto his charities. He doesn’t seem to have the big nasty egos the rest of the Windsor dummies have. I hope he continues to thrive, and stay well away from those freaks on Salt Isle.

  6. Cel2495 says:

    It’s a terrible existence to be so jealous of your sibling and wanting everything they have including the wife.

    I have 4 siblings and there is nothing but love in my heart. No jealousy… I just don’t get it. If I want something I go and work on it … never crosses my mind to envy them. Is crazy. I understand that family dynamics are different and toxic family exist … but this is something else. William really really hates Harry because he can never be him. Is really disturbing at this point. Charles is also the worst father and king.

    • OliviaOne says:

      the RF is not really a family. They are raised in an antagonist way, with sycophantic praise and constant opportunities to make money hand over fist.
      If the average old skool English family is perceived as a bit cold, imagine that amplified 100 times. And before anyone pounces on my on the cold comment, my in-laws are indeed English and I (and children) am baffled by how contained and non affectionate they are towards their own child and grandchild.

  7. chill says:

    LOL. This is the pot calling the kettle black. The Windsors are petty, jealous, grudge holders who look petty and jealous. Not a pretty look for someone who is God’s rep in our world. But hey, they are our “natural superiors” so we just have to sit by and enjoy the show.

  8. ML says:

    *snort* Not only is HRH Mr Magnanimous totally rewriting history, he’s also saying that he has no power over his son, HRH Mr Huevo, AND that Huevo is more powerful and makes decisions for CRex.

  9. Dutch says:

    Funny how Camilla is magically absolved from having any role in this continuing rift between Charles and Harry. From here on out I think when I read “friends of Charles and Camillia” I will translate that to actually mean Camilla.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Dutch, that’s what I think, too. She never passes up a chance to let the world know that Harry said some things in Spare about her. I bet she’s still on a slow simmer.

  10. DARK says:

    Diverting the reason for Harry why not met up with Charles from Camilla to William I see…

  11. Jais says:

    Huh. So Charles is just going to pretend he didn’t have a two week hissy fit over Harry and briefed a billion different stories. Back to our regularly scheduled program of poor Charles missing his son and grandchildren. Despite having evicted them from their home and costing the crown estate money in the process. Honestly, at this point, at least William doesn’t pretend he actually wants to see Harry. But here’s Charles lying that he wants to see one son while simultaneously blaming the other son for preventing a reconciliation that he doesn’t even want. Ice cold.

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Jais you have nailed this with your comments. KC IS the head of the CE and his treatment of both sons,DIL and two grandchildren repudiates that. I had hoped in vain that having cancer would cause him to review his past behaviour and make amends. I hoped that he’d soften his heart to at least see his own son and attend the IG service as a public show of support but no, he didn’t and when people were askance we have had endless briefing about how he is NOT to blame. Forget it Charles treat both sons fairly and decently and stop throwing them under the bus!

    • Eurydice says:

      It’s like the episode with the leaky pen. Every so often Charles’ true self comes bursting out, all raging and AAAAAHHHHRRRGGG!!! Then the wranglers stuff it all back in and paper over the cracks.

  12. TN Democrat says:

    Well. The true issue with Spare was how terrible Camilla, Keen and Will-not came across. Harry exposed Camilla’s press manipulations, keen is a sycophantic mean girl and that Willy isn’t fit to be king. Baldimont needed his brother much more than his brother needed him. The Windsors thought Harry would spend his life groveling for handouts. Harry’s success has boggled their brains and his exit has thrown a wrench in the invisible contract.

    • Royal Donwnfall Watcher says:

      Big agree! What boggles my mind is that there are any “poor” royals or any royals who have to beg for handouts. I mean… TF does a King and POW who have access to BILLIONS not help their family? Like Harry’s story of living basically in a garden unit where some dipsh^t’s car blocked the light from his apartment? He is a Prince?!? Why was he living in the basement? It is just beyond my comprehension.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        Exactly. Other euro royal houses (at least the ones with money) have definitely set the spares up with housing, an income stream, and some work to do.

        The ones with less money do what they can.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      TN Democrat, I agree, but King Snubby was also involved in all of that. How anyone can think at this point that ANYONE would want H&M in the UK is astonishing to me. They’ve spent years telling everyone they don’t want them.

  13. Teddy says:

    That’s some first-class gaslighting, to pretend the issue is the broken dog bowl rather than the vicious assault.

  14. WithTheAmerican says:

    Camilla now blaming William for her actions is not a surprise. But I do have the smallest bit of sympathy for William that he has a father and a step mother like this. What a tragedy.

    That said, William is old enough to have worked on himself and his issues, but instead he’s turned inward and given in to his worst impulses.

    Kate looks absolutely miserable in this photo and should be used every time with the story about her making Meghan cry ahead of Meghan’s own wedding, because it’s so clear how jealous and angry Kate was about the love between H and M.

  15. Beverley says:

    When will the rota and the Left-Behinds finally acknowledge and accept that their “biggest assests” aren’t coming back for more abuse and racial hatred? They aren’t runaway slaves to be controlled and made examples of. They aren’t rudderless without plans or purpose. They don’t need the Left-Behinds for anything!

    Why would the Sussexes give up their happy and successful lives to become scapegoats for the evil Firm again?

    The rota rats are desperate and pleading. But surely even they know the Sussexes will never return for more abuse. I guess hope springs eternal.

    • Laura D says:

      Exactly @Beverley. The time for negotiation has long passed. “They” should have accepted he “half-in, half-out” proposal when it was on the table. It’s no longer a case of H&M giving up their home, there are now children involved. Why on earth would H&M expose those children to the toxicity of that family and their attack dogs in the media? Let’s make no bones about it, if H&M were foolish enough to accept any sort of deal from those vipers, as sure as night follows day pictures of Lili and Archie would be plastered across the front pages of every tabloid deflecting from what ever trouble the rest of the family had gotten themselves into.

      As for KCIII thinking William is behaving petty and ridiculous has he forgotten that he’s not only William’s father he’s also the fcuking king? He could have put a stop to William’s nonsense years ago but, chose not to. He’s just as bad as his heir but, is only allowing these stories to come out now because of the backlash he received for publicly ignoring his youngest son. The king and his wife had a huge wake-up call when they saw the crowds on ENGLISH soil cheering the “irrelevant” prince and are desperate for some of their stardust to fall on them. If it means throwing the petulant heir under a bus they will do it.

  16. Barbara says:

    Odd that the narrative has changed from Kate receiving treatment for pre-cancer to it being full-fledged cancer now.

    • AMB says:

      Look, if you live long enough in this modern world you’re highly likely to develop some kind of cancer, no matter how benign – skin, prostate, whatever. So the only really 100% effective pre-cancer preventive treatment is … not living. I’m not going there with Kate, but has anybody seen her lately?

    • Feebee says:

      Yes, I thought that too. It’s like they figured that video’s shock value has worn off and now they need a bigger shield so it’s been updated to full cancer. If they had a media that asked a question it might be explored but that’s too much to ask.

  17. Concern Fae says:

    There is no strategy. Only the mood Charles woke up in that morning. And he can’t fathom why anyone ever paid attention to any of his previous moods.

  18. Tina says:

    Is this a message from the BM to Charles without making Charles look like a big part of the problem? Or a message from the men in grey suits to Charles? Personally I don’t think this is coming from the king himself. The monarchy at this point is petty, cruel and ridiculous.

  19. Islandgirl says:

    “Petty and ridiculous” is the Windsor Brand, and William is just the petty and ridiculous apple from the petty and ridiculous Windsor tree.”
    Kaiser… this says it all.
    I am offended that Charles and Camilla think that they can blame it all on William after what we have seen the last two weeks.
    They and their pr people really think that we are all idiots.

  20. QuiteContrary says:

    Glad Charles now realizes that H&M would have been the royals’ best assets. Shame about everything he and his wife and their minions did to ensure that H&M will remain far, far away.

    Regrets, they have a few — while H&M have full, free, rewarding lives.

    Magnanimous, my ass. This is an attempt to get back the Sussex shine. And they’re not going to get it.

  21. Maxine Branch says:

    The best decisions Harry made were to never allow those gutter rat gossipers to have access to his wife and removing himself, son and wife from their clutches. In addition, I admire the way he speaks with his whole chest for the reasons why he took those actions. The gruesome 3 some that is left, Charles, Camilla and William can continue to eat each other alive. All three look tired, old and unhappy.

  22. Becks1 says:

    Hahahaha, I love this. William does look petty and ridiculous. Look at the story right next to this one on this site – about William hoping Harry is jealous about his “significant role” in the Westminster wedding. he’s an almost 42 year man who will be king one day and he’s excited about being an usher because Harry is in California? Like… is that not petty and ridiculous??

    Of course Charles is petty as well, we all know that. But I’m still loving that tom Sykes actually went with this story about how bad WILLIAM looks in all of this.

    part of the thing is – even if this is 100% what’s going on behind the scenes, that Charles wants a reconciliation and William doesn’t (which I don’t believe for reasons we’ve all discussed, but lets just pretend) – how does this make Charles look good? clearly someone in his camp has decided that putting all the blame on William is a good decision and makes Charles look better, but how? he’s the king, the head of the Firm, the Crown, etc and he can’t say to his 42 year old heir “get your ass in line, this is what’s happening” without William having an explosive incandescent hissy fit?

    What does that say about Charles as a monarch OR as a father? This is who you raised? Well now its on you to fix it. Shrug.

  23. Mslove says:

    Oh please. I haven’t seen Chuck that angry since 1997. Chuck has made a fool of himself, such erratic behavior.

  24. Walking the Walk says:

    I said all along the PR around this was so dumb. Who wants kings that treat family this way? It shows they shouldn’t be in charge of crap. And the fact because of this the RR is getting cut out of Harry’s going ons is starting to set them off.

    That said, I think Charles realized the whole Invictus blow off blew up (rightfully) in his face and they are just going to blame William full stop for this. And also William’s friends, shut up! Quit acting like your brother brings drama when you purposely fed him and his wife to the tabloids to make them look bad (let’s not forget that BS with the private plane, them claiming that Meghan made Kate cry, that Meghan did this and that, etc). William is petty and if he really is why no one is reconciling, I hope it continues to backfire on him.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Walking the Walk, oh, I don’t think King Snubby wants to reconcile, but this makes him (supposedly) look better. I’m sure the Escort is against any reconciliation, too. She makes sure to remind everyone that Harry said stuff about her in Spare–she’s never going to forgive him for that.

      Is there one person in any of the palaces that knows how damaging the bm has been over the years and then culminating with everything printed since H&M were in Nigeria? That’s actually hard for me to believe.

      • Walking the Walk says:

        Oh I agree, but at least CREX and his terrible freaking wife have enough sense to stop digging when the press and people are not buying it. William keeps acting like Harry is in the wrong and all that is going on now is even the RR is getting fed up with it. They are losing their money shots/exclusives for the more star powered of the brothers cause of it.

  25. Chantale says:

    It is a game they are playing to not take responsibility for their bullying and leaks about the sussexes.🙄😏

  26. Amy Bee says:

    The press is trying to portray the fallout between William and Harry is over trivial matters but I believe that we don’t know the worst that was done to Harry and Meghan.

  27. Berkeleyfarm says:

    Ok, I know I shouldn’t be reading volumes into a momentary expression caught on film, but Kate looks like she’s upset/resentful that she needs to be there.

    Also, if the dress had been the yellow that the hat flowers show as, it wouldn’t have read as white. Spring wedding, might be sunny, BIG lights for all the cameras … yeah that pale shade is going to wash out.

    (A lot of people try rolling around the “no white” with “it’s CHAMPAGNE” or in this case “it’s PRIMROSE” but … “colors that are so pale they read as white” count unless the bride is cool with it.)

    • Nic919 says:

      I believe we called it gaslighter white.

      But Kate was sour the entire time and made sure to look sour in the wedding portrait as well. Even William managed to smile a bit in that photo.

  28. sparrow says:

    Wyatt’s article was pretty good. She’s a talented writer, imo. Treated like crap by Johnson who went on to ignore her completely in public, despite the fact that she’d been pregnant by him. Anyway, I’ve always thought William and Kate bring out the bad in Charles. He hates his brother and she is overshadowed by her sister in law.

  29. Scorpio says:

    It could be so easy for William to yank the rug out from under his old dad.

    Clearly Wills does not understand the way to play this. All he has to do is signal that he is willing to restart a relationship and actually make some minor overtures and Chuck and Cam are left twisting in the wind.

    If only he was smarter but then if he was smarter, this all never would have gotten to this point.

  30. HuffnPuff says:

    So Chuck’s gentle guidance to Huevo was to hold a handover ceremony of Harry’s patronage while Harry was running laps around them in Africa? Seems like the king is just as petty or he does whatever Huevo wants. Either scenario is not a good look for a king.

    Chucky, Queen Sidepiece, Huevo and Can’t are so toxic, I’m sure California will ban them before too long.

  31. Berkeleyfarm says:

    hahahaha the Wars of the Windsors again … yeah you both look like petty fools for your treatment of Harry.

    • Iolanthe says:

      So what’s new . It doesn’t take much to overshadow Charles . Diana learnt this the hard way ..he hated her when she became the star . And good for her , she carried right on being her authentic self while he and yes even the Queen looked dull and has been. It’s the best thing that Harry and Meghan broke away because everything would have been about them stealing the still is , but does anyone care. If they were still under the royal roof , everything would have been an issue ..oh they smiled too broadly , they laughed , they chatted , Meghan wore brights , wore jewellery , wore a designer outfit , dared to outshine every single female in that family , produced blonde and blue eyed children dare she , the half breed . Now the Sussexes can let their true personalities shine unobstructed . Sorry to say but they all had malignant characters long before any tumour grew .