Fashion designer Julien Macdonald isn’t interested in dressing Duchess Meghan

Julien Macdonald is a Welsh fashion designer who operated his own line for years. His designs were popular enough, and worn by celebrity women like Jennifer Lopez, Kate Beckinsale, Bella Hadid and more. Last year, his business went bankrupt, or as they say in the UK, it went into liquidation. Everybody got fired and everything collapsed. But he’s attempting a comeback, and he had a show at London Fashion Week about a month ago. He’s desperate for some royal connections too, likely to help his business. But he has no interest in the royal woman who moves fashion sales across the board. From the Mail’s Eden Confidential column:

He lured Queen Camilla to her first-ever fashion show, and now designer Julien Macdonald wants to dress the Princess of Wales.

‘Kate’s amazing,’ he tells me. ‘I’d love to dress her in one of my dresses. I’ve got a great relationship with Camilla, the Queen. She’s incredible.’

Former Strictly contestant Macdonald, 53, who was once crowned British Fashion Designer of the Year, says the Queen sometimes asks him for style tips.

‘She does every now and then,’ he says at a London party. ‘When I see her at different events, I always say, ‘You look really nice, Camilla’, and she’ll say, ‘Do you like it? Oh, I’m glad you approve’.’

There is, however, one prominent member of the Royal Family he does not want to be seen in his outfits. Asked if he’d like to dress the Duchess of Sussex, he replies: ‘No, I prefer Kate and Camilla.’

[From The Daily Mail]

Yeah, he’s going to be waiting a long time to dress Kate. Even if she wasn’t missing, Julien’s designs are not really Kate’s button-covered Victorian style. Does he make sister-wife dresses with puffy shoulders and shiny gold buttons? Sorry, Kate isn’t interested. Meanwhile, everything Meghan wears sells out. I guess “some” designers aren’t interested in that kind of sparkle. (Also: of course Julien was asked pointedly about Meghan, the obsession by the Daily Mail is very real.)

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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68 Responses to “Fashion designer Julien Macdonald isn’t interested in dressing Duchess Meghan”

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  1. Proud Mary says:

    The clout chasing is very thick with this one. What will he say next, “I’m not interested in dating Prince Harry.” Girl, sit down!

    • Snaggletooth says:

      McDonald has always been a fraud. I remember way back in the day he was criticized for blatantly ripping of Ghesquiere in his heyday at balenciaga (hard to remember now but that was an absolute high point for fashion). I used to look at his crap on and even I was struck by how he was the BEBE version of what better designers put out the previous season.

    • B says:

      Julie when pointedly ask if wants to make profit this year said, “no I prefer poverty and bankruptcy”.

      • Jane says:

        A PR firm just disclosed that every time Meghan Markle wore a 2500 dollar coat from the brand they represented- sales went up ten fold. Will Cowmilla do that? Doubt it. This guy is sleazy and gross.

      • bisynaptic says:


    • ML says:

      Personally, doesn’t his reaction seem more like Meghan either turned him down or ignored his calls? What a nasty reaction to a potential customer, and what a terrible excuse as to his preferred model. Yuck.

      • Karma D says:

        But the photo of Horsilla is surprisingly complimentary. The wrinkles are not so prominent and it looks like her teeth don’t have the usual tobacco stains. Just saying. Maybe the photo was taken years ago?

    • 1960tlm says:

      @Proud Mary, exactly 💯% !

  2. Fifty-50 says:

    What a nice, shiny medal he’s got there. Whether real or fake, it’s telling.

    • PEARL GREY says:

      Julien Macdonald already attempted to clout chase when he ran to the Express years ago to share his “vision” for Meghan’s wedding dress before any engagement announcement had even happened, so he’s not very smart claiming to not want to dress her now when his company just went bust. Camilla’s shapeless smock wearing self and an invisible princess are hardly going to help get him out of this slump. He can join David Emanuel in the “hating from outside” club.

  3. Pinkosaurus says:

    The headline could be “Bankrupt designer wants to dress hateful white ladies only”. At least by announcing it in The Fail, he’s reaching his target audience.

  4. BW says:

    I googled his website. I can’t wait to see Camilla in look 59.

    • kirk says:

      Look 59 😂 I am HOWLING. Camilla in breastplates!

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      BW, O M G! 😂😂😂😂

    • BeanieBean says:

      Oh, dear!

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      LOL. You made me look @BW. So funny. Now, I have to search for gauze for my bleeding eyes at the imagery of Camilla in look 59. Well, Beyonce has worn him a couple of times. Beyonce has a relationship with Meghan. Beyonce has a Beyhive. Meghan has millions of fans.

      Julien is a complete idiot. It’s like he’s promoting his new business venture as how much can I not sell and lose some more money. If he has investors, I hope they’re shaking their heads. Julien Redux 2.0 is the new Party Pieces.

  5. kelleybelle says:

    Does anyone recall asking for this ass clown’s opinion? Meghan’s probably never heard of him, lol. “Kate’s amazing.” (gag) “Camilla, the queen.” (gag again)

  6. Lilly (with the double-L) says:

    Did she ask?

    • Shoegirl77 says:

      Very doubtful. Meghan is not really a gaudy, sequin loving kinda girl, as per JMcD design. And I say that as very much a sequin loving little magpie kinda girl.

  7. equality says:

    His designs aren’t known for being sustainable and he was an over-user of real fur. Who needs him?

  8. sparrow says:

    Good. His design is bloody awful. Are we meant to weep at this “lost opportunity’?!!!

  9. Lau says:

    Well, Mr Macdonald better learn how to dress Meghan and quickly because this is literally the only way he would ever get to dress Kate (if she ever reappears) : style stalking.

    • Robin Samuels says:

      This designer is a friend of Camilla, who you and the rest know dislikes Meghan immensely. Why would he say anything kind about her in the Daily Fail?
      His designs are not her style. He does not use sustainable materials and prefers animal fur. His statement is unprofessional, and some potential clients will reject him based on his unjustified, biased statement. Verbally rejecting the Duchess of Sussex in a publication mustered cheers from derangers, but how many of them are into fashion?
      Stupidity doesn’t kill you, but it makes you sweat. (Haiti)

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      It’s a little ironic? that JM wants to try to start up another business after bankruptcy and saying he would rather dress a woman who hasn’t been seen for five months (and won’t be for who knows how long) over a woman who sells out stuff and has been seen and warmly accepted globally. Weird times and bad marketing. Some people will never have a clue even if you gave them the money to buy one.

  10. Anna says:

    Yknow they only asked so they can write a plethora of MEGHAN SNUBBED articles in same-but-different fonts.

    I googled him right after I read this, and lo and behold, the first five things that come up is MEGHAN SNUBBED. Can they be anymore embarrassing🙄

  11. Beach Dreams says:

    Funny, because he was waxing poetic about wanting to design her wedding dress months before she and Harry announced their engagement.

  12. L4Frimaire says:

    Regardless of his personal feelings, this is just messy for someone trying to rebuild a brand. What if a big brand was considering hiring him, but now this is the focus, the fact that he doesn’t like Meghan? Who’d want to bring that negativity to their brand. I remember when the Obama’s were in the White House, Michelle did not wear Oscar De la Renta. He was quoted bitching and moaning about her bare shoulders and what she wore to meet the queen. Then he started complaining how he’d dressed every First Lady. Michelle wore other designers . She finally wore the brand but maybe after he passed away. Why put yourself out there like that and look like a douche. I think the Duchess of Sussex is fine in the wardrobe department and doesn’t need MacDonald. This guy is using her name for clout and it’s tacky and shows bad judgment.

  13. Sue says:

    Yet another article that sounds like high school. Yeah well I wouldn’t date the most popular girl in the school even if she had any idea who I was so there!

  14. Ameerah M says:

    And this is why his business went bankrupt. All those pictures standing beside Camilla won’t sell your mediocre designs hun.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    The question was also asked by one of Meghan’s biggest stalkers in the press, Richard Eden. I don’t think Meghan would wear MacDonald’s clothes though and he probably knows that hence his answer.

  16. JENNIFER says:

    I still find it interesting that British people don’t realise their racist hypocrisy.
    Kate is sacred, no one is allowed to say not one unfawning word about her, BUT Meghan is fair game?
    This man could’ve refused to be drawn ito the toxic Meghan bashing exercise, but clearly inevitable charges of racism don’t face him.

  17. Nanea says:

    JM was Lee McQueen’ s successor at Givenchy.

    So he must have had some success for some time.

    Too funny though that so many who have been badmouthing Meghan can expect that HBiC called Karma to drop by.

  18. Blithe says:

    Lol. No biggie. I’m sure the lack of interest is mutual.

    Racism really is baked in tho.

  19. More fool is he. He will have to find Can’t first. As for Horsilla I hope he likes designing zippered house frocks.

  20. Immaculate Misconception says:

    He would leave a trail of footprints up Camilla’s back rushing to Meghan if she ever expressed the tiniest bit of interest in wearing his designs.

  21. Jay says:

    Setting aside his pre-rejection of Meghan (pretty sure she has several designers that would love to send her clothes, and likely hasn’t heard of this dude) I’m laughing that what was probably intended to be an embiggening article about Camilla and her fashion game still ends up being about Kate and (to some extent) Meghan. Better luck next time, queen consort!

  22. WithTheAmerican says:

    Meghan is making international news for her style, which is more than he can say.

  23. Tina says:

    Imagine trying to restart a business after your last one failed and this is what you do. This will get him attention but what kind of attention? I mean good luck? Hope the Meghan haters open their wallets for ya bud but this just gives off loser vibes.

  24. Kathalea says:

    He wants to go bankrupt again before he even started (again)

  25. Square2 says:

    Oh no worry, if KKKate could (& had) make the House of McQueen to put out those ugly & not Lee McQueen style (from my point of view) clothing for her to wear, this MacSomething person will do the same.

    Was he really famous back then? I used to casually follow high-fashion but never heard of him. Pardon my ignorance.

    “I would love to dress all the women& men in the world.” is not a hard sentence to say, is it not?

    • Eurydice says:

      He was with Givenchy for about 15 years.

      • 1960tlm says:

        With Givenchy for 15 years? And still a nobody. Girl sit down! Nobody cares about your Walmart special clothing.

  26. Tessa says:

    So insensitive. And shunning someone and practically bragging about it appealing to those who behave and speak in a derogatory way about Meghan and are racists.

  27. Grant says:


  28. Julianna says:

    I think they purposely wrote this article to embiggon Camilla and slight Meghan. Nothing new here. They had to add Kate Missington to the conversation because she is always used to attack Meghan.

  29. amy says:

    Good for him. I’m sure Talbots needs another designer on staff. He should jump right on that.

  30. Feeshalori says:

    Maybe Meghan isn’t interested in being dressed by him.

  31. Goldenkatz says:

    Bad enough to say nasty things about Meghan. But to laud that vile Diana basher Camilla? Disgusting.

  32. Cel2495 says:

    But who is asking him to 😂

    He def wishes… whatever Meghan wears , sells out in minutes. I wish she can wear my shoes!

  33. SarahCS says:

    Sounds like someone is gunning to become ‘Sir’ JM.

  34. Lady Rae says:

    His designs were most commonly worn by Kate Beckinsale Jennifer Lopez and Heidi Klum. He’s known for his racy knitwear designs. Some of the designs could be quite nice but given the above names a lot of it could be trashy. I don’t think Meghan is missing out on anything. I really doubt Kate or camila would be seen his designs either.

  35. Izzy says:

    The whole world is watching Meghan’s style, but until today I had never heard of this ass clown. Meghan would never lower herself to wear one of his basic comic-con appropriate designs.

  36. MsIam says:

    Well considering Vogue just gave Meghan’s yellow Carolina Herrera gown a shout out and its four years old, I doubt Meghan cares what this Whoever thinks. If he wants to make horse blankets for the queen and prairie dresses for InvisiKate he’s welcome to do so.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      MsIam, InvisiKate–horse blankets and prairie dresses– 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  37. Eurydice says:

    Going by his current designs, he might prefer Camilla and Kate, but they won’t prefer him – and neither will Meghan.

  38. QuiteContrary says:

    He can’t even dress himself. That jacket looks like something one of my great-aunts used to wear to evening weddings.

  39. Shoegirl77 says:

    So he’d rather design for an almost dead woman and a possibly dead woman? Over the very alive and vibrant duchess of Sussex. Explains the bankruptcy, I suppose.

  40. Satchel says:

    He’s claiming to be on a first-name basis with the Queen of the United Kingdom? I call bullshit. It’s “your majesty/ma’am” for him just like all us plebes.

  41. Renae says:

    I just noticed.
    Who ironed out Camilla face? Is there a glut of botox over there?

  42. bisynaptic says:

    “I prefer Kate and Camilla.”
    — What a silly and childish thing to say. My good man, no one is forcing you to choose. You’re running a business, not picking your playground friends. Aquazzura got Meghan, Kate, AND Rose Hanbury. If you actually want to revivify your brand, you should aspire to the same.

  43. khaveman says:

    I wouldn’t worry, as she has plenty of designers who ARE willing. Irrelevant person.

  44. JFerber says:

    I misread the title–I thought this guy was saying he didn’t want to dress Camilla and I totally get that. He was just throwing a carrot and some hay in Camilla’s direction by dissing the glorious Duchess in Montecito.