‘Sources’ swear Princess Kate is in the UK & planning to spend the summer in Norfolk

This week, a very odd rumor cropped up on Reddit and TikTok. The rumor: the Princess of Wales is quietly seeking treatment at a cancer center in Houston, Texas, and she’s been “seen” at the St. Regis hotel in the city. The number of people entertaining this rumor sort of shocked me. While it’s possible that Kate is seeking treatment outside of the UK, she would never end up in America or any place where information could not be locked down. What was also interesting was how quickly Kensington Palace shut down the rumor – in less than 24 hours, KP offered a flat denial to American publications, meaning of course Kate is not in Houston. Weirdly, Entertainment Tonight also did a follow-up with their sources, asking if everyone is sure that Kate is really in the UK:

As for Kate, ET has learned that she is also in the U.K., with summer break starting in early July for her and William’s three children — Prince George, 10, Princess Charlotte, 9, and Prince Louis, 6. ET was also told that the family has been splitting time between Adelaide Cottage near the children’s school and their Norfolk home, Anmer Hall.

[From ET]

Nothing to see here, folks! We swear, Kate is really in the UK, we promise! Why would we lie about something like that when Kate is about to spend the next three months on her summer vacation? That’s the thing I keep thinking about too – even in normal years, Kate “goes missing” for months at a time in the summer. There have been years where Wimbledon is her final public appearance, in July, and then no one sees her until late September or even October. Well, Kensington Palace is laying it on thick that Kate is 100% going to spend the summer in Norfolk:

Princess Kate hasn’t made any official appearances since her March video announcement that she was undergoing cancer treatment — but Norfolk villagers have seen her plenty of times. According to locals, Kate, 42, regularly takes her two oldest kids, Prince George, 10, and Princess Charlotte, 9, to sailing lessons at a club near their countryside home. The royal (every once in a while accompanied by husband Prince William, 41) watches from the shore as the children learn the ropes.

That’s just the start of the summer activities Kate’s got up her sleeve, though. As in years past, she is planning oodles of fun and adventure for George, Charlotte and their younger brother, Prince Louis, 6, during the school break. “It’s going to be all about being outside in nature and letting the kids just be kids,” an insider exclusively tells Life & Style. “Kate feels horrible that her children have been so worried about her so, more than ever, she wants to make sure this is a summer to remember. She’s promised they’ll have no bedtimes and lots of treats!

The family will largely be based at Anmer Hall — the aforementioned house in close proximity to the sailing club. Aside from getting their sea legs, the kids have reportedly requested to spend their days hiking, playing tennis and baking cupcakes. “Without George, Charlotte and Louis in class, things are going to be more chaotic for Kate,” says the insider, noting the Princess of Wales has been undergoing preventive chemotherapy. “But she’s been resting and gearing up for it.”

Her loved ones are there to provide moments of reprieve when Kate needs them. Brother James Middleton, 37, “brings dogs over to play with the kids,” explains the insider. “Kate also wants the children to spend a lot of time with their cousins.” While James’ little boy, Inigo, is merely 7 months old, 40-year-old sister Pippa’s son, Arthur, 5, and daughters, Grace, 3, and Rose, 2, make energetic playmates. “Kate hopes all the kids can be close as they grow up,” adds the insider, “and summer is really the only opportunity they have to get together for extended periods.”

This season, Kate’s tribe will also honor another family member — the late Queen Elizabeth II — in a wonderful way. “At the end of the school break, Kate, William and the children plan to go to Balmoral in Scotland to do things that the queen loved: play with her corgis, ride horses and go shooting,” says the insider. “It’s a tradition that they look forward to every year!”

[From Life & Style]

Sightings at her kids’ sailing lessons in Norfolk? Plans for a “summer to remember” and wanting Pippa’s kids around? I know this is just Life & Style, but WTF is even going on. I’ve said this for months as well – I think Kate has been in Norfolk almost this entire time. I think her mom is there too. The whole thing is just… so mysterious and strange.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Kensington Palace.

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215 Responses to “‘Sources’ swear Princess Kate is in the UK & planning to spend the summer in Norfolk”

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  1. equality says:

    So no mention of Will’s cousins (who are so close to him) and their children? And Kate, who is undergoing treatment, is going to be doing all these outdoor activities but can’t do a simple video chat with the troops instead of a messed-up letter? She can do all this but can’t simply stand on a balcony and wave? And aren’t QE’s corgis with Andrew and Fergie? Does that mean they are spending time with them or the writer simply can’t research to know this?

    • Jais says:

      They’re calling it Kate’s tribe. Which, okay? Maybe they think Fergie will take the corgis to balmoral but yeh sounds like the writer was blathering on without any idea of who has the corgis.

      • Yvette says:

        @Jais … The writer seems to have “blathered on” without any idea of a great many things. This reads like a clever bit of fan-fiction wherein the fan boy/girl creates an alternative reality.

      • Jais says:

        Well, who wouldn’t want a summer of sailing and cupcakes and corgis? As long as Fergie brings the corgis in this scenario.

    • Becks1 says:

      It also doesn’t make sense because Pippa lives in Berkshire and I think James is out that way as well, right? And they’re telling us Kate is in Norfolk yet plans to have the kids spend the summer with Pippa and her kids and James. are they all staying at Anmer? Are they at anmer while Kate is at Wood Farm?

      And yes, again – if Kate is well enough to be going to sailing lessons and hanging out on the beach for whoever to see her (implying that physically she looks okay), why can’t she make a video message? Why can’t she show up on the balcony?

      Again the KP PR (or whoever this is from) is doing them no favors.

    • The Hench says:

      Kate doesn’t ride horses. Never has. I think the excuse is she is allergic. So that’s out for a start.

      As said above – the corgis are in Windsor and won’t be at Balmoral unless Andrew and Sarah come and bring them. If they wanted to say Kate would be playing with dogs it would have made more sense to write about her walking their own dog – which is a spaniel.

      The shooting – yes, both Kate and William shoot but still, I suspect the writer was just making stuff up based on what they knew the late QEII got up to.

      Last but not least – is it just me or did that line about entirely spoiling the children all this summer with ‘no bedtimes’ and ‘lots of ‘treats’ feel like a last summer with my children vibe? I’m not saying it is but it felt a little …excessive for a normal summer holiday plan.

      • Feeshalori says:

        That’s how it struck me immediately as well, to give her kids the last best summer ever out of all their “bestest” summers because she won’t be around for future ones. But it could also be the customary hyperbole as the RRs are wont to do.

      • Eurydice says:

        Yes, I got that “last summer” vibe, too. But this whole piece is like a lot of random thoughts thrown into a bag.

      • ML says:

        The Hench et al, Yes, this had an overtone of last summer together vibe. I hope that is down to the author being creative.

        The other thing that jumped out at me: “
        Her loved ones are there to provide moments of reprieve when Kate needs them. Brother James Middleton, 37, “brings dogs over to play with the kids,” explains the insider. “Kate also wants the children to spend a lot of time with their cousins.” While James’ little boy, Inigo, is merely 7 months old, 40-year-old sister Pippa’s son, Arthur, 5, and daughters, Grace, 3, and Rose, 2, make energetic playmates. “Kate hopes all the kids can be close as they grow up,” adds the insider, “and summer is really the only opportunity they have to get together for extended periods.””. Was that William doesn’t seem to be in the picture until Balmoral? Or is it just me that thinks the author forgot to include him in Norfolk?

      • Jais says:

        It wasn’t just you @ML. There was the detail that she’s been seen watching the kids’ sailing lessons and sometimes William is there too. Ouch.

  2. Tessa says:

    Now it’s sailing lessons
    What next

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      I choose to believe the Guinea Pig community asked to be excluded from these shenanigans so KP had to come up with a new talking point for the kids’ activities.

      • Jais says:

        Omg, the Guinea pig community united and said no😂😂😂

      • AMTC says:

        Thanks for the laugh @bluenailsbetty! I miss the days when this site was focused on who could come up with the most amusing comments about Buttons and her antics.

  3. Hypocrisy says:

    They seem to want the rumors and speculation to continue.. otherwise there would be verifiable proof of her well being. They shut this story down so fast, it makes me believe some part of it is true. She may not be stateside but I don’t necessarily believe she is still in Britain either. We have no idea where she was receiving treatment or even what type of cancer or treatment she has/had. So many unanswered questions and so many distraction stories the truth has to pretty horrible.

    • Julianna says:

      More like we have no idea if she even has cancer. There timeline never added up and they sure did use that cancer diagnosis to explain away all Williams erratic behavior.

      The cancer video was AI generated.

      They used the cancer diagnosis to berate everyone for questioning all the lies and asking about her whereabouts. They also knew it would silence the International Media

      William and the palace lied about this diagnosis.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      KP shut this story down so fast because the Houston Chronicle probably monitored the Houston Reddit and asked them on the record, point blank. The hotel and the hospital are two brand name, high profile businesses with too much international name recognition and their own reputation to protect for KP to be as loosey goosey with an American publication as they routinely are with British ones KP knows they can control. American media blowing this up before Trooping is not what they want. Dumb SM rumours are what KP wants.

      • Starting to wonder if the low rent Houston rumor was a Midd operation.

        Toss a few bucks to comment farms and watch it flourish, it’s how they did it in the old days before Meghan, when the media had its claws out for Lazy Katy.

        Sure makes William look bad.

  4. Sue says:

    “Kate feels horrible that her children have been so worried about her so, more than ever, she wants to make sure this is a summer to remember. — This kind of comment makes me think her diagnosis is terminal. It’s the kind of thing you say when you know your time with your family may be limited. I sincerely hope I am wrong but I am beginning to think rather than Kate and her handlers making a mountain out of a molehill all these months, actually it may be the reverse.

    • Julianna says:

      It still makes absolutely no sense why they have not been able to provide proof of life over the past 6 months. And by the previous track record of her disappeance by the British Press & KP, I highly doubt this is actually Kate expressing any thoughts or words to the media herself.

      • Liz says:

        Yes, they want to give the impression she’s here and doing various things.

        Then in a few weeks or months they’ll announce her sad demise. And say she spent her last months as she wanted, privately with the kids.

  5. Sue says:

    “Kate feels horrible that her children have been so worried about her so, more than ever, she wants to make sure this is a summer to remember.” — This kind of comment makes me think her diagnosis is terminal. It’s the kind of thing you say when you know your time with your family may be limited. I sincerely hope I am wrong but I am beginning to think rather than Kate and her handlers making a mountain out of a molehill all these months, actually it may be the reverse.

    • I think this is just KP not handling her where abouts in a really bad way.

    • Jais says:

      It does sound ominous but I seriously doubt life and style has any tea on whether she’s that sick or not. But it does feel like whoever these sources are they want us to think that’s a possibility. It just feels weird, like two competing narratives. One where’s she’s very sick and one where she’s not. It just makes me not necessarily believe anything. Congrats, we believe nothing so you can now do whatever the hell you want bts. Goal achieved for them if that was their goal.

      • Becks1 says:

        I agree that it sounds ominous but it could also just be KP’s way of making sure no one expects Kate to work for the next few months – she can’t work, she needs to make summer super special for her kids. But how is what they are describing different from any other summer for them? Norfolk, maybe a vacation somewhere, Balmoral, etc.

        I know I said this last week but what is driving me crazy about this narrative is that this is what got them in trouble in March – the insistence that Kate is completely fine but they can’t even provide a grainy photo of her watching her kids sail or whatever. Stage another lunch at a pub. Have a picture of her taking the kids for ice cream. Have a tourist take a selfie and share it (kind of like that great one of QEII and the random American tourist I think from years ago, who had no idea she was the queen.)

        If she is fine and this is KP digging in their heels about her “privacy” then they’re again massively mishandling this situation. If she is really sick and they are trying to cover that up, then again they are massively mishandling this.

      • Jais says:

        So basically they’re massively mishandling this situation😂. You’ll get no arguments from me on that. She’s getting better but she can absolutely not be seen is the vibe. However, at this point, I don’t want some grainy random photo of her watching her kids sailing. That’ll be a gazillion comments going on about whether it’s really her or not, which is just more of the same bs. I’m gonna need some sort of verifiably crisp and clear photo that leaves no room for doubt. Do those even exist anymore /s😂?

      • Becks1 says:

        @Jais I know, I thought that too about the grainy photo as I was typing it LOL. I don’t know if I can handle another round of “is it her or isn’t it,” I’m still rolling my eyes at the MDA battle and I’m gearing up for the George birthday photo argument we are sure to have.

        its the “absolutely cannot be seen” part that is just throwing this whole thing into conspiracy territory again.

      • Nic919 says:

        What I don’t like is the expectation that people who get cancer treatment and lose their hair or lose a lot of weight have to be hidden because they don’t look perfect. This is really adding a stigma for people who are experiencing those effects and seeing how kate being hidden is what should be done.

        As a public figure this has ripple effects. It’s not even that she needs to return to what she was doing before this, but not even seeing her leave the hospital for what was at the time abdominal surgery was very odd started this mess.

      • ML says:

        Jais, Whatever is happening with Kate, the messiness of the competing narratives keep her in the spotlight (which considering how long she’s been missing is quite some trick). Supposedly she’s recovering (which I do believe) and doesn’t need stress (which may or may not be true here—if KP or W wanted to make it less stressful for her, they would clean up the communication snafus). This is the most compellingly interesting part of the BRF.

      • Jais says:

        Yes, the competing narratives do keep it all in the spotlight and create a feverish pitch of interest. And I do blame the palace for that. Whilst they blame us. But it’s hard to watch BE breathlessly talk about Kate shopping in Norfolk and take them seriously.

  6. Well it sounds like a fun summer for the kids. Maybe there will be some pictures of them sailing. I too believe that she has been staying in Norfolk. Maybe if she is out so much someone in the public that sees her will use their phone and get a picture.

  7. Agnes says:

    That all just sounds so idyllic, like their soft-focus jeans ad. But if Kate’s up for romping picnics, why not provide verifiable proof of life? Maybe she’s actually on a yacht somewhere with the two younger kids, her parents, and no wi-fi. We don’t know, and probably never will.

  8. Brassy Rebel says:

    They are describing someone who is perfectly well. And yet, this person who is running errands, taking her kids to sailing lessons, and moving back and forth between residences cannot appear on camera in public. And she is being seen often by villagers who never think to snap a photo. What total bs they are serving.

    • ShazBot says:

      Yeah, this woman planning an active and fun summer can’t put a dress and a hat and wave from a balcony? The cancer-ridden dying 96 year old Queen did it months before she passed. So weird that NO ONE asks these questions.

    • sevenblue says:

      Also, the people there are respecting her privacy by not taking pics, but they are also running to the tabloids to tell them they saw Kate. She literally turned into Big Foot, with grainy pics and all.

      • Ok I spit out my drink. Kate is 2024’s Bigfoot. One day there will be a documentary about her hiding, only coming out at night, her footprint all we had to go on.

  9. daisy says:

    i’m a nobody with zero connections but i work adjacent to the oncology community and i had heard the rumor that Kate was getting cancer treatment in Houston weeks ago at the ASCO annual meeting in Chicago, the largest cancer meeting in the world. the speculation i heard was that she’s there for proton therapy. i think most people are brushing it off because they assume she would need to be there continuously for months for treatment but that’s not necessarily the case. and i think it would be easy to be unnoticed in Houston because it isn’t an international media hub like NYC and quite frankly, outside of the normal royal context we’re used to seeing her, most Americans wouldn’t be able to pick Kate out of a line up.

    • Advisor2U says:

      Proton therapy is usually not used for the lower body parts/organs (abdominals, etc.), but to treat upper cancerous body parts, like, brains/head, neck/throat, etc. Kate said cancer cells were found after surgery. She had abdominal surgery.

      • maisie says:

        Perhaps you’re confusing proton beam with gamma knife?
        Proton beam therapy is absolutely being used in treatment of pancreatic cancer. Anderson is doing this in clinical trials, so I think it’s quite plausible.

        That statement was not written by doctors, it was a PR wordsmithing job to try and soften the impact. with modern diagnostic techniques and imaging, there is not a chance that cancer would be discovered “after the fact”. Whatever surgery she had done was done specifically to remove cancer, they knew exactly what was there going in. And there’s no such thing as “preventative” (not even a real word) chemo. I think most medically trained people can read between the lines and understand what’s going on.

      • Magdalena says:

        Maisie, “preventative” in the UK = “preventive” in the US. 🙂 It is a real word.

    • Nanea says:

      Please stop with making it sound like that Proton therapy treatment is exclusive to the US, or even especially to MD Anderson.

      There are ~ 30 oncology treatment centers in Europe that use proton beam and gamma knife, three of them in the UK, the newest in London, inaugurated by the then PoW Charles in 2021 as a part of UCL.

      It really enrages me sometimes that so many US-based commenters seem to think that we here in Europe aren’t capable of doing cutting-edge research and treatments.

      Just because most of the countries here don’t use English as our first language, we seem off the radar.

      But e.g. the staff at the university hospital in my home town is perfectly able to accommodate English-speaking patients anyway, and it’s one of the largest in Europe with a stellar reputation, and hundreds of millions of €€€ grants provided by the EU for the Horizon research program that we’re part of, and that the UK Brexited out of.

      And color me sceptical, but if participants at a huge medical congress are gossiping about a *named patient* receiving a *specific treatment*, it’s the largest imaginable HIPAA violation, and proves that all concerned not only don’t seem to get, nor respect, the concept of privacy laws.

      That said, “Kate” mentioned in that video that cancer *had been present*, and that she’d be receiving preventative (=adjunct) chemotherapy. Unless KP says something else, we should believe this part.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Nanea, I can’t see coming to the US when there are places in other countries close that would seem a better option. Why would anyone travel that far on a plane when there is no need? I don’t think anyone was saying there aren’t really good cancer treatments in other countries–this is more speculation regarding gossip.

        I agree with you that if we believe the video she was/is not extremely ill, because she said she needed preventative chemotherapy.

        This goes to show that the brf has to get over itself and start telling the truth. All that they’ve done is make this a bigger mess than it had to be. I’m starting to wonder if they even know how to spell ‘truth’.

      • maisie says:

        just saying again, Anderson is the acknowledged best center in the world for treatment of cancer. it’s really the explanation that makes the most sense.

      • daisy says:

        🤷🏻‍♀️ be skeptical then, idk what to tell you. I can’t prove a conversation I had in person 2 weeks ago to a stranger on the internet so it’s not even worth my time to try. especially to someone who finds themself being personally enraged about any of this, what a giant overreaction. just know that HIPAA doesn’t apply to everyone, and doctors/healthcare providers aren’t the only people who attend medical conferences.

      • blueberry says:

        I don’t think anyone’s saying she couldn’t or wouldn’t get treatment in Europe or elsewhere. She could certainly be anywhere! But in response to people asking why she’d go that far, it’s reasonable to guess there could be some sort of speciality treatment there that isn’t available elsewhere. I know MDA has a reputation for treating international VIPS. So that could be another factor. For the extremely wealthy they go for the best of whatever they need. An airplane ride from London to Houston isn’t really that big a deal but we don’t really even know anything about the cancer so all we can do is speculate and evaluate rumors based on plausibility.

      • Lulu says:

        Late last year a spring trip to Italy for Will and Kate was announced. Earlier this year there was speculation that the trip was planned for Kate to get treatment in Italy. So the theory was the surgery in Jan was urgent and the Italian doctors came to London. IDK if that has been debunked.

      • Becks1 says:

        @daisy I am skeptical, because you are a newer name and the other day you said that you had heard from people in the hospitality industry about this, not medical. You could absolutely be telling the truth but at this point, we’re going to be skeptical and if you’re right, you’re right 🤷‍♀️

        Look, over the past 6 months we have had posters here who all insisted they had verifiable insider knowledge that ranged from William killing Kate in January, to Louis breaking both her legs, to Kate being taken immediately to Anmer after her surgery and staying there for months, to Kate being on Mustique, to the kids being in Bucklebury, etc.

        so yeah at this point I’m taking everything people say with a HUGE grain of salt.

      • Nic919 says:

        Unless there is some treatment that only MD Anderson can do, kate is going somewhere much closer to home.

        That Kate was mentioned at a Chicago conference is much more likely to be speculation made by American doctors who are unaware of what kind of treatments are going on outside of their country. It wouldn’t be the first time that Americans are clueless of the world outside the borders, even doctors.

      • Nanea, I agree, that tone from some (not all) is really coming across as ethnocentrism.

        The U.S. is not the end all be all and it’s absolute crap for privacy and data laws. please, new commenters, stop confusing DATA laws with HIPAA law, and speaking of the rah rah USA tone, the US data privacy is light years behind EU and U.K.

        @becks1 seriously. I’ve been on these Internets for far too long, and as a mod for years at a large forum, to take the word of anyone, let alone new commenters.

        As I wrote above, real info is vetted and corroborated. That’s how it’s established as truth. We have none of that here. The notion that people expect strangers to believe comments flooding a site at the same time in what I might wonder is potentially coordinated is pretty bonkers.

      • ML says:

        About 15 years ago, a US-Dutch couple I knew from an expat group I belonged to left the Netherlands for the States. He had stage 4 something kidney cancer and 4 kids under 12. When he got told the only real thing that they could offer him here at that time was palliative care, they found a clinical trial in the US. It gave them about 2.5 more years together. Probably that wouldn’t be necessary today…
        If, repeat if, K is in the US, then whatever she has is extremely serious. If there’s anything she can do to fight the cancer in that case, she’s going to get the best treatment possible. This would mean that MD Anderson or whichever cancer center has something to offer that she can’t access closer to home. They absolutely have the means. I totally buy that she would do that. Presumably, she had some other health issues (like Crohn’s?) which may be a complicating factor.

      • Becks1 says:

        @ML I don’t think anyone is saying that it’s impossible she left the country for cutting edge or unique treatment. I just think if she did, we wouldn’t know about it. Her nurse would certainly not be talking etc. And if she was seen, I think there would be pictures.

      • ML says:

        Becks1, ITA with you. I also don’t think that anyone would be talking about it, at least not anyone working there or at her hotel. A leak for me, because I actually believe that the privacy in this situation would be excellent, would have come from a more random person. And I highly doubt that anyone would be bragging in Chicago about it. At least I hope not. And I don’t think she’s out and about if there—it’s so far away that she would need to be in pretty dire circumstances.
        I wanted to respond to Nanea. We have really good cancer hospitals here in the Netherlands, and usually the care is excellent. I just wanted to point out why someone like Kate would fly to the US for treatment.

      • Worktowander says:

        No one in their right mind thinks the U.S. has cornered the market on cutting-edge medicine. Heck, I have a personal friend who sought experimental (and successful) treatment for a form of MS in *Russia.*

        However, some U.S. facilities are at the top of their field. I’ll take everyone’s word that MD Anderson is one of those (I have no independent knowledge). As such, it’s not odd that if you have the means to access the best, you go where the most expert practitioners are – US, UK, France, Russia, Tomboctou. Why is that so enraging?

      • @work probably because that’s not what people are disagreeing about. As explained over and over again.

        Let’s stop moving the goal posts.

  10. Sunshine says:

    Don’t the kids attend school in Windsor though? Norfolk is not near Windsor.

    • Sue says:

      One of the rumours floating around a few months ago was that the children were being homeschooled. Then, of course, we got stories about George and Charlotte sitting exams and William doing the oh so important school run so who knows.

      • Becks1 says:

        There was a rumor that the kids were being homeschooled but that went against the KP narrative of the school run and against the idea of them being on school break for Easter (which was the reason Kate gave in the video for delaying the cancer announcement.) So like @sue said…..who knows lol.

  11. Amy Bee says:

    If she’s going to Norfolk for the summer does that mean that she will be finished with “preventative” chemo by then?

    • Apparently she’s taking a private jet weekly from Houston to Norfolk for sailing lessons and back to Houston for super secret but spotted by phoneless public preventative chemo!

      I know this because my aunt flies her jet. 🙂 (sarcasm alert!)

  12. Jenjen says:

    There is a world renowned cancer clinic called the Burzynski clinic located in Houston. Dr. Burzynsky’s methods are cutting edge and very controversial. My father in law went there in the 80’s. He was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and given 6 months to live. The clinic bought him 6 more years. As I mentioned his methods are controversial and not FDA approved. So patients must go to Houston the only city he is allowed to practice. Ted Kennedy thought so highly of him that he scheduled an Appointment for Jackie Kennedy but she sadly passed away before her appointment. One of the reasons she delayed going is because she was reluctant to travel to Houston.
    It’s just a theory but it does track because again Kate would have to be treated in Houston.

    • maisie says:

      I’d hardly call the Burzynski Clinic “renowned”. More like “notorious.” read the Texas Medical Board complaints.
      I’m rather surprised that he’s still licensed to practice medicine.

      If she’s in Houston, it’s for treatment at MD Anderson, the most renowned cancer center in the world, not some quack like Burzynski.

      Im glad your father in law did well, but I sincerely doubt that it was Burzynski responsible.

  13. Melody says:

    All of this just sounds like the last summer she will be alive. It has a very sad tone to it if they are trying to put a positive spin on it.

  14. Where'sMyTiara says:

    Norfolk again? Not Balmoral?

    Every time they mention Norfolk, it has the feel of the kids being brought there by (Midds? Huevo? Nannies?) to visit Mummy on the school breaks.

    I still say she’s not left Sandringham since Dec 25, 2023. I still think whatever recovery she may or may not be experiencing at this moment is happening on Wood Farm on the estate.

    • Julianna says:

      I checked the flight logs and William travels to Norfolk pretty regularly. In January, he was making trips to Norfolk when the kids should have already started school. Also, there are a few private flights and via helicopter to Balmoral in January as well. I’m sure at the very least many of those were his because the heli picked him up and/or dropped him from KP. The flights that are being taken by the helicoptor that i presume are William typically pick up and drop off at KP not Windsor but we already figured that so…

      There are some other interesting places and islands they travel to but I’m only just beginning to look at it.

      • Jais says:

        I didn’t realize there were flight logs for William’s helicopter. I would have assumed there would be security reasons for why they wouldn’t make that info public.

      • Agnes says:

        Yes there are flight logs, I think it’s required that’s why OSINT can track Musk and Swift. Somebody on reddit did a quick study of them also and noted traffic to Balmoral in January. (Scotland in January???)

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        There are flight logs, indeed. There’s one specific helicopter that seems to be favored by W, but also Chuck and Camilla (I believe she or they used it for the trips to/from Scotland…Camilla seems to have used it between Christmas and New Year to take a break from Sandringham by heading to Ray Mill for a few days). You can see W’s trip on Monday to the National Football Centre (he took off from Windsor and returned there FWIW). And someone made a trip today from KP to the Waddeston Estate in Buckinghamshire, then from there to Windsor and from Windsor to New End Farmhouse/Reybridge in Wiltshire. It’s actually really interesting to see where it goes and try to figure out who is going where lol.

      • Julianna says:

        I honestly don’t think all of them get logged but yes there actually is flight logs. I honestly think Huevo is using the private jet more than the helicopter. You don’t always know who could be traveling on it but what I did was go back to the helicopter log to see if they used the helicopter to also pick him up from the RAF base after he was dropped off by the plane. In May, it looks like William was the one traveling to Cyprus Island.

        Also, I heard a rumor on Twitter about William going to Romania with Rose. On May 6 or 7th I believe it was him catching a flight back from Romania. No idea if that was the time-frame of the rumor but just thought I would mention that.

      • Julianna says:


        Yes. There are. I honestly do have a strong feeling that not everything is tracked though but you can see a lot of their traffic. Let’s just say William is a HUGE hypocrite!

        I just glanced at May and I noticed there was a lot of visits out the country and I was able to pretty much pin point William to a few. I was able to do that by going back and looking at the helicopter log and it picked him up at the RAF BASE after he got off his private flight and took him to KP. I think it was Cyprus Island he visited a few times. There were some other islands too visited. I have to go back and look at a map though because some of the names are in another language.

        Also, I remember I heard that William supposedly went to Romania with Rose. At the time, I didn’t give it much credence but something did catch my eye and I believe on May 7th there was just a flight back from Romania. I might have missed the date for the flight there? I have no idea if that fits the timeline of that rumor though. I don’t think it was Charles or Camilla on the Romania flight based off other movements.

      • Julianna says:

        I apoligize i did not mean to repeat the same information in that previous comment. I couldn’t tell what posted..

        You can see a lot of the Windsors movement via their helicopters and private jets however I do have a strong feeling all of them are not reported.

        But yes I’m only beginning to really go through them. I don’t have a lot of time and plus I feel like a stalker 😅 It’s a little difficult to figure out who is on the private plane but sometimes Heuvo definitely gives it away. I was able to tell it was him on a few because he would be picked up from the RAF base via the helicopter around the time the private jet landed or vice versa type scenario.

        I also think they have private jets at some of the airports that are not recorded on this flight log.

        I’m pretty certain it was William that went to Romania and not Charles and Camilla based off their movements. And pretty sure its William gallavanting off to the island visits.

  15. blueberry says:

    They want it both ways. She’s fine, don’t worry about her but also it could be life-threatening serious. All of their briefings contradict each other. I think they want people to speculate about the cancer being worse because then they will leave her alone and stop asking questions about this poor, stricken mother.

    But they also don’t want Will to look like he’s ditching a sick wife. So that’s the “she’s fine” part. The speculation works in their favor. They can get away with saying nothing on the record this way.

    I don’t think her being abroad means it’s necessarily terminal or whatever. Sometimes there are treatments that are less invasive or a rare cancer that a few have experience with. Idk but their messaging gives me a headache.

  16. Plums says:

    I know it’s not salacious or anything, but local news here in Houston, when reporting on the gossip after the story blew up, from the radio DJs to the local anchors to the Chronicle, almost unifomly followed a script both textual and subtextual along the lines of “Kensington Palace denies this. Royal sources say she’s not in Houston and has never been here….but if she *was* here receiving treatment at MDA, we’d all respect her privacy. Yes? Yes, of course we would. Good, glad that’s all cleared up and you all know there’s no story here”

    So now I think she’s definitely here or was here for an extended time.

    • Nic919 says:

      KP has been known to threaten lawsuits and media outlets wouldn’t want to risk that. Even that ABC reporter dropped an Andrew story for access to more William and Kate stories.

  17. Jais says:

    Thoughts and prayers for the CB moderators on this post😂.

  18. beeyonkadonk says:

    Commenting once again since the other day there were insinuations that I’m some bot because I’ve come to say that my best friend’s close friend from college has seen *with her own eyes* the amount of British security currently taking up two whole floors of the St. Regis while she herself (the college friend) stays there to get treatment. (FTR, I’ve been reading this blog for years, really dislike Kate as a person, and have commented in the past – you could probably find my comments if you searched my name.) Normally, the sleuthery on this site is pretty good but I am gobsmacked by how many people think Kate *wouldn’t* come here for the best cancer treatment in the world because of . . . privacy issues? Without knowing how MDA works and has served the needs of very high level / private people and has an established infrastructure for anonymnity? Is it not possible that some of these rumors are true and that others are not? (Like hiking a trail seems very sus to me, this woman is extremely ill, she’s not galavanting around town.) Still, it’s entirely possible for incorrect rumors to start based on a kernel of truth. Even on the privacy front, I would actually argue that she’d have better privacy here than in the UK or in Europe! And why, if you were facing a serious disease, would you not get the best care possible if you have the means? Utterly bizarre how many people here just attribute this all to bots.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      beeyonkadonk, I didn’t realize anyone thought you were a bot. I tend to be skeptical because we’ve heard so many stories at this point that I would have to be naive to believe anything at this point. I must say that as sick as she apparently is I would be surprised they put her on a plane for that many hours. Houston isn’t on the East Coast.

    • beeyonkadonk says:

      I would ordinarily feel the same way, I just *really* trust my source on this, and the fact that multiple rumors are swirling around the same location. But I will say, I think a private flight would not be that big of a health risk. Flying commercial would be a different story. But people fly in and out of Houston for cancer treatment all the time, especially the rich.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        I get that you *really* trust your friend of a friend source but I don’t think it should be that surprising that people here might have doubts. We are ALL speculating. For one, I’m curious to know how your friend of a friend knew they were British security? Did they have big union jacks on their back? Did the friend of a friend recognize a specific RPO from photos with Kate? Is it possible that someone else could be there with a British security team? It’s also amazing to me how some people (not you) are guaranteeing they know how Kate would feel and behave in a situation where we don’t even know the facts!

        The only thing we know “for sure” (and not even for sure since Kate, William, and KP are proven liars) is what we’ve been told from their own mouths or official statements. And those comments and statements are contradictory and all over the place. Kate – by her own admission – was getting better. William says she’s doing fine and feeling better. But then KP tells us she’s also too sick to do any sort of work for an entire year. Nothing they say makes sense or is consistent.

    • Agnes says:

      The palaces have everyone so confused by their lies, AI, photo collages, & “mishandling of PR” that no one anywhere knows what to believe. Here’s one fact: the public has not been provided with verifiable proof of life for Kate since Christmas of 2023. No one knows for sure she actually has cancer. No one knows for sure she’s alive. No one knows whether or not she’s separated from William. Yes, it’s plausible that she went to MDA for treatment under the radar then returned home to Norfolk for a (last?) happy summer with her kids. But without un-retouched, non-grainy-potato-camera visual proof of her continued existence, why should anyone believe what the lying palaces, propagandist Rota Rats, or random internet posters say.

      • beeyonkadonk says:

        Well that I agree with! I don’t trust anything they say. But I thought it was interesting that they immediately jumped on the Houston thing, because usually hit dogs holler most.

      • May says:

        I don’t think you’re a bot and at this point I’m not one to not believe. Kensington Palace has been all over the map in trying to explain away Kate’s disappearance. I will also note that it is my understanding that KP itself did not outright deny the Houston rumor. Rather it was reported from a royal “expert” as coming from a source in Kensington Palace. Also, if Kate were using Hughie’s private jet the trip would not be too onerous or long for her. I was once medically evacuated from an island in Micronesia to Guam and it was on a commercial flight! They just raised the armrests on a row of seats in the front of coach and I was gurneyed onto the plane and placed on the row of seats. The only bad thing about it was I was totally embarrassed because I saw a few people that I knew on the flight!

    • Julianna says:

      The MD Anderson “sighting” is literally right out of KP’s playbook. I 100% believe they ignited this “rumor” through social media and yes they have deployed BOTS/paid personall all over social media and forums to promote that lie. I’m not accusing you particularly for that but I still don’t believe you and definitely do not think she is in Houstin.

      First, at this point, it would be more likely that William/KP hired a body double to prance around the bayou in Houston laughing and joking with a body guard than Kate physically being their herself.

      Second, I personally don’t even believe she has cancer at all. I think the palace lied to:

      1) Silence everyone for questioning all their lies and fraud
      2) Silence everyone for questioning her whereabouts
      3) Silence the International Press
      4) For William & KP to buy time because they obviously cannot produce a real, recent photo or video of Kate much less have her in a LIVE, unambiguous setting.
      5) And it’s highly likely they will later say she succumbed to cancer.

      • beeyonkadonk says:

        I’m literally LOLing as I write this from my office in NYC. Again, search my name for comments on completely unrelated posts (I think I posted on breastfeeding last some months ago). The source is my best friend from law school, her friend most definitely has a spinal tumor, and she never said she saw Kate directly. She also heard this *before* the reddit post. Does KP plant rumors and bots on the reg? I’m sure. I’m certainly not on their side or team and have no dog in this fight aside from my integrity being questioned by internet strangers. I honestly don’t understand why so many of you are like adamantly, spiritually opposed to this being true. What does KP get out of people thinking this? It’s sort of embarrassing that she’s eschewed NIH care, and it flies in the face of the story that she’s not that ill.

      • Becks1 says:

        I mean, your source is a close friend of a close friend so yes, people are going to be skeptical.

        I’m not adamantly opposed to the idea of her being in treatment in Houston, I’m adamantly opposed to the idea of her being in treatment and it being leaked the way it has been on reddit. that’s my issue here. If she was there, I don’t think anyone would know.

      • Harper says:

        @beeyonkadonk I am just curious and was wondering if you could tell us why you didn’t post here about Kate being at MD Anderson once you heard the rumor? This site has obviously been hosting all and every type of hypothesis since January and her rumored existence at a famous cancer center would certainly be the kind of tea one would be tempted to share. Were you trying to protect your friend? Did you feel it was disrespectful to Kate? Did you not believe it? Just wondering. Not trying to prove you are a bot or anything. Just curious.

      • Nic919 says:

        I saw references to MD Anderson in the comments on this site last week and possibly earlier. But what I guess I am questioning is why would British security be so obvious about it. How does the close friend of a close friend know it is British security, or even security for Kate.

        I don’t doubt your close friend has told you this. But this is hearsay upon hearsay and we don’t know if the person who thinks they saw British security is in fact correct about it being security for Kate.

        And of course KP is not credible anymore, so it is not like a denial from them is the truth.

        It is simply a huge mess.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        Beeyonkadonk – are you saying you posted some months ago about this rumor? Can you show us?

        I totally get that you feel passionate about believing your friend of a friend source (and I’m confused about what them having a spinal tumor has to do with the security being seen at a hotel? Is that where the friend of a friend was staying?), but I find it lol-ing and surprising that you’d be so surprised that people don’t automatically believe every single person making claims on the internet. This isn’t even really about you, but it’s bonkers to think anyone should believe a random person online who is making a claim without evidence or proof.

      • Becks1 says:

        @nic919 i recall seeing a few comments like “maybe she’s at MD Anderson” or “she could be somewhere like MDA and we would
        Never know” so that’s why I find these comments that are coming out swinging about her definitely being there as “the only thing that makes sense” to be a little…..well convenient, let’s say.

    • Jais says:

      I said yesterday that lots of new people crop up when there’s a new rumor and they’ll all swear that the new rumor is true. And there will be names that i won’t ever see again once the rumor dies down. That does happen. But no one name has been singled out as a bot. If that doesn’t apply to you, then it doesn’t apply to you. Maybe she’s in Houston. Maybe she’s not. People might not believe she’s definitely in Houston and that’s okay? If we find out later she was, then cool. I’m just not taking anything as gospel.

      • Agree. I mean, I haven’t said anyone is a bot, but I am thinking it’s likely some of these names are paid commenters. Just to be up front.

        I think when a bunch of new names come on hot and heavy with claims they personally can vouch for x happening and it all speaks to the same narrative, it should cause skepticism.

        We know KP buys bots, so of course they pay commenters. Is that happening here? I have no idea. But it’s happening somewhere. That’s how they roll.

        As for this narrative, like Becks1 said, it’s not that I can’t see this happening. It’s that if it were, we wouldn’t know about it. Is it likely they’d venture out of their super injunction zone? No.

      • Jais says:

        There are often new commenters and they come in good faith. Which is awesome. But coming in hard and then getting upset when people don’t agree with you right away is a choice.

      • Absolutely! Though tbf, some of them could get paid to write fan fic about Catherine the Great in Houston. I wonder if Tatler needs story ideas.

      • maisie says:

        I’ve posted on this site for close to 10 years, so I’m for sure not a bot. I don’t post all that often anymore, I used to have a different username but my email address got hacked about 3 years ago.

        I’ve NEVER been a fan of Kate. Not a hater but not a fan. But the way she displayed such animus towards Meghan on that walkabout after QEIIs death sealed it for me. Pretty much proved to me that all the bad stuff said about her was true.

        BUT…I’m a doctor (I’m retired now) and I’ve posted a lot on these threads because I’ve seen a lot of misinformation. IMO getting treatment at Anderson is really the only explanation that ties together all the threads-her disappearance, that of her mom and 2 younger kids, the cancer statement, William’s behaviour. I’m inclined to grant her a little grace because if indeed she’s being treated there, it means that her condition is very serious. As in she will be lucky to see in 2025.

        I did my residency at a major medical center that treated LOTS of foreign VIPs. The protocols for staff are extremely strict. Violating patient confidentiality doesn’t mean just getting fired, it’s usually the end of your career. Professional AND institutional sanctions. Also, in general the only people that deal with those VVIPs are the licensed professionals-no secretaries, clerks, housekeepers, orderlies, etc. The VVIP is treated under an alias, and there’s a designated person-usually employed by the hospital-who does all the interface. So leaking of someone’s presence just seldom happens.

        Anyway, sorry to go on like this. I’m inclined to grant her a bit of grace because I think it’s probably true. if so, she won’t be around to see her kids grow up, not something I’d wish on pretty much anyone.

      • @maisie as I’ve posted I am we’ll aware of the protocols for VIPs, as someone I know who is a very famous movie star who got treated for cancer at the height of her career, and was treated under an alias. That’s really neither here nor there, though, since that happens everywhere for VIPs.

        You say you’re “giving her grace” because you believe this because it’s the only thing makes sense to you. She hasn’t said she’s there, so I’m confused what “grace” is in this context?

        Often when people say that on here recently, they mean they want people to stop “speculating,” but of course, you yourself are speculating as you have no knowledge of her even having present cancer— “cancer HAD been present”, let alone serious cancer, let alone being in the U.S., let alone being in Houston.

        How is speculating that she has horrible cancer giving her grace?

  19. NikkiK says:

    The math continues to not add up. It’s like KP doesn’t understand that in this case two opposing things can’t be true at the same time. So either Kate is very unwell and can’t or doesn’t want to be seen in people. Or she’s not that sick and is just using this to take a huge break.

    They want us to believe that she’s not that sick BUT still too sick to do her duties? The maths isn’t mathing.

  20. First comment says:

    The fact that, even after the denial from KP about MD Anderson, people still discuss it, shows how successful KP policy is…everybody is persuaded that she receives treatment for cancer there and that explains completely her absence (and possibly, that of her children) during trooping, etc. Anyway, the way this article is written sounds pretty bad for Kate but William’s carefree appearances seem to contradict this narrative…(he seems pretty calm and happy totally in contrast to his appearances back in February and March…as if a solution is found about Kate and whatever she suffers from 😉)

    • Julianna says:

      @First Comment

      Yes! Thank you for pointing that out. They were indeed successful. I mentioned yesterday the strategy they used and its the oldest trick in their playbook. KP knew exactly what they were doing. They know half the internet will continue to claim she is there and it’s perfect timing for Trooping. Imagine that…

      KP/William is lazy, sloppy and they bungle a lot of things but they are experienced liars and schemers. I mean I look back at how they weaponized the press against Harry and Meghan and they were partly if not completely successful for a time.

      William was busy orchestrating bully campaigns against Meghan, forging Harry’s signature for public statements that were lies, and ffs even dragging his entire family out for a fake papped commercial flight (thankfully he got caught).

      KP/William have a lot of experience in lying and scheming. And no I don’t believe they are completely incompetent. I think they are just arrogant, short sighted, lazy, and sloppy and have the British Media backing.

      I also think Jason Knauf may be back in the fold with William in some capacity.

      • Nic919 says:

        Lee Thompson would probably know to run this kind of thing too. Whoever is doing it is not William.

        Eventually this will burn them. They can’t play it both ways, with “ super serious that she needs to be in Houston” and then say “oh she’s running errands and will go sailing”.

  21. First comment says:

    Lately, it seems as every c/b commenter lives in Huston? Am I the only one who thinks that?

    • Julianna says:

      No, you are not. They have flooded the LSA forums too.

      • Agnes says:

        And reddit. The only thing I knew about Houston before the Kate “sightings” was NASA. Now I know they’ve got bayous, fancy hotels, a world-class cancer treatment center, air-conditioned pedestrian shopping tunnels, and off-the-charts humidity. TMI, lol.

      • Old and tired says:

        Houston is the 4th-largest city in the US, so there could be a lot of Houston -based CBers! I literally can see the Houston Medical Center from my dining room window (no insider information here, alas!).

      • Agnes says:

        @Old and tired: If sightings of Kate in my town were reported, you can bet there would be a lot of my homies chiming in about OUR world-class cancer center on every possible forum. So lots of Houstonians suddenly posting feels 1/2 organic, and only half astro-turf.

    • Becks1 says:

      YUP. Harper said something similar above. An influx of new names who are all experts on MD Anderson and privacy laws and saw her in Houston.

    • Jais says:

      Alright guys, I must confess. I lived in Houston for a year. When I was 9. It was actually awesome. There were bike paths so I could walk to school which was amazing. A place that had really good milkshakes. The galleria with an ice rink. My sister was born at a hospital in Katy. Shout out Houston.

  22. BeanieBean says:

    Sigh. I just got stuck on that top photo. What with all the talk we’ve had of photoshopping & Frankenphoto-ing lately, I can’t help but think–where’s Kate’s right leg? William’s two legs lean in the same direction, toward her; her left leg leans toward him, but where is her right leg? Where’d it go?

    • Agnes says:

      It’s a confusing photo but I see two of her knees. Look in the right corner. She’s sitting askew.

  23. K-Peace says:

    I’m still shocked that so many people believe that Kate even has cancer. I’m 100% convinced she doesn’t. She’s not in Houston. It’s a “rumor” planted, most likely by Jason Knauf.—Because whatever is REALLY going on with Kate, is much worse than cancer. So having people believe the cancer story is beneficial to the palace. But remember all the palace does is lie. Don’t listen to the BS they tell you. Something much worse is going on with Kate.

    • Julianna says:

      Thank you @ K Peace.

      I definitely don’t believe she has cancer either. What a convenient lie to silence everyone and the International Press. And even more convenient to use “cancer” as an explanation for her disappearance. In 6 months, they still have not even been able to provide a real, unmanipulated photograph of her much less produce her in a LIVE, unambiguous setting. Something is seriously wrong.

      • ArtFossil says:

        The only way I’d believe Kate is or ever was in Houston is if there’s a farmshop.

    • Jaded says:

      I have cancer and I can tell you nothing I’ve ever experienced is as bad as this. NOTHING. I underwent hellish bladder removal and bowel resectioning surgery and am now facing 3-6 months of chemo. I have a stoma and now urinate into an external pouch. I may not live more than a couple of years. Think about it before you make a tactless comment that it’s something worse than cancer.

      • Agnes says:

        I’m so sorry for your suffering, that absolutely is the worst. I do believe though that when people here refer to something worse, they mean morally and not physically. As in, her husband harmed her or she harmed herself.

      • Liz says:

        I agree Agnes. And it’s not said to minimise anyone’s suffering.

        It really is as bad as it gets if Kate’s not here. And I agree with K-Peace and Julianna. I don’t think she is – and it’s not because of cancer.

      • ML says:

        Jaded, Thank you for sharing that! I appreciate that you come to post—even newly post-op you were here!— and let people know what it’s like. For those of us who have supported loved ones suffering from effing cancer, it’s helpful to tell people who don’t know what it’s like about the disease. Wishing you all the luck and lots of strength. Hugs!

      • Julianna says:

        @Jaded she is saying that Kate could possibly be completely incapacitated such as brain injury or deceased.

  24. Square2 says:

    Did some CB readers really have nothing better to do than arguing with one another about if That Woman is/was in Houston, over & over? And not just in this one post.

    What do you guys want to achieve? Bragging right if you are correct?

    Just a reminder, KP lies ALL THE TIMES. She is being taking good care of. Persons (closed to her) know where she is & how she is. She is not “technically” MISSING.

    Yeah yeah, I know this is a gossip site & free speech and all that.

    • Agnes says:

      Did you write the Colonel Catherine letter? Lots of typos.

      • Square2 says:

        No, do not care whatever happens to KKKate. As I have said in other posts before.

        English is not my first language & I am not good at spelling & languages. Since this was not an academic paper, I tried to spell right & used correct grammar, but only so much.

      • Julianna says:

        @Agnes 😂 😂 😂

    • Square2 says:

      “Cancer diagnoses” should be used to raise awareness of said cancers, fundraising, seeking & providing supports to other patients & families.

      Weaponizing cancer (Be it real or fake) as a mean only to your personal PR gains is just wrong, IMHO.

      • Julianna says:

        When has William or KP cared about being morally right or wrong?????

        William has proven already after what he did to Harry and Meghan and even his own Mother what he is capable of. He’s a monster IMO and didn’t hesitate in the slightest when he conconcted the cancer lie.

        All William cared about was an effective strategy to shut down anyone (including the International Press) from asking about her whereabouts, silencing everyone for questioning all his lies, fakery, and fraud, and having an excuse to continue to buy time because he obviously can’t produce Kate in a LIVE, unambiguous setting.

        William does NOT have a moral compass. Just because it’s a deplorable thing to do doesn’t mean anything when it comes to people like William, Jason Knauf, Christian Jones, etc.

      • Agnes says:


  25. Mslove says:

    Does MD Anderson cancer center have bots? The MDA apologists are out and about today, it seems.

    “Why wouldn’t Kate be here receiving treatment, it’s the best in the world! And she can stay at the St. Regis hotel! So luxurious! And we would totally protect her privacy, we swear!”

    • Becks1 says:

      Some of these posts sure read like an advertisement for MDA 🤣🤣🤣

      • SussexWatcher says:

        Well, except for the part where the MDA practitioners and staffers all go to medical conferences and spill the confidential, HIPAA-protected medical business of their patients! If they’ll do that to a rich and famous royal, imagine what they say about just the average person!!!

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      And it’s not like there aren’t other world renowned cancer specializing medical centers closer to her, like Sloan Kettering is up there with MD reputation wise (for both treatment and privacy), plus it’s a much shorter flight. Yet I’m to be believed that the ONLY place anyone would go is MD?

      That’s not to say she wouldn’t go to MD for treatment. But the “of course she would be here and only here there’s no where else close to it!” attitude is 1) not a convincing argument, and 2) the attitude that helps feed the rumors (and confirmation bias) in the first place.

      • maisie says:

        except that Anderson really *is* the best in the world, and she *would be rather more invisible in Houston that she might in NYC.

        What would be interesting to me would be if there are more paparazzi in Houston this week than there were 2 weeks ago.

        I don’t know any more than the next person, other than that I’ve been on treatment teams of VVIPs in the past and I know how effective these institutions are about protecting the identities of their patients. But I will say that, in the halls of Anderson, or Sloan Kettering, NOBODY would recognize a thin, sallow, bald woman wearing a mask as the Princess of Wales. She’d look like hundreds of other cancer patients.

      • Becks1 says:

        @maisie but you keep missing the point that I and others have been trying to make. We’re not questioning the privacy protocols of MD Anderson. We’re saying it doesn’t fit that she’s there, in what would be a completely locked down visit, and yet people have reported seeing her and her nurse is blabbing etc. And if she would look like any other cancer patient then how was she recognized? And she’s in such bad shape that she has to go to MDA but she’s out getting ice cream? She’s on the bayou trail? Her security agents are making it super obvious to everyone that she’s there? Yeah no.

        This is a logic exercise more than anything.

        For the umpteenth time no one is saying it’s completely impossible that she’s at MDA. Generally speaking I think it would be possible.

        But if she is, then it’s not being leaked; and it’s also not the only thing that makes sense.

    • They have the same script too! Insert “ my —“ and “I’m a specialist so”

      • Agnes says:

        The Houston narrative definitely feels like a disinfo campaign, it’s so insistent, and as others have mentioned, based on a false premise — no one knows what Kate is suffering from, or if she’s even still on earth.

      • @Agnes, it is a disinfo or misinformation campaign. A guy friend (he loves Disney and Kate with his whole chest) saw these talking points on a specific pro Kate forum recently, so I’m not surprised they’re all over the internet now.

        I really thought it was a joke when he told me. But here we are. The Kensington Clownshow continues.

  26. Alexandria says:

    Whatever the truth is, these royals and their sychophants are so bad at their jobs or whatever their jobs are. They clearly think the public are non-questioning idiots who can be gaslit. It’s nice that they can play hide and seek with the taxpayers without offering a single professional explanation. If we are sick, are we not expected to provide a simple and truthful update to our boss and company so that they can understand how to accommodate you and strategize on capacity management? They don’t need our medical history but we still have to communicate professionally to each other. But nooooooooo these people are so special.

    • Nic919 says:

      The big problem here is that Charles is being treated for cancer right now and he isn’t hiding away. He even went for another treatment in the last few days.

      Yes he is the monarch and has specific tasks, but it just makes the where is kate sandiego stuff look massively unprofessional. She’s a public figure supported by taxpayers and just saying “cancer” and nothing beyond that officially just makes the conspiracies continue.

      The January statement mentioned the abdominal surgery and said updates would be forthcoming as needed. Then after months of fake photos and videos, the bench video in March. There has been zero official updates and it is mid June. That’s the issue here.

      There is no way Jill Biden or Doug Emhoff could disappear from public view this long without any real explanation. And the British media proves it’s controlled by the establishment because they should have asked for a real update by now and not the musing of Becky English and the gang.

      • Becks1 says:

        Kate sandiego 🤣🤣🤣

      • ML says:

        Nic919, I agree. You cannot have two people in this family with such different media strategies. KC is clearly unhealthy, but we see him, he’s had vague but sufficient updates, and he’s responded to the public. Clear, consistent communication.
        Then there’s K. What’s exactly wrong is missing. How long her recovery will take is missing. Updates, thank yous, etc are missing. Kate herself is missing. And almost 6 months on from Christmas, the last time we’re certain we saw her, there is still no strategy for dealing with information. It’s a fascinating train wreck on the part of KP.

        PS, I also love “Kate Sandiego!”

      • Becks1 says:

        And even though charles never disclosed the specific type of cancer he had, there weren’t a ton of questions about that because we knew what type of procedure he had, so there were some logical conclusions, but also…it didn’t matter because he was so relatively open otherwise. Here’s a pic of him in the car going to treatment, here he is walking to church, here he is opening cards, here he is meeting the PM, here he is starting to do larger meetings, here’s Camilla out and about and behaving normally with some witty quips about him and his recovery, etc.

        The Waleses have been pretty much the opposite in every way and thats going to raise questions.

      • maisie says:

        one cancer is not like another. A cancer in a 75 year old man that can be treated with chemo or radiation alone is not the same as a cancer in a 42 year old woman that required both major surgery and chemotherapy. Kate’s condition (I have my own thoughts about what she has) is likely far, far more aggressive and deadly. And not likely survivable.

  27. TN Democrat says:

    If you have unlimited resources and get a scary diagnoses, you are going to go wherever the best drs and treatments are located. High-end medical facilites became High-end by respecting the privacy of the 1% to extract big money donations. Kate doesn’t look like what the public thinks Kate looks like because she has been heavily made-up and photoshopped for years. Weight loss/bloating, wearing less make-up/more casual clothes, and changing her hairstyle would make her unrecognizable. The picture selection on this site is telling. She really looks different depending on the angle or level of photoshop.

    • Becks1 says:

      But again – if she was unrecognizable then we wouldn’t have these rumors.

      • Agnes says:

        NO ONE would have recognized another turbaned, cachectic, masked woman in a wheelchair at a gigantic medical center even if she were wearing a name tag that said “HI! My name is Kate Middleton aka Colonel Catherine.” Where IS Kate? That’s what I want to know.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Agnes well I don’t think she’s at MDA, because if she was and looked like every other cancer patient, we would have no idea she was there.

        As to where she actually is – no clue. At this point I’m starting to wonder if she’s at another facility in the US and the MDA story was put out there as a distraction.

      • Agnes says:

        @Becks1, I believe you’re right about it being a distraction, but since no one truly knows what has caused Kate to vanish from sight, we can’t assume it’s for “cutting edge cancer treatment” or anything at all. I agree with you that it would be next to impossible to hide a body for this long, but she could be in a persistent vegetative state, and hooked up to a ventilator on Wood Farm, etc.

      • Yeah it’s being used to distract from something for sure. I don’t see her veering out of that super injunction space though.

        A photo of her would pay close to a million dollars if she were actually in the U.S as opposed to all of these stories they’ve told the media. they paid $250k for the fake farm video and this would be a HUGE international story of palace lies and cover ups.

        The calculus just doesn’t add up. She’d be better off going to Switzerland or even Spain, where there is an MD cancer center in Madrid apparently.

      • maisie says:

        @Agnes. this this 100% this. no one would be able to recognize her. I agree that a lot of these posts are BS but I also think she very likely is at Anderson. The only people who would know for sure are the direct caregivers, who will not speak a word.

        And honestly, in Houston, she’s much more anonymous than she would be anywhere in Europe. Plus, Anderson is simply far ahead of anywhere else in the world in terms of the treatments they employ.

      • Agnes says:

        @maisie you don’t even know if Kate’s alive or dead so why the insistence that MDA is the place for her? I don’t get it. You’re certainly an MDA booster.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Agnes people in the US are very weird about the “best” hospital and the best training etc. Look how many times Maisie has mentioned she trained at Duke. I’m not even saying that as an insult because I’ve got enough medical professionals in my life that ive been caught in some of these arguments in real life. But it’s taken very seriously and it’s worse when you start talking about business models or specific specialties or children vs adult care.

        My mother will scoff with the best of them at mentions of certain hospitals. I’m like, you’ve been retired for 10 years and you were with the government for 10 years before that!!!

        But these things run very very deep.

  28. Nerd says:

    I don’t think that the issue of concern about secrecy and privacy is in regards to the hospital or the hotel mentioned. I think what people are questioning the guaranteed secrecy and privacy of the surrounding area that people on Reddit are claiming she has been seen at. I have no doubt that a prestigious and respected hospital that is world renowned and a leader in it’s field of cancer research and treatment would have no issues with ensuring the privacy and secrecy of all of their patients including celebrities, but to say that she was seen wandering on the bayou or shopping with heavy security and there was not one photo of her, THAT is the part that brings into question if she was actually there. I honestly think that she might have been there but remained out of public view the entire time and the only reason there was any knowledge of her being there was because someone working at the hospital or hotel might have mentioned the possibility due to her security detail. I think that KP would lie because that is what they do and because they want to keep the narrative that she isn’t as sick as she really is. Her being in Houston would confirm the more serious nature of her diagnosis.

    • maisie says:

      exactly. if she’s there, it’s bad. Very very bad. (I think it probably is.)
      and they don’t call it “battling cancer” for nothing. her time there would not be spent shopping, going to the park, hiking, etc. If she’s getting cancer treatment it’s an ordeal. downtime is spent resting up for the next onslaught.

      I guarantee no one would recognize her. pale, sallow, thin, bald, weak, just like all the other patients.

  29. Melissa says:

    Wow. Some of you are so up in arms about this topic. A good debate is not a bad thing, but when you start attacking the commenter (instead of just their comments) it’s time to calm down.

  30. Lisa says:

    So I work in healthcare in the revenue area. In my previous position, I worked in the California desert for a hospital that is well known and caters to wealthy, not rich, I learned there is a vast difference while working there.
    I will say I have seen many a movie star while there, walking 1 way, I the other. I was careful not to look or gawk, I did notice but I never stared.
    When I was doing the intake for my job it was made quite clear that any breach of privacy and or HIPAA would not be tolerated. This is standard practice for a hospital. If you are caught, & chances are good they would as they watch very carefully, not only would you be fired but you would also be banned from healthcare work going forward. This is my career I would not jeopardize it to gossip. Also a person can very easily be treated and driven back to a private residence and no one would know they were in town. I don’t believe she’s having ice cream or whatever, but do I think she could fly privately into Texas and get treatment without being seen, yes. It may come out years later, but a wealthy person can definitely pull this off in the right environment.

    • I know this is true because, as I’ve mentioned before, I know a famous movie star who was treated for cancer under a fake name at a hospital and no one blinked.

      That said, I don’t think people re saying it couldn’t happen, but more that these sightings of ice cream and a nurse’s sister saying she was there don’t make sense, precisely because of your point.

      Yes, it can happen and it would be a secret. This is not a secret, by now it’s as if the entire internet claims to have seen her or know someone who has. That’s not how this would go down.

      • Worktowander says:

        I don’t believe the ice-cream sighting for a minute. I’m far from convinced that she’s in Houston or the U.S.

        However, regardless of whether a medical facility and a lodging facility performed their privacy functions perfectly, it’s not like a principal has never blown their own cover out of boredom, stupidity, strategy in a larger chess game, whatever.

        I mean, c’mon.

      • Are you lost? The discussion is not that no one has ever blown their own cover before.

        No one has made that argument.

    • HuffnPuff says:

      I agree, Lisa. She’s either been elsewhere for treatment and is in Norfolk now or she’s still elsewhere. She most likely has her parents and the younger two with her. Certain hospitals treat VIPs all the time so they have a protocol. In this instance, it seems like someone may have spilled the beans though. Just because KP denies it, doesn’t mean it’s not true.

  31. Cassie says:

    Cancer is a vicious beast and I have lost many loved ones from it .
    Have seen some survive too .
    Treatment is brutal ,no matter who you are .
    People cope in different ways. so do families .
    My heart goes out to anyone suffering through it all , no matter who they are .
    My wish is that one day the treatments are somehow not so cruel .

    • Hear hear. We lost a close relative recently to cancer and have a close relationship with someone treating two different cancers, one right after the other. Truly brutal.

  32. JFerber says:

    Agnes, I disagree that it would be “hard to hide a body for this long.” Murderers make their victims disappear all the time–no body, no crime. I’m not saying she has been murdered, but I can easily see her being dead and the monarchy not wanting to deal with it until William is securely ensconced on the throne. They don’t want anything to jeopardize William’s succession, which would end the monarchy immediately imo. First Chuck must die, then William become king, and finally it will be revealed that Kate is no more. And the reasons for her death will never make sense or be true.