Tori Spelling asked a friend to keep her youngest baby’s placenta and never retrieved it

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Tori Spelling’s “thing” is oversharing. She hasn’t done any acting since she played a small role in 2018’s The Last Sharknado: It’s About Time, so she’s made her new brand appearing as herself on reality TV shows. Now that she has her own podcast, MisSPELLING, she gets to overshare several times a week. When we last checked in Tori, who has five children with soon-to-be ex-husband Dean McDermott named Liam, 17, Stella 16, Hattie 12, Finn, 11, and Beau, seven, was sharing stories about the end of her marriage. She was also sharing embarrassing details about her kids, including that she shares a room with them and makes them stay in the bathroom while she poops because she’s too codependent to go to the bathroom by herself. Her kids absolutely hate that their mom can’t shut the f-ck up about them, but Tori doesn’t care! A girl’s gotta stay in the news and get paid.

Tori’s latest case of loose lips once again involves her children, only this time, it’s their placentas. On the June 28 episode of misSPELLING, Tori revealed that she currently has two of children’s placentas in her freezer, but has no idea which two they came from. But it doesn’t stop there! Tori also has her youngest son Beau’s placenta in her bestie’s freezer. Why? Because she wanted to save them to eat, bury, or have made into pills, only she’s been too lazy to do so.

“I will comment on the last thing [people] would think I have in my freezer, though. And that would that’d be my placenta,” she began. “Unsure which child. There’s 2 in there. So unless I have, like, the biggest placenta in the world, there’s 2 vats in there.”

“This is normal,” she added. “Because there’s all that fancy stuff you’re supposed to they say it’s good luck to eat it, or it’s good luck to bury it, or it’s good luck to, you know, have it sent and made into that powder and they put into pills and I’m just too lazy to send it out.”

The actress went on to apologize to her “best friend Jess” for having to hold on to her youngest son’s placenta at her house.

“His is still in her freezer,” Spelling shared. “You want to talk good friends? She came to the hospital the day Beau was born…But because I had a C-section and we had complications and Beau had something [where] we had to stay in the hospital for a bit. I said, ‘Jess, can you take the placenta home because they’ve given it to me and I don’t know what to do with it?’ So she, like a proper best friend, did take it home.”

However, Spelling admitted that her friend has asked her “a few times over the last seven years” to take it back. “I’m going to one day,” the actress said.

“The ones in my freezer currently, I don’t know. We move a lot, so unfortunately a couple got lost,” she added of her other placentas. “Imagine they got lost or left at a rental. Imagine you open up a freezer and…that would be interesting to put on eBay.”

Spelling also shared that at one point, she and McDermott ate one of her placentas together.

“Dean’s an amazing chef. So I mean, it was like, a little truffle oil, little salt and pepper. He cooked it and seasoned it and it was actually really good,” she revealed.

[From People]

Her poor friend Jess! She thought she was doing a good deed and seven years later, she’s still got that damn placenta stored in her freezer. If I were her, I’d have dropped it off at Tori’s house a minimum of six-and-a-half years ago. Honestly, Jess should have just thrown it out at this point. It’s not like Tori is missing the missing placenta. I’m pretty sure I just donated both of my placentas to a cord blood bank that the hospital I delivered at was a collection site for, so I missed the whole discourse on what to do with your placenta after birth.

By my count, Tori has three placentas accounted for, ate a fourth one, and forgot another one in a freezer. Can you actually imagine opening the freezer to a rental home and finding a frozen placenta left behind? LOL. I’m pretty certain that a cleaning crew threw it out before the new tenant arrived. I wonder which her kids will be more upset about Tori sharing: that she still has their frozen placentas or that she ate one of them with a little truffle oil, salt, and pepper.

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15 Responses to “Tori Spelling asked a friend to keep her youngest baby’s placenta and never retrieved it”

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  1. MaryContrary says:

    I hate to say “Those poor kids.” But-those poor kids.

  2. Elo says:

    Ground up in pills ok… but truffle oil and seasoning to eat with your husband.
    Am I the only one this grosses out?

    • kelleybelle says:

      No, she is one of the grossest celebrities ever. Period. Even without this latest madness.

    • Tuesday says:

      I mean, it’s not for me, but eating the placenta was a hot topic when I had my first kid 16 years ago. If it’s gross, she’s far from the only one.

      • Oh come on. says:

        Yeah I had my kid in SoCal during that era, and eating the placenta was totally a thing amongst yoga moms. I had it freeze-dried and took it as pills, and fwiw I didn’t experience any postpartum sadness or other difficult feelings other moms talked about. I felt really happy and energetic in the postpartum period. So I’m not grossed out by eating the placenta, tho eating it like liver would be a bridge too far for my taste.

        But leaving it in her friend’s freezer for years? That’s gross and inconsiderate.

  3. Izzy says:

    I would have dropped that package on her doorstep and texted her to let her know. WTF

  4. Kristin says:

    Aaaand I just threw up in my mouth.

  5. Paulkid says:

    I’m not eating today and going vegan for the Fourth.

  6. BGB says:

    These children are going to need so much therapy…

  7. Eurydice says:

    In the old days she would have been the circus sideshow that bites the heads off chickens.

  8. tealily says:

    This is only slightly better than what I thought it was from the headline… that Tori had asked her friend to save her own placenta so that Tori could have it. Honestly wouldn’t put anything past this woman though.

  9. Dee(2) says:

    That kids face in the third Toys R Us reel says it all. I hope that Candy Spelling has an airtight trust set up for those kids, because their mom is just….. Yikes.

  10. pottymouth pup says:

    what companies are sponsored her podcast; more importantly, why is anyone sponsoring her podcast?

  11. bisynaptic says:


  12. IFoxi says:

    What, no fava beans or Chianti?