Republicans are spinning conspiracies about Kamala Harris’s pearl earrings

Kamala Harris has some nice pieces of jewelry in her collection. To me, to my eye, she really doesn’t wear a lot of jewelry and she tends to accessorize with some favorite “nice” pieces for her public events. A simple flag pin, a couple of nice necklaces, simple stud earrings, rarely anything dangly or extravagant. She seems to have small-c conservative taste in fashion and jewelry. This upsets neckbeard Republicans, who are desperate to find some attack line. So now they’re claiming that Kamala’s Tiffany & Co pearl earrings are secretly a transmitter feeding her lines.

Kamala Harris’ earrings are sure making a statement — but not in the way you might think. Taking the stage for Tuesday night’s debate against former President Donald Trump, the Democratic nominee and current vice president sported a sleek, dark-colored suit styled with a white pussy bow blouse and an American flag pin.

However, it was one fashion choice in particular that soon became a topic of conversation on social media. While Harris completed her look with a classic pair of Tiffany & Co. earrings, which are made of 18K gold and feature South Sea Pearls, some Trump supporters speculated that they were actually tiny earpieces feeding her answers to questions throughout the night.

“It appears Kamala Harris was being coached by using earphones embedded in her earrings during the ABC presidential debate against President Trump,” one pro-Trump account theorized on X (formerly Twitter).

The conspiracy post — which has garnered over 10,000 likes and 5,000 retweets — showed a close-up of Harris’ jewelry alongside a photo of the “NOVA H1 Audio Earrings,” audio earrings that were sold on Kickstarter last year and claim to be the “only wireless earphones embedded in a pair of pearl earrings.”

“This earring has audio transmission capabilities and acts as a discreet earpiece,” added another X account, using photos to show the similarities between the Tiffany earrings and the NOVA H1 design.

While the designs are clearly different upon inspection, a quick look back at Harris’ outfits also makes this theory fall apart. The presidential candidate has worn the same Tiffany pearl earrings multiple times in the past, even pairing them with a Graduated Link Necklace ($18,500) from the same collection.

[From Page Six]

This actually reminded me of an old debate conspiracy from 2004, for the oldies – do you guys remember the theory that George W. Bush wore an earpiece in one of his debates against John Kerry? I believed the theory, and if I remember correctly, there was a moment of some weird radio feedback mid-debate. Anyway, no, Kamala was not wearing an earpiece and she was not being fed her lines via Tiffany & Co. pearl earrings.

So now that’s the new thing… how dare the Vice President of the United States wear expensive earrings! Kamala Harris is a month shy of 60 years old, she makes $284K a year and her husband was a successful partner in a law firm. They have money. She can afford a pair of Tiffany & Co earrings. Especially since they seem to be her favorites. She pulls out her pearls for special occasions, like dog-walking an orange monster. Most women her age have several pieces of “nice jewelry” they wear for work occasions and special events.

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Photos courtesy of ABC and Getty.

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77 Responses to “Republicans are spinning conspiracies about Kamala Harris’s pearl earrings”

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  1. Miranda says:

    Supporters of an alleged billionaire who lives in a tacky gilded palace and cheats on his taxes and never pays his bills…are mad…that a highly successful WOC with a well-off husband has some nice jewelry. Got it. Nothing racist about it at all, I’m sure.

    • Kate says:

      Right. One of the candidates boasted live on air 2 night ago that he has billions of dollars and the other wore $800 earrings. Which one is out of touch again?

      • Mrs.Krabapple says:

        Yeah, and how many millions of dollars did Trump waste buying a fake Renoir? He was swindled good, when just a tiny bit of knowledge or research would have prevented being scammed.

    • SIde Eye says:

      Right? But not a word when Melania showed up somewhere in a $50,000 Dolce & Gabbana jacket.

      They are really showing their asses here it’s unfathomable to them that VP Harris is more intelligent, more prepared, more professional, and a hell of a lot more presidential than their mediocre born on 3rd base whining toddler. She must have been cheating!


    • Megan says:

      They literally have nothing on Kamala Harris. The best they can do is attack her jewelry. Their goose is cooked and they know it.

      • Caribbean says:

        They are trying to cover for the OTHER BIG LIE – that VP Kamala Harris was unintelligent.
        They have seen that was not true…but they were pivoting and saying that she could read off a teleprompter, but wait until the debate…Well, the debate showed them up…but the OTHER BIG LIE had to be explained, smh…and on and on it goes.

    • BeanieBean says:

      They’re also having a tough time believe a WOC could be so brilliant & well-prepared. They must have been feeding her lines through her earrings! 🤦‍♀️ Do they not see how utterly deranged that sounds??? As to the tweet about her being out of touch, hardly. You spend money on quality items & wear them a lot, that’s value for dollar. Unlike, say, installing a gold toilet in your bathroom….

    • slippers4life says:

      This! They’re basically saying how dare VP Kamala Harris , a WOC wear Tiffany Pearls and wipe the floor with our rapist, racist, felon of a candidate.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Apparently, only Kamala Harris has access to magical earrings of intelligence. The GOP/Heritage Foundation doesn’t have access to them with their dumb@ssery.

      A WOC, wearing pearl earrings, who is logically defeating the orange one, is now doing something nefarious? lol Intelligence is something they can’t grasp from their own party. It’s impossible to think a WOC can do it. Republicans that don’t get this just need to sit at table and eat a healthy meal.

  2. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    She was a prosecutor. I think she’s more capable than the dude hosting The Apprentice on tv.

  3. BW says:

    $800 is not expensive for a pair of simple, high quality, pearl earrings. Plus you’re paying for the Tiffany name. I understand that most people would kill for $800 in their savings account, but she and her husband have more than enough money to buy what she likes.

    • seraphina says:

      Good pearl earrings cost money. And as you stated, when a high quality company symbol or name is stamped on them, the price rises. I see no issue with her expensive jewelry. She’s worked hard for what she has, she and her husband. Which just triggered a thought, I wonder which designers are clamoring to clothe her when she gets sworn in and at the ball (I am too scared to say IF she wins).

    • BeanieBean says:

      And they’re really pretty earrings, too! I need to check out Tiffany’s website for a little dream session.

    • liz says:

      These are the same people who wanted to try her in public for buying high-end cookware in Paris a few years ago. It’s well known that she cooks and she was buying copper pots at E.Dehillerin (with her own money).

    • bananapanda says:

      I saw a lot responses saying “Getting out of Tiffany’s with less than $1,000 bill isn’t bad at all” ha ha.

      These are lovely earrings. She’s worn them before. Both Doug and Kamala are lawyers who’ve made $100k+ for decades now. She has upper/upper middle class taste – stopped by the mothership Le Creuset store in France (one can dream!) – buying good quality stuff that lasts.

      Her financial statements, when in office as Senator, showed she lives well within her means.

  4. seaflower says:

    At least she doesn’t have gold toilets in her homes.

  5. Call_Me_AL says:

    I’m definitely breaking out my pearl earrings today. Should I also pile on the necklace, ring, and bracelet just to make a statement?

    • Wagiman says:

      I have multiple pearl and diamond earrings, and a triple strand. I might break out the triple strand, just for fun.

    • Miranda says:

      Oh, this is going to become a thing, isn’t it? We all wear our pearls on Election Day?

      • agirlandherdogs says:

        I have my pearls and my chucks ready to go.

      • lucy2 says:

        I’m tempted to buy a necklace for it! And I used to have Chucks but they killed my feet so I gave them away, or I’d be wearing both!

      • Call_Me_Al says:

        I’ve got in my pearl studs. I’ve decided I’m going to wear them until Election Day at least. I’ve got some other pearl stuff I’ll add in and swap out as we go. I forgot about the Chucks but will wear those as often as possible too!

      • BeanieBean says:

        That’s what I’m thinking. We’ve got this year’s voting outfits ready to go! (Alas, I live in a state with mail-in voting only.)

    • Jaded says:

      I have my mother’s pearl necklace and Mr. Jaded gave me pearl studs for our first Christmas together in 2015. I’m all for having a Harris Pearl Day on November 5th!

    • liz says:

      Oh, yes. I’m going out to dinner with a few law school classmates tonight. I hadn’t picked out jewelry yet, but the pearls studs are now it.

  6. Man they will pick at anything and make it a thing. Pearl earrings. These people need to hire a deprogrammer and get out of the cult that they have been inducted into.

  7. Lolo86lf says:

    The Republicans ability to see the straw in someone else’s eye but no the beam in the own eye is stounding. The hypocrisy and disingenuity are classic flaws of MAGA for sure.

  8. Roo says:

    Please. Harris was a DA, AG, Senator and VP. She could have still kicked his ass if woken up in the middle of a deep sleep while having the flu. She is smart and always prepares well.

    • seraphina says:

      Was watching a European news channel and they basically said the same. This woman has the resume, intelligence and capability to debate anyone and so it should not be a surprise that she out performed Trump. And she actually prepped – he did not according to news sources. she came to play chess and he came to play tic-tac-toe.

    • Kitten says:

      Have any of the haters and doubters actually watched her in a senate hearing? Like, she was ALWAYS always always gonna annihilate him in a debate. It was a given, no earpiece necessary or needed.

      • Kittenmom says:

        I could make a greatest hits reel of her questioning Bill Barr, Jeff Sessions & Barfy McBeerface Kavanaugh.

      • When I was down earlier in the week I searched youtube for harris questioning and it really made my day!

        Except Jeff Sessions, there was one moment where he turns his head towards her and says some sort of good ole boy gotcha thing – and his eyes – OMG he looked like Gollumn.

        Needless to say, Harris took him and his mediocre good ole boy understanding of the law to the woodshed.

        But yeah, Sessions == scary bad and used to having his own way

  9. Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

    People just love to police how a black woman spends her money! Also, Kamala didn’t need anyone to feed her answers. She’s more than capable of ripping the Mango Mussolini a new one without help.

  10. BlueSky says:

    Hi BW here. I make less than $80k a year and I have a Tiffany necklace. It’s not unusual for women to own pieces of high end jewelry but of course the rules are different if you are a black woman. She’s a AKA and wears a lot of pearl necklaces too, so I’m not surprised by the pearl earrings. It wouldn’t surprise me if her husband has gifted her jewelry over the years.

  11. aquarius64 says:

    Black people can’t have nice things, that’s behind the thinking.

    • Wagiman says:

      That’s actually the point. Black WOMEN can’t have nice things, and her earrings are ear pieces because she did so well. Black women can’t debate either, apparently. That’s the message.

      • Kimberly says:

        Yes! Waiting for someone to say this exactly. It’s the unconscious bias that an educated WOC couldn’t possibly be that well spoken, educated or well off.

      • Mimi says:

        The bias is not even unconscious at this point.

  12. Clove says:

    Ever since Trump became the head of their party, they have been conspiring every day about something. The GOP has become a joke! An intelligent woman of color needs someone to tell her something using earrings to debate the most unintelligent president that we have ever had. They live in a bubble! Give me a break; the earnings are from Tiffany’s.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Exactly @Clove. Her earring are the best they got?????? lol Reminds of when the British Media tried to lay that story on Madame Duchess. Earrings accepted by QE2.
      Kamala’s earrings are beautiful. Them pearls.

  13. Agnes says:

    “She pulls out her pearls for special occasions, like dog-walking an orange monster.” Hahaha! I love her style, she always looks great, just like Biden.

  14. MsIam says:

    Yeah, that tweet or whatever they are called on X now is a major self own. Criticizing a successful woman for the cost of her earrings and calling her out of touch while supporting an alleged billionaire. And if most Americans dont have $800 in their bank account, why is Trump trying to sell them $300 gym shoes and $99 digital trading cards?

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Being affluent after years of hard work is only a crime when it involves a Democrat, especially a Black woman. Imagine what they would say about the vice president if she looked as gross as the 🍊 toddler. Women must look professional and well put together at all times when they appear in any official capacity. And is there no conspiracy too outlandish that MAGA won’t promote it?

    • Kittenmom says:

      And trump is so relatable for sh*tting in a golden toilet. LOL at these people.

  15. girl_ninja says:

    That dump of a human lives in a tacky gold house with a gold toilet. Many of his cult followers are broke with heirloom jewelry from Claires. Yes, black folks can have nice things too racist whites. It’s the same shit they do with Duchess Meghan, constantly pocket watching and pricing all of her jewelry. It’s the same thing they did with Michelle Obama, and I will always laugh and their hateful jealous faces about it.

    Watch your own wallet and the money ole Dump is taking from you. Sickening.

    • Jaded says:

      Dump’s gonna hafta start ripping out those gold toilets to pay the piper. Hey I hear Home Depot has a good sale on toilets now Donnie!

  16. seraphina says:

    My original post is not showing up. First, it is so disheartening to see a charismatic, intelligent, Black female being reduced to this (needing help to debate as Kimmel calls him “Donnie Dumb Dumb”).
    The company that makes the mic earring released a statement and said they will be working on a something for Trump, but it’s difficult to match it to orange. hahahaha.

  17. k says:

    I think Rs are also showing their asses by basically saying “no one could be that good without cheating.” I’ve also heard comments saying that she was fed the questions in advance and that she was reading her responses of a teleprompter. No, she’s smart and competent, and he’s a drooling idiot.

    • BeanieBean says:

      They don’t understand hard work & being prepared. Particularly those closest to trump, as everybody got where they were because they’re connected to him, particularly his spawn.

  18. Mina_Esq says:

    This again. Remember when they were losing their mind that Kamala dared to take a few hours off to got to a market and buy pricey cookware in France (or maybe another country?). She is employed. She gets to take breaks and to use her own money to buy things.
    It’s always WOC that get this criticism. Remember AOC and attacks on her outfits, and how dare she not wear second-hand clothes?

    • BeanieBean says:

      Eh, Hillary got harangued for her suits & helmet hair. They always, always, attack a woman’s looks. Always.

  19. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    They make me sick.

  20. Normades says:

    Same “outrage” happened when she bought le creuset cookware in Paris. They last a lifetime and she loves to cook but as everyone has mentioned above it was more the criticism that how dare a black women have nice things.

  21. Walking the Walk says:

    I’m more annoyed at the “liberals” who are upset she has expensive earrings. And who did the same mess about a bracelet and necklace she wore. Apparently she can’t be for the working class and have nice things.

    Don’t get me started on the Republican/MAGA conspiracies.

  22. Aimee says:

    Are they really going to be so sexist to assume a woman (of any color) needs to cheat through a GD pair of earrings in order to win? Every woman in this country should be offended by that. And any woman in the country voting for the GOP needs to have their head examined.

    • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

      Precisely. I throw down the grandparent card, “If you CARE for baby Nora, I know you’ll do the right thing.” Lol!

  23. Lau says:

    They’re acting as if the debate wouldn’t have been a disaster for Donny if Harris wasn’t wearing wireless earphones (not that she was, they’re just expensive earrings).

  24. lucy2 says:

    “She pulls out her pearls for special occasions, like dog-walking an orange monster.” Savage. I love it.
    Everyone criticizing her for having nice earrings can go away. She’s not the one on that stage who scammed, lied, stole, and cheated her ENTIRE LIFE like he has. I personally know 2 people who were screwed over financially by him way back before he ever farted out the idea to run for POTUS, and let’s not forget the charity scams, and the university scams, and so many others I can’t even type. But yes, the successful woman having $800 earrings is a problem.

  25. Kitten says:

    Black women can’t be rich or own nice things. Black women must always be struggling and if they’re not, they’re not working hard enough. Black women can’t be smart or prepared or the best at their job.
    It’s all so transparently racist and boring and wrong.

  26. ML says:

    First off, this accusation for Kamala Harris is beyond dumb. She’s bright, conscientious and prepared when she goes to work. Unlike Trump.

    Which leads me to the Johnny Depp earpiece of it all: knowing that Donald Trump doesn’t prep and that he’s an unguided missile…did the Republicans try to cheat and feed HIM answers through an earpiece and he just ignored them?

  27. Henny Penny says:

    Donald Trump literally sh!ts in a gold toilet. My plain white porcelain TOTO toilet cost over $800, so how many thousands of dollars does a gold-plated toilet cost?

  28. Jaded says:

    What’s next? Her wedding band is a secret decoder ring and she wears Maxwell Smart shoes?

  29. Sparky says:

    Given that they have no knowledge of such, these people can’t comprehend what what it looks like when a candidate (with working brain cells) actually puts in the work and prepares for a debate

    • BeanieBean says:

      That’s it, these people have been scamming their way through life. Nobody in the trump circle got where they are through hard work & preparation.

  30. LaurenAPMT says:

    Mmmmk… Then Donald Trump’s tie was secretly a Morse code device feeding him answers. Boom.

  31. Theresa says:

    I actually walked into a conversation about this at my mechanic…the guy said she had to have something because how can she all of a sudden sound so intelligent when for the last 30 years you sounded like an idiot. This was just as funny as she just became black. Had to hold my tongue…need my car fixed

  32. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I’m a retired paralegal and I couldn’t understand why people thought that Harris would be anything other than brilliant in the debate. She was a trial attorney. She ran for office and was the DA in California, and the US Senate. She ran for the presidency and has been the VP since January 2021.

    As I said to a friend, “Kamala could run rings around Trump intellectually and strategically when he still had a mind. Why would you be worried about the debate?” I enjoyed the debate immensely, but I wasn’t surprised by her performance.

  33. KBeth says:

    Is that really the best they can do, her earrings? Pathetic.
    It was an absolute delight watching her wipe the floor with him.

  34. Kiela says:

    She looks good in pearls, they’re tasteful and professional and she clearly loves them. I think it’s nice to see wealthy people re-wearing jewelry. But even if those earrings were made of uranium I bet she could out debate Trump in them.