Jennifer Garner says she “had a lot of growing up to do” during her divorce


Jennifer Garner is the cover girl for this week’s Parade Magazine, and she sat down for a pretty interesting interview. I realize that “Jennifer Garner” and “interesting” rarely go together in the same sentence – and I’m not picking on her, she claims that she’s trying to be this boring. She talks about Ben and their girls, of course, but what I found most interesting in this interview is that she’s really, really talking about some stuff from her divorce to Scott Foley, her first husband. I’m seriously waiting for Garner’s People Magazine cover with the headline “Jennifer Garner Is Fabulous Seven Years After Scott!!!” Anyway, Garner rarely talks about what happened between them, and I have always been curious. My theory was always that she got really famous really fast, Scott’s ego couldn’t handle it, she was really career-focused, she withdrew emotionally from the marriage, and then a dude named Michael Vartan made his move. While Garner doesn’t say that’s what happened (damn her!), she does say that she “had a lot of growing up to do” and that “I realized I needed to be more like my character in Alias.” By having sex with Vartan?

Admitting it’s an emotional struggle.
“I adore going to movie sets and being part of a team trying to create something. And yet, I hate to miss even one bedtime with my girls.”

Understanding that the push-pull she faces is hardly unique.
“My sisters both are working mothers. I understand that my being an actress as well as being at home isn’t some heroic thing. That doesn’t mean it isn’t confusing or difficult–especially that question of how you find a balance.”

She knows how lucky she is.
“I’m privileged, because I have a lot of freedom. I want to use it to make as warm and normal a life as I can for our daughters.”

On co-starring opposite Patrick Dempsey and Ashton Kutcher in the romantic comedy “Valentine’s Day.”
“I go home and say to Ben, ‘Do you know what I’ve been doing at work all day?'”

Her own romance with Ben Affleck.
“Ben is sexy and kind, but he’s also a riot. We can be very goofy together.”

Finding the time to be romantic.
“You steal the time. You steal a date, you steal a kiss, you steal a whisper. You sit next to each other on the couch with computers on your laps. After the kids are asleep you…well, you know. Whatever it is. You slip away for a night, which we’ve only just now done for the first time. Of course, I call home while we’re away. Ben would be surprised if I didn’t.”

Why her divorce from actor Scott Foley in 2004 was a turning point.
“I had a lot of growing up to do. I’m still conflict-averse. I don’t like to argue. But back then I couldn’t have a fight. I couldn’t work things out because I wasn’t able to say what I needed to say. I didn’t have a voice. I didn’t dare to express myself. It was a huge heartbreak for me to have something fail like that. I knew that this was either an opportunity for growth or I would sink. It’s easy when you’re hurt and angry to just say, ‘Oh, it’s them.’ But I had to come into my own. I thought, ‘Why did this relationship not work? What part of the failure is my responsibility?’ So I went to work on it. I started therapy.”

Gaining a powerful self-awareness.
“It’s not like I didn’t realize I had any issues until I got a divorce. But I had this professional confidence that wasn’t equaled by my own personal confidence in any relationship, not just with men. There was a disconnect. I realized I needed to be more like my character in ‘Alias,’ who was so powerful and confident and an inspiration to me. I understood very well how to be nice and how to take care of people. I didn’t know how to ask for anything that I needed. It was important to balance it out.”

Finding a new relationship with friend Ben Affleck.
“Well, it helped that we were both single at the time. He’s a very good writer.”

So did he woo her with letters?
“Don’t make assumptions. I didn’t say that! Okay…e-mail. He’s a very persuasive writer.”

Counting on friends and family for support.
“I will tell you what I can’t abide–and I think the Internet has really created a space for it–women criticizing other women and mothers criticizing other mothers. It just makes me crazy, whether it’s between staying at home, going to work, how long you breast-feed, if you use formula. I feel like we should just assume everyone is doing the best they can. Women should take care of each other, not tear each other down. I would just like to see a mother who really believes that she has done it all so right, you know what I mean?”

Did Affleck have to work hard to win over Garner’s mom and sisters?
“He doesn’t have trouble wiggling his way in anywhere. Ben is charm personified when he wants to be. He’s not easily threatened or made uncomfortable–he’s very secure in that way. Maybe he just knows I’m nuts about him, and he doesn’t have anything to worry about. Don’t forget we were friends first for a long time.”

There’s nothing wrong with being “nice.”
“I can’t complain. This mix is perfect for me. I am the model middle child. I am patient and I like to take care of everyone. Being called nice is a compliment. It’s not a boring way to describe me.”

[From Parade]

That’s another thing I’ve always wondered about – how and when exactly did she and Ben start? Because once again, I have a theory that there was some overlap between Vartan and Affleck. Even though Jennifer says “we were both single at the time” – that still doesn’t answer my questions, damn it! Sigh… I’ll never know, will I?

Oh, regarding Garner’s appearance at the Golden Globes this past Sunday (photo below)… I didn’t put her on the fashion post because that’s how forgettable this look was. I hated her big mall hair, I was ambivalent about her dress, and she looked much too thin for my taste. But, you know, my mom swooned and yelled “There’s my girl!” Sigh. My mom wishes Garner was her daughter.


Parade’s photos of Jennifer Garner, courtesy of Parade online. Additional photos of Jennifer at the Golden Globes, credit: WENN.

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35 Responses to “Jennifer Garner says she “had a lot of growing up to do” during her divorce”

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  1. ogechi says:

    ”I think the Internet has really created a space for it–women criticizing other women and mothers criticizing other mothers. It just makes me crazy, whether it’s between staying at home, going to work, how long you breast-feed, if you use formula. I feel like we should just assume everyone is doing the best they can. Women should take care of each other, not tear each other down.”

    that is a bitter truth and i wish women could see the best in fellow women achievers instead of running each other down [sighs].

  2. bella mama says:

    i like her. i like them. dont get the hate for either one.

  3. Dorothy says:

    I think she looked WAY to skinny at the Globes!

  4. anon says:

    i think she seems lovely. but i do wish she and vartan had stayed together…and become cia agents. ok i love alias. sydney and vaughn 4 eva…

  5. Stephie says:

    Love her. This interview seems a smidge more “in-depth” than most of the lighter fluffier one’s she gives. Beautiful photos.

  6. Barbly says:

    Great photos of her. She cleans up nicely and has a great figure. She tends to look a little washed out and boyish without makeup but it doesn’t take much. I like what she said about her first marriage with Scott Foley, sounds like she has genuine regrets which shows she’s human. Good for her. Sounds like she is a good Mom too. I hope her and Ben last. Now, I’ll go take a look at that Katie and Suri story over there, lol. 🙂

  7. ob says:

    I really like her.

  8. Birdie says:

    Gosh does she look thin! I’ve always seen her as much more of an athletic figure, and now she looks a bit like she’s wasting away… not in a good way….super thin and super pale like she’s malnourished.

    Isn’t Rachel Zoe her stylist? hmmm… This is just a theory but back when Zoe worked with Nicole Richie & Lindsay Lohan back in 2004/2005 both of them dropped like 25 lbs. Something is going on, this isn’t Jennifer’s natural shape and it shows.

  9. Madelyn Rose says:

    Ha, Kaiser…nicely put…her “mall hair” was awful! I thought the dress was okay, but you sure can tell she has lost a lot of weight in the past few months. I wondered why she was getting so skinny so fast for…now I think it was def. the awards shows and her new movie promotion.

    I have always wondered about her divorce, Vartan, and Affleck. It seemed like there was some juicy gossip there, but we were never privy to it!

  10. canadianchick says:

    Nice interview, yep we bitches can be harsh, and am fond of you Jenny but at the GG’s you looked like a tranny going to the prom, time to fire Rachel maybe? Now we may have all had our Miss Jay moments so I’m not singling you out honey, just sayin’…

  11. wif says:

    “women criticizing other women and mothers criticizing other mothers”…
    So, what, we should save all the criticism for men? I want to agree with her…we should all be nice and supportive. But there are some parenting methodologies that I will never agree with and I won’t stop discussing them just because it makes another woman feel criticized.

    (By the way, I do believe that there is an important distinction between criticizing a parenting strategy and criticizing the parent themselves. You certainly can’t know what another person’s life is like, and why they’ve made their choices. But on the receiving end, criticism always feels personal.)

  12. Sudini says:

    She’s so great – I’ve always just adored her. She comes across as a very naturally friendly person. Very real and kind, and smart and funny.

  13. loca says:

    LOVE her.

  14. Rosanna says:

    WOW JG actually saying something intelligent…! Good for her!

  15. miranda32 says:

    I remember seeing photos of Garner and Vartan a while back, maybe at a Golden Globes, or some other dressy event – and Vartan looked as if he had been punched in the stomach. Shortly after that it came out that they had broken up, and then it transpired that she was with Ben Affleck. So…I always thought that was the break-up moment. And they had seemed so beautifully suited for each other – but maybe it was just their Alias characters that were!

  16. WYIJM says:

    Am I the only one who read that headline and thought ‘Oh, when did her and Ben get a divorce?’

  17. Catherine says:

    She seems like a very down to earth, nice lady. Good for her for speaking out on mom’s being so nasty to each other. I see it every day at my little one’s school.

  18. wow says:

    I totally forgot she use tobe married before. *Shrugs*

    I like her, but I do think her and Ben’s marriage will be the next one to go.

    And I cosign with wondering where her People cover of ““Jennifer Garner Is Fabulous Seven Years After Scott!!!” is. Perhaps they are catching on at how silly that is.

  19. TxGal says:

    Their are times that she looks cute and their are times that she doesn’t.

    I don’t really believe that her marriage to Affleck is that great. Always wonder why he isn’t in the pictures with her and the kids, find that strange. Is he back to his old ways? He doesn’t look like the type that he has grown up.

  20. anna says:

    I’ve loved her since that day Celebitchy posted a pic of her with raggedy underwear. I think she is down to earth. Totally appreciate that.

  21. lucy2 says:

    I loved Alias but haven’t cared for much of her work since then.
    She does look thin in these pics, but the magazine shots are pretty. I too hope Rachel Zoe isn’t pressuring her to be a skeleton.
    She does seem to be hands on mom though, that’s for sure. I just wish the paparazzi would stop following her and her kids every day. It’s not like she or Ben are the biggest movie stars on the planet, and even if they were, the world does not need 5000 photos of their kids going to school.

  22. dan says:

    i dunno what they did to her in that 4th picture but she looks unreconisable. i onlt knew it was her because of this post. wierd.

  23. MaiGirl says:

    I actually really love that dress. So sparkly! And I love the diagonal, asymmetrical pieces. I am a sucker for all things purple or lavender, though. 🙂

  24. Cinderella says:

    That shot with the pink dress is FABULOUS.

    Even if she had some overlap in past relationships, I admire her for who she is now. She was young when she married SF. Hopefully she made her peace with him. He’s remarried and expecting a child, so it appears life has moved on nicely for him.

    As far as Vartan, they were never married. She was legally married when they got together, so he wasn’t an angel, either. Sadly, for him, Ben won.

    I’ve always had my doubts about Affleck, and it wouldn’t surprise me if he cringes when she publicly discusses their marriage. Either way, I think she’s a good mom and enjoyable to watch as an actress.

  25. Boo says:

    Love that dress! Those lines seem like they would be slimming…perhaps that’s why she looks so thin? Then again, maybe she’s just lost that buff muscle…it goes quick if you don’t work on it daily.

  26. Cindy says:

    ‘It was a huge heartbreak for me to have something fail like that’

    Uh huh, that’s why you were fcuking vartan at the same time your marriage was failing because you were really heartbroken about scott foley.

    ‘Sadly, for him, Ben won’

    It’s easy to win when your an A lister, rich and well connected in hollywood and the TV actress your dating desperately wants to be a rich, famous A list movie star just like you.

  27. hmm says:

    Cindy, you read my mind. I still don’t understand why she gets the benefit of the doubt and the outpouring of love and support when she behaved badly. Why do we single out women like AJ and Julia Roberts to unleash about infidelity but Garner gets a pass? I guess it’s the dimples and the patented aw shucks, gee golly whiz I’m just a regular girl bs.

  28. archiepelago says:

    Why the conspiracy theories about her weight? She is likely thin because she is running around after 2 young children and unlike many celeb mom’s, she doesn’t just roll them out for a photo op or a spread in a glossy magazine.

    She is amazingly beautiful in these photos. I’ve always loved her but this interview makes me like her more.

  29. coucou says:

    What’s up with that Vartan lately? He is very hot from what i remember…

  30. Granger says:

    “hmm”, I agree, but I think the reason Julia and Angelina are maligned is because their men were MARRIED when they had affairs. Garner herself was married, but neither Vartan nor Affleck were, so no other woman was hurt in the process. For some bizarre reason, it doesn’t seem to bother people as much when a man (i.e., Foley) gets hurt. Interesting, huh?

  31. Anj says:

    She is still so beautiful..

  32. Lee says:

    The craziest thing about this is that it confirms that Ben cheated on Jennifer L and that Jennifer Garner maneuvered herself into his life.

    When they broke up there were rumors that, Jennifer Lopez found (either hacked or stumbled upon) emails that Ben had sent to Jennifer Garner amongst other women.

    I’m not saying that Bennifer 1.0 was perfect and that it should have worked. Just that Ben should have been more honest with both women, or Jennifer L in this case. Cause marriage or no marriage Jennifer Garner didn’t think twice about engaging in an emotional affair with someone who was technically unavailable.

    It all seems to intersect. Crazy, huh?

  33. Lee says:

    JENNIFER LOPEZ reportedly cancelled her planned September (03) wedding to BEN AFFLECK, after finding raunchy emails from female admirers on the hunky actor’s computer.

    The couple insist the ceremony, planned to take place in Santa Barbara, California, was called off after details were leaked to the press – but American newspaper THE NEW YORK POST claim Lopez flew into a rage after hacking into Affleck’s email account.

    As well as messages from female fans, J.LO reportedly discovered a mail Affleck sent DAREDEVIL co-star JENNIFER GARNER over her split from husband SCOTT FOLEY.

    25/11/2003 02:19


  34. Abby says:

    Wow, I HATE those photos.

    Love her.

  35. loop says:

    Loved Alias, but the girl holding her umbrella is more attractive