NY Post: Prince Harry ‘not yet viewed as a statesman’ or a celebrity philanthropist

Last week, Vanity Fair did a lovely wrap-up piece about Prince Harry’s NYC trip: “Prince Harry’s Transition From Working Royal to Global Advocate Is Now Complete.” I agree – while Harry’s meetings and appearances weren’t huge stories, his trip showed that he’s booked and busy and he has a lot on his plate. VF had details about the meetings and events associated with Sentebale, African Parks, The HALo Trust, Travalyst, The Diana Award and more. VF also editorialized a bit which I enjoyed:

Harry’s CGI speech: When Harry took the stage at the Clinton Global Initiative on Tuesday morning, it was clear just how far he had come as a speaker and a public figure. He paced the stage, TED Talk–style, and used his personal cell phone as a visual aid. He began by discussing the Space Race, using it as an extended metaphor for the unforeseen effects that technology can have on our politics. Compared to the uplifting yet somewhat hesitant speeches he used to give five years ago, the prince was brimming with purpose when talking about Big Tech.

All business: In under 72 hours, he packed in at least seven events with a handful of his charities, some of which have counted him as a patron for more than a decade. He gave prepared remarks at most of the events, which meant he was switching gears from subjects ranging from youth empowerment to minefields and conflict to the climate impacts of travel to the ongoing HIV/AIDS crisis in Southern Africa at the drop of the hat.

Harry’s role is different: Where William and Charles have walked the line of representing British government interests while establishing themselves as global leaders in fighting climate change, Harry’s role outside of the palace means he’s coming as a representative of himself—and his ideas. His comments this week reveal a direct point of view now, formed both by his years in the royal family, the research he’s done, and the experiences he’s had outside of it.

Project-driven: Harry and Meghan have always been more project-driven than his Windsor family relatives, a quality which was previously met with skepticism and some disdain from the palace staff. “You can say what you want about Meghan, but she works incredibly hard,” an insider told Vanity Fair’s Katie Nicholl in 2020, months after their royal exit. “The problem is she and Harry have a tendency to hatch big projects over dinner and expect them to be actioned within days.” It’s now been four years since they started their Archewell Foundation, and in his whirlwind trip, Harry’s charity appearances made the implicit argument that he has a lot to show for his years outside of the palace.

[From Vanity Fair]

That last part – “Harry’s charity appearances made the implicit argument that he has a lot to show for his years outside of the palace” – is exactly why there was so much energy towards “Meghan is a bully” last week. The aim was distraction, the aim was to minimize Harry’s work. Speaking of, the NY Post ran this: “Prince Harry debuted his reinvention in NYC, but it was ‘hijacked’ by ‘Duchess Difficult’ Meghan.” To hear the Post tell it, you’d think that United Nations diplomats are simply glued to Us Weekly for breaking royal news. This piece also told me that Harry’s brother is incandescent with jealousy over Harry’s busy trip.

The Post claims Meghan hijacked Harry’s newscycle: We were with the renegade royal as he toured the Big Apple; talking about his hopes for the future and making fun of his troubled past. He also revealed how important it is for him to follow in his mother, Princess Diana’s footsteps, which always pulls at the heartstrings. All in all, he proved yet again that he can be immensely likable and charming, when he wants to be. But even though she was back at the couple’s California mansion, Harry’s wife made her presence known. The Sussex camp enrolled a cast list of staffers past and present to hit back after claims were again made that Megan, the Duchess of Sussex is, in fact, “Duchess Difficult”. One political insider in NY for the UN General Assembly (UNGA) told us, “This totally hijacked any coverage Harry got…it was quite an own goal.”

Harry the wannabe statesman? Sources told Page Six that, despite everything, this is the direction Harry wants to take; he wants to be seen as a statesman and philanthropist. However, the political insider told Page Six he has some way to go before he can claim the kind of impact made by Hollywood stars such as Matt Damon and Jennifer Garner, with her kids charity ‘Once Upon a Farm’. Sophia Bush also spoke at the Clinton event. She’s a well known humanitarian and launched her charity, ‘Pencils of Promise’, a 2008-founded nonprofit that has built more than 550 schools, largely in Ghana, Guatemala and Laos. The insider said, “Harry has got a long way to go to be remotely on the same level as Matt Damon. He’s not yet viewed as a statesman – or as a celebrity who has really made a huge philanthropic impact. He’s not like Jennifer Garner [or] Sophia Bush – those are real social impact activists.”

Stay out of the tabloids, Harry! “You’ll have to watch this space to see how far Harry can go,” said another political source who has worked with President Barack Obama, “If he can get his personal issues out of the tabloids, he might well achieve some big things.”

[From Page Six]

I’m sorry, but why is “He’s not like Jennifer Garner [or] Sophia Bush – those are real social impact activists” so funny to me? I mean zero disrespect to Sophia or J-Garn, they’re doing their own work and it’s all completely admirable. But to use their names to disparage Harry, the founder of the Invictus Games? You’re telling me Sophia Bush is a more globally recognized activist and advocate than Prince Harry? The sources/insiders claiming this are not serious people. Anyway, in case you missed it, the people who have spent years smearing Meghan and now really mad that she’s fought back at long last.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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67 Responses to “NY Post: Prince Harry ‘not yet viewed as a statesman’ or a celebrity philanthropist”

  1. sevenblue says:

    I mean, for their defense, it is NY Post. It is practically their job to write bullsh*t stories. Remember when they put H&M leaving BRF on their first page and predicted that H&M are gonna be poor people living in a tiny apartment. Their stories always age like milk.

    • Eurydice says:

      Yes, it must take a special kind of brain to never get tired of writing stupidity.

    • Advisor2U says:

      Who are the idiots at the Post to decide if Prince Harry is a philanthropist and a global statesman yet or not – the leaders in the respective sectors, the politicians/govts , and the public, decide that for themselves.

      These jealous and hateful outlets, and many people, conveniently forget that Prince Harry spoke at the UN GENNERAL ASSEMBLY 2 YEARS AGO! He gave an impressieve Nelson Mandela Address on behalve of the Mandela Family.

      The man has been asked to appear on the biggest platforms in the world – not now, years before he left the cult, and now as a private citizen on his own merits, as an entrepreneur ( BetterUp), a changemaker in so many fields, and a global philanthropist, whether that hurts them and the left-behind royals or not. He is respected by many governments (NATA/ via the IG). Cant say that regarding Chucky or Willy, even not reg. the late queen.

      More big things are to come for him. They better deal with it.

    • Proud Mary says:

      And, it’s a Murdoch rag. Harry’s suing his trashes in London. Remember, he also gave the other brother 1M pounds.

  2. Pinkosaurus says:

    Well, thats just BS about staying out of the tabloids to accomplish something. Elizabeth Taylor is the OG at both massive and effective charity efforts and an absolute tabloid fixture. You can be both!

    Also, the incandescent and insecure royal family and their leech-like courtiers would love nothing more than if Harry isn’t taken seriously because of their constant smears in the british tabloids. No one cares outside Salt island and even most of them don’t care about the royals at all.

    • Proud Mary says:

      It’s the functional equivalent of punching someone in the face and than accusing them of hitting your fist with their face. Not only have both Harry and Meghan sued the tabs, but they have made it abundantly clear that they will never cooperate with tabloids, which is what William and Charles do. Harry and Meghan have done nothing to warrant tabloid coverage. William and Kate’s manufactured stories about Meghan’s interaction with their racist staff changes nothing about that.

  3. equality says:

    The quotes and article about Meghan weren’t assembled and published while PH was out of town. He would have been well aware that the article was coming out. Unlike his relatives he doesn’t moan that someone is overshadowing him. They ignore the many things PH has done and inflate any little action that PW does to call him a “statesman”.

  4. aquarius64 says:

    William literally phoned in his appearance at the UN. A Zoom over….something. The heir to the British throne is being outdone by the 5th in line and it received more press. William is calling his press minions to do these pieces. Pathetic.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      The giveaway was the line “not yet viewed as a statesman”. Harry has been lauded as such, here and elsewhere.

      And that’s really burning Huevo’s micron-thin shell. Love that for him…

      As for the tabloid assertions that “he has some way to go before he can claim the kind of impact made by Hollywood stars such as Matt Damon and Jennifer Garner”…

      1. I may have heard of Matt Damon & Jennifer Garner, but I’ve never until this moment had any inkling that they did any kind of charity work. I can, however, name at least 7 charitable initiatives/organizations that Harry is deeply involved in. Sentebale, Invictus, Archewell, Wellchild, HALO Trust, Travelyst, The Diana Award. Oh, and African Parks. So…eight.

      2. They’re name dropping Sophia Bush, and I’ve literally never heard of this woman. Guess that didn’t hit like the zinger they wanted it to be, either!

      The whole thing with the “abuse Meghan as a distraction”… I think comes from two places… one is basic jealousy on the part of Cluck and Huevo. They want the charisma Harry has, they don’t understand it but they know it’s important. They also know they’ll never obtain it, which results in the merry go round of narcissistic injury/narcissistic rage they both spout on the regular whenever H is mentioned.

      When I dealt with narcissists in my family growing up (parent etc), their favoured punishments tended to be the ones they themselves would feel most hard done by. I got the silent treatment a lot by my N parent. Which, to me, was actually respite and relief.

      I think the palace & press notion of “attack Meghan to upset Harry” is working from that same angle. Because in their view, Harry Must Be Punished. They know he’s protective of her and they want to break that bond. So they do nonsense like this. Which will always backfire; because this type of palace abuse, using the press as their cannons, is always going to bring H&M closer together through a history of shared adversity.

      I loved the acknowledgement that Harry’s public speaking has improved. I’m old enough to remember the UK press mocking Harry for becoming a Chief Impact Officer for BetterUp.

      Hmm. Maybe Huevo can take some of those billions he’s robbing from Cornish peasants and spend it on a BetterUp seminar for him and Huesa. Maybe with their help, WanK’s public appearances will be less fraught, better attended, and they will look almost as realistic doing their “bread and butter RoYaL wOrK” as their Madame Tussaud’s wax effigies.

      • Proud Mary says:

        William has not been “lauded” as a statesman. KP has issued press releases for their media minions to label him as such, without proof.

  5. s808 says:

    Another confirmation that all these attempts to slander M is about H’s highly visible and highly successful NY trip imo. If W is jealous about H’s transition into global statesmen/philanthropist/diplomat, he could try going to work…..?

    • Chloe says:

      That NY post piece literally feels like them trying to soothe Williams ego. Harry is not a statesman but is actually invited to the UN on behalf of charities and william is doing what exactly?

  6. Afken says:


    If that was the ONLY thing Harry had achieved he’d be a statesman and philanthropist. Sophia bush and Jennifer garner? These people make me laugh.

    • Giddy says:

      Whoever wrote this for The Post just looks foolish. Harry is indeed a global statesman and philanthropist and no matter how they try to minimize his accomplishments they will fail. Huevo must be stomping around screaming that he is the true statesman and heir to Diana’s promise. He is not.

  7. Christine says:

    Sentabale. Invictus. Travalyst. Harry is an icon.

  8. chatter says:

    Harry has Invictus.
    NYPost nothing but negative and gossip, just a rag.

  9. Jais says:

    Saying Harry would do better if he stayed out of the tabloids…while knowing full well the tabloids will never take Harry’s name out of their mouths. Anyways, Harry is a philanthropist and a well-known one. Page 6 pretending he is not is just silly.

    • sunny says:

      Yup, pretty much this. “Oh if only Harry would stay out of the tabloids.” Knowing full well, it is his awful, insecure, racist, and petty family that puts him there.

      Also he is taken seriously as a philanthropist. God, the way his family continues to abuse him in the press because they need to discredit him because they don’t have enough going on in terms of like actual work, is wild.

    • ML says:

      The NY Post -is- a tabloid. One would think that keeping Harry out of their articles would be completely under the control of the NY Post, no?

    • Becks1 says:

      Right…..Harry can’t stay out of the tabloids (especially the british ones) because they wont keep him out of the taboids.

      Spare came out a year and a half ago and since then neither Harry nor Meghan have talked about the royals. They’re booked and busy and yet……the tabloids talk about them incessantly.

  10. Amy Bee says:

    I’ll add that the Meghan is a bully saga was also a direct response to seeing Harry thriving in NY without the Royal Family. I think the British press is coming to the realization that Harry doesn’t need the Royal Family to be successful. This is the first time I’m hearing about Jennifer Garner or Sophie Bush’s work and they’re regarded as actresses by most of the world not global statesmen or humanitarians. I’m guessing that somebody from the Sun wrote this and it was published in the NY Post.

    • Lau says:

      Jennifer Garner and Sophia Bush being quoted so randomly is really sending me. Were they perhaps in NYC last week too and I just completely missed it or did they just randomly selected those two persons ?

      • Amy Bee says:

        I know Matt Damon was in NYC but I didn’t see anything about Jennifer or Sophia.

      • Becks1 says:

        i dont think Jennifer was based on her IG but maybe?

        Its laughable because….I mean, Jen Garner seems to do good work between Once Upon a Farm and her work with Save the Children, and it seems that Sophia Bush started a good charitable organization, so obviously no one here wants to knock that.

        But to compare Sophia Bush to Harry is just……laughable. I feel like even most Americans would be like “Sophia who?” or assume she’s Jenna and Barbra’s sister or something.

  11. Aimee says:

    Nothing against Matt Damon but since when has he been known as some philanthropic statesman? Didn’t he shill for FTX??

    • sunny says:

      For years and years actually. Specifically on clean water access globally but unless you follow international development issues, you aren’t likely to be familiar with it. I actually really admire his commitment to that issue over the years.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Yes, it’s good work, but this is not as widely known as Invictus or Sentebale. And Matt did not found the organization, did he? It just makes me feel dirty to come across as downplaying Matt’s laudable efforts, but this is what William’s jealousy creates.

    • Feebee says:

      Briefly when he did something with fresh water? Water Inc I think. Haven’t much about it since its launch. Though hopefully it’s going well. No pun intended.

    • Becks1 says:

      He’s been known for philanthropy for a while now (although I would say he’s MORE famous as an actor obviously).

    • kirk says:

      Matt Damon attached himself to Gary White, civil and environmental engineer with Christian service upbringing, who founded WaterPartners International, now water.org. They met at Clinton Global event. Matt had tried to start something similar after doing a film in Africa. Obviously Matt brings the star power and funds.

  12. Hypocrisy says:

    Well today I learned that Sophia Bush is involved with/started a wonderful Charity that builds schools.. still not sure what charities Jennifer Garner and Matt Damon are so known for. Peggy’s hate just oozes out between the lines in these hit piece articles.

    • Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

      Jennifer Garner has been involved with Save the Children for years.

    • Proud Mary says:

      The thing is that, we should all be proud of all of them for their philanthropy. But the fact that most of us have never heard about their work, but know about Harry’s, lays a joke to KP’s desperate attempt to down play Harry’s global appeal.

  13. MsIam says:

    Ridiculous as usual. And I would bet that more people know Jen Garner more for her involvement in the whole Ben Affleck mess than her charity work, as admirable as it is. You missed again Page Six, try harder.

  14. CLOVE says:

    The New York Post has one job: to write bs. I call that the MAGA newspaper. They write crap about poc of color daily. Prince Harry married a woman of color, which bothers them, just like the British media.

  15. GMH says:

    For the record, Harry is not a global statesman nor is he pretending to be or aspiring to be. He is a philanthropist, an activist and a businessman. His brother is aspiring to be a statesman…but is not and certainly is not up to the role. A statesman acts on behalf of a state or hovernment interest or constituency. Harry doen’t want thst and is effectively doing good while Egg is failing on all fronts and can onky hope to grow into a rediculously ceremonial role when he inherits, if he is lucky.

    • bisynaptic says:


    • Lavendel says:


      • aftershocks says:

        Exactly @GMH! 💯 Well said! Thank you! 🫡

        I would add that as part of being a businessman, Harry is a producer in the entertainment industry; an executive and board member; a public speaker; and a caring humanitarian (which goes with his philanthropy). He’s also an athlete; a former soldier; a proud and loving father; and, of course, a great husband and partner to his amazing wife, Meghan! 🙌🏽 👏🏽

    • windyriver says:

      Funny, Britain and the RF were happy to use Harry in a statesman role in the years before he left. He’s written how burned out he became being sent all over for various programs and events, while the FFK was either MIA for one reason or another (or no one was requesting him).

    • Eating Popcorn says:

      This, Harry is not walking around trying to be anything other than a guy who can try to make a difference. Apropos to nothing, whenever I see Travalyst I read it as Travelist and think he’s doing something travel related…

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Indeed, Travalyst is a company that Harry created with collaborators to solve global travel-related issues in connection with helping to preserve our environment. Ping! Harry is also a caring environmentalist!

    • Proud Mary says:

      I agree that Harry is merely going about his business, doing what is right. It’s like that speech by David Foster Wallace: This is Water, to Harry. However, although the literal meaning of the word “statesman” is as you describe, the word “government” could cover a constitutional monarchy. Although Harry is not representing the monarchy, he is still 5th in line to the British thrown. A “statesman” per se, need not be representing a government entity, he or she, need merely be a well-respected and well-regarded political leader. And in my judgement, there’s nothing done today, that is not political. If you decide, for example, that injured veterans deserve care and attention, you are expressing a political opinion that public resources should be devoted to that cause. Likewise, if you, as a future queen, call for more food banks, you are expressing a political opinion that public resources should be devoted to that cause, and not for example, to school lunches.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Plenty of down-the-line, adjacent royals, without titles, are also in-line to the British throne with clearly no chance of ever inheriting. And none of them come close to having Harry’s exemplary resume.

        As the current 5th in-line, while Harry is much closer to the possibility of inheriting (and he could be called upon to serve as Regent for one of the under-age heirs), there are strong doubts that Harry would be willing to take on any of that. If Harry declined, the Regency would probably skip Andrew and go to Beatrice.

  16. Debbie says:

    The way it strikes me is that the British media sees the Sussexes busy living their lives while the Wailes are doing … God knows what. They became alarmed at everything Harry had going on especially. But they know it’s no use prodding the lazy Wailes into doing anything, so they have set about trying to tarnish the Sussexes’ reputations and endeavors in America. It’s a variation of what they did in England, “If you can’t build up William and Kate, then try to tear down Meghan and Harry.” Charming.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:


    • Proud Mary says:

      I don’t think the media is acting on its own. I think these are direct instructions from KP.

      • Christine says:


      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Yes, for sure @Proud Mary and @Christine. The media attacks against H&M, and especially against Meghan were surely given the go-ahead by the palaces, i.e., Chuck/ Willy & Co, who have continued aiding and abetting the vindictive harassment and smear campaigns against the Sussexes (which were purposely ratcheted up post-Sussexit).

        Never forget awful Wootton’s admission: ‘The calls have [always] been coming from inside the House!’

  17. Emily says:

    Sophia Bush has been in tabloids a lot recently because of her love life. That being said I didn’t know she was in NY nor did I see any press coverage about her at any events. I saw quite a lot about Harry though. This article is complete nonsense.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      It’s giving newsroom panic. “Quick, give me the name of a celebrity Americans might recognize as a do-gooder”.

      These fools need to go out and touch grass, or since it’s now autumn, go watch some leaves drop.

  18. Pebbles says:

    The fact that their political’insider’ used the term ‘own goal’ gives this away immediately! 😂😂 This person is obviously British because Americans do not use this term. If I’m correct it is a soccer/football type reference and yeah… NY post has been obvious in their serving up the British media narrative.

  19. Mel says:

    The post is the Daily Mail of NY papers.

  20. tamsin says:

    Just having the New York Post state that Harry is not a statesman simply confirms that he is.

    As a matter of fact, after London, Harry will be in Lesotho and the RSA. Pretty global. Earlier in the year, Harry was in Nigeria, Canada, and Colombia. It’s still 2024. Who knows where else Harry might travel before the end of the year. Very busy and productive year for the Sussexes so far.

    • kelleybelle says:

      Just like Tominey had to say “This is not a vanity project” about Kate’s Early Years nonsense. Because that’s exactly what it is.

  21. bisynaptic says:

    LOL “Insider”.

  22. Lavendel says:

    The court jesters of the RF, the British tabloid press, have been lying in wait in large numbers at the airport since yesterday evening, according to a friend who lives nearby. Clowns and fools, yes. Who only have their wallets on their minds and are completely disgraced for it. Why do they actually need unclear photos from a huge distance – nobody believes their stories anyway.

  23. Maxine Branch says:

    The best thing Harry has done to me is to remove himself and his family far away from his toxic birth family. Try as they might with those smears and other disparaging remarks, their work speaks for itself. They both are global activist who know how to leverage their platform. Harry was dignified elegance at the UN meetings this past week and delivered amazing speeches touting the organizations he has been supporting in some cases for decades.

    While I am not familiar with those mention in this gutter rag, our world needs more activists. Trying to besmirch or pit groups or persons against each other with skewed comparisons is not the flex this gutter rag trains it is. Prince Harry was born a Prince, will die a Prince and he is using his platform very effectively. Just from the global impact of the Invictus Games alone. Lives have been permanently changed for the better and countries are implementing smaller version in their country because of the impact Invictus had on their veteran’s.

    Oftentimes it is the messenger not the message people focus on. With Harry it is the message because he and his wife are service focuses folks who have no dogs in the fight and are just trying to make our world a little bit better.

  24. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Come on… we all know Harry is a successful global philantropist. People of the world live Harry. It doesnt need to be proven, he is Diana’s son. When I read Statesman in the title, I knew william wasnt happy and was gonna whine about it somewhere. “Statesman” is his, like Africa is too.

  25. kelleybelle says:

    And his miserable excuse for a brother is?

  26. Cel2495 says:

    lol, and his mediocre bother is ? Make this make sense 😂

  27. Proud Mary says:

    I think it’s funny they use Sophia Bush (who?) and not William. They are desperate, they know the Sussexes have won.

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