King Charles and Queen Camilla’s tour of Australia and Samoa ended over the weekend on a sour note. During their final events in Samoa, Camilla made an ass out of herself by openly laughing at Samoan performers and by staggering up the plane’s stairs before the formal farewell was over. There was also a bummer end on Charles’s part, when he said, in his farewell speech: “I shall always remain devoted to this part of the world and hope that I survive long enough to come back again and see you.” As soon as Charles and Camilla left Samoa, their staff began briefing the Times about Charles and Camilla’s happiness that the tour had gone so well (??) and that 2025 would see a return to a normal touring schedule. Well, about that – the Mail’s Ephraim Hardcastle column led with this short item:
I hear there’s concern among the King’s medical team after an anonymous palace briefing that he will be returning to a full programme of overseas tours in 2025.
Having skipped his cancer treatment regime to make the latest tour – and with no one certain how his body has coped – it was planned that he would take time off on his return, allowing him to recover and for doctors to carry out a full assessment of his wellbeing.
Basically, Buckingham Palace was way too eager to declare victory and business-as-usual in the wake of an ambivalently-received royal tour, and now the doctors are like “hold your horses, and not just Camilla.” Speaking of, the Daily Beast’s Royalist also got a tip that Camilla is concerned about her husband’s health post-tour:
Friends of Queen Camilla have told the Daily Beast that she is “terrified” and “fearful” cancer-hit King Charles’ is “rushing” his recovery after palace aides briefed newspapers this weekend that his office had told the British Government he was again available for long haul travel. Aides raced to declare his recent trip to Australia and Samoa a great success, despite the fact that any medium-term impact on his health self-evidently has yet to be established.
There have also been question marks around how the queen has coped mentally with the trip. She spent a week before it at a private and exclusive Ayurvedic retreat in India, yet seemed rather unsettled during the trip.
On the final day of the tour, she had what one friend called an “emotional reaction,” seemingly cycling between giggles and tears, after Charles made, in a rather off-hand fashion, a telling remark at a farewell ceremony in Samoa, telling dignitaries: “I shall always remain devoted to this part of the world and hope that I survive long enough to come back again and see you.”
Friends of the king have brushed off any suggestion that the king was, in fact, saying a final farewell or suggesting he might die soon, despite the fact that, prima facie, that seemed to be exactly what he was saying.
But a friend of Camila’s told the Daily Beast: “It was a strange thing to say, and I think Camilla had an emotional reaction. Of course it would. She is terrified. They have had a horrendous year. Now with this return to work, she is understandably fearful her husband is rushing it. She just wants him to slow down and prioritize his health.”
British media have generally portrayed the incident as a fit of giggles due to a non-operational microphone, but this characterization has been questioned online.
This days-long effort to rewrite Camilla’s rudeness as she laughed at the Samoan performers is pretty awful. It was clear that she was being rude and racist. It was clear that she was laughing at her hosts. It was clear that Camilla didn’t want to be there. Camilla hates to travel, hates to go on tours and she was desperately trying to have this tour canceled. Part of me wonders if all of this back-and-forth in the press is a reflection of Charles and Camilla fighting behind the scenes, or some kind of next-level maneuvering because this really was Charles’s last tour and no one wants to say that outloud.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- King Charles III and Queen Camilla host an official dinner and reception for the Commonwealth Heads of Government at the Robert Louis Stevenson Museum in Apia, Samoa, on day six of the royal visit to Australia and Samoa Featuring: King Charles III, Queen Camilla Where: Apia, Samoa When: 25 Oct 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- King Charles III and Queen Camilla host an official dinner and reception for the Commonwealth Heads of Government at the Robert Louis Stevenson Museum in Apia, Samoa on day six of the royal visit to Australia and Samoa Featuring: King Charles III, Queen Camilla Where: Samoa When: 25 Oct 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- King Charles III and Queen Camilla arrive for a farewell ceremony at Siumu Village on the final day of the royal visit to Australia and Samoa Featuring: King Charles III, Queen Camilla Where: Siumu, Samoa When: 26 Oct 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Queen Camilla during a farewell ceremony at Siumu Village on the final day of the royal visit to Australia and Samoa Featuring: Queen Camilla Where: Siumu, Samoa When: 26 Oct 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- King Charles III and Queen Camilla during a farewell ceremony at Siumu Village on the final day of the royal visit to Australia and Samoa Featuring: King Charles III, Queen Camilla Where: Siumu, Samoa When: 26 Oct 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- King Charles III and Queen Camilla talking during a farewell ceremony at Siumu Village on the final day of the royal visit to Australia and Samoa Featuring: King Charles III, Queen Camilla Where: Siumu, Samoa When: 26 Oct 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- King Charles III and Queen Camilla laughing during a farewell ceremony at Siumu Village on the final day of the royal visit to Australia and Samoa Featuring: King Charles III, Queen Camilla Where: Siumu, Samoa When: 26 Oct 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Queen Camilla laughing during a farewell ceremony at Siumu Village on the final day of the royal visit to Australia and Samoa Featuring: Queen Camilla Where: Siumu, Samoa When: 26 Oct 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- King Charles III and Queen Camilla wave as they board an Royal Australian Air Force plane ahead of departing from Faleolo International Airport in Samoa after the royal visit to Australia and Samoa Featuring: King Charles III and Queen Camilla Where: Faleolo, Samoa When: 26 Oct 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
Based on the leaks from William’s camp lately – I suspect what terrifies her is her step-son completely erasing her from the royal routine ASAP. And it certainly looks like Royal Lodge as her dowager residence is not happening.
That’s exactly right,if anything the Royals get right is playing the long game. The minute Charles is no more,Camilla should just go away quietly because her step son is ruthless.i hope she has all her ducks in a row.
Camilla knows too much about incandescent huevo. He needs to take care Camilla has a good relationship with the media.
He already gave her a preview when he abruptly sacked her sister from her gig as official decorator of the Duchy of Cornwall.
William sold out his late mother censoring her Interview and calling her paranoid which probably pleased his stepmother and dad. William play s the Diana card when it suits him.
Her stepson is ruthless, but also an idiot. She could probably win the battle of wits no matter how drunk she is.
Camilla has been playing the long game for more than forty years. Imagine all that effort and scheming to get the crown only to have what will almost certainly be a very short reign.
Once William is King, the entire BM will side with him and whatever Camilla has on him will prove worthless because no one will print it. She should be scared.
Honestly, the way Charles has been–taking away residences that were “gifts of the Queen” I don’t feel sorry for Cam in the slightest. If she didn’t want the bad Karma, she should have told Charles how horrible it was to undo his mother’s wishes.
If she gets the boot it’s because of how she has acted.
Well, it’s just been reported that they are holidaying in India. They left Samoa to go straight to Camilla’s favourite Indian spa (again).
That let me to believe that Charles’ cancer treatment was finished before the Oz-Samoa tour, and that Charles used the ‘pausing of his cancer treatment’ story for sympathy, knowing well that he was going to receive backlash from anti-monarchist in Oz.
I bet you Camilla owns that spa at this point. Lately, she’s been spending more time there than in the UK doing her supposed job!
Came here to say just that. Without Chuck she will be nothing.
Even with him she’s a nauseating disgrace. I’ve seen 5th graders handle themselves with more grace and manners.
Cam’s going right next AK47’s bungalow I hope. That’s where i hope the short embarrassing reign of Loraine is finishing. She’s doing all these trips to India and probably buying all the jewelry the country has to offer so she can keep that after charles is kapout.
Camilla is not a dummy. She has Ray Mill already and doesn’t need something costly like royal lodge. And she most certainly has trusts and the like already set up with Charles in a way William won’t be able to touch.
This woman plays the long game and can out manoeuvre William any day. Especially if William can get played by the far less sophisticated Middletons.
She knows his secrets and will use them if needed.
This! Camilla is set for life. She doesn’t want Royal Lodge. Pretty sure she isn’t terrified about Charles health. Another day. Still remember her reaction to Charles’s reaction to the video of the leaky pen. It looked like, “Now, now my pet.”.
How does this woman get away with everything? I know. She’s BFF’s with the British Media.
Kind of hoping that William takes a page from his Uncle Charles and kicks Camilla out.
I’m hoping these two make each other very miserable over the years. This is the only cause I’m glad for Willy’s prettiness and temper.
I honestly don’t think she cares about anyone but herself and hers. I think the same about Chuckles and the throne. They are evil selfish old goats who only care about power. And everyone suffers from it.
Exactly. What they have in common is an intense selfishness and entitlement. Psychopaths find each other and their profound lack of empathy is something they can admire in each other.
So maybe Charles skips the we give all to the next monarch not to pay inhertence tax and leaves Sandringham and Birkhall to Camilla?
An ’emotional reaction’ or ‘tired and emotional’ aka drunk as a skunk.
This. I’ve read that “tired and emotional” was once commonly used by British MPs because calling their opponent a drunk would be considered “un-Parliamentary”.
Yes, it has been used in Irish gossip columns too. 🙂
She looks worse than he does, and he isn’t looking too great these days… I have always thought that she goes to her spa in India to dry out. She looks like a heavy drinker, to me.
I am totally convinced that Diana would have made a much better queen that Camilla.
Of course diana,would.
No question.
That said, the proverbial driver’s dog would make a better queen than Queen Sidepiece.
That’s a pretty low bar, right there. Charles lost a lot of respect when he made her Queen, and not just Queen Consort. That was a mistake, I think.
The DM is reporting that Charles and Camilla went to the Indian retreat on the way back from the tour for some “rest and relaxation,” so….I guess they’ll be fine? And Camilla gets not one but two lovely vaycays on the public dime. I’m sure she’ll get over her “emotional reaction” pretty soon….
Seriously? She went to India again?! I do not understand how anyone canbelieve that this [woman] has any difficulty traveling when she literally chooses to do it for pleasure. Someone is going to mention that QCC has vertigo or travel sickness, that’s why she stumbled about, acted odd and was rude. But she’s now been clocked in India for a luxury retreat, Singapore to join KC’s plane, Australia and Samoa, and now India again. It’s the why (“work”) and not the travel, enough of the BS.
Well, I’ve said this before, but again – she can have vertigo AND travel to spas, those two aren’t mutually exclusive. Same way how I get horrible jet lag but on vacations I can push through it because oh look, museums and wine and a pretty park or whatever, but if I had to travel for work (and be “on”) it would be a different story. (but I also dont think any vertigo would be an excuse for her rude behavior.)
So I dont care about the flying here because I think the bigger issue is this idea that Camilla needs multiple vacations a year, and not just long weekends in Scotland or Sandringham, but multiple trips a year to India, Spain, etc when Meghan NEVER EVER would have been allowed the same latitude (and isn’t now even though she pays her own way.)
But that said, I did think Camilla’s vacation in February or whenever was funny bc I thought it was such an obvious eff you to William.
Just in case, I want to clear up that vertigo and travel sickness are awful. If anyone here suffers from them, my comments on Camzill are coming from a different place.
Look, in Australia and Samoa, we did not see her “recover,” Becks1. I think it was The Daily Beast (?) that said QCC had visited this spa in India for the 9th time or something like that before this Commonwealth work trip. How, if it takes her days, is she able to enjoy India on taxpayer money. She, as you said, avoids work, yet a lot of her “work” has an overlap with her leisure activities. She uses air travel quite frequently for someone who suffers from it–if I look at poor travelers I know, they try to avoid it. I’m sure she’s not a good flyer, but I think the extent of her issue has been blown out of proportion to cover for her laziness and impolite incompetence.
@ML oh I don’t think Camilla’s behavior during the tour was because of vertigo. Same way I don’t think she hid in the car in Kenya because of it. The stumbling that one day was a little odd, but I don’t think that was travel sickness.
I just think its a case where multiple things are true at the same time – she’s not a great flier, she doesn’t like these oversea work events but DOES like her Indian spa (so will prioritize that), and overall she’s not that, um, culturally sensitive so we see rude behavior from her in public on these trips, rude behavior that is more easily hidden when she’s surrounded by white people in England.
I dont think its like “Camilla gets sick when traveling so its okay that she took her shoes off and walked up the plane steps/laughed during an indigenous performance/etc.”
I get terribly travel sick when I fly from the US (Midwest) to Europe. I hate it. I vomit a lot, am useless for four or five days, can’t eat, at all, and can barely sleep, for however long I am there. It’s miserable. I have a deep desire to go back but this thing gets worse as I get older, not sure I can anymore. Having said that, maybe that’s Camilla’s problem, if so, my deepest sympathies. But I believe she is an alcoholic, and goes there to dry out…having worked in health care for a long time and dealt with various and sundry people in large amounts: she looks to me like a drinker and a smoker. They are both in terrible health.
I do get vertigo and I can tell you that it is completely incompatible with travel. It’s often accompanied by vomiting; you can’t stand up straight; you must lie down, preferably in a quiet, dark space.
Traveling for any kind of therapy to relieve vertigo symptoms is insanely counterproductive.
If she’s on anti-vertigo medicine, she can’t drink. She’s just rude and racist.
Her uncouth giggles were her giggling at people of colors culture dance. This nag cares only for herself. I’m sure she will be all set if Chuckles leaves soon. What she is worried about is the damage she has done to Chuckles family and she is in a panic because she hasn’t finished completely ruining it.
“she is in a panic because she hasn’t finished completely ruining it.”
I think there’s a lot of truth to this theory. Charles’ health, whatever is going on with it, has thrown her plans into disarray.
She cares enough to go on retreats and solo vacations. Meghan is great and the derangers trash her about her red dress which looked great. Camilla has this p r but not everyone buys into it. Camilla was rude.
She and Charles are both totally egocentric. Charles is a bad father.
She’s afraid William will give her the heave-ho out of Buckingham Palace the minute Charles breathes his last.
With her possessions in bin bags, no doubt.
Camilla knows too much about huevo. He will be raging more about harry. Camilla knows what went on most likely with the keen marriage.
@ Tessa: I’m not sure that matters. As soon as he is king, the media will have to be behind him because they all have so much invested in that garbage institution continuing. And Keen will finally be queen so she will also have every incentive to do what it takes to help squash side-piece.
Tessa, I believe that Billy Idle has quite a lot on the Escort, too. I think they’re better off just ignoring each other. She should go back under the rock she crawled out of and enjoy the rest of her days away from the brf. It may be interesting for us to watch them trash each other; I think she knows the consequences.
even the media must find it painful to praise Huevo. IMO. They have to bolster him up and his playing “statesman.” Charles has the heir he deserves.
@Tessa, not that I disagree, but maybe William is collecting the dirt too.
If could have something on Camilla having a hm, a helping hand at the death of his mother…
Huevo and Keen have their own issues. The story is not out yet. Keen though wants to be Queen, badly
I think Cam can easily outmaneuver William — sure he’s full of spite, bluster and malice, but he’s a dunderhead and doesn’t think things through, nor does he listen to his courtiers. She’s like a big old black widow spider, just hunkered down in her web, but will be venomous if he tries to push her out if and when KFC falls off his perch.
I agree. Camilla has access to the press and she doesn’t have secrets to hide like William and Kate. When the tabloids went after her in the 90s it was embarrassing but it also meant that there is nothing they can use against her.
Harry did the same with Spare. The only two with a house of cards in the verge of collapse are William and Kate. King or not, Camilla won’t worry about William because she’s smart enough to prepare for that eventuality.
Plus William got played by Carole Middleton, who is a bankrupt massively disliked by the aristo set. He’s not at the same level as Camilla at all.
Jaded, I have no doubt that Billy Idle has been collecting stuff on the Escort since his Mom died. He certainly has stuff on her son.
It’s like my cat in his litter box – everyone desperately trying to cover up Camilla’s behavior.
But, if we consider the possibility that Camilla might actually love Charles, then she’s probably terrified at the thought of his death and I don’t imagine the rest of the RF will rally round her afterward. Then again, she has her own family, her own house and, no doubt, a boatload of money from Charles – she can retire to the country and drink in peace.
Both she and Charles are self centered. If she really loved Charles she would have told him to work on his marriage to Diana. I think Camilla prefers her first husband
Even if Camilla hadn’t been part of the equation, Charles and Diana’s marriage wouldn’t have worked anyway. Charles never loved Diana, he would still have been jealous of her popularity, he would have had affairs with somebody else and have made Diana miserable, and he would still have briefed the media against her.
Camilla was part of the equation. And Charles got to have his cake and eat it too. The wife the heirs and other woman. Charles did cheat on both Diana and Camilla with Janet Jenkins. Charles had many women in his life. Diana may have put up with his one night stands but Camilla was a threat she would put down Diana to Charles. And she had ambitions. The it would not have worked anyway spin is in a way giving c and c free passes. I think if Charles did not have Camilla around undermining the marriage it may well have worked.
But….it would NOT have worked anyway. charles did not want to marry Diana. And at that point it wasn’t because he wanted to marry Camilla, she was long married with children of her own. Diana didn’t really know Charles when she agreed to marry him.
I think its easy to blame Camilla for all the wrongs because she “put down” Diana to charles but I think its clear that Charles put down Diana to her face and did not need any encouragement from the sidelines to do so.
If the Charles and diana marriage lasted and they did not divorce it still would not have “worked” and would not have been a successful marriage; it probably would have been worse than what we currently see with the Waleses, with both parties hating to be in the same room as the other.
To me it feels like some are STILL trying to make the Diana as Queen fairy tale work when Diana was miserable from Day 1 in the royal family. And it wasn’t all Camilla.
Charles also did not know Diana. And to be fair, he could have stopped seeing her if he did not love her. I understand he was besotted with Anna Wallace who called off the relationship with him. I blame Charles more. because he knew what was in his own mind. And later he confessed to his biographer that he did not love Diana. that is so wrong especially since she was so much younger and rather naive. She thought he wanted to marry her for love. Charles had no trouble dismissing Dale Tryon and he could have dismissed Camilla too. It could have been a “working” marriage as you said. Where there is no love but more like “teamwork” and sharing and raising their children. Alexandra, a royal in her own right was unhappy with the Edward VII’s mistresses by all accounts but looked the other way. He kept cheating on her but there was no question that any of the “other women” would take over. Charles disrespected Diana in many ways and he later put her down in public. He was not a good husband to her at all. I do blame Charles the most for courting and proposing to a woman. He should have been honest and he should have let her go. She probably would have found someone who truly loved her.
In a sense then Camilla enabled Charles bad behavior to Diana. Also Camilla being allowed by Charles to disrespect Diana shows his bad character. Diana did fit in in the sense she worked hard for the firm. She puts others to shame even her firstborn. Charles should have gotten therapy for his jealousy issues. It will never really be know if the marriage survived if Camilla was not around. Charles apparently never thought he was to blame.
Camilla wasn’t the only mistress. There was Kanga, who Diana knew and liked and another one. Even with Camilla not there, Charles was never going to be devoted to Diana.
She’ll have not just Ray Mill, trust funds for her kids and grandkids and probably an enormous money settlement plus security for life but don’t forget the jools! Charles has lavished her with jewelry the entire time they have been together and none of it “belongs to the Crown,” it’s all hers. Entire parures of rubies, diamonds, the works. She’s set for some time, as is her entire family when she’s gone…
All Camilla kin will be well provided for. I think tom will get a title.
Yeah, I don’t think she’s looking forward to William running the show but I also don’t think she’s living in fear of being booted out by him. She’ll probably peacefully retire to Ray Mill with her booze money and jewels.
Charles has protected her his entire life, pretty much, and has provided for her in a way we haven’t seen him provide for anyone else in his life. She’s going to be fine after his death.
No, I don’t think she’s worried about being booted out by William. But I just don’t see her as part of the ongoing Windsor clan once Charles dies. I think both she and the Windsors will be happy if she retires to Ray Mill.
I saw a short on YouTube. Diana was holding William on her lap and she and Charles were sitting down talking to reporters.
Charles said out loud – about his 6- 8 month old baby – he’s pretty dumb. Or something to that extent.
Diana just quipped to the media “like all men” with a soft smile. And the media all chuckled.
Charles is truly an absolute sh!t human. His infant son was getting attention so he bad mouthed him publicly TO THE PRESS. HIS OWN CHILD.
The commenters were horrified and appalled.
Their marriage could not have lasted. Charles was too horrible.
Charles is not one to criticize. He relied on questionable mentors and did not get the best grades
I saw that thing clip yesterday! What kind of sack of crap calls their kid dumb in public anyway, and then to call a baby that’s so young that their mother still is holding them up dumb as well? I see where William gets his I say horrific things but I’m joking, why aren’t you all laughing with me tendencies.
She seems to travel just fine whenever she wants a vacation from doing nothing.
I Have zero sympathy for either of them . They deserve to live a life of misery. They certainly cause a lot of it to others . Diana . Harry , Meghan and their children.
I agree with a life of misery, but from here it looks like both Charles and Camilla got what they wanted. Diana’s dead, Harry’s gone and she gets to order Cain and Unable around as much as she wants. Plus, she has the coveted title of Queen. Where’s karma?
I wonder if Charles is happy. On this trip did he look at Cam and was he embarrassed over her rudeness? Or does he just not care enough anymore to be bothered by how pitifully she represented the monarchy? Is there no one (the PM?) to tell him that his wife and her actions are a detriment to the continuation of the commonwealth? Will there be anyone to tell him that if there is a next trip, he should just leave her at home?
Charles was bound and determined for her to be queen. He made his choice and will defend it. He has spin doctors working for him
I ďont know what to make of this given BP has briefed to Becky English that Camilla and Charles spent this week at a luxury spa in India.
I agree with a previous post. Camilla fears she loses her power and prestige once Charles passes. William as the new monarch (that thought alone is scary) would have the power to bounce Camilla and her brood out of the BRF adjancy. IMO Cam is tolerated by the Windsors becuase I hear no stories she is close to any of them. She was the woman who truly almost brought down the monarchy. We don’t know for sure if Charles set a golden parachute up for her; and if she would try to squeeze things out of the future W5 it will become ugly. Frankly William doesn’t have the brains to outmanoeuvre Camilla; but if he gets backing of members of government who see her as the new Anne Boleyn Camilla’s status will not be that strong. If The Firm, the government and the Church of England ( of which William will become its head as king) can gang up and get rid of King Edward VIII, what will they do to a former mistress who manage to bag the crown as consort? Having the press on you side won’t be enough.
Camilla had to make nice with huevo I think she will give him a wide berth and not want to be in the royal circle that he creates. For all that is known will might have his own issues with Kate
I agree with this viewpoint. No one will say boo about William once he’s King. He’ll have the press and parliament to protect him, and she’ll be lucky to leave with the clothes on her back.
The only thing she is worried about is herself and her lack of power when Chuck goes.. she also looses control of the Jewelry and tiara vaults which will be what she mourns the most imo.
Yup. Kate gets the tiara vault and isn’t going to share. Kate doesn’t like Camilla any more than Camilla likes her.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Kate and Camilla might find themselves aligned against Willie. It would not surprise me.
I’m sure Camilla was “gifted” or “sticky fingered” her way into a ton of lesser known but $$$ items.
No one knows everything that’s in the royal vaults. Not even 1/3 of it most likely. Just like the British museum with its basement of unopened crates full of priceless artifacts. Hundreds upon hundreds of crates.
Camilla is going to be just fine. Trust funds for her next 5 generations, for herself, properties all over the world in her name and her sticky fingers …. She knows how to hide wealth as well as hoard it. Look who she is married to for goodness sakes.
Charles could gift Camilla the best, most valuable pieces and no one could say boo because they aren’t crown property. They’re the personal property of the monarch to do with as they see fit. Very few pieces fall under the policy of gifts being state property. And if this includes some of the pieces we see Camilla in like the Delhi Durbar. But also pretty much all the Queen’s most recognizable pieces as they were wedding gifts, largely from family. And if he did it before he died there’s no inheritance tax. He could also do it with any of his personal property such as Sandringham. I don’t see it happening but it could. Camilla will be fine.
Camilla knows she is not popular or even well liked.
Of course she needs Charles to keep her position.
She only thinks of herself.
My god, I missed the post the other day about her laughing at the Samoan people. Really Camilla? You really couldn’t contain your laughter? You’re a grown ass adult and they had to give you a fan to hide behind because you really can’t help yourself? This isn’t the first time they’ve openly laughed at another culture. God, she is vile.
I’m sure she is scared about what happens when Charlie’s gone. I think he’s the only one in her corner.
She laughed behind a fan at two occasions during the Oz tour. So, it was deliberate. She openly was disrespectful towards her guests’ culture. That’s a diplomatic no no.
Well, it’s just been reported that they are holidaying in India. They left Samoa to go straight to Camilla’s favourite Indian spa (again).
That let me to believe that Charles’ cancer treatment was finished before the Oz-Samoa tour, and that Charles used the ‘pausing of his cancer treatment’ story for sympathy, knowing well that he was going to receive backlash from anti-monarchist in Oz.
@Advisor2u: I had the same thought.
That’s why she rushed off to to India for facials after his diagnosis.
The only thing she’s terrified of is losing clout after he’s gone. Tw*t.
It was no coincidence that Camilla was laughing. It happened before on that other tour, Camilla being rude and giggling at the performances. Charles was healthy then so no excuses for Camilla in either case.
Camzilla isn’t terrified about anything. She’s just a low-class adulteress who got her crown. Willy will have a hard time stripping her of any perks.
I agree Agnes. Diana confronted her and it had absolutely no effect on her. She called Diana that “ridiculous creature” and told Charles to “ignore her.” This in a letter now in public domain. Charles may have made all sorts of provisions so Huevo can’t do a thing.
Old iron side is fully decked out. William may be able to be a dick to her but I have absolutely no doubt that she secured the bag before they were married. Everyone’s hatred of her reflected poorly on Charles you see. He should make a ton of provisions for her so that he gets the last laugh always.
It’s hard to manipulate a narcissist to this degree. So Charles must be very unintelligent and very easy to manipulate.
To those who know these things; what will Camillas official title be when Charles dies? The widowed faux queen consort? What are the choices here. No history to go back to regarding a widowed second wife now ex-queen consort.
It *should* be Her Majesty The Dowager Queen
But …
Reality. Her Majesty – gone
And I do think William will find a way to remove the “Queen” bit too. She will be AK47’d IFYKYK
Likely just Queen Camilla. Just like Queen Mary and queen Alexandra were. I think the last dowager queen was Queen Adelaide. And even that wasn’t official.
They were all dowager Queen except that Elizabeth’s mother asked to be Queen Mother, but that’s because she had the same first name as her daughter too. (I’m sure that was no coincidence either).
Interesting choice of pics Kaiser. In the BM, we ONLY see heavily photoshopped pics of her. Seriously, like zero pigmentation, dewy *fresh* poreless skin, no tell tale (normal) ageing lines around her lips and mouth, nary a crease or a wrinkle upon her visage. No small burst red lines on her cheeks or nose, no redness in her skin, no dry spots. No liver spots … nothing. She is the picture of good health /s. It’s completely bonkers to me to see these unfiltered pics
…no mouth wrinkles from puffing on a bajillion Woodbines…
I really dislike her so so much!
She is truly a vile woman.
I’m convinced all this travel is Chuck and Camilla working through a bucket list.
Well, I need a bucket when I see photos of them pretending to be each other’s true love.
“Part of me wonders if all of this back-and-forth in the press is a reflection of Charles and Camilla fighting behind the scenes, or some kind of next-level maneuvering because this really was Charles’s last tour and no one wants to say that out loud.”
I think both of these things can be true at once, and I believe that there may even be some rival courtiers between Camilla’s camp and Charles’ camp. You don’t often see it but there is subtle hints of times when they brief against each other.
I do wonder how many times the Rottweiller has threatened to use her press connections to attack his character (I mean it’s already pining for the fjords after what he did to Diana, Harry, Meghan, and his grandchildren) to his face…
The British educational system for aristocratic women and men is horrible. The women especially did not get any serious secondary school because they were not expected to need any real knowledge, other than how a table should be set and possibly speaking a couple of languages. Who needs math, science, and history other than British history, as long as you will only need to be a debutante, marry money, and manage servants?
One biography site says, “Aged 10, Camilla started at the fashionable Queen’s Gate School in South Kensington, which aimed to ;provide wives for the Foreign Office and most of the nobility;. There they were taught such essential skills for upper class girls as, flower arranging, cookery and how to write cheques.” No wonder she did not achieve any A levels, since I don’t think they offer any for students who are experts at flower arranging!!
Camilla left regular school at 16, and went to a Swiss finishing school where she studied etiquette and how to put on makeup, both of which she obviously flunked!
Charles’ education focused on the military and history, but I doubt if his education was any more thorough than Camilla’s since he obviously knows so little.
While Kate has slightly better credentials than Camilla in that she got the basic undergrad degree than anyone with money can get, she has copied Camilla in being utterly lazy throughout her adult life. Camilla had the excuse of children at a younger age than Kate. But considering she never had a full time job by the time she was engaged at 29 and has been the laziest royal ever since then, she’s copied Camilla and exceeded the laziness. Also Camilla can give a speech and not mumble.
Comparing them to the royal consorts in other monarchies, they really are the dumbest and least accomplished of the bunch.
Kate grew up on different times. Camilla was expected to be a debutant e looking for a good marriage. Kate went to university like many women her age did. Kate though got the degree in Mrs and studying at st Andrews was means to an end of marrying a future king. Kate did not even bother to use the degree.
Boo hoo, wahhh! Her gravy train is about too dry up. She’s the worst and deserves her comeuppance after all the destruction she has caused. F’ her!
Whatever happens when Charles is gone, there is no doubt in my mind that he will have left Camilla and her children well-provided for. On the other hand, he will have done nothing for Harry and his family. A family -minded man would made sure Harry was provided a suitable estate because he was expected to work for the firm. The Queen took care of her children; Charles is a total failure as a father. I can’t think that a father who has the tiniest drop of love for his child, would treat Harry the way Charles has. He is battling his heir for attention, and led around by the nose by Camilla. He is a pathetic human being, without any courage or backbone to do right by his children.
I just hope they suffer in their last years as King and Queen then they can rot in hell .It’s what they deserve .
Diana Spencer,the habitual homewrecker,has been rotting in hell for over two decades.Hopefully,this can bring some comfort to the women whose marriages and families she destroyed.
IMO Camilla is terrified that this was Charles’s last tour, he is on a swift decline, and she is going to be ousted from literally everything once William is in charge. No matter what arrangements Charles makes, apart from trusts and private residences that are only in Camilla’s name already set up, William can take everything else away. There’s no way that the Royal Lodge fiasco has been for Camilla, because there is no way William would tolerate her in his back yard. I think William wants RL and has been trying to pin it on Camilla. Also, remember that Charles ousted AK even though the Queen promised her a house for the rest of her life. I think he bought her something elsewhere, but it’s clear he hated her so got rid of her asap. William will do the same.
Once Charles dies will Camilla become known as The Queen Stepmother?
As for Williams intelligence, there have been dumb kings in the past. Somehow they muddled through. Elizabeth II was no brainiac, nor was her father. Nor her son.
Regarding the crown jewels I’ve read articles that said some of the main stones have been replaced with sophisticated fakes “for security purposes”. Perhaps to guard against sticky fingers??
Anything is possible with this crew.