Chris Pratt, pre-election: It’s more important that ‘we show up for each other’

Last week, several of the Avengers assembled for a video conference endorsement of Kamala Harris. Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Paul Bettany and Don Cheadle were on it. RDJ’s involvement mildly surprised me because he’s indicated plenty of times that he’s voted for Republicans in some elections. Chris Pratt was noticeably absent from the call. The Worst Chris has long been aligned with conservatism and Evangelical politics. It doesn’t matter that he married into the Kennedy family, he’s always shown more of an interest in right-wing messaging and culture. Well, just before the election, he published an op-ed on his mother-in-law’s website:

Chris Pratt published an op-ed a few days before Election Day on his mother-in-law Maria Shriver’s website, Sunday Paper, in which he said that he’s focused less on who becomes our next president and more on making sure Americans continue to help one another regardless of the election outcome. Pratt did not publicly endorse either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump in his op-ed, which resulted in some fan disappointment on social media.

“I write this now because about half of the voting population is going to be incredibly disappointed on November 6th,” Pratt wrote. “But for me, the question is not, ‘Did your candidate win or lose?’ but rather, ‘Will you wake up the next morning and help an old lady move?’”

“It’s OK to take a moment to lick your wounds when you lose. Heck, go ahead and cry in the mirror. But if we become too paralyzed by defeat or too pompous in victory, allegiance to our ‘team’ can blind us to the fact that we are fellow countrymen. How do we become a nation of honorable winners and graceful losers? It starts with remembering no matter who wins or loses, there are still going to be people who need help in this country. Find them. Be of service.”

Pratt said that America’s greatest strength as a country is “our unified communities,” citing “places of worship, Elks clubs, Rotary clubs, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, the Salvation Army and in our service members.”

“Our strength lies in our people who step across the political aisle not just with the handshake of a good sportsman, but a helping hand to anyone in need,” Pratt wrote. “So, be a good sport. We need you. Our country needs you. Team Red, Team Blue, and Team ‘Didn’t Even Vote,’ too. Your civic duty can be uniquely exercised on November 5th, but there is an even bigger civic duty required the next day: which is to accept the results and focus instead on showing up for each other.”

Pratt concluded, “Check in with your neighbor — especially if they voted for the other guy or girl. Ask how they’re doing. See how you can help. And while you’re at it, see if they know any old ladies who need help moving.”

[From Variety]

This is what kills me: Pratt and the other right-wingers were already striking this kind of tone before the election because they thought Trump was going to lose. Not just that, they thought Trump was going to get obliterated, and after nine years of Trumpism, chickens were coming home to roost. I wonder if Pratt feels like singing Kumbaya with Democrats now that his people won, now that angry white men smashed the republic into a million little pieces. “Our strength lies in our people who step across the political aisle not just with the handshake of a good sportsman, but a helping hand to anyone in need” – Trump promised to throw his critics in prison. Women who have miscarriages will be prosecuted. Trump said Liz Cheney should face a firing squad. F–k all the way off, Chris Pratt.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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19 Responses to “Chris Pratt, pre-election: It’s more important that ‘we show up for each other’”

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  1. KNB says:

    Thank you for reminding us this morning why Chris Pratt is the worst Chris.

    • Josephine says:

      Always was, always will be. He’s another small, small man who will stand on the sidelines as people are murdered. But sure, Chris, move the old lady next door to you (who is no doubt a multi-millionaire) while turning a blind eye to death. You republicants love your murder.

  2. Grant says:

    Eat sh!t, Pratt.

  3. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    F–k all the way off, Chris Pratt.


  4. wolfmamma says:

    You are deluded Chris Pratt if you think your misogynistic, entitled rich person, ways will create bridges.

  5. BearcatLawyer says:

    Not surprised Maria Shriver published this drivel. When Biden won in 2020, she made a whole Facebook post about Democrats needing to “seek understanding” and work with MAGAs to “heal as one.” I remember replying to it with:

    “Sorry, but I have tried to talk to the other side for more than four years with compassion and bolstering my positions with actual facts and data. They simply do not care to listen to reason or open their minds. I am not wasting my time trying to “seek understanding” anymore when they have made it crystal clear they do not want to understand a darn thing.

    Moreover, this situation is not Coke v. Pepsi or Duke v. UNC. This administration and the Republican Party who has enabled it have genuinely harmed lots of people through racist and xenophobic rhetoric and policies, incitement to violence, demonization of non-Christian religions, and systematic denials of human rights and freedoms. Real, live human beings are being hurt, and to expect them and the people who truly care about them as well as this country to excuse all these bad acts is a patently ludicrous request.

    Honestly, I would rethink this post if I were you.”

    I was pleasantly surprised at how many people agreed with me and told Maria she should listen to me. She never replied to my comment or any of its supporters. I suspect Maria is a closet Republican but will never admit it.

  6. ML says:

    His MIL is a Kennedy and a Democrat, and his FIL is a Never Trumper who publicly endorsed Harris and he wrote…That?! Yikes.

    As to RDJ voting Republican in the past and supporting Harris: Kamala did a good job at explaining she’d be the president of all Americans. I have a cousin from Towson, MD (Never Trump) who voted Biddn last time around, but split her vote. This time, she was nervous about Hogan and voted for Alsobrooks. I think (granted, I know only a few Republicans who are family members) that some people did receive the fascism message and voted accordingly. Unfortunately, too many did not.

  7. Naur says:

    Hey listen, life is really hard right now for women with brains and there is something about this flap jacks face in that header pic that incites an exquisite rage. I may have a seizure after yesterday ok bye love you

  8. Jaded says:

    Easy for you say Chris, you’re rich, white, male and won’t have reproductive rights ripped away from you. Think about the women who have needlessly died as a result of abortion bans. It will now become banned nationwide. But your wife is a Kennedy and rich, white and privileged so if she runs into pregnancy dangers it will be quietly taken care of.

    FCUK all the way off.

  9. Ula1010 says:

    No. No more reaching across the aisle.

    Right before the election, the media was already wondering how Harris was going to “unify the country.” Better start asking Trump that. For once.

  10. Kirsten says:

    OK sure. All of the things he said are absolutely right but if you believe them you can’t then vote for a candidate who berated journalists in press conferences and called them bad people. You can’t then vote for someone who only sees billionaires and autocrats as neighbors. You can’t vote for someone who has said he will have the neighbors of many deported, jailed, or even killed.

  11. BQM says:

    The best Chris, Evans, was on the call too.. RDJ was involved in the avengers 2020 zoom. He made one comment decades about not being able to come out of prison a liberal.

  12. Dara says:

    Yeah, no. Dumbass. How many in this country were looking after me or mine when they voted the way they did? But now you want us to carry on as if half the population isn’t actively looking to harm us? You only want us to pitch in because the government sure as shit won’t be. Oh well. FAFO.

  13. yipyip says:

    I really dislike Chris Pratt. The more he talks, the stronger the dislike.
    He can pound sand for 500 hundred years.
    Hope his career tanks!

  14. Lisa says:

    I finally have a real valid reason for my hate for him. Thanks Chris.

  15. Lizzie Bennett says:

    Chris did you notice how much better your career was when you didn’t fly your freak flag? STFU. Have several seats and eat a bowl full of hot d*^%&!

  16. bisynaptic says:

    F-U, Chris Bratt.