Governor Newsom called the CA legislature back to deal with the incoming Trump mess

During the Biden administration, many Trump cultists threatened to “secede” or start a “civil war.” Now that those dumbf–ks got another Trump presidency, it will be interesting to see how they react to various liberal-haven states putting up roadblocks to the Trump agenda. The state of California’s economy is larger than most countries – it is actually the largest sub-national economy in the world. California has 39 million people and a $4.080 trillion gross state product (GSP). If they secede from the Confederacy of Trumplandia, things could get very interesting. For now, Governor Gavin Newsom has called back the state legislature to ensure that California is prepared for all things Trump.

One day after Donald J. Trump declared victory in the presidential race, Gov. Gavin Newsom resurrected efforts in California to thwart the president-elect by asking state lawmakers to pre-empt potential Republican actions that could impact the Democratic-led state.

California leaders have long seen themselves as a bulwark against right-wing extremism, and Mr. Newsom has positioned himself nationally as one of Mr. Trump’s loudest critics. They could soon be joined in legislative efforts by other Democratic-led states such as Washington, especially given the federal power that Republicans could wield next year if they win the House in addition to the Senate and the White House.

Mr. Newsom called Thursday for a legislative special session to begin in Sacramento on Dec. 2, several weeks before Mr. Trump takes office, “to safeguard California values and fundamental rights in the face of an incoming Trump administration,” according to the governor’s office. It will initially focus on funding state litigation around Trump administration actions that might impact civil liberties, reproductive rights, immigrant protections and climate action in the state.

“The freedoms we hold dear in California are under attack — and we won’t sit idle,” Mr. Newsom said in a statement. “California has faced this challenge before, and we know how to respond.”

In a social media post, the governor said the state “will seek to work with the incoming president — but let there be no mistake, we intend to stand with states across our nation to defend our Constitution and uphold the rule of law.”

[From The NY Times]

The Times also notes that California’s state leaders have ongoing friendships and partnerships with their West Coast sister-states, Oregon and Washington state. Gov. Newsom will probably be in contact with Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker, who has already told Trump that “You come for my people, you come through me,” and that Illinois’s minority communities remember the “chaos, retribution and disarray radiated from the White House the last time Donald Trump occupied.” One of the big things on the agenda for these Democratic governors with majority pro-choice populations is that they fear/know that a second Trump administration is likely to push through a draconian national abortion ban, and what will likely be a successful attempt to take abortion medication out of circulation. After that, the Trump administration – and the Supreme Court – will take away the Griswold v. Connecticut protections for birth control. Incidentally, Newsom and Pritzker are probably the two top candidates for the Democratic nominee in 2028.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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50 Responses to “Governor Newsom called the CA legislature back to deal with the incoming Trump mess”

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  1. yipyip says:

    If he is getting his plans together to do everything possible to fight Trump.
    Good For Him.
    Any elected official who fights back against Trump is guaranteed my vote in future!

    • Sarah says:

      Obviously I’m ignorant of the situation besides being a foreigner, but I’d like to know why Biden didn’t try, for instance to
      >Inscribe the right to abortion in the Constitution, as ww did in France
      >also Inscribe the right to healthcare
      >protect gay rights, including marriage
      >place a ban on AR15 and limit weapons
      > increase number of judges in the Supreme Court
      Etc. Basically why weren’t measures taken to protect women, minorities, children.

      • og bella says:

        US President cannot create laws. Bills start at the House of Representatives (Congress) and then, once passed, it goes to the Senate.

        Once passed there, the President signs it into law. The Republicans control both right now (Senate 49R, 47D, 4 Indep.; Congress 220 R to 212 Dem.)

        Biden couldn’t get anything done. The next president will be able to basically push through anything the want.

      • MinnieMouse says:

        Constitutional amendments are handled by Congress, not the president, and require a super majority vote. Biden could put forward as many constitutionally-enshrined protections as he wanted, nothing would have passed. Anything he could do via executive order he has already done (and the Tr*** Supreme Court has been fighting and striking down a lot of them)

      • Truthiness says:

        Sarah, it takes Congress and we don’t have the votes. Biden passed more legislation than anyone since FDR but getting huge changes takes 2/3 majority and you have to defeat the filibuster.

  2. TN Democrat says:

    ❤️ Thank you for continuing to fight for people who don’t have the sense to fight for themselves. Putin must be in seventh heaven. F#ck the magat agenda.

  3. SIde Eye says:

    California please secede from this shitshow. I think Californians will be fully on board with it. They can survive on their own. Let the blue West Coast states follow. I think once Trump Vance and Brain Worm shred the constitution, ban vaccines etc. Califonians will have no choice. They literally put the lives of their constituents who didn’t vote for this shitshow at risk staying. What people don’t seem to get is there are not going to be free and fair elections anymore. You have this shitshow forever – it’s Trump in power with zero guard rails. They have the SC, the House, the Senate. In just four years, the damage they could do would take a lifetime to repair. Now imagine they have power for 10, 20, 30 years. California save yourselves.

    • StarWonderful says:

      Putin would love for California (and other states) to break away from the USA as we know it. Divide and conquer.

    • DK says:

      While I’d love a blue coast haven, the scary thing about this is we’ve had secession ballot measures in CA since 2016 – and they are always funded by hardcore right-wingers.

      The right definitely thinks they gain if CA opts out. In part, of course I assume they think it means an easier MAGA path to electoral victory in the remaining states.

      But CA has huge red pockets, and 40% (!!??!!) of Californians voted for Trump this year.

      We also had several important propositions on the ballot this year too, and scarily enough, many of the most important ones went in the conservative direction (increasing minimum wage lost; getting rid of forced prison labor/modern slavery lost; increasing sentencing for minor drug and theft crimes won in every county – 70% of the voters chose to increase penalties!)

      So any thoughts of secession need to factor that this would not, alas, be a straightforward victory for liberal ideals and the protection of rights.

      (I’m not saying it can’t/shouldn’t be done, I’m just saying it’s more complex than it seems at first. The MAGA stench has seeped in everywhere…)

    • tiglilly18 says:

      i would love for NE/NY to leave the US and join with the other blue states. We have been shown that that nation wants states rights over the federal government, and i seriously suggest they get it.

      • Louisa says:

        I’m in New York and agree 100%. It’s clear that this country is no longer united and I don’t see that ending any time soon. It won’t be easy but it’s way past time for us to start this conversation.

    • Joy says:

      I want my state to succeed, pull that federal funding, and take care of US, the citizens of the country of California. Build a wall Gavin! But let Canadians and Mexicans in.

    • Lu says:

      Geographically, CA has a LOT of red. Both red and stupid (e.g., Central Valley and other rural areas) and red and rich (i.e., Orange County). Fortunately we have strong blue pockets that have managed to mostly win.

  4. ThatGirlThere says:

    Paper covers rock and federal covers state, so i don’t know what this will do. The change will be when MAGA sees their insurance gone, their social security decimated and their Medicare privatized. Because they sure don’t care that their daughters are dying in the streets from DV and miscarriages.

    • Dee(2) says:

      State laws can override some federal laws within that state that was the entire rationale of ending Roe and sending it back to the states. For example it’s how marijuana is illegal nationwide technically under federal law, but there’s a dispensary down the street from my house. The way that our government was set up was that the state’s control their own little kingdom and we are a loosely amalgamated federation that comes together for defense and other things. How long that will be in play, when they realize that people can still do the things that they want to ban who knows. It’s not like they haven’t completely eliminated decades of precedence to push their agenda for other reasons recently

    • TN Democrat says:

      Millions could potentially end up homeless, especially in rural areas if ss and ssi are decimated. How many homeless people vote or are allowed to vote? People have no idea what they have actually done. The new world order they want isn’t the one waiting for them in Jamuary.

      • Becks1 says:

        The states with the largest proportion of SSDI and SSI recipients are….wait for it, the reddest states. Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Louisiana. Which state is #1 changes year to year but those are the ones that are up there.

        So if Trump guts Social Security like he’s threatening – a lot of red state voters are going to have a big issue with it.

        Lots of leopards eating faces going to be happening here.

      • TN Democrat says:

        Becks1 I don’t know what it will take to break the magat stranglehold on rural voters. The country will descend into chaos if ss, ssi, medicare medicaid and other federal programs are gutted by the magats, but Democrats will still be blamed. The dissonance is real and scary. The mainly blue states that financially fund the federal government should not be forced to fund the magat agenda. Their money should stay in their states and benefit their citizens, especially since so many magats ungratefully benefit in rural areas.

    • MinnieMouse says:

      Actually per the constitution state trumps federal unless the control is specifically, explicitly given to the federal government in the constitution. It’s a double-edged sword – it’s how they were able to f*ck with Roe, but it’s also how states with rational, empathetic governance can do the right thing.

    • Becks1 says:

      The supremacy clause isn’t that black and white. On its face, yes, federal law wins out:

      :This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”

      It depends a lot on SCOTUS’ interpretation of any state law vs a federal law. Generally speaking a Republican SCOTUS would tend to interpret the SC to benefit states’ rights and limit congressional power to the rights listed in the constitution but for some reason I don’t think that will happen here.

  5. Nicole says:

    Californian here. Pritzker is probably more likely than Newsom. He’s a San Francisco elite. He will not appeal to red states and bro culture. If’ we’ve learned anything is they want a “tough” and “strong” man. Newsome does not satisfy that. What is also clear is that bro culture is massive and they are groomed from an early age. We may have lost a generation of young men to the algorithm. People get their information social media anymore. Legacy news is waning for so many reason. Finally, I’m skeptical that we will have a 2028 election. He has too many enablers to include the Supreme Court. They will make him king. If the Republicans take the House we’re kind of f*cked.

  6. Kitten says:

    Gov Healey is doing this in MA, too, vowing that state police will not assist in mass deportations. She still needs to do more as a blue state leader though.

  7. Sandra says:

    My state of New York just voted protection of abortion rights into its state Constitution. If there is a national abortion ban, are we still protected? Because I thought federal law trumps (I hate using that word) state laws.

    • Louisa says:

      Are you referring to Prop 1? Yeah I am curious also about how protected we are here in NY when the national abortion ban comes down. I obviously voted yes because I understood that it passing would mean no national ban would affect us, but now I am hearing differing views.
      Any experts here care to offer some advice??

    • Bumblebee says:

      From what I have seen with other Federal mandates, if a state or other government body doesn’t follow it, the Feds either threaten to take away money or take them to court. States can also take the feds to court. A national abortion ban is immediately going to be challenged.

    • Barb Mill says:

      No States are not protected if there is a federal ban.

  8. lucy2 says:

    This gives me a bit of hope. I don’t know how successful the blue states will be, but at the very least hopefully they can slow down the incoming madness.

  9. LarkspurLM says:

    F yeah Newsom!

    Californian here, LFG!

    I’m going to support my local community – volunteer, donate. xo

  10. yipyip says:

    Trump has already got his new CoS all but announced.
    That dirty SOB is quickly moving behind the scenes.
    The Dems must get moving to fight back.
    Enough blaming and being shocked, get to work.

  11. Teddy says:

    Right now we are actively grateful Biden is still president, which means FEMA money is headed for our wildfire disaster areas. Under Trump ll, that will not be a given for any blue states. How sick is that?

  12. Sparky says:

    On Wednesday, I heard A LOT of “Thank goodness we live in California.” Unfortunately that won’t shield us from everything. I read that CA sued the Trump admin during their previous rule. IIRC, there were approximately 150 suits and CA won over half of them. The CA Attorney General already said that his office is preparing for an onslaught of lawsuits in order to preserve the rights of Californians. (I don’t know if it’s accurate as a Californian I frequently hear that CA itself has the 5th largest economy in the world.)

  13. Lady Luna says:

    So glad to live in California! I will not be moving nor visiting a red state.

    • tiglilly18 says:

      same – i have family in PA and AL and i already told them that state rights matter more and my $ is going to blue states and national parks.

    • Giddy says:

      Texan here, sick with dread and jealousy. How I wish we could depend on our Governor and senators, but forget that! My husband and I absolutely depend on ss, but I would almost rate Medicare as more important. Without it, a medical emergency could wipe us out financially. Living in a red state I feel no protection from Trump’s hate filled agenda.

      • Luna says:

        Why does TX keep choosing Ted Cruz even after the Cancun and utilities price gouging debacles? I’m so sorry as clearly not YOUR choice.

    • Christine says:

      Same. I would be terrified if I didn’t live in a state actively positioning itself as preparing for Trump.

    • maisie says:

      Sort of off topic but I’m now wondering what will happen to US tourism, both among citizens and foreign travelers. For foreigners, many of them believe that we all carry guns and are ready to shoot others at the slightest provocation (not wrong). Add that to Trump and Vance’s litany of racial hatred and misogyny, and who will want to come here? There are Disneylands all over the world now, so no one will come for that. Will any foreigner want to travel to the South or the red Midwest to experience the hatred, sexism, racism and ignorance with which they put Trump back to squat in the White House? Maybe not.

  14. DeepfriedDallasite says:

    So my pressing question in all this is, what chance in hell does anyone have in fighting back against what’s to come? Denaturalization? Birthright citizenship for those born to naturalized citizens and so called “anchor babies? And who knows what else these people have up their sleeves. This has been a plan in the making since the 80s, he has the backing of the SCOTUS, the help from Russia, and the citizen support of mouth foaming morons. My heart tells me to pack my things and abandon ship but to what end. His idiocy is sure to have global ramifications.

    • huckle says:

      Assuming you are a regular person, where do you run to? I am scared too but there is nowhere to go, the world is full.

  15. yipyip says:

    I’m still not understanding how voters could overlook so much that Trump was openly saying.
    The absolute facts of his idiot C19 responses, let’s use nukes against hurricanes are 2 perfect examples. His long, long list of crimes, lies, SA, the filed 6 bankruptcies FGS!

    The leopards/face eating is right.
    BUT, there are a lot of us that voted Dem and now we are also in the crossfire.
    Worse, his bully tactics and huge ego are not going to help any of us when he deals with world leaders. Trump is a flipping joke on the world stage.

    I’d love to sit back and watch the sh*t hit the fan on the Red voters.
    Problem is Most of us Dems will also be struggling and paying the price.

    Huckle is correct. There is no where to run for most of us!
    What/How exactly do those Red voters think the mass deportation will happen IRL?
    Fools and idiots.

  16. Gewels says:

    I am thoroughly confused! Why are you blaming Russia? All US problems are made in US – not Russia!
    Isn’t US supposed 2b the richest nation on earth??? So why now are you mentioning other countries?
    US problems are homegrown – stop thinking other countries are interfering. I can assure you ,- no country has the time or money to try to subvert such a huge economy.

    • AC says:

      Because the US is the most powerful nation in the world and with our downfall Russia can proceed with their own ambitions. The US elections has a domino effect for the rest of the world. Obviously those who dislike the US wanted to see a Trump win.
      There were also bomb threats originated in Russia during Election Day at a variety of the voting sites.

    • bisynaptic says:

      LOL Vladimir, dat you?

  17. AC says:

    I’m glad I live in a blue state (CA) and yeah there are Republicans in this state but CA Dems are still the majority and are represented well in the House, Senate. Our Governor and state legislatures are overwhelmingly Dems.
    I remembered growing up in the 80s it was a red state with Reagan but hasn’t been since. I laugh at the idea when others in X or Threads think CA will become a red state when they haven’t even looked at the actual numbers of Dems vs Repubs in our legislatures.
    And they will fight him to preserve our state rights.

  18. jamei says:

    Sorry but your voting/the whole law making system is so hilariously weirdly undemocratic…

  19. Berlinesa says:

    And yet it’s the oldest democracy in the world, faulty from the start and still is, and still I personally can’t find anything hilarious about this process, from democracy to fascism, in a few years.

    To the other commentator, Russian interference (for instance via bots) in foreign elections has been proven time and time again.

  20. phlyfiremama says:

    I’m living in WA state now~happily moved out of TX, where I lived 50 of my 59 years. I am hoping that the entire West Coast Secedes at this point. The 3 states together would have PLENTY of resources to survive.