Nicole Scherzinger left a supportive comment on Russell Brand’s MAGA post

Russell Brand has been credibly accused of multiple sexual assaults, rapes and more. As the accusations have rolled in, Brand has remade his public persona into an international right-wing grifter, one of the many men selling a particularly toxic and misogynistic worldview to young men, all of it couched in a sort of nouveau Evangelicalism. He’s gone full-throttle with it this year, as various law enforcement agencies build criminal cases against him.

On Election Night, Brand posted a photo of himself holding a red hat which is designed to look like a MAGA hat, but reads “Make Jesus First Again.” Brand is obviously a Trump supporter – they’re both rapists draping themselves in Christianity to con the rubes. But what no one expected was for Nicole Scherzinger to leave a supportive comment on Brand’s post. She wrote: “Where do I get this hat!!!?” with prayer emoji and a red heart. So… Nicole Scherzinger is a Trump-supporting MAGAt who also thinks a credibly accused and soon-to-be-prosecuted sexual predator is cool for his dumbf–k fake Evangelical BS? The way people show their whole asses without even trying. Peep the other receipt of Nicole’s Trumpism too.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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43 Responses to “Nicole Scherzinger left a supportive comment on Russell Brand’s MAGA post”

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  1. KS says:

    Patti Lupone is gonna DRAG HER. Again. And I for one cannot wait.

  2. yipyip says:

    Stupid, foolish, self hating Female.

  3. Nic919 says:

    The jokes about her Tony campaign ending as soon as it started are hilarious. The Broadway community is not where the MAGAs thrive.

    • Lau says:

      Given that they usually invite De Niro to insult the orange buffoon live on television, I think (and hope) that her campaign has been flushed down the toilets.

  4. Kristen from MA says:

    Look in the mirror, honey. You aren’t one of them.

    • nutella toast says:

      Cuddling up to Nazis wasn’t all that helpful in WW2 for anyone not of the correct eye color, hair color, and ethnic descent – and even then, all you had to do was be in the wrong place at the wrong time and since everyone was paranoid, there was no safe space. Good luck hun.

  5. TN Democrat says:

    We thought The Hunger Games and The Handmaid’s Tail were fiction, but women really are just the worst enemies of women and fueling the magat movement. I hate the way women are attacked for their looks/plastic surgery, but we are entering into a Panem era that needs to be talked about because women are mutilating themselves to reach an unattainable standard.

    • Angel says:

      We knew this and it is sad it still hasn’t changed. The problem w women’s rights is that women are embedded w men. We’re brainwashed to compete w each other , entwine our lives with men and so gaining traction to support women is hard. I don’t know if this will ever change, if we will ever learn to truly support each other but I am physically ill w a fever over the election. Ready to unfollow anyone remotely MAGA and thinking of moving to Thailand.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      if you think Margaret Atwood was prescient with The Handmaid’s Tale, you will be astounded by Octavia Butler’s prescience in Parable of the Sower. The latter is probably a primer for what could very easily happen in the next 5 -10 years

  6. Emily says:

    Each and every celeb I see post anything remotely MAGA is unfollowed. These are not political differences, these are basic morals and our human rights.

  7. Aerie says:

    I’m not going to cancel my tickets to Sunset Boulevard because of her views. If people want to protest the election winner, going after a performer on Broadway is truly low hanging fruit. There are far more sinister and prominent figures heading to the white house and that’s where concerned citizens should direct their energy.

    • mblates says:

      but those people are heading to the white house because of this low hanging fruit. it’s all connected. you can’t be upset these butts were voted into office and then not care about supporting the very people who put them there. but enjoy your show, i guess.

      • Louisa says:

        mblates, I completely agree. I no longer have any patience or time for anyone who supports this criminal. None. I was about to buy tickets for Sunset Blvd for my son and I to see over thanksgiving but my money will now go to another show.

      • Kitten says:

        Exactly. We have very ways to exert power in this situation but boycotting MAGA-owned companies and MAGA-supporting celebs is one small way of showing them that their politics CAN hurt them–at least in the wallet.

      • Aerie says:

        The theater community is one of the most vocal supporters of inclusion and diversity, with a particularly strong history of advocacy for LGBT rights. Broadway sponsors several charities and organizations that aide hospices and provide food for those with serious health concerns. Sunset Boulevard is just one play that employs hundreds of artists and Nicole is just one among those hundreds. Is it worth jeopardizing their livelihoods because of the political views of one cast member? My position is that it’s not. My disappointment at the election outcome is unparalleled but I will not dismiss an entire community of artists and creatives.

      • Bee says:

        An honest question: if you’re not going to see this broadway show because of this, have you also stopped buying Amazon? Because Bezos is a Trumpist too – with MUCH more influence than a singer – but somehow I don’t think Amazon sales are taking a nosedive

    • Sid says:

      Feel free to put money in the pockets of a MAGA supporter. I certainly will not.

    • Nic919 says:

      Keep normalizing hatred and fascism. It worked out well in Germany in the 1930s. If there are no economic consequences then people will continue to profit from being hateful and expand their platform.

      There is an understudy so if you are concerned about the production go on a day she isn’t there.

      • Aerie says:

        To equate seeing a musical with normalizing fascism is the extreme reaction that conservatives love to pounce on. As I stated, this is a major production with many people involved. If the producers and other cast members decide to protest or call for her removal I’ll support them. As of today they haven’t and it’s
        important to remember that this show provides a platform for everyone involved to voice their opinions. For the record, nowhere did I express any concerns about seeing Nicole. Am I going to get her autograph after the show? Absolutely not. But since understudies aren’t usually announced until right before showtime, I can’t exactly plan on not seeing her.

      • Nic919 says:

        Have you seen Cabaret? It is about how the fascism slowly crept in by accepting little things here and there until it grew. They were living in the Weimar Republic with freedoms and liberties until they weren’t and it all went away.

        Keep pretending you aren’t doing that to make yourself feel better.

        And there is another woman scheduled for certain days where you can literally check that when you buy tickets. Mandy Gonzalez.

        But that’s too hard to do I guess.

  8. Saucy&Sassy says:

    With so many people feeling that the there’s something wrong with the elections, we should be in the streets protesting. Not only does the election needs to be delved into, but are we really just going to sit back and let people who can’t pass a security clearance into the Whitehouse? Are we going to let a family who sold US top secret documents to foreign countries back into the Whitehouse? We should start fighting NOW.

    • Dara says:

      Protesting does what exactly? Because all of the women’s marches and BLM protests miraculously fixed things the last time? It’s performative at this point, salves the conscience but does little to solve the problem. True resistance is about protecting the vulnerable through quiet everyday action (not just bragging about being ally on social media), and building tangible resources and networks that can be effective at mitigating what is about to happen.

      • TJLDN says:

        If all you’re comfortable with is the quiet type of activism, then please continue with that. But Stonewall was not quiet. Rosa Parks was not quiet. The March On Washington was not quiet. The suffrage movement was not quiet. And those did far more than quiet activism EVER DID.

    • Meghan says:

      Given that a rapist and insurrectionist leader/apologist has been chosen yet again, there’s no way you’re getting my brown a$$ to a protest. Might as well put a target on my forehead.

      Without fear of serious prosecution (a la Kyle Rittenhouse), expect drastic rises in SAs, hate crimes, Nazi/Klan recruitment, and Charlottesville-style demonstrations.

      Watch your surroundings and stay vigilant, my friends. No help is coming.

  9. Flamingo says:

    I was wondering why Tik Tok was a sea of Nicole’s lost Tony award nomination. Now I know why.

    Ick, Nicole. Just ick.

  10. Michael says:

    Some of these “celebrities” backing Trump must feel there will be some sort of benefit to them down the road. But Trump has zero loyalty to anybody and he is the reason those moral stories exist about snakes biting you after you helped them. You knew what he was when you voted for him so do not complain when he bites you now.

  11. Meghan says:

    No way my brown booty is going out to a post-election protest. Given that a main message of Tuesday is that BIPOC don’t matter, I’m expecting a drastic rise in SAs, hate crimes, far-right recruitment, and Charlottesville-style demonstrations. Violence against the melanin-endowed will be prosecuted much less (a la Kyle Rittenhouse). So stay vigilant and stay safe, my friends. No help is coming.

    • Imara219 says:

      Did you see they are already planning another Women’s March? Smh. Just completely tone death at the moment. So many Black women loudly said “not I said the fly” to that mess. Thank goodness others are hopping on denouncing the idiocy behind this

      • Blithe says:

        I hadn’t heard that. I’m guessing that many who will be marching are used to having their voices heard and their requests for help responded to. If they feel supported and empowered by this, then I wish them the best. I also hope that each person who will be marching also pushed everyone they knew to understand the probable consequences of this presidential election, and did everything they could to get them to vote accordingly.

        As a Black woman, I already feel like a target. I don’t want to stand out any more than I already do by tying on a pink pussy hat. My country does not love me, value me, or respect my humanity. I get that.

  12. yipyip says:

    Any celeb supporting the Red Scum is not getting my time, interest or money. Ever.

  13. yipyip says:

    I’m an older white female.
    The Red Scum are so unhinged, even I would not take place in a street protest.
    They are hot heads looking to show power. Over anyone and everyone.
    It is NOT safe.

    My white, 45 y/o, nephew who is 6′ and his 13 y/o daughter were walking into a local store and some 19ish male was fairly close and he said something vile to her. Nephew got right in his face, and he backed down. Nephew told me he wants his wife and daughter to never go to the store alone. Order and get delivery from Target instead.
    This is in daylight, in mid MN. These males are idiots and they better be ready to be Maced!

  14. Naur says:

    Ain’t she a Pdiddler friend too? Madame, please have a seat in court since you love bad men so much.

  15. KC says:

    I went to high school with her and she was pretty terrible then too. We went to a performing arts school and I was in technical theater (costume design and construction) and she was in the acting program which meant I got to be the recipient of her absurd condescension. I went on to work in professional theater after that and the adult actors I worked with were 10 times more respectful of technicians than some of the student actors I worked with in school.

  16. Liz Purr says:

    Does this idiot know that brainworm killed kids with his bullshit😵‍💫bunch of hypocrites. So those rumors must be true about the Pussycat Dolls.

  17. Laurie says:

    Well this is a bummer. Saw SB last week and it was amazing. Guess I’m not going to see it a second time!! I do think an understudy performs on certain days. If you want to see the show (recommended!) I’d investigate that option.
    I agree with all the comments about not going on the street and protesting. Keep safe friends and watch your backs!

  18. Fig says:

    Losing a Tony over a comment on Russell Brand’s Instagram is the funniest way to go and I would welcome it

  19. yipyip says:

    Russell Brand. She supports Trump, Red votes, and now RB.
    Woman, please.
    I hope she has a long period of unemployment heading her way.
    See if Russell brings you groceries, honey.

  20. Alex655 says:

    Why protest? Because, it sends a message & it can work. For many years we protested in various big cities for AIDS drugs. It was messy, but it eventually caused the Gov & drug companies yo change in a big way.
    Targeted protests now, build slowly & get a coherent message out. The multiple
    women dead due to Dobbs is one place to start, plus they are gunning for LGBTQ.
    RFK Jr is another. After what he did in
    Samoa, he shouldnt even be anywhere near health.

  21. RenStewart says:

    Scratched Sunset Blvd off my list of plays to see. Just can’t feed MAGAs.

    • Laurie says:

      Please check the nights the understudy is on. They are scheduled. By buying the ticket for the understudy performance you are sending a message and supporting the other people that n the production. It is an awesome show and I highly recommend it.

  22. angry bird says:

    Russell Brand is not a US Citizen.
    Why is he running his mouth and why are we listening to him?