Two guys broke into the Royal Windsor estate while the Wales family slept

This story is so strange, but I think we should just sort of sit back and watch it play out. It feels like there’s a hell of a lot more to the story. More than a month ago, it appears that two men broke into the Windsor Castle estate. The men broke one of the gates to the enormous property, and they stole a few “farm vehicles” and they got away with it. No one knew this happened, nothing was announced when it happened weeks ago. But now they’re making a big deal about how burglars broke into the estate just yards away from Adelaide Cottage, where Prince William, the Princess of Wales and their three children slept peacefully, unaware of what was happening. Hm.

Burglars raided the Windsor Castle estate while the Prince and Princess of Wales and their children reportedly slept nearby. Two men are said to have climbed a 6ft fence at night and stolen farm vehicles during the raid last month, The Sun reported. They used a stolen truck to break through a gate said to be the nearest exit for the Prince, Princess and their children before targeting Shaw Farm, a working farm inside the estate. The pair, who remain at large, stole a black Isuzu pick-up and a red quad bike before making off, police said.

On Sunday night, a Thames Valley Police spokesperson told the newspaper: “At around 11.45pm on Sunday October 13, we received a report of burglary at a property on Crown Estate land near to the A308 in Windsor. Offenders entered a farm building and made off with a black Isuzu pick-up and a red quad bike. They then made off towards the Old Windsor/Datchet area. No arrests have been made at this stage and an investigation is ongoing.”

Kensington Palace did not comment to the newspaper on Sunday night.

The Prince and Princess are reported to have been at Adelaide Cottage, which they bought in 2022, at the time. The King is said to have been in Scotland, while the Queen is said to have been in India before the royal couple’s tour of Australia and Samoa.

A source told The Sun: “They would have to have known the vehicles were stored there before they broke in and known when was the best time to get and escape without being caught. So they must have been watching Windsor Castle for a while. There are alarms at Windsor Castle but the first time anyone knew there was a break-in was when they crashed through the security barrier at Shaw Farm Gate exit. The barrier has needed to be replaced as it was so badly damaged. It was a Sunday night on a school week so the young princes and princess would have been tucked in bed at Adelaide Cottage, just around the corner but still in the grounds.”

[From The Telegraph]

Yeah… what the hell is going on at Windsor Castle and the larger estate? Where are the guards? It’s very weird. Maybe that’s what the burglars discovered when they cased the joint – there were several entry points with minimal-to-no security, and all it would take is ramming the gate to break in. As for all of the talk about “William, Kate and the children slept through it all,” it’s also very interesting. Did they not hear the gate being rammed? They did not hear the Isuzu pick-up and quad bike in the middle of the night? And were William, Kate and the children actually IN Adelaide? Because I seriously doubt all five were together on a Sunday night.

Also: the Waleses did not “buy” Adelaide Cottage. It was given to them in 2022 by QEII and then-Prince Charles because William and Kate suddenly decided that they didn’t want to live in Kensington Palace anymore, that they didn’t like living in London. They were given some kind of vague lease on Adelaide, and I’m convinced that the whole thing was setting up Kate at a small separation cottage. They didn’t want HER to have one of the grander royal homes.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Kensington Palace.

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48 Responses to “Two guys broke into the Royal Windsor estate while the Wales family slept”

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  1. Smart&Messy says:

    Why bring it up now? So Slumlord can justify getting another home including a big renovation?

    • Harla says:

      I think it’s more about continuing the happy marriage narrative for WandK but getting a bigger home or large remodel is certainly a bonus.

      • Christine says:

        Agreed, Kate wants out of Adelaide. These articles are growing in number, it’s getting obvious.

    • Honeybee says:

      It is Carol’s idea. Two birds in one stone. Sell the vehicles and get money. Negotiate a bigger lavish house for Kate. That’s why no one noticed that. Police didn’t get any clue even after a month.

      The criminals know the route and perfectly sketched for that night. How can this happen without an insider’s help. 100% it is the plot of Carol and Kate.

      Edited: @Harla I didn’t see you comment until I refreshed the page. Glad to see we both got same idea.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Oh, please, you don’t have to ‘know’ the route, you can just google it! As I did! Easy-peasy! And it’s nowhere near Adelaide Cottage, but actually closer to Frogmore Cottage.

    • Kim says:

      Yeah, I was thinking the same thing – they’ll be getting a new house.

      • Jais says:

        Oh snap. That may be what’s happening😂. But doesn’t it look bad if the Windsor estate isn’t safe enough for the king and the heir?

    • Hypocrisy says:

      They are trying to garner sympathy and make people care and want them protected… I think the slumlords that are costing the taxpayers a half a billion dollars a year might be feeling some heat. Hate to say it but this story isn’t going to do what they want.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      This is going to be about the house and the grounds not being safe for the next king and his heirs. But what this is really about is having a bigger house because Andrew is not leaving the lodge and deep inside this is about having a go at new beginnings for them because this house has been nothing buy bad luck since the beginning. And CarolE and Mike want a bedroom so they live there undercover. The breaking in is staged. They had to go close enough to the house and they had to break throught those gates because they were to be replaced anyway. Inside job.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Plausible. I mean, think about it – the crime duo is still at large? Wouldn’t any estate this large protect assets like vehicles by putting tags/trackers on them?

        If they do that, and no one can find the vehicles or the culprits, it’s probably an inside job, if it happened at all.

        IMHO this is probably more sympathy-fishing fantasy fanfic by the tabloid Goon Squad at the behest of the palaces. Deplorable people.

  2. heygingersnaps says:

    The cynic in me thinks that this is just to drummed up sympathy. I find it hard to believe that they weren’t ever in danger anyway.
    Unfortunately burglaries are becoming common here. People report to the police when masked riders in moped are going about on roads and pavements, which means not only are they causing a danger to the public but more often than not, is a sign that they are casing the area and vehicles and properties are going to be robbed. What do the police do in the majority of instances? Nothing.

  3. Junebug Extraordinaire says:

    It’s always a precursor to something. Harry & Meghan better tighten security at their place. I smell a rat.

  4. Harla says:

    They’re really pushing the “see WandK sleep together in the same bed/house” narrative a bit too hard. IMHO, “the lady doth protest too much”.

  5. somebody says:

    Windsor estate is over 15,000 acres. Adelaide Cottage might not have been all that close to where the break-in happened. I’m only shocked that H&M weren’t worked into the story or blamed in some way.

    • Eurydice says:

      I looked it up – Adelaide is about a mile away from Shaw Farm Gate.

      • harpervalleypta says:

        LOL Yeah, I just looked it up, too.

        Shaw Farm is right by the A308 exit and so that matches up with what they said it the article. They broke through the gate and stole from the buildings right there. No real subterfuge or surveillance needed. It was a farm with plenty of farm vehicles, they grabbed what they wanted.

        Being honest about it, that they broke into buildings close to a mile away from the collage just reminds everyone AGAIN about how much land/money/wealth these slumlords have.

      • ML says:

        Thanks for looking it up, Eurydice and HarperValleyPTA. No way the royals are going to hear any of that in the middle of the night. The thieves were looking for what they could score near a main road (little likelihood of being heard before their escape and an excellent road for getting away).

        Breakins where I live mostly take place during warm weather and/ or vacations. Essentially, the easier it looks to get in and out without a fuss, the more likely that place will be targeted. Open windows. In my neck of the woods, a home with a canal behind it/ no neighbors on one side. Not picking up mail, sweeping, trimming, watering, untidiness. Certain locks. No dog. Etc. The average breakin is also really, really quick in most cases–I’m willing to bet that these thieves were in, instantly got their stuff and were gone in a couple of minutes, unless they were certain they had more time.

      • sunnyside up says:

        WEll done for finding out, what does it say about the Telegraph!

    • SarahCS says:

      There you go. The royals aren’t doing anything so the rota have to keep the stories coming somehow plus this has the underlying ‘happy family in their modest home’ reminder line running through it.

  6. Libra says:

    This is Prince Andrew drumming up the need for them to have increased security.

  7. One Peg was not there because he lives at Kensington Palace. Two nobody cared because it’s only Can’t living in Adalaide Cottage. Maybe cheapskate Chuckles doesn’t pay for security there because, back to one, Peg doesn’t live at Adalaide cottage.

  8. Eva says:

    let me guess: it’s meaghan’s fault.

  9. Gabby says:

    They slept so soundly they didn’t hear FARM EQUIPMENT in the middle of the night? William and Kate were both sleeping in the same place? This happened in mid-October and we are just hearing it now? What further bombshells is KP trying to cover?

    PPPeg and KKKate have been stealing from the UK taxpayers for years by failing to hold up their end of the work bargain. And now with the recently revealed duchy disgrace, anything “stolen” from the royal family is justified. I hope the thieves also made off with suitcases full of cash being stored in the garage.

    • Miranda says:

      Yeah, the irony of these thieving colonizers getting indignant over things being stolen…

    • SarahCS says:

      Given that it was being stolen a mile away I can believe they heard nothing, never mind which of them was actually in the house at the time anyway.

    • Gabby says:

      That’s a good point, @SarahCS.

      This incident will be used by Peg to close public access to all castles and palaces (except BP) once he becomes king. You heard it here first.

    • Anonymous says:

      It wasn’t stolen from them but from a farm located on the sprawling estate, more than 1 km away from their “cottage”. I would assume the vehicles belonged to the farmer and hope he has insurance.
      Even if WillNot and CanNot were both home and sleeping in their beds, they wouldn’t hear a thing.

  10. ThatGirlThere says:

    Didn’t intruders break into Harry and Meg’s home in Montecito last year? People are interested in royals I guess, even the boring lazy ones.

    • sevenblue says:

      I think, it was someone trying to get into their place, not that they succeeded. They were out of state at the time, their security called the police, that is how the media got the info. I think, it was probably someone working for the tabloids. The same thing they tried to do when they were staying at Tyler Perry’s place. Tyler Perry showed at H&M’s doc how the reporters working for tabloids were entering his property illegally even through cutting fence to get pictures.

  11. Jais says:

    The weird emphasis on while the kids were sleeping at Adelaide almost makes me think the tabs are poking at something. Maybe the kids don’t even live at Adelaide and the press knows it? At this point, who knows? It could just be an article to evoke sympathy for the Wales and nothing more but something’s weird.

  12. aquarius64 says:

    This is sloppy on the RPOs. The heir and Nos.. 2,3 and 4 to the throne were at risk (if this story is true). Harry shouldn’t bother with RAVEC because of this.

  13. Jensa says:

    The report makes it sound like it all happened right under the Wales’ noses, but this was at least a mile away.
    Weird that it’s coming out now, though, several weeks after it happened. Why, I wonder.

  14. VilleRose says:

    I also wonder why this story is being released just now, a month later after it happened. Either some enterprising royal journalist got a tip and it was scandalous enough to use the “a burglary happened so close to the Wales’s!” angle. Or the BRF sat on this story for a month and is now using it as a distraction for something else. What that is I do not know but probably some headline involving William since it happened so close to the Waleses.

    But it just makes palace security look incompetent. It’s been a month and they still haven’t IDed the perps? Aren’t there cameras everywhere on the estate?

  15. Maxine Branch says:

    Sounds awfully suspicious to me. Could this a narrative change attempt?

  16. sunnyside up says:

    I noticed that the Telegraph says “Burglars raided the Windsor Castle estate while the Prince and Princess of Wales and their children reportedly slept nearby” ‘reportedly,’ the get out word for claiming that the Waleses were closer than they were.

  17. tamsin says:

    Might there be a story soon of how AC isn’t safe enough for the Wales children and they will need to move to a safer and bigger mansion. It feels like this is ground work for some news coming up.

  18. Beverley says:

    Harry is out in public being cheered, looking fit, moisturized, and happy…so let the British media distractions begin.

  19. BeanieBean says:

    Oh, brother. That farm is closer to Frogmore Cottage than Adelaide Cottage.

  20. Deeanna says:

    The security certainly sounds lax as described. Plus this is not the first time an intruder entered Windsor grounds. A few years back when queen was alive a guy was apprehended on the grounds.
    He got into the castle in 2021 with a crossbow wanting to kill the queen

    For real chills about the lax state of security read the full story of the guy who broke into BP twice and ended up chatting up the queen in her bedchamber. For some 10 minutes or so after guards ignored alarms