Princess Kate is on Time Mag’s 2024 Person of the Year shortlist

Time Magazine will release their Person of the Year cover on Thursday. Last year’s POTY was Taylor Swift, which ended up being a really good choice? Taylor was honored and she gave them an in-depth interview about her life and her amazing 2023. On Monday, Time’s editor revealed their POTY shortlist for 2024. The ten-person shortlist includes: Kamala Harris, Kate Middleton, Elon Musk, Yulia Navalnaya, Benjamin Netanyahu, Fed chair Jerome Powell, Joe Rogan, Claudia Sheinbaum, Donald Trump and Mark Zuckerberg. You read that correctly – the Princess of Wales was shortlisted alongside Elon Muskrat, Orangina and Alexei Navalny’s widow. The situation in Syria broke too late in the process for them to include the now-deposed and possibly dead Bashar al-Assad. As for Kate… here’s her POTY shortlist blurb:

The Princess of Wales made international headlines this year and stirred a conversation about privacy and health for public figures. In January, Kate Middleton was hospitalized for two weeks for a “planned abdominal surgery” and Kensington Palace said she would be out of the public eye until Easter. But after conspiracy theories circulated online in March about Middleton’s whereabouts, the royal put the rumors to rest by revealing that she had been diagnosed with cancer. In September, Middleton announced that she had completed her chemotherapy treatment. Middleton was previously on the TIME100 list of Most Influential People in 2013, and one of the runners-up for Person of the Year in 2011.

[From Time]

I mean… people have short memories and everyone has recency bias, but the first three months of the year were f–king wild when it came to Kate-gate or the Kate Missington saga. There was so much chatter, so many conspiracies, so many profoundly strange things happening all at once. The Mother’s Day photo fiasco, which hijacked Oscar night (and the day after) as photo agencies issued an unprecedented kill order on a palace-released photo. Don’t forget the staged photos with a Kate double, published in The Sun. Then the bizarre bench video which some believed had been manipulated. That strange TMZ photo-op where Kate rode shotgun with her mom. And don’t forget William’s bizarre behavior either. I wouldn’t be surprised if Kate was a major POTY contender, but yeah… they’ll probably go with Elon or Joe Rogan. Those two really altered the course of history (for the worse).

Also: royalists are trying to make this into a “win” for Kate because something something Meghan. Like… POTY isn’t necessarily a good thing or an honor. If Kate wins, it means that she had a big year for going missing while the palace completely bungled their comms.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, The Sun, Kensington Palace.

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125 Responses to “Princess Kate is on Time Mag’s 2024 Person of the Year shortlist”

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  1. Caitlin says:

    What next, a Nobel Prize?! Seriously, what has she accomplished to warrant this level of recognition?

    • Tessa says:

      Some derangers don’t necessarily like keen but in their minds this would hurt Meghan. What a farce

    • Smart&Messy says:

      These things mostly happened to her while she sat at home and stayed silent. Even the awful comms part is not her work IMO. The other people on the list put great effort into something and it resulted in an achievement or affected people in a way. Even if it is horrible, I guess :S But you get what I mean.

      • SarahCS says:

        Well her husband did throw her under the bus for the frankenphoto so maybe we can attribute that to her but yes, she was passive in ‘her’ story.

    • How much money did they pay Time to put this loser on the list? What good has she done for anyone? This is the biggest joke ever!!!!!

      • BeanieBean says:

        They forgot the part about North Korean levels of propaganda. And health privacy for public persons was never the point of the story, not of any that I read, at least.

      • Anonymous says:

        No credibility. This has to be rigged.

    • MY3CENTS says:

      Are you all forgetting The School Runs????
      Sainthood is very close I can feel it.

    • Lau says:

      The little text trying to explain why she’s being shortlisted is particularly funny because she literally didn’t accomplish anything. She could have just worked with cancer charities but no, that would be too much.

    • Ronaldinhio says:

      If she wins it will not be good for Kate. It must be her team pushing for this.

      Outshining the King, who genuinely had cancer, tried to encourage men to seek prostate checks and treatment and has worked for the nation whilst seeking treatment or William who did nothing, again, will not be received positively by the Palaces.

      A lacklustre clothes horse pipping the Windsor men will reek of the days when Diana shone in the sun
      Camilla will have the others join her in punishing Kate

    • Princessk says:


  2. Tessa says:

    Derangers want keen to win. What has she done. Why not the king who told about his treatments and managed to work.

    • Julia says:

      Do we care what derangers think or want? Meghan has already had a Time cover and this will not impact her in any way in the real world. It makes news for a few days and then everyone moves on because normal people ( not derangers don’t really care who the person of the year is).

    • Acha says:

      On the other hand, it’ll be interesting for us to keep an eye on how Keen uses this to leverage her position in The Firm. ‘See, everyone loves me even if I do nothing at all.’

  3. Aimee says:

    She’s on the short list for POY for allegedly being sick and not working. What standards!

    • Tessa says:

      And how about people in The real world and are treated for cancer and still have to support a family. That shampoo commercial that Kate has made was so cheesy.

    • Josephine says:

      Being sick, getting the best care money can buy, having endless staff do anything and everything that needs to be done, having the other parent free from any money or work worries, AND STILL MANAGING TO DO NOTHING for actual victims of cancer undergoing brutal treatments, losing money, jobs, opportunities, etc. She released some doctored photos and played fast and loose with the truth.

      It would be sickening if she won.

    • somebody says:

      The irony of following Taylor, who works hard in her field, with someone who has never really worked at all.

  4. Brassy Rebel says:

    Good Lord, what a list! I’m team Kamala but that will never happen. Second choice Claudia Scheinbaum.

    • Melissa says:

      As a Mexican, please not her! Anyone informed on Mexico’s current situation would find this rather insulting. Besides, she’s barely been president for two months, for God’s sake. Other than Yulia Navalnaya, this short list is an utter joke.

  5. HeatherC says:

    Wow, she could get the honor just like Hitler! Great company, amirite?

  6. Becks1 says:

    Well, when you look at that list… of those names is not like the other. If she is POTY it will be because she basically disappeared for the year and nothing else.

    I don’t think she sparked any kind of discussion about medical privacy. People just think it’s freaking bonkers that she’s done zero work for a year.

  7. Inge says:

    How utterly ridiculous.

    ‘A Time Person of the Year nomination? But how?’
    -‘Well I was coy for a while and then recealed I had pre cancerous cells. I also released a photoshopped picture abd a hallmark add where my husband pretended to love me.’

    Also if these are her standards why wasnt Charles nominated?

  8. somebody says:

    After Hitler once being person of the year, why would anybody accept the title?

    • MSS says:

      I don’t really think it’s something you accept. You’re either chosen or you’re not.

      • somebody says:

        Really? But you have to agree to do the interview or not, I guess. You couldn’t have a lawyer write a letter and tell Time to cease putting your name on their list?

  9. Tessa says:

    Kate I think is concealing what really happened so a fictional story would have to be written. So a person can get an award by showing up at fun events.

    • Tara says:

      I commented that on another post already – I am reading through the latest celebitchy posts and can not help but wonder the RF was christmas shopping at Daily Fail to strengthen their network.

  10. Neeve says:

    Is she suppose to give an interview and photo spread?

    • Jay says:

      Yeah, that would be the biggest sticking point. They always do a photo spread and usually an interview as well. It’s a little bit like People’s SMA “honour” where I think she would have to be willing to play ball, so to speak.

  11. Dee(2) says:

    Her fans are interesting. If I spent an entire year battling cancer, my first thought wouldn’t be about how I had a” better” year than my SIL. But I don’t think they have anything else for her so this is what they think is win. An eternity of competing with someone who is the living embodiment of the Mad Men meme when it comes to you. Time person of the year just means that you have had a newsworthy year, not necessarily a good one. I suspect though that it will end up being Elon, which is just disgusting to even think about.

    • Neeve says:

      I think I will go out on a limb and say I think Kate is exhausted and all spent. I dont think she cares about the Sussexes anymore,I dont think she gives it any more energy. It’s the press,crazy royalists that cant stop and possibly her husband and Charles who are still butt hurt. With Kate I think as long as Meghan isnt physically there to steal her shine she doesnt care,especially after the year she had. I think we call it perspective.

      • Tessa says:

        I think Kate still thinks about Meghan. She literally lunged at Meghan the last time Meghan was there.

      • Jais says:

        I can believe she’s having a very rough year. But I don’t think we know whether she still cares about the Sussexes or not or whether she’s had any perspective. There’s no evidence one way or another? I’d imagine she has? But who knows. Putting out a whole summers eve commercial to announce she’s ended her treatments and then immediately briefing the press that she’s still not well enough to do events is a unique perspective anyways🤷‍♀️

      • Nic919 says:

        That video took a fair amount of work so I really doubt she’s that exhausted.

    • ShazBot says:

      Of the list, Elon has definitely had the most newsworthy year I think.

      • BQM says:

        I’ve been rooting for Elon since the election for the sole fact that it will make Trump’s head explode. He would lose it if Elon got it when Trump “deserves” it. I can’t wait until these two narcissists turn on each other.

      • BeanieBean says:

        @BQM: I think you’re onto something there. As trump is also shortlisted, he’d be right royally p*ssed that he wasn’t ‘chosen’.

  12. Jaisi says:

    Imagine getting an award for being missing and playing in the public’s face with a Frankenphoto. This is embarrassing. Not an award for her work or anything charitable bc there’s so little of it that’s been impactful over the last decade. But an award for putting out a fake photo that fueled conspiracy theories. This is not good attention.

  13. MY3CENTS says:

    Is it the missing person of the year? Will the cover just be blank?

  14. Interested Gawker says:


    Clap for Tinkerbell, amirite?


  15. Kittenmom says:

    Great – that in depth interview can perhaps explain exactly what happened, treatment details, what was the thinking behind releasing the altered photo & the massengill commercial, who was that person in the Windsor farm stand video?

  16. Tessa says:

    So Kate in 2011 was nominated for her finally getting the ring from William after 10 years

  17. Julie says:

    You have some really great persons on that list and some really really NOT great persons. I have my opinion as to where Kate stands, but I wonder what the committee really think of her.

    • MelodyM says:

      Only 3 folks on that list that I think are great: Kamala Yulia and Jerome. The rest can fight it out in a cage match.

  18. somebody says:

    Why now and why Kate? Why not Lloyd Austin when he was forced to reveal his diagnosis? Why not Meghan when people wanted to invade her privacy and know exactly when she went into labor and delivered? There have long been conversations about medical privacy. What has Kate done or sparked that was different, besides putting out misinformation globally?

  19. ShazBot says:

    I wonder how this will go down with both Charles and William. One is King and has cancer and has been more open and working. The other is Mr. Big shot statesman and international with Earthshot. Neither of them garner much interest but I can see how their fragile egos would be pissed at Kate getting this for…doing literally nothing.

    • Jay says:

      I think Charles will be particularly resentful – how many planted stories have we seen this year about Charles managing his illness the “right” way – releasing information to the public, openly doing chemo treatment but still working and traveling where he can. So many staffers on background about what a brave strong king he is for leaving the country. And then there’s Kate – she’s hidden away, she’s fed all kinds of rumours and gossip, there were staged and fake photos, and then she has been releasing videos that suck up all of the oxygen for the royal family for weeks at a time. Not to mention she just straight up refused to do any engagement she didn’t feel like doing. And yet, she’s the one mentioned on a short list of influential people of the year!

      Oh, I’ll bet Charles is PISSED.

  20. Izzy says:

    The fact that Gisele Pelicot is not on this list shows you how unserious and irrelevant this magazine is.

    • Nanea says:


      There shouldn’t even have been a shortlist this year, sorry to Kamala and other worthy women like Claudia Sheinbaum.

      Not even mentioning all the men that didn’t deserve a mention, much less a nomination.

    • Barb Mill says:

      My thoughts exactly. She really should have been nominated.

    • Deering24 says:

      _Thank_ you.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      Absolutely, Izzy.

      Gisele has been a revolutionary in insisting that the shame of rape rests with the perpetrators, not the victims.

      Her impact is profound.

  21. Libra says:

    This is a slap in the face to all the people who have had a terrible and noteworthy year while receiving cancer treatment and continuing to live their lives without housekeepers, cooks, nannies and laundry service. To be ill and not have to worry about money does not merit a standing ovation.

    • somebody says:

      And who have to reveal medical details to all kinds of people while receiving care.

    • Jaded says:

      That would be me. It’s galling to think that some faked-up story about a useless royal parvenu with ‘somethingcancercellssomething’ would turn into this obvious sham when so many of us have had a serious, brutal battle with cancer but haven’t had the mollycoddling she’s had to cover over the real reasons she disappeared. We are the ones who should be honoured.

    • BRC says:

      Thank you for saying this.

  22. Nanea says:

    “The Princess of Wales made international headlines this year and stirred a conversation about privacy and health for public figures.”

    Too bad everyone is forgetting that FakeyKatie is not just any celeb or public *figure*, but an overpaid and underworked public servant. As long as these welfare royals are taxpayer-funded, the funders — the citizens of the UK — have a right to facts instead of fiction or outbursts like “It’s family first and f**k the haters, f**k the press, f**k Harry and Meghan” and lies like cancer, oh noes pre-cancerous, preventative chemo, good days and bad days.

    So maybe TIME should have bothered to fact-check first.

  23. aquarius64 says:

    I lost all respect for TIME magazine for putting Kate’s name on the shortlist. It’s a joke. She’s done nothing. No way Charles or William are OK with this and be more mad if she wins. Meghan and Harry have already been on the cover of TIME do they are not losing sleep.

  24. sunnyside up says:

    So an award for being ill, getting the best possible treatment that this country can give, not working, allowing a fake photo to be released, making a cringe worthy video and forcing her unwilling husband to take part, wow! Even the king is more deserving, he actually has cancer, he works and is elderly. But why not a mother with cancer who has two small children and needs to work to put food on the table and pay the mortgage.

  25. Amy Bee says:

    It should be Claudia Sheinbaum but I think Elon Musk is going to win. Part of winning is giving an interview so that eliminates Kate. Anyway Assad is reported to be in Russia not dead and didn’t royalists say that Royals don’t receive awards they give them out so why are they touting that Kate was nominated for person of the year?

    • Jay says:

      It is an award for impact, positive or negative. That’s why George W Bush won it twice, and yes, infamously, Hitler and I think Stalin, too. And yes, I think with his money and influence, Elno has had an irreparable impact on democracy, technology, communication, and politics. And I think he may have won it previously? My memory is hazy. If he wins it, the only silver lining is that the Orange Menace desperately wants to be the POTY ( remember that fake Time magazine cover he has at Mara Lago) and Elno winning it would hurt his ego.

  26. Linney says:

    My husband and I recently met two British couples. They were huge fans of the royal family, and absolutely loved Kate, especially the two women. Their reasons? She is class personified, an incredible mother, is always smiling and doesn’t cause trouble. When I asked about Kate’s “work” one woman said: “I’m not sure. Something about young children.” I almost burst out laughing. Then the other woman said, “Her job is raising her family. She doesn’t need to do more.” They also thought she was an incredible role model because of the way she has handled her cancer. Yikes!

    • Granger says:

      One of my close friends is from England and she thinks Kate is awesome. My friend is only in her late 40s, but has somewhat old-fashioned views on the BRF — that they should keep their mouths shut, smile, appear dignified, have an air of mystery, dress well; that they “bring a sense of calm and stability” that keeps the government in check. It’s bizarre — but if that’s what the BRF is supposed to do, then it makes sense that people like Kate. She comes across as vacant, ornamental, a little aloof (mostly because she doesn’t know how to speak), and if the Caribbean flop tour showed us anything, she’s also quite happy to play up to the old-fashioned views of the monarchy, dressing like her grandmother-in-law and waving to the peasants from her convertible.

      • ABritGuest says:

        That’s the royalist propaganda working so people cannot tell you what positive impact Kate has made or much about her “work” but can repeat propaganda points about how Kate has never put a foot wrong &’ selflessly does her duty . It’s very insidious even if you avoid royalist press like the tabloids or broadsheets. The royal family are heavily promoted in the UK whether it’s forcing people to have pictures of the monarch in schools etc or the bbc reporting that Trump thought William was better looking in person 🥴. Literally Brits have no room to talk about North Korea

      • Libra says:

        In other words, a Stepford wife. Pretty, robotic, do as you’re told and never make waves.

    • Nic919 says:

      Why do they repeat the class thing when kate has flashed so many times while on Royal duty?

      • Anonymous says:

        @Nic: No to low standards? Also, those painted on skinny jeans revealing the outline of her hoo-ha are never classy.

    • February Pisces says:

      The reason why so many women stan Kate is because she’s an inspiration to so many dull mediocre women out there, that even when you have no personality, no charm, no work ethic, little intelligence or ambition, you too could get chosen by a rich sought after man what every girl supposedly wants. Maybe Time should put that in their write up about kate.

      • Anonymous says:

        A lot of it is brain-washing of the masses too – the fairytale, which never was.

      • NikkiK says:

        Nail on head. I would add that she’s an inspiration to dull mediocre white women; I can’t speak about other groups but Black women don’t care about this dull woman. She’s exactly the kind of lazy non-entity that manages to get promoted over more qualified and better harder working Black women, without doing much of anything.

  27. wolfmamma says:

    Yet another example of how almost all TIME/ MSM is owned by the right wing thinkers.
    That list is revolting except for Kamala and Claudia.
    It’s lost all credibility or purpose for me.
    Fortunately, since I am no longer connected to it, I won’t know until it’s announced here.

    • Ciotog says:

      The list reflects this horrible year in world history. Most of the “impactful” people of this year are horrible, unfortunately.

  28. LeonsMomma says:

    How far TIME has fallen. This list reminds me of tbose “Best streak houses” list ads you saw in airplane magazines.

  29. Julee says:

    Benioff sure seems Trump adjacent so I guess this tracks.

  30. Jay says:

    Kate hardly meets the criteria as she’s barely been seen all year! But I am a little bit delighted imagining the pure rage in both BP and KP this morning!

    Charles is the actual monarch who is undergoing chemo but still working and touring. He even announced his diagnosis before his daughter in law! He must be spitting mad that he is not on the list.

    And William, well, he has been “stepping up” into the role he was born with all year! He’s allegedly done the school run! He’s been calling himself a “global statesman” and he even grew a beard! What more does he have to do???

    • Harla says:

      Right?! According to the rota William should be on the top of this list because this year has been so difficult for him! Just William, no one else, just William!

  31. Interested Gawker says:

    All of KP’s dishonesty and fraud are hidden behind a very flimsy screen of press manipulation and crossed fingers. I don’t think Princess Catherine will be chosen but every time international attention is brought back to Kategate it’s a dicey situation for the BRF. I don’t think they want her to have that sort of high profile at this moment, it would be a win for her and Carole and they REALLY don’t want that. WanK have looked miserable in public recently and the BM made it plain that the ‘happy families’ video was a tactical error for them in the long run. William will never be allowed to get rid of her if she was put on the cover of Time and any false moves under a new wave of international scrutiny on WanK might sink them all.

  32. sevenblue says:

    I said when #kategate was happening, the most interesting thing Kate has ever done was to disappear. There is no requirement to do good in order to enter into the shortlist. Her disappearance was the hot topic for months as well as their fake photos, lies. Everyone -including us- was talking about it, making timetables and sh*t. So, yes, it makes sense she made the cut. However, I think it usually goes to the newly elected USA president. So, she won’t probably get the title, but Trump will.

    • Julia says:

      Yes, in an election year I would be surprised if the winner was not either Trump or Musk (due to his undeniable influence on the election).

    • Tessa says:

      Kate is still boring and a mean girl.

      • sevenblue says:

        I mean, yeah. But, #kategate was fun and the hundreds of comments those articles got on this blog show that. They can’t give the title to a hashtag, that is why she is on the list.

      • Jais says:

        Wasn’t it just this year that Kate was outed as the royal racist that had concerns about the skin tone of an unborn baby? Whew, that would be some choice. It’s like out and proud racism is making a comeback. Not sure it ever went away but the absolute pride in it feels newish.

  33. Harla says:

    All I can say is if I were up for Times POY, I would be embarrassed that it’s not because of something that I’ve done, something that’s been of service to others but just because I was sick and took a year off work. Honestly, with a few exceptions this group is not a group that I would want my name associated with.

  34. Scout says:

    Must be a loooooong short list.

  35. QuiteContrary says:

    The fact that this shortlist is going to piss off Charles is its only redeeming quality.

  36. Miss Scarlett says:

    Interesting… just learned that Charles’s The King’s Trust also has a Christmas carol concert, which was last night per social media. It was at St. Paul’s Knightsbridge (not the cathedral), and It will also apparently be broadcast on December 24 in the radio.

    So, which came first – Kate’s concert or Charles’s (even though he wasn’t there)? Who copied whom here? I’m dying to know.

    • somebody says:

      Apparently, the Prince’s Trust started their carol thing in 2018 and Kate’s first one was in 2021.

      • Miss Scarlett says:

        So Kate copied Charles.

        The behind the mask book she did was also copied from some local towns who did it first. Not an original bone in her body.

        I wonder how Charles feels about her copying his carol concert and making it such a big deal.

  37. Mooney says:

    I hope she doesn’t ‘win’. Can’t deal with the derangers smugness on this.

    • Emily says:

      Learn to be like Meghan and ignore them. They will gloat for a few days and then move on to the latest conspiracy theory about Meghan. Remember how they gloated after Wimbledon, didn’t last long they quickly became miserable again 😂

  38. Cassie says:

    If she does win this 2024 will really go down as the weirdest year on record .

    How on earth is she even being nominated?

  39. Lizzie says:

    Well, the frankenphoto was a really weird story, likened to N. Korea fake photo. If they pick Kate, hope they find the ‘medical team’, who she never thanked, but apparently looked after her all year.

  40. L Williams says:

    This is Time magazine clout chasing for publicity. As they say any publicity even negative is good publicity. Who would put a woman on that list who has helped to destroy the reputation of KP and inturn BP has a source of royal family news. Butchered Mother’s Day photo, weird market walk about, BBC Al recovery video how does that stack up against the other people on the list. If Time wishes to continue to be seen as serious journalistic source, they should stop promoting a person who did everything in 2024 to destroy journalistic integrity for the people who first took her at her word.

  41. Anonymous says:

    Clearly this magazine has no credibility.

  42. She could have said what kind of cancer she had , the king did and brought a spotlight to what other men might be missing she could have done the same for women.

    • Libra says:

      I read an article written by an “insider” quite a while back which stated that Kate was forbidden by the “palace” from disclosing any details of her diagnosis and surgery. The remainder of the short article didn’t say it was William, but here were enough hints that it was him. Anyone else recall more about this?

  43. JD says:

    Sorry, but person of the year for me and soooo many others is and should rightfully be Giselle Pelicot.
    If you do not know her name. Google her and find out. That woman is an absolute hero for how she carried a d advocated for herself

  44. olliesmom says:

    How about they honor ALL of the people who battled cancer this year and make them person of the year?

    And Trump and Musk are also finalists for this year, so…………….. yeah, kind of a joke.

  45. Nerd says:

    Her being on the list for POY during a year that she was missing for the majority of it is hilariously sad for her. The same way that her being talked about the most she had ever been talked about was when she was missing and unseen. That’s not a good thing when people don’t think of you when you are around and your only relevance is when you are missing.

  46. tamsin says:

    I find the women on the list are worthy of note except for Kate who told us she was sick, disappeared for months, tried to gaslight us all with her fake photos and manipulative video. Not sure what her illness was or how she helped anyone or did the world any good as a result. The list of men is a rogue’s gallery.

    • Anonymous says:

      100%. She’s a publicly-funded figure and a certain amount of transparency is required. But TIME is American I most Americans don’t understand the constitutional monarchy.

    • Convict says:

      Well said. But I suppose TIME doesn’t understand that she’s a publicly-funded figure in high public office and it isn’t open for her to be secretive when she disappears all year.

  47. Maimou says:

    It’s absolutely pathetic how the royalists always make excuses for Mumbleton, especially since her fake cancer diagnosis. In all her years in the RF she has made no impact whatsoever on anything. She has zero achievements and zero accomplishments. Her and her mother’s goal was to get the proposal from Will and to get their foot into the RF
    and the aristocratic circles.
    She had a platform and she never once used it to raise awareness to cancer. She is totally unworthy of anything. Especially the title of POTY. TIME magazine has fallen to an all time low.

  48. JFerber says:

    For what?!!? Just tell me why they’d put HER picture on the cover of a magazine. Makes absolutely no sense.

  49. HeatherC says:

    Both Elon and Trump have been POTY before.

    Interestingly…Wallis Simpson was also a POTY.

    Elizabeth II got POTY merely for outliving her father in 1952 but no POTY for Charles III 🤣

  50. Dee says:

    Assad is probably very safely tucked away somewhere in Russia along with his wife and family and in-laws. Prople like that always are.