Jimmy Carter’s days-long state funeral began on Saturday. President Carter’s funeral procession began in Plains, Georgia, where he lived for much of his life pre- and post-presidency. From Plains, President Carter’s casket went to Atlanta, home of the Carter Center, with a global staff of 3000. Jimmy Carter will lie in repose there through Monday, when he will be moved to Washington. The state funeral will be on Thursday at the Washington National Cathedral, after which President Carter will be moved back home to Georgia for a private funeral and burial in Plains. Most of the big-name Democrats and some Republicans will make a point of attending the state funeral on Thursday. I don’t know what kind of international turnout there will be, but Carter was internationally acknowledged as a humanitarian and a global leader on many significant issues. When he passed, leaders from around the world praised Carter and his legacy. You would think that all of America’s strongest allies would send some high-profile delegations to the state funeral. In Britain’s case, not so much. King Charles will not attend, and neither will Prince William. They’re sending Prince Edward.
Neither Prince William nor King Charles plan to attend Jimmy Carter’s funeral next week, following the former president’s death on Sunday at age 100.
As of Friday, the British royal family’s Royal Diary only lists the monarch’s younger brother, Prince Edward, also known as the Duke of Edinburgh, as being an attendant of the State Funeral on Jan. 9.
Following 76-year-old Charles’ cancer diagnosis early last year, William has attended certain events on his father’s behalf, as he did last month at the reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, where he rubbed elbows with President-elect Donald Trump.
Earlier this week, Charles expressed his “great sadness” over Carter’s death on Dec. 29, nearly two years into hospice care.
Carter’s funeral on Thursday will be held at the Washington National Cathedral and is considered a potential target “for violent extremists to attack,” according to a new security assessment obtained by ABC News.
The document attributes the risk to the “large gathering of senior U.S. government officials, foreign dignitaries, and heads of state, as well as the symbolic nature of the venues and media attention expected.”
It’s unclear if the absences of William and Charles are because of previous commitments or security concerns. As of Friday, neither had any official engagements listed for next week in the Royal Diary.
I saw some Derangers suggest that Prince Harry and Meghan were being “snubbed” because they weren’t asked to represent the monarchy at the funeral… it’s truly mind-boggling. Harry and Meghan haven’t worked for the Firm in five years. The real issue is that no one has figured out how to force Prince William to take one day out of his lengthy Christmas holiday to fly in for a state funeral, a funeral in which he could pretend to be a “global statesman” and rub elbows with dozens of American politicos. This is a constant thread since QEII died too – William refusing to attend international events like this on behalf of the crown, events which Charles ALWAYS attended when he was Prince of Wales.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- Welcome ceremony at official reopening ceremony of Notre-Dame Cathedral after more than five-years of reconstruction work following the April 2019 fire Featuring: Prince Willlam, President Emmanuel Macron, Brigitte Macron Where: Paris, France When: 07 Dec 2024 Credit: Abaca Press/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Prince William meeting US President Elect Donald Trump in the Salon Jaune room at the UK Ambassadors residence as the pair attended the Notre-Dame Cathedral reopening Featuring: Prince William, Donald Trump Where: Paris, France When: 07 Dec 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Members of the British Royal Family attend a Christmas service at St. Mary Magdalene Church on the Sandringham estate Featuring: Princess Charlotte, Prince George, William Prince of Wales Where: Sandringham, United Kingdom When: 25 Dec 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Members of the British Royal Family attend a Christmas service at St. Mary Magdalene Church on the Sandringham estate Featuring: Edward Duke of Edinburgh Where: Sandringham, United Kingdom When: 25 Dec 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Members of the British Royal Family attend a Christmas service at St. Mary Magdalene Church on the Sandringham estate Featuring: Prince William, Prince of Wales Where: Sandringham, Norfolk, United Kingdom When: 25 Dec 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Members of The Royal Family, led by King Charles III and Queen Camilla, attend the morning service at St. Mary Magdalene Church on the Sandringham estate on Christmas Day. Featuring: Edward Duke of Edinburgh Where: Sandringham, United Kingdom When: 25 Dec 2024 Credit: John Rainford/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE UK**
If it is security issues keeping them from attending, that would be ironic. I guess, that would mean Ed is considered the most expendable?
Security issues? no member of that family has more security than a US president! I wonder why the british royal family is even coming…who invites them? I understand the US inviting their PM, that’s diplomacy but why is the rf there? what purpose do they serve?
I mean, that is literally their whole job: representing Britain abroad and welcoming foreign politicians when they visit UK. The PM decides which events the RF should take by the way for the good of the country. In this way, a lot of busy work can be delegated to the BRF by the politicians, so they can instead focus on other issues.
I think it is completely appropriate for Edward (or Anne) to attend. I think a more mature, accomplished royal is better able to express the BRFs condolences. Despite being a grown man and the heir, William has not been properly trained for such occasions.
I thought the prime minister would be the one to attend a president’s funeral. The royal family are not political figures.
@Fabiola – the king/queen are heads of state, which is most likely why Edward is attending. He’d be KCIII’s representative.
I seriously doubt it’s security that’s the problem! There will be a few presidents there so security will be in full force. Lazy Will doesn’t want to go ( which is funny because he thinks America loves him) and Chuckles hides behind an illness if it’s not some place he wants to go.
I wonder if he doesn’t want to go BECAUSE there will be so many actual political power players and he won’t be the “special-est” one with pride of place in the photos at that event.
AND I don’t think he can keep up with the conversations of legitimate Statesmen/people.
@Teecee & @A – spot on. He’d be out of his depth.
Under QE the dishwater Eds often were the representatives to state occasions. I would have expected William if Biden had died in office, but as much as I respect and admire President Carter, especially the things he did after his term, sending the king’s brother to the state funeral of a president out of office 46 years is not a snub.
Edit: Whoops, not anon, I’m Lily.
I don’t think Peg not attending is anything to do with security, more like Peg’s insecurity. He has been a huge failure in big official events that involve government big wigs, and the last time he was criticised is when he was seen with fanboying the felon in France. He has not had a winner at diplomacy at all, the big one was his sacking live on telly in Jamaica. It has been downhill since then for the “statesman” Peg. Insecurity, I say is the reason he is not going.
W not attending might be about KFC’s insecurity.
They would have sent Andrew if it was to send the most expendable.
This is a snub, pure and simple…I will spare the epithets I want to use, but the Prince of Wales needs to get off his lazy ass sooner rather than later.
I will cut King Charlie some slack, even though he was able to truck down to Oz this past summer (winter for them, I just realized). Then again, maybe he and Camillugh learned a lesson on that trip about their capacity for travel. This is clearly a situation where Willie should step up, but that’s not happening.
Good grief, the only thing worse than having an Imperial/Crooked Presidency (see Donald Trump) would be to have a bunch of Royals to subsidize.
Not my King, et al. (since 1776)…
Security issues… Pfft. When there will be a lot of head of states. Charles might be not well enough, but on the other side if he could fly to the US to a state funeral, why not visiting the grandchildren.
This will be declared a national security event by Homeland Security. It will be the safest place on the planet during the funeral and surrounding events.
@Blubb I think you are spot on. Charlie and Willi are afraid of being asked if they will meet up with Harry, Meghan and the children if they would attend President Carter’s funeral.
That’s ridiculous. California is an additional 5 hour flight from the east coast. Nobody would be expecting a pop in.
Edward has attended funerals and weddings on behalf of his mother in the past so this is not new for him, to me this reads that Peggy was asked and refused or that he wasn’t asked as he can’t be trusted to behave himself. The press around his visit to the re-opening of Notre Dame and meeting with Trump was not great and its clear no one wants a repeat of that.
I think that “not asked” is the most likely scenario.
Ed & Sophie did a lot of the wedding/funeral attendance on behalf of QEII, but Charles attended Bush’s funeral in 2018.
I am not surprised lazy huevo won’t attend. Ironic that Charles and huevo have security concerns.
He wasn’t too lazy to get himself to France for photo ops and private meetings with Trump. I think it’s probably that simple with William.
This would have been a wonderful opportunity for William to show off his “statesman” skills. Rubbing shoulders with leaders from around the world is a dream for a wanna be player .
It appears he wants to be a global statesman in name only, he’s not the least bit willing to put in the travel to pay homage to a truly great man — he’s missing a perfect opportunity to shine up an otherwise dull reputation as a lazy entitled twat.
This! He knows he’d expose himself as the fool he is among the world’s true leaders.
KFC wouldn’t want W stealing too much of his limelight. That man’s jealousy of his sons (ex-wife and DIL) is well documented.
I think this is the most likely explanation. My backup explanation is that they just don’t think a one term president from the 70s is that important.
This is such a farce. Harry won’t get security and is derided for wanting it. Yet now Charles and William won’t go because they are worried about security for themselves. More likely William does not want to interrupt his vacation.
But the school run….!
And the burn to Ed if they say there is a security risk and send him.
He got his butt to France to
Maybe they’ve grounded him from adult events until be shaves.
Bwahahaha!! Comment of the Day👑👑👑
Very good Wendy.
Or maybe he wasn’t allowed to go for fear of him making an arse of himself once again in the midst of world leaders at a funeral
Huevo wants to solve homelessness and be a global statesman but can’t be assed to go to the funeral of an actual global statesman whose signature achievements include decades building homes for the homeless??? Wow.
Jimmy Carter was helping build homes when he was in his nineties. William is all talk and does very little.
Exactly. This is the man William is trying to tell everyone that he is. A humble man who dedicated his entire life to the betterment of others. He was still building homes or habitat for humanity into his 90s, and William is in his 40s and can’t be dependable. I actually think that for all they love attention him and his wife ( pre-benching) didn’t like going to the events like this, because they don’t want you to pull up their lack of accomplishments at their age with their privileges alongside others in similar roles.
Great theory Dee(2). It certainly explains a few things and in the future it will limit them tremendously as almost everyone they come in contact with, pin a medal on, etc will have accomplished more than they have and with far less resources.
Wonder if William even knows that Carter built homes. William should be keen to go.
Keen to go, and then keen to go look at the late President’s work with the housing the homeless.
William should be ashamed of himself.
Wouldn’t it be nice if the press actually reminded people of what a pattern of neglecting his supposed priorities this is for Wills? The Lioness’ Finals game anyone? If it were Harry, they’d never let anyone forget it.
President Jimmy Carter lived his life as an example to us all – helping others through Habitat for Humanity, and serving as an advocate for peace around the world. He was a man to be admired and emulated. In my opinion, not one person in the BRF is worthy of attending President Carter’s funeral as it would only highlight their own lives of pompous, self-serving over-indulgence and hypocrisy. Everything Mr. Carter would abhor. May he rest in peace as he joins his beloved Rosalyn.
@Chrissy my thoughts exactly
Huevo could learn a lot about homelessness from Pres. Carter’s work with Habitat for Humanity – a charity he didn’t create but supported for decades.
Charles is a lot of things, most of them not great. But he was an exemplary Prince of Wales. He made the absolute most of that job without even suggesting that he was eager for the “top job” (not until QEII was well along in years, anyway). He made that role count. Huevo is pissing it all away, same as he’ll do when he comes to the throne. Given the work ethic of his parents and grandparents, it’s rather amazing that the fall of the House of Windsor will occur due in large part because of the incurable laziness of this pathetic boy-man and his equally lazy wife.
Yet – those living in the duchy of Cornwall that comes with the title of PoW suffered tremendously under Charles’s tenure.
He kept ancient windows that let in damp and cold because he liked the aesthetic when he saw them. He left his tenants to cold, miserable, dank, energy leaking homes while he traveled the world and made millions off of the duchy. He didn’t make the repairs so desperately needed even thought they cost a fraction of his wealth.
While he might have done things well in terms of traveling in his mothers place and not publicly wishing her dead – he crippled the lives of the people who live on “his” land by refusing to make their homes actually habitable.
I think with respect to the role of stepping in for his mother, Charles did well. There was never a story about him skipping these events because he didn’t feel like it. Besides he usually did 500 engagements a year and so if he was busy with something else, you would actually believe it.
William is just shirking duty left and right. But he’s also married to a lazy woman too so I guess they suit in that aspect.
It’s true that Charles really embraced some of the areas of the work but he was always chomping at the bit for QEll to retire. He met with PM John Major to cast doubt on QEll’s ability to rule in the 90’s, I think he did something in the 70s too. He wanted her to be forcibly retired. He wanted it to be his day in the sun for soo many decades. Plus going unmasked and giving her covid.
Isn’t the funeral on Kate’s birthday? That’s probably why William’s not going but if he really wants to be a global statesman it would have been expected that he would go to the funeral. I’m starting to think the push for William to be a global statesman didn’t come from him but KP and the press.
He went to a football match on his daughter’s birthday.
Love the idea that W can’t go because it’s K’s birthday but people lost their minds when Harry flew back home immediately after the coronation so he could celebrate Archie’s birthday…
Agreed @Amy Bee Will in his heart of hearts wants to be left alone to enjoy his wealth with no work commitments imposing on his private life. Others are briefing about being a Global Statesman. Will has consistently said that he will be doing less: reduced royal with a small r!
QE 2 said often that the”firm” and “country” came first and family after that. She lived it and kept the monarchy alive. After Charles, it’s William, Kate and the school runs in first place.
QE overdid putting the monarchy before her children, as did Charles. William overdoes putting (supposedly) his family first. There is a balance that every one else in the world who has to work can manage to find.
British Monarch never has a reputation for being good parent. Queen Victoria was horrendous to each & everyone of her (many) children.
If Willnot & his wife really care about their children, they shouldn’t use them as a diversion to counter their bad press, should they? Alas, they did used their children…
Willnot doesn’t deserve to attend late President Careter’s funeral, period.
Seeing as how KP didn’t even send out a birthday post last year, it is childish for William to use Kate’s 43 birthday as a reason to skip it. But I am sure the media will pretend it was a reason.
She’s in her 40s. She’ll be fine without her husband on her birthday.
She’ll likely be without her husband on her birthday anyway. My guess is she’ll be with her parents at Casa Bucklebury and Willnot will be…who knows where. He seems to be quite adept at flying under the radar.
Kate is a grown up, she can manage without her husband on her birthday, after all a lot of women do, especially when their husbands work away for a living.
I remember the outrage when harry and Meghan were stepping back around the time of keens birthday party.
What’s interesting to me is that’s not being put out as the reason for his nonattendance. it’s just “hes not going.” i would say that your wifes non-milestone bday isnt necessarily a reason to miss an international event like this, but interesting that its not being suggested as the reason.
You just know that they are going to cite the “school run” for him not going.
I think.. but may be wrong.. that Charles actually delayed his wedding to the Cow to go to the Popes funeral. He always did the big stuff and the Prince’s Trust is worthwhile. He was and is a slumlord though, and that is unforgivable. It would seem that lazy Willi doesn’t even realise the state of the properties in his Duchy .
LRB Wasn’t the queen ordering him too?
Maybe she silently prayed for a wonder… To prevent the marriage.
Maybe the keens will produce another commercial about keens birthday with pda and huevo helping keen cut the cake and the children all in party hats
In this past year, I’ve quite forgotten about WandK and when I do see a photo or read a story I’m reminded of how easy it is to forget about them.
I agree. The RR try to pump them up as some sort of dynamic couple but there just isn’t a there there. They’re utterly forgettable, no matter how many designer coat dresses she butchers with buttons and now bows. They’re just not a must watch couple, no matter their future role. And with their charisma vacuum, the monarchy will be dull and may just fade away (while still collecting UK tax dollars sadly)
This would seem to be right in William’s very small wheelhouse. Global statesman, check. Wants to be loved in America, check. Nope! I’m really beginning to think that when Charles is gone, the monarchy will just collapse. Not with a bang but with a whimper.
Surely William is staying home since he needs to support Catherine, the Princess of Wales, in her journey to remain cancer free. And spend time with his very small children.
🤣🤣🤣 k i can’t even type that with a straight face
I am still astonished that Willi did few engagements than the very elderly Duke of Gloucester last year – I mean how can he not be thoroughly ashamed of himself? It is not as if he has a stressful 70 hour a week job that he cannot do on top of caring for Kate. It is not as if they need to spend hours waiting for appointments on the NHS – they just sail in by the back door to whichever hospital and she is seen straight away. Yes – if she is actually ill it is still stressful, but a lot less stressful than for people who still manage to go to work .
The fact that anyone lets William get away with his abysmal engagement numbers is outrageous. He is such a failure, on a basic human level, much less being “anointed by God”.
No one said W and Chuck weren’t attending due to security concerns. Will isn’t going because funerals aren’t where things happen. At best he’d get a generic photo of him entering the cathedral but he’s not getting anywhere near his bestie Trump. Edward is a funeral pro. He’ll nod solemnly and as soon as it’s over, head to one of DC’s famous restaurants for a three-hour dinner, compliments of the British Embassy.
I remember watching CSPAN for the funeral of some national figure and there was a lot of networking before the family of the deceased came in. Washington DC will never miss an opportunity to network.
This is true, there are many excellent and discreet restaurants in DC that do most of their business from lobbyist and networkers’ expense accounts. Or he could invite another foreign leader to the British Embassy on Massachusetts Avenue for a meeting. So many options… if he wanted them.
The key here is networking, which Will simply does not know how to do. He expects protocol and arranged meetings with confirmed talking points. Can you see him trying to strike up a conversation with Obama or engage any of the hundreds of politicians milling about? Maybe he could chat up Al Gore and share his views on climate change. “Hey Mr Al, ever heard of Earthshot?” (as he hands him a glossy pamphlet)
Don’t give William (or his people) any ideas on how to operate like an adult. Let him concentrate on grooming his Just-For-Men beard.
In my opinion, William honestly does not see the need for networking. Obviously, as heir to the throne and next king of England, people are just falling all over themselves to have a meeting with him, right? (Wrong, so wrong William!)
That’s one reason why Harry was sent to places and events that could have benefitted William as the heir in terms of networking and why Harry is successful today….he, unlike William, know that no one is owed some one else’s time just because.
Even better, William could check the “global statesman” box without actually doing anything.
For some reason, I immediately thought of David Letterman’s nightly Top 10 Lists. So, I was thinking of the top reasons for England, our “great ally” to send one who is often thought of as the “Fredo” of that family to Pres. Carter’s funeral. The only reasons I could think of were:
3. There were no suitcases full of cash offered to them, 2. They didn’t need help fighting a war, and the number one reason why the Windsors are sending Edward to Carter’s funeral is: Their groom was too busy.
It actually makes sense to send Edward who has had experience with these kinds of events. Willie would make a mess of it in his overeager flailing around to be seen with experienced leaders.
Trump would be there for Willie to try again with but Trump will have his own agenda and would likely ignore him
Trump’s big mad that the American flag will be flying at half mast at his inauguration. He takes it as a personal insult so if he does show up for Carter’s funeral he’s going to be acting like the rude, whiny and insulting meathead he’s always been.
Even though it’s for a different reason, it is so, so fitting that the nation will be officially in mourning when the Orange Menace takes office.
When Will does become King in name only he will ahem, concentrate on planning his big ass Coronation whilst the surviving oldies like Edward and the Duke of Gloucester will be doing all the bread and butter stuff. So he will be doing diddly squat but there won’t be any tabloid coverage because they will STILL be focused on Meghan,s RED dress and her cookery show!!
Jimmy Carter means a lot to the US, but for the rest of the world he’s the ex, ex, ex, ex, ex, ex, ex, ex-president. Charles only ever met Carter once back in 1977 and William wasn’t even born then, so there’s no personal connection. It makes sense to me that Edward would be sent as representative. Sadly, the current orange menace is of more use to the UK when it comes to national interests.
These people are supposedly serving a function as diplomats according to all their hype. Why would a personal connection be necessary to attend a state funeral?
Certain people are tagged for attending funerals, like the US Vice President. Kamala Harris led the US delegation for the state funeral of the former PM of Japan. For the BRF, it seems that this is Edward’s diplomatic role.
RIP Shinzo Abe.
As a dual Canadian and British citizen, I disagree. This is very disrespectful of them. Jimmy Carter truly was a Global statesman. He’s not “just” a former President of a country that, although is an ally, is not their’s personally so it doesn’t have the same significance or need for representation on their part, as if it were their own. This man negotiated peace between Israel and Egypt. This man laid the groundwork for global economic boom. This man dedicated his life to making the world a better place with the Carter Foundation and Habitat for Humanity.
He won the Nobel Prize…the real one, not just one they give out for PR . If QE2 were alive today, she would have gone or insisted on sending Charles and the currently sitting PM. Saying that Jimmy Carter is the ex ex ex ex ex ex President to the rest of the world is comparable to saying the same of Winston Churchill or Margaret Thatcher. If Charles can’t go due to illness than Camilla and William should most certainly be there as should Kier Starmer. Not doing so is blatant disrespect to America on the part of Great Britain. And I can’t help, but wonder if it’s intentional as opposed to simply being about avoiding press about Meghan and Harry. The BRF have a long game. Everything is planned. Everything is strategic. The question is not whether or not it’s appropriate to send Edward. The question is, what are they playing at?
The BRF can’t even play tiddledywinks, never mind global strategy. And why would Carter’s funeral have anything to do with Harry and Meghan? I think it’s very simple – Charles is unwell and kings don’t go to funerals, William won’t do anything unless it suits him, Andrew will be arrested at the airport, Anne is probably still groggy from her horse accident, so that leaves Edward. And it’s likely someone from the Foreign Office will be attending along with Edward – that’s been the procedure in the past.
Guessing is sending someone lower-down is a welcome nod to the new, incoming presidential administration, whose values and party are in opposition to theirs. They are probably hoping the new administration will harass H & M.
Jimmy Carter was the head of state for one of Britain’s main allies. We are told again and again that the two countries share a ‘special’ relationship. What makes sense is that Britain’s head of state (Charles) attend the state funeral; lacking his ability, his next in line, William. That’s what makes sense.
Elizabeth didn’t go to Ronald Reagan’s state funeral and he was a 2-term president who revived the US/UK relationship. I’m not saying Carter let it languish, Nixon did that – but Carter had too many other problems to deal with than to worry about the UK. Elizabeth sent Charles in her stead. When Prime Minister Abe was assassinated, the UK sent the Theresa May to the funeral and she wasn’t even PM at the time. Were the people of Japan offended by that?
Now, maybe William should be going, but he didn’t even go to his own godfather’s funeral or his memorial – he sent Gabriella Kingston. Elizabeth and Charles didn’t go, either – they sent Anne.
It is shocking to me how much Edward resembles his grandfather, George VI. I can’t un-see it!
I am also surprised that William, the great statesman, the global leader extraordinaire, is not attending. Maybe he is afraid his enormous charisma will detract from the funeral…
I know, every time I see Edward I’m like wow. He looks exactly like his grandfather, which is weird because he didn’t when he was younger. Edward looks so thin, though. He doesn’t look 100% healthy.
He looks really ill
There is something going on with him that they won’t admit too
Why don’t Edward and Sophie go together? Cuz it’s just Edward right?
No surprise William isn’t interested in attending President Carter’s funeral. This is on brand for him.
Agreed @Jess. It is sad how few interests Will has. Homelessness is supposed to be an interest. He could have learnt a lot from Jimmy Carter on how to help.
William and Charles probably don’t want to attend because they don’t want to anger the Trumpenfeuehrer.
I wondered about this too. You know it frosts Trump’s a$$ that he has to waste even a few hours sitting in a cold cathedral to honor a “loser lib.”
But a beloved and respected “loser lib”. Something tells me that Trump will never be beloved or respect like the humble President Carter. He will never be honoured with a Nobel Peace Prize and universally recognized as a Man of Peace and Champion of Humanity. That’s the reality The Orange Turd will have to face on that day.
Trumpenfeuehrer. love it.
The Trumpenfeuehrer (great handle!) is throwing a hissy because the American flag will be at half mast for his crowning. He takes it as a personal insult and is demanding it be flown at full mast. *SIGH*. He’ll be pissy and glowering at the funeral for sure.
You can’t expect William to cut short his second honeymoon that he has planned after the vow renewal service he also planned, in Africa. Because Africa is HIS. lol. Smh.
Will ‘s kids are due back at school on Wednesday so he won’t be breaking into his holidays before then.
Huevo has to prepare for those school runs.
Eh. Looks like Ed drew the short straw. At least he was alive during the Carter administration.
Isn’t the UK still trying to negotiate a trade deal with the US? Should the prime minister not go as well? It seems to me the Prince of Wales always attended state funerals on behalf of the monarch. I can’t remember a state funeral that Elizabeth II actually attended.
Charles as PoW would represent the real Queen at funerals. If you recall he had to reschedule his second marriage for a couple of days when he was needed to attend the Pope’s funeral. He didn’t refuse and send Prince Edward instead.
Jimmy Carter was a GLOBAL diplomat for democracy and decency…and did that for DECADES …so sending Edward is a slap in the face and just ANOTHER reason why William is USELESS AF…to miss the funeral of a man who worked tirelessly to eradicate homelessness…when one of William’s so called endeavors is to eradicate homelessness just show you how PATHETIC the Royal Family is…
So glad H&M got out of THAT hell hole!
We in the US shouldn’t feel special. William slaps everyone in the face.
True unless it’s Obama, who he invited into his home, or Taylor Swift.
I can’t stand William but as an American I am offended. It is always the PoW that attends state funeral to represent the monarch and the UK. But Charles wants to send the 14th in line to the throne. William has no medical reason to not to attend; Kate’s birthday is on the same day but that’s not a valid excuse. Shriking responsibility again Workshy Willie.
Charles as PoW did not attend Nixon or Ford’s funerals.
You’d think someone who purports to be so concerned about homelessness would want to show up and honor a guy who spent half a lifetime championing affordable housing
Chaine, that is an *excellent* point!
I think Will doesn’t want to always be stuck with Trump. The future farter in chief is so enamored with the British monarchy, it’s vulgar. However the Windsors and much of Europe are thinking ‘great, we have to deal with THIS stinky buffoon again.’ If the funeral times matched up well with the Super Bowl, I bet Will would find the time.
William should absolutely be going. There is no real excuse for his not going. Edward is 14th or something in line. The Prince of Wales and the next in line to be king should attend. It’s not like he’s doing anything else.
I don’t know if the queen ever attended the funeral of an American president mostly because of being the UK monarch thing. If she did, it was years ago. Charles as the prince of wales was basically the next best thing. That William can’t bother to attend just looks bad.
Edward is the king’s brother and a working royal. It’s perfectly appropriate to send him to represent the king— it’s not like he’s a 14th cousin just because he’s way down the line of succession.
Not when the Prince of Wales is RIGHTTHERE doing nothing. William should be the go-to for situations like this, as Charles was when he was Prince of Wales.
If William’s schedule was otherwise packed? Then Edward going makes sense.
but instead this reads as “this isnt really important enough for William to take a break from his ‘me time.'”
William is too lazy to make the trip. That’s the bottom line.
William is unreliable. The bum skipped his godfather’s funeral day of without warning and he was to give a reading at the ceremony! Edward can represent but please give the man decent clothes that fit!
Glad they’re sending someone relatively non-controversial but I’ll tell ya, the American elite doesn’t think much of Edward. They think he’s a pay for play mooch like Andrew.
Is anyone really surprised. He couldn’t even bother to go to Australia to support his own team in a World Cup championship game. The Spanish royal family was there for Spain.
I think that both K and PoW are afraid P. Harrry will show up, and they would say no to him about seeing his children.
Hissee fit over a flag? What is wrong with our leaders of the future?
Oh tell Edward to stay home. We would all prefer Harry go. The UK can send their PM. Keep your creepy royals. The one we like already lives here with his wife and children. President Carter was a hard worker who put others first and only wanted to make the world a better place. He is the face of Habitat for Humanity after many, many decades of tireless service along with his wife, Rosalyn. The last thing his funeral needs is anyone still actively a part of the BRF that is only ever about itself.
Harry would be welcome. The rest of them- no thank you. Stay home.
Is January not Mustique month for Keen and her mother’s birthdays?
I think William is ill.
I’m sorry to be vulgar, but this is a fucking insult. As an American, I’ve had it up to HERE with the British droning on and on about how they “love” America and we’re they’re strongest and longest allies, blah, blah. Then Jimmy Carter, an honest-to-God American and world ICON dies and they send over… Prince Edward??? Who, honestly, I wasn’t even sure was still alive, it’s been so long since I’ve seen him. I’m really starting to hate the UK.