Brad Pitt ‘had a volatile relationship with Angelina & doesn’t have that with Ines’

In recent weeks, Angelina Jolie’s performance in Maria has been snubbed for several award nominations, like the SAG and BAFTA. There’s been a conversation among Jolie fans about Brad Pitt and whether he’s pulled strings or made quiet moves to ensure Jolie’s snubs. I’m not sure if Pitt has been that proactive specifically to get Jolie snubbed for awards, but I do feel like Pitt’s years-long tabloid harassment of Jolie has done a lot of damage to Jolie’s image within Hollywood. Even more specifically, Pitt’s team has been doing a lot in recent months to whine about his lack of relationship with the kids, and how Jolie is a big meanie for not signing the NDA to hide his abuse. Many people haven’t paid attention to the specifics, and they just assume Jolie has enabled or caused the toxicity because “bitches, amirite?”

I bring all of this up because Brad seems to be attempting a victory lap now that his divorce from Jolie has been finalized. We still don’t know the specifics, and don’t say “she got $80 million from him.” That report is via the Daily Mail, and that figure is based on Jolie’s sale of Nouvel, her half (which she owned outright) of Chateau Miraval. We do know that Jolie made the decision on Christmas day to sign the divorce papers, which leads me to believe that Brad did make a new/different settlement offer towards the end of the year. Now Brad covers the latest issue of Us Weekly, and a lot of this is about how Brad wanted the divorce over and done with because of Ines de Ramon.

Pitt is relieved: “There’s a big sense of relief that it’s over,” a source shares in the latest Us Weekly cover story. “A weight has been lifted.” Now Pitt, 61, is looking ahead. “Brad wants to get his life [back] on track and put this behind him,” says the source. “He can start over again.”

Ines was the catalyst for Pitt finally making peace with Jolie. “Ines helped Brad move forward,” says a second source, “and think about the divorce in a new light….She brings out the best in Brad.” They reportedly spent the holidays together at his $40 million mansion in Carmel, California. (As Us previously reported, de Ramon moved into Pitt’s L.A. house in early 2024.) With a busy career keeping his schedule full, the second source explains, “Ines has [brought him] a sense of calm and peace.”

Ines’s split with Paul Wesley split in 2022. “That’s something she and Brad bonded over,” says the second source. Adds the first source: “Ines has helped Brad through this from the start. She’s been his rock.”

The volatile relationship: Their romance is a breath of fresh air for Pitt. “He had a volatile relationship with Angelina, and doesn’t have that with Ines,” says the first source. “They’re madly in love and work so well together. Brad’s happier than ever.” In July, a source told Us they enjoy “low-key date nights” at home, often cooking and watching movies together. “Brad loves how easygoing and smart Ines is.” Ines actively encouraged Pitt to finalize the divorce with Jolie. “Ines is very zen and doesn’t like conflict or negativity. She wants Brad to find peace, forgiveness and move on.”

Ines & Brad aren’t getting married: Though Brad’s divorce is now official, the second source explains Pitt and de Ramon “aren’t putting any pressure on marriage. [Still], they’re committed to each other and very serious.” While the actor is happy to focus on his future with the jewelry designer, the source explains he “doesn’t necessarily need to get married again at this time.”

Brad’s relationships with his kids: Pitt is hopeful — but realistic — about reconnecting with his kids. Last May, Shiloh had her last name legally dropped to Jolie. (Zahara and Vivienne also appear to only use Jolie.) “Brad isn’t in contact with the older kids. It’s a very sad situation for him,” says the second source. (In an alleged resurfaced Instagram post that Pax posted on Father’s Day in 2020, he called the star a “world-class a—hole.”) According to a third source, Pitt retains joint custody of Knox and Vivienne “but has very limited time with them, especially because of filming for F1, which required travel.” The second source says Pitt and the twins “don’t have a super close relationship,” adding, “He always reaches out and is hopeful things will eventually get better one day.”

Now the focus is on the Miraval lawsuits: “Brad’s relieved the divorce is finalized. He closed that chapter many years ago and can’t believe it was dragged out this long, but he knows there’s still more to come with Miraval,” explains the second source. “This was just one hurdle for him. Still, he’s happy to have it behind him.”

[From Us Weekly]

In recent stories about Brad and Ines’s relationship, I inevitably feel sorry for Ines. I honestly wonder if she’s kind of Team Jolie, like Ines is whispering in Brad’s ear that he needs to let Angelina go and settle the divorce and maybe end the Miraval sh-t too. Maybe I’m giving her too much credit, but Ines really is coming across like a Jolie opp. As for Brad’s new lease on life… this story is sprinkled with sh-t about his dumb F1 movie, and he obviously cares more about that movie than his children. Oh well.

Cover courtesy of Us Weekly. Additional photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid and Cover Images.

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59 Responses to “Brad Pitt ‘had a volatile relationship with Angelina & doesn’t have that with Ines’”

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  1. Tessa says:

    And so it’s all about Brad being “happy.” Typical

  2. Cj says:

    What will he blame for not being closer to the twins when f1 is done I wonder? Instead of the obvious they want nothing to do with him because of him since he clearly can’t take any accountability. Basically blaming jolie for being abused with this “volatile relationship” nonsense

    And I wonder if the heavy f1 press is because he and his team are a bit shook that the Apple wolves movie with Clooney wasn’t received like they expected. He’s too old to be Hollywood’s darling boy anymore and he hasn’t worked to be a good person at all to be loved for who he is.

    • KS says:

      It’s nuts how he keeps whining about repairing his relationship with his kids and then says he can’t see them because he has to go to Europe for a movie. This isn’t like a single parent desperately working because he needs the money – he could make his kids his first priority if he wanted to.

      • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

        Eh, his finances are set to be in MAJOR disarray once the Miraval lawsuit gets further along.

        He might very well have finally pulled the plug on the divorce thing because somebody finally managed to get him to realize just how hopelessly screwed he is on the Miraval thing and he’s trying to focus on minimizing the fallout from that.

        Not that that makes him any less of a garbage father, but he may very well need to hustle quite a bit to get the money to fix things.

      • Ivy says:

        FR. It only makes him look worst for allowing a mocie to interfere with the little visitations he has

  3. Sunnylf7 says:

    So Brad and his sources are saying his violence was Angelina’s fault and Inez isn’t “asking for it” basically????

    Run for your life, girl….

    • Kitten says:

      Not even subtle about it either.

      I feel for Ines but it makes you wonder how some women are just blind to all the red flags. I’m sure Brad does his fair share of manipulation and revisionist history but even just the awful relationship he has with his kids would have me running for the hills.

      • AnnaG says:

        Many, many women believe they are “the right one” and he will change “for her” and the previous partner was the problem, not the man. And Pitt is playing into it – it was always Angie, look how perfect he is with his new “love”.

      • PinkOrchid says:

        Maybe it’s all the GREEN flags, blinding Ines from seeing the RED. $$$$$$$

      • Turtledove says:

        In my experience, abusers are great at wearing a mask early on. He’s lilkely love-bombed the hell out of Ines. And he we all know he portrays Angelina as a maniacal harpy who has “turned his kids against him”.

        I think we sit here and we see the full story. (Well, as much as we can be privy to anyway) And it seems so obvious. But I’ve experienced something relative.

        From Ines’ perspective, if Brad is acting like an utter dreamboat, and she has some feelings and chemistry there already, it’s probably not that hard to believe him, because she wants to.. I don’t say this to debate you at all. I totally hear what you are saying and I think a lot of people WOULD absolutely see the red flags, for sure.

        But my soon to be ex? In the early days? Bliss. Now, that was a long time ago and I don’t remember when the red flags started appearing, but eventually they did and by then I was in deep. I totally believed it when he told me his ex girlfriend was a volatile bitch. And I so wanted to believe that I was just the right person for him. And he wanted me to believe it to.

        Interestingly, if a guy says his ex was a terrible bitch and you are so nice, two things can happen there simultaneously, you love hearing how great you are and go out of your way to be super nice always, as you crave that good feedback. And your fear of being compared to that awful bitch keeps you from complaining about any of his bad behavior. Works out pretty great for him, huh? And early on, they show you only the best of themselves…so it’s easy to think, “yeah, she probably was a real bitch because look how easy he is to make happy”.

        Fast forward a few decades, we separated and he met his new gf. They were planning a future together before we even started our divorce process. The divorce process was put off because he didn’t want one. Not because he wanted to stay with me, mind you. He just didn’t want to deal with all the consequences of a divorce. I was terrified of him by that point and was stupidly trying to finesse it so we could gothrough the process on his terms, so he wouldn’t be “angry”. (I know..pathetic. Therapy helps!) We still are in the process but itis moving forward. And at some point, our kid stopped speaking to him because of his behavior. You’d think all of this would be red flags to her. But who knows what he told HER? Maybe she thought the divorce process was underway before they met and I was dragging it out. And there is no doubt in my mind that he told her his kid won’t speak to him because I turned them against him. And what she sees is a guy that is on his absolute best behavior, so she likely believes all of it.

        It’s funny because in the article above they mention “Brad’s relieved the divorce is finalized. He closed that chapter many years ago and can’t believe it was dragged out this long” It wasn’t jsut magically dragged out this long against his will. And god knows Angie didn’t want this neverending battle. HE dragged it out, yet he “can’t believe it”? TYPICAL. Abusers have no shame. They will spout out the most ridiculous lies and don’t care how obvious it is.

  4. anonymous says:

    if ines is fighting to get pitt to leave Angelina alone and end some of the issues that still somehow connect him to her, she’s not doing it for Angelina, she’s doing it for herself. making her some kind of secret guardian angel for Angelina and her kids is (no offense) just plain stupid.

    • DK says:

      Yep. If she were doing this out of any compassion for Angelina, she’d also encourage him to drop all these idiotic media stories ranting about Angie as well. This is 100% because she’s either jealous of his obsession with AJ, or just plain sick and tired of hearing him go on and on about it, or genuinely wants him to be 100% legally (etc) available to just her, etc. – this is about making her life easier, not Angie’s.

      (I don’t begrudge her that – it’s probably scary to be around Brad when he’s in a rage about Angie or the kids. I’m just observing that this is more likely motivated by her own needs than her being pro-Angie)

  5. Jais says:

    Oh shut up puffer fish mr. Mcpuffy face. Ugh, I’m usually very strict on not talking about looks. As in I have zero interest in talking about a person’s face but BP might be my exception. Maybe when he drops the miraval case and stops briefing about AJ I’ll stop talking about his puffy face.

  6. Princess Peach says:

    They can never make me care about this relationship.

  7. gia says:

    of course because they’’re not raising kids together. it’s all fun times no responsibility

  8. Lala11_7 says:

    May his career mimick Johnny Depp…whom I also ADORED as an actor…My G-d…”The Libertine” 💔😪…but who I can no longer stomach…because 🤬 him!

  9. Freya says:

    We need to stop giving this man power that he doesn’t have. Nicole Kidman was also snubbed at several awards shows.
    If he had had power, his film Wolfs wouldn’t have flopped among critics and public opinion.

    • Lucy2 says:

      I totally agree.
      I know a lot of people here wanted to see Angelina showered with awards, but every year there are a lot of deserving people who don’t get nominated. It doesn’t mean their ex rigged the voting.

  10. SamuelWhiskers says:

    I don’t know about SAG but I’m a voting member of BAFTA and no one pulls any strings. You’d have to somehow bribe a HUGE amount of people to influence Bafta votes. This year was a very very strong year for films, Maria was a decent film but I didn’t vote for it, because I felt it just didn’t have as much to say about the world as some of the other submitted films. AJ’s performance was good, but the film itself was only ‘decent’ for me, not exceptional.

    Pitt can suck it.

  11. GrnieWnie says:

    God, such a trigger for me. Maybe his relationship with Ines isn’t volatile because he doesn’t abuse her?? I cannot handle men talking about HOW women respond to them instead of WHY — the focus is never on their own behaviour! Sounds like someone didn’t take his AA seriously and hasn’t taken a moral inventory or made amends!’

    • Turtledove says:


      You said in 4 sentences what it took me approximately 17 paragraphs to say above. Spot on!

  12. ML says:

    With Angelina, Brad was “volatile.” With Inez, he’s supposedly calmer…. WTF is this article doing?? The (cough, younger) women Brad surrounds himself with are responsible for his emotions and behavior? This is weird! This man is in his 60s and should be in control of himself. Inez should run: if she’s as smart as he gives her credit, she may. However, she’s not taking Angie’s side.

    Next, legally “dropped?” I believe “changed” is the right word. It’s a sad situation…for him. Um, isn’t it just as sad if not more so for his kids who witnessed their mom being abused physically and emotionally when they were together and emotionally and financially afterwards? Some of them (all?) were abused as well. It really gives me the ick that publications will take the side of the abuser and broadcast his PR story at the expense of his ex and their kids!

    • Ivy says:

      Its disgusting how he places his feelings ahead of the one’s who he hurt. There was an ET post the other day that said something like “everyone that knows brad, knows he was a good dad.” Um everyone but the kids that lived with him??? Thankfully people in the comments pushed back on that narrative as well. It’s becoming more and more clear he doesn’t see his children as actual people with autonomy.

  13. Michelle says:

    Excuse me. I think I just threw up in my mouth.

  14. Amy says:

    Every time I see pics of Ines I have to remember that she’s not Heidi Fleiss.

  15. Lucy2 says:

    Go back 20 years or so, and the same stuff was written about Brad then too. Angelina was so much better for him than his previous wife, she gets him, they get along better, he’s happier, he’s calmer, he’s focused, blah blah blah. It’s all good until it isn’t. And it’s NEVER his fault, it’s always the previous woman’s.

    Sooner or later this Ines woman will be reading the same stuff about herself when this blows up and he moves on to someone else – their relationship was volatile, she couldn’t keep up with him, he needs someone smarter/more successful/more understanding, etc. For her sake I just hope it doesn’t involve abuse.

    Those poor kids who keep getting dragged into this conversation. They clearly want nothing to do with him.

  16. LOL says:

    What a disgusting man and his disgusting young gold digger girlfriend, still abusing 7 domestic violence victims to elevate themselves.. no wonder 6 domestic violence victims Children are dropping his name.

  17. LOL says:

    Once again putting his relationship before having a loving relationship with 6 children he abused and left traumatised.

  18. Jan says:

    Shiloh is driving now, she and Knox were at supermarket picking up water and other items for the fire victims.
    Knox is the spitting image of Angie, her brother and Jon, that must piss Brad off.

  19. Darcey says:

    He was forced to sign the divorce papers once judge ordred him yo handover his communications with PR that showed the domestic violence coverups & theor direct involvement with District Attorney & FBI to have his charges dropped, those PR communications ordered to be given to Angelina Jolie has made him back off and changing the narrative

    • Ivy says:

      Exactly. It has nothing to do with the Ines. That’s why he wanted so long to sign and why he never put out a statement.

  20. Embee says:

    It may be her natural expression (or my projection) but Ines looks over it to me. I suspect she will quietly bow out of this in the next year or so.

    • Darcey says:

      Still gaslighting Angelina Jolie and gaslighting her children. Utterly disgusting behaviour why and how this perpetrator is getting away with defamatory smear campaigns. He’s already ruined Angelina Jolie’s award season….its disheartening how Pitt is still admired and supported

    • Eva says:

      To Embee: only if she finds someone more famous and richer than pitt. If not, she will stay with him until he throws her out of the house with her suitcases and changes the locks on the doors. And even then she will continue to monetize this relationship. This is her way of life.

  21. Darcey says:

    Still gaslighting Angelina Jolie and gaslighting her children. Utterly disgusting behaviour why and how this perpetrator is getting away with defamatory smear campaigns. He’s already ruined Angelina Jolie’s award season….its disheartening how Pitt is still admired and supported ..

  22. Layla says:

    Brad is still obsessed with his ex wife Angelina after all these years lmao. If he’s so happy with Ines why bad mouth what he had with Angelina? Brad and Ines it screams PR he doesn’t even seem to like her. I can’t wait to see how he reacts if Angelina starts to date we saw how he callled the paps after she was seen with The Weeknd looking stressed on set.

    • Anon says:

      I don’t know if Angelina will ever “dare” to openly date someone. She knows best what brad is capable of.

      • Layla says:

        I wonder how he reacted after those public dates she had with The Weeknd those were clearly on purpose no one goes to Giorgio Baldi if they don’t want to be seen.

    • Ivy says:

      Shows how little he thinks of the kids. His main focus is trying to “win” and get her attention. Expect Angelina doesn’t care. She wanted the kids. She got the kids and they’re 10 toe down for her. He can have 6 more kids and she still won’t care because they’re aren’t her 6 kids lol. He sees kids as an extension of the parents while Angelina sees and treats them as the individuals they are.

  23. Betsey says:

    How sad Brad Pitt has taken zero accountability of his domestic abuse of Angelina Jolie and his children, and took no actions to protect them instead used media and courts to abuse them. He’s done everything that a toxic parent with parental alienation behaviour would do even now if you’re happy then be happy ,there is no need to hide behind your young daughter/ girlfriend to gaslight your years with Angelina Jolie and your family.

  24. FIFI says:

    LOL i am dying how people elsewhere are calling BS on him settling because of Ines. We know it’s because she won his communications. That’s why she still hasn’t filed any answer to his lawsuit. They must be working BTS for a settlement as well.

  25. Ivy says:

    I am soooo happy people under the Us weekly IG post weren’t falling for it. It feels nice more and more people are seeing through his PR foolery!

    • Anon says:

      this is what happens when you forcefully push some nonsense, regularly every few days, in several rags at once, and at the same time on social media, internet users are posting court documents proving that you are lying. and you’ve been doing this for a few years. too much, too long… he overdid it

  26. Snerak says:

    Again, I have never seen a single picture of Brad looking at Ines or even in her general direction. He is not ‘happy’ in this relationship because he isn’t even in a real relationship. He simple does not care about her and is fine as long as she stays in her lane and lets him do whatever he wants.

    • Layla says:

      His pr tried to get him with Charlize, Aniston, Emily Ratoushki (can’t spell her last name) but no one famous wanted Brad so he settled for this young nobody social climber. I still think he has “feelings” for Angelina whether that’s hate or love I don’t think he’s over her he needs therapy.

      • Fifi says:

        He’s way too preoccupied with her. If he was happy then they would just be talking about his happiness. Instead it’s always compared to Angelina. He’s obsessed and not in a way where he loves her. It’s a possessive type of obsession. Really happy Angelina and the kids made it out.

      • Facts says:

        Everyone except those three bots probably employed by him on X believes any of this. But Jolie has some warriors on sm. They post documents baby! lol His PR is consistent but 5% effective. I’ve even seen lawyers, real ones on YT say there is no way Angelina could turn All six kids against him.
        His sources feed the beast on gossip sites like DM who have the same posters daily.
        Pitt has no control over the voting block. It was a competitive year and they are going with the more popular movie and of course politics with EM. Angie did great and will have plenty of chances at more awards. I really don’t think she does movies for awards.
        He wants u to think he does. Angie did more damage to his projects two years ago than he can ever do. Babylon, She Said, Women Talking and Blonde were ruined because of his bad press about abuse and Angie talking about how she asked him not to work with that pig and he argued about it. The studios lost millions. So!
        He sold most of his shares in Plan B after that remember.
        The thing that I love about Angie is she continue to fight and love her kids. That’s the best way for then to heal. People get upset with her saying that she is too close to them but in reality she is all they have. They have friends but there is a huge bond because of the trauma and the way the world treated them until the truth came out out.

  27. VilleRose says:

    Whether he signed the divorce papers because Ines encouraged him to get it over with or if he signed them because more of his dirty laundry would come out (thinking private communications coming out a la Blake Lively lawsuit and Justin Baldoni’s crisis PR team), I just hope Ines does not marry him or have kids with him. I would hate for her to have to go through what Angelina went through.

    • Anon says:

      first: i think marriage and a child are her goal. second: she doesn’t have and won’t have as much money as angelina, so she won’t be able to oppose him in courts. he knows that with someone like ines he can do whatever he wants. if she wants to be famous and hang out with celebrities, she has to be obedient. And she will be.

      • Betsey says:

        Let’s be clear pitts side peice Inezzzzz is no team Angelina Jolie , and she has no interest of supporting Angelina Jolie, especially when she is with Angelina Jolie and her 6 children’s domestic abuser, not too long ago inezzzz was using her employers website to mock & stalk Pax and wearing a necklace while of PAX initials, this was at the hight of when
        daily fail was openly doing defamatory smear campaigns attacking the minor child for his alleged father days Instagram post, she and her employer knrw what theu wete doing even het friend’s got in the action of mocking Pax . she categorically has no Desire for the children to re united with Brad Pitt instead is feeding his narsasstic ego, its clear think she’s much happier
        than he have no relationship with them at all because it helps her have a clean slate play on with Pitt for her own kids she’s going to have with him

  28. CLOVE says:

    @JMOney His girlfriend is NOT in the industry. Her ex-husband was and is, but she has never been in the industry.

  29. Greenthumped says:

    I don’t care for Pitt at all but the best PR advice you can buy, obviously.

    Constant references to long-term gf who “doesn’t like negativity” and loves low-key, wholesome date nights at home.

    I.e., contrast with the wicked-witch ex.

    I don’t know if it’s subtle but it’s solid PR.

  30. The Fifth Element says:

    Angelina got snubbed because she spoke out publicly in support of Palestine.