We’ll know in six weeks or so, but I wonder what the British press and the royal reporters had planned for the release of the Duchess of Sussex’s Netflix show, With Love, Meghan. We know what the Windsors planned, because they went ahead with it even after Meghan delayed the series. The Princess of Wales was still sent out to the Royal Marsden Hospital on Tuesday, the day before the series was supposed to air. Still, I’m sure that wasn’t the sole plan for the royal reporters – there were vile thinkpieces and “palace exclusives” just waiting to be published, and reporters would have been streaming the series as soon as it dropped, looking to provide wall-to-wall coverage of Meghan’s clothes, food, dogs, friends, gardens, etc. But until the series drops, they’re still crying about the trailer and whining about how the Windsors obviously don’t care about any of it. The saltiness of Dick Fitzwilliams is something to behold:
A royal expert has revealed whether or not Meghan Markle’s new Netflix series, With Love, Meghan, will survive its two-month delay due to the wildfires. The series, which will showcase Meghan cooking various recipes and taking on hosting projects with famous friends like Mindy Kaling, was set to debut on January 15, but was delayed until March due to the wildfires currently ravaging California.
However, according to royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams, the show may face some difficulties, as he called the trailer, which dropped this month, ‘so superficial and silly.’
‘How many, I wondered, will watch all eight episodes? It may be aimed at stay at home moms, but will they stay with it?’ Fitzwilliams told DailyMail.com exclusively. ‘It is so badly scripted, the gushing poses and the garish colors are more reminiscent of a kindergarten. California is currently being ravaged by cataclysmic wildfires which have forced Netflix to postpone the launch of the series. You do wonder if With Love, Meghan is worth saving and launching in future months,’ he pondered. ‘It might well not be.’
He added that if the show was dumped, the two ‘would get their just desserts for their vindictive campaign against the royal family.’
However, despite his skepticism, Fitzwilliams believes that fans of Prince Harry and Markle will ‘love’ the new show, but claims its appeal to the mainstream is ‘highly questionable’ based on the series’ trailer. But Fitzwilliams claims to know who definitely won’t be watching – and that’s the members of the British Royal Family, like Prince William and Princess Kate.
‘I doubt its senior members would have watched the series and, almost certainly, they will be supremely indifferent to its fate,’ he explained. ‘I suspect if it had gone ahead, a courtier would have watched it and reported, but given that the King and Princess of Wales are battling cancer, it is most unlikely that Meghan would be foolish enough to launch another attack on the royal family. The Sussexes are famous for nothing else, but their lack of talent is painfully obvious and With Love, Meghan looks out of touch with the real world.’
“The garish colors are more reminiscent of a kindergarten” and “It may be aimed at stay at home moms” – tell us what you really think of women and programming aimed at women. Have these people never watched a cooking show or entertaining show? Were they expecting Meghan to cook in a dungeon? Damn, now I sort of want to see With Love In A Gothic Mansion, Meghan. And if the stay-at-home-mom line is true, then surely it would appeal to Kate, right? Anyway, I always enjoy a surly tantrum from a “royal expert” as they huff and puff about how unimportant and unwatchable the Sussexes are. Cry harder! I hope they continue to openly weep about this through March.
Photos courtesy of Netflix.
I have never wanted to give an already rich celebrity my money so hard in my life. Please drop the blankets and candles, Meghan. I’m ready to help propel you and your husband’s net worths even further into the stratosphere. I’ve never been a fan of haters.
I know. I live alone, in an apartment in the North East, eat out most of the time and have no dog. But I’ll buy everything – gardening tools, lawn chairs, sun shades, dog bowls, baking dishes, fancy aprons…
LOL! So true!
Eurydice – I’m sure your friends will enjoy all those gifts. As will the organizations in your community who feed the homeless, Humane Society, etc.
This isn’t the first time Fitzwilliams opined on a show before he’s seen it. Remember when he got punked by those kids to give his opinion on the Oprah interview before watching. Blathering on about the Balham donkey sanctuary.
I would love it if Meghan were to drop a set of cookware on her website! I’m ready to update what I have. I’m waiting for any product launch! I already want everything, sight unseen!
Agreed. I don’t like cooking shows and I’m gonna put this on the tv and let it play all the episodes at least twice so they get full play through stats just to spite the British press.
LOLOLOL,, AMEN. That is what I will do to!
@CJ – you have inspired me to do the same!
I’ve already bought the citrus juicer! And I’m ready to buy every damn thing Meghan has to sell!!
I’ll fifth that—and I’m hardly a Martha Stewart kinda-gal. 😉 But bring on the jams, teas, gorgeous infused iced teas in big glass pitchers, cute watering cans, scone recipes, memo pads, candles, oven gloves…🤣
That does it. These paps are some of the worst of the worst of humanity. I will be subscribing to Netflix and watching in defiance.
The rota and left behind royals love a self own. They are just silly fools doing silly things that make themselves look silly and unimportant.
They don’t seem to understand that Netflix is showing empathy, not disinterest, by postponing the launch.
The delay was requested by Madam Duchess, it was not imposed on her by the Network. She requested a delay and Netflix agreed was on the same page their client thus the delay.
This man is fantasizing and salivating at his own imagination and wishful thinking of Netflix dropping With Love Meghan, lol. These people are shamelessly bitter, bitter, bitter.
It seems that a lot of shows are being delayed by the fires but the BM are not interested in them. Surprise surprise.
Not the “left behind” royals, but the “welfare” royals,” more aptly!
Pay this vile soul £300 and he say what ever horrible thing they want.. he’s in the “Oprah four”. What a pathetic excuse for a human being.. also the man desperately needs prescription shampoo for his flaking issue 🤢🤮.. he’s even disgusting to see.
The jealousy is at its peak with this article. So jealous that they are left with a Princess who won’t work. So jealous that Meg has moved on and no matter how hard they try they just can’t bring her down. I agree cry harder for what you have lost and the lazy leftovers that are molding on the shelves that you cherish.
So a thinly veiled disparagement of stay at home moms but doesn’t he realize that’s exactly what Kate is???
I, for one, want one to state, in black and white, just *what*are* these “continued attacks” that are supposedly launched against the Left Behinds. As far as I know, once the doc and Spare dropped, they’ve not said *one*word* beyond Harry’s lawsuit (and that isn’t being talked about by H&M!).
Let them cry their salty tears. The buoyancy of the salt may be the ONLY thing that keeps that vile isle afloat in the coming year.
How is a cooking show a “vindictive” attack?
“royal expert.” Hardly unbiased about the show. Fitzwilliams is part of a “vindictive” campaign against the Sussexes.
Here comes the critique from any and every kind of expert looking for attention and quick clicks by selling outrage about the Sussexes. So predictable!
“There’s no such thing as bad publicity,”
Loads will watch it because of what is being written about it.
The “attacks” on Harry and Meghan come from the “royal family” and their media mouthpieces. The problems can be placed on William and Kate and Charles, and this was before two of them had cancer. I see on a day to day basis very vindictive attacks on Harry and Meghan.
Isn’t Fitzwhiskers one of the bunch that “reviewed” the Oprah interview before it was aired? Looks like he’s at it again, trying to disparage something he’s never even seen. Some people are stuck on stupid, I guess. You would think the epic dragging they all got for that would have taught them to STFU but no.
Yes, he’s very much part of the gruesome foursome — together with father and daughter Arbiter and ingrid Seward.
So maybe he should sit this one out.
The British Media which claims that Meghan is irrelevant cover her for days for just dropping a trailer two weeks ago. Now that’s truly impressive.
Yep, he’s just confused and addled bc he’s still waiting for the sanctuary donkeys to make an appearance.
LOL oh SNAP!!!
I’m sure his review for WLM was already written and ready to go and now he’s salty he won’t get that paycheck for two more months, lol.
I… literally JUST READ a Guardian article that used Meghan’s show as an example of the “sad beige” aesthetic.
Why do these people keep providing their opinions? How can you be a royal expert in a cooking show? A Royal expert on a podcast? A Royal expert on a memoir? Nothing that Harry and Meghan are doing has anything to do with royalty or traditional Royal protocol in any way. These people have either never spoken to Harry or Meghan, or have not spoken to them in almost 6 years. How can they provide any insight on anything about them? I know that the American Media has definitely pulled back from asking for their opinion but it’s just like a constant circle jerk in the British media.
ETA- I had to come back to add it’s just SO BIZARRE. You didn’t see Paul Krugman offering his opinion on PBO and Bruce Springsteen’s podcast. Who else does this?!!
This Fitzwilliams creature is so pressed LMAO
Richard Fitzwilliams is more suited to answering questions and/or passing along amusing anecdotes about the queen mum or Princess Maragaret. He is so out of his depth here it’s embarrassing.
Garish colors? You mean Meghan wearing white clothing and a white apron, cooking in a white kitchen with white bowls and white towels? Is white the garish color?
Right? I’m like where are these garish colors of which u speak? It looks lovely and dreamy. They are so belittling towards women and cooking and lifestyle right now. It’s insulting af.
As the kids say, “Are the garish colours in the room with us?” 😂
My thoughts exactly – that is a straight up Nancy Meyers white farmhouse kitchen, what “garish colours” is this dolt talking about? Perhaps he is objecting to her garden? The use of vegetables that are not boiled and beige? The colourful party balloons?
Perhaps Mr. Fitzwilliams prefers all of his celebrations to be of the Dwight Schrute “It is your birthday” variety.
What is clear is that this Netflix has seems to have succeeded in pulling in a ton of people who have obviously never seen a single lifestyle or cooking show before, so well done on expanding the audience!
Perhaps his objection to the “colours” in this series are less about the colours surrounding the Duchess and more about the colour of her skin?
It has to be the party balloons, which is so ridiculous I Cannot. The article’s author clearly needs to get out the house more.
It’s clear that Richard Fitzwilliams was contracted to watch the show yesterday prior to it being delayed. Mind you he was one of the experts who called on Meghan to delay the show. I look forward to him being outraged when Meghan doesn’t mention the Royal Family in her show after it comes out in March.
Fitzwilliams hasn’t seen the show. His bizarre ramblings are based on a 90 second trailer. He exhibits a form of magical thinking, hoping that if he spews venom loudly and often enough, bad things will happen to the Sussexes (especially Meghan).
He’s also one of those who said negative (untrue) things about what was said in the Oprah interview without having seen it (and was caught out). In a just world, he’d never work again as a royal commentator.
Mindy Kaling said they were planning a tea party for kids so……
Ooh! I can’t wait to see that, but I guess I will have to 😂
It looked beautiful also.. every thing in the preview looked gorgeous, fun and delicious, the BRF and their rota hate that.. doesn’t this man have a cancer Kate article to write, he needs to stick to that nonsense and fluff.
Love her! I can’t wait to watch.
They think only stay at home mothers cook and entertain? Also, have they never heard of streaming? It’s not like you have to watch it during peak daytime soap opera hours. I’ll probably watch it while I’m cooking or scrolling on the weekend.
These people always seem to forget how damned big this country is and how many people are in it. Even if only Sussex fans watched it, that would be a decent chunk of audience for a cooking show. And we all know other people will watch too.
It reminds me of “Episodes” when the British couple TV writing team was surprised that the show they thought would tank garnered a surprisingly high number of viewers out of the gate: “Say what you will about Americans, there are a lot of them.”
With supporters like Fitzwilliams and their divisve comments and ill will , the monarchy might just fizzled out.
The art historian Dunlop??? was so mad that she don’t as good as Meghan, when she was cooking her Christmas dinner, you can’t make this shit up.
Thanks Kaiser for Dick Fitz 😂😂😂that sissy needs a hobby . I bet he will be the stay at home woman watching it
Lazy Katie is a stay at home mom and I know that she’ll be tuned all the way in!
Just how many “royal experts” are there?!
Enough to make up sixteen Rooms Full Of Crazy… https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RoomFullOfCrazy
Most childish ranting ever!
Those overgrown children have a very different definition of “garish” than the rest of us.
Could it be that Mr Fizzy is in a dizzy and tipsy over the fact that tomato is red, carrot is orange and lettuce is green which send him in a frenzied froth in the kitchen
Man, they’re really milking this hate fest for a cooking lifestyle show. They are so mad it was postponed and they can’t pick it apart. If he’s so dismissive of this little housewife show, why does he care what the set looks like or the lighting and colors? Their biggest fear is that people will like the show and like her. I watch a lot of cooking and food shows. Right now the thing is celebrities traveling around checking out different food cities, similar to Bourdain but with less bite in the social commentary, or stuff like Chef’s Table. Food network is mostly competitions and Guy Fieri. Maybe WLM isn’t groundbreaking or innovative but it fills a niche in a crowded marketplace. These people need to calm down.
They HAVE BEEN and ARE picking it apart. They were attacking it as soon as the trailer came out. They have form for criticizing things sight unseen. Changing the date just gives them more time to attack something they haven’t seen. It doesn’t matter what Meghan or Harry do. They will be attacked. That is their raison d’être.
We like “Somebody Feed Phil” and the one with Stanley Tucci.
LMAO like Kate isn’t going to stream the entire thing the instant its available.
Yeah, she’ll be taking notes.
William will probably watch it secretly for other, gross reasons.
Oops, I guess the author hasn’t paid attention, because he said that both King Snubby and Bone Idle are “battling cancer”. Someone needs to get their stories straight.
That jumped out to me. They’re milking this cancer story for a long time while these two people are out and about looking like the picture of health.
I think these royal reporters are very low IQ. There’s no reasoning in their dumb articles. Also written for dumb people.
So Richard Fitzwilliams, a questionable royal expert, is now an expert on the viewing habits of the general public. He was incapable of hiding his disdain of all things Meghan, why would she launch an attack on the royal family on a cooking show? Fitwilliams has been a constant attacker of H&M over the years, he is out of place in the 21st century he belongs in the Victorian age.
FitzIdiot was one of the Donkey Sanctuary fantasists…he.should STFU and hang his head in shame …
An all cream colored kitchen is garish? What are the Brits using for kitchen color schemes? Lime green or bright orange? I think we can all agree is that Meghan is mostly allergic to color. She loves her neutrals and she’s kept up with them even after moving back to the US. We’ve noticed she doesn’t wear enough color so I’m wondering what garish colors we are supposed to be looking at?
Also Meghan has not said one word about the royal family since 2021. The only thing she said about Kate in 2024 was a joint statement with Harry wishing her well during her chemo treatments. She will never give them oxygen again.
So called “royal experts” have no clue how popular H&M are outside the UK & America. I follow bloggers in Asia; India, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand etc.. There is a lot of good vibes coming for H&M out there. There is a guy in India (btw, a gorgeous human) with over 16K followers on IG who has a separate link dedicated to, primarily Meghan!
The Daily Doom’s increasingly obsessive wish for H&M to fail shows the Murdoch News Group’s desperation. They are terrified Harry and Baron Watson’s legal case is going to expose and record for posterity the rotten Murdoch/RF collusion and the BM’s vile activity against others. All the hush money Murdoch paid to Willie and everyone else was a total waste! Truth will out and no amount of rabid distractions thru media platforms will help them.
More deranged foolishness from a South African born white dude.
He looks all dried up too
@Tessa, an attack because kate can’t flip pancake.
It’s also very telling, that the cancer thing is made up to gather sympathy, I mean what type of person attacks someone with cancer, right? Nothing but a paper shield. What type of person pretends to have cancer.
The experts are nothing but courtiers (PR) people who do a very bad job, but good at exposing the antiquated lifestyle and mindset of their employer this individual used the word supreme, that’s a joke,..but maybe not, as a man thinketh so is he. should the expert think he’s of lower statue then.
Did these people not witness what Charles wore to his crowning. The UK can cut a men’s suit, but the tend to add one detail too many for women’s design.
Garish colors? That’s sunshine, buddy; guess you’re not used to that.
He is not only bitter and foolish but also pig ignorant; it’s just deserts, not desserts.
there’s an entire network full of various cooking shows and that also airs lifestyle w/cooking series, not to mention the plethora of similar shows that have been popular on other networks but, sure, only some SAHM might watch it
The Princess of Wales is not battling cancer, she has said that she is in remission but it could come back. The King is still battling cancer and is doing far more work than Kate. I expect most of them will watch the show if only out of curiosity, thanks to all the advertising in the tabs.
Sorry, I don’t believe it for a second. Any cancer Charles must have had would be in remission now, and he looks very active and full of energy, so it must have been not serious and caught early. I actually doubt either had cancer. It was a boost for a very boring royal family where these two characters were exposed by Piers Morgan from asking a racist question.