Jennifer Aniston: “I love my Gerry”


Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler are still making headlines after their appearances at the world premiere of The Bounty Hunter in London last night. During her appearance on GMTV this morning, Aniston was asked if she would ever get back together with a former lover, and she replied: “Absolutely. When you dated before maybe you were at a time in your life when you’re not ready and not mature enough to make a big commitment. But people change and you learn to accept the good and the bad.” So, of course, OK! Magazine and other are screaming that she’s “open” to getting back together with Brad Pitt. But I’m kind of hoping this was her siren call to Tate Donovan. He’s on Damages now, and he rocks the Kasbah. Seriously, let’s hope she wasn’t considering getting back with John Mayer.


Jennifer also told GMTV that she thinks Gerard Butler is “lovely, he’s a real nice guy. But it seems I get linked to all my co-stars. There seems to be a formula – if you make a movie together, then you must be dating in real life. I don’t know who starts those rumors but I’m learning to ignore them.” Chuckle. No comment.

As for Gerard, he told the press on the red carpet that he and Jennifer “have a blast together and she appreciates that Celtic manner.” Aniston eats haggis? That’s the headline! Butler also said: “There’s nothing diva-ish about her, she’s very down to earth, very sure of herself and who she is, and I’m like a little kid, who doesn’t take myself too seriously…We had a fun script and a great director, so we just had to dive in and it was a blast.” Additionally, there’s one more part of his Men’s Health interview I wanted to share, unfortunately not about bush-trimming. Gerry was talking about how he’s a very “anxious” person (really?) and he said: “I was born into a world of anxiety… I am slightly addicted to anxiety. When I’m feeling anxious, I’ll create more anxiety for myself. Like I might call all these people about what’s fun to do tonight and end up with four different options, which in itself would put me into a blind panic; but then I’ll make another four calls just to make it 10 times more anxiety-ridden.” That does not sound like the image I have of him, at all. Weird.


As for Jennifer’s much-analyzed outfit, we finally get confirmation: the minidress was Valentino, and the jacket was Alexander McQueen. Oh, and the shoes were Jimmy Choo. Aniston also told reporters: “I love my Gerry. We just lucked out — director fantastic, Gerry fantastic, our crew, New York — you just can’t go wrong.”


Gerard and Jennifer at the premiere, and leaving the post-premiere party separately, in London on March 11, 2010. Credit: WENN and

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58 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston: “I love my Gerry””

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  1. JulieNewmar says:

    Nope, still don’t see the sex appeal in him. Likely never will I guess..

  2. Melanie says:

    and he rocks the Kasbah
    LOL! Now that dumb song is going around in my head ROCK the Kasbah ROCK the…
    Jen says the dumbest things that make her look like a dummy sometimes. I like her but dayum.

  3. yeah suck it says:

    You cant deny she looks amazing for her age!! I do not find him very good looking but i do like that pic of him with his tie loose & shirt open. Hello, Delish!!!

  4. teri says:

    I hope she stays single and spreads the std.

  5. nnn says:

    That picture in the car looks so Paris Hiltonishly cheap.

    That’s why i don’t like when a woman her age put minidress in a Red Carpet professional representation.

    I tought the wardrobe malfuction at that Toronto festival 2 years ago would have convinced her about that basic fact.

  6. Cheyenne says:

    ROFLMAO @ “her” Jerry. Delusional much?

    Somebody puh-leeeeeeze marry this sad woman so the tabloids will stop feeding her fans’ pathetic illusion that Brad Pitt is going to take her back and they will live happily ever after with his three bio children.

    I don’t think Gerry’s the one, though. Leaving a party separately bodes ill for a relationship (if there is one).

  7. Melanie says:

    I don’t think she wants Bradders back. He has too many Spawn.

  8. Snarf says:

    “I don’t know who starts those rumours…?” I hope she was saying that with tonque firmly planted in cheek. Does she not speak to her own publicist?

  9. Tintangel says:

    She looks wasted.

  10. Melanie says:

    Brad has too many Spawn for Jenny.

  11. Lee says:

    I don’t get why anyone thinks she and Gerard are more than friends. It’s fairly obvious they’re not. And as far as Brad is concerned, why even go there? I’m sure it’s ancient history for both of them.

    However, I will buy that she might get back with John Mayer. The biggest (next to the obvious beaten-to-death-already-no-need-to-go-there-again) takeaway from that Playboy interview was that he is still in love with her. Who knows? I like them together. I kinda hope they get back together, permanently, so we can STFU about her dating life and Brad Pitt. And she looks great, BTW.

  12. Victoria says:

    Hey you can go on and on about their relationship but Im still not going to see the movie!

  13. Spanxx says:

    I think she has such a crush on him that she’ d drop everything in a minute to swing on that haggis. Doesn’t mean that he’d even spend a quarter on a condom at a gas station to tag that.

  14. nnn says:

    Why bringing Brad into this Cheyenne ?

    Brad is a 46 years old traditional family man who likes big families. He lives the life of a father like most men his age do. His priority is his family like for most adults who have a family and children..

    jennifer is a late bloomer (her own quote), rich and single. She is her own priority and she enjoys her single life and like dating guys in par with her own life, guys with few responsabilities.

    They are both at the two extreme stages in the path of life. They both live THEIR life at their rythm and pace and according their own terms that are totally extreme to each other.

    No need to even bring one or the other when they are at years apart in terms of journey of life.

  15. Melanie says:

    I agree, when two people spawn Spawn together, they owe it to their Spawn not to hang out with single ladies such as Jennifer. It is important for most Spawn to have a two parent household.

  16. Cheyenne says:

    @nnn: I didn’t bring Brad into it, sweetie, Kaiser did. See above.

    @Lee: If she every goes back to Mayer the Player, that is ample grounds to have her committed to a nut house for the rest of her natural life.

  17. nnn says:


    My apologies. I didn’t read.

  18. Praise St. Angie! says:


    ya know, I refer to Mets players as “my Jose Reyes” and “my Carlos Beltran”.

    I even go so far as to refer to friends of mine as “my Justin” or “my Bridget”.

    and I’ve been known on occasion to say “I love my Bridgie!”

    and SHOCKINGLY enough, I’ve heard others do the same.

    it’s nothing to do with delusions, just affection for someone.

  19. Maritza says:

    I think Jennifer and Gerard are good friends with privileges, she knows he is not the right one but why not have fun until the right one comes along? I do hope she never goes back to John Mayer, he’s a moron!

  20. Loser1 says:

    omg, praise angie – carlos & jose are mine!!

  21. Praise St. Angie! says:

    Loser1, you can have Jose but I will cut a bitch over Carlos! 🙂

    that man is TOO FINE.

  22. andrea says:

    ok, JA is beyond full of shit with this one. she doesnt know how the rumors start and muses how there “seems” to be a formula, but she cant ever possibly imagine how that works? and meanwhile she makes damn sure to say things like “i love my gerry”, get photographed on vacation with him, releases racy magazine photo spreads with him, etc, etc. didnt cnn call her out on using this exact “formula” over and over to promote her movies? i suppose if a random gust of wind blew that micromini to show all the world her ass, she’d say “you know, its like theres a formula, you go outside and there’s wind, i mean, i dont start the wind, but there it is, blowing up my dress. i just try to learn to ignore it as part of the learning process that is sooooo hard and just, sign, what you have to deal with when you become extremely wealthy. what an ass.

    also, is it just me, or do gerry’s comments about her being non-diva, down to earth, genuine, etc sound EXACTLY like the opposite of what b. cooper supposedly said about her being contrived and high maintenance, almost as if, say, they were scripted for exactly the purpose of trying to undo what coop said?

  23. Linda says:

    I don’t believe that Jen would actually want Brad back…and I think she’s probably having a great time in her life. She is rich, great looking, single and seems to be enjoying herself. Who the hell would want someone like Brad Pitt back – he’s looking like crap, has a ton of rug rats and he’s a cheater…who wants a man like that???

  24. Beth says:

    I know it’s partly a bad picture but everybody looks drunk in the car photo. This photo also shows why people call Jennifer desperate and inappropriately dressed. I don’t care how old you are but when you have to use a purse to prevent indecent exposure, the dress/skirt is too short.

  25. Ursaline says:

    She sounds almost maternal, like a mommy-girlfriend who knows that he isn’t ready to grow up and humors him with a distance.

  26. lisa says:


    why is Brad’s life bad because he has a woman he loves and the children he has always wanted. if jen is happy in her life then BRAVO to her. But taking a childish shot at Brad and his life is a bit immature. I would think that if Brad had to choose where he is now and where was 5 years ago.. Doubt looking at his children and his partner is something he would regret. And of course you like others like you love to call him a cheater. Well he must have been something special. Because Aniston had been praising him to the world. Talking about what a great man he is and how proud she is of him. If you know a woman who has been cheated on.. she does not talk that way about the guy. But hey you must know something Jennifer does not.

    I was curious to see what the reviews are on the film. And could not find any. That is a bit off. But maybe they are not letting the critics see it.

  27. shell says:

    @Andrea. I also think she wants to fuel those tabloid romance rumors w/the “her Gerry” comment. Every thing she does seems so calculated. The birthday party @ Cabo with Gerry, the Golden Globes kisses w/Gerry, etc. She’s TRYING SO HARD to stir up some heat. Why don’t you try acting in better movies, Jen? Oh wait, that requires talent. Nevermind.

  28. shell says:

    @ Beth–agreed. Look at this pic:

    Personally, I don’t see the appeal of dresses so short your crotch is hanging out when you sit down, but hey, that’s just me 😉

  29. AnonPlus says:

    Uh-oh. You know what this means: he’ll leave her for a woman that can give her a country full of children.

  30. nnn says:

    That will only mean that sooner or later she will go back to the man she has loved the most : John Mayer.

    It’s just a question of time but she will.

    As for Gerry, he will keeps on dating young exotic looking women like he always does. I sense a Goerges Clooney vibe from him.

  31. anneesezz says:

    haters… you know you’d all wear that dress if you could pull it off

  32. Bek says:

    It’s sooo wrong for her to say something about Gerry. She shouldn’t say anything nice about him at all, because it sounds so contrived and manipulative when you say nice things about your co-stars. And doesn’t everybody know that once you hit your mid-thirties, you’re required to wear bag-dresses and keep your legs under wraps? If you’re a 41 year-old woman, it only makes sense to be home, wearing a muumuu, taking care of a million kids. Dare to break with tradition–it means you’re a dumbass and way too into yourself. I’m sure that’s exactly who this woman is. I mean, I’ve never met her before, but the way she flicks her hair and tugs at her dress, I’m positive she’s desperate. Oh…and girls should always wear pink. And boys should always wear blue. And women should obey their husbands. And they should give up schooling/careers to become pregnant. And I don’t understand why African American people are allowed to use the same bathrooms as other people…and those men in the middle east are right to force their wives to wear scarves over their faces.
    Seriously, you guys kill me! She looks fine, they’re walking the red carpet for a movie, they’re not dating, they’re having fun, and there is no conspiracy theory. But IF she wore a muumuu and showed up on the carpet, and didn’t touch Gerry or say anything nice about him, I’m sure she’d still get dragged through the mud. To quote Chey: “haters gonna hate”.

  33. Mistral says:

    I think Gerard might still have a problem with alcohol, even though he doesn’t look so doughy and walleyed at this premiere. I’m not surprised about his anxieties. He is a child of a bad divorce, switched continents a few times growing up, etc. So, maybe all of his womanizing/commitment-phobe/drinking issues stem from this? That’s my pop psychology analysis of the whole thing…

  34. Cheyenne says:

    @nnn: I think you are right that John Mayer was the real love of her life — I doubt she was ever in love with Brad Pitt and her divorce was more a matter of hurt pride than lost love — but if she ever goes back to Mayer, which is a big if because he doesn’t seem to want her any more, she is a world class idiot. The guy dumped and humiliated her in public, not once but twice, and if he ever took her back he would most certainly do it again.

    She needs to stay away from actors and performers altogether and hook up with some nice, middle-aged business type who will offer her some permanency. She doesn’t need a hot man, she needs a guy who is stable and emotionally mature.

  35. malina says:

    anneesezz & Bek
    you both are so right. I would love to look like that in a mini dres when I’m over 40 :)!

  36. mslewis says:

    Lisa, I’m thinking the reviews for the movie will start this coming week since it opens next Friday. Either that or, like you said, they aren’t giving the press an advance viewing. If that’s the case, it must really be bad.

    I’m not going to criticize the dress because it’s like beating a dead horse. Everybody knows Jen dresses too young for her age. I will, however, totally agree with who ever said putting a purse over you so you don’t show the goods says a lot about the person wearing the dress.

  37. PJ says:

    Anxiety is very common in Scottish people, in my experience. It’s part of their way of thinking — “what if?”.

    JA is the rom-comedy queen, so of course we all want her life to be what it is in her films–find the perfect guy and live happily ever after.

  38. Dhavy says:

    Maybe she’s just tryng her new fragrance – Eau d’ Desperation – on him,

    wow must be working, I guess we’ll see a bunch of single 40 year old women running to CVS to get their own bottle

  39. ThunderC*nt says:

    Stop with the ageism, women. You’re just setting yourself up for a bad fall in 10 or so years. Notice nobody harps on Butler and Clooney. Both in their 40’s. When are people gonna realize it’s not HOW old you are but WHO you are?

  40. ThunderC*nt says:

    P.B, are you talking about Butler being Scottish or Jennifer’s Scottish ancestry? Yes, Jen is not only Greek but Scots-Irish also.

  41. Cheyenne says:

    Wow, she is pushing that movie. She is scheduled to be on Letterman, Good Morning America, and Regis and Kelly on Monday, and Access Hollywood the whole week.

    This has better pay off because if this movie bombs, she can kiss her career goodbye.

  42. Camille says:

    Imagine if say Pamela Anderson had turned up on the red carpet in the same dress that JA is sporting here. I can just imagine what the comments would be like, something along the lines of ‘put it away Pammy!’ or ‘Mutton dressed as lamb!’ or OMG she looks so trashy! or ‘I wish she would stop dressing like a 20 something, doesn’t she know that she is in her 40’s now?’.
    Yes hypocrisy is still going strong I see.

  43. ogechi says:

    Names like STD, Desperation, Old, Single etc are uncalled for! Am proud of Jennifer Aniston.

  44. ogechi says:

    Its funny and undignified to see people wish others bad and expect to progress in their endeavors. Its not possible!!! Jennifer is a good and strong woman, if you don’t like her, no need to curse her. Let us watch our tongues when we say things!

  45. nnn says:


    Sorry i could pull it off even better than Aniston, being tall, former model and leggy but i won’t put that dress on a RC because i think it’s too short, too risqué and not even beautiful enough cause it looks more like a lingerie than a nice short gown. I beleive there are limits and that a woman does not need that.

    Plus i don’t beleive in that motto ‘you have it just flaunt it’. That will put me in te same category of centerfold playboyesque starlets, the Shauna Sands and the likes who also have it and flaunt it but unlike Jen are stripped of the ‘classy’ name to describe them BECAUSE of it. Not even Megan Fox does that stunt.

    I rather go along the Charlize, the Michelle Pfeiffer, the Peneloppe Cruz and even Cameron or Cindy Crawford or Elle McFerson who have better legs but don’t resort to the ‘flaunt it’ moto and don’t need to make a statement about their gorgeous body.

    Otherwise next time, Miss Aniston should just put a thong (a la Rose Mc Gowan) and pasties on her nipples to flaunt her perfect body on the red carpet and fit the ‘flaunt it girl’ motto.

    Oh and having that opinion doesn not make me a hater. It makes me a woman who has the right to have another opinion based on the fact that no woman with a gorgeous body should just flaunt it with no limits whatsoever because she still has it. That’s a lame justification for a cheap representation of professionalims.

    That’s just so insulting to the woman to reduce her to her mere body, to rejoice about the clothing route she is taking, a route that resemble more and more to the one of a Pamela Anderson than the one of a Nicole Kidman as she is aging.

  46. truthSF says:

    @nnn, I could agree more. It’s soo cringeworthy to hear ppl only talking about how great her body is for 5+ years and barley mentioning her great body of work, (or lack thereof).

  47. Cheyenne says:

    Ogechi, lighten up. We are all allowed to express our opinions on here. And if some of us choose not to worship Ms. Aniston or the ground she walks upon, I am afraid there is nothing you can do about that.

  48. Kim says:

    Jen and Jessica are going to be on GMA the same day I heard

  49. Who Cares says:

    HA!! Cheyenne you’ve been predicting her demise since I started reading your hilarious posts (even when you don’t mean to be funny)

    She is successful, so just get over it. She had 2 bad movies after 2 hits. Just like other actresses including your idol have. Your obsession with Aniston is entertaining, but every once in awhile you should try to say something that’s actually true. Just for a change!

  50. corine says:

    @nnn. WELL SAID. I’m 5’11–thin and leggy, but I wouldn’t wear that dress. It just screams desperate for attention (the wrong kind of attention, if you ask me). I think she dresses like she wants to be Lindsey Lohan–crotch out, etc. It’s just tacky. I prefer dresses which are stylish but not over the top out there. I love the latest BCBG embroidery line. So cute!

  51. Cheyenne says:

    @who cares: I never said she wasn’t successful. She made a shitload of loot from Friends. But three turkeys in a row won’t look good on her resume, know what I’m saying?

  52. Dawn says:

    Jennifer looks so pretty. She and Brad are old news. They’re over it by now. She gave John Mayer two chances and he failed.

    Jenn needs a nice rich guy that’s not in showbiz

  53. ogechi says:


    sure u are allowed to air your opinion. And i also think that it is devastatingly sickening for anybody to worship any individual except God. It bothers me why anybody could spend time talking, lying, exaggerating and analyzing an individual who has not wronged us directly or indirectly. This is celebitchy wc i am also a fan, but it isn’t right for anybody to use this avenue to propagate lies and hate. I don’t know why few individual who is less than 2% in the whole universe choose this forum to disparage Jennifer Aniston for doing nothing. She looks stunning after the collapse of her marriage. Every woman who has been hurt in an affair or marriage must commend Jen. She doesn’t deserve all the unnecessary comments.I do not worship anybody except God but i respect achievers[bcos it is not easy to be there] even as i respect the writers of this forum, i expect all of us to admit that some people are worth commending. PEACE!

  54. Cheyenne says:

    @Ogechi: Commend her for what? She is not the first person on the planet who ever got dumped and she will not be the last. Most of have been there and know the pain. There are many women in Hollywood, some with children, who have been dumped by their husbands and have handled it with a lot more class and dignity than she has. She should look stunning after the collapse of her marriage; her marriage collapsed five years ago. I have never seen anyone besides her who defines themselves in terms of a five year old divorce.

  55. Lway says:

    Good for them 🙂 I don’t like Jennifer Aniston much – but i guess everyone deserves to be happy 🙂

  56. Katalina76 says:

    I don’t think SHE defines herself in terms of a 5 year old divorce, the media and haters do. Just wondering, what is it about her that bothers you so much? She operates the same way as every other movie star out there. Not much difference between her and other actresses.

  57. shell says:

    @katalina. I call BS on Aniston.

    She’s the one who cried in an interview, talking about screaming at the ocean and giving herself pity parties. She’s the one who talked about how yoga helped her get over the break-up. She’s not some innocent victim; she’s a shameless manipulator of the press.

    Look at other single women out there–Cameron Diaz, for instance. She’s dated many high- profile guys and almost never discusses those relationships. NOT like Jen who has talked about Vince (he made her laugh and get over Brad), Brad (she saved his phone messages, and talked about his kids), Angelina (uncool), and Mayer (she adores him, and loves the way he thinks thoughts, etc).

    She obviously uses her relationships for pr purposes. OTHER actresses don’t do that. And Aniston has even gone on and on about wanting kids FOREVER, and getting married, etc. UNLIKE Diaz who has admitted she doesn’t know if she wants those things. Basically, Diaz has owned her private life and her singledom admirably. She hasn’t sold it out for press, like Aniston.

    Thereby, Aniston has been stuck with the lonely image and desperate because of her own stupid choices and big mouth. While Diaz looks like a woman in charge of her life and happily enjoying her freedom. I PREFER Diaz 100 times over Aniston. She’s not a desperate famewhore willing to sell everything she has for her career and attention.

    AND, on top of all that, Aniston constantly complains about the tabloid attention when it has been her doing all along. Talk about the instigator turned victim. Give me a break. I think she’s just shameless.

  58. Ann says:

    scary car pic….*shudders*