Charlie Sheen claims he’s no longer crazy “that was an episode”

The fact that Charlie Sheen now has some kind of sitcom coming up on FX, despite all the truly insane things he said and did less than a year ago, is a testament to the power of the almighty dollar. I was just going over our archives on this guy, and if someone would have told me that any celebrity would have gone so spectacularly off the rails and been so public about it, I wouldn’t have believed it. Not only did he rant and rave at everyone, he gave countless interviews, he videotaped himself ranting, he made it into a live tour, and he capitalized on his memes with t-shirts and Twitter endorsements. It was kind of mind blowing, but it definitely got old and then he went away for a while. In the interim he landed this sitcom gig based on the Anger Management movie, and now he’s back. Well Charlie wants us all to know that he’s totally sane now that he’s back on TV and that he was just going through something, which he calls “episode”:

“I’m not crazy any more. That was an episode,” Sheen says, laughing, as he spoke with reporters at Sunday night’s Fox Network Television Critics Association party in Pasadena, Calif.

“I think I’m a different person than I was yesterday. Everything is a lot more mellow and focused and much more rooted in reality.”

Sheen, 46, couldn’t be more Zen about his new FX show, Anger Management, in which he will star and produce. He reports that casting is underway and that they will shoot 10 episodes in six weeks.

“I’ve been at this 30 years. It’s nice to be in a situation where the people I’m working with are excited about my input. That wasn’t the case for a long time,” Sheen says.

Of late, Sheen says instead of sounding off on Twitter, “I’ve been spending a lot of time with the kids, a lot of time with the family and I’m getting back into work mode,” adding that he is goddess-free these days. “I’m a single guy hanging out with my children.”

Asked if he has been in contact with his former Two and a Half Men costar Jon Cryer, or producer Chuck Lorre, Sheen says, “Jon and I text. Chuck, no, but at some point we are going to have to get some closure there.”

His opinion of his TV character’s funeral, which opened the sitcom’s new season last September, now that it stars Ashton Kutcher? “It was a little bizarre to watch your own funeral. It was a little mean-spirited. But it’s dead and buried now, right?”

While Sheen says it’s “premature” to name the celebrities who would like to make cameo appearances on his new show, he says “everybody” wants to take part.

[From People]

Maybe he’s no longer on a manic drug-induced high, but I bet it will be just a matter of time before he’s back on the sauce, if he isn’t already and is just maintaining. He claimed to have been sober through the power of his mind and not through any program that he refused to attend. He probably thinks he can still handle it without a problem. The last time I saw him interviewed, with his ex Brooke Mueller on ET, he was wasted but still able to speak clearly. You couldn’t say as much for Brooke since she was mumbling. So where does the drug abuse end and the crazy begin for Charlie, or is it just a big blur at this point? Does “no longer crazy” just mean he’s trying to stay sober during working hours?

Charlie is shown with his dad, Martin, on 9-23-11. Credit: PRphotos. He’s also shown at his roast on 9-10-11. Creddit: WENN

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51 Responses to “Charlie Sheen claims he’s no longer crazy “that was an episode””

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  1. Livs says:

    Myeah, not buying it.

  2. Angie says:

    … Like when Tom says he loves Katie 🙂

  3. Liane says:

    If he wasn’t dying his hair he’d look as old (or older than) his father.

    • Kat says:

      I was thinking that myself. Sad how he’s the son yet he looks a lot less healthy than dad.

  4. Hautie says:

    As long as Charlie doesn’t use… he is sane. But he went on a good 6 month coke adventure. That required another 6 months to clean out his system.

    So he will probably be sane for awhile. Till he gets an itch for some blow and hookers.

    Yet, it is nice to see him trying to straighten out his life. Again. If for anything to be a decent parent to his 5 children.

    (He could use a sandwich and soak up some sun by the pool.)

  5. Lauren says:

    That is good news. Will he be allowed to return to Two and Half Men? Charlie is very outspoken, (addictions * mental illness) but is a great actor.

  6. TXCinderella says:

    That first pic looks like he could suck the life out of you, kinda like the character Blackheart in Ghost Rider.

    • Mtn Girl says:

      Charlie looks like he sold his soul – faces of meth indeed! But yeah, he does come across as a vampire. I feel sorry for his kids. 🙁

  7. Dizzy says:

    my guess is he’s bipolar and an addict

  8. Mimi says:

    Episode? That was a f-cking Tsunami of Crazy.

  9. Julie says:

    Maybe the “episode” was caused when he tried to quit the stuff. Seem to remember he was being tested for drugs at the time during dispute in court with Brooke. One problem with coming clean from alcohol & coke together since one is an upper and one a downer, is your brain is a bit wacky. It plays a number on it and it takes a bit of time to balance out. And I would imagine if you have mental issues like bipolar problems, it can be even worse.

  10. Cathy says:

    In that first picture he looks like he’s deranged, I’d be scared to meet him in a dark alley looking like that. As for his little walk on the wild side if that was just an episode, I’m the Queen of England

  11. skuddles says:

    Dude finally figured out CRAZY = less money in the bank (to finance hookers, blow, etc).

  12. original sandy says:

    well… at least he knows it was crazy and not normal behavior.

  13. Liz says:

    Lainey Gossip had an interesting theory; that the whole “Kuh-RAY-zee” episode was just a ploy to get money. And – this is where it beggars belief for me – it worked:

    On the other hand, he is not a good person, so I wouldn’t put it past him to devastate his family with this – because the munneh is key.

  14. Paloma says:

    I will definitely tune in to his new show. I miss him on 2.5 Men. Ashton is just awful!

    • mssnarnd says:

      I agree. I love this guy! I think he is hilarious, and I wish him the best. It’s interesting he and Jon Cryer are texting, as it seemed as if they didn’t talk at all during “the episode.” I wonder if Cryer is one of the people interested in a cameo on Sheen’s new show?! 🙂 He probably sees the writing on the wall . . . or I hope he does.

  15. Girl says:

    I’ve never understood his appeal. Why would anyone want to work with him? Maybe he gives one mean blowjob?

  16. Anastasia Beaverhousen says:

    Charlie Sheen is a fraud. The April 27 tornado through Alabama happened right around the time he was on his tour of attention seeking. He used our tragedy to get attention for himself.

    He came to Tuscaloosa, tweeted about it and set up a website called “Torpedos against Tornados” and promised to match any donations given. Well, the site is still up, but no longer accepting donations and he hasn’t mentioned another word about it since the day he posted it.

    So there’s no way of knowing if the money people might have donated was actually sent here to help tornado recovery. Complete piece of s#@t and I wish someone would publicly call him out on it!!! A complete scam artist, using something like this to gain attention for himself.

    • Thiagra says:

      Anastasia, I didn’t know that and it really irks the hell out of me. I’m in Meridian, MS and the tornado started out here and just got worse as it headed toward Tuscaloosa. Absolutely devastating! That Sheen bastard used it as a commercial ploy.

      I don’t think he was crazy or coked up. I just think he was having a temper tantrum.

  17. Kara Ann says:

    Yeah the “episode” seems more like a drug-fueled, diagnosed-but-untreated mental problem psychotic break! You know if he were to clean up his act permanently, I’d be all for it but it’s awfully hard to trust that he will. Admit the problem, treat the problem and stop making it everyone else’s problem, that’s all I’m saying.

  18. Penguin says:

    46? I thought he was mid 50s.

  19. Momo B. says:

    Can we just talk about his Wiglet at this point? I can’t comment on his crazy anymore, just his sad state of hair affairs.

  20. Beatriz says:

    Holy shit he looks old! Addiction really ages a person, doesn’t it?

  21. Vesper says:

    Sheen showed everyone what he is really like inside – vile, ugly, vindictive, bitter. Mental disorder or addiction aside he is still the same person inside. When u are that ugly to the core of ur being, u won’t change. I pity his family.

  22. Tweakspotter says:

    Thank you Momo B.!!

    That hairpiece is just a tragedy in itself…

  23. whatevs says:

    he looks crazier than ever, hope he never finds employment again. and he used to be one of those unaging people before all the circus went down. almost all the crazy people i know say “i’m not crazy anymore” and they’re clinically diagnosed bipolar or schizoaffective patients. they believe it was all an episode, stop taking their pills, and it goes downhill even more from there. he’s an asshole but i hope he gets help anyway

  24. Penguin says:

    I’m sorry but he reminds me of quagmire.

  25. Lisa says:

    Wellll… to his credit, he did disappear, and seems slightly more sane these days. However, likable is not a word I’d use to describe him. Some of the nuttiest people are likable or charming, but that’s because they’re psychopaths!

  26. Maya says:

    He is an opportunist (like every other Hollywood celebrity – no surprises there), a narcissist and he probably has bipolar and went off his meds.
    In my view most Hollywood celebrities are a missed tablet away from some sort of breakdown.

  27. dean travers says:

    I love Charlie Sheen. Love love him. I have never seen the lame-ass show but his total inability to self-censor has always delighted me. The funny thing to me about his “meltdown” was that so much of what he was saying was accurate and insightful. People focused on literally interpreting some heavy-handed metaphors “tiger’s blood” etc. and missed some good shit. Not everyone is normal.He has not always had the cache he enjoys now and it is not just money that keeps him rebounding. He has a bewitching Jekyll/Hyde personality and is extremely well liked in the industry. As for being a woman beater? Let me say, with a touch of experience, that when two people on hard core drugs disagree, shit can get ugly. Any woman would be a total simpleton to be expect any different. He’s no angel, but he’s no OJ. I suspect he has some surprising 3rd act in store, I hope so. Boring people suck.

    • sammib says:

      Yah! I couldn’t agree more babe! I LOVED that he just let it all out there.. Vive le difference 🙂

    • Vesper says:

      He threatened to kill both his first wife, Denise, as well as Brooke. Also SHOT Kelly Travolta when he dated her. Not sure how u can possibly defend someone like that.

      • dean travers says:

        Well THEY defended him. Kelly-bot is an ardent defender and he still screws Denise.Plus, maybe I’m a bastard but threating to kill my partner is just a matter of course for me…to each their own. And sammib…you kick ass.

  28. LittleDeadGrrl says:

    The problem is after so many years of drug abuse I have a hard time believing he hasn’t done permenant damage not only to his body but to his mind. You just don’t recover from that shit perfectly. That smile of his is so creepy right now.

  29. meme says:

    Sounds like his money is getting funny and he needs this job.

  30. A~ says:

    He looks older than his dad.

  31. Bambi says:

    Spoiled whiteboy. I’ll cut him some slack for the probable mental issues, but still, yuck.

    Feel sorry for his children.

  32. Shay Kay says:

    Why is it that some people with serious mental issues are so artistically talented?I wouldn’t believe one word he says but he is an excellent actor comedic and otherwise.He’s a very compelling personality and I hope that he really is trying to get treatment but I’d have a hard time buying it without years of proof.

  33. Adrien says:

    You mean his trolling ways are over? I hope that whole cray-cray ep wasn’t a performance art ala Joaquin Phoenix and I sincerely hope he’s doing fine.

    • Shay Kay says:

      I hope he’s doing fine too but if that “episode” was performance art than he paid a high price in his looks, respectibility, and finances.Nah, Charlie Sheen couldn’t “act” that cray-cray now if it were Christian Bale than I’d have to wonder because he could so pull it off.

  34. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    Anyone else I might believe, but this just smacks (pun) of retroactive continuity. He’s chronically guilty of ‘user, abuser and loser’ behaviours, he just happens to have a bit of BP on the side. I have BP and I’m pretty sure that after 30 years of the same old junk with periods of repose to let my organs regroup, I’d be more guilty of being an asshole than of being negligently ill. Thanks for casting aspersions on the honest sick, not horrible and decrepit. Goodness knows you can only go so far in letting illness explain away decades of unapologetic malignancy, and I think he crossed that threshold some time ago. I hope in the philosophical sense that finds some balance but in the meantime, I hope I don’t come across any plans to chart out how he can use BP as his alibi next time he shoots his girlfriend or takes her at knifepoint. Lame.

    • Shay Kay says:

      It’s a simple as “You’ve got an illness not an excuse.”I admire your self-awareness and really wish people would follow that example.I myself can get extremely depressed at times but that doesn’t give me any valid reasons to ignore my responsibilities, loved ones, but rather a heads up when I know I’m headed in that direction to turn around and fast.So yeah no more excuses Charlie just take your million dollar pay days and figure out how to handle it like the rest of us.

    • dean travers says:

      Eh, show me the receipts (per w.houston per michael k.) he has contributed significantly to many causes over the years and was unafraid to state a very lucid case about the travesty that was 9/11, and this was while he was a network darling. No one is saying he is a saint, but he is bold and interesting. I wouldn’t DATE the guy, but I bet he makes a hell of an interesting dinner companion. Sobriety and “sanity” aren’t for everyone. You don’t dig him, then don’t, uh, I don’t know, give him your money? Enough with the BP analysis too…sometimes what is perceived as a handicap is really a gift. The gift of not giving a f#$%. Priceless.