Kelly Ripa’s ’25 Things You Don’t Know’: is she perfect or trying too hard?

Last week, we discussed Kelly Ripa’s Good Housekeeping interview, in which she discussed serving breakfast in bed to husband Mark Consuelos. In response, a lot of you thought that Kelly was perhaps trying too hard to be the “perfect wife” and also legitimately wondered what Mark was possibly doing to keep Kelly happy as well? Perhaps she’s just a classic “people pleaser” and has no problem with picking up the proverbial slack in her marriage, or maybe Mark does things for Kelly that she didn’t feel the need to disclose to the masses. One never knows.

At any rate, Kelly has compiled a “25 Things You Don’t Know About Me” list for Us Weekly, and the list isn’t terribly dramatic; that is, I am not hearing anything that I wouldn’t already suspect about Ripa:

1. I have grey hair.
2. I have insomnia.
3. Wearing makeup makes my face itch.
4. I can read music.
5. Snowshoeing is my favorite sport.
6. Biking is a hobby of mine.
7. Anderson Cooper is my favorite TV personality.
8. Deejaying is my secret passion.
9. I can fly-fish.
10. My 14-year-old son, Michael, is my running partner.
11. I love to do laundry and can get a stain out of almost anything.
12. Going to the ballet is just about my favorite thing.
13. I have three tattoos.
14. I can recite all the lines form the movies Jaws, Mommie Dearest, and The Silence of the Lambs. Not sure why.
15. I’m long-waisted and usually taller than anyone when we’re seated.
16. I’m afraid of heights.
17. I host a nationally syndicated talkshow, but I’m terrified of speaking in front of groups of people.
18. I used to do stand-up comedy.
19. I can juggle.
20. I consider Pepperidge Farm Goldfish to be a food group.
21. For such a small person, I have extremely wide feet.
22. Boxing is my favorite spectator sport.
23. My favorite shows right now are Downton Abbey … and Dance Moms.
24. The higher the heel, the happier I am. I have a pair of 5-inch pumps that I consider my “flats.”
25. My perfect last meal would be pizza and guacamole.

[From Us Weekly, print edition, February 27, 2012]

Okay, I can completely sympathize with Kelly’s long-waisted plight. At least she doesn’t have huge knockers too — then she’d never find a decent shirt fit! Also, the phobia of heights and admission of wide feet is common ground, but she’s not admitting anything more than seemingly a random scattershot checklist with these “25 Things.” So I’m wondering if she’s merely trying to achieve widespread relatability with this list? Perhaps I’m scrutinizing things far too much for a throwaway list, but I want to hear that Kelly Ripa has problems with getting her kids to bed and battling cellulite. I want to learn something — anything — that tells me that she’s not trying too hard to be perfect because, let’s face it, she seems far too good to be true.

Here’s Kelly with the aforementioned “running partner,” her eldest son Michael. She looks way too skinny in this photograph.

By the way, have I mentioned how much Regis Philbin will be missed? I bet he misses the show too.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet

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47 Responses to “Kelly Ripa’s ’25 Things You Don’t Know’: is she perfect or trying too hard?”

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  1. OriginalTiffany says:

    My husband was on the show and said that she was the skinniest person he had ever seen. Her head looks so big in that second pic with Regis, it’s bigger than her whole butt. Weird.

    She seems to have this perfect image. I’m not sure I buy it. Out of all the hosts we’ve met, Ellen seems to be the most friendly and genuine.

    • Paloma says:

      I think Kelly is delightful and I agree with her being genuine. Everyone is making way too much about her making breakfast for her husband. Good grief, you do things for the man you marry. That is minor, minor.

    • layla says:

      I know you’ll never tell… but I really really want to know who your hubby is!!! 😉

  2. KWM says:

    She tries way too hard.
    I like the zebra dress though.
    She is way too thin.

    • Capella says:

      Yeah, but in her defense, she has a show to sell, and her clientele are stay-at-home moms.

      Also, I think she’s having trouble finding the right new partner, a Regis replacement. She has made herself the rep of being too high maintenance on the show, and quite bratty behind the scenes. Not sure with that attitude she could get the show partner she thinks she deserves.

      I would so be watching again if she is partnered with Neil Patrick Harris. Or even that Survivor guy. She has amazing chemistry with both of these dudes, and they make the show funny. But doubt she could be giving, and letting someone else shine from time to time. What do you think?

  3. Snowflake says:

    IMO, she looked a lot better before she lost a lot of weight. she was bigger back in the day.

    • Roma says:

      I feel as though everyone forgot when she used to be bigger! Her losing weight was such a big deal and now it just seems to border on obsessive.

  4. hateonit. says:

    she’s harmless and adorable. her thinness frightens me though. but she admitted she works out every day. I admire her dedication but….her arms don’t look feminine which I find unappealing on a female :/ IMHO.

  5. chia says:

    Yes, she’s thin. But she doesn’t look emaciated, you can see she works out and is muscular.

    Also, I’m not sure what people want from these lists, have you ever been happy with one of them? Either their being to relatable or to ridiculous…

    • Lantana says:

      I agree; she doesn’t look emaciated. I think if she had a boob job, no one would think she looks skinny. I also think she looks pretty good, even great, in the picture with he-who-must-not-be-named. Speaking of which, he’s really a nice-looking boy. I see Kelly and Mark both in his features. He’s going to be a heartbreaker. Well, I guess if I was 14, he’d be a heartbreaker now.

  6. Jackie says:

    she should have put on the list that she has an eating disorder.

    the show sucks without regis. she cant hold a show on her own. too bad, but true.

    • Scout says:

      Agree about the show. I have wondered if she has an eating disorder, too, but she seems to muscular for that. But she is too thin – 10 lbs would do her good. The over thin thing is starting to age her.

    • Jessica says:

      Also, you can be too skinny and not have an eating disorder. Eating disorders are clinically diagnosed through an evaluation of behavior…not appearance.

    • Julie says:

      Yes I agree on the clinical diagnosis comment. I will give my opinion because it’s why we are all here. Don’t feel like googling to get exact term but I have b4 and learned there is a form of anorexia through behavior as you point out, and it’s over exercise. My opinion would be that this is what she suffers from.

      • Mama*C says:

        It’s exercise bulimia, actually, and I would suspect that for Chipette wannabe Kelly.

      • Esmom says:

        That’s what I’ve thought, too. I think since she’s trying to balance work and motherhood, where things tend to get out of control, exercise is the one area where she can stay in control.

      • akua says:

        I can attest to the exercise bulimia – I have been recovering from it for a while now, and except in my most extreme times, you wouldn’t know just from looking at me that I had a problem and was working out 4-5 hours a day. I was never underweight, but nonetheless not healthy either.

  7. notpretentious says:

    We both have a big tattoo on our left ankle! I didn’t know that about her. 🙂

  8. Samanthalous says:

    She would look better if she just put on 5lbs.

  9. TheOriginalVictoria says:

    She’ll always be Hayley to me. Ahh. Fond memories of watching the Kelly/Mark/Hayley/Mateo relationship unfold on and off the screens.

    And I believe she is very conscious about her weight. She was really bullies about it when she was on AMC because for years she stayed the same normal weight but she was called chubby. After awhile she started slimming down and well, I’m not sure if she has a eating disorder, but I know she cares a lot about not being called fat again

    • JM says:

      YAY! A former AMCite! My hubby & I were married 1 month before Kelly & Mark eloped so we have a fondness for the both of them. Though she could put on 5-10lbs, Kelly’s body is strong and fit, not emaciated. I think she’s adorable and would love to hang out & have a beer with her. Their son is almost a carbon copy of Mark and BTW, don’t they get extra points for managing to stay married nearly 2 decades & keep out of the tabloids despite Kelly’s fame?

      Oh, and I liked her list.

  10. pebbles says:

    cannot stand her…….

  11. Maria says:

    she over exercise. as I recall last year she had a stress fracture on the show and used crutches?.. that should have been a clue that her body was trying to tell her to slow down. the moment she reduces or stop doing so much exercise she would fill out a little, and quite nicely, but as it is, her body fat is artificially low just due to how much she does. on the show she talks about her body and how much she eats too much, which means she probably doesn’t eat that much or is VERY cautious.

  12. Dawn says:

    I loved her as Haley on AMC. I liked Mark too but I really liked the Haley and Brian story and when she called Trevor Uncle Pork chop. That was such cute relationship. And that boy of hers is really a cute kid. I don’t think she tries too hard I just think she has a big personality.

  13. CP73 says:

    as soon as I saw the word running I thought that totally makes sense..bc runners become addicted to the high they get from running so often do so obsessively..she definitely has the extra lean/muscular body of a hard core runner..

    • Delta Juliet says:

      I agree…..I have a family member who used to be fuller (not even chubby, but not scrawny) and she started running obsessivly once she hit a certain birthday. Now it’s all she does or talks about, to the point where everone else is annoyed by it. She just thinks we’re all jealous. Ummmm….no. I’d like to drop 10-15 pounds, but I don’t want to look like her.

  14. Adele says:

    If I was married to the hunk Mark I would be the perfect wife too! He’s out of this world hot! Any Latin lovers interested in this pale Irish girl?

  15. Veruca says:

    The Pepperidge Farm Goldfish line made me laugh out loud. This may be because I agree with her.

    Eating disorder or not (and who can blame her with the pressure to be beautiful 24/7), she’s one of the good ones, in my opinion.

  16. GoodCapon says:

    4. I can read music.


  17. Maria says:

    believe it or not, running obsessively or doing any ‘high’ end, steady state cardio teaches your body to store fat, since that is what you use to power the exercise. the nano second you stop the obsessive exercise, you actually almost gain weight TOO quickly. You also release tremdnous amounts of the stress hormone cortisol which after a certain length of time, wears your immune system down leading to increased risk of all disease. the human body is not meant to move this way. but, this obsessive exercise works in the moment, which is like dieting, so it fufills what the person wants, which is to stay super lean but harms the body in the long run.

    • Julie says:

      I agree and disagree with what you have said. Long endurance aerobic exercise i.e. running long distances does NOT teach your body to store fat but to burn it instead of carbs. I do agree with you on the effects it has on hormones and the stress it can have on the body in general. I used to be a competitive marathoner and still have many friends in the sport. Now that I’ve stepped back I can see things I didn’t see before and periodically have discussion with these runners about the line being crossed from healthy to stress on the body. My good frd is training for 100 mile race and he certainly falls in the latter category.

    • Lisa says:

      Yep. Excess cortisol can cause the body to hold on to weight, too, because of the fight-or-flight response. Your body’s constantly stressed, it’s going to think it needs to kick all of its reserves into gear.

  18. mel says:

    she loves laundry? really? who loves doing laundry?

  19. Jen34 says:

    I think Kelly is genuine, even if she does try too hard. My cousin sat a table over from her at a local restaurant in NJ before she and Mark moved to NYC. When one of my cousin’s children started choking, she came over to help and see if he was okay.

  20. Jules says:

    Love Kelly. Would like to see her put on about 15 lbs.

  21. Happy21 says:

    I think she’s a bit over the top but have liked her since she first came onto AMC years ago.

    She is pretty skinny but I can see that she is toned and fit and is probably exercise obsessed. I think that is a form of disorder. I used to have a friend that would eat like a normal person but she would spend 4 hours a day on her elliptical. That is not good and not healthy.

  22. Esmom says:

    I’ve always found her likeable and relateable, ever since her AMC days. She seems like a perfectionist yet somehow doesn’t seem to take herself too seriously, kinda refreshing.

  23. Kim says:

    Every 25 things is self serving i mean come on who really cares right but she gives some funny ones like Pepperidge Farms fish being food group. Its less self serving than most of the 25 things ive seen other celebs do.

  24. June Zisette says:

    I loved Regis and Kelly . Kelly you are trying too hard. Last Fri. you sounded so silly! You were telling about checking luggage. Did you really believe we could believe your story ? You are not a little child , just try to be real with your stories, and do fewer hand movements. Regis was believable, not affected. You are cute but you really need a grown up co-host. Sorry! June

  25. marie says:

    She is very fit. Looks great!