Alex Skarsgard spotted out with Ellen Page: adorable new couple or just friends?

Is it wrong that when I first saw these photos of Alex Skarsgard and Ellen Page together I squeed a little? I just love how happy and relaxed they both look. The super cute couple was spotted coming out of the Stanley Cup Finals in LA. Photo agency Pacific Coast News asks “Could they be the latest co star couple?” I see Alex as dating primarily blondes, he was with Kate Bosworth for a long time and we also know he dated Evan Rachel Wood and maybe Charlize Theron. We just heard he might also have a recent thing going on with Victoria’s Secret model Anne Vyalitsyna. I doubt he’s been that busy, but it’s possible.

All those women are blondes and Ellen is a brunette! She’s a tiny thing, though, and he seems to prefer that type. I have heard rumors that Ellen plays for the other team, which I’m inclined to believe. Maybe she just dresses like Kristin Stewart and doesn’t GAF. We’ve heard those rumors about Kristen too.

The thing that makes these photos suspicious is that True Blood season five premieres this Sunday! I can’t wait! So these photos are coming out at a convenient time to get some publicity for Alex. Let’s see what’s up with Ellen’s career… oh she’s in an upcoming movie with Alex, The East, which is in post production right now. So they met on set and are probably just friends. Oh well.

Update: Lainey has photos of the two watching the game, and they’re so cute together! I love the photos so much. They basically mirror each other’s body language the whole time.

Here are some covers from the upcoming issue of EW, which has separate True Blood characters featured for a total of 11 covers. In some of these photos they really captured the campiness of this show. I love how it looks like they’re subtly poking fun. Ryan Kwanten’s photo makes him look a little dumb, just like his character, and Alex looks like a 70s vampire.

I guess Tara isn’t dead yet.

I’m actually excited for Christopher Meloni!

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92 Responses to “Alex Skarsgard spotted out with Ellen Page: adorable new couple or just friends?”

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  1. Samigirl says:

    If I can’t be with him, I guess she will do ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Jenna says:

    Just friends, but they’re so adorable! ๐Ÿ™‚

    And TB needs to go away. Though with Chris Meloni and Peter Mensah, TB has the potential to be good this season it probably won’t be, again. And Tara’ll be there. Thanks Alan Ball. -_-

    • Maguita says:

      Christopher Meloni can bite me anytime… Anywhere! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

      Last interview with Page was on Bill Maher, and they kind of hinted that she plays for the other team… Or rather, her own team. Maybe it was just an impression. But this is clearly a step up for Skarsgard, Ellen has a very eco-philanthropic side, and is quite knowledgeable in different areas other than looking good on the red carpet, or dating the right person.

      • moo says:

        No kidding!!!! I’m right behind you…. I’ll have to start DVRing this event now….. *swoon*

  3. Jill says:

    I’m pretty sure she isn’t interested…

  4. Jessa says:

    They’re just bros, broing out over hockey basically.

  5. TheOriginalKitten says:

    Not a fan of her but I doubt these two are more than just friends.

    • Jessa says:

      How can you not like Ellen Page? She’s so cute and harmless and a good actress.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        I just REALLY dislike her acting style. Not saying she’s a bad actress-I just find her very grating. She seems like a good chick, I’m just not a fan (based on her ACTING not her off-screen personality). *shrugs*

    • bns says:

      I’m not a fan either. I couldn’t even enjoy Juno because I hated the character so much.

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        She was pretty bad ass in Hard Candy, as the girl getting revenge against a pedo.

    • person3514 says:

      Ill forever love her because she was on Trailer Park Boys!! Best show ever!!!

  6. Sandy says:

    Rutina is beautiful.

    • lucy2 says:

      She really is, and I think she’s a good actress, I just wish they’d write better for her character.

  7. marie says:

    they would be a super cute couple but they’re probably just friends checking out a game..

    And WHY would they bring Tara back, she was so annoying!

    • Maguita says:

      I hope they are just teasing! Tara just annoys me on TB, and if she really turns, than we are in a world of over-acting, and over-resenting pain.

      I’ll be very disappointed if Rutina’s character is really back.

      • marie says:

        you got that right.. I can hear it now “look what you made me become”..

      • Maguita says:

        Aaaargh, I was grinding my teeth while reading your comment! I can hear her whiny shouty voice in my head.

        … Is there an emoticon for one who’s thinking of hanging himself? Jokingly of course people, settle down.

  8. Sandy says:

    And I love Bill, I don’t care who knows it!!

    • leslilly says:

      I’m with you Sandy – I love Bill & think Sookie and Bill belong together. However, I love Eric too.

  9. Dredz says:

    I think he needs to leave True Blood

  10. eska says:

    Alex is my longest celebrity crush. Can’t get enough of him!

  11. aims says:

    I adore Alex. He’s crazy sexy, but he has always given me the vibe as being classy and private. He could be a ho ho, but there aren’t a lot of stories out there that say he is. He seems smart about how he handles himself. That to me, makes him number one on list. He is perfection.

  12. Mirella says:

    They’re just friends, but the pictures of them at the game are hilarious.

    The covers look great! I really wish Tara was gone, but oh well.

  13. brin says:

    Probably just friends. Love Christopher Meloni….fangs and all!!

  14. keats says:

    I know she’s buddies with Steve Agee, she seems like the kind of girl that has a bunch of guy friends.

  15. cr says:

    Ellen was also at game 3, with Alia Shawkat, so I suspect this isn’t anything more than “I have an extra ticket,want to go to a Finals game?” sort of thing.
    It’s totally adorable though. And I love his Hammarby flag hanging on his rear view mirror.

  16. Naye in VA says:

    lol i WISH she dressed like k-stew. Thee is at least a touch of feminine in Kristens wardrobe. Ellen looks like she raided Alex’s closet before they left the house

    • Amanda_M87 says:

      So true.

    • Jaime says:

      Oh my God. This. Kristen wears tight jeans and tiny little knotted t-shirts. She dresses casually, but sexy in a way, and definitely feminine. If she’s wearing boys clothes, nine out of ten times it’s something of Rob’s. YEah, she’s a jeans and t-shirt girl, but I find it weird when people say she dresses like a boy. What boys wear painted on tight jeans and knot their low cut t-shirts so you can see their stomach?

      Ellen is truly dressed like a guy here. Kristen has never worn an outfit like this. Not that there’s anything wrong with it…lol.

  17. Nina says:

    She just doesn’t look like a woman to me; she appears as if she’s a little 12 year old girl. This was never as apparent as in all the various Inception red carpets where she was standing alongside Marion Cotillard. Marion is all curves and sensuality, possessing a confidence that comes with being comfortable in one’s own skin. Granted, Marion is older but Ellen Page didn’t even look like a young woman next to her; she looked like a child. Adorable, sure, but a kid all the same.

    So I guess that was a really wordy of saying: Ellen looks like Alex’s young daughter rather than his girlfriend.

  18. Aria says:

    She looks fine to me. Gay vibe why?

    • DreamyK says:

      Ellen did a SNL skit that had her coming home from a Melissa Etheridge concert where she wondered why it was she couldn’t just hug a woman with her legs in friendship. Most people interpreted that as Ellen coming out of the closet in a way. No idea. She’s cute, but I also tend to think Ellen is in the Friends Zone with Alex.

  19. claire says:

    Probably just friends. He’s great eye-candy, but soooo boring in interviews. It’d be great to see him paired off with a quirky girl. Maybe liven things up a bit.

    • Mina says:

      He’s not necessarily boring, he’s just very intense about not sharing much with the public. In person he’s hilarious (I’ve only met him once)

      • Mirella says:

        I’ve met him a few times too & he’s so funny, and really really nice! Pictures do nothing for him either.

  20. Stacie says:

    I’m sorry but I’ll just be the selfish B here and say I just hope they are “Just friends” and nothing else . I do agree though Alex does look more relaxed and Hot as Hell . ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. TXCinderella says:

    I think she’s cute, but they don’t seem to go together. Maybe he wanted to date a non-Hollywood type. I would never, ever wear a trucker hat on a date though. Tacky.

  22. Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

    To me it looks like they have chemistry and the trucker hat is a refreshing change from the bandage dresses and garish makeup so popular nowadays.

  23. Devon says:

    While I definitely get the vibe you’re all talking about, I so want this to be more than friends! They look freaking adorable together and if it can’t be me, another good Canadian girl is just as good. lol

  24. Memory30 says:

    I like her I’m not gay but it’s the kind I girl I’d go for ๐Ÿ˜‰ and my gaydar never fails so I say she totally is ๐Ÿ˜‰

  25. biteme says:

    I love this girl and I have inducted her into the lesbian hall of fame, i dont care if she is gay or not i’ll def take her. Alex is a good looking man and they look cute together.

  26. lucy2 says:

    Yay for Pam and Lafayette getting covers too! Anytime they do multiple covers, my issue is always the one I’d want the least, meaning here I’ll probably get Bill. I like SM, but that character annoys the crap out of me.

    • eileen says:

      IKR!?? Pam and Lafayette are my fave characters on the show…with exception to Eric of course, ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • curegirl0421 says:

      Um, YES. I love those two bitches! ๐Ÿ˜‰

      • Isabel says:

        Ogoooood, same here! If Lala and Pam weren’t on the show I would have stopped watching a long time ago. Even the sight of halfnaked Eric couldn’t have saved the show for me then haha!
        They bring the bitchiness and fierceness! I need that on a show like this, otherwise it would be a sappy romantic blabla show. (with lots of nudity and blood mkayxD)
        I was soooo mad after the last episode, Eric choosing dumbass Sookie over Pam, and then Sookie sending him away again.. Godddd, woman make up your mind! *spanks Eric for choosing Sookie over Pam*

        And Tara.. Please make a better storyline for this girl, she is only annoying now and the actress can do much more than standing around and yelling and crying.

  27. Marianne says:

    She is sooo tiny, and he is soooo tall….they would look so awkward together.

    But then again Kim K and Kris had awkward height differences.

  28. eileen says:

    As happy as this makes me-I’m sure they are only friends. Those pics at Lainey are so fricking cute! ๐Ÿ˜€

  29. Minty says:

    It’s probably a blossoming friendship. That is all. I like True Blood, but those are the cheesiest magazine covers I’ve seen for a long while.

  30. Chinoiserie says:

    Sorry, but its not Alex Skarsgard its Alex Skarsgรฅrd ๐Ÿ™‚

    • another nina says:

      Sorry, it’s not “its”, it’s – “it’s”…See – who cares?… ๐Ÿ˜‰

  31. danni says:

    I’m sorry but to judge a woman’s sexuality based on how she dressed is just stupid. I think ellen page is gay but not because of how she dresses. I think kristen stewart is straight and again it has nothing to do with how she dresses. Stop being so ignorant.

  32. vanessa says:

    I thought she was a lesbian? I could have swore I read that somehow…

    • cr says:

      And if she’s a lesbian does that mean she can’t go to hockey games with men?
      I find it sort of amusing/sad that he literally can’t be seen in the company of another female-especially who’s been a costar-without the rumors of their dating surfacing.
      Ellen’s probably thinking “why are the cameras here? They weren’t there when I was at game 3”

    • Kittypants says:

      There has been some speculation over her sexuality, but she has certainly never come out. I love her, so pretty and a great actress. Seems like she would be really cool company too.

  33. Kristen says:

    WHY does Rutina Wesley have a cover??? Grrr… her character had better be dead. She is SO annoying on that show. Lip quivering does not = acting.

  34. Zelda says:

    “I doubt he’s been that busy”

    ? really?! I know guys (and gals) WAY busier than that, and they don’t have the “international heartthrob” thing going for them.

    Trust, celebrities are not the types to have their bedpost-notches in the teens-and-twenties range.

  35. Tamlyn says:

    They have something in common…they both like girls so it’s not really a “date”…more like 2 buddies going out.

    Now if I was out with him, you’d know it was a date because I’d be all over that with a big smile on my face!!!

    • Masque says:

      Right??? If I was out with him I’d wear my t-shirt that has “I’m Totally On A Date With ASkars” written in big bold letters and pass out 8 x 10 glossies of us making out to anyone within 200 feet.

  36. Gene Parmesan says:

    Ok, what’s with all the Tara/ Rutina hate????

    • cr says:

      It’s not Rutina hate, I adore her.
      But the character of Tara? Ugh. Writers could never figure out what to do with her-whiny or tough and a sassy? Waste of character. Perhaps now that she’s not human anymore they’ll figure out her character.Sadly, I doubt it.

    • Gwen says:

      I like Rutina a lot but Tara is soooo annoying. I really wish they’d just kill her so she’d be gone *sigh*

  37. CM says:

    I hope they are dating. I’m tired of seeing him with tall blonds. Can’t wait for the season premiere of ‘True Blood’. Don’t understand why a lot of people think its gown downhill. Doesn’t anyone remember the ridiculous storyline with Maryann and the egg, from season 2?

    • cr says:

      KB wasn’t tall (and she’s not a natural blond) ERW isn’t blond or that tall either. He’s 6feet4, tall females are probably ‘easier’ for him.
      Oh, the Maened crap isn’t forgotten. Basically after the Dallas storyline ended in S2, it’s not been as consistently good. It’ll have good stretches, but not as consistent. I know there’s supposed to be cheese/camp factor, but they don’t always get it quite right.

  38. Megan says:

    LOL WTF? Officially the weirdest a pairing ever! I love both Alex and Ellen but the idea of them is so weird. That being said they do look cute together, but more in a little sister/big brother kinda way. Also I thought he was a lesbian. Oh well! Also if my EW comes in and it INSN’T the one with Erik or Pam on the cover I’ll be pissed! NO Sookie or Bill for me please. And don’t even get me started on Tara. I’ll rip it to shreds if shes on my cover. How can I love Rutina Wesley so much but absolutely HATE Tara? I know they probably won’t but I wish she would stay dead. He character became too annoying to bear. Rutina needs another show where they give her storylines that don’t drive people crazy! Not that Sookie’s much better though..

  39. hairball says:

    WHY did they not have Tara die????????????????? OMG, I f*cking hate her character. If I see one more shot of her chin trembling while she cries over something!!

  40. April says:

    i think they are good friends . the pairing is little odd . But hey if they like each other and it works for them . I say go for it . Nice pairing it would be . Also i love the EW books covers ., I will buy them all they are collectors’ item you know . it’s a part of history to me . The best cast & crew ever , I love the show . I hope they do get another season . But for Alex to boom big time in his career on screen he needs to leave TrueBLood .

    • Mina says:

      He’d never leave the show, anyone who thinks he would is silly. It’ll only go on for 1 or 2 more seasons anyway, most HBO shows do.

  41. Billy says:

    There’s no way in hell these two are dating but I like them both.

  42. Fay says:

    Idc about Ellen and Alex but Ryan Kwanten is gorgeous!! Damn!!

  43. Alexis says:

    They are in a movie together, they are just hanging out. Plus skarz only dates nordic lookin blondes.

    • cr says:

      No, he doesn’t date only Nordic looking blondes. Google image Sara Tun or Amelia Drake.
      I think the ‘only blondes’ thing has only come about in the last few years, with his relationship with KB.Who’s the only one that he’s actually seriously dated since he’s been famous here.

      • Isabel says:

        Yep.. And the stupid thing is, when he ‘maybe’ dated ERW she was a redhead (at least when they met, later on she was a blonde again). CT was never proven and his ‘official’ exes like the ones you mentioned aren’t blond.
        I seriously don’t understand why ppl don’t do their research correctly.
        So far the only blonde has been KB and maybe Amanda Seyfried, who went on a date with him according to herself. There have also been rumors about Izabella Miko, but I think that was only because she interviewed him for an eco-cause and he looked at her like he was gonna eat her. She was a blonde at the time I think.
        Ellen makes my gaydar ping like crazy, but if I’m wrong and they are dating I have to say I really like this couple. She seems like a nice girl, not a high maintenance blah-woman, just like Skars himself (well, male version then:P).
        But tbh, don’t think Skars would go to a crowded place like this with a date, since he is always very keen on not being seen with women he dates, so prolly just co-stars turned friends on a friends-date. Meredith Monroe was also sitting with them btw.

  44. The Original Mia says:

    I thought she was dating Clea Duvall. Maybe not. They are cute together, so I approve of this friendship or whatever. What a difference between the sour puss he was sporting with the Bos and now. He’s happy!

  45. apsutter says:

    Where in the world has she been?!!? For real…I miss her and her adorable little face!

  46. Camille (The original) says:

    I’m getting the ‘just friends’ vibe.

    Love the TB covers!

  47. MQ says:

    Very much appreciated both actors craft in different perspective. Do wonder sometimes what is real and what is an illusion.

    As people, I do not know them and I sometimes wish not to know them just to maintain the image of them that I have conjure in my mind.

    He is aesthetically pleasing just as her appearance is youthful and effortless .

    If they are together best wishes to both if not …

    Do wonder if he is the type of person to actually expose that part of his life as for her I do not see her as much in this cite.

  48. LittleDeadGirl says:

    I think they are just friends. I can’t see them at all together. I mean who knows but it would seem like the weirdest couple ever.

  49. insidescoop says:

    Detective Stabler?! Hells to the yeah! I didn’t realize that it was possible for this show to get any better.

    Oh. my. god. that man is so fine.

  50. leslilly says:

    I think they’re probably just friends, but it would be cute if they were dating.

    btw, in Lainey’s set of pics, I noticed Michael Varten (sp?) sitting a couple rows in front of them to the left.

    I went to game 3 at Staples Center on Monday night – I would’ve fainted if I saw Askars there! Instead, there was a mixed bag of celebs that night: LL Cool J, Wesley Snipes, David Boreanez (sp?), Alyssa Milano, Al Michaels…I forget the rest. Oh, David Beckam.

  51. carrie says:

    I think they are probably only friends, but I would approve if they were dating.

  52. Priscila says:

    What are trying to say! You think Ellen is a lesbian because she doesn’t wear high heels & dresses all the time?! Give me a break