Enquirer: Matt Damon’s wife and Jennifer Garner can’t stand each other, are ‘at war’

We’ve heard rumors that Ben Affleck’s wife, Jennifer Garner, and Matt Damon’s wife, Luciana Barroso, aren’t friendly. I think Lainey initially floated some of those theories, which seem totally plausible given what we know about the two women and the fact that we haven’t seen them together. In a recent Playboy interview, Matt Damon subtly threw shade at how paparazzi-friendly the Afflecks are, saying that people “are interested in [Garner] and how she parents.” What’s more is that Damon and his family moved into a mansion down the street from The Garner-Affleck compound in LA last summer. Affleck mentioned in an interview last fall that he’s over Damon’s house all the time, saying “I wonder if his wife is thinking, ‘Is he really going to come over every night?‘”

We’ve never heard about the two families hanging out together and they certainly could because they’re neighbors and they have daughters around the same age. Damon has daughters that are 6, 4 and 2 (along with a now teenaged daughter) and Affleck has daughters that are 7 and 4 along with an infant son. So you would think that the kids would be friends and everyone would be hanging out together but all we’ve heard about is Ben going over Matt’s house and bugging his wife.

That’s why I’m somewhat convinced by this story in the National Enquirer. They claim that Matt’s wife, Luciana, planned an elaborate destination vow renewal ceremony because she was annoyed and feeling competitive after Ben won the Oscar for Best Picture. I don’t think that part is true, but I believe that Lucy and Jen aren’t friends. We’ve already talked about Matt and Lucy’s vow renewal thing and I don’t think it bodes well for their marriage. If the Enquirer is right it may have not have come from a place of love and celebration or whatever:

Ben Affleck and Matt Damon may be best buds, but sources say their wives can’t stand each other!

“The two families socialize frequently,” an insider told The Enquirer.

“But despite Matt and Ben’s decades-long friendship, their wives have never warmed to each other.”

Tension reached a fever pitch after Ben, 40, won the Best Picture Oscar for his political thriller “Argo” with wife Jennifer Garner at his side on Feb. 24, sources say.

Just days later, Matt’s wife Luciana Barroso pushed him into announcing they’re planning a destination wedding in April – more than seven years after they tied the knot at City Hall in New York City.

“Luciana has always felt that Matt is more talented and way more deserving of recognition than Ben,” an insider told The Enquirer.

“It burned her up seeing Ben feted for months like he’s the King of Hollywood.”

So sources say green-eyed Luciana, 37, goaded Matt – who shares a Best Screenplay Oscar with Ben for the 1997 drama “Good Will Hunting” – into sending out “save the date” invites to their wedding.

“It was totally unnecessary, but Luciana wanted to stick it to Ben,” said the source.

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, March 18, 2013]

I doubt Luciana is as calculating as all that. She’s always struck me as an “organized mom” type who is happy to be behind the scenes, and who is grateful for her husband’s success. She doesn’t seem particularly conniving or competitive. She can dislike someone without being a scheming bitch.

It’s an an interesting theory though, and I have to admit that the timing is suspect for this vow renewal announcement, right after Ben won the Oscar. I don’t know, maybe it was also when things were calming down at home for Damon’s family. Although it’s not like Damon was at any awards ceremonies this year, and he certainly could have been. He won the Ben Screenwriting Oscar with Affleck 15 years ago and yet he didn’t go to the Oscars this year when Ben’s movie was up for Best Picture. That seems a little strange to me, but they’re dudes and it’s not like Damon is the type to go to an awards ceremony when he’s not nominated. Maybe he didn’t want to overshadow Ben. Plus their wives probably can’t stand each other. If Jen and Lucy were friendly I imagine it would be different.

Matt Damon and Luciana are shown on 12-4 and 12-6-12. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are shown on 2-24-13. Credit: WENN.com

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193 Responses to “Enquirer: Matt Damon’s wife and Jennifer Garner can’t stand each other, are ‘at war’”

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  1. Cinnamon says:

    eh this is a hard situation. im not a fan of my husband’s best friend or his wife but I make do when I have to and I’m cordial. thats all you can ask for really.

    • Rhea says:

      Yup. I’m right there with you.

    • brin says:


    • LucyS says:

      Seriously. Sometimes, you just grit your teeth and bear it for a few hours.

    • Beatrix says:

      Can I ask you guys how you deal with this long-term? I mean internally. One of my fiance’s best friends is the equivalent of a sixteen year old man-child, I can hang with him no problem but he’s just so present and constant in my life. Doesn’t help that his wife is an overly dramatic piece of work. How is the best way to handle this without getting exhausted or letting it affect your relationship? Any help is appreciated. 🙂

      • RHONYC says:

        weed. and lots of it. 😉

      • Beatrix says:

        hahahah. thanks.

      • PrettyTarheelFan says:

        While I support weed, it’s not always possible (sadly). 1) Find ANYTHING in common-I hated my husband’s best friend’s wife, but we liked the same authors. That was our point-of-conversation. 2) Have one or two glasses of wine, but stay in control. Once you tell the truth, you will never be able to take it back. 3)Encourage your hubby to hang with his boy without you-IE, do their “guy” stuff. MrTarheel used to attend a poker night. If I was invited to hang with the girls, I’d be honest: I’m going to curl up in my flannel pajamas, and fuzzy slippers, and do crosswords and watch OnDemand with a glass of wine, but thanks SO much for inviting me!

      • RHONYC says:

        go on Celebitchy together!!! 😀

        whoops, or did i cross the line?
        that would be interloping into your ‘me’ time, huh? 😳

  2. Abby says:

    interesting theory. I have never seen these two couples photographed together. That’s a shame, cause the guys are best friends and their kids are close in ages. But we’ve all had that friend that married someone we don’t like. Too bad the women can’t get along for their husband’s sake.

    • Amory says:

      There is no evidence whatsoever that they don’t get along. One woman has 4 kids; one has 3, including a baby. They both appear to be hands-on and I imagine that their friends these days are fellow moms in their kids’ classes, etc… This is really a reach, and a stupid one at that.

      • Happymom says:

        And the Damons don’t appear to papp out their kids (side eye to Garner) so who really knows if they “hang out” or not?

      • Tiffany says:

        I agree. It seems like a random guess made by the Enquirer. There is nothing factual that would make me think this is a legit story.

      • Feebee says:

        Plus the Damons have been based in LA for a relatively short time? I thought their home base had been Florida.

      • Me Three says:

        Have to agree–this is just a slow news day and they had to come up with something. How do we know what they do privately? Like others have said, they’re busy with their kids and just living their lives! If they live that close, how would anyone know whether or not they have dinner etc.?

        The other thing I’d like to ask is why J Garner is accused of papping out her kids. She seems like someone intent on not hiding out like so many hollywood stars. Is it her fault she is followed around by the paps everywhere? Matt Damon’s wife isn’t a star. She’s not interesting to the paps unless she’s with Matt. She’s lucky. She can take her kids to the farmer’s market and not have photographers taking pics of her every move. Think it’s a bit unfair to accuse Jen of being a famewhore when we don’t know it’s true.

    • Emma - the JP Lover says:

      I really hate it when people say “I have never seen, read, etc. such and such, so it must have never happened.” The Damons and Afflecks ‘have’ been photographed together out at dinner and on vacation.

      Google is our friend.

      • Abby says:

        Yikes calm down. I didn’t say ERMAHGERD the tabloids said it so it MUST be true. I just commented that I don’t think I’ve ever seen them together in photos. After googling, I see three different “occasions.” So definitely, the women must be BFF.

      • RHONYC says:

        LMFAO Abby! thanks for making me look up ‘ERMAHGERD’, lol!

        when you Google Image the name that’s when the ‘rill’ laughter begins.

        i am still laughing while i type this. too f*cking funny!!!

        😆 😆 😆


  3. flor says:

    Well, Jennifer is friends with Jessica Biel and Luciana is pretty close with Emily Blunt. I guess they like different kind of people.

    Also, this story is interesting because Ben seems to dislike being married.

    • Caroline says:

      totally agree … I think the Krasinskis are probably more fun for the Damons and less judgey and uptight.

      And it HAS to grate being the only non-industry spouse in that foursome, esp since Jennifer so eagerly trots out her family for professional gain. I’d rather be friends w Lucy too.

      • RHONYC says:

        i dunno. i get a sense of security, self-worth & high self-esteem from Luciana.

        if anything, it probably grates Jen that perhaps Matt’s wife is so well liked (& not to mention naturally gorgeous) without (allegedly) fame-whoring out her family. just a theory. 😉

    • Caroline says:

      and LOL “Ben seems to dislike being married” = truth

    • Lisa says:

      Yeah, Ben’s always over at Matt’s but apparently not the other way around. That was the most interesting part of the story to me.

  4. aims says:

    It’s not mandatory for the wives to be bestfriends. As long as they’re civil, then it’s fine. I think one maybe more comfortable being in the lime light then that other wife.

  5. spinner says:

    I’ve always had the feeling that the wives did not like each other. Remember when Jen had the birthday party for her daughter & even though the Damon’s live right down the street…they did not attend. hmmmm…
    On a side note…Matt is really starting to age.

  6. marie says:

    I can believe it, but I’d like to know why they dislike each other. was it a certain instance or something that grew over time?

    • cr says:

      Doesn’t have to be one ‘thing’, can be that they just don’t have anything in common.

      • marie says:

        true, but just because you have nothing in common with someone doesn’t mean that you don’t like them.

      • Runs with Scissors says:

        They don’t have anything in common?

        They are both married to famous actors who have known each other for years, they both came from other states and they both live in Hollywood, and they both have kids the same age.

        That seems like enough in common to have a friendly chat over some birthday cake, no?

      • Emma - the JP Lover says:

        Guys, the Damons have not always lived in Hollywood, and they haven’t sold their NYC home either. Before buying the house down the street from Ben, Matt Damon hadn’t lived in Hollywood for over 10 years. So luci is used to a different environment. Not to mention the fact that she’s not an actress and therefore not used to being ‘on’ all the time like Jen Gardner, and Jen is still a working actress.

        But personally? I don’t buy this story at all. Luci’s not out walking/pimping her kids with Jen, so the two women ‘must’ hate each other. Right. Reads like another ‘assumption’ piece by a Tabloid.

      • Yup, Me says:

        Um, have you seen the way Jennifer Garner leaves her house? Girlfriend, is not looking anywhere near “on” even if she is letting the paps know where to catch her.

    • bluhare says:

      Well, back in the day when Ben met Jen #2, wasn’t she a big star coming off Alias? Word back then was that she wasn’t very nice. And that she really had a thing for Affleck after working with him on some terrible movie I don’t remember.

      And if Luciana (see thread below) isn’t exactly a girls girl, I can see why they don’t like each other. Although as far as faces go, Garner’s seems more open, but what the hell do I know.

  7. LadyJane says:

    From what I have heard, Matt’s wife is pretty conniving. That’s from people who knew her back in the pre-Matt days when she a bartender in Florida; a single mom. They say she played her cards right to get Matt but it wasn’t all ‘innocent girl’ stuff. She knew what she was doing. She was described as calculating and not a girls girl. But who knows, maybe she is nice enough and those people are just bitter begrudgers.

    • lin234 says:

      I’d love to hear their love story- how he fell for her. I think you’d have to be a bit conniving to get a top actor to fall for you when you’re a bartender. You know any deets on how she play she played her cards.

      • Emma - the JP Lover says:

        Well, Matt Damon was the one who chose to sit at the bar and talk to her night after night while she worked–and she worked in a busy club–so how conniving could she have been? I’m inclined to believe it was the fact that she ‘didn’t’ play the ‘girls’ game with him that got his attention.

        Do you really think she had to connive to get Matt because she was a ‘single mom’ and not famous? I guess a ‘girls’ girl would think that, it must be in the ‘girls’ rule book or something.

    • it must be the bunnies says:

      Again I see the words girl’s girl, coming from a ‘lady’ and criticizing another woman!!! The bartender snatched the cute rich boy? More power to both of them, cause they both have benefited. Celebitchy reposting and speculating on some crappy girls at each others throat story? How mature! But maybe it’s a slow Friday and anything for a hit, eh?

    • Amanda says:

      “She was described as calculating and not a girls girl.”

      Chelsea Handler, is that you?!

      I kid. But seriously, I’d take the Damons over the Afflecks any day. There is something about Bennifer that seems very calculating and staged. Plus, his preening about missing out on the Best Director Oscar nomination really grated on my nerves. Get over yourself, dude. It wasn’t that long ago you were serving up crapfests like Gigli and Surviving Christmas.

      • LadyJane says:

        Wowza. I was just saying what I heard. As many posters have said in the past – this is a gossip forum. Not all gossip is supportive and full of sweetness and light. If you are looking for fairness, equality and real news, you are probably in the wrong place. This is a place where we revel in speculation and hearsay. I find it odd that you would expect something different from a website called Celebitchy. And again, I am sure she is nice as pie. Who knows – I don’t know her.

      • alc says:

        I’m with you! Ben Affleck seems like a bit of a douche with no sense of humour (or maybe it is because he is so busy being INTENSE,he’s an actor you know!) and it has to be his way or the highway, even in social circles. And if he doesn’t like something he’s gonna take his game and stomp home and slam the door, just like any 6 year old would. I’d hang with the Damons’ crew in a minute. They look like they have a fun time whenever I see them and very family oriented. I kind of feel sorry for Jennifer Garner because she wants “the Perfect Hollywood family life” and she works hard at it. The kids seem happy, their adorable and she looks like she’s really into the family thing and then Dad comes home! Ah crap, everyone quiet, let dad think, let dad emote, let dad perfect his intense look in the mirror. Oh well, she knew what she was getting when she married him. She’s said in interviews she’s “a fixer”. I guess this is just her biggest project.

    • Lisa says:

      @LadyJane – I think it’s interesting, and it doesn’t piss me off. Share more if you can. I think lin234 feels the same.

      • LadyJane says:

        Okay, that is what I can remember (it was a long time ago). She was working in a upmarket bar in Florida, and was a single mom. Very ambitious but in the sense of getting a rich husband, not in the form of making a career for herself. Had no time for other women, saw them only as competition. He wasn’t the first high-roller she went after but others were not famous, only rich. She was his type (latina looks) and he saw her as strong and independent non-hollywood type. She played her cards perfectly, playing v hard to get. He really fell for her and especially her kid who she introduced to Matt v early on. In general I remember them saying that she was v bitchy and back-stabby to other women and sweet as pie to the men. (Again with the disclaimer: I don’t know her. I hope she is lovely. I think they look v nice as a family etc. etc. This is just what I remember some people saying who worked with her at the time she met Matt).

      • Lisa says:

        Thanks for sharing. It’s an interesting story, whether it’s true or not. I also hope she is lovely and think they seem like a happy family.

    • irishserra says:

      I love that he went for the down-to-earth working-class type of girl; and a single mom at that. I don’t know why, but it always just made me a little softer toward him.

    • kristiner says:

      I’d buy that. She was a bartender and they did get married right when Luciana found out she was pregnant. Check and mate. A baby and ring.

      Jen Garner was pregnant when the got married too but she also had millions in the bank from movies and Alias. Not a bartender and single mom and a from what I know I read once deadbeat ex husband. Miami ain’t that cheap.

      • kibbles says:

        Just because a woman is rich or educated doesn’t mean they are any less of a gold digger than a poor woman. Examples: Selma Hayek and pretty much anyone who has ever slept with her fugly husband; Kate Middleton,. There have always been rumors that Garner always tried to marry up. I don’t know anything about Matt’s wife but kudos to her for making the best of her situation and marrying a rich and successful man who seems to adore her and their children. I’d much Rather be in her marriage than Ben and Jen’s arrangement.

    • pato says:

      ah thanks for this comment, I was going to post something similar. I have a friend who worked with her in that pub, both were illegal inmigrants, she said the lady knew how to catch a guy´s attention, but not in a bad way.
      I didn`t like her the minute I read they met somewhere else, like she was ashamed of saying she worked as a waitress.

      • Dena says:

        They could be sisters under the skin–recognizing the self in the other AND that could be why they don’t get along, if it’s true.

        Not that anyone cares but there is something that I just don’t like about Matt Damon. He comes off as being too self-righteous to me. Ben Affleck seems like a a-hole whiny douche. Okay. So there. I don’t like either of them.

  8. Toot says:

    Jennifer is an Aries, whom can be real pills, sorry Aries posters. I could totally understand Luciana keeping her distance from her.

    • Maria says:

      you realize that people dont have characteristics based on the day they were born, right?

    • Kashmir says:

      Really? How stupid.

    • V4Real says:

      Yes I’m sure Luciana told Jen hey your an Aries so it was written in the stars that I wouldn’t like you. People please stop blaming others compatabilities on star signs. Being an Aries just means Jen was born in either March or April.

    • Toot says:

      I know people have different views on astrology, to each their own, but in MY view from personal experience I stand by my statement.

      I know all people aren’t the same because of when they’re born, but certain traits are always there.

      • megsie says:

        Would be funny if Luciana turned out to be an Aries too.

      • Toot says:

        @ megsie

        It would be, lol, and I could really understand why they wouldn’t get along.

      • V4Real says:

        @Toot I hope you’re not basing your personal experience on one or two Aries that you know; that would just be coinsidence. Now if you conducted a study that involved a large group of people with various star signs; your statement might hold water. Personal experience on one or two people; just wouldn’t cut it.

      • lady X says:

        I am a very religious Christian and even I do not get uptight about people believing in astrology .. I actually believe there is a lot of truth to it …
        I tell you one thing I can no stand is when other put people down for what they believe in .. If that is what they believe let it be.. it is just so annoying cause those same people will be preaching tolerance if my group of people were to speak against gays or who ever.. just let people have their believes… goodness

        Rant over .. BTW I am a Libra and everyone loves us

      • V4Real says:

        @Lady X People can believe in what they want but saying Jen and Luci don’t get along because of star signs is just ridicules.

      • vvvoid says:

        I’m educated, I perfectly understand the logical fallacy of fundamental attribution error, but I do buy into astrology still based on personal experience, silly or not.
        I go based on whole charts though, not just sun signs. I had my chart done once by a perfect stranger who did not interview me or know my name, only birth date, exact birth time and location. Based on a freakin asteroid in the asteroid belt and its placement during the time of my birth, they added “you are keen to detect patterns in behavior, particularly aberrant behavior relating to the macabre, violence, the occult, spirituality, and have a fixation on both sex and death.”
        I was a forensic psychology major with a focus on sex crimes and serial murder.
        Stunned me.
        Whatever, could be all coincidence, but it also said that though I am an Aquarius, my planets, houses, etc all add up to make me essentially a Pisces-Aquarius. The thing that startled me about that was, well first of all…I identify with Pisces and always have, but later found out that I was supposed to be born a Pisces. I was premature, my umbilical cord was strangling me so they had to do a c-section 3 weeks early.
        It might all be BS but it’s a fun little pseudo-science all the same.
        I have little experience with Aries women, my brother is an Aries and all the Aries I have known are very headstrong, stubborn, energetic, ambitious.

        My take on Jen v. Luciana…they come from two totally different worlds. There is more to a woman than who she is married to and how old her kids are, so I buy they have little in common. I also buy that maybe Jennifer had a suspicious view of Luciana based on how she “caught” Matt, fairly or unfairly, and maybe Luciana doesn’t feel welcome around her. Whatever the grudge is between them, it has to be something Matt sides with his wife over for more than just the sake of keeping her happy…he’s an upright person, so something like Jennifer thinking he was “duped” would explain it.

    • Maxx says:

      I’m into the whole astrology thing…. and I agree Aries are great friends but I would never want one as a lover (I’m a water sign so incompatible)
      *my own opinion from my own experiences

    • Ems says:

      Aries women are my least favorite of the entire zodiac, so that makes total sense. Also, Luci was my customer when I worked on the upper west side, where she was one of the absolute nicest in a sea of entitled, overpriviledged young moms, so I will forever be in her camp.

  9. lin234 says:

    Jen is so lucky she has this whitewashed image. Didn’t she social climb her way to Ben Affleck? She got him by getting pregnant first before he proposed. Like there was always some overlap between the guys she was dating and new relationships? And every guy she’s dated happened to be more famous than the other…

    I can imagine her doing the same thing with friends- she only makes friends if they are on equal standing or even more famous than her. Like there has to be something in it for her to make the effort.

    • Ranunculus says:

      I think Garner runs a well oiled PR campaign for herself as the down to earth, wholesome and caring mother, but really she is calculating as hell to come out on top and in good reputation when their marriage goes sour.

    • megsie says:

      I hear this about Jen trapping Ben with a baby often, yet Luci was also pregnant when Matt married her and I never hear the same said about her. Interesting.
      Also, fwiw Ben was low man on the totem pole when Jen began dating him. Professional prospects were dim for him to say the least. If anything she was dating down.

      • Jane says:

        Matt and Lucy had been dating for over two years when she got pregnant and Matt said they had been trying to get pregnant for a while (on Barbara Walters Oceans special).

      • lin234 says:

        megsie: I don’t think anyone knows much about Lucy because Luci is not famous and Matt is very private.

        Even if Ben was on the low end of his career, he was infinitely more famous than Jen’s tv co-star on Alias, Michael Vartan. There were rumors she cheats with a jump-off before she ends a relationship.

        Jen was always more of a tv star than movie star. She made a play for it but it wasn’t going that great. By getting with Ben, I believe it’s how she’s been keeping her movie career alive. Notice she always plays bit side roles in movies. She can’t carry a movie on her own. Also, I loved her in Alias.

      • megsie says:

        At the time, Vartan starred in Monster in Law, which was a respectable hit. Ben did Man About Town which went straight to video. Everyone, and I mean everyone, believed Ben was finished. Vartan was moving successfully to the big screen. Jen had 13 Going on 30 which did very well.

        Ben also discussed how much he wanted to start a family months before Jen became pregnant, I think it was a tv guide interview. Or Details. I also remember he spent Christmas with Jen’s family in West Virginia before the pregnancy which indicates to me he was very serious about the relationship. We’re going back a long way now! 😀

      • lin234 says:

        I saw Monster in Law and never remembered Vartan in it. That was Charlize Theron’s movie.
        I had no idea about Ben’s flop. But the truth is with long-standing actors like him, there is always a 2nd, 3rd, 4th chance. Unless he gets destroys his looks, he will always get another chance. Even men who destroy their looks, like Mickey Roarke, get 2nd chances. Notice Meg Ryans is no longer in movies.

        But I do remember that Jen’s next movie Elektra was a huge flop and this was when she was transitioning from tv girl to movie actress. Huge difference.

        I don’t remember paying that much attention to their courtship only that she was still on Alias when she started up with Ben and how awkward it was to finish Alias with her ex. (that she probably cheated on) I think her car was spotted outside Ben’s house one early morning before she officially broke it off with Vartan?

      • Katie says:

        @lin234 Charlize Theron was in Monster, Michael Vartan/J.Lo/Jane Fonda were in Monster-in-Law.

        Also, I remember her and Vartan practically getting stalked at the beginning of their relationship. This was the early days of gossip on the ‘net and I wasn’t even searching it out, but it was everywhere that he had parked his car in such and such place so it didn’t look like he stayed the night. Believe me, this didn’t go unnoticed.

      • lin234 says:

        Katie- whoops I don’t watch movies with J-lo in them.

        Oh yea before that Jen was married to Foley and there was an overlap with Vartan there. I remember this was before online gossip and I never got magazine’s so it was pretty public then but she’s always managed to escape being called a cheater herself.

      • megsie says:

        About Scott Foley – he was an ass. I’m sorry, but he treated Jen terribly. A vcitim of the green eyed monster and emotionally abusive to boot. I have no sympathy for him. Cheating didn’t end that marriage as Scott himself admitted.
        I remmeber many stories about Vartan drinking himself into oblivion over the New Year 2004 after Jen broke it off. He was seen in several clubs (twice by friends of mine) drowning his sorrows, flirting. Supposedly he and Jen cautiously made up after a month or so. Everything fell apart when Ben visited the Elektra set to film a cameo. Vartan absolutely adored her but imo Jen was only half heartedly onboard. I imagine it’s nice to have someone adore you after coming off a miserable marriage to a man who berates you for the sake on his own brusied ego. Comparing Vartan and Affleck (NOT a long standing actor w/ a good track record) at the time, Vartan was the better option, I think. But the heart wants what the heart wants.

    • EmmaStoneWannabe says:

      Every quality you just describes sounds like Kim K.

      • lin234 says:

        Except with a wholesome no makeup image. Jen’s PR team is top-notch for sure. She’s making a career in movies playing the wholesome down-to-earth mother.

        I think she’s probably a really great mother. Just shady when it comes to relationships. I think she’ll stick with Ben even if he were to cheat, just because there is no jump-off higher than Ben for her at this time and Jen doesn’t date down.

      • Ranunculus says:

        Both Affleck and Garner seem to be more celebs than actors. They know the right people in HW and know how to play the game. Yet you never see a decent performance from them in movies.

        Affleck is one of the worst actors out there and his talents as a director are pretty overrated. If he were a good director he would never cast himself in the lead. The Town was just OK but not really great and Argo was way off in terms of what really happened during the hostage crisis.

        Affleck is just another smarmy butt kissing douche that has way too much influence in HW.

    • megsie says:

      Rummaging throught the old memory files here – Elektra was a bomb, yes, but it bombed long after Jen and Ben began dating. 13 Going on 30 did so well, at that point it was expected that Jen would make the leap.
      I disgree about Ben. He was in a bad bad place no one expected him to crawl out of. His performance in Hollywoodland (also after Jen G) was a shimmer of hope but even then Ben has admitted he remained in actor’s jail for years. In 2004, Ben was hardly more than a has-been joke. So many have failed, so few make a comeback. At the time, I would have bet good money Ben would be another HW casulty.

    • lin234 says:

      Megsie: I think it’s obvious you’re a huge fan of Jen’s and that’s perfectly fine but I’m just not buying her wholesome image.

      Bad marriage? Get a divorce first before jumping into bed with someone else. File the papers then jump into bed for all I care. Otherwise if you’re F—ing someone without breaking it off with another person it’s called CHEATING. If you have to sneak around with another person, something is wrong.

      So she does it once but what about the same pattern the second time? She’s a serial cheater. In fact, I’ll even go as far as saying I hope Ben cheated on her with Blake Lively. She should get a taste of her own medicine. They deserve each other.

      And even if you want to forget this whole Vartan versus Ben’s career at the time, lets talk about money. Even with his movie flops, Ben had a much larger bank account than Vartans. In fact, that’s the pattern. Each guy she’s been with had a much larger bank account than her last jump-off. If she ever gets off the Ben-wagon, it’ll probably be with some mega-rich businessman or producer.

      Also, she courts the paparazzi like it’s nobody’s business and has sold out her kid’s for more publicity and fame. You rarely to never see Matt’s kids. It’s possible to keep kids out of the limelight. Jen likes the attention her earth mother image brings her.

      And I guess I’ve never seen Ben as a has-been even when he was flopping left to right with gigli and whatnot. It’s almost like Reese. She’s been having some major flops in the box office but I just think it’s a stagnant period for her. She’s still a long-standing star and just a matter of time before she picks a good one. Ben has been a established movie star for a long period of time before his flops. Long-standing actors don’t go away simply because of a few movie flops. If anything he over-saturated the market with his Bennifer act. He needed to go away for a while because everyone was sick of his face.

      • anneesezz says:

        Why on earth do you care so much about someone you don’t know?

      • megsie says:

        To be honest, lin, I do think she’s a nice lady. Maybe better to say I assume she’s a nice lady, and I assume that largely because I’ve never heard anything nasty said about her. Never. Not once. On gossip sites, yes. But, as many others here can attest, living in LA you hear things. Friend of a friend blah blah. Those who have run into her, professionally or otherwise, inevitably have nice things to say. Two others on this thread alone attest to that. So, yes, I think it’s strange and even sad that she gets hell from so many who “have a feeling” she’s a bitch.
        I heard enough stories about Scott (including one from a couple sitting next to him and Jen in a restaurant who overheard him chew her out for working too much) that I feel confident there’s truth to them. As for being a fan, I did catch Alias sometimes and liked it. Other than that have seen just three of her movies. So I wouldn’t say “fan” is accurate.

        Jen cheated? How do you know this? Because you seem certain. A quick google search tells me Jen and Scott separated March 2003. Are there pic of her with Vartan previous to this?

        We’ll just have to agree to disagree about the state of Ben’s career circa 2003. A long standing actor with a solid success rate behind him he was not. Remember the rumors that Matt wrote Good Will Hunting alone, with Ben riding his coattails? There waseven a play written about it! Ben was simply not to be taken seriously. It was flop after flop after flop long before Gigli. He’s an immensely talented man but his career had tanked. In fact, at the time many suggested he hooked up with JLo hoping to gain Alist status. The irony, eh? lol

      • lin234 says:

        Megsie: I’ll take your word on Ben’s career. When I was a kid in the 90’s he just seemed like such a huge star to me. And I just realized I haven’t seen that many movies with him in it or really followed his movies. I do here from time to time about him in the news.

        I was a huge fan of alias and I just remember there was always some serious side-eye with Jen’s relationship ending and starting. I don’t have proof but I guess I find her irritable these days. I don’t like or dislike her. She’s very taupe. I just think there’s a lot more to her than the dimple parade.

        anneesezz: Just bored today I guess. I don’t normally comment as much as today. You’re not obligated to read.

      • bluhare says:

        If you think cheating is awful, why slag it on the one hand and then say you hope Ben cheated with Lively?

    • taxi says:

      I believe that paps don’t need any help or alerts to catch the Affleck kids. The kids go to school, have activities (karate), eat ice cream & help buy organic produce @ Brentwood Market & local farmers’ mkts, with an ice cream here & there.

      Those schedules are predictable & don’t need alerts from any PR team to figure out where to go to see locals out in the ‘hood.

      • lin234 says:

        oh ok, I guess other celebrity offspring never leave their houses for school or they must rarely go to school.

  10. Jane says:

    Matt and Lucy still live in NY with their family and were moving to LA later this year. They were only living next to Ben for a few months last year while Matt filmed the Liberace movie.

    The ‘save the date’ cards were sent before the Oscars, because the Post got the story from rumors at Oscars night parties (so they claimed).

  11. Ranunculus says:

    I am surprised Matt is still friends with Ben. Esp after his pap friendly remarks regarding Garner/Affleck. Its so obvious they, Garner/Affleck call the paps every week when they are out with their kids.

    • Mia 4S says:

      Sometimes it takes a friend to tell the truth. Look it’s the Enquirer so it’s probably crap but Matt’s comments were hardly shocking. Jen and Ben play the pappazzi game when it suits them and no one gives a crap about Garner as an actress anymore? No lies there!

      • Anne says:

        That may be the case but a true friend does in privately. Not a fan of either one but Matt sounded like a jealous, bitter frenemy.

      • Ranunculus says:

        @ Anne
        I think its Affleck/Garner who seemed to have no problem with shoving their privacy into the paps lenses.

  12. eileen says:

    Yikes-Matt is not aging well. Or maybe its a bad photo??

  13. Dani V says:

    I don’t know. I don’t like the way this story puts women in a bad light so I don’t want to believe it. These guys go back a long way and their wives come from different worlds. Maybe it is as simple as that. I hope so.

  14. Guesto says:

    Matt Damon always talks about Lucy in such a loving and genuine way. That’s good enough for me to believe that she, like Matt, is sound as a pound. If she’s not keen on Garner, then I’m sure she has her reasons but I certainly can’t see jealousy being one of them since (a) she’s the one with the very happy home life and the adoring husband and (b) Affleck’s recent status change has no impact on how well Matt is regarded and respected as both a person and an actor.

  15. phlyfiremama says:

    They got married at city hall. She probably just wants the “dream” wedding she missed marrying Matt. They seem to work pretty well together, all things considered.

    • Tulip Garden says:

      I think that it’s great to celebrate their successful union with a trip/vow renewal b/c, like you said, they didn’t have a wedding the first time. Also, if they are doing it to help keep the fire alive, good to them for tending the flame.

  16. Lem says:

    So the story is Lucy thinks Jen is playing a pap game so she planned a wedding renewal to show Ben up?
    Sounds legit.

  17. danielle says:

    Silly story. But the Damons seem cool, and the Afflecks rub me the wrong way.

  18. Miss M says:

    I don’t buy this story. But I would believe if they are not friends, just because they may have a bit different life styles/priorities, I don’t know. I think Jennifer loves loves the A-list glamour, interviews, paparazzi, etc. I don’t think Lucy is interested in all that.
    Sometimes, you just don’t have a compatibility to be friends, but it doesn’t mean you can’t stand each other.

    • j.eyre says:

      One of my oldest friend’s husband and my husband genuinely don’t like each other. They can be civil if they need to but we know they are doing it just for us so we keep their interaction to a minimum.

      It is not ideal but it is the situation so we do what we canto make everyone involved happy.

  19. megsie says:

    I don’t know about this. Jen once said they were “all married together.” They’ve taken family vacations together, been photographed visiting each others homes, shopping together, having dinner together. I also remember Matt has said how close the kids are and Ben saying how happy he was to see their kids playing together like he and Matt once did. I can buy that jen and Luci aren’t friends, but I’m far from convinced they’re enemies.

    As for Matt not showing up for the Oscars, I think that was the thoughtful thing to do. Had he been there, it would have turned into another Matt and Ben show. I believe Matt stepped back to allow his friend a well deserved moment in the spotlight.

  20. Happymom says:

    I can appreciate that Luciana keeps a low profile. Sometimes when a non-famous person marries a celeb they start getting a little fame-whorey (side eye to Hilaria Baldwin).

    • Oops says:

      yes, some would have a very different behavior. It must be strange to be married with someone famous and realize that you’re observed by millions of people, I don’t know how I would handle it.

  21. Debbie says:

    Well I’m team mrs Damon I don’t know what it is but I can’t stand jennifer Gardner and her fake cutesy act. She grates.

    The Damon’s just seem like a loving normal family. And I always hope Ben gets free of Bennifer 2.0

    • NYCGAL says:

      Debbie, I agree. I find JG so grating and fake. I think her true colors came out when she was so rude to Gary Busey and when she wrongly corrected Conan, a Harvard grad, on his grammar. Get over yourself!

  22. ShazBot says:

    From Luci’s side…would you be able to be friendly with your husband’s best friends wife when you (probably) know all the stuff he’s been up to behind her back? I’d probably have a hard time looking her in the eyes.

  23. my .02 says:

    Let’s put this in real world (ie: not celebrity) terms. Your husband’s best friend has a wife you don’t get along with, so you don’t hang out as families much. Your husband’s friend gets a big promotion at work. Do you think you schedule a big vow renewal because you’re trying to show up the friend? Please.

    This article has the angle wrong. If anything, the two women don’t like each other, and Matt’s wife was sticking it to Jennifer, who loves to play the “good wife” role and is obviously being taken for granted by Ben. The term “damning with faint praise” comes to mind. 🙂

  24. Gina says:

    I think Lucy is a lovely woman. (I don´t know if I could say the same about Jennifer Garner…)
    I believe they are not friends. But,it doesn’t mean they can’t stand each other.

    • paranormalgirl says:

      From what I hear from my friend (who is in the business, currently a casting agent, but at one time was a production assistant on a bunch of Jennifer Garner’s films), Jennifer Garner is actually really nice, down to earth, and fun.

      • Jill says:

        Jennifer Garner seems nice, down to Earth, and fun. People don’t like her because she’s a little over exposed. If Luci was photographed as often as Jennifer we’d be saying the same things about her.

  25. Scal says:

    From what I remember, they had sent out the save the dates for the vow renewal way back in December. So I don’t think it has anything to do with the Oscar.

    I think it’s because they got married in a courthouse, and Damon’s wife wants to wear a wedding dress. But the vow renewal is no kids right?

  26. poppy says:

    team damons every. damn. time.
    the way they play the game is 10000 times more sophisticated and palatable.
    if she dislikes the afflecks, i can get behind that. i would really hate if ben a$$flack was at my house often and would have a very difficult time understanding a woman that would intentionally keep procreating with a total hosebeast. the damons were probably pulling her aside at every chance whispering RUN. after the 3rd baby i guess they had to ease up.
    maybe i’m giving too much credit to garner.

    perhaps their vow renewal (groan) has something to do with a special date for them as a couple or must be scheduled around work commitments?

    • vvvoid says:

      Hosebeast! Party on Wayne, party on Garth.

      Psycho-hosebeast is like my favorite insult ever. It makes no sense.

      Must’ve watched that movie until the tape wore thin when I was a kid.

  27. Jackson says:

    Eh, who the hell knows? But I do love reading all of these conspiracy theories, lol. As others have said, it may just be a case of two women who don’t have a connection or a lot in common or whatever. No harm, no foul. It happens. As for their kids playing together, has it not occurred to anyone that the KIDS might not like each other? It happens!

  28. KellyinSeattle says:

    I doubt it’s true; but the press knows everyone loves a catfight. Poor Matt is starting to resemble Mr. Magoo….

  29. Katarina says:

    Matt’s wife is freakin ugly

    • Debbie says:

      What? I wish she was or that I could even pretend she was because I love Matt so but his wife I’d beautiful.

    • Reese says:

      No she isn’t. She is actually very pretty. You are entitled to your opinion though, no matter show stupid it may be 🙂

      • ray says:

        I think the same thing can be said about your opinion.

        Its a general consent that Matt’s wife is average looking.

    • vvvoid says:

      In some photos she’s iight, in others she has like too weak a chin for me or something. I remember thinking she was pretty and exotic when they first got married and I loved her womanly figure but in these photos I really don’t like her teeth. Beautiful eyes though.

    • Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

      Geez, what was that for?!

  30. Chordy says:

    Happy International Women’s Day, National Enquirer!

  31. Emma - the JP Lover says:

    @Celebitchy …

    Matt Damon has three (3) films coming out this year. I imagine he’s been pretty busy, and you’re right. If he’s not nominated, he doesn’t attend award shows. The Damons and Afflecks are different in that the Damons don’t give a shite about appearances or playing the Hollywood game. The Afflecks ‘are’ the Hollywood game.

  32. Jennifer says:

    I could totally see this being true. Lucy being the only spouse not in the industry, I could see her ASSuming that Jen looks down on her (but I highly doubt she does) and react accordingly. But you have to also admit that being a mom of that many kids is just BUSY. Between school, sports, etc..you really have to weed out stuff that isn’t imperative, so it could be that they don’t have a problem with each other, but they’re not close buddies either.

  33. Anon says:

    They are probably not best friends but I don’t think they are enemies. If that was really the case I don’t see them buying a house just down the street from Ben & Jen. This story is just funny seriously.

    I commented before that matt & Lucy met in April 2003. So this is a 10 yr anniversary for them. Matt always refers to their total time together not the years they’ve been married.

  34. Alana Fajina says:

    Personally, Lucianna has always rubbed me the wrong way and I can’t put my finger on it. I’m not a fan of Any of Matt Damon’s movies but I do really like him as a person because of the way he always talks so lovingly about his family. I just never really cared much for her. I like the dimples clan but that doesn’t mean I necessarily buy the ‘at war’ claim. You don’t have to like everyone in this world and not everyone in this world is going to care for you. That’s just life stuff.

  35. Anna says:

    Matt Damon is Mr. Sinister. He looks weird, like he supports space alien colonies spawned inside abandoned UFOs in the Nevada desert left untouched by the CIA, or takes trips to Manchu Picchu to participate in sacrificial lamb slaughters and Rosemary’s Baby devil pow-wow dances dressed but in his bald head, glasses and a Speedo bathing suit. He just strikes me as off, as does their marriage and this blank-looking wife of his

    • carrie says:

      ???? It’s ironic or you need to take your pills and stop to read scientologist stories

      • Anna says:

        I am just having fun, dear. But I still find him sinister. And I never have taken nor ever will take drugs, even the prescription sort. Thanks

  36. Kahlia says:

    When I was in college, a couple of friends stayed at Jennifer Garner’s old house with her parents during a choir tour. They had nothing but great things to say about the impression they got about her from her mom. Not that parents don’t have blinders on when it comes to their kids, but everything her mom told them coincided with the rumors that Jennifer is extremely sweet, down-to-earth, and very close with her family. Maybe she’s one of those people that people hate just because she’s so sweet. Her husband certainly seems to, if you read that interview.

  37. CLAIRE says:

    My opinion, because I am south american (colombian) just like Luciana (argentinian) is that is very hard to become friends with some american women. I am an engineer and I live in a high class neighborhood in Florida, I took accent reduction classes but didn’t work very well, therefore, when I speak I sound like a more educated, less voluptouos Sofia Vergara. Jennifer Gardner strikes me as a someone who pretends to be very nice and has really good manners but its quite bitchy when you know her well, meaning that she is rich, pretty and married to Affleck therefore other species are considered inferior. Condescending would be a good word to describe it. I understand that Luciana might get along better with Emily Blunt because she is british and South americans and Europeans have very similar cultures, remember we were colonized by the spaniards.

    • lrm says:

      yes, it also oworks both ways, however….sometimes europeans and souther american women ‘project’ that it will be hard to be friends with american women, and ‘all american women are like x,y and z’…so it is a self fulfillng prophecy.
      i’ve had a hard time running up against barriers, just trying to ‘friend’ outside my own demographic, with other americans, as well as those from south america or europe.
      Sounds like the neighborhood/area you live in has stark contrasts and stereotypes match the reality. But that does not mean ‘american women are hard to befriend’, across the board.
      Experience can dictate beliefs which can create reality and close one off to other options or experiences….
      and it’s a bummer, for me anyway…..
      Well, you know what they say about assuming…..

    • Original N says:

      @ Claire … I would be friends with you & appreciate your accent, so it isn’t all of us and I’m not certain it is even specific to Americans … in general, people can be hesitant to let others into their lives that they are not certain they will stay around…friendships are, after all, an investment. The world is the absolute best teacher, but then again, maybe that’s why I loved living in England … despite the fact that it did take a long time for the people I lived beside to engage with “the American!”

  38. BuckyBoyd says:

    Maybe they aren’t best friends but i have seen interviews where both Matt and Ben mention how their kids and wives hang out when they do. Maybe they don’t hang out as much as Matt and Ben, but they also didn’t grow up being best friends either.

    And i do know of more than one occasion that Jen and Lucy have hung out. They all went on vacation together one year for a month, they hung out together at Matt’s Bourne premiere and also Ben’s Argo premiere, i have seen paparazzi photos of them out together over the year on double dates and also in 2010 when Jen presented a Golden Globe with Ashton Kutcher, she was with Matt and Lucy that night and Ben wasn’t even there. If they didn’t get along, i highly doubt she’d be hanging out with them.

    One more thing, fans don’t know anything about Lucy. You defend Lucy like you know her personality, etc but the truth is…we don’t know anything about her. Maybe she isn’t fun to be around or maybe she can be a bitch? Jennifer Garner is known for being friends with basically every one she meets in Hollywood.

  39. Sol says:

    Maybe Jennifer who is a family woman doesn’t like how Luciana always seems to not include her first child in any family activity.
    We never see her as opposed to her other daughters.
    Parents that start a new family sometimes set aside first marriage kids i’ve seen this happen with mothers and fathers , that didn’t want the previous child to form part of the new family and the other parent accepts just to keep the man or woman.

    So it’s not impossible Luciana did the same and that’s why Jen doesn’t like her much.

  40. skuddles says:

    Well Luciana can always comfort herself with the knowledge that Jen’s hubby likely cheats and hers does not. At least I’ve never heard a single cheating rumor about Damon.

  41. Patrice says:

    Can I sincerely ask why everyone-as well as the press-is perfectly ok and gung-ho with referring to Lucy’s eldest daughter as “Matt’s” when Giselle got dragged over coals for doing the same thing ONCE about Tom’s son John with Bridget Moynahan? Lucy’s daughter’s father was in her life when she and Matt first met so unless he adopted her over the past few years, I truly don’t see how the circumstances are any different. I mean, it’s not like “step-daughter” or “step-son” are bad words, you know?

    Also, I 100% believe that Jen & Lucy don’t get along. I’ve long suspected that Garner might be a very different woman behind the public image (as many celebs turn out to be).

    • Lyn says:

      Because he’s a man.

    • ebrca says:

      I think it’s was Giselle’s tone (she made it sound like Bridget Moynahan wasn’t the primary caregiver/mom in the role), made every one annoyed at her. Where as Luciana’s eldest child’s bio dad, doesn’t seem to be in the picture (I could be wrong), and Matt is the primary father figure in the child’s life. Matt, from what I’ve read, makes a point to claim his stepdaughter as his own to tell reporters that he doesn’t see her or love her any less that his bio-kids, that there’s no difference – basically to stop any labeling.

  42. Kim says:

    Isn’t it funny we never hear about two men not getting along ? Reece’s husband Jim hates Drew’s hubby,Will. Sexism

    • Jane says:

      And you never will. Tabloids, gossip sites and the people that purchase and read them want to see women at each other’s throats. It sells, men not liking each other does not. “Cat fights” are what folks want.

      Triangles rarely include two men and one woman, if you notice but two women who fight over the man. It is all about the audience.

      Why do you think that Clooney and men like him are cool, confirmed bachelors and women that date around are “sluts”.

  43. Clairetoo says:

    How many people besides her kids and Ben have you seen Jen hanging with? I recall ONE picture of her finishing up a workout with a girlfriend, otherwise just pictures with family. I love Jen and Ben. I agree with Claire on the American women comment. Or maybe Jen and the Luciana just have nothing in common. That happens too you know!

  44. christinarowe says:

    Luciana used to be Ben Afflecks personal assistant, that is how she met Matt Damon.

    • BuckyBoyd says:

      No, she was working as a bartender in Miami that Matt frequented while he was filming a movie.

    • Shoe_Lover says:

      It was the girlfriend before Luciana that was BA’s assistant

      OMG- i cant believe i retained that information.

  45. Anna says:

    Tell my why Jennifer is Always in the gossip news in a parking lot either getting into or out of a car with her kids. I also see her,always With the kids in stores, parks, etc.

    I never ever see Matt Damons kids or wife outside walking or shopping.

    Jennifer must be tipping off the paps. why would any mom do this to their kids?

    Full enclosure: I love Matt Damon. He is one of my all time favorite actors. I hope for his sake his marriage is functional.

  46. Anon says:

    I literally see pap pics of Ben & Jen everyday sometimes. I don’t quite understand why. They are not doing anything exciting. Matt and family have definitely been papped but not nearly as much as Ben & family. Matt even said if they would’ve gotten as bad as Ben does they wouldn’t be moving to la.

  47. Itsa Reallyme says:

    Just because they don’t parade around in public together, doesn’t mean they don’t hang out. I’ve heard Matt talk about how they get the little girls together to play.
    Also, if Matt’s wife didn’t like Jen, then I don’t think she would have agreed to be neighbors.

  48. The Wizz says:

    is anyone else thinking how much better Ben has aged than Matt?

  49. HubbaBubba says:

    The Damon’s only recently started living in LA full time where there is a pap on every corner. If they don’t shelter their kids for the real world I’m sure we will start to see more ‘sightings’ of them too.

  50. Jennifer says:

    Even though Ben has a tendency to put his foot in his mouth, I like him better than Matt for one reason >> I haven’t forgotten how Minnie Driver found out they were broken up- she heard about it on TV. Matt is NOT a class act.

    • Jane says:

      Someone has to bring this up every time. The Oprah story is not true. Minnie and Matt had broken up before the show (and Minnie admits it).

      • Jennifer says:

        Can you perhaps post a link or something showing that it’s false?? The only mention of it not being true that I can find is you stating that it’s so. Which isn’t enough.

  51. Brittany Ann Jade Graham says:

    I don’t know if i believe this. Do i think they’re the best of friends? No, i think they tolerate each other and try to be friendly.

    Ben Affleck was always known for his two high profile best friends in Hollywood, Matt Damon and Kevin Smith. Jennifer hates Kevin Smith, so Ben cut him out out of his life years ago. (Kevin Smith talks about this all the time, its not gossip. He says he hasn’t seen Ben in years because he chose Jennifer over their friendship). He is still super close with Matt, so i don’t think she hates Lucy if she’s willing to hang out with her.

    • Su says:

      I don’t blame Jen for hating Kevin Smith, you would too if he told everyone that Ben told you he f***d elektra (Jen) in the mouth. Kevin is sleaze, no class.

  52. kay says:

    I can see the wives not being particuarly close; they might just not have much in common besides their husbands and their kids. But i doubt they hate each other; to me neither woman seem like people who would get all catty and feud from like a street away. I doubt matt damon is so jealous of ben he’s pissed off- i mean it’s not like ben is a rising star and matt is on the way down.

  53. CM says:

    I don’t think the two women get along. I get the sense that Jennifer is the ‘warm and friendly’ type, maybe even a ‘people-pleaser’. I think she’s probably reached out to Lucy, but Lucy strikes me as the ‘I don’t really care for you’ type. There’s something about Lucy that makes me think she’s a tough person to get to know and/or a bit on the bitchy side.

  54. Carolyn says:

    Matt Damon could have chosen anyone to be his wife. Surprising he chose who he did. She must have played an awesome game to catch him. And still be with him.

    I imagine both ladies to be difficult and high-maintenance. You’d think they would try to get along though. Whether they do or not, who knows?

    Matt as Jason Bourne…sigh 🙂

  55. Amy says:

    The two families have gone on vacation together before. I seem to remember pictures of them somewhere beachy with surfboards (Hawaii maybe?) and you see Luciana and Jennifer in the pictures. That being said, it’s possible Luciana and Jennifer don’t consider themselves friends.

  56. Manon says:

    Totally agree with Amanda’s post!

  57. Oyn says:

    Sounds made up. They don’t have to be besties, but they can still socialize and respect one another.
    If you want dog a little deeper though – there have been rumblings for the past 7 months that Damon had a side piece.(that’s what this whole renewal ceremony is about) Affleck always gets the bad rep for this but he is actually the faithful one.

  58. Lisa says:

    I doubt they have anything in common. Jennifer is an actress that worked hard to achieve her fame. Luciana was a bartender that got lucky when a famous actor wanted to marry her.

  59. mimi says:

    While I will buy that they don’t like each other, and possibly that Garner is only willing to befriend people who can promote somehow her status/ create career opportunities or are more famous, I do find it odd that if the best friend of a husband gains success, then the obvious reaction is some sort of renewal of vows.

    How is that even a point?

    Perhaps Matt is a bit competitive with his buddy and thought that of the two of them he should have been granted more respect and acclaim than Ben. I hope not.

    Both marriages sound shady a bit, though I would probably prefer to hang with Matt and his wife any day more than Jen and Ben.
    Jen seems uptight and annoying and there’s something about her that is the opposite of “real”. I don’t know.

    You kinda feel as if even her own husband would not want to hang out with her. To her credit, she must be enduring a lot to be almost a single parent and having to put up with a husband who is hardly present and contributing to caring for their children (by his own account).

  60. Suze says:

    It’s all great for gossip, as Lainey would say.

    I’m trying to remember if I think Garner is a good actress or not – last thing I saw her in was Juno and she was pretty good there but not a standout.

    Matt is a MUCH better actor than Ben. Some of Ben’s acting in Argo (and I liked the movie as a whole) was lacking.

  61. Gina says:

    I read somewhere that Matt & Luciana marks 10 years together this year. They met in April 2003,in Miami. I Guess that’s why they decided to celebrate it with their family and friends.
    Luciana and J. Garner aren’t friends, clearly. Luciana has other girl friends like Emily Blunt and Elsa Pataky (Chris Hemsworth’s wife) and Garner is close to J. Biel.
    Anyway, It’s not mandatory for the wives to be BFF’s, as long as they’re civil to each other.
    And like many of you, I don’t like the way the Afflecks appear to papp out their kids…

  62. Silversurf says:

    Is it just me or does anyone find this gossip is set out at a very weird time, soon after the Oscar. I don’t think it is a coincidence since Lainey has been hinting the two wife’s dislike for each other for years and no one seems interested in this before now. Why this particular time? What purpose does the one who spreads the rumor have?

  63. the cassinator says:

    How about the simpler answer? Maybe Matt’s wife can’t stand Ben! Has she ever spent time with Ben and his significant others?

    I can imagine Ben would seem like a bit of a sleaze. Also, remember all those rumors about gambling and drinking problems?

  64. jccw says:

    I think there is a grain of truth to this, but what I find interesting is it seems to be a negative piece of gossip, rather then the fluff pieces usually put out on Garner. Couple that with Bens’ latest pap run-in (which if true, he had every right to protect his child) and I think the crown has slipped a little, something that must grate on our mother of the year. Regardless of gossip being true/false, it does effect the way fans see these celebs.

    • TG says:

      You aren’t seriously falling for Ben and his paparazzi run-in? He and Jen shamelessly used the media and the paps for his Oscar campaign and barely a week goes by and suddenly he has a problem with the paps? So those months leading up to the Oscars are we supposed to believe that no papzo ever got in their face? Now that Oscar is over he doesn’t need the paps. He and his wife are disgusting.

  65. ZenB!tch says:

    Exactly how is sending weird wedding announcements getting at Ben? These are totally different events.

    Maybe it’s getting at Jen, since we all know Ben is a cheater and Luci could be rubbing her face in it.

  66. Felicia says:

    Tangential question: Everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) talks about Ben’s cheating like it’s gospel. Where is this from exactly? The only thing I know about are the Blake Lively rumors.
    Does he screw hookers? Assistants? Who are these women he’s fooled around with because I’ve never heard specifics.

    • Carolyn says:

      not Blake. I think Ben was on with the other actress in The Town – Rebecca Hall. They had amazing onscreen chemistry. Blake was just plain embarassing in it.

      • megsie says:

        @carolyn The Blake stories never seemed as cut and dry to me as they did for many others. What gave me pause was Ben’s 2011 birthday party, which Blake attended with her then bf DiCaprio. Leo is friends (obviously) with Jen and Ben. Why would he put his friends, not to mention his new gf, through such an awkward ordeal if the affair rumors were true? Why would Jen even invite Leo, knowing he would bring her husband’s former mistress along? Just made me wonder.

    • megsie says:

      @felicia That’s a good question. All these years of supposedly incessant cheating yet he’s never been caught. He was caught when he cheated with JLo, and Paltrow all but admitted he cheated on her, too. Either he’s incrediably proficient at covering his tracks (and paying people off left and right) or he’s innocent.

      • kibbles says:

        I remember the rumors of Ben and Rebecca Hall. There was a post about the way he looked at her on Celebitchy several years ago: http://www.celebitchy.com/116097/why_does_ben_affleck_look_adoringly_at_everybody_other_than_his_wife/

        It is also rumored that Hall had an affair with Sam Mendes while he was still married to Kate Winslet. They made their relationship public after Mendes and Winslet got a divorce.

        It would actually be smarter for Affleck to cheat with a co-star rather than sleep with a prostitute or random woman. A co-star such as Hall or Lively would likely never come forward about an affair because they have a reputation to maintain. A prostitute or random woman at the club would be more likely to sell their story for money. And as long as Garner turns a blind eye, then the public will never know what happens behind closed doors.

  67. vvvoid says:

    Someone up thread said Ben has obviously gotten fillers/injections as a reason why he has aged better than Matt.
    If he has had plastic surgery or procedures like that, every actress in Hollywood needs to go to his doctor instead of whomever is currently botching all their faces. He doesn’t look like he’s been touched with botox, he just looks young, it’s kind of amazing. But I would wager that he just got lucky. A lot of men are like that. Matt is also overall less concerned with looking good, hence that awful haircut [but I love him for it]. Matt isn’t a very superficial person I’m guessing.

  68. CC says:

    I honestly don’t know why their profile should be similar. Jen Garner is a star in her own right, who is Luciana Barroso? Never heard of her other than being Matt Damon’s wife.