Justin Bieber tears up Vegas, falls down the stairs & dates a waitress

Justin Bieber

In case you were still wondering what young girls see in Justin Bieber or why he is famous, just look at the above photo that Justin just posted to his Instagram account where the Beliebers are going crazy and leaving comments such as “Is it even legal to that perfect?

Biebs has been tearing up Las Vegas for a couple of days since he lost his second pet monkey, and he’s been Instagramming the whole affair, of course. Here’s a screencap from an idiotic video that Bieber posted about taking a little spill: “So I decided I was going to fall down the stairs. So I did! Hahhahaha. So that’s exactly what I did!” Does this look like the product of a fall to you? I don’t know, and I was going to suspect that Bieber had gotten crazy with a vacuum cleaner, but my sister did that once, and the results looked nothing like this. Oh well.

Justin Bieber

In addition to generally acting like a drugged-up kid with too much money at his disposal, Bieber also decided he didn’t want to pay for an indoor skyride — so he didn’t pay at all:

You can’t fly unless you let yourself fall, sure, but even Justin Bieber might have gone a little too low in this case.

The Biebs and some friends paid a visit to Las Vegas Indoor Skydiving on Sunday, June 16, but a source tells E! News exclusively he was such a bad customer, he’s been placed on the facility’s No Fly list–for life! (A rep for the facility confirmed to E! News that Justin is not allowed back.)

According to a source, the 19-year-old pop star was joined by six people. The group reportedly arrived minutes before closing and agreed to handle payment after flying.

When Justin was approached about payment, he was given the option of doling out some cash or posting an Instagram shot of himself midflight with a favorable comment.

The Biebs reportedly agreed to Insta a selfie as payment, only he failed to do so. According to an insider, Justin “actually faked like he was posting something, per the agreement, but never did.”

If Justin had paid for himself and his group rather than agreeing to the Instagram option, it would’ve cost $1,600. The kicker, though, is that according to a source, the whole crew left without paying or tipping the staff who helped them fly.

On top of that, Justin and his security team were, according to a source, “a disrespectful bunch,” which included reportedly dirtying up the bathroom. One security member allegedly made a mess around the sink, then threw his paper towel on the ground while directly looking at an employee.

A source adds that Selena Gomez’s on-off beau “was very standoff-ish toward mostly everyone outside of his crew,” saying the pop star was “very disconnected from reality.”

Justin’s rep declined to comment.

[From E! Online]

That’s not all though. While Justin was playing his usual role of Lil’ Douche at this “skydiving” facility, he was getting busy with a Vegas waitress named Jordan Ozuna in the waiting room. You can see photos of her getting cozy with Justin here, but I hope Jordan doesn’t think she’s sticking around for long. Justin’s not going to pull a Clooney and dress this girl up for a year’s worth of red-carpet appearances. Nope. This girl was merely a hookup because Bieber continues his search for the next queen of young Hollywood.

Oh, and I guess the story about Scooter Braun wanting Bieber to go into rehab was bogus. Biebs just posted a terrible Instagram video of the two of them looking lovey while Scooter croons, “I Will Always Love You.” Barf.

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and Instagram

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57 Responses to “Justin Bieber tears up Vegas, falls down the stairs & dates a waitress”

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  1. Seattlemomma says:

    This. Kid. I’m losing faith in our youth.

    • Michella says:

      There have been plenty of people from generation to generation that have done the same thing. Its just an effect of having way too much money and no one to set boundaries, and is in no way a reflection of the youth of today. There has been a Justin Bieber as long as there have been famous kids.

      • Denise says:

        Well said. As a Canadian, I would like the US to claim him as their own as they do with all of our talent when they get big enough, we don’t want the association! I live in the UK and he was referred to as American on TV the other day, so we’re almost there!

    • erika says:

      seriously? I SO wish that UK murder plot to kidnap and chop his balls to bit had come to fruition.

      and i’m honestly, not kidding. I HATE HIM and I myself would strangle him till the lights started to dimmer in his bulbless F&*&*King head for his shameful/homicidal treatment of animals. Angels please keep an eye out for that lost monkey. My heart fears we’ll find him in 6 mths. at the bottom of an airport trashbin.

  2. Buckwild says:

    Why is there another dude behind Justin in the first Instagram pic with his hand on his neck…did he fall down the stairs while the two sucked each others’ necks?

    • LadyMTL says:

      Either that or they were clawing at each other in a mad fit of passion, because how do you fall down the stairs and scratch your neck? I can’t even visualize how that’s possible.

      Or maybe the waitress did it? Tried to rid the world of him once and for all? 😛

  3. Kiddo says:

    Hee-hee, the way you wrote the lede, it sounded like an Alice in Wonderland plot. Like Biebs fell down the rabbit hole (stairs), but found a model there instead. Trippy…literally.

  4. Rachel says:

    I cannot wait until this spoiled little brat is a has been.

    • brin says:

      That makes two of us.

      • TheOneAndOnlyOnly says:

        That makes three; this question is probably redundant but does he spend any time, you know, working on his “music” Oh, that’s right, he’s a product that has a battalion of people producing it so he can lip synch for 80 min to the squeals of 8 yr. olds; Sadly, he’s not going away till the parents of said 8 yr. olds turn off the money spigot.
        The fact that they left without tipping or paying is so classy; sue them all in small claims court.

      • littlestar says:

        That makes four of us.

        I cannot believe this little shithead. To be so rude to people just trying to do their jobs, and then to have his leeches (who are basically nobodies) act like ignorant *sses towards the employees… I’ve always said that there’s something wrong with Justin Beiber. Watch interviews of him where he’ll talk about being a good person, saving the world etc. Whatever he says doesn’t reach his eyes. It’s like he knows what he’s saying is a lie, but he’s saying it anyway hoping it’ll make him look good.

    • Dommy Dearest says:

      I’ll take number five gladly.

      • the original bellaluna says:

        Guess I’ll be lucky number 6, and a big fat PLUS EVERYTHING to what every one of you has said!

  5. epiphany says:

    Ahem… ‘dating a waitress?’ I think they meant ‘slept with a waitress.’

    • Meaghan says:

      Just the thought of that made me dry heave. To me, having sex with bieber or Hugh Hefner is equally puke worthy.

  6. Dedrie says:

    Rich Doo-fus real life learn from my mistakes, ‘but there aren’t any, unless I get caught’ diary.. Everything I desire is very expensive and it painfully sucks to be me..

  7. Yelly says:

    He gets more ridiculous by the day.

  8. TG says:

    This punks existence just proves how bad parents are those days. Who would let their child tweet out nonsense like that regarding a celeb or anyone for they matter?

    • atorontogal says:

      He is a filthy rich 19 year old male. He has handlers NOT parents. Do you honestly believe his mother can do anything to curtail his idiocy? WTF do people always blame the parents when youth go astray????

      • littlestar says:

        His mother had a BIG part in raising him and molding him into the person he is today. So yes, I agree that his mother should accept a lot of blame/responsibility for how Justin is acting today.

        I’ve seen some pretty immature 19 year olds, but NONE that come as close to how immature Justin is. It’s like he’s a 12 year old stuck in a… I was going to say man’s body, but we all know his body has barely made it into puberty.

  9. Eleonor says:

    Scooter (dear Lord that’s his real name) was singing a love song to Bieb’s money “I will always love youuu”. At least until the Bieb will go off the rails, and will be broke in a couple of years.

  10. Jane says:

    Can’t we send him to some island somewhere-where no one knows who he is, no money, no fast cars and he has to fend for himself? He needs to totally grow up!

  11. Finn says:

    He is so repulsive.

  12. AnnieN says:

    That pic w/the waitress. Everybody’s wrong, just look at the pic and you can clearly see that she’s just patting his back to get a burp out. Poor Bieber is just colicky! 😀

  13. Joanna says:

    omg the comments on that article with the pictures of the girl are hilarious. this guy posts that justin didn’t pay and these fans jump all over him, saying oh people are lying, blah, blah. hilarious!

  14. Ag says:

    The little boy need his diaper changed, his pants pulled up, and a new shirt put on (he prob spit up on his onsie).

  15. Lb says:

    Where are the baby Bieber pictures? I was duped into opening this post, thinking that as usual there would be at least one picture of that here.


  16. Scarlett says:

    I really feel bad for this generation of young people. They have f*ckups like Bieber and Miley Cyrus to look up to? It’s a crying shame. This kid particular is a trainwreck who will no doubt end up broke one day having burned through all his money. All of his hangers on will disappear when the money train runs dry.

  17. Jayna says:

    When all you’re playing to is 9 to 15 year olds, I guess the only way to feel cool and edgy is your off-stage behavior. You can’t hide the truth, Justin, all you are is a bubblegum tweeny-bopper heartthrob. All the antics in the world won’t make your music more relevant and get the hip-hop crowd in to see you perform.

  18. dcypher1 says:

    Two words mc hammer. With the way he burns his cash he going to go broke. He needs to eat some humble pie and stop being douche. But we all know that’s not going to happen.

  19. Madriani's Girl says:

    Why is it even legal to be that perfectly douchy and stupid?


  20. gg says:

    The hazards of wearing all your wealth on your scrawny little pencil neck.

  21. Gabe says:

    He is not worthy to wear a HEAT cap!

  22. TheyPromisedMeBeer says:

    I know that they’re officially “done”, but I’m really judging Selena Gomez for ever finding this little cretin appealing.

  23. meee says:

    Lord, I just followed the link to the story about the Vegas waitress and the skydiving thing and read the comments there. Extremely entertaining. All I can say is, I’m thankful that the internet wasn’t around when I was a teenager, otherwise much of my time would have been spent defending my crushes of the day.

  24. tinypie says:

    sorry im stoned i forgot to add the link

  25. TheTruthHurts says:

    How can anyone doubt that douchebag got that Maria girl pregnant?

  26. judyjudy says:

    How do his gigantic hats stay on his head?

    Why does he wear such gigantic hats, anyway?

  27. Mia says:

    Little girls only like him because he looks so similar to the rest of the 12 year old boys in school. I can’t stand when people go into a place of business and disrespect the people waiting on them. Who goes to a business that’s about to close and then when you make them stay open late in order use their facilities, you can’t even be bothered pay them or tip them at the end of the night. WTF? Just stay at home, because you don’t have enough basic manners or class to even be in public.

  28. mkyarwood says:

    There’s a blind running around about a soon to be falling star because of his out of control behaviour which notes, tho he loves to take off his shirt, everything else stays on in the bedroom, and there is no touching or looking at his bits. Wee J is the popular guess.

  29. PortlandJan says:

    I know what REALLY happened: Tyler got tired of throwing himself on grenades for him every time he screwed up. So he and Lil Twist snuck up behind him while he was sizzurping and pushed him. Their intentions were laudable but their aim was lousy. Next time, guys, don’t miss.

  30. Quinn says:

    He really is a gross little shit.

  31. Emily C. says:

    I think it’s funny that people think Bieber is at all representative of “kids these days” or the way people parent these days. No, he’s an extremely rich celebrity whose life has always been completely different from virtually anyone else’s, ever. And there have always been boys like this. Actually, we’re doing better. Bieber’s atrocious, but he’s not as bad as rich boys in the Italian city-states of the 17th century, for instance, and his behavior is not considered acceptable by the vast majority of society.

    And man, he just gets fuglier all the time.

    • Bijlee says:

      “but he’s not as bad as rich boys in the Italian city-states of the 17th century”

      LOL! I thought of Casanova with David Tennant. Ewwww Bieber is no Casanova.

      I feel bad for the kid. Here’s a kid who does have talent (yes I do think he has talent), but he’s being used LEFT and RIGHT. His relationship with his dad is effing bonkers, his dad obviously never cared about his son until he started getting famous. And he just had really bad friends (Chris Brown), bad handlers, and a REALLY bad attitude. This is where the boy needs to hunker down, get an education and stop wasting his life with these shenanigans.

  32. lisa says:

    his face is like one big douchey question mark – please world stop making him happen

  33. Bridget says:

    He reminds me so much of Step By Step era New Kids On The Block (not necessarily in behavior) – it was when they were riding highest, but also when they started to look ridiculous with almost the exact same hair and silly outfits (I think Beeb’s pants might just be tighter). And then came the inevitable downfall.

  34. pnichols says:

    There are several in every generation……he just seems more annoying because now we’re older. Lol!

    • ctkat1 says:

      Yup- every generation has the baby-faced pop star that tween girls are obsessed with…until they grow up. Bieber isn’t going to manage a 2nd act like Justin Timberlake did, because he’s turned himself into a punchline. His current fanbase will outgrow him in a couple of years, and he’ll be too old for the new crop of tweens.
      (I grew up in the New Kids era, so I know about tween/young teen obsessions- I slept on a Joey pillowcase).

      The difference now is that we have Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/TMZ, etc. Back in the day, it was pretty easy to avoid hearing about these idiots if you chose- you just didn’t buy the fan magazines or go to the concerts.

  35. Kosmos says:

    As he grows in age, I wonder if he will mature? I think having no more career would kind of move him more toward the growing up stage, but so far, he’s still got enough tweeners and crowds paying to see him that he’ll just continue his child-like behavior without any consequences. I’m totally over this kid.

  36. Tony says:

    Without money and fame, this kid would be a VIRGIN.

    No straight female would ever find him attractive. Way too androgynous to attract legit hot girls. He would be sitting at home on his laptop furiously masturbating to porn if he were not rich and famous.