James Franco says being called gay isn’t an insult: ‘I wish I was gay’

James Franco

These are some photos of James Franco last week in Venice for the Child of God premiere. This movie is one of Franco’s many directorial projects that no one (beyond the artsy fartsy festival crowd) will ever watch. Since this is Franco, the subject matter is typically scandalous and is adapted from a Cormac McCarthy novel about a necrophiliac killer. Because when it comes to Franco, everything must have something to do with sex.

As you might have also heard, Franco recently participated in a Comedy Central roast of himself. I didn’t watch the show because I can only take so much Franco, you know? But the show predictably contained a high quotient of “Franco is gay” jokes. James has spoken on the subject of his sexuality before — most notably when he spoke to Entertainment Weekly about all the gay characters he’s played: “Maybe I’m just gay.” Now Franco is revisiting the topic, and he regrets to inform his public that he is not gay. But he really wishes he was gay:

James Franco

Why a necrophilia movie? “It’s not that I, in my own life, find dead bodies particularly sexy or anything like that, but in a film, it allows you, in a very extreme way, to deal with a character whose imagination has gone to a crazy place. It also deals with loneliness, uncontrollable compulsion, as well as the artistic impulse. I made a movie about another artist, Hart Crane, who was this isolated, lonely poet, and in his isolation, his imagination bloomed into poetry.”

Does he ever take time off? “I sleep. Yeah, I don’t go on vacation. I don’t really need vacation. This is kind of a vacation! I like film festivals. These are my people, and I get to go to great places and show films and see films. But I don’t need a vacation in the traditional sense, like I would if I had a job I hated. When I’m working on a project like this, I have everyone that I love around me, so I don’t need a break from that.”

Biggest misconceptions about the Franco “It’s that people maybe think I’m gay, they didn’t like my performance at the Oscars, and they think I’m very into myself … and I squint a lot.”

Gay jokes at his roast “There’s two sides to what happened in the roast. If that’s what they were going to make fun of me for, I was like, ‘Great! Bring on the gay jokes!’ because these aren’t insults at all. I don’t even care if people think I’m gay, so it was like, ‘Awesome!’ I mean, I wish I was … I wish I was gay. I mean … we don’t have to go into it. But as far as that larger phenomenon that you’re talking about that happens to other actors, part of it is that movies are a place where people can project things and identify with characters, and it’s the same thing with actors outside of their roles-and its been that way since Hollywood was around. That’s why there’s a lot of conjecture. That’s been one of my things, too. My relationship with my public image over the past four or five years has just become weirder and weirder, because I look at it and it’s me, and it’s not me, so if other people want to use that for their own purposes or needs, I’m fine with it.”

[From Daily Beast]

I’ve said this before about Franco — part of me realizes the guy is a master at manipulating his own image. His willingness to appear sexually ambiguous seems like part of that tactic. I feel like Franco thinks people will find him to be more of an ARTist if they think he’s gay, so he plays to that reputation. Still, his attitude to being called gay is admittedly pretty cool. Some other straight actors would take offense at being called gay, so I guess Franco wins this battle by taking gay jokes as a compliment. But you know Pink did it first, and she did it better.

James Franco

James Franco

James Franco

Photos courtesy of WENN

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66 Responses to “James Franco says being called gay isn’t an insult: ‘I wish I was gay’”

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  1. God, I love him. I’m glad he’s not gay, because if I ever met him I’d be ALL OVER HIM.

    • sarah says:

      I’m with you!!

      • Mimi says:

        I actually did meet him! I was visiting my family in L.A. a few years back and took my son for froyo. James ended up in line behind us. My son asked him where he got his shoes (they were Converse). He was pretty cool, I guess.

    • RocketMerry says:

      Oh, good, I’m not alone. Phew! 🙂

      I have a soft spot for James, even though he’s douche-y and pretentious and an irritatingly self-declared ARTIST… yeah, I get the feeling that he’s essentially a good kid. Harmless and sort of relatable in this strenuous search for an image of himself that will make him feel an incredible and worthy human being.
      He still has a long way to go, but I like him.

    • TherapyCranes says:

      There is always so much Franco hate on this site. I also find him attractive. Yay!

    • phlyfiremama says:

      Count me in on the loving James Franco!! He is fascinating~I LIKE multiple layers in people.

  2. LadyRay says:

    I find it offensive that he “wishes” he was gay. Like it’s a fad, a “cool” thing. Can’t stand him.

    • Ace says:

      Most gay people have at some point wished to be straight. He is merely indirectly stating that homosexuality is not a bad thing to be at all. Or perhaps he knows a really sweet guy who he would be totally into if he was gay. Either way Franco is a hero,

      • bns says:

        Gay people wishing to be straight is not the same thing.

      • Sardinia says:

        It may not be the same for people who believe that one is superior to the other but for those who believe that orientation is a trait like any other, say hair type, then its the same.

      • Maggie says:

        Hero is quite a stretch, don’t you think?

        And agree. Gay people wishing they were straight is a completely different thing that has more to do with societal pressure and disappointment for being diffrerent and not being able to change it. Him saying he wishes he was gay seemed to be….cheap. Really cheap. It’s not something ‘cool’ that you can choose and it actually sets back the rights movement.

      • Sara says:

        How does his statement set us back?

      • bns says:



      • Maggie says:

        The rhetorical structure of the word ‘wish’ still implies that one is better than the other when its not. They are equal. This is also why I hate that Pink’s ‘compliment’ quote didn’t get the right conversation going. I looooove that public figures are hyping up homosexuality as a positive and acceptable thing, I just wish they would be more careful with how they present it. Even an inkling that one is better than another makes it trendy when really it’s about equality and that sexuality should be a non issue. Make more sense?

        I and still glad that its being discussed in a favorable light but the point is equal not better. I had an example I was going to use re: reverse sexism but I think that would stray too far from my point. Haha

      • Sara says:


        Very well put. I found no problem with his wording at first glance but I see you point now.

        I’ll be honest I initially assumed this was just another case of privilleged straight people drawing offence on my behalf over some trivial statement. (That really irritates me. It usually comes fom a very insincere place and its usually about shoring up their own counter-cultural cred rather than about me or my gf).

        Anyway, yours was well reasoned point.

      • Maggie says:

        No worries. This privileged straight person has been fighting the good fight since she was a teen. I 100% understand how the credibility of the speaker can change the narrative and I am not offended in the least, especially something as dear to my heart as this. 🙂

    • bns says:

      I roll my eyes when straight people say this and I’m straight myself. It comes off as disingenuous.

    • Renee says:

      THIS. Ugh, I can’t with this guy. Can you imagine if he said something like, I wish I was black. What an ignorant thing to say. And even though society has become more “tolerant” if that is even the word, towards queer folk I doubt he truly would want to be gay if he had to deal with the discrimination and alienation that many queer people have had, and continue to have, to deal with. Being gay/queer is not a trend, it’s not a fad, it is what it is. For someone who supposedly is as educated, worldly and intellectual as he is he sure doesn’t seem to be too conversant with romanticizing/fetishizing/appropriating other marginalized groups and his own privileged position in relation to them.

      • *unf* Joan Jett says:

        Perfectly said!

      • Im Awesome says:

        @Maggie actually I’ve known people who were lesbian and went straight and people who were straight and went gay. So people an choose. You aren’t born with a “gay” gene. It is a choice. Blames is awesome regardless 🙂

    • Funtimes18 says:

      I’m a gay man and don’t find it offensive. I don’t think he meant it in a negative way. Maybe more of “Who cares???”.

      • *unf* Joan Jett says:

        However, the queer communities cared an awful lot about Cynthia Nixon saying she she “chose to be gay”. Which makes me wonder about the double standard. Why is talking the talk more accepted than actually walking the walk?

    • S says:

      I think everyone here is reading way too much into his remarks. It’s not like he wrote an essay about how he “wishes” he was gay, where we can sit around and dissect his deep seeded unfulfilled desires to be a homosexual.

      Instead, this was just a conversation where he was answering a question about people thinking he was gay- an off the cuff remark- if he was gay, it would be a nonissue if people thought he was or was not.

      Sometimes I think we forget that we have the advantage of reading these conversations in print, and have the ability to dissect the statements word for word. Nuance, sarcasm and humor and facial expressions aren’t always translated in a transcriptions and we can get our panties in a wad over flippant comments that aren’t necessarily significant to the whole conversation.

  3. Pastyousayyouneverknew says:

    Well, usually can’t stand him but it’s a nice thing to say, it’s nothing to be ashamed of and it still breaks my heart that actors sometimes feel forced to remain in the closet just so they can have a successful career in Hollywood.

    • Robi says:

      Well, by saying ‘I wish I was gay’ he’s stating he’s not.
      He went too far with this sentence. Is he meaning he feels ashamed because he is straight? Or that he would have more fun being gay? Or an easier career path?
      I don’t see anything particularly cool in being gay. Or in being straight. It’s his business.

      • *unf* Joan Jett says:

        Of cause it is cool to be gay. Queer people have the monopoly on glitter, rainbows, and unicorns!

        Also some people believe hot queer sex has the power to cause tornadoes, or at least they claim so says the Bible. Which makes us basically super heroes! We might as well wear fancy capes.

        Yes, that automatically means X-men’s Storm is the dykiest dyke from dykeuniverse! But her alternative lifestyle mohawk haircut gives it away anyway. So. 😀

      • Sara says:


        Jane Grey signing up for earthquake duty (shes powerful, right?)

  4. Sixer says:

    He just gets so lost in his clever-clever semantics that it ends up being wanky not cool. Pink definitely did it better.

  5. Val says:

    The question is, would I hit it? And the answer to that is “yes”.

  6. Anna says:

    I like they way he talked about his life being a vacation – I wish more celebs were like that. You get to do what you love, with people you love, and make a bunch of money in the process? It IS a great life. What do you need a vacation from?

  7. Tessa says:

    Just be who you are, dude. Don’t wish to be gay if you’re not. It just makes you sound like a jackass who sees being gay as a fashion accessory or something. Like, I wish I could pull off skinny jeans.

  8. Kiddo says:

    Don’t love him, don’t hate him. He has his moments where he’s good.

  9. Andrea says:

    Still think he’s a pretentious douche. But I agree that celebs don’t need vacations.

  10. bns says:

    I’ve heard so many rumors about him having a boyfriend, though. I think he’s at least bisexual.

  11. tifzlan says:

    I hate that i still love him so much though. I know it’s uncool to be a Franco fan but DAMN that family’s genes are just…. i can’t. I can’t put it into words. James, Dave, i want them all.

  12. Aud says:

    He is nauseating.

  13. Rachel says:

    Because he is so full of himself, I am childishly amused that he uses bad grammar. He should say, “I wish I were gay.”
    Unless of course he is speaking about the past. Then he’s right.

  14. Ari says:

    I thought he was very humble and self-effacing on his roast (yes i watched the entire thing and lold with a big ol glass of beer and coconut tequila shots) and the jokes were more hit than miss and i actually liked him more after it. I like that he doesnt care if people think he is gay or not and i think him saying “i wish i was gay” was not anything like some folks are thinking – hey at least hes interesting!

  15. Maggie says:

    You totally are right, of course. But I’m glad the topic is at least being discussed in general. It helps form cultural change little by little. But thank you for the reminder – it has to be rough coming up with what to say interview after interview.

    (This was directed @ S. Not sure how it got so low. Damn phone!

  16. Sara says:

    He is right imo. The reason some of these celebrities don’t defend the gay rumors may be because they don’t care if people think they are gay as it isn’t an insult or seen as anything to defend. And even adds to their mystery as a person.

    • *unf* Joan Jett says:

      Yes! Because gay man are m-y-s-t-e-r-i-o-u-s creatures who live in magical forests, sing musical themes to the birds, and let shiny, golden hot-pants rain from the sky…

      [I think I need one of those tequilas someone was talking about. I don’t think, I can handle homosexuality=mystery when sober.]

      • Sara says:

        No, not because of anything you said but mystery in the sense that we don’t know their sexuality as it is a mystery. No need to create drama now.

      • TherapyCranes says:

        I think what Sara meant was if you’re not so overt in your sexuality then it remains mysterious. She’s not saying being gay is equal to a matlock episode.

  17. Madriani's Girl says:

    Probably every woman he has ever been with wishes this arrogant d-bag is gay, too.

  18. Emily C. says:

    This is like someone wishing they had a Cherokee grandmother because it’s “cool”. He’s an idiot and has no idea about what people who are actually not heterosexual go through.

  19. Ginger says:

    I’m hating myself a little bit since I look at him and think “Dayumn he is fine” despite being a db (I won’t forgive him for sleeping through Columbia and getting that professor fired) I don’t understand his quote ” I wish I were gay” ?? If you are straight why would you wish this? I’m guessing because he loves gay people? which is cool. At least he’s not hatemongering. But Franco does confuse me at times. I suppose he wants to be mysterious or something.

  20. Claudia says:

    I like this guy. I can’t help it. I like his face and his smile, and as pretentious as he comes off– he’s earned it. He went back to school to learn more about the craft he loves, and he’s very into exploring many different kinds of artistic mediums. I can’t hate. In my personal life I really admire people who are fearless like that.

  21. magpie says:

    Best line from the roast by Aziz Ansari: “So many gay jokes tonight about Franco. Apparently if you’re clean, well dressed and mildly cultured, you’re super gay now. Is that why the rest of you guys are so aggressively fat and dirty? You think if you read one book and take a shower, dicks are going to just fly into your face.”

  22. Buff Mark says:

    I think he was just being funny. I get it.
    Being gay can be enjoyable… BUT It can come with alienation, depression, substance abuse issues, bullying, ageism and other things I feel this joke minimizes. Sure to the buff, upper-middle class, Caucasian gays life is a dream But what about the lonely old gay man who’s HIV positive in Boise? Or the kid in rural Georgia who’s Christian parents kicked him out for being gay? Trust me there are many gay men’s (and women’s) experiences Franco could not handle. I do appreciate him saying it is a positive thing, though… That’s a step in the right direction.

  23. Gayle says:

    Hmm, I assumed he was thinking if he were gay, he wouldn’t have to deal with WOMEN. Any guy has some trouble ‘decoding’ the opposite sex, don’t they?

  24. Alexandria says:

    My favorite Franco roast dig was, “It’s not that Franco is necessarily straight or gay…it’s that he honestly can’t open his eyes wide enough to see who he’s f—ing.” Courteousy of Sarah Silverman

    I DIED

  25. Ryan says:

    I don’t take issue with his comment at all. I often find myself frustrated with and disappointed by the male gender and will subsequently wish I were gay. Maybe his wishing he were gay has less to do with orientation superiority and more to do with bad experiences with women.