Chris Brown photographed on a jet ski in Miami

Chris Brown was photographed laughing and riding on a jetski in Miami this weekend. Photo agency MavrixOnline has plenty of faraway photos in this set of the people Chris is hanging out with in Florida at one of Diddy’s homes, but I looked hard and couldn’t find anyone who could be Rihanna. There were a few photos of a guy in a pool who looks like Brown at first glance hugging a woman who definitely wasn’t Rihanna. I got excited thinking Brown was busted with another woman, but on closer inspection it was some other guy I didn’t recognize.

There’s nothing particularly scandalous about these photos unless you think Chris should be stuck in a snowy climate keeping his head down or better yet in a freezing jail cell, um also keeping his head down. This is his second vacation after beating Rihanna unconscious and fleeing the scene. He first headed to Vegas with his buddies, where he stayed in a suite at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino.

Chris is supposedly enrolled in anger management courses but they’re either distance learning, a one-off, or they didn’t start yet. He better enjoy life while he can. If Brown doesn’t start socking away money he’s not going to have the cash to go on extended vacations in the future. Hopefully even rich friends like Diddy won’t be able to save Chris from a career that involves something menial.

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30 Responses to “Chris Brown photographed on a jet ski in Miami”

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  1. SeVen says:

    what a douche nozzle. Shes bruised and broken and hes jet skiing.

  2. Jag says:

    Of course he’s happy. She stupidly came back to him, so he got what he wanted. He knows he has her wrapped around his fist, and it’s doubtful he’ll see jail time since she’s not pressing charges.

    Now if only the public will continue to boycott him, he’ll get at least some of what he deserves…

  3. me says:

    she isn’t “wrapped around his FIST” she has money and recources. this isnt the 1950’s and they arent married. IF she was a battered woman she could easily leave.

  4. Parisienne says:

    so he is in Miami and it seems that the People-source was right…

    you are right, me, she is not financially depending on him, but emotionally, that seems sure 🙁

  5. Jag says:

    Wrapped around his fist means emotionally. Of course she has money and resources, but she’s not using them to stay away from him, is she?

  6. NotBlonde says:

    I got what you meant Jag. It’s truly makes you feel like not trusting anyone…you never really know someone. This person beat up his girlfriend three weeks ago and is jet skiing and having fun with his friends. I mean…what. the. hell? The sheer level of indifference on his part is mind-boggling.

  7. Kayleigh says:

    So isn’t he under investigation and usually doesn’t that mean you can’t leave the state it happened in?

  8. Kayleigh says:

    And “me ” are you implying that she isn’t “battered”? From what I saw I’m pretty sure some one beat the heck out of her. >_>

  9. chrihanna 4eva says:

    chris is looking fyn and unbothered, so he shud b!!! not because he battered her but because he shouldnt sit at home crying all day evryday, he is a nigga who will always have some kinda cash in his bank account near to broke or not he stil has more money than a normal dude on the street.. because people like me are stil buying his cd for his TALENT bkz of his personal business… and rihanna is a BAD girl she knows what she is doing. i hope the rumors are true and prove evry1 wrong… and to sop jumping on celebs with open clawss…keep this two 4eva money makers in your prayers..x… and oh yer so wt if heis not attending classes NO11 CARESSS!! i dont because its not going to changewhat happened that night.x

  10. Viper says:

    she may have been battered moderately but not broken. She was in a bikini and on the beach just days ago. The swelling on her face had gone down and she just looked like she needed a good day under teh sun. Without an umbrella. You’ll see she’ll be back to her old self soon enough and hopefully without HIM.

  11. Tia says:


  12. Rougelatete says:

    @ chrihanna: WHAT???!!!

    Moving on…it’s good to see that Chris is spending every last waking minute he has on the spiritual and personal therapy he said he would commit himself to. I’m sure jet-skiing is a new way of getting “the batterer” out of you.

  13. DD says:

    Sad if it’s true they got back together. She’s so young and beautiful. He’s not even good looking and he looks like a kid. Why would she feel like she needs him. Please she could easily throw this garbage away.

  14. Baholicious says:

    They always get away with it don’t they? By that I mean, people asking “what did ‘she’ do to DESERVE it?’

    Three words:

    go fuck yourselves.

    Thanks CB for this story because now we know how seriously he’s taking this.

    Man, I’m HOT. And not in a good way…

  15. Ruffian9 says:

    chrihanna: Time to change your meds.

    Nice facial expression in the top photo, you woman-beating douche. Is that the face Rihanna sees before the beating starts?

  16. Baholicious says:

    My previous comment is in detention, but the jist is: Thanks CB for bringing this to our attention.

  17. j. ferber says:

    Beat her. Bit her. Strangled her. Left her unconscious as he escaped with his bodyguards. It’s very frightening that people are defending him on any grounds. Also, he doesn’t have “anger management” issues. He can control his “anger” just fine in all other situations. This is about power and control, not anger. He’s also ugly and short, which is, of course, beside the point, but I thought worth mentioning anyway.

  18. Baholicious says:

    he has money and he thought he could get away with it.

    Just like she’s got enough money so he hoped she’d keep her trap shut.

    At the end of the day, a man, or ANYBODY, raises their hand,

    you have three options:

    1. cry
    2. walk away
    3. fight for your life, belt them back and,
    4. THEN walk away.

    Women aren’t weak…we are but we aren’t…BUT when you make us prove we aren’t weak, look out.

  19. s says:

    whadda jerk! booooyyyyycooootttt!

  20. Lina says:

    Seems pretty relaxed for someone with an upcoming trial date. The Go-Go’s “Vacation” song was playing in my head as soon as I saw those pics.

  21. Baholicious says:

    @Lina: That’s a GREAT song:

    All I ever wanted,
    Got to get away…”

    Luckily for the people of means, they have that alternative.

  22. Howie says:

    That first pic is unbelievable. I know- I will save my career by looking menacing and violent on a jetski!

  23. minx says:

    Maybe she’ll wake up after he breaks her nose, chin and chokes her until she passes out again (or worse).. it will happen, it’s just a matter of time. Look at that face up there. Now he really feels like he can do whatever he wants, no consequences. Her parents should seriously stage an intervention. I would do that if this was my daughter.

  24. Against IPV says:

    Its a real shame how someone so beautiful could fall short in recognition of Intimate Partner Violence(IPV. Its even more sad if the rumors are true and she”s back with him. This type of attachment to an endangered situation is a symbol of childhood expereinces which are “viewed” as acceptable patterns. Let’s hope her ignorance and dependency doesn”t make her a “statistic.” As far as he is concerned, its a disgrace to see how money can be seen as a “get out of jail” card. It seems as if state laws are good for some and not for others. They should lock him up and throw away the key. As far as Rihanna, she needs some serious therapy, as I said before she is just one more number, fame or not!

  25. RAN says:

    I’m sorry, but if she’s back with him, there’s nothing more to say than: She’s an idiot.

  26. boomchakaboom says:

    Isn’t she the face of Cover Girl? Ironic.

    Cover Girl: for those bruises you want to hide.

    Not to sound flip, but she’s really messing up her own career by not breaking it off with him. No matter what else she does, her image is now that of a battered woman who RETURNED to the batterer. Not a good message.

  27. CB Rawks says:

    Wish a shark ate him.

  28. Leandra says:

    He’s what, 19? What does a 19 year old think about? Probably not a whole lot in those immature brains and not too deeply either. What he wants is sex and fun….and now he’s got both again. He’s a happy “man”….that is until the next time she ticks him off.

  29. Debbie says:

    Someone needs to tell Rihanna the story of Nicole Brown Simpson….

  30. j. ferber says:

    Baholicious, Your comments are brilliant. You are one tough, smart cookie. Good for you.