Reese Witherspoon drinks a smoothie every day with two heads of romaine

Reese Witherspoon recently shared her smoothie recipe on Instagram and it’s epic! I drink a similar green concoction, I’ll share my ingredients below, but hers is above and beyond. She mixes up two heads of romaine lettuce with an entire peeled lemon, a pear and an apple and drinks it every morning. It’s worth noting that Reese uses a Vitamix, not a juicer, so she’s getting all the fiber from the fruits and vegetables. That’s the same device I use, although I saved a little money by getting mine refurbished. You can get a new Vitamix on Amazon for around $330. I’ve had mine for about 8 years and it’s more than paid for itself. Reese just drinks that giant smoothie as a late breakfast and doesn’t eat again until lunchtime around 1. Here’s what she said.

This is the smoothie I [have had] every day for the past 8 years. I have this instead of breakfast at around 10 or 11 in the morning. Then I’m not hungry until like 1. You need two heads of romaine lettuce. [She chops it up]. A little spinach, celery, anything green [from] the refrigerator. It has to have something sweet so I put in one pear, an apple, a banana and a [peeled] lemon. This makes two portions. I leave it in the fridge and I don’t have to make it tomorrow. 1/2 cup coconut water. [Blend it in the Vitamix]. You can add anything to it, protein powder, almond butter, flax seeds. [Kerry Washington] told me about it [before I really knew her]. I said ‘your skin is so beautiful, what do you do?’ She said ‘I think it’s from this drink.’

[From Instagram]

Reese’s smoothie is super thick, which is not how I like mine. It also doesn’t sound sweet enough. My smoothie is a bunch of kale, about 1/2 the full bunch I get loose at the grocery store and I don’t take the stems off, about 1/3 cup of some frozen fruit mix including coconut, strawberry and pineapple, 1/2 a banana, a squeeze of some ginger in a tube and a lot of stevia. I’ve made it with romaine before, my mom told me to do that, but I prefer kale because it has more nutrients. I don’t use spinach because it gets wilted too fast and I hate how that tastes. I used to put protein powder in it and that tasted great because it has so much sugar, but I stopped using that. I make it really watery and just fill the water halfway up the blender. Like Reese I make it every other day and save the other half in a vacuum-seal container. Someone once commented that drinking all that kale can give you kidney stones, but knock wood that has not happened to me and I try to drink a lot of water. I drink the shake around 8 and then eat breakfast around 10 though. Maybe I should be fasting longer like Reese does. A lot of you swear by that!

Here’s Reese’s video. She does a goofy dance in the middle. Her wallpaper is kind of chintzy, right?

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32 Responses to “Reese Witherspoon drinks a smoothie every day with two heads of romaine”

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  1. morningjacket says:

    I’ve used the Kimberly Snyder GGS (glowing green smoothie) recipe for a long, long time. It is an enormously grassy tasting smoothie but really does make you feel like you can leap over buildings in a single bound. I should note that I drink most of my meals due to a swallowing disorder (achalasia), and that there are better tasting smoothies in the world, but when it comes to getting a heavy dose of nutrition, this is pretty awesome.

  2. Ann says:

    I’ve made a couple smoothies lately. I just made a big batch of strawberry banana. I use kale too. I also use oatmilk instead of water. And I use yogurt. Smoothies are part of my plan to lose the quarantine weight. I’ve been thinking about all sorts of recipes and ways to add nutrients, like adding flax or chia seeds. So many healthy, delicious options.

  3. Becks1 says:

    For some insanely stupid reason I find smoothies complicated, lol. Should I add ice?? Milk? Yogurt? Just blend up some veggies and fruit? What if I want to add some protein powder because everyone swears by that??

    I used to make them when I was pregnant with my oldest bc it helped me to get enough fiber (and I was so, um, “stopped up,” thanks pregnancy!) but I haven’t made one in years.

    • Geraldine Granger says:

      I think they are nice because you can add anything. I don’t do ice, but frozen fruit. I buy big bags at Costco and freeze the bananas that no one eats to throw in. That gets it cold enough. I like it watery too! I will throw in collagen powder, it does wonders for skin, hair and nails.

      I agree, a Vitamix is totally worth it! A woman I worked with before her retirement was part of the family that owns Vitamix. When she retired, the company donated a bunch of desk chairs for teachers to have at our desks. That was not something provided to us by the district, and the chairs that were there were falling apart, so I always thought that was so nice of her to do for us!

  4. julia says:

    My go-to smoothie is spinach + cucumber + pineapple. Sometime I add some kale if I have some.

    It’s green but the pineapple give it the perfect sweet touch and everything is quite watery so it’s quite liquid, which I like better

    • Tiffany :) says:

      That sounds really simple and good!

      I like spinach for my greens in smoothies. I find that it doesn’t have that strong of a flavor, especially if it is fresh blended.

  5. Kathryn says:

    My smoothies vary with whatever fruit and veggies I have on hand. I use frozen chopped spinach or kale if I don’t have fresh. Always with fresh ginger (for digestion), some chia seeds and unsweetened vanilla almond milk. I sometimes add 1 scoop of Aria Women’s Wellness protein powder (fewer calories than most) or collagen powder. This has been my breakfast for the past few years, I’m hooked!

  6. anony7 says:

    never mind; I was going to post something but Kathryn’s and other posts have answered my question. thanks!

  7. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    So would y’all get a juicer or a Vitamix? And do you put in everything? Stems? Rinds? Seeds?

    • Jordana says:

      I’ve had a juicer, and I have a vitamix. Vitamix got used Waaay more. Ex wanted the juicer when he left and I said whatever, but I’m keeping the Vitamix.
      It blends perfectly, you get all the fruit and veg with all the fiber. And it’s way easier to clean.

    • Elizabeth says:

      I have both a blender (a Ninja one instead of a Vitamix and it works great) and a juicer. I love the juicer, but it’s such a hassle to clean. I peel citrus that goes in as too much rind makes for a bitter taste. I also core apples, pears, etc or cut around the seeds (like a mango or avocado for example).

    • Astrid says:

      Making a smoothie with a blender keeps all the nutrients and fiber versus a juicer which spits out the fiber and stuff. It’s a choice. I have both and I use my Vitamix all the time. When juicing, it feels like such a waste of food to throw so much away for a small drink.

    • MaryContrary says:

      Vitamix for sure. We also have a juicer but it’s a pain in the butt to clean. Do not throw in seeds or rinds. But clean stems are fine. I use frozen fruit (we buy the big costco bags) and I always have bananas in the freezer that have gotten too brown. I like using fresh spinach because it doesn’t have much of a taste (I love kale but not in smoothies-it tastes too “green” for me.) I throw in a scoop of protein powder. I use a mix of juice and water as a base -I make these every school morning for my teens to get them up and moving.

    • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

      Okay, I’m thinking of a Vitamix then. I have a juicer in my cart, but was never convinced it was worth it. Sounds like I can use more of my produce with a Vitamix. Maybe I can find a deal lol.

      Any advice for the best home use model?

      • Astrid says:

        look for a refurbished model from Vitamix. I bought mine with all kinds of add ons like flour grinders and stuff and different sized containers. All you need is a big main container.

  8. SamC says:

    Mine is 1/2 cup Greek yogurt, cup of unsweetened almond milk, couple handfuls of frozen berries, riced cauliflower and scoop of protein powder and I’ll also get two days out of it. Used to use spinach but read somewhere to try caulIflower and I like it so much better. No funky green tint, can’t taste it and gives a nice creamy texture to it.

  9. Jess says:

    I’ve become obsessed with smoothies the last two months. I get all these fruits and veggies in a delicious drink that’s easy to make?!? Sold.

  10. gen says:

    I would love to like smoothies but I can not drink something that thick. It makes me gag. It seems like a wonderful way to get more fruits and vegetable in your diet but I just can’t. I would have to eat it with a spoon. Am I weird?

    • MaryContrary says:

      Have you tried just adding more liquid so it’s more juice like? A friend made me a smoothie from a regular blender and the spinach didn’t get pureed enough and it made me gag-so I get what you’re saying 🙂

    • Desdemona says:

      What makes them thick are the veggies. I make soup with the veggies and smoothies with fruit and yoghurt. Less thick and I like it better this way. I eat soup everyday for lunch before the main course and it’s always my dinner. The smoothies when I feel like it. i usually like eating the fruit whole-

  11. Kateeee says:

    Kale, cucumber, mint, green apple, a little apple or pineapple juice for sweetness, and ice. It’s very refreshing!

    I don’t particularly care for Reese; I guess she’s fine, whatevs. But I love that she has a house that looks like someone actually lives there.

    • sassafras says:

      I was going to mention that! I’ve been annoyed by my couch looking like a wreck during quarantine. Teenagers living on it nonstop 24/7 have made the cushions look so bad and then I saw Reese’s and I feel much better about myself. lol

  12. Redgrl says:

    Of COURSE she does….(sorry, lousy day and this just irritated me). Probably because “every day around 1000 or 1100” I’m working and not swanning about in my kitchen making smoothies.

  13. sassafras says:

    I feel like I’m the only non-smoothie person sometimes. I just don’t like to drink my food. All her ingredients would just as delicious as a big salad with a homemade lemon-tahini dressing.

    • Granger says:

      I’m with you, @sassafras. There’s something about chewing my food that just makes it more satisfying for me. Plus… an entire head of romaine in one drink? That’s a lot of lettuce. I can probably eat half a head in one salad, but a whole head seems excessive.

  14. Lexilla says:

    My matcha smoothie is like an emotional support animal through this pandemic, necessary and comforting:
    1 cup almond milk
    2 tsp flax or chia
    1 tsp matcha tea powder
    1 tsp vanilla
    a big handful of spinach
    one frozen banana

    Like others here I just break up old bananas and store them in a baggie in the freezer. That gets the smoothie cold enough, no ice needed.

    A friend recently asked how I’ll feel about matcha flavor when this is all over. It’s a good question.

  15. OriginalLala says:

    I love a good green smoothie! I like to mix up my greens (kale, spinach, chard) and I add banana, powdered chia, hemp hearts, vanilla extract, spirulina, and frozen fruit (berries and mango). My husband hates my green smoothies, but they keep me umm “regular”, and I like how they make my tummy feel (I have IBS so many foods make me feel bad).

    Also, Vitamix forever and always!!

    • ravynrobyn says:

      Diagnosed w/ IBS 6 weeks ago. Had a severe attack last night and my tummy is soooo sore this morning. Gonna try a beginner version of your recipe after I get a Vitamix or something (I just have an old blender that can barely handle ice, lol). Thanks a million 💕💕

  16. Flight says:

    Pretty sure Kerry Washington is into the GGS (Glow Green Smoothie^TM) by Kimberly Snyder, a nutritionist for movie sets and individual stars like Kate Mara, Deeta Von Teese, Channing Tatum, etc. I’ve got one of her books and follow her on social media. This is a really flexible smoothie that’s a meal in itself. I used to drink this a lot but found I can’t drink smoothies every day; it makes me kind of too running (sorry for the TMI). But I like green smoothies once in a while. I prefer eating big, weird fruit and veg salads. I just get a big plate of greens, handful of herbs like cilantro or parsley, and lots of colourful fruits. No dressing. Love my Vitamix for other things though.

  17. Nancypants says:

    I don’t do smoothies or “juice” either.
    My husband made his own juices and they were varied and all were gross to me but he drank them.

    I’d like to see more of her house IF it is her house.
    It looks like a grandma’s house and I’d be surprised if it is Reese’s
    house. She’s a younger, Southern lady with money and a pedigree.
    I saw Reese’s home a few years ago in a magazine and her style is more like The Christley’s. Rich and Southern.
    I think that’s her grandma’s house.
    Maybe she and her kids are visiting and she took her juicer with her?

    I like looking at/in other people’s houses. Not in a weird, creepy way; I just like to see what they have in there and the colors and style they use plus artwork and big plants…
    Nosy just a little.