Shakira: Prince William has called me to ‘try to get me committed to do more’


Shakira covers the latest issue of British Glamour, which is all-digital these days. This is the Environmental Issue for the magazine, and Shakira has long been involved with environmental causes. Which is why she agreed to be part of Prince William’s Earthshot Prize thing. If anything, Shakira’s involvement gives William more credibility, not vice versa. That’s the biggest headline from this Glamour piece as well, that Shakira sort of knows William now and she’s part of his embiggening campaign. I mean, I get that it’s transactional for her, and she hopes that everyone will work together on environmental issues. But she’s basically just part of William’s PR campaign now. Some highlights from the piece:

On William’s Earthshot: “Seeing Prince William’s passion and how genuinely determined he is to provoke change is very, very inspiring. It’s just incredible to see how committed he is, and all the people at Earthshot are, to make change happen in the world in such a short amount of time. And it’s not impossible. It requires many of us, plenty of commitment and determination, and we need to raise awareness towards that. I feel that I can do that while talking to every journalist I can. Every time I’m in front of a camera, I can talk about that… We are citizens of humanity. We need to really provoke fast change in order to preserve our home.”

Why she did that video with William: “Prince William is one of the people who is really aware of how imminent and how necessary it is that we all work together. He’s called me on the phone just to discuss this and try to get me committed to do more.”

On her kids: “My children have actually been the reason why I wanted to sign on for [the Earthshot]. Seeing them so worried, so concerned about the planet and how they can make this a better place has been so inspiring to me as a mother. As a parent, I want to make sure that they will live in a world that will be better than the one I grew up in, but it’s so fascinating to see how kids are starting to really get aware about the needs of our planet. I have found myself letting the tap water run and my kids scolding and telling me, ‘Mom, can you please not… You’re wasting water.’ And that is just incredible to see this in a seven-year-old and an eight-year-old.

Juggling everything: “Sometimes I feel that I’m literally juggling everything, motherhood, being a woman, being a celebrity, an artist, always feeling that one of the apples is about to drop. But I manage to do it, like every other woman in the world who is also working and raising children. I mean, it’s something that only women can do. We can do it all. We can multitask. Something that men can’t do!”

[From British Glamour]

“He’s called me on the phone just to discuss this and try to get me committed to do more….” Well, that’s news. Now that William has her number for Keenshot, he’s calling her up privately. And “trying to get me committed to do more”…? Beyond the innuendo (he’s engorged with environmentalism), I just think it’s really strange that William is privately calling up celebrities and trying to convince THEM to do more. Like, bitch, YOU DO MORE.

Cover & IG courtesy of British Glamour.

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39 Responses to “Shakira: Prince William has called me to ‘try to get me committed to do more’”

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  1. Lady Luna says:

    I honestly stopped liking her after all her shady tax choices. But at least she’s doing something for the environment.

    • Jan90067 says:

      You mean aside from taking private jets everywhere, leaving a huge footprint, and hiding tax money that could go towards helping fix this? Just like Bitter Brother and his whole racist, crooked family? Sure.

    • Fernanda says:

      Same here Lady Luna! I have no patience for this bull****. If you were lucky enough to earn millions, then the least you could do is pay the taxes like everyone else does. Oh wait, let me correct myself: like every hard working people on the everyday grind. Rich people don’t pay taxes, I forgot that.
      Also, queen Elizabeth and Shakira were both exposed in those Pandora Papers. So maybe she and William can connect with each other on a deeper level next time they speak on the phone.

  2. Chloe says:

    A bit rich coming from william who uses helicopters like they’re ubers

  3. CherHorowitz says:

    However much she talks about his commitment and enthusiasm, I just can’t bring myself to truly believe it. I can’t imagine him being passionate about anything other then protecting his own interests.

  4. Figora25 says:

    No. She should pay her taxes first. It’s too hypocritical to be all, oh the environment, and ignore the major elephant in the room, I hide my money so that I don’t have to pay the state I live in and in doing so, weaken social systems. I don’t understand these principles.

    • Wiglet Watcher says:

      And weaken environmental causes that rely on funding from taxes.
      This is all self serving. And her coming to TOB’s aid only hurts her.

      Maybe they have a lot in common. They both enjoy talking about the environment, dodging taxes, hiding their wealth.. are they both racists too?

    • Sunday says:

      Exactly this. She’s talking a good game, but just like this entire project, fails to convert any of this lip service to actual action. The partners that were originally announced for Earthshot, including tax-dodging Shakira, read like a who’s who of shady millionaires and billionaires, who if they really cared about the environment could change one or two of their own predatory business practices and extravagant lifestyles and instantly have more of an effect than lecturing everyone else. The hypocrisy is staggering.

  5. CC says:

    I was doing a crossword earlier this week, and one of the clues was something like “Coined the term ‘animal magnetism’” (Mesmer).
    It occurred to me when I could sleep last night that Prince William has vegetable magnetism.

  6. girl_ninja says:

    Lololololol…Hips don’t lie but Shakira does. Pay your taxes gurl.

  7. MA says:

    I’m with Kaiser.

    bitch, YOU DO MORE. what the hell has he donated or sacrificed? i haven’t seen anything to convince me this is anymore more than expensive PR and legacy building.

    this makes me think even less of Shakira along with the tax shenanigans.

  8. canichangemyname says:

    Honestly, I think not everyone is invested in the BRF riff. She got a call to do something good, she’s doing something good, and … good. Love Shakira. I’m not into the arguments – if someone does something good or gets behind a good cause, I’m here for it. That includes H & M, W & K, and Shakira. I don’t really play the “villains and saints” game.

    • Wiglet Watcher says:

      But what is she doing? Joining a fluffed up PR bonanza that only helps William?
      The extra traveling, waste produced and unnecessary contact during a pandemic so William can have his Earthshot ceremonies is beyond careless.

      Shakira is willingly helping Will’s PR image which is currently and accurately “lazy, racist brother of Harry.” And I’m certain she’s getting plenty of funds for this. If Shakira wanted to help without promoting William, but rather positively impacting the environment she could make a large donation to one of the already many groups striving to help our world and inhabitants.

    • Jaded says:

      She owes $17 million in unpaid taxes. William is a lazy, useless jerk. You can love her all you like but at the end of the day they’re both fleecing the system.

  9. beff says:

    Wonder what Wiglet thinks about her husband having Shakira on speed dial?

  10. Watson says:

    I like how William has called Shakira more times than his own brother this past year.

  11. Krista says:

    Yeah I bet he’s engorged. Does the name Shakira mean “rose” in Spanish??

  12. Charfromdarock says:

    “he’s engorged with environmentalism”
    This made me snort with laughter.

    “ I mean, it’s something that only women can do. We can do it all. We can multitask. Something that men can’t do!”

    Le sigh.

  13. L4frimaire says:

    Besties! I just find it so funny that she expected strangers in a park to tussle with a wild boar that took a sandwich from her but whatever. I see William is now leaning into celebrities, that’s it is no longer too Hollywood, to give his pet causes legitimacy and do the work for him.

    • Jan says:

      It was her handbag, someone said if her handbag was so precious to her why not tackle the wild boars herself.
      Who is going to give up their life for a stranger’s handbag

  14. Scorpion says:

    Pay your taxes first, Shakira Shakira 🙃

  15. Becks1 says:

    I don’t blame the celebrities who are getting involved with Earthshot – they probably do think William is a lot more credible than he actually is. and I don’t expect Shakira to say that she realized how not credible he is after one phone call or whatever – she signed up for Earthshot and she knows how the game is played, she knows it means embiggening William like this.

    But – and I know I’m preaching to the choir here- all that said, I just can’t take William seriously with the environment and as a result I can’t take Earthshot seriously or Shakira when she talks about this.

    what has William DONE for the environment, besides earthshot which is basically all about what other people can do. What changes has william himself made? at least charles has his electric cars and even his sustainable fashion line. What does William have?

    • Mslove says:

      William seems to think he’s a god who was put on this earth to tell the pheasants how to live their lives.

  16. Lunasf17 says:

    Celebs care about the environment until they are asked to downgrade their lifestyle. We should ignore all the wealthy elites telling us we drive too much and have too many kids because our carbon foot prints are nothing compared to theirs. Let’s listen to Greta over anyone who has multiple homes and private jets. Celebs are the last people we should listen to when it comes to environmental issues. Let’s learn from actual environmentalists who practice what they preach.

  17. Amy Bee says:

    I thought Royals don’t court celebrities.

  18. NicB says:

    Funny how he can cold call and it’s okay, but a certain Sussex person cannot.

  19. jferber says:

    I think William needs to commit to do more. Isn’t Shakira bogged down in tax problems in Spain and elsewhere?

  20. equality says:

    I would be more impressed with any of the involved if they listed off what they actually personally are doing to help the environment. Instead all she says is that she runs the water too much and her children have to correct her. Charles, at least, has made changes in his duchy and in royal buildings to attempt better. Have yet to hear anything Will has done at all.

  21. Cait says:

    Did William tell her a her husband to pay their taxes ?

  22. Lizzie says:

    So TOB , who is known worldwide for his laziness, had the utter nerve to ask someone else to do more?

  23. Stef says:

    Wow, some real Shaki hate here today.

    I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt on the tax situation as we don’t know all the details. Chances are, she has a team of accountants and tax specialists handling all her money and various charities, investments, revenue streams, etc. It’s possible she didn’t know the specific details of the offshore holdings.

    News flash: many über rich people don’t know all the minute details of where every dollar they make and invest is sitting. She was called out of this by the Spanish government a few years back and paid her millions in Spanish taxes immediately.

    Furthermore, have we all forgotten about her foundation, Bare Feet, started in Columbia when she was 18? The foundation has since built and funded many schools in Columbia and around the world. She is VERY involved in her foundation to help children and raise awareness of the importance of early childhood education (I know this as a personal fact). She’s also a UNICEF spokesperson and donates an average of $50+ million a year of her own cash to various charities. Is that a tax write off? Possibly. The fact is, we will never truly know.

    How quick some are to condemn without looking at the whole picture. I know this is a place for us to Celebitch but can we also not just cancel someone like Shakira for a tax mistake? Well, I’m not anyway, so long as she owns it and pays up, which as far as I’m aware, she has done so.

    I’m not giving her a pass, I’m just saying that I don’t think it’s right to turn on her so fast. Willhelm is terrible, but Shakira does more charitable work in her spare time than he will ever do in a lifetime…

    Just trying to shed a little positivity into today’s dark comments here on Shaki. If I’m wrong, prove it. I’m happy to back up my claims here too. Peace.