The Sex and The City gang bring their dog and pony show to Japan

Cast members Parker and Cattrall attend the Japan premiere of Sex and the City 2 in Tokyo
The Sex and The City ladies are continuing their tour promoting soulless conspicuous consumption and offensive throwaway plot lines. They were seen in Japan toasting their fat paychecks and fabulous outfits. Despite the terrible reviews and mediocre box office performance the show must go on.

Earlier today we reported that Sex and The City 2 was second at the box office this holiday weekend. When Monday was included, the film was actually third, with Shrek 4 in the lead and Prince of Persia second. Kaiser pointed me to this amusing recap of the Memorial Day box office results on Gawker, which makes the scary conclusion that we may be in for yet another Sex and The City if the numbers are right. I’ll quote from Box Office Mojo on how the movie performed as expected for a sequel, especially one as shabbily made as this:

Cast member Cattrall attends the Japan premiere of Sex and the City 2 in Tokyo

Sex and the City 2 notched an estimated $37.1 million four-day weekend on approximately 6,100 screens at 3,445 locations, bringing its total to $51.4 million since its Thursday debut. That’s a huge step backwards from the first Sex and the City, which bagged $57 million on its first three-day weekend and had $68.1 million by day five. Distributor Warner Bros.’ exit polling indicated that a whopping 90 percent of Sex 2’s audience was female, and 54 percent was under 35 years old. By comparison, the first Sex’s opening weekend audience was 83 percent female.

Prince of Persia and Sex and the City 2 ranked a lowly 15th and 17th, respectively, among Memorial Day opening weekends and, in terms of estimated attendance, they wouldn’t even crack the Top 25. Based on their content and marketing, though, it would have been unreasonable to expect otherwise.

People seem to lose their heads in regards to sequels, but, aside from aberrations like The Twilight Saga: New Moon, Sex and the City 2 was closer to the way sequels are supposed to behave, though the movie’s marketers exacerbated the situation with a severe case of “sequelitis.” They assumed that the brand name was all they needed for another summer hit, delivering an utterly inessential and random sequel after the first movie tidily wrapped up the storylines. It’s a wonder that they didn’t subtitle the movie “The Legend of Carrie’s Shoes.”

[From Box Office Mojo]

I’ve passed a lot of time laughing at the terrible reviews of Sex and The City 2, with my favorite coming from Dustin Rowles at Pajiba. He likens SATC to Transformers 2 for women, but with designer duds instead of Megan Fox’s bouncing butt. There were so many excellent lines in his review it’s hard to know which ones to quote. My favorite was this one, “There’s a definite narrative pattern in SATC 2: Each of the four women does something banal individually, followed by a scene in which they get together and process that banality, usually while drinking and wearing something colorful or with feathers.” Kaiser’s favorite part was this:

If you were so inclined, there’s a lot you could take offense to here: Their disrespect of the culture, the extravagance they are afforded (they each get their own luxury car and their own butler), and the way they choose to comport themselves — not just in Abu Dhabi, but in the entire movie — while the country is mired in a recession. Is it tactless to release a movie that glorifies consumption during hard economic times? It seems like a petty complaint to lob against a Hollywood movie, which are often about wish fulfillment. But it’s an easy critique to offer up. Most offensive of all to me, however, were the groan-worthy puns and the hideous word play littered throughout the film (“Abu Dhabi Doo!” “Bedouin, Bath and Beyond,” “Lawrence of my Labia”).

[From Dustin Rowles at Pajiba]

So have you seen Sex and The City 2 and was it a semi-pleasurable way to waste two and a half hours? Could you turn off your brain and just drool at the shoes and clothes? Like men looking for T&A, there are much better ways to get some (online) than paying someone $10 to deliver it to you with a thin plot. I like my shoe and fashion porn silent.

Note: The term “Dog and Pony Show” is not meant as a negative reference to any of the actresses’ features. It’s meant as a traveling circus, and according to WikipediaThe term has come to mean an elaborately staged performance, presentation, or event designed to sway or convince people. It is often used in reference to a series of informational events put on by a company or group.”

Cast members Davis and Nixon attend the Japan premiere of Sex and the City 2 in Tokyo

Cast member Parker attends the Japan premiere of Sex and the City 2 in Tokyo

Director King, cast members Cattrall, Parker, Davis, Nixon, and producer Melfi attend the Japan premiere of Sex and the City 2 in Tokyo

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29 Responses to “The Sex and The City gang bring their dog and pony show to Japan”

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  1. RHONYC says:

    i love kim catrall, but please…stop. now.

  2. canadianchick says:

    CB have you seen the movie or are you just going off of reviews? It was brain candy and a good getaway from life’s boring stressors. The ethnocentrism was offensive but otherwise I liked it for its frivolity. Carrie’s black crown and then her hat on the plan ride to Abu Dhabi was just heinous-many people were incredulous in the movie seats around me.

  3. Marjalane says:

    When did Kim Catrell start looking like my mother? Yikes.

  4. Melinda says:

    I love Kristen’s dress and shoes!

  5. lucy2 says:

    I like these dresses a lot more than some of the others, but oh Kim, that last photo…

    Can’t say I’m surprised it made so much money, a lot of people I know went despite the bad reviews.

  6. eggy weggs says:

    Kim Catrall is two steps away from being Carol Channing, especially in that first photo. At least Carol Channing has some soul.

  7. Sumodo1 says:

    My friends and I (12 total) took a limo, dressed up, hair and makeup, drank Cosmos we sneaked into the theater, then hit the town afterward. We loved it.

    It’s mindless fun. Team Aidan, BTW.

  8. filthycute says:

    What over-the-top crap is this? Can’t they just let the movie premiere without all these grotesque, hyper-fabulous pre-shows?

    I loved the series, but this is starting to get on my NERVES.

  9. fancyamazon says:

    Have no desire to see the movie, am no big fan of any of them, but I absolutely love SJP’s dress in these shots.

  10. Kazoo81 says:

    LOVE kristen & cynthia’s dresses! they’ve both looked so pretty during the promos for the film.

    kim just needs to stop. i think she believes she’s really samantha.

    sjp…meh. the dress is pretty & girly, though.

    and to answer the question, i saw the movie. it wasn’t TERRIBLE but it dragged a lot. & the ending was very anti-climatic. by the time they returned to NY, i was expecting something exciting/big to happen. so it was just very meh.

  11. Harmony says:

    CanadianChic and Sumodo1: I agree. I saw it and obviously its not some emotionally complex drama- its just good fun! I really enjoyed it.

  12. J W says:

    which one is ‘dog’ and which one is ‘pony’ ? difficult to tell them apart

  13. jan says:

    What’s up with SJP’s elbow skin?

  14. Ana says:

    I thogutht the dog and pony show was a reference to their looks as well.
    I don’t see how Cynthia walks in those shoes, but I love watching her transition. I feel like in the beginning she was the ugly duckling and now she’s putting them all to shame!

  15. Britwit says:

    Enjoyed the first SATC movie, thought this one was atrociously bad. Even the clothes and shoe porn is like putting lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig.

  16. Ron says:

    Throughout the history of film, when times are not the best, people go to movies to escape what is going on in the world around them. This movie is escapist and women love to see the big glam costumes etc. There is a real fantasy in these characters lives. The most “real” of the characters, Miranda, is also the one the women want to be associated with the least. During the depression, the big Zeigfield movies were very popular for that reason. Every movie doesn’t need to have a big important message. Also, 51.4 million is a great pull for a film like this, and my guess is there will be another one, which will be the last. All the actresses signed a 3 pic deal.

  17. Atticus says:

    Agree with all the posters here who are saying this is meant to be mindless comedy and not at all based in reality to afford movie-goers a fun escape from the real world. I haven’t seen it yet but am going to go soon, and can’t wait!

  18. Kathy says:

    Never thought they should have made the first movie. Saw it and had no compassion for Carrie whatsoever on the wedding. That character has evolved into a spoiled brat. Never even considered going to this one.

    Never watched the show for the shoes or the fashion. Once that becomes the focus, I nod off. It wasn’t going to get my $12. Actually, there was nothing this weekend I had any interest in seeing. Looking forward to next weekend though.

  19. Ash says:

    I saw this movie on opening night and it was a HUGE disappointment. I was a big fan of the show because I thought the writing was smart and funny. I enjoyed the first movie but not as much as the series. This movie was probably one of the worst I have ever seen. I’ve always thought the fashion was ridiculous (do people really dress like that?) but I loved the relationship the four maIn characters had with each other. SATC2 was offensive, pointless, way too long and DUMB! The above critique is correct, the puns were so bad. Lawrence of My Labia? Inter-friend-tion? A Jude Law? Ugh. Horrible, horrible movie and a huge waste of my time and money. The only reason I’m glad I paid $8 to see it is because if I didn’t, I probably would have spent $30 to buy it on Blu-Ray. At least I saved myself $22.

  20. Taya says:

    I think that if SATC 2 was kept at a level where the storyline was more personal and raw, then it would not have been a major flop. They should have went back to how Season 1 or 2 was written; real, raw and funny with intellect. The real life of these women with out all the materialism and elitist behavior.

  21. Jessie says:

    Went to see if with 5 of my girlfriends anyway. I hauled my preggo butt there wearing Jimmy Choo’s and everything, and man was I disappointed! I’m a huge fan of the show, and this movie couldn’t compare to the show at any level. Even the fashion was meh.

  22. Mistral says:

    I haven’t seen either film and don’t plan to. However, I will give them props for one thing: I love that they show women in their late 30s/40s/50s as sexy and stylin’. I think that’s positive in a culture that is so youth-centric and ageist.

  23. Peanut says:

    I agree with #22 for sure!! I saw the movie – I’d been reading the reviews on Celebitchy so my expectations were zero. I can’t say I loved it, but I don’t feel like I wasted my money, either. It was “fun”.

  24. Sally says:

    Cynthia and Kristen look great once again! Pity I can’t say the same about the movie or the other two..

  25. MamiwithM says:

    it would have been endearing, hilarious to see these women going through recession, adjusting to a canging economy (less work for Carrie, who after all, freelances for a mag, etc etc etc). Just that would have place them in really hilarious situations and would have endeared them more to the middle class women who adore these characters.

  26. Cara says:

    Was SATC2 a good movie by regular standards? No. Would I recommend that non-fans go see it? No. But it is a fun frivolous way to spend a couple of hours.

    The clothes in the movie are over-the-top and ridiculous. Many of us in the theatre were snickering. But what kept me going was that I loved the old series so much and this is just a way to re-visit these characters. It’s definitely not for non-fans. For those who did watch and loved it, just go with it. It’s not even close to perfect and definitely not as good as the series, but I can think of worse ways to spend a few hours.

  27. Mingo says:

    Dog is right. Bow wow! So sick of these puppies.

  28. giochi says:

    CanadianChic and Sumodo1: I agree. I saw it and obviously its not some emotionally complex drama- its just good fun! I really enjoyed it.

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