John Goodman has lost some weight, looks a lot better


Am I alone in loving John Goodman? I grew up on Rosanne (the first seasons, when it was good, ground-breaking television), so my affection for John started early. Then I fell in love with Goodman all over again as an adult watching him in films and his guest-starring role on The West Wing. Ooohhh… I just looked him up – he’s going to be in already in Treme, that new show about New Orleans done by the people behind The Wire. That should be awesome. Anyway, sorry for going off on that tangent. These are photos of John last night at the AFI Tribute to Mike Nichols. HuffPo and Us Weekly are making a big deal about his weight loss, but hasn’t he been losing weight and getting healthier for a few years? Still, he looks really good. He’s still a big, imposing man, but he looks a lot healthier than he did several years ago.

Here’s Goodman last night:


And here’s Goodman back in October of last year. Wow… the weight loss is stunning.


John Goodman on June 10, 2010 & October 19, 2009. Credit: WENN.

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64 Responses to “John Goodman has lost some weight, looks a lot better”

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  1. Jen says:

    I had a little bit of a crush on him back in the Roseanne days…something about the big, strong lumberjack type that appeals to me. He’s looking really good!

  2. Tess says:

    A classic clown, using humor to hide an ocean of hurt.

    Or maybe not. Hope I’m wrong.

  3. Gigohead says:

    Good for John!!! I’m a huge fan of Sully!!

  4. Fluffy Kitten Tail says:

    Good for John.

  5. Green Is Good says:

    Loved him in “O Brother Where Art Thou”.

  6. Miss says:

    I LOVE me some John Goodman!

  7. bite me says:

    i love mr. goodman

  8. NayNay says:

    I love John Goodman. I hope he loses more weight for his health.

  9. Dorothy says:

    Treme has already started! I love Goodman from Rosanne and THE BIG LEBOWSKI!!!! Most awesome movie ever!

    He looks great.

  10. Team Bethenny says:

    Good…cuz I’ve found it very hard to watch him in Treme (which, btw, he’s not “going to be in” but “already in”…in fact, it’s almost over!)

  11. KJ says:

    Kaiser – Treme is AWESOME. I’ve watched the first 4 episodes and it’s a great show so far. Goodman is wonderful in it.

    I’m glad he’s lost some weight, cause he was looking really bad for a while. He looks great! Keep up the good (healthy) work.

  12. denise says:

    Good for him, I like John. He is a handsome, big man.

  13. Jazz says:

    He’s looking good. Way to go John!!

  14. jessica says:

    I agree with the first comment, I did have a crush on him back when he was on Roseanne.. I know exactly what you are talking about!!

  15. DoMaJoReMc says:

    BOY! He sure does look great! I worried about him when he was really heavy on Roseanne, but he looks dapper now! : ) Good for you, John!

  16. Praise St. Angie! says:

    just a correction…he’s already on Treme, and has been since week one.

    great show.

    “fuck you, you fucking fucks”.

    (that’s a quote from Goodman’s character, fyi…I’m not giving anyone on here the F-you!)

  17. ! says:

    He does look better. For awhile there it was rumored he wasn’t working, ’cause he had a raging coke and booze problem. Think you can’t be fat on coke? Think again! No one would insure him. I’m pretty sure that’s why he was doing commercial voice over work for whoever that was (DQ?). A lot of druggies in Hollywood (Brittany Murphy comes to mind) will do voice work when they can’t do acting because they are uninsurable. He looks a lot better.

  18. DoMaJoReMc says:

    Oh, “Praise St. Angie!” That’s good to know that you’re not giving anyone the F-you) seeing as how your comment followed mine !!! LOL! : )

  19. Bodhi says:

    OMG I LOVE Treme!! Its one of the best news shows around. He is wonderful on it! However, as someone said above, it is kind of hard to look at him & not notice how HUGE he is (at least on the 1st season)

  20. Kaiser says:

    Sorry about the Treme mix-up, I didn’t think it was on yet! I don’t have HBO.

  21. popcorny says:

    Amen, Dorothy, hands down and bar none … -gotta love the part when they tossed Donny’s ashes -and the wind blows it right back in their faces.
    Goodman deadpans with the best.

  22. Fire says:

    He was also hilarious in Raising Arizona!

    Glad to see he is slimming down and trying to be healthier!

  23. Sarah says:

    I LOVE John Goodman. I always thought he was just so awesome and very likable. He looks great now that he’s dropped some weight. Good for him!

  24. KittySchmitty says:

    I LOVE Treme. Kaiser you should check it out. My neighbors are Katrina victims and they cry almost every episode. Treme takes place 3 months after Katrina. Great Stuff. Goodman’s character is my favorite so far!! I’m super excited to see it grow…

    I second Praise St. Angies…

    Fuck you, you fucking fucks!!!!!! 😛

  25. CIdee says:

    He is a hunk.

  26. Praise St. Angie! says:

    OH! Kaiser, you poor thing!

    when the DVDs come out, run – do not walk – to your video store and get them. (or netflix, or whatever…) but def check it out when you can!

    to DoMaJoReMo – I’d NEVER say it to you…you’re one of the “normal” ones on here!

    and truth be told, I probably wouldn’t say that, even to people who deserve it. I’d go about “saying” it in a much more civilized way.

    EDIT: I, too, LOVED him in The Big Lebowski. he was brilliant in that role.

  27. Lem says:

    thanks 😉

    Obviously I’m not alone in my Goodman love

  28. heb says:

    He looks absolutely fabulous.

  29. Eileen Yover says:

    Oh yes I always wanted a dad like Dan! He looks fantastic!

  30. chaz says:

    His best performance is in the Cohen bros. film Barton Fink. The most unseen great film of our time.

  31. original kate says:

    i love john in all the cohen bros. movies. the scene is “raising arizona” when he climbs through the mud screaming kills me every time i see it! i believe he married a woman from new orleans and lives there part of the time. at least he was when i was living there. he’s done alot of good in the community and i love him for that.

  32. nag says:

    Next 007??

  33. Lynnie says:

    OK, I’ve always had a thing for John Goodman! Very happy to see him looking so good. 🙂

  34. Hautie says:

    Well it looks like he really did decide to get off the coke and booze. Looks like he did take rehab seriously this time. I bet his family is thrilled.

    And I love him in those Cohen movies. My favorite movie being O’Brother, Where Art Thou?.

  35. Baluk says:

    Best John Goodman role was in Everybody’s All-American! He was fantastic!

  36. Melinda says:

    I loved him as Dan and in The Big Lebowski as well. I was worried about him for a while because he was so huge and looked super unhealthy. Glad to see him shed some pounds, we want to see more from him in years to come!

  37. The Bobster says:

    SC Justice nominee Kagan got a haircut?

  38. buckley says:

    Treme is an awesome show. I noticed his significant weight loss watching it…

  39. anon says:

    Kaiser me too me too!!! LOVE HIM. In the early Roseanne eps when he had that curly mop…siiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhhh

    SO HAPPY to see him like this!

    Oh yeah, TREME is awesome. I third the “f you, you f-ing f’s.” Sidenote-isn’t that a McNulty original??

  40. k says:

    Linda Tripp, we love you

  41. Jeri says:

    I’v always like him in all his roles. Hope he can keep it off, he was having a lot of health problems & his breathing was really bad (you could notice it in films/shows).

  42. Kiska says:

    I love John. He will always be Walter Sobchak to me. “Shut the F&*k up Donny!”

    I’m glad he is getting healthier, I want him to live long and continue acting.

  43. Praise St. Angie! says:

    to anon – not sure if McNulty ever said that, but he and Bunk (Wendell Pierce, who’s ALSO in Treme – yay!) did have a great scene where, in every line, each of them says “fuck”, in some way.

    “fuck me.”, “fuckin’ A”, etc. one of the best scenes of the series, IMO.

  44. Kim says:

    He was on my flight to LA last week and he has lost SO MUCH weight- not just a little. People were commenting on how thin he was. He looks great.

    Also he stood in line with everyone else etc. and didnt pull a “Im a celeb Im better than you” act at all. Seemed like a really down to earth, nice guy which are few and far between in Hollyweird.

  45. MissyA says:

    I watched a lot of tv growing up (cheaper than a baby sitter!), so “Dan” is like a “bonus dad” to me. And I’m glad to see one of my dads losing that spare tire!

    Shomer fucking Shabbos!

    (Does anyone know if John did the voice over for the Michigan tourism promos? I thought it was him, but get a little misty-eyed when I see them, so I might be wrong.)

  46. hellen says:

    OMG, he looks so much better, and I am so glad to see him looking healthy. For a while there I was afraid he was at the top of the celebrity death pool standings. Go John!

  47. LBees says:

    Yeah, he looks a lot better today.

    I remember watching and loving his character on The West Wing (I love that show and everything about it) but feeling concerned about how heavy he was getting.

    He must be getting in shape for his new show. Dare I see a little bit of Clooney in that first black suit pic? He looks GREAT!!

  48. Very talented actor. He should have won an award for his acting in Barton Fink,so scary. He is an exceptional actor. Very hot dude, at any size.

  49. Kat says:

    I love John. Very happy to see that he’s doing better, health-wise.

  50. NayNay says:

    What channel is Treme on?

  51. anon says:


    YES!!! I love that scene!! hahahahaha so great.

    Bunk, OTT: I was raised in Baltimore and live there currently. Back in 2007 a group of friends and I ran into “the Bunk” in a bar (surrounded by ladies, of course) in Fells Point, and we all did shots with him, which he paid for. It was one of the best nights of my life!!

    Back OT…Mr anon and I could not remember if that was a straight quote or just something that characters on the Wire might have said…lol. Guess I have to go back and re-watch all the seasons…AGAIN…

    NayNay: it’s on HBO, which we don’t have, but Mr anon downloads the episodes from a torrent (?) site. I don’t really know how that works but it is out there.

  52. Praise St. Angie! says:

    “Guess I have to go back and re-watch all the seasons…AGAIN”

    that’s as good an excuse as any! definitely a series that’s RE-watchable many times over.

  53. Lem says:

    MissyA: I believe that is Tim the Tool Man Taylor
    Tim Allen is from Michigan

  54. MissyA says:

    Right on, Lem. Somehow, I convinced myself John Goodman was from Michigan as well. (Probably because I was living in Michigan when I discovered the awesomeness that is Roseanne.)

  55. Paula says:

    Holy sh*t, I can’t believe some of the comments. When I look at that second picture, the word “crush” comes to my mind, too, but not the kind of crush some of you ladies are thinking of.

  56. jc126 says:

    Could he have gotten a bypass?
    He’s awesome, and must have the patience of a saint to have put up with Roseanne’s nonsense for so long. I hope he gets and stays healthy. He’s a very good actor, I think.

  57. kate says:

    WOW!!! John Goodman looks GREAT! I hope he continues to loose a bit more and keeps it off. I know how hard it can be to loose and maintain. Now he needs to quit smoking and live a long and healthy life. Good Job John!!!

  58. Kitten says:

    I was just watching “Roseanne” this AM and thinking how well that show holds up in a comedic sense. I still LOL’d at a lot of the lines. He looks absolutely fantastic 🙂
    Also The Wire was my most favorite show of all time. Cannot WAIT to see Treme (like Kaiser I also don’t have HBO).

  59. GatsbyGal says:

    Wow, he looks great. I wonder why the sudden weight loss, though? I’d hate to be all like “yay, he lost weight!” and then find out later that it’s because he has cancer or something like that. Hopefully it’s just because he’s trying to get healthier!

  60. Mentok the Mind Taker says:

    The Chinaman is Not the Issue!

    So glad the boy’s looking healthy. It was worrisome there for awhile. He’s one of the good ones. Don’t want to lose him anytime soon.

  61. JustMe says:

    I love John Goodman, and truly think he is a very underappreciated character actor. I have yet to see any role he is in and not totally believe it. Beyond that, I’ve heard he is truly one of the nicest people you could meet, very down to earth. Someone who exists in showbiz and manages to stay that way is a keeper.

    I’m really happy he’s losing weight and getting healthier. While there are many celebrities (and non-celebrities) that I wouldn’t blink twice if I heard they passed away, I would truly be heartbroken hearing about his passing. I want him to be around as long as possible.

  62. Jennifer says:

    Wow! The difference is tremendous, and I am so happy to see he has lost the weight.

    He was looking especially unhealthy near the end of the Roseanne series, though I cannot say he ever looked truly healthy at that time in his life.

    However, I always had a special “I want a man like Dan” crush on him.

  63. lucy2 says:

    Wow, congrats to him! He’s looking good, and so much healthier.

    I keep meaning to check out Treme, sooner or later I will.

  64. Yes it is amazing what a person can hide behind the mask of a clown. Man oh man there is going to be some very surprised people out there when the actor John Goodman sex scandal video is released.