Two Boston DJ’s name Dane Cook ‘Unfunniest Comedian’

Here in the Boston area, the number-one afternoon radio show is WBCN’s Toucher and Rich show, which gained popularity after the NYC duo Opie and Anthony were thrown off the air. Over the last couple of weeks, Toucher and Rich have been hosting their own version of March Madness, pitting stand-up comedians against each other and urging listeners to call in to vote for the least funny comedian. Boston’s own Dane Cook is set to be named the winner today, after a record number of local listeners called in to vote.

THERE’s nothing amusing about Dane Cook, according to fellow comics and two Boston radio personalities who are about to name him “The Unfunniest Comic” this afternoon.

WBCN jock Fred Toucher, who co-hosts a talk show with Rich Shertenlieb weekday afternoons in Boston, says Cook is the overwhelming favorite in a tournament patterned after NCAA basketball’s March Madness, where he’s ahead of Jay Leno, Jeff Foxworthy, Carlos Mencia and Paula Poundstone.

“We were talking about how people laugh out loud at nonsense and Dane is a good example of that,” Toucher told Page Six. “We’d listen to him and at the end of four minutes he’d change subjects, and that was it. We couldn’t figure out when the joke was.

“And he’s actually hated. People don’t hate others they way they do him. At least Foxworthy panders to rednecks. Dane’s stories are so weak you wouldn’t want to hear them over lunch.”

Cook, 36, has been accused of stealing jokes by Louis CK, Demetri Martin, Joe Rogan and others. And the big-headed comic is also known for his huge ego and his diva-like demands.

The star of such movie stinkers as “Employee of the Month” and “Good Luck Chuck” allegedly was also once tossed out of Smith & Wollensky steak house because he was so difficult. “His assistant ordered for him. He got a steak and sent it back three times,” said one employee. “The chef was furious. Eventually we told him enough is enough.”

And one insider on the set of the TBS World Series commercials Cook filmed last year said he demanded blocks of tickets for postseason games in return for filming the commercials for free.

“He doesn’t recall ever being to Smith & Wollensky,” said Cook’s spokeswoman Ina Treciokas. “He did go to Houston’s when he was in town a few weeks ago and ordered chicken, which he did not send back. As for the [baseball] campaign, he did it for free. In return, they gave him two tickets to any baseball game over the next three years, and he’s been to five games so far.” Treciokas added: “He is a triple-platinum artist who’s sold 32,000 tickets on his last tour in Boston and 365,545 tickets in 25 cities over the course of the entire tour.”

[From Page Six]

I listened to a lot of the contest, and I must say, Dane Cook may not be the funniest stand up comedian, but I don’t know what he did to deserve so much vitriol. There was a time when Cook was the pride of Boston- selling out the Fleet Center (now the TDBanknorth Garden) in record time and starring in a top-rated HBO stand-up special. But all that changed when he started doing crappy movies and secretly dating Jessica Simpson. Still, I don’t think he deserved to be voted “Unfunniest.” Even the show’s DJ’s were stunned- they had their money on “Tonight Show” host Jay Leno.

Note by Celebitchy: A lot of comedians accuse Cook of stealing their material, and there’s evidence that he does. Red Ban links to an audio comparison of a set that Dane Cook did in 2003 with a 2001 CD put out by Louis CK. Dane did the same jokes in the same set as on Louis CK’s CD. I listened to the comparison and neither was particularly funny.

I wonder if Cook is going to respond to this unfunniest title on his myspace. Either Cook or one of his people got in an extended flame war through myspace last year with Best Week Ever blogger Alex Blagg after he wrote a negative article about him. Dane claims that his myspace was hacked and that it wasn’t him sending all the obnoxious messages.

Dane Cook is shown performing on 12/1/07, thanks to PRPhotos.


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93 Responses to “Two Boston DJ’s name Dane Cook ‘Unfunniest Comedian’”

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  1. iheartlasagne says:

    I absolutely can’t stand this guy. I can sit stony-faced through his sets, not that I would subject myself to listening to his schtick. It’s horrible! All the yelling and falling all over himself – that doesn’t make you funny!

  2. Jody says:

    My husband and I are huge Cubs fans in Chicago– so let me just say that those TBS spots during the post season made me hate Dane Cook. I really had no strong feeling either way about the man, but I swear if I hear, “…There’s only ONE October!” one more time, I will go psycho.

  3. Holly Smolesky says:

    I like him!

  4. AC says:

    I can’t STAND HIM. I absolutely agree he’s the most over rated comedien around. BLECH. I couldn’t even sit through his “vicious circle” show for mor ethan 5 minutes. he’s soooo annoying. and so are the people he appeals to. I did like one of his comedy central stad up bits – it did make me laugh and there are some memorable one liners. but since then… UGGGGG

  5. rose says:

    He is SO corny that it kinda makes him funny.

  6. Kolby says:

    Jay Leno is pretty damn unfunny. I think it’s Cook’s arrogance that probably put him over the top, though. The guy’s a giant douchebag.

  7. Speedmonkey says:

    Very true, he’s so unfunny. But his crowd is too young to realize that he has ripped off all his material from past comedians.

  8. Bodhi says:

    He USED to be funny, but not so much any more…

  9. Megan says:

    I’ve only watched one of his shows, I’m English so we don’t get him on TV at all over here. And wow… he’s really not even slightly funny.

  10. m.a. says:

    That sucks. I kinda liked him, but now that I know he steals material, I have to stop watching him. Just like carlos mencia. Damn it.

    Also, how is jeff foxworthy not the winner of the worst comedian award? He is absolutely the worst “comedian” I can think of, besides carrot top.

    And why isn’t carrot top on the list? Is it because he is SO UNfunny that they don’t even consider him to be a comedian? Probably. That’s the same category jeff foxworthy should be in, in my opinion. 🙂

  11. Bernie says:

    I LOVE DC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DC MANIA!!!!!

    *Sorry I couldn’t control myself. Heart the man.

  12. kellie says:

    I saw his for the first time a few years ago on SNL and they were gaga over him. So, I watched his special on HBO, tourgasm. After 10 minutes, I killed it. He is annoying, over the top, and not even a little bit funny. Overall, a total tool. What am I missing?

  13. JaeMae says:

    I book comics in NYC and let me tell you, Dane Cook is one of the most hated comedians by other comedians.

    I gotta say tho, I think its funny they list Louis CK as 1 of the people he steals from because he is also known to steal jokes.

    Some comics will not even perform if Carlos ManSTEALa is in the club.

    Oh, and Im in love with Demitri Martin.

  14. Trillion says:

    Not funny: Dane Cook.
    Funny as hell: Paul F. Tomkins and Zack Galifinakis

  15. SarahS says:

    ugh dane cook SUCKS! the only people i know who find him funny is my 14 year old son and his friends. he thinks he is sooo much better than he is. epitome of a douchebag. give me lewis black ANY DAY over this hack.

  16. mollination says:

    Not funny, not cute, not nothin. Don’t like this particular human being at all. Send mensteala and him to an island so they can copy eachother back and forth, over and over til they die from telling bad jokes and being annoying.

  17. MSat says:

    Okay, but my point was: he may be un-funny..but the unfunniest?

    One word: SINBAD.

  18. Magpie says:

    About 5 years ago, he had a special on Comedy Central which was hilarious. Then everyone got a hold of it and it got the Napoleon Dynamite treatment i.e. it was so imitated and played-out that it lost its novelty and humor. After that, his comedy was almost a caricature of his previous act. I can’t really see him being a diva, but the highlights beg to differ.

  19. couldnt agree more. there isnt a stand up comedian today that is less funny and deserves to die more than Dane Cook.

  20. Haley says:

    I agree with all the picks but Paula Poundstone. She was actually really fun back in the ’90s. Also, I can’t believe “Larry the Cable Guy” didn’t get an honorable mention.

  21. ab says:

    I also am in love with Demitri Martin.I’ll fight you for him, just kidding.
    Zack Galfinakis is the shit. Dane Cook is so unfunny it’s like watching a monkey being pocked by a stick. Jay Leno is also very unfunny and the whole Redneck thing is a tragedy.

  22. Trillion says:

    Haley you’re right: Larry the Cable Guy makes Dan Cook look talented.

  23. nonny says:

    Actually most comedians get their material from others. The one that Louis CK was harping on was very similar to one that Steve Martin did many years ago. So that whole…stealing thing needs to stop being brought up. Dane is ok in small doses. When he first came out he was good because there wasn’t anyone like him. But now, it’s more like he’s trying to be Jim Carrey’s dorky brother yelling “LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!”

  24. Loob says:

    Harsh, I love Paula Poundstone! She should not even have been on the list!

    But yes, Dane Cook is a thorough douche.

  25. Ticia says:

    get the stick out of your a$$! If he doesn’t make you laugh, you have some serious isues.

  26. Gracie May says:

    He is totally not funny.

  27. Jody says:

    Tricia, what’s with the ‘a$$’, does your ‘s’ key not work?

  28. “Zack Galfinakis is the shit”

    totally agree with that….

  29. Jen says:

    As the world dumbs down overall, we will see more people like individuals like this. I’m telling you Idiocracy was a prophecy, not a movie.

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  50. Ivan says:

    he sucks.
    he remindes me of some anoying guy at the bar, who just won’t shut up.
    I’d take any guy, who starts his story with “duuuuude!..”, when you ask him “So, how was your weekend?” over this so called comedian.
    He is the kind of guy, you would like to avoid at any cost at the party.
    You would come up with any excuse, just to have him gone.
    “Sorry, I have a sudden attack of diarhea, and I must go now!”
    And you would be willing to shit your pants just to get away from him.
    I mean, crap, he sucks the big one.
    Even when he says “f-ck” – it sounds fake.

  51. amy says:

    I f**kin love Dane Cook. Those who dont like him either dont understand the world or just dont what is FUNNY. He man is a joke genius. And he’s hot as hell too:)

  52. JackieSA says:

    I also think he is awful and seriously NOT funny!

  53. Ivan says:

    Are you kidding?
    I don’t know, what you consider funny, but let’s take a journey into Dane Cooks’ jokes.
    The most unfunny, in my oppinion, is his joke about herpes.
    Normally, guys would make you feel worse. Oh, you’ve got soars on you penis? Dude, it’s siphilis. And, unless you cut it off, it will fall off.
    I don’t know, who he hangs out with, but to me, his jokes are boring, and so is his life. And having another guy on TV with no story to tell is just anoying.
    If you don’t mind – here is a comedian: George Carlin.
    Smart, angry, badmouthing motherf-cker.
    Dane is that Todd, that Georges’ Vinnie will beat the crap off.

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  55. I never thought this guy was very funny. First I have heard of him stealing other comedians monologs. That is pretty sad.

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