Angelina Jolie’s bangs make a video for World Refugee Day


Oooh, an Angelina sighting! Angelina made another video for World Refugee Day (June 20th, this Sunday) which was just released by the UNHCR. I mentioned the other day that Angelina’s name was on all of the UNHCR materials for the international Refugee Day celebrations and events, although I don’t know if she’s going to be in Washington, New York or abroad. Angelina did a video last year too, and a big interview with Anderson Cooper. I would suspect that she’ll probably do another big interview, as she usually does. Maybe Anderson Cooper? Maybe Wolf Blitzer or Ann Curry. Here’s this year’s video…be careful, the sound quality isn’t great:

She looks good, I think. I’m loving the bangs. I know she wants to use her serious voice when she’s doing UNHCR stuff, but is she supposed to sound like she’s trying to talk some dude off on the phone? I mean, she almost sounded seductive and phone-sexy in the ad. Ah, I love to overanalyze.



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58 Responses to “Angelina Jolie’s bangs make a video for World Refugee Day”

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  1. bite me says:

    her face looks a little fuller

  2. Mia says:

    She looks good. I like the bangs. They make her face softer somewhat. Maybe it is the added weight.

  3. Kimberly says:

    ” Fuller ” ? What picture am I looking at then ? She looks a tad bit gaunt .

    She does look gorgeous none the less .

  4. Solveig says:

    If for “good” you mean “man in drag”, yes, she looks good.
    I’m far more interested in “Christian Bale at Disneyland with his family” news.
    No, I don’t want to sound rude, and I’m concern of the refugees, but this thread will become one of those who focus on her looks and how she is hypocrite, blah blah blah. Then again the ones who suffer won’t be mentioned.
    Conclusion? There’s no need to have celebrities awaring us about world discriminations and sufferings: we’re going talk about the celebrity.

  5. cedar falls says:

    Angie, how about reducing your mahoosive, $60-million-houses-&-world-travelling-in-a-private-jet carbon footprint a teensie-weensie bit so people aren’t driven out of their homes by flooding, desertification, etc… or are environmental refugees not under your remit?

  6. really says:

    Even tho I like the idea she is promoting the site of her made me puke my lunch.

  7. truthSF says:

    I have to give it to her, she is very dedicated to this cause, considering she’s being active from 2001-2010. 10 years is a long time, and to start at a young age of 25, wow!!!!

    I don’t know Sh*t about her personal life, but I fully support her UNHCR work.

  8. mln says:

    I’m not loving the eye makeup

  9. Larissa says:

    She looks so stiff and wax like…other than that (and her wig like hair) she looks good!

  10. Riley says:

    She looks like a drag queen.

  11. lucy2 says:

    I can’t watch the video at the moment. Don’t care for her, but do respect the refugee work she does. I don’t always believe her to be sincere, but I do think she is sincere about that, and she has been doing it a long time.

    On a more superficial note, I think the bangs are good, but from the stills she looks at least 10 years older than she really is. Very unusual for an actress!

  12. Lisa Turtle says:

    This woman has unbelievable bone structure. The shape of her face, her cheeks, her jaw is beautiful. I just think she’s devestatingly gorgeous, especially when styled in a classic way like she has been lately.

  13. jacky says:

    Liar with plastic surgery.

  14. Lesley says:

    I don’t know how someone can devote a decade to a cause without being sincere. I admire her passion.

  15. S says:

    to me, Angelina is one of those people whose voice does not match their face. I don’t know what kind of voice I expect her to have, but whenever I hear her speak, without fail, I’m always like ‘that voice with that woman?? no.’
    I would say like David Beckham, but his voice does him a disservice, while hers is still hot (I agree Kaiser, I definitely hear the sultry).

    And sincere or not, I like it when celebrities draw attention to good causes, because regardless of their motivation, if even a handful of people are motivated to do something, then that is a success. I hate Lindsay Lohan, and I hate that people keep treating her like she deserves anything, but she brought attention to the plight of children in India, and that’s better than nothing…even if she did offend a bunch of people along the way.

  16. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    Yeah, ten years would be the longest episode of Candid Camera in history, so I think her heart’s in this one. Of course she’s aging–she’s getting older–and as far as number of adopted children go, she’s got a ways to go if she wants to meet Josephine Baker’s ‘Rainbow Tribe’.

    Her speaking voice here sounds exactly like mine…uh oh.

  17. meme says:

    blah blah blah what happened to her voice? that sounded nothing like her.

  18. jessica says:

    Ugh. Don’t like her.

  19. cee says:

    Haters are such fools. She is doing a good thing. You can’t even back off of the hate to listen to a message about people in need. Oh that’s right you are Aniston fans. Why am I surprised? Proud to be Jolie Pitt fan.

  20. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    I really hope those displaced families find homes. My heart always breaks at those images of kids working long shifts and going home to a tent.

    My heart always swoons at an Angelina sighting. Angie gets more and more beautiful with time and her amazing spirit just radiates through her. One of things about Angelina that contributes to her appeal and overall awesomeness is her voice. How many woman have voice like that? If Megan Fox didn’t sound like a pre-tween stuck on boy bands and whatnot she would be more appealing.

  21. Praise St. Angie! says:

    cee, dear…NO ONE mentioned Aniston until YOU did.

    I guess you’re her biggest fan on here.

    now, back to the topic at hand…

    like her or hate her, she’s doing a good thing by being a spokesperson for this cause.

    and not that how she looks really matters in this instance, but since everybody else is commenting, so will I!

    I also don’t like the eye makeup – it’s a little too severe for her. she doesn’t need to call attention to her eyes, or any part of her face for that matter, because she IS a striking woman. I also like the lighter brown color of her hair, it softens her face a bit…def better than the darker brown she’s had in the past.

    now, onto the REALLY important issue…where are the pics of the (mostly) clean-shaven Pitt?!

  22. vbn says:

    Go away you attention whore fake poser.

  23. buckley says:

    Geez…who mentioned Aniston?

    Personally I dislike Jolie for reasons completely unrelated to Aniston
    Imagine that. And the word haters is terribly over used these days.

  24. Wholesome1 says:

    Love her!

  25. Maritza says:

    Angelina is gorgeous and her voice is calm and serious as it should be, she is a great UNHCR Ambassador. The least thing you notice are the bangs, her eyes and lips is the most noticeable thing about her.

  26. Ogechi says:

    sorry, not a fan.

  27. Lisa S. says:

    It is wonderful what AJ is doing for UNHCR. She Could be doing nothing at all to help. But when I look at her in pics or what have you, I wonder sometimes how much actual fun she is having in her life. Of course we know nothing of what she is like behind closed doors. But she seems so serious and almost distraught every time I see pics of her.

  28. Jeri says:

    Jolie never saw a camera she didn’t like.

  29. Majosha says:

    While I absolutely support Angelina’s plight to bring awareness to people in need, I’m concerned about whether or not the UN is really as helpful as they claim. Between stories of political corruption and troops who stand aside while people are ravaged in unspeakable ways, it’s hard to remain faithful in their purported cause.

    Now, before anyone jumps one me, please know that I’m not claiming all of this as absolute fact. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable than I am can chime in and offer his/her perspective.

  30. lisa says:


    love that she does this each year.. I don’t get the comment regarding her appearance or her children.. PLUS Angie and her family living on the street will not solve the problem. but of course she is the only one expected to give away all her money to prove that she is sincere.. I admire her and mostly because she does not let the opinions (most of which are uninformed) to sway her. She has been doing this work for 10 years. visited more countries than most of the Presidents and Congress.

    Like her or not.. she is dedicated and is doing something to give a voice to these people

    BRAVO Angie.. I am sure the naysayers would find something to bit@h about no matter what..

  31. Katija says:

    Don’t care what anyone says, love her. Her dedication to this cause is waaaay more sincere than someone like Madonna or Goopy.

  32. Katija says:

    @ Majosha

    You’re completely right – there is a lot “off” with the UN. However, I do think that the UNHCR is pretty much non-partisan, solely humanitarian.

  33. rosalee says:

    @Majosha, may I recommend the book
    “Shake Hands With the Devil – The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda”. It was written by General Romeo Dallaire

    He describes the machete-wielding government-sponsored forces who went on a killing spree in 1994 and murdered 800,000 people in 100 days. It’s a damning indictment of world leaders and UN bureaucrats who failed to stop the genocide. The Canadian Peace keepers were ordered by the UN to stand down. The book makes you wonder about the UN..

  34. gg says:

    Don’t like the bangs on her – she hasn’t learned yet how to style them, which always happens. A coworker friend of mine got bangs after having parted-in-the-middle hair for decades. Ghastly! But after awhile they stopped looking like poodle bangs and were cute. It’s hard to style newly cut hair.

  35. Lilias says:

    Solveig is right. 34 comments and all people are talking about (even her superfans) are how great she looks or how bad she looks and how weird her voice is.

    This is why using celebrities to do this kind of thing is flawed. Nobody cares about what she is actually saying, detractors and fans alike.

  36. Cat says:

    Angelina has such a beautiful heart. How many celebrities today manifest the kind of commitment, devotion and concern for humanitarian causes as Angelina has done consistently for the past ten years? NO ONE. Yes, every now and then some celebrities attend some charity events where they get to dress up and drink champagne all in the name of philanthropy. Sometimes a few would lend their names, but their involvement ends there. Angelina is a special person in general, and in the world of famous people in Hollywood she will be remembered in the same vein, if not more, as Audrey Hepburn and Mia Farrow. At the international level, she is as special as Princess Diana and Mother Teresa.

    For all those who said she and her family need to reduce their luxurious globe-trotting lifestyle, how would this help the refugees on the global scale? It takes a collective effort of the whole western world, each and everyone of us, to reduce our consumption of resources and energy before a we could see some change. Please think more before you feel impelled to make a statement like that. Thank you.

  37. Electric says:

    It is great that she does this. She is able to draw a lot of attention to this cause.

    Lady looks like she needs to eat a sammich though

  38. Electric says:

    Hello, Cat? Yes, helping the world environmental situation will take a collective effort, but collective effort starts with individuals. And individuals who are high-profile (like Angelina Jolie) are a great place to start.

  39. Melinda says:

    I think the bangs and the eyeshadow look very 80’s and generally ick.

  40. original kate says:

    @ rosalee – “shake hands with the devil” is a great book. very haunting. as for angie, i think she’s wearing a wig.

  41. Lori says:

    -If for “good” you mean “man in drag”-

    LOL YES!!

  42. Camille says:

    The haters and the vitriol that gets heaped onto this woman for no *real* reason (or at least no relevant reason) is starting to make me like her…
    She *appears* to be living a very full and amazing life, filled with love, family, children, work, philanthropy, travel and more.
    I admire and respect her dedicated charity work, at least she isn’t swanning off for some holiday somewhere and claiming that she is helping out the locals by staying in some swanky resort, or by going to some charity event and as someone ^ said, getting dressed up and drinking champers all night. Yeah, that’s real charity work *rolls eyes*.
    Anyway kudos to her for doing this for so long, I don’t think anyone could pull that off for as long as she has now, unless they were a ‘super mega amazing’ actress, and as the haters like to keep telling us all- she isn’t. *snicker*

    *Runs away before I get attacked…* lol

  43. Deb says:

    How did her upper lip become larger than her lower lip? It didn’t used to be like that. Hmmmm

  44. Moira says:

    The UN forces in Rwanda were “peacekeepers” once the genocide started there wasn’t a peace to be kept. The UN doesn’t have it’s own army. The Rwandan tragedy would have been compounded by the slaughter of all the UN peacekeeping forces if they had engaged the Hutu gangs.

    The UN is better than nothing, which is exactly what we would have without the UN. Also, the UNHCR is not the UN and vice-versa.

  45. Majosha says:

    rosalee: Thanks for the book recommendation — I’ll definitely check it out.

  46. cee says:

    Why so snarky about someone tryong to do something good. I don’t get peoplewho want to continue to hate on someone who has turned her life around, met a man that could not live without her, has a beautiful family, is a humanitarian and is is gorgeous. Wait it is becomin clearer to me now. Grow up people!!!!

  47. Cakes says:

    I dont like the bangs, it really makes her face look square. Sometimes she looks really polished but then there are times she looks greasy and unkempt. As for the humanitarian efforts, I give her props. Being invloved with the UN for almost a decade is a really long time if you have a alterior motive.

  48. bubbles says:

    how sad is it that people would focus and write more about her bangs than the situation at hand. we are talking about Thousands and Thousands of displaced homeless people REFUGEES and all you can think and talk about are her make-up and styling. Shame on you! that includes you too Kaiser!

  49. NicoleAM says:

    Good for her, nice job, but to correct an earlier commentor: She is not in the same league as Mother Teresa. And neither am I, so few are.

  50. margo says:

    She is so fake, I don’t believe her, she needs a tax write off

  51. heavenasia says:


  52. cedar falls says:

    “Angelina is a special person in general, and in the world of famous people in Hollywood she will be remembered in the same vein, if not more, as Audrey Hepburn and Mia Farrow.”

    Nope, she’ll be remembered as the K-Mart Elizabeth Taylor. Name one CLASSIC Angelina Jolie film for the ages.

    Thought not…

  53. teri says:

    I like what she’s doing.

  54. berkie says:

    most beautiful woman in the world???/ bleh, i have seen prettier woman check me at out wal-mart.

  55. DD says:

    She looks good, maybe a taddish overly made-up.
    @berkie: I think the most beautiful woman in the world title was circa 2005. I have to admit I thought the same thing back then, now when I look at her I don’t see it at all and I wonder why that is, but she looks so very different. Even cougarish for her young age. Maybe it’s the chaotic life she leads, or Brad did suck the hot out.

  56. lisa says:

    Angelina has been doing these PSA since 2004.

    If she is fake.. I pray that more people would be as fake. The people she works with in the field have all and I MEAN ALL given glowing accounts of her dedication to these causes. Causes I might add she has done for 10 years now. Hardly the behavior of someone faking it.. But hey it is Angelina and the haters need to hate. I wonder if they are as critical to the celebs that are very clearly showing up for photo ops. NOPE I don’t think so. But again they seek her out just to make a negative comment. Best thing for me is that Angie does not give a sh*t.. And I am sure the millions of people whose lives have been changed because of her according to ******.. don’t give a sh*t either.

    She lives on her truth and what she knows she is..not what a few people that don’t even bother to do a bit of research say.

    Go do something and then talk. but talking is easier

  57. force_bo says:

    she looks botoxy.

  58. skibunny says:

    There are thousands of volunteers who dont get any recognition or thank you,simply gratification at doing something to help others. They dont get to fly home to their mansion in a private jet. AJ for the most part is a figurehead only. Not to say she doesnt care or isnt doing any good but to put her on a pedestal when the real stars are the faceless ones who work and live in the same conditions as the people they are helping. Sorry I dont feel the love.