Johnny Depp the New Trojan Condoms Man, April Fools!

Reports that Johnny Depp was offered $10 million to be the front man for Trojans Magnum condom range recently hit the gossip press. Oh yes, we all believe Johnny could fill the role. (Pun intended.)

The “Pirates of the Caribbean” star, 44, would be expected to appear in a series of offbeat TV commercials for the company’s new Magnum range, according to the Star

Sadly despite U.K.’s Daily Star and Fox News stories on the marriage of dirty pirate hotness and big boy prophylactics, it is not true. It is a damn shame. The rumor stated that the slogan ad executives were toying with was “Stand up with Johnny for Safer Sex.” Kinda lame, but cheers for the safe sex angle.

Sources close to Johnny stated that he was considering the job, but his reps vehemently deny his involvement with bthe rand. Depp is known for his humanitarian efforts and finds the promotion of safe sex to be vital and a positive influence. Yet there seems to be a lack of fact checking on someone’s part.

“There is no truth to this,” says the spokeswoman, Robin Baum. “He has not been approached.”

[Mixed Media]

Why don’t they just print Johnny’s face on the condoms? That should cause a demand for them that exceeds the cost of a potential lawsuit. Oh, come on! We all have the Jack Sparrow shivering-our-timbers fantasy.

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5 Responses to “Johnny Depp the New Trojan Condoms Man, April Fools!”

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  1. geronimo says:

    April Fool’s or not, this is still a brilliant idea. He’s the perfect poster boy for Trojan. And I think having his face on the condoms is an inspired idea. Think about it. It would bring him that little bit closer….ok, going to stop now.

  2. anni says:

    well, if it had been true, it would have certainly been a condom-brand i´d buy. plus…maybe some of those retarded people who don´t use condoms think johnny is that cool so they´d buy them.

  3. cc says:

    I love the “We all have the Jack Sparrow shivering-our-timbers fantasy.”

    Yes, yes we do.

  4. toi says:

    i whis this where tru i woud defently bay them if he had enything to do whit them he is so dame hot love him want him ha ha ha

  5. Morgan says:

    So what’s that…A Million per inch?
    It’s such a shame that this isn’t true, many people look up to Johnny and I think it could really turn things around when safe sex is involved.

    I mean, who wouldn’t think of sex when they look at his face? lol I know I do ^_^

    But seriously, they really should go for this idea, off beat comercials…like him saying “Do you have a condom?”, “They call me Rubber Johnny”, “Safe sex is good sex”

    Ohhh I can see it now 😀