Jay Leno slammed for telling Ryan Phillippe to make his “gayest look”

I heard this story last week, but People Magazine is reporting it now, so we may as well cover it: A gay blogger and playwright is slamming Jay Leno for careless remarks he made when Ryan Phillippe was on his show. Ryan played the first gay teenager on television in his first acting job. He played Billy Douglas in the opera soap opera “One Life to Live,” and said that it caused some controversy with the Baptist church in his small town in Delaware. (Phillippe later told Ellen Degeneres that he received letters from gay teens saying he saved them from suicide, but he didn’t realize the importance of his role at the time, because he was 17 and was just glad to have a job.)

Jay told Ryan to show the camera his “gayest look,” but he was talking about the way that soap operas make everything melodramatic for effect, and how the actors look at the camera with piercing eyes. I took it in that context and not as something he came up with as a stereotype of a gay man:

Apparently attempting to become playful during his interview with guest Ryan Phillippe (whose appearance was keyed to his new movie Stop-Loss), Leno, 57, said to the actor, “Can you give me, like – say that camera is your gay lover …”

Despite Phillippe’s instant discomfort, Leno went on to say, “Can you give me your ‘gayest look’? Say that camera is Billy Bob – Billy Bob has just ridden in shirtless from Wyoming.”

“Wow,” replied Phillippe, 33. “That is so something I don’t want to do. Are you just going to embarrass me tonight, or … ?”

“No,” said Leno. “I got more stuff. This is the least of it.”

Among those in the home audience who quickly took offense, reports USA Today, was Tony-winning Avenue Q librettist Jeff Whitty, 36.

On his personal blog, Whitty flashes Leno what he considers his “gayest look” – which involves a well-known gesture with his middle finger. Whitty also asks, “Would you ask a guest to make their ‘blackest face?’ Their ‘Jewiest face?’ ”

Following suit, others have posted their “gayest looks” for Leno – also involving the same gesture – at the newly created Web site, My Gayest Look.

[From People.com]

I didn’t cover this when I first heard it, because I watched that whole interview carefully and even transcribed some of it, and the comments Leno made did not seem offensive or targeted at gay men to me. Jay was talking about the way that soap operas exaggerate things, from my perspective. Plus I didn’t want to stir up a controversy. Sure Jay Leno made some stupid remarks, but I felt that as a semi-straight woman I’m not the one to say whether it was offensive to gay people or not, and frankly I felt stupid for not recognizing it as potentially offensive in the first place.

Whitty has some valid points that Jay wouldn’t ask someone to make their blackest or Jewiest face, and Leno even seemed uncomfortable when Halle Berry said that a photo of her with her nose photoshopped to look big was her “Jewish cousin.” Producers recognized that Berry’s remark was offensive and removed it prior to the show being aired, but someone has to hit them over the head to see that Jay is doing a similar thing here.

The best thing to come out of this is the website My Gayest Look, which involves tons of people giving Jay the finger. Now that this has some media attention, expect an apology from Jay. Maybe this will make media personalities think twice before making offhand stupid comments about groups of people. Also – I think that Asians are routinely stereotyped and made fun of in the media and that it gets hardly any attention. It’s good that people speak out and let us know when someone is out of line and I feel enlightened in this case, but am kind of humbled that I didn’t see it myself.

Update: Leno has apologized for his comments, saying that he agrees that it was dumb and that is came out wrong. He should have said “most melodramatic look” or “best soap opera stare”

“In talking about Ryan’s first role, I realize that what I said came out wrong,” the host of NBC’s Tonight Show said in a statement to PEOPLE. “I certainly didn’t mean any malice. I agree it was a dumb thing to say, and I apologize.”

[From People.com]

Here’s the video. The “gayest look” comment is about 2 minutes in:


Ted, whose shirt made me lol


They should paginate that Gayest Look site and add advertising, because it’s a lot of fun to look through all the photos of people giving the brid.

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17 Responses to “Jay Leno slammed for telling Ryan Phillippe to make his “gayest look””

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  1. mollination says:

    Semi-straight, cb? 🙂

  2. celebitchy says:

    Hardly anyone is on one extreme of the Kinsey scale.

  3. iheartlasagne says:

    HA! I love it CB, and I agree with you 150%!

  4. KLO says:

    i agree, celebitchy 😛

  5. Claire says:

    I don’t think Jay meant anything. Otherwise why would he always have Ross the Intern on? He doesn’t make fun of him and you know Ross is a little over the top. Jay has had Ross on for years. Nah, Jay was just trying to drum up some laughs which for comics is their number one priority.

  6. anon69 says:

    Leno is lame…

  7. lena says:

    okay i understand gay rights so on and so forth.. i believe in do what you want, who you want, i don’t care, i don’t pass judgement…BUT i’m so tired of the gay rights argument with the treatment of jews and blacks in this country..there just isn’t a relation to me…there wasn’t a gay continent that gays were taken from and stripped of their identity, language, and culture, etc…and there wasn’t a gay concentration camp were anyone thought to be gay was taken to and treated like an animal or worse..i understand gay rights and their fight for equality (and they have every right to fight for it) but the gay rights compared to the struggle of jews and blacks in this country is not the same thing. I guess what i’m trying to say is don’t fight the fight by comparing it (blackest face, jewiest face) to completely different struggles…it can’t be lumped, and it shouldn’t be lumped together. i have no idea if this made any sense but i think you guys might get the point.

  8. GirlyGirl says:

    I agree, too. I also love that term, semi-straight!

  9. alarmjaguar says:

    Um, Lena, gay people in this country faced legal discrimination. Moreover homosexuality was, until recently, considered a mental disorder for which people could be committed. That is saying nothing about the physical violence directed against them by the public. While we could certainly argue about which group has had it worse in history, I don’t think it is fair (or productive) to deny the discriminatation against one group in favor of emphasizing that of another.

  10. Syko says:

    My opinion is that we all offend too easily these days anyway. That aside – Hitler DID throw homosexuals into the concentration camps, it wasn’t just Jews.

    I’d just like to see us all love each other a little more. Obnoxious things you say to someone are much less offensive if the love is there.

  11. LANETTE says:



    I saw the intverview and I thought Jay Leno acted like an ass…

    he was not talking about how soap opera’s over do stuff he was being an ass.

  12. Simon Scowl says:

    Getting angry at bland, harmless late-night comedians is so gay.

  13. Megan says:

    I agree he said a silly thing, but that website with a ton of photos of people giving him the finger… people really need something better to do with their lives. Wow, another person uses ‘gay’ in the wrong context… big thrills, it’s not like it doesn’t happen every single day. It’s only because Jay Leno is on the TV that people care about what comes out of his mouth. Instead of taking photos of yourself giving a TV presenter ‘the finger’ why don’t you do something useful like educate people about prejudice.

  14. Bodhi says:

    I really want Ted’s shirt

  15. lena says:

    thank you lanette, that’s what i’m trying to say, fight the fight, you have every right to do so, but stop comparing one struggle to another struggle…and alarmjaguar, my personal opinion, native americans have had it the worse…i see/know black, gay, and jewish people on a regular basis, but it’s a rare occasion i meet someone who is a 100% full blooded native amercian and everyone is aware of the history with them.. furthermore I don’t think it is fair (or productive) to bring up another ethnic/racial group to make a point of fair treatment, especially when the treatment of these “groups” are on different extremes, yes gay people have a huge battle against discrimination and lives are being lost in the process,…but a history/culture isn’t being lost, american blacks and jewish people have lost these things, like i said earlier there isn’t a gay continent where they were shipped from and enslaved, and to my knowledge (i could be wrong), but i haven’t read about any incident were hundreds of thousands of gay people were being put into concentration camps, yeah i know there were some, but i’m talking about on a large scale… just my opinion

  16. journey says:

    there would have been large scale numbers of gays being shipped off in hitler world if most of the gays hadn’t been in the closet. why do you think they hid in the closet? not because the decor was so sublime in there, but because coming out meant being shipped out to death camps. it wasn’t that hitler hated gays any less than jews, gypsies or catholics, they were just harder to hunt down. jews could be searched out in their ghettos, catholics in their churches, gypsies in their caravans, but gays were in closets, in families all across germany.

  17. Dahvidae says:

    As an proud openly gay person all i can say is WHO CARES i wasnt offended at all when i read the post and i would have probably laughed at Ryans attempt to make his “gayest face” had i seen it on tv. Perception is reality, things can only bother you if you let it and i dont think this was meant to be offensive at all