Kirstie Alley really didn’t lose all of that weight, shock


Am I a bitch? Of course. But how bitchy am I, really? Because I’m like the only person in the world who refuses to hate on Kirstie Alley for being chunky (note: I didn’t think “fat” was appropriate – Kirstie is technically “chunky” in my mind). The woman loves to eat. It happens. She has consistently struggled with her weight for decades – as have many, many, many women. The only thing that bothers me about Kirstie is that she only seems to get attention these days for her crazy claims about her weight and her weight loss. Like this – Kirstie claiming earlier this week that she had lost “50 pounds” magically (through Photoshop). Anyway, these are new photos of Kirstie yesterday. Um…yeah. I’m just going to let Michael K be the bitch here:

A little over a week ago, Kirstie Alley proclaimed to her Twitter followers that 50 pounds of dead Thetans from her body threw themselves into a volcano and she only has 30 more pounds to lose. Then she Twatted a picture that was so overly Photoshopped that even Mimi told Kirstie to take her foot off the f-ckery pedal. Well, here’s a few pictures of Kirstie from the past couple of days. As Starzlife so perfectly puts it, those 50 pounds Kirstie lost must’ve found her ass.

If the spirit of L. Ron Hubbard can turn an ass cheek to John Travolta gobbling up sauna dick as though it’s going extinct, he needs to love every inch of Kirstie’s chunk. I mean, my guess is that Kirstie is so obsessed with telling everyone about every little pound she drops, because whenever she’s about to bite into a delicious piece of deep fried pizza covered in cheese frosting (that actually sounds really good), she sees Xenu staring back at her with a “tsk tsk tsk” look on his face. F-ck Xenu and f-ck him again for f-cking with cheese frosting. Embrace the chunk, the way the crazy embraces you, Kirstie.

And in other Kirstie news, this story from The National Enquirer (via Showbiz Spy) took me so high that I’m giving my bong the weekend off (not really). A source says, “Kirstie’s on an organic diet to lose weight. But she’s usually too lazy to go to the farmers market or store for produce and often swipes avocados, oranges, grapefruits, and other stuff from neighboring properties. People are getting really annoyed with her because she so doesn’t ask — she just takes.”

The image of Kirstie jumping over a brick wall to wrestle a pony over the last apple on the tree is my TGIF.

[From Dlisted]

She’s stealing food now? Because she’s too lazy to shop?!? Why do I believe it?

Here are more pics – I’ll say something nice. I like her pants. They look totally comfortable.



Kirstie Alley on Sept. 30, 2010. Credit: Bauer-Griffin.

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53 Responses to “Kirstie Alley really didn’t lose all of that weight, shock”

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  1. Jacquie says:

    PAHAHAHAHA I look better than that and I’m shorter and weigh more than she supposedly does. There is no way in hell I will believe any of what this woman says without putting her on MY scale. She has to still be over 200.

  2. hairball says:

    I really, really feel for her situation. It is obviously very hard for her to lose weight and keep it off. Likely a large part due to emotional overeating and addicted to sugar etc.

    BUT, god, STOP talking about your weight all the time! Do something else. Go away for awhile and when you reappear do NOT talk about your weight. If you have happened to lose weight, GREAT, just don’t make it your special and only talent.

  3. TaylorB says:

    I read that she only washes her hair once a month or so, I dismissed it as nonsense, but seeing her hair in that photo makes me wonder if that is in fact the case. I know it is bad to wash hair every day, but for heavens sake her head looks like it was dipped in the gulf oil spill.

  4. Relli says:

    Kaiser i adore you efforts to say something nice at the end of some posts, it cracks me up every time.

  5. TeeTee says:

    I knew I would get a good laugh today and I knew it would be from this site..

    I guess I don’t understand why Kirstie does not call on her scientology beliefs to melt the fat away or call on her sister girl friend John T to tell her HIS secrets.

    Hilarious!!!! story!!!

  6. Kaboom says:

    I guess the NASA mission to put a probe in her orbit is still on then?

  7. jc126 says:

    It looks like she lost about 30 pounds. Any progress is good progress.
    If I had a lot of money, and nothing to do, I think I could lose weight. That’s what I don’t get about Kirstie Alley – she could have meals in, have tons of gym equipment to use, etc. She’s said she hates to exercise – well, get over it. Some of us don’t have time to do enough exercise to lose weight; she does, so she ought to grow up and do it.

  8. skeptical says:

    The reason I’m amused by her still being so fat is because she’s currently shilling a product she calls Organic Liason aka overpriced garbage.
    She claims her product is miracle weight loss and has a website to subscribe to and delivery services and lots of other places to enter your address and credit cards…and lots of scientologists on her staff and testimony pics that tend to vanish once the paid actors in them are pointed out.

    So it’s nice to see that her miracle Organic Liason isn’t even working for her.

  9. EllenP says:

    Maybe it has something to do with Scientology, maybe not, but I get the impression that Kirstie and Leah Remini are really unpleasant people. Could be my bias, though.

  10. Jackson says:

    Hmm. IDK. She may have lost 50 – what did she look like before, recently? But, no way does she need to lose only 30 more pounds. Then again, lol, IDK what weight she is trying to get to. Just by the looks of those pics, she needs to lose more than 30 pounds though….

  11. Bored says:

    Ellenp, i agree. Leah remini is loud and obnoxious

  12. Praise St. Angie! says:

    there is NO WAY she is under 200. In fact, I’d go so far as to say there’s no way she’s under 250.

    why bother with saying you lost 50 lbs when you KNOW you’re going to get papped (and therefore proven a liar) in the next few days?

  13. texasmom says:

    I remember that photo of her looking slimmer that you linked to but recalled her looking slimmer mostly by dint of hiding behind a table (I do this with my children at family reunion photos all the time — I once managed to hide my entire lower body behind a toddler!!). Then I looked again at the picture and I now believe they accidentally photoshopped her ENTIRE BODY BELOW THE ELBOWS. This is a new, hot trend that happened to Christine whatsername from Mad Men, didn’t it?

  14. benny says:

    That photoshopped picture forgot to put her legs in (only her torso is shown above the table, no legs below). It was very badly done. I feel sorry for her because she obviously WANTS to be thin very badly, but then I remember that she’s making money off of lying to people and giving nutritional “advice” she has no business giving. Then my sympathy disappears. She deserves to be made fun of.

  15. Sigh. says:

    Krisite, no swiping! She has 2 assistants, maid, and 2 teens that can go shop for her, so what is with the backyard bandit act?

    And the slouchy, sloppy, bulky clothes she constantly wears with the lay-away hair does not help her cause. She could look slightly smaller with better fitting sweats if she did lose. Evening gown and tiara to market? No. But she ALWAYS looks like she was literally rooooolled out of bed. Like a pecan log getting it’s final coating.

    Pun. 100%. intended.

  16. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    @Praise St Angie! I agree, she has to be around 250 maybe 260. F#@#ng no way she is under 200. I am under 200 above 150 and I look wayyyyyyyyy smaller than her.

    She looks like a mess. Why does anyone listen to her?

  17. wunderkindt says:

    Maybe she lost somethng like 15 lbs and wears spanx???

    Anyhow, why cant we also have some chunky stars?

    I dont think everyone in Hollywood has to be thin! Variety is interesting.

  18. eja102 says:

    meh. maybe she lost it in odd places, like her ankles.
    can’t hate on her, ever- she gave me shout out on twitter, telling girls to say hi to me.
    ok, wrong team but still, I appreciated the effort.

  19. Crash2GO2 says:

    More alarming to me than her weight is her lack of hygiene and grooming. She is still a stunning woman and would look it if she bother to just wash her hair and wear something that fits! I think she could use some therapy and depression meds. Unfortunately that is something she will never get if she sticks with the scientologists.

  20. jc126 says:

    I don’t think she looks anywhere near 250.

  21. Delta Juliet says:

    “Like a pecan log getting it’s final coating.”

    AHAHAHA one of the funniest things I’ve read/heard all day!

  22. Ron says:

    Here’s the thing I don’t get with her, my Mom is heavy, not that big but she’s no size 8, and she always always looks good. Even if you came to her door unannounced she would throw on a caftan and earrings. Every time I see Kirstie she looks like she has just been through a twister in Texas after being in a sleep depravation chamber for 72 hours. WTF?

  23. original kate says:

    fat or not, unless she has the flu and is running out for some nyquil there is no excuse to be so slovenly in public.

  24. BethL says:

    What did she look like before? I don’t think it’s fair to say she’s lying about losing weight if nobody knows the starting weight. I also don’t understand why everytime I see her, she looks like a slob.

  25. OhCamille! says:

    The only thing I find revolting about that pic is her shoes.

  26. Cruisin Through says:

    Her personal hygiene looks like it needs some work, but it does look like she lost some weight. The fact that she’s dressed like a slob in unflattering clothes doesn’t help though.

  27. dj says:

    She is so sad. I agree with Crash re: meds and therapy. I remember when (1980’s) she was so beautiful! She had dark hair which really accentuated her beautiful light (blue or green) eyes. She was very striking.

  28. Kloops says:

    “f-ckery pedal” lol. When MK is on form he’s priceless.

    As for Kirstie, seriously, she’s chunky and it’s not a big deal but she brings this on herself by releasing photos, tweets and scientology baloney claiming miracles.

  29. Kiska says:

    I had read on another blog that Kirstie did a lot of speed and cocaine in the 80’s and it screwed up her metabolism. Evidently, her “organic diet” isn’t working.

  30. di butler says:

    I am 5’2. Kirstie IIRC is like 5’10. If she’s under 200 lbs, I’ll eat those ugly shoes she’s wearing. And I agree, I don’t care if she’s fat, I don’t knock her for it, but she’s rich. Why does she always look like a bag lady?

  31. Eileen says:

    I have no idea what she looked like right before so who knows how much she’s really lost….but I give her 6 months before its all gained back. Anyone want to take me up on that bet?

  32. Serendipity says:

    She’s lied about her weight for years…didn’t she say once she topped out at 200? No fucking way. She is tall… must be about 260.

  33. Siren6 says:

    She is nowhere near 250 and very well could have lost 50 and still be that big. I can’t seem to find any pics of her at her recent heavy size for comparison.

  34. aj says:

    Wow, this is just public humiliation.

  35. Lilly says:

    I know I’m opening the flood gates with this question but why is it not ok for Kirstie to look like a slob but its ok for Jennifer Garner to look like a slob? Jennifer looks a lot cleaner then Kirstie and she does her hair I give her that but she wears unfitted old people clothes that are two sizes to big all the time. I’m remember last year there was a photo taken of Jennifer Garner dropping her daughter at school and she had a big hole in her underwear and all people said was that she dresses like a normal person and probably didn’t have time to put on a new pair. I’m a normal person and I sure as hell don’t dress like that in clothes that don’t fit nether dose anyone I know unless they’re at home. I get she has kids but so do I and a lot of other celebrities and normal people and manage to dress nice in fitted clothes with or without all of her money. Jennifer Garner can look nice when Rachel Zoe dresses her for advents and the red carpet she has the money just like Kirstie to look nice every day and I’m not talking over the top but in nice fitted clothes.

  36. lucy2 says:

    She’s probably lost a little, but not as much as she’s claimed. I realize she’s trying to sell something, but agree it’s foolish to put the info out there when it’s not true.

  37. la chica says:

    i’d say she went from 280 pounds to 255.

  38. anon says:

    wash your hair!!!!!!!!!

  39. Shy says:

    If you want to lose your weight then don’t eat so effing much. Gosh. I’ve lost 5 kg in some three-four weeks. And i wasn’t starving myself. I was just eating less and eat healthy food. No cakes, pizzas, coca-colas…. And then you see those rich celebrities who are eating for five and then complain that they can’t lose wight. And add the fact that unlike ordinary people celebrities can afford a personal diet trainer.

    Kristie – if you won’t put all that junk food to your mouth then you will lose weight.

  40. dinosaur says:

    I’m sorry, if that isn’t fat, what is it? It’s not pejorative, it’s factual. I don’t think being fat is that awful of a reality that we need to sugar-coat (ha!, unintentional pun) it this much.

    And I don’t hate Kirstie Alley for being fat, I dislike her for being a Scientology shill who makes her self-worth depend on her weight in the most public way. It’s like she’s asking to be mocked by the entertainment media, FFS.

  41. bb says:

    I really don’t think she’s that fat at all. It’s possible she’s a bit below 200 – she still has a smallish waist and arms, and at over 200 I’d expect those to be much bigger, even for a 5’10 pear. I’d say she’s around 185-200lb.

  42. mimi says:

    I was watching some old “Cheers” reruns and I noticed how dry her hair looked. That is a classic symptom of Hypothyroidism. If she does have this, losing weight without the proper treatment will be near impossible. It is also near impossible to be correctly diagnosed and treated. Most docs miss it and then only prescribe T4 when most people need T4 and T3 to treat it.

  43. Anti-icon says:

    I like her. I wish she would quit Scientology, and then I think her health would improve. I think she’s done a good job with her children. I don’t mind at all that she is opinionated; I don’t think she’s unpleasant at all. I wish her well, and hope she enjoys her many gifts and blessings.

    On the other hand, I think Valerie Bertinelli would be a good choice for Oprah to consider giving a talk show to on her new network. (Isn’t she still considering both Kirstie and Jenny McCarthy?)

  44. TrueLifeDiva says:

    I’m just sick and tired of Kirstie announcing every 5lb gain/loss! If I see one more Oprah appearance, magazine spread, or reality show focused on her WEIGHT, I swear I’m gonna throw up :-(. Enough already. And I’m talking to you too, Carnie Wilson.

  45. Shay says:

    It’s not like I dislike her for being fat. Rather, I dislike her because she tries to earn money from her yo-yo dieting, and this to me, is a bad example. Not only is she in-your-face overbearing, she is a hypocrite as well. If she likes to live large (eat and not exercise, and eat junk) then so be it. But this pretend concern to lose weight, only to rejuvenate her career, is pathetic. She was, and still is, a mediocre actress anyway.

  46. GORGON says:

    Kirstie Alley is 5’7 – 5’7½, usually rounded up to 5’8 in most reports

  47. No Sensei says:

    Hahahahahahahhaha… no, seriously…. ouch… puhahahahahhaa

  48. Cheyenne says:

    If she’s got two assistants and a maid to shop for her, then for Jeebus sake send one of them to the store for a bottle of shampoo, the second for a bottle of conditioner, and the third for a comb.
    I’ve seen bag ladies in the NYC subway who looked better put together than this woman.

  49. Chris says:

    Just get your stomach stapled and get on with your life. Let’s not forget she was a world class actor in Cheers. She actually has talent.

  50. Confuzzle says:

    She looks hungry.

  51. D says:

    WOW…so many nasty comments.

    No, she doesn’t look anything like that recent photoshopped picture.

    No, she shouldn’t be peddling weightloss products that seem sketchy.

    But, yes, she does look smaller than the couple shows I saw of her series. She could be around 180 now (which is close to where she claims to be, based on the 50# loss of her 230ish starting weight, right?). That cut of her top doesn’t flatter anyone with big boobs and a slight belly. She could also “look” bigger than she weighs because of lack of muscle mass.

  52. cookie corder says:

    I love u I have the same thing going on in my life . what I see is a good mother you have too great kids . does anyone see that I do . Your kids seem there for you good for you . I have 2 good boys I might be Chunky too, But I ‘m here with my kids every night .One day maybe someone will see that instead of your weight…………

  53. LuvMeLuvMyAss says:

    scientology is a cult and has been the downfall/ruin of many a folk, not just the r&f. when you allow anything or anyone to control you and forbid needed treatment for major health problems, you tread on dangerous ground. in order to lose weight and keep it off, you must change your eating,drinking and exercise habits. But most of all you must face the underlying psychological issues that caused the weight gain in the first place. Since scientology invalidates psychotherapy in all its forms, it is unlikely she will get help. My personal belief is that Kirstie’s down hill spiral began when she and her husband split. She never recovered. The sad thing is that I don’t think she even knew how much he meant to her, until he was gone. To destroy/lose the love of the man (or woman)you love is a tragedy and an overwhelming burden of guilt to bear. She is clearly depressed and desperately unhappy. I see bad things ahead, because without therapy, she will only get worse. I thought she was a hoot on Cheers. There has been nothing since and that too has to hurt. She reminds me of Kathleen Turner in the downward spiral department. A once beautiful woman looking like a bag lady. that must hurt most of all.