Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie give $1 million to Iraq refugees

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie on 2/2/08 before she announced her pregnancy. This was Brad’s brief “scruffy period”
Since we covered the pigs on their property yesterday we may as well cover this: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have donated a million to Iraqi children affected by war. The money will be donated through their Jolie-Pitt foundation, which they funded with $8 million in 2006:

The Jolie-Pitt Foundation will provide $500,000 for school supplies and education programs for refugee children in Iraq and $500,000 for American children who either lost a parent deployed in Iraq or have a parent serving in that country.

The donations for American children will go to a tutoring initiative at the Armed Services YMCA Operation Hero Program…

“My visit [to Iraq] left me even more deeply convinced that we not only have a moral obligation to help displaced Iraqi families, but also a serious, long-term, national security interest in ending this crisis,” she wrote in an op-ed for the Washington Post.

Jolie, 33, and Pitt, 44, forked over $8 million for their foundation in 2006. That year, the foundation gave $1 million gifts to Doctors Without Borders (International Division) and the Global AIDS Alliance.

[From US Weekly]

Let me just anticipate some of the comments this is going to draw from people who seem to have ire for them no matter what they do: “They’re doing it for publicity,” “They didn’t need to issue a press release,” “They are trying to control the press about them,” “They want to seem like martyrs,” etc.

As I said in a post we just published about Ben Affleck visiting the Congo, at least he’s doing it. Angelina has mentioned that she doesn’t give a rats ass that people hate on her (obviously I’m paraphrasing) and that all the harsh feelings she elicits indicate that she’s doing something right and that she’s “standing strong for something I believe in.”

In a way, I know what people mean about how it seems there’s a story every couple of months about the charity these two do. At least they’re doing charity, though, and maybe it’s like their kids’ posed photos in the glossies: they’re damned if they do, damned if they don’t. It’s an important cause, and one that could use the attention. Ben Affleck practically says he’s willing to paint a target on his head if it gets people the help they need. Maybe Brad and Angelina feel the same way. They did duck so far out of the way that the paparazzi are taking photos of wild animals, though.

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97 Responses to “Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie give $1 million to Iraq refugees”

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  1. kellie says:

    What most people don’t seem to get is that the agency or charity receiving the money is usually the one to make the donation public hoping to get others to do the same. Good for them. 😉

  2. Frenchie says:

    Thank you to try to make up for the Bush’s mistakes. I guess they might be embarrased to share the same citizenship as them. As always, a war will benefit to a little number of people, while it will put a lot to grief and ruin

  3. geronimo says:

    If it’s helping to ease the situation for displaced individuals and keeps the plight of the Iraquis in the public eye, then how can it be anything but a good thing?

    Kellie, not that this takes anything at all away from their donation, donors can always insist upon anonymity. If they do, then the receiving charity can’t release the info. But, in this case, Ang has been very vocal about the plight of these children so making the donation public just confirms her commitment.

    She is poised permanently between a rock and a hard place! Damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t.

  4. Mairead says:

    CB … you’ve actually forgotten to mention my personal favourite criscism (paraphrased) “she’s obviously doing it just for publicity because in all her irresponsible trips to Iraq she hasn’t stopped the war there… evil mouth-breather!” 😈

    But yeah. I’m not 100% behind your reasoning there Kellie either. Isn’t there a danger that by making such a big donation publicly that many people will think that the cause will probably get loads of money and then decide to contribute to something else? 😕 I’m not saying that’ll happen, but it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility.

    In any event. Fair play to them for ponying up the cash. Awareness is all very well and good, but only spondoolicks will put rice on the plate.

  5. geronimo says:

    She has not stopped the war, Mairead, and that is disappointing since I, and plainly you, were expecting her to.

    Interesting point on perception re the donation, the ‘Oh well, Brangelina are helping out there so I’ll go here instead.’ I suspect that might be true to some degree.

  6. PJ says:

    When you donate to a charity but don’t want it to be made public, you can request that it be an anonymous donation.

    In other words, the J-P’s definitely want the world to know how much they’re donating, and to what causes. They are quite aware that whether or not they issue their own press release, the causes they donate to definitely will tell the media.

  7. Syko says:

    Actually, Geronimo, she could have stopped the war, but Ms. Z is involved in some oil interests and asked that she wait until Z can liquidate those holdings.

    So first it’s terrible that they don’t actually give to charity, and now they really should have kept it secret. I have never in my life seen such a case of damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don’t.

  8. Jack says:

    good for them. the second photo tho..Brad dyed his hair by the looks and it looks a really weird shade! No wonder Angelina burst out laughing in the first shot 🙂

  9. jennifer says:

    they have a foundation so they need to show where they put their money and make people want to donate too

  10. Bodhi says:

    Man, what horrible people. I hope those refugees find out who gave the money & refuse to accept the help. 🙄

  11. lola says:

    I said it, that they would announce a donation before the release of wanted. I am psychic. I was almost disappointed 😆

    First things first, good for them that they are trying to help out. Some one benefitted and they got a tax writeoff!

    But….(you knew it was coming)how convenient that she has a ‘WANTED’ coming out this weekend!

    Still don’t get why they have to announce. Many celebs have given to Iraq and do so quietly. I wonder if there is anyone who runs to make a donation when they see their favourite celebrity make one when their movie is coming out. Like when I bought property in Namibia and now it is no longer third world thanks to Shi and her ever generous, exemplary parents.

    Geronimo, I can see you are trying to out do the resident loonies. Good for you.

  12. Syko says:

    Yeah, Bodhi! And all those American kids who lost parents in Bush’s little gambit. It’s tainted money, kids! You don’t really want to go to college, or eat, or sleep under a roof! Refuse!

  13. lola lola says:

    CB: Yes, you took the words out of my mouth. Publicity. See! That was so easy.

  14. Bodhi says:

    Or hell, even live some where not wracked with gunfire every night. Anything but AJ/BP charity. Anything!

  15. lola lola says:

    Syko: You are hilarious!

  16. geronimo says:

    “But….(you knew it was coming)how convenient that she has a ‘WANTED’ coming out this weekend!”

    But lola, Wanted has already had an awful lot of publicity – I’ve seen at least three interviews in the last couple of days with James McAvoy for eg. Can’t see the relationship at all between Jolie’s donation and the imminent release of a new movie?

    People will go and see the movie if they like the sound of it, a donation is not going to improve or affect box office. Personally, I’ve never gone to see a film for any reason other than the film itself.

  17. Bodhi says:

    Geronimo, its a lost cause my friend. Rational thought & explanation have no effect. Oh well…

  18. lola says:

    Geronimo, tell me you are not serious? Tell me you don’t believe all these sudden charitable causes that celebrities are running around embracing?

    I have been in this business for ages and I know how PR minds work, they do not target you or me, but the average man on the street who says ‘wow, how kind..’ and then says ok, this weekend is not busy, what movie can I choose, at least this one gives to charity, so I will give them some money.

    Why else do think Sharon Stone takes up Taiwan’s cause and yet think millions of people dying is Karma. Most do not even care that much. Think about a situation where Brad and Angelina were giving nothing to charity, did not adopt any kids, had only Maddox and their biological kids. They would have felt the full backlash but all the charity and do gooding softens it a bit.

    Do not forget too that the first PR rule for a celeb ‘get yourself into the news’ try and make it positive but if that fails, just get them to talk about you. Why else do you think PDiddy would take kids to the park? These days kids= tabloid space.

  19. Codzilla says:

    Publicity or not, the money went to a great cause and children in need will benefit greatly. Isn’t that what really matters? And if Brangie wants the world’s applause — which I’m not saying they do or don’t — then they deserve it in this case.

  20. geronimo says:

    Well, Bodhi, I gave it my best shot and, as you predicted, I see it’s fallen on barren ground. Lesson learned.

    Lola, I understand PR. I also credit the movie-going public (and the public in general) with far more intelligence than you apparently do. There is a severe logic-failure in your argument. I don’t take my lead from celebrities in any way, shape or form and I don’t know anyone who does. Tom Cruise (and I’m not being provocative here), for eg. can donate money left, right and centre every day of the week and while I might think, good for him, well done Tom. it will still not get me into the cinema to see his movies. Why? Because his good acting days are behind him.

  21. =D says:

    is it just me or does she look alot older from some angles?

  22. Syko says:

    Oh yeah, =D, she looks horrible. Going downhill fast. Ugly woman anyway.

  23. Bodhi says:

    Here is Lainey’s take on it. I think its great & I wish I’d come up with it:

    While their counterparts and his ex wife further their careers by engaging the paparazzi and offering gratuitous bikini shots, the Pitts at the very least are ensuring that others less fortunate can benefit from their own media manipulation. This is how you do it. This is why they are the best at controlling and continually building their brand. This is why I will always buy what they are selling.

  24. BV says:

    I work in philanthropy and I’m very careful about who I talk about my work. There are some who get very defensive about it. I don’t know if they feel guilty because they don’t give or if they just don’t like philanthropy, but I run into it more than you would think. Many many wealthy people give back to their communities and causes they believe in and want to support. It’s part of the culture of being wealthy in the US and it’s been that way for over 400 years. We are the most philanthropic country in the world and I believe we would not be as successful of a country if we weren’t.

  25. lola says:

    Geronimo, that is because you are intelligent (sorry… were intelligent)as this thread and many illustrate 90% of the world is not and they actually get sucked into this.

    Just because am a fan of Tom Cruise does not mean I think every one likes him and should go see his movies, so it wouldn’t bother me if you didn’t. I have a problem with bigotry but I don’t care much if you buy his DVDs just to burn them. Notice that I don’t go ape-shit when someone says something I don’t like about him. That’s their opinion. It is a free world and it has bigots, murderers and a-holes. We live in it and should as well enjoy it.

  26. lola says:

    Thanks Bodhi for illustatrating my point with that quote from Lainey, whoever that is.

    Geronimo, now you see my point? Talk to any PR guru and ask them when celebs do charity.

  27. Larissa says:

    while they are certainly doing a good thing,it´s all distraction and once again they got all of us talking about it!
    Shes been in Iraq like when? last Feb? And they´re only donating now? Guess not! Am I the only one here with that feeling?

  28. Mairead says:

    Dagnabbit – Angelina is plotting against me by making Syko come out with hilarious statements which in turn make me splutter my afternoon cuppa all over my compooter! hEEEEEVIL WUMMIN!! 👿

    Um. LLB you’re kinda arguing against earlier comments you’ve made here… …I know how PR minds work, they …target …the average man on the street who says ‘wow, how kind..’ and then says ok, this weekend is not busy, what movie can I choose, at least this one gives to charity, so I will give them some money.

    Didn’t you yourself say that all her previous films, including A Mighty Heart was a catastrophic failure despite the do-goodery hype poured on it. Hardly seems like a good business plan to stick with a PR angle that is allegedly failing? 😕

    And maybe I’m just naive, but I thought the “average man” in most streets generally want to watch a shouty-blasty-fighty-flick anyway. And if there’s a woman with a large chest in it, all the better. 8)

    oh and geronimo not loonie! 😯
    She BADdie 😆

  29. Bodhi says:

    😆 Mairead!

    The 2nd best celeb gossip site. But she doesn’t allow comments, oh darn.

    And you are more than welcome lola. Anything to help the cause 🙄

  30. BT says:


    Jolie works with the UNHCR for more that 7 years now. She doesn’t just gives the money, she gives her time and dedication. Since 2001 she has visit more than 20 countries and in some of those visits she has to sleeps on tents, on the floors, have days without nothing to eat… Take some time and read her page at the UNHCR
    Or her book Notes from My Travels, wich is a very good read and all the money from the sales go to the UNHCR.

    And do a research and see what people like Colin Powell, Clinton, António Guterres… think of Jolie’s humanitarian work.

  31. geronimo says:

    “…the Pitts at the very least are ensuring that others less fortunate can benefit from their own media manipulation.” (from Bodhi’s Lainey blog)

    This is about the most accurate assessment of Brangelina’s relationship with the media. It is neither condemnatory nor praiseworthy, it just tells it like it is. The media interest and intrusion is already there and they’re using it in a canny, intelligent way. If it’s self-serving in some respects, SO WHAT? They’re also using it for good and to benefit others and that’s good enough for me and, I daresay, my fellow BADettes and others with any degree of objectivity and intelligence.

  32. Bodhi says:

    Hear hear!!

  33. daisy42465 says:

    Amen Geronimo!!

  34. geronimo says:

    😆 “a shouty-blasty-fighty-flick..”

    Copyright that now, Mairead, otherwise lurking directors will steal it and use it as the strapline/promo for their movies. 😆

  35. Scott F. says:

    God, walking in to one of these threads is just painful. I’m not even gonna comment on the story – but I would like to point something out about both sides.

    First, lola – If you’re going to dislike an actor/actress because of their off-screen behaviors, then call people bigots for disliking Tom Cruise because of his off-screen antics… well, being a hypocrite seems to be the least of your problems.

    Bodhi, Geronimo, Mairead: I like you guys, and I agree with 90% of what you guys post here. That being said, do you have any idea what it’s like to see this crap from an ‘outsider’s’ perspective?

    It’s like walking into a room full of nerds arguing over Captain Kirk vs. Captain Picard. To you guys, it’s an incredibly important argument that centers on a person you don’t know, but somehow manage to care deeply about – to the rest of us… it’s a little sad.

    Seriously, what does it impact you if people hate Brad or Angelina? I’m a fan of their work myself, so don’t take that the wrong way. But does someone else not liking/badmouthing them actually lessen your ability to enjoy their work?

    It’s like arguing over art, it’s stupid. Some people are going to like it, some aren’t – and I think we could all just relax a TINY bit if we realized that.

  36. Dave says:

    Look I think it’s nice that they are charitable. But of course it’s for PR. Not only that the two of them made 45 mil last year so no I don’t think a donation of 2% of thier income is so noteworthy.Further when done thru fondations that’s given over years not a lump sum. Again nice, but if she didn’t give a rats ass she wouldn’t have a publicist alert the media.

  37. Dave says:

    I personaly give more than double that % of my annual income. Seriously can they do anything anonymously? Or at least not tell the media before the gift is even made “will provide”?

  38. Thexxit says:

    I have to laugh at people like Lola, who can criticize a person for anything. Had one of them run into a burning building to save a child and it was reported in the newspaper I’m sure she would construe it into a selfish act. Unfortunately it’s a thing that happens to most celebrities when they try to give back. It’s very strange.

    I think it’s more than just “bragging.” Most Americans sadly often do not go out of their way to find out information like this, about charities, about causes, about the plight of people in other countries… and to bring attention to something they care about, people talk about it! “I’m giving as much as I can,” shows action, not just talk. How many Americans even knew what was going on in Darfur until celebs started talking about it? Might not be an ideal situation, but that’s how it is.

    Not that I care too much for either of them personally, but I think no one can condemn them for charitable acts. At least they are giving time and money to help, no matter what benefit they get. What are you doing? And when you do it, feel free to tell the world.

  39. Thexxit says:

    ps – thanks Dave for letting us know how much you give.

  40. geronimo says:

    Scott, Scott, Scott, you wildly misinterpret our intentions here!

    For the most part, it’s pure idle entertainment – an occasion for piss-taking and winding-up and logic-injecting. I doubt if most of us give Jolie and Pitt a passing thought outside of here. A story appears and most of us see it as an opportunity for a spot of lighthearted hater-baiting and to counteract the absurd arguments put forward to condemn Pitt & Jolie. Not because we love them or like them or even have any opinion at all about them, but because we are logic defenders!

    It’s called having a laugh. Fun! 😯

  41. lola says:

    Scott, definitely there is a need to relax, on that I agree.

    I will say this again, bigotry is wrong, I don’t care if someone worships a tree or a frog, it is their choice, not liking them because of that is wrong. Not liking Tom Cruise is OK, not every one has to like him, but you can see a bigot when they start hating Will Smith as well because his connection to Tom Cruise. When you stop for one minute and think, Tom Cruise has done nothing worse than Mel Gibson or Isiah Washington. Why I never bother defending him now is because if you can hate someone fo things he did three years ago, then your problem is bigger than any thing I can do.

    My dislike for Angelina is because she is cruel and she continues to manipulation of every one. Period. I actually supported her when she chose to change her life, adopted Maddox and moved to England, I was sceptical because no child deserves to grow up with a psychotic woman as a mother, but maybe Maddox’s life could have been worse. I say maybe because I can bet my right arm that at 15, in hollywood he may have his first drug overdose, survive it and go on to die at 28 from one. Big difference with Cambodia? I don’t think so.

    Posters like Bodhi, psycho etc are always saying the worst things about other celebrities surely they know what it feels like to hate a celebrity. I enjoy posting here but believe me, most people hate Angelina, they just don’t psot it here, she is up there in all polls of most hated. She knows it, thus the do gooding and attempts and potray herself as a nice person while claiming she doesn’t care. Obviously she does. Otherwise this donation would never have been announced.

    I do though wonder how many here and Brad Pitt’s sisters, Angelina’s brother and her assitants. They had better be paying you for all the hair that you pull out. LOL.

  42. Bodhi says:

    Geronimo is correct, as per usual. Of course there are celebrities that I don’t like, but I don’t make up reasons to dislike them.

    Its all for shits & giggles, Scott. Its really not incredibly important & it has zero impact on my life

  43. les says:

    I don’t “hate”anyone. I certainly can’t “hate” someone I don’t know.

    My issue is that these two are deified for something that people do everyday. They do it publicly and for publicity, period. These two can do things anonymously, but that just wouldn’t work for them. Yes, I’m glad that there are people who benefit from their good deeds.

    Also, hey HAVE to give their money away. Have you people heard of taxes?

  44. Thexxit says:

    Wait a tick here… Lola? Are you Jen Aniston???? 😆

  45. Dave says:

    my point wasn’t to say that i’m all that charitable, in fact most people give in excess of 2% of annual income. don’t really think posting as dave is really trying to pat myself on the back.

  46. linda says:

    I think one of the most distasteful things about Brangelina is their use of charitable donations for PR. How many people out there make charitable donations everyday and don’t expect someone to pat them on the back for it.

    Take for example, Paul Newman who is just amazing with the amount of money he has raised throughout the years – in 2005-06 he turned over $120 Million to charities – it was the ownership of Newman’s Own. In addition he donated nearly $9M of his own personal money…didn’t see him release any PR on that to gather him even more fame and so everyone could worship him for being such a generous guy…there are a LOT of famous people out there donating to charity out of the good of their hearts and not bleeding the PR machine…

  47. jennifer says:

    lola-where you found those polls of jolie being the most hated celeb? post them ,please 🙄

  48. IMO says:

    Angelina’s movie is coming out today and she doesn’t want people to see her on the red carpet so she gives less than 10% of what she made of her babies’ pictures to Iraq as a PR move.

    Why did they give it and announce it just before the movie is out?

    There was a natuge natural disaster in Myanmar and China, flooding in the Midwest and they didn’t bother give a cent.

    The Iraq war is not a new thing- but they chose to “help” right in time for the premiere of her movie.

    It’s a very cheap PR move.

  49. jennifer says:

    linda-how you know paul newman charity numbers? because as you say ,he didnt release it 😆

  50. daisy42465 says:

    Lola; How is Angelina cruel? You write like you know her personally.

  51. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    **crosses self**
    Mary Mother of God.

    I’m only going to say this. World Refugee Day was and always is June 20th. The UNHCR always does international press-friendly activities on and around June 20th. As goodwill ambassador, Angie often does press specifically for World Refugee Day. Considering she’s severely knocked up, she probably just donated the money to two aid programs, did the press release, and went back to Brad giving her a back rub.

  52. countrybabe says:

    Well she has a movie coming out, she doesn’t get much press(only two covers), and people would rather hear about Britney in some polls. She has to get press someway.

  53. daisy42465 says:

    On the 10 sites I checked for most hated celebrities, Angelina Jolie was NOT on ANY of these lists, but Tom Cruise was, mostly as #3. Most had Paris Hilton as # 1.
    The average life expectancy in Cambodia for the age of Maddox is 58 years.

  54. jennifer says:

    i am posting not because of different opinions but because you put lies and make them as a fact like
    a)she is the most hated celeb and the polls are showing..where?she is forbes more powerfull actress and one of most fascinanting people
    b)or others celeb donate and dont say that look to paul newman but his foundation release the numbers:oprah do the same.bill clinton ,w.buffet,bill gates …
    c)they didnt help myanmar,china and others disasters:

    They’re known for their love of pranks and practical jokes, but good friends Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Matt Damon have come together for something far more serious.

    The Ocean’s 11 stars – all past or present winners of PEOPLE’s Sexiest Man Alive title – helped launch an advertising campaign aimed at getting more aid into Myanmar, whose ruling regime has made access to the country difficult for aid agencies and relief workers in the wake of last month’s cyclone Nargis.

    The ad campaign is sponsored by the activist group Not On Our Watch, headed up by Pitt, Clooney, Damon and other Hollywood heavy-hitters. On Wednesday, the group bought a full page in the Indonesian English-language newspaper, the Jakarta Post, reports the Agence France-Presse.

    “Burma’s neighbors have the power to help victims who remain desperately in need,” reads the ad, which was signed by the likes of former Philippine president Corazon Aquino, East Timorese President Jose Ramos-Horta, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel peace laureate Shirin Ebadi and former Czech president Vaclav Havel.

    The cyclone ravaged the country May 2 and 3, leaving around 138,000 people missing or dead. The ad claims Myanmar’s ruling junta is putting in danger thousands of more lives by resisting foreign aid since the storm hit.,,20208678,00.html

  55. Dave says:

    jennifer, your point isn’t valid. that’s public information and the press looks at those things. PN doesn’t have a pr team releasing it. what good would it do anyway, when a movie wants to cast paul newman they cast paul newman.

  56. Dave says:

    but i do love that gotcha type of tactic, uber mature.

  57. jennifer says:

    dave-yeah paul newman made interviews talking about his charities and telling that he was going to give all the profit of his products to charities…what you call that?ohh public information 😆
    i am not saying that he did that to publicity(i think he didnt)but also i think brangie are just helping people

  58. Cheeky Monkey says:

    Please, are we so desperate that we’re waiting for some celebs to stand up and save the world? Play politics? End the Iraq war??? Are we so naive that we believe Angelina sleeping in a tent is going to make a difference?

    Maybe when people realize that the entertainment industry is a HUGE waste of resources we’ll all be in a better place. Don’t think the Iraqi kids are going to see ‘Wanted’ anytime soon (a movie that glorifies ‘just’ violence – uhhh sounds like the same reasoning that initiated the Iraqi invasion…).

    Back to your lives, people, and try to make it a good one. All round.

  59. Syko says:

    Scott – while I normally mostly agree with you, I think we BADettes may have gone too far if you think we deeply love Brangelina. I could care less about them. I just have fun sparring with the haters.

    Cheeky – if you think we’re serious about thinking Brangelina can stop the war – hey, CB! We need another smiley on here, one showing a tongue in cheek. We’re kidding around. Having a good time. That’s all.

    I do not agree that the entertainment industry is a waste, though. I think entertainment and enjoyment are as necessary to life as breathing, eating and sleeping. You have to have fun. Laughing will cure a lot of pains.

    To Lola, or whoever said it – we don’t dislike Will Smith because he’s Tom Cruise’s friend, we dislike all scientologists. We’re not discriminatory there at all. Well, we also dislike Tom because he’s obviously batshit crazy.

    And as for PR influencing what movie I see – I see what I want to see. I don’t care who’s in it (unless maybe it’s Tom Cruise and I just can’t look at him any more) or what genre it falls into, I watch what interests me. Which is damn little of what’s being produced in Hollywood these days.


  60. Dave says:

    yes, after the fact. not pre-donation. and only when asked about it.

  61. Cheeky Monkey says:

    Thanks for the reminder, Syko. Still think the entertainment industry is a waste of resources, including flying celebs around for PR spots in the developing world (don’t forget, if they decided to drop into obscurity, they could at anytime – lifestyle is choice).

    I’m a little more creative about how I have my fits and giggles.

    And for all of those Brangaloonie’s, here’s one of them:

  62. Bodhi says:

    Ah, yes, well, I suppose we uncreative people have to make do with what we have…

    Gallery of the Absurd is hilarious!

  63. anon says:

    I do think it is great that she puts so much energy into charity, BUT the reason people think that she does it for the publicity, is that when she first started her charitable works, she had all these pictures of her taken in Africa etc. where she dressed herself to look like the virgin Mary etc. The pics were nauseating. I’m sorry, but if you start doing charitable works for the photo op, and publicity, people are going to see all of your charitable works as having that motivation.
    Also, it is a huge amount of money to me and you, but these people have hundreds of millions of dollars. 1 million is not a big deal to them. They spend 30 to 60 million on a house. Do they really need to spend that much? I am sure a 2 million dollar house would be just fine. When they scale down their life style, they may be more believable.

  64. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    “dress herself as the virgin Mary”

    Is that the style now? Judea-chic? Must buy Vogue on my way home.

  65. daisyfly says:

    I think what many here have failed to realize is that, because the Jolie-Pitt foundation is a non-profit, charitable organization, it HAS to release what it does with its funds, where it goes, etc… come tax time. Whomever released the information was simply being expedient, rather than Pitt-Jolie being braggadocious.

  66. Sandra says:

    I think their million is great. My issue is the great adoration they are afforded for it. I live in what most people would consider a shit hole. However, considering the plight of others, i wrestle with guilt over having shelter and food. I can not reconcile crying for those people yet at the same time giving no real sacrifice and renting 750 m homes.

  67. geekazoid says:

    a million?! just a million?! What the hell is that going to do?! Esspecially with teh US dollar being practically useless now.

  68. cmoody says:

    I take huge issue with people saying that they would be more believable if they scaled down their lifestyle or they only gave 2 percent.

    First: They – Just like me- have the right to live in any lifestyle they choose with their money.

    Second- this is only ONE of the MANY charities they support.

    Geez you would think they just pissed on a puppy with the way people are reacting to a freakin charitable donation.

    How much have you donated to children of parents serving in Iraq? To rebuilding New Orleans? To helping children of war torn countries?

    I suspect that if this post had been about anyone else making the same donation, there wouldn’t be nearly as much second guessing of their reasons.

    This is just plain sad that even charitable contributions are being seen as some type of evil conspiracy.

  69. Mairead says:

    well, geekazoid, it does give Celebitchy an increase in traffic and a chance to have a right giggle 😉 (well, maybe for a few people, it’s still a silver-lining situation 😆 )

    Scott, I think you’re a decent guy and agree with the sentiment of much of you post; sometimes not the method but usually the message 😉

    But the reason that some of us call ourselves BADettes (Brad and Angelina Defenders) is that we’re a different kettle of fish to the brangeloonies. We either don’t care about/don’t mind/or only moderately like Brad and Angie. It’s the hysterical nonsense lumped upon them by some of the Antilinas and the utter seriousness with which each “indiscretion” is treated.

    We KNOW they’re flawed; we KNOW that their actions fall short of their ideals (air travel vs. green credentials); we KNOW that charity can be used for publicity to further their career. But so what? It’s not ideal but, Jesus, they’re hardly Robert Mugabe and not much different from most other people, nevermind celebs!!

    So just for the laugh we take the argument to the illogical extreme. 😈 It doesn’t bother me if others don’t like them; for example I respect Devilgirls position in another thread because she said, I just don’t like either of them. No “I hate them because they’re kidnapping aliens and grinding them up into facecream because they’re going broke and need the publicity” 🙄

    there are celebs I cannot stand too, (especially Richard Gere and Meg Ryan) , for no other reason than “just because”. But I defy anyone to find a post where I decide to be offended by an innocuous act and make up shite to justify it. If you do you’ll win a banana. 8)

    I’m going to be really controversial here, but I think lola is exactly the same as us but she’s decided to pick the opposite side. 😯 I mean, the shite she comes out with is unreal, but still different in tone to the usual Antilina sentiment. She often goes too far and is either downright offensive to other posters here, or contradicts herself, but usually I think she doth protest too much. 😉

  70. lorin says:

    wait, so when people hate on you, it means youre doing something right and that you are standing up for something you believe in?


  71. Scott F. says:

    I am probably going to regret breaking my own rule and commenting on these two.

    I can honestly see both sides of the argument, but I admit their charitable stuff sometimes rubs me the wrong way.

    Cmoody is kinda right, but it’s rather naive. Yeah, in a perfect world it shouldn’t matter how much you make vs. how much you give – but in their case, I think it does.

    Here’s why: the stupid things they SAY about donating time and money. Now, they’re far from the only celebs that do this (Leo Decaprio and Al Gore spring to mind), but they do it pretty often.

    AJ gets on my nerves for the same reason Al Gore does, they speak a bigger game than they walk. Classic example: Al Gore says ‘global warming will kill us all, we must stop ALL pollution NOW!’, while his house eats up more energy than my entire extended family.

    How often does AJ talk about how ‘changed’ and ‘humbled’ and ‘effected’ ad nauseum, by all the horrible conditions she’s witnessed? No. Sorry. just not quite buying it. I imagine she THINKS she’s been changed, but mostly because she assumes seeing something like that is supposed to have an effect on you – but I just don’t see the massive life changes a true realization like that entails.

    When Buddha (I think it was Buddha, Eastern Philosophy was a LONG time ago) saw the pain and suffering of those outside his palace he gave all of his worldly possessions away and became a philosopher. Now, I’m not saying that kind of sacrifice is warranted, but like others here pointed out: I know people that feel guilty they have full stomachs because of the things they’ve seen in some parts of the world.

    If you’re truly that compassionate and effected by tragedy, I just can’t see hopping on your private jet, going home to (one of many) multi-million dollar mansions, and still being able to sleep at night.

    I’m not saying she’s a bad person, and I support her donations to worthy causes, but the airs she puts on just don’t seem to mesh with her actual contributions – that’s all I think a lot of people are saying.

    People can say, “but they’re a celeb, it’s not like they can just go volunteer at the local red cross.” Bullshit. I know people who make maybe 20-30 grand a year that go on 6-month long missions to South America and Africa. If ANYONE is equipped to just walk away from their job at a moments notice and to be able to financially survive long periods of inactivity, it’s a celebrity.

    These people could literally hire a team of civilian engineers, walk into a village in Africa, and rebuild it in a matter of weeks for what they’re donating to these charities. It just seems like they’re just kind of phoning it in.

    Keep in mind, it’s not my expectations that are high – it’s the expectations they set for themselves in peoples minds when they say the things they do about how bad the things they see are, and how they would do ANYTHING to change them. That’s why no one complains when Lindsay Lohan doesn’t donate anything, but they bitch when Angelina only donates 1 million – because Lohan never talks about how profoundly she’s been changed by experiencing poverty.

    So I guess after all that, I’m just saying – they do it to themselves.

  72. whocares says:

    angelina and brad are both publicity whores. People who have regular 9-5 jobs and students make more of an impact on the lives of the unfortunate than these two ever will. People who go to poor countries for months and help rebuild and really experience what it is to struggle like those whom they are there to help, because the volunteers live like the locals. Individuals like these are the real heros, not brad or angelina.

  73. whocares says:

    I still think some of you need to seek professional help for your brad and angelina obsession

  74. Sandra says:

    I agree. I have no envy of the rich, they are entitled to live anyway they want to- my problem is when a disabled gulf war vet like myself has to hear about no real sacrifice from these preachers- do what you want with your money as long as you are not claiming to try to erradicate poverty from your golden palace- totally agree about the lindsay lohan point!

  75. Mairead says:

    See Scott, if both sides could have a reasoned logical debate, like the perspective you put forward, for the most part, the Brangelina posts would be far more pleasant (maybe not as snarkily funny, but you can’t have everything)

    but I found your last paragraph very interesting; it’s certainly not something that occurred to me. thanks for that Scott 🙂

  76. CB Rawks says:

    Esspecially with teh US dollar being practically useless now.”

    I know! We Aussies get like 95 cents on the US dollar now! Hot dayam! Time to go to Disneyland! 😀

  77. RAN says:

    OMG, Scott F is becoming my favorite poster on this site! Well said Scott, and I think you’ve nailed it on the head for me as well. I can never put my finger on why I have such distaste for AJ and her antics, but I think you’ve said it with complete clarity.

    In addition, this piece specifically:

    These people could literally hire a team of civilian engineers, walk into a village in Africa, and rebuild it in a matter of weeks for what they’re donating to these charities. It just seems like they’re just kind of phoning it in.

    Agree 100%. If every single one of these “humanitarian” celebrities gave a couple million apiece, they could possibly (IMO) save an entire country, make a dent in world hunger, etc. Think of the celebs from the Ocean’s movies alone – 2 million apiece per movie…? When putting a child through school in a third world country costs pennies to the dollar, and feeding an entire family in a third world country could cost a hundred dollars a month – think what CAN be done. I agree…. they’re phoning it in.

  78. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Scott, RAN – I kind of think that all-or-nothing argument is full of shit. Besides, even if BA & AJ gave away all their money and rebuilt an African town from scratch, all of the haters would repeat all of the other criticisms:
    1. Why not an American city.
    2. They’re just doing it because they feel guilty about Pity Party Aniston.
    3. Why do I have to listen to this bullshit about charity? Just act, douchebags.
    4. I know what’s in their hearts, and I still don’t buy this “act”

    And on and on. The fact is, people will always pick and pick at them, no matter what they do. You can create a well-thought, explicit rationale for why they rub you the wrong way, but I just feel like “Damn. It’s always something. They can never win.” It sucks, because I actually find Angie to be a very inspiring, facinating person.

  79. RAN says:

    You’re wrong Kaiser/Hippacrat… If I thought she was honest or sincere about any of this, I wouldn’t pick her to death. In fact, quite frankly, I could care less about AJ or BP – other than my annoyance at their holier than thou attitude and the self promoting charity work they make sure is documented.

    You won’t find me bashing either of them for any of their adopted children from overseas – although one can make the argument that there are many children in the U.S. that suffer… but a good deed is a good deed. However, you also won’t find me falling at her feet for adopting those children – it doesn’t make her a saint.

    As previous posters have mentioned, don’t pretend to think for one minute that you know my motives. You really have no clue what I’m about and in your irrational defense of a very odd woman, you’ll never see beyond the promotional ‘screen’ to find out.

  80. Sarah Wilson says:

    If I remember correctly, Jolie started working for the UN shortly after her reputation was close to destroyed after all the weird antics with Billy Bob and her brother and her dad publicly calling on her to seek mental health help. And Brad waits until he is aging to NOW do charity? It seems he just didn’t want to let go of the spotlight, b/c now he is getting just as much attention as when he was younger, and I don’t think that is by accident. I don’t trust any of these Hollywood types.

  81. Sarah Wilson says:

    & They did have an Affair –Time line:
    Jan 2004 -Filming of M&MSMITH begins
    May 2004 -Rumors of Angie /Brad’s ”growing intimacy” on and off Smith set
    Dec 28, 2004 -Brad and Jen vacation in Anguilla to “talk”. Brad wants divorce
    Jan. 7, 2005 -Brad and Jen confirm they are separating
    March 25, 2005 -Jen goes ahead and files divorce papers
    April 19, 2005 -Brad and Jolie caught romancing in Kenya
    July 5, 2005 -W magazine has Brad & Angie posing as married couple
    July 2005 -Brad & Jolie adopt Zahara together
    August 2005 -Jolie impregnated by Brad
    Oct. 2 2005 -Divorce w/ Jennifer Aniston granted
    May 27, 2006 – Shiloh Pitt Born

  82. Scott F. says:

    Honestly, believe it or not, I like them too. It is possible to like a person and still be annoyed by a specific character trait.

    But seriously, Angelina has become as well known world wide for her humanitarian gestures as for her acting. No one forced her to do that. She stepped into the roles she’s decided to take on her shoulders.

    She wants to fight poverty the world over, help displaced people, feed the hungry, and is willing to go to any lengths to help them… but she has as much property in her name as some of the countries she goes to help. You don’t see a logical disconnect there?

    I dunno, I guess some people just have different ideas about what ‘public service’ and ‘helping people’ is all about. Honestly, I would give her more credit if the next time I hear about her charity work she’s standing on a Habitat For Humanity work site with a hammer in her hand than standing at a banquet in a $10,000 dollar dress, handing out another million dollar check.

  83. Nan says:

    Who cares why they do it! They are doing SOMETHING. Things are getting done. I never cared so much about these 2 but you can see why Brad would be attracted to Angie. She’s a DO-ER. Who cares what’s fueling it? Sure, she may have had drug issues in the past but people w/these demons are usually unstoppable when they focus on other things. They have a fire inside of them. People w/addiction issues are also never boring. They have a drive in their character. The world is a better place w/AJ in it. Go, baby, go!

  84. geronimo says:

    My, look at us, conversly civily on a Brangelina thread! How refreshing!

    I’m just going to add one small thing here. Their intentions are good but they come across as lightweights trying to be heavyweights.

    If AJ didn’t come out with this continual hand-wringing weltschmerz (as if she feels more than the rest of us, and her pain is greater), she’d be given a much easier ride.

  85. Mairead says:

    Scott, I do get what you’re saying – but the materials and organising a Habitat for Humanity type programme still takes a lot of cash to support it. Especially when the price of oil has pushed up the cost of transport enormously.
    I worked for an NGO (non-humanitarian) for 6 years and we achieved a lot on a pittance (mainly self-generated), but we could have done so much more and it would have been more self-sustaining in the long-run if there was some back-up finance.
    But again it would be good to any celeb getting their hands dirty rather than just stand around with their “serious face” on.

    Just to clarify, I think if one’s rich and successful, they’ve a moral obligation to help others – so they’re NOT “saints” for doing it, but I’m appreciative of the fact that they’re doing it the way that suits them best.

    Y’know, reading both Nan’s and geronimo’s last comments, (and it’s been said before by others) it does seem to an outsider they are trying to fill a gap in their lives- now it’s charity. Bit it could explain the way, especially Angelina is coming across.

    I’ve known mainly alcoholics, and when off the drink, they can become a sanctimonious shower. They’re good people, but the selfishness that the addiction breeds when they’re drinking can translate into a holier-than-thou attitude when they’re dry.

    Like, I’ve never had an addiction to anything harmful, (thank God), but I do have a slightly addictive personality. And I’m sure you’ll all agree that I’ve been known to be “preachy” in posts 😉 😆
    But perhaps it’s something like that’s the reason behind the foot-in-mouth disease she suffers from?

  86. Bodhi says:

    I’d just like to point out that she has never refered to herself as a “saint”. That moniker was bestowed upon her by the “haters”.

    Much in the same way Al Gore has never called himself the savior of the planet… (not to start THAT cluster fuck of a debate)

  87. countrybabe says:

    Scott is right about one point. With all these celebrities running to African each one could take a whole country and turn it around.

    Sarah is right, I think they use these things to make the press fawn over them. There are more people who don’t like Brad Pitt than Ange. If they didn’t do these things their images would be in the sewer.

    The article is very sketchy, and I haven’t seen this on any other site. No news on TV either. Odd.

  88. someone says:

    Some celebrities make it difficult for people to like and appreciate them when their charitable contributions become constant coincidences and press releases are made everytime money is donated somewhere. For example paris hilton just donated money to a hospital and then quickly did a press release. I think brad and angelina do the same thing in order to better their tarnished images and it is sad.

  89. elisha says:

    Yuck, look at Brad! He used to be so hot!

  90. sue mac says:

    This bitch rocks!!!! Make your comments with cash!!!!!

  91. someone says:

    She is a bitch. Make your comments with cash?

  92. sfh says:

    For the posters who keep asking the question, who cares? me and millions of other people, that’s the reason they keep brad and Angelina in the news, look how many people keep coming on board, and you haters care too, otherwise you would not even look at their sites, that’s a clear indication that you obviously care a lot. honey, brad is still very sexy, more than ever now, he has grown into his looks and more experienced now, how hot is that? love him so much more. hot!!!he is aging very well.

  93. dtaggart says:

    i would love to know what he just said to make her laugh like that!

  94. Wolfwhisper says:

    They both should be applauded. So what if they get their names in the news…So what if it is a tax write off…So what if Brad colored his hair. How many of you out there color your hair? How many of you out there actually have ever cared enough to help someone out who is less fortunate than we. We could learn a lot from those who give. You don’t have to be famous to care. Shame that you are the ones that publicize their names. I believe they are very Soulful people with a lot of compassion. They don’t have to do any of this for anyone. They could live in Hollywood and be more like our Great Paris Hilton or Brittany Spears who seem to be in the news all the time for doing nothing but getting into trouble. We should be happy that some of our Stars actually go out and are a part of the real world. Isn’t that what matters? You that snicker and criticized should ask yourself what you have done to help in the real world.We should never judge anyone. When we are not perfect ourselves.

  95. Just me says:

    I can’t reconcile her lifestyle with her talk. Private jets, chateaus and houses all over the world she does not live in after visiting places and seeing people who call a tent a home. Ms Jolie can talk but she can’t walk the walk. This reeks of PR, I do though agree that is is nonetheless a good deed. Nevertheless am disturbed by how these celebrities are abusing something so humane like charity. This donation is obviously designed to coincide with the release of her latest movie. Shame that the world has been reduced to this.

  96. ihateangelina says:

    we all know Angelina is a fake…trying to look like a saint…well, she can’t fool me..

  97. pam says:

    when we have sooooo many starving children here in the usa, why are any of you applauding their stupid asses for adopting all these kids that have a head start on hating the united states because they are each and everyone going to find a freakin reason to blame us for their troubles, except, they were adopted by rich assholes that have enough nannies to build a freakin fortress. Fuck the brad and angies of this world. Go Jennifer Annison!!!