Kate Gosselin bitches, moans and ditches camping trip with Sarah Palin

It looks like the National Enquirer got it right when they reported that Kate Gosselin predictably couldn’t handle a camping trip to Alaska with her eight kids and Sarah and Todd Palin. The episode of “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” where Kate and co. visited the Palins aired on will air next Sunday, and even the Associated Press reports that Gosselin was a pill and complained the whole time. Kate didn’t even camp out with the Palins as planned and left after just a few hours. The Enquirer reported back in August that she ended up staying in “a cabin with modern conveniences.” She definitely took off, and it sounds like she ruined what would have been a fun experience for her kids, as usual.


On the road from Wasilla to the class in Anchorage, Sarah sort-of jokes that, in case of a bear attack, “You need a partner with you who’s slower than you.”

“Oh, my gosh!” replies Kate, who already was spooked by the bear rug in the Palins’ home. “Sacrifice your friends?”

At the rifle range, she looks more miserable than she used to look with Jon.

And that’s only the beginning.

The day of the camping trip, it’s – wouldn’t you know? – pouring rain.

Out in the middle of nowhere by a stream and surrounded by mountains, Sarah is smiling, chipper and (literally) loaded for bear.

“Rain or shine, Alaskans still camp. We still find a way to have fun,” she chirps.

Then Kate and her kids land at the campsite. Quickly, Kate proves to be a bigger pill than a horse tranquilizer.

“I’m not worrying about bears right now,” she is soon grousing. “I’m just worried about keeping my toes wiggling ’cause they’re freezing.”

Sarah, daughters Piper and Willow, husband Todd and other family members seem to be having a blast. So, for that matter, are Kate’s youngsters.

“The kids are having fun, so I’m tolerating it, but this is my new home,” grumbles Kate, having sullenly planted herself, apart from the rest, beneath a tarp. “I am miserable, but, I mean, somebody’s got to be.”

Sarah, ever gung-ho, announces to the group, “This is the most luxurious camping spot I’ve ever seen!”

Cut to Kate, who tells the camera, “It just kills me that people, like, willingly do this.”

Soon everybody else is enjoying hamburgers, hot-dogs and s’mores from the camp fire.

Maybe it was finding out the hot-dogs are moose. About that time, Kate loses it.

“I don’t see a table, I don’t see utensils, I don’t see hand-cleansing materials,” she whimpers. “This is not ideal conditions. I am freezing to the bone, I have 19 layers on, my hands are frigid. I held it together as long as I could and I’m done now!”

She gathers up her children and, mere hours after their arrival, they have eaten and run.

Fortunately, Sarah knows the show must go on. Minus the Gosselins, she settles the crowd down for the night.

“Well, I thought we were gonna go camping with the Gosselins,” she says when it’s all over, full of glossy good cheer. “Turned out, we didn’t. We had lunch with them on a sand bar.”

[From The Associated Press]

That’s priceless “I don’t see a table, I don’t see utensils, I don’t see hand-cleansing materials.” Kate lives in Pennsylvania, it’s not like she’s been sequestered in a city her entire life. Leave it to Kate Gosselin to make Sarah Palin look good. You have to hand it to the Palins, they know how to rough it. They also like to hunt. Sarah was shown shooting, killing and dressing a small caribou on that this week’s episode. She said she felt “better” after felling the animal and that hunting gives her a “real feeling of accomplishment.” You can watch the video here. (An animal is killed so if this bothers you don’t watch it.)



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82 Responses to “Kate Gosselin bitches, moans and ditches camping trip with Sarah Palin”

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  1. Jacq says:

    And you wonder why Jon went screaming…
    “Sacrifice your friends?” she high-tailed it because she has none.
    “somebody’s got to be [miserable]” what a sh-tty outlook and attitude.
    Those poor, poor children.

  2. Sarah says:

    Can’t stand either of them.

    Quick question, “She said she felt “better” after felling the animal”, should that be KILLING the animal? Cause I’m confused.

  3. Celebitchy says:

    @Sarah – felling can also mean striking down with a bullet

  4. No Sensei says:

    Where’s Dick Cheney when you need him?

  5. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    That is so funny! “No hand cleansing materials” Geez what an idiot and a fake.

    She couldnt even stick it out for her kids. Spoiled Famewhore.

  6. guesty says:

    o.m.g. these two together are too much.

  7. Sarah says:

    Ah, I did not know that. Thanks CB! 🙂

  8. Whatever says:

    What I don’t understand is why do it, if you know you’re going to hate it and make everyone miserable? Personally, I hate camping, especially in the cold. Also, my kids have absolutely no desire, so we don’t go. We do other fun things that we will all enjoy to create happy memories for our kids. You are right about her not living in an city. Bears are in PA too (this is a big hunting state), so it’s hard to believe she never thought of these issues ahead of time.

    She needs to plan trips that everyone will enjoy, so she won’t end up ruining it for the little ones. As far as the “cleansing” materials, what moron wouldn’t bring along supplies and hand sanitizer?? I don’t camp, but even I would know to do that.

    On the other hand, did Sarah Palin really feed them hot dogs made out of moose??? WTF. That is just gross and I wouldn’t eat that crap either, but I’d find another solution, like sending a production assistant to find something edible.

  9. Motor35 says:

    haha i would love to go hunting with sarah palin!

  10. Leesi says:

    not that it matters but the episode hasn’t aired yet. it airs this sunday, it didn’t air last sunday. Kate is still nuts though

  11. Hakura says:

    @Guesty- Yes, they really are x_x

    I CAN believe she acted that way, but I would’ve thought she’d at least have allowed her children to enjoy the trip and stay out at camp, even if she didn’t. Camping in the cold isn’t my idea of fun either, but I’d certainly not ruin it for everyone else.

    I really do feel for those kids…. You just *know* that we’re going to be hearing stories that the twins have emancipated themselves at the earliest possible opportunity.

  12. Celebitchy says:

    Thanks Leesi I will edit that part.

  13. Jen says:

    Hot Dogs made out of moose are FAR better for you and more tasty than what hot dogs are usually made out of.

  14. Isabel says:

    This post makes me feel warm fuzzies toward Sarah. That’s quite an accomplishment.

  15. jaye E says:

    @Whatever…what’s the difference if the hot dog is made of chicken, pork, beef or moose? I don’t get how eating a pork hot dog is less disgusting than eating a moose hot dog.

  16. bros says:

    @whatever: are you kidding? moose meat is fantastic tasting, healthy, and far better than a regular hotdog, pork or beef, and its clear you dont know what you are talking about calling it crap and inedible.

    sarah and serial killers have in common that they both feel ‘better’ and gain relief after killing. shes freaking sinister.

  17. Kozmo says:

    I agree Jen. I’ve been to Northern parts of Canada and have had Moose, Elk and Deer. They are very lean and delicious, they are free animals and are in abundance.

  18. JRD says:

    I have to wonder what kind of monster can make Sarah Palin look good…..

  19. Hakura says:

    Yeah, there’s nothing wrong with a moose hotdog. I probably don’t even want to *know* what the run-of-the-mill hotdogs are made out of….

    I missed the part where she said something about killing? You mean the caribou? I can’t stand the idea of hunting… I mean, if she tied a pointy rock to a stick and chased it down herself, sure. But what kind of ‘challenge’ is it to point a gun and pull the trigger?

  20. Green Is Good says:

    Kate is misery on two legs. Nice going, ruining the kids camping trip because SHE was cold. SHE was miserable.

    Narcissistic hag.

  21. DoMaJoReMc says:

    @ JRD: ….and NOW you KNOW!

  22. Chrissy says:

    Palin went hunting and killed the caribou in last Sunday’s episode … Kate camping trip is in next week’s episode. When I read the article about Kate’s freak-out, I taped the show just to see it … was bummed just to see an entire episode of her hunting with her dad.

    People who have issues with Sarah Palin hunting must be vegetarians, right? Because if you are eating any type of meat from the grocery store, those animals are being treated and killed way less humanely than Sarah Palin out hunting wild animals.

  23. LittleDeadGirl says:

    She went because she needed to complain. I know her type all too well, they aren’t miserable cause something is going wrong, they’re happy when something goes wrong because than they can get up on their cross and moan and bitch. She couldn’t find anything to bitch about at home so she placed herself on a stupid camping trip to become a martyr for her family.

  24. malachais says:

    Kate is an idiot…I am certain she was fully aware of the conditions and what was going to occur during the trip. Obviously she knew with her diva demands, as she took the time to put on “19 layers” and bundle the kids. She clearly just “took the opportunity” for the extra money. I understand some people don’t like camping / hunting, but don’t f*cking go if its not your cup of tea – period.

  25. GrnMtGirl says:

    Wow!! As somebody above said…Leave it to Kate to make Sarah look good!!

  26. blinkblue says:

    Why are we still being subjected to this woman?
    Next episode substitute her for the caribou.

  27. Hakura says:

    @Blinkblue (#26) – AMEN.

    And no, I’m not a vegetarian. But that isn’t even what I was really trying to say. People act like hunting is a big talent… posing with the animals they ‘bring down’, but all they’re doing is aiming the gun. 9 times out of 10, we wouldn’t have the speed, strength or ability to bring down an animal on our own. I just hate when people act proud of it as though they did something amazing.

    Take the gun and tracking equipment away from them and see how far they get. -_-;; That’s all I’m saying.

  28. The_Porscha says:

    Oh, CB. I really feel like this woman ratcheted up the crazy because she thought it’d make for better TV. I just can’t believe that a woman from PA, like you mentioned, has no idea what camping outdoors is going to be like. I cannot believe that she was expecting a table and utensils and hand sanitizers, because as Looney Tunes as she is, she’s not developmentally disabled. She, in general terms at least, HAS GOT TO KNOW a little bit of what camping entails and I refuse to believe otherwise — which just leads to a conclusion that makes her look worse, in my opinion. It means that she knew exactly what it was going to be like, and went to exact the most amount of drama as possible, and left in a tizzy. This woman has been on “reality” TV for far too long. I so wish her show would bomb and we could be done with her for awhile, if not forever.

  29. bros says:

    i agree entirely with hakura. in addition, palin signed laws allowing aerial wolf hunting, which has to be one of the most macabre, unfair, blood thirsty methods of felling populations Ive ever seen. just flying over the frozen tundra from a warm helicopter, aiming at unsuspecting wolves and murdering them so that it will artificially bring caribou populations up so that there will be more for sarah and her ilk and the rest of the dumbass hunters who come to alaska for bloodsport. its sick. i used to work in a fish processing plant in alaska, and the wastefulness of hunters would astound me. they would bring in bear and want it processed and when they found out it couldnt be chopped up in the same facility as fish, they would just leave it to rot. same thing with over-fishing halibut, deer, caribou, etc. sarah sold out alaskan wildlife, which is a natural resource for ALL alaskans, to these commercial hunter interests in the most inhumane and pointless way possible. sorry for the rant, it just makes me so mad to watch her chirping about alaskas natural wealth and hunting while being the biggest threat to wildlife when she was in charge of the state.

  30. Baby says:

    Kate is just a miserable person period.

  31. anne_000 says:

    why do you need utensils to eat a hot dog? what utensil would you use on a hotdog? i dont use any when it comes to hotdogs. so what’s kate’s big fracas about when it comes to utensils?

  32. Praise St. Angie! says:

    Hakura, that’s my issue with hunting, too.

    it doesn’t take much skill to sit in a tree-hide and wait for a deer, elk, moose, etc to come along, then blow it away with some monstrously overly-powerful weapon.

    let the person loose, ON FOOT. give them a spear or “pointy rock tied to a stick” and let them chase down the animal. THAT is hunting.

    “sarah and serial killers have in common that they both feel ‘better’ and gain relief after killing. shes freaking sinister.”

    yeah, bros, that part kind of freaked me out a bit, too. I’m hoping she just meant that killing and dressing the animal (herself) that she’ll eat is the sense of accomplishment she’s referring to.

  33. Lady D says:

    I feel for those kids. I spent 5 years as a Boy Scout leader and our pack of 30 boys went camping 8 months out of 10. It was almost always raining (life on the coast)but it never bothered the boys. The boys didn’t care if they were wet, or their tent leaked. Cold never phased them, and everything tastes better over a camp fire. They always had fun. Kate’s kids I’m almost sure would feel the same way about camping. Really too bad she ruined it for them.

  34. Kiska says:

    Moose meat is very good for you. No antibiotics and other “fillers” that conventional beef hot dogs and pretty much as close to organic meat as you gonna get. Isn’t Kate all about organic?
    It is incredibly rude to be invited out and pitch a fit because its outside your comfort zone. For one, its insulting to the hosts and it teaches children that if you don’t like something its okay to be rude and nasty about it.
    Kate is a spoiled brat.

  35. bored says:

    Whatever said “On the other hand, did Sarah Palin really feed them hot dogs made out of moose??? WTF. That is just gross and I wouldn’t eat that crap either”
    If you live in a hunting area it’s not that bizarre. Moose is really lean and also delicious. It’s naturally “free range” and “organic”. I would imagine these hotdogs didn’t include any snouts or other mystery parts either. Moose sausages are usually what I’ve seen (being from Canada) and they are also yummy.

  36. Bodhi says:

    Moose hot dogs sound AWESOME! I have a lot of family in Montana & they send us wild game sausages & whatnot & they are the best! Nom nom nom…

    Anyway, as one of my friends said, Sarah needed an “ugly friend” to make her more appealing! Lol!

    As for Kate… this just makes me even more stabby towards her. Its CAMPING for God’s sake, wtf did she thinking it was going to be?

  37. NotBuyingIt says:

    I used to really hate the idea of hunting, until I was educated about it and saw for myself how many people depend on it.
    Not only do hunters fill their own freezers with meat, they donate to food banks and those that would have to go without.
    For those that think hunting is inhumane while putting store bought meat in their cart, educate yourself by reading about the abuses carried out in slaughter houses and chicken farms.
    Hunters kill their prey quickly and cleanly. Hunting permits are issued according to the population available.
    To many of any species leads to starvation and diesease.
    As far as Kate, they should have put antlers on her and sent her into the woods telling her there was a tanning salon and hand sanitizer.

  38. Whatever says:

    @Whatever…what’s the difference if the hot dog is made of chicken, pork, beef or moose? I don’t get how eating a pork hot dog is less disgusting than eating a moose hot dog.

    Just a personal preference. I’ve had game meat and find it to be revolting. I live in a hunting area and deer, rabbit and bear are routinely found on restaurant menus; I just don’t eat it. Some people feel the same way about pork or beef. To each his own, I was just saying I wouldn’t have eaten it either. Of course, hot dogs are horrible and we don’t feed them to our kids, ever.

  39. Whatever says:

    Take the gun and tracking equipment away from them and see how far they get. -_-;; That’s all I’m saying.


    This made me laugh. I live in a hunting area and we see men walking down the street in hunting gear with guns from their cars to the state game lands. Most are so fat they couldn’t run far enough to catch a turtle, much less a deer. And every year a few drunken morons shoot thier friends or sons by accident. Yeah, no real “skill” is involved.

  40. OXA says:

    It has alwasy been about kate and the kids were just her vehicle in attaining her goal. Several years ago I was fortunate enough to visit Alaska and was blown away by spectacular& majestic visions all around me.How she can deny her kids the experience of camping in that beauty just shows that its not about the kids.
    Dr Lillian Glass did a review of her Today show debacle and nails her.

  41. original kate says:

    “Where’s Dick Cheney when you need him?”

    @ sensei: exactly what i was thinking! LMAO!

    i was hoping the kids would band together and sacrifice sarah & kate to the harvest gods so we’d never have to see/hear from them again. *sigh*

  42. Tammy says:

    I don’t know about this. To me it is all set-up fake, like they planned in advance for Kate to have a hissy-fit to increase the ratings and create PR for the show.

  43. Penguen says:

    anne_000 said: “why do you need utensils to eat a hot dog? what utensil would you use on a hotdog? i dont use any when it comes to hotdogs. so what’s kate’s big fracas about when it comes to utensils?”

    Exactly! Plus, you know what that means – NO DISHES TO DO!

    Sorry, I get excited about that kind of thing.

  44. Tuatara says:

    What is frightening is that this is Kate on “good behavior”. What is she like when the cameras aren’t pointed at her?

  45. Anastasia says:

    Her parents owned a campground when she was growing up, for Christ’s sake!

    Obviously she’s always been a little princess diva.

    What a hag. And for the record, I can’t stand Sarah Palin, either, and don’t watch any of these shows. But I’m considering seeing if I can find some clips of this episode (after next weekend) on youtube just so I can laugh at poor pathetic narcissistic Kate.

    What a joke.

  46. photo jojo says:

    Kate Gosselin: The Woman Who Made Sarah Palin Look Tolerant. Sheesh.

  47. fancyamazon says:

    @ Hakura and Bros and Praise St Angie and others I’m sure (I have to go back and finish reading the comments)

    Competely agree. I have nothing against hunting, or eating meat, but the aerial wolf shoots and scopes and all the rest that a lot of “hunters” use these days make it not really hunting at all, but culling. And it absolutely is to artificially bring up the caribou etc in numbers, also for hunting. In the Canadian Prairies and probably in the prairie States as well, groups are trying to say that wolves are not endangered when in fact they are, so that they can continue to hunt them with impunity.

  48. marge says:

    I bet she has more than just her hands frigind… what awful choice of words! lol

  49. marge says:


  50. pebbles says:

    In that video clip, did I see Kate throw down food in a bit of a tantrum move and say, “I’m hungry!”
    My six year old is more well-behaved.
    She’s a tool.

  51. hairball says:

    “People act like hunting is a big talent… posing with the animals they ‘bring down’, but all they’re doing is aiming the gun. 9 times out of 10, we wouldn’t have the speed, strength or ability to bring down an animal on our own. I just hate when people act proud of it as though they did something amazing.”

    Totally agree. Another poster said about fat guys going hunting. Exactly. Wow, you’re so strong and talented – not.

    My husband is from Wisconsin and EVERYTHING (unless you live in Madison) is about meat and potatoes. That’s your square meal. My husband totally fled his small hometown in Wi for many reasons, and hunting was one of them.

  52. Mizz Tickles says:

    Little dead girl you said it! Kate Gosselin only seems like she is happy when others around her are miserable and the type of person who begrudges those who are happy.

    She reminds me of this “mother” I once encountered who had a shy little girl that she brought to my friends girls birthday party. The shy little girl was just beginning to open up and have fun and the cake was going to be brought out and the “mother” decides to take the poor girl home at that point.

  53. Randomness says:

    I’ve been having such a crappy morning, and this seriously brightened my day. I LOL in my office. This woman is a great target for the media. Ahh….Kate…thank you for letting me laugh at your expense publicly.

  54. Str8Shooter says:

    So…Dick Cheney just got a new rifle and is looking for some new hunting ground (er, campground…)

    LOL. Priceless that stupid twat Palin said she feel ‘great’ about killing something.

    Karma…DO YOUR JOB!!!

  55. Beth says:

    Ugh, they’re both such awful people. I can’t even hear the name Sarah Palin without getting angry. Why are people still talking about her? She’s ridiculous. She’s a caricature. She’s an embarrassment to an already ridiculous Republican party. Ugh, society continues its downward spiral.

  56. bluhare says:

    I guess Kate never thought to go to the store and buy some travel hand sanitizer.

    But the rumor mill has it the Palins asked her to leave in return for keeping their mouths shut about her treatment of her child(ren). Have no idea if that’s true so I’m spreading rumors I know.

  57. Judy says:

    December 7th, 2010 at 12:43 pm I don’t know about this. To me it is all set-up fake, like they planned in advance for Kate to have a hissy-fit to increase the ratings and create PR for the show.


    Naw, don’t think so Tammy. She’s truly that much of a spoiled brat. I read all about this at the time–back in July–and after throwing her fit, she and Steve, her lover bodyguard, left for a couple of days, and the kids had no idea where they were. And I’ve also read the report that she made a deal with the Palins in order not to expose her shaking Mady.

  58. Bodhi says:

    Judy, where did you find this out?

  59. Nudgie says:

    The question is….

    how can we get Kate to run for VP on the Palin ticket?????????

  60. Crash2GO2 says:

    “9 times out of 10, we wouldn’t have the speed, strength or ability to bring down an animal on our own. I just hate when people act proud of it as though they did something amazing.”

    This is why homo sapiens developed a large brain and tools for hunting rather than using claws, fangs and/or speed.

    If I was to be hunted I’d rather be shot by a bullet than grabbed by a croc and slowly drowned. Just one of nature’s grizzly deaths that come immediately to mind.

  61. icantbelievethis says:

    ‘This is why homo sapiens developed a large brain and tools for hunting rather than using claws, fangs and/or speed.’


    I lived in Alaska for over 10 years. I’ve never hunted but my friends do and not only do they use the meat to fill their freezers, but also donate to other families who aren’t able to hunt and are having a hard time economically.

    I’m not a fame of hunting for ‘fun’ or trophies, but totally support those that use the meat to feed families.

  62. Westcoaster says:

    A great reality show idea would be to strand Kate Gosselin and Sarah Palin on a island and see which one lasts the longest. I bet Sarah would leave first because she would not be able to handle Kate complaining and bitching!

  63. PrettyLights says:

    Kate is a sad case, I camp a lot in the middle of nowhere, Wisconsin – including this 4th of July when we got rained out – and when we got rained out, we dealt with it. As far as hand cleansing goes, it’s called hand sanitizer or baby wipes and I always have those on hand when camping. And of course camping is ‘not ideal conditions’ but you go to experience the beauty and serenity of nature, ‘ideal conditions’ or not.

    This is the first time Sarah Palin has seemed one bit tolerable to me, because she truly seems enthusiastic about nature and I am too so I can relate. Still don’t like her but I enjoy enthusiasm. But Kate needs to get some foot warmers, think about what her kids want, and SHUT UP.

  64. Feebee says:

    “my hands are frigid”

    I’m betting they’re not the only things.

    What a horrid horrid person. But no less than Palin deserves or can handle. I’m surprised she didn’t arrange a cheney-like hunting accident. That would have been amusing enough to tune into.

  65. lin234 says:

    My mother had similar behavioral traits that Kate does. I’m sure the kids had fun but in the back of their minds they noticed their mom’s tantrums and dreaded the shit storm that would come when they were alone. Kate probably played the martyr who suffered so her kids could have some fun and made sure her kids knew that.

    I can tell you it’s a confusing feeling to be having fun but feeling guilty (and afraid of what was to come) for it. My mother has mellowed out these years in terms of temper but she’s the last person I would like to go on a vacation with now that I’m grown up. In fact, I try to interact as little as possible with her.

    Maybe it’s why her kids “love” the cameras. Kate is forced to behave herself around the camera and tries to pretend she’s nice. Plus, when the cameras are around, they get to do fun activities. Honestly, women like Kate should not be mothers. They simply don’t have the patience and mess up their kids more than they know.

  66. di butler says:

    Can’t stand Kate Gosselin, don’t give a rip about the Palins, but my god, it’s stunning how ignorant some of you are about hunting and animal culling. Educate yourself on these issues somewhere other than some gossip/political blog. Geez. It’s also obvious most people have never been to a slaughter house/poultry processing house. If you want to discuss the issue intelligently, see them first hand.

  67. Trippin says:

    They should have smeared her sleeping bag with honey and stuck her out for the bears.

  68. The Bobster says:

    “Sarah was shown shooting, killing and dressing a small caribou on that episode.”

    Which proves that the dip who knocked up her daughter is nothing but a cowardly liar.

  69. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    I’ll bet Sarah was loving the fact that Kate’s native pissiness took over and made her look like the game party, no pun intended, who had her good time spoiled the other spoiled mom who has a show for some reason. I think that with Kate’s reputation, Sarah went into this thing with her eyes open, she probably amped up her ‘wide-eyed marvel initiative’ pertaining to her wonderment of her backyard just to brighten the halo she’s throwing through the television screen. Not hard to do when the comparison is to the scowling perpetual lip purse that is Fertile Myrtle. So Sarah’s good with a gun, so what? I still don’t like her. And Kate, you know how to make other people’s money and your soul’s darker than a cave fish’s ass crack, but you got played, sucka.

  70. dragonlady sakura says:

    Seriously, why go camping if you hate the outdoors? I can’t stand Sarah Palin, but if I had to be stuck with her or Kate Gosselin, I’d choose Sarah!

  71. Bitter fruit says:

    If only someone had slipped Kate some novelty antlers…..

  72. Hakura says:

    I definitely intend to go back through the comments made since my last post, but I do want to say that I don’t think all hunting is wrong.

    I understand completely that many people use the meat/hide of the animals they hunt, and feed their families (and that in many cases in some/rural areas, this counts for the main source of food for many communities). I don’t feel that this use of hunting is wrong at all. People who respect the animals themselves, and don’t waste the sacrifice being made, are totally fine with me. While I’m not personally a vegetarian, I do respect the point of views on both sides.

    My main problem with hunting is with ‘trophy’ hunting, and of course the horrible cruel types of hunting like the aerial wolf hunts. And hearing about the way a lot of hunters waste the meat of their hunts is just awful. If I had to kill the animal myself, I’m not sure I could do it. But I was also raised away from the concept of doing it myself, so view it differently than those who hunt to survive and provide.

    And I have to say… the image of fat guys in camouflage piled into a truck (likely with a ‘confederate flag vanity plate, sorry I couldn’t help myself xD) toting guns as they go off to prove their skill as ‘hunters’… amused me, even horrible though it is. xD

  73. Isa says:

    I don’t believe that hunting is a sport. But it is very cheap. I mean, you have the cost of a bullet, some
    But if you kill it, you should eat it. Hunting animals just to hang on your wall is disgusting to me.
    I’ve had moose. It’s not bad. I prefer deer meat.

  74. Cindy says:

    I live in NJ, and my uncles hunt and cook deer meat. If you cook it right, it’s not really gamey. The hunting cuts back on the insane number of deer dead on the side of the highway. Like another poster said – a quick shooting death is better than slowly bleeding to death on the hood of an SUV. There are certain animal populations here that would be out of control without hunting.

    Anyway, as far as Sarah and Kate go, I think they were both playing a game of “Stand next to the bitch so you look nicer” and Sarah won.

  75. MissyA says:

    “Where’s Dick Cheney when you need him?”

    Awesome. Just. . . awesome!

    Re: Hunting – I grew up in a small town in Wisconsin, and I can 100% verify that the majority of hunting takes no real skill whatsoever. It wasn’t until my boyfriend (mountain man extraordinaire) explained the ritual of stalking that I began to appreciate the effort that some (not most) hunters take into felling their prey.

  76. jbee says:

    …so she left without letting her children eat first?

  77. Hakura says:

    I’ve gone back through the comments =)

    @bros– I had no idea about Palin selling out Alaskan wildlife like that =( I thought I had enough reasons to dislike her already. This whole ‘frontier woman’ image is just for show, huh? If she really was one, she’d be more respectful of Alaska’s natural resources.

    @Praise St. Angie!– Yeah, since seeing another post, I *think* what Sarah meant by feeling ‘better’ after making a kill was making her father proud of her. (As opposed to the act of killing itself. At least I hope this is the case.)

    @Kiska (#34) – TOTALLY. You’re the only one who brought up the fact that Kate is teaching her children to be as spoiled, horrible, closed-minded, and OPENLY rude as she is. So much for their chance to experience new things.

    I do agree that at the very least, if done properly, a gun will be the most humane method to use. I struggle constantly with the idea of how the meat industry works, and have thus far managed to avoid detailed information, but I know ignorance is not bliss. I just haven’t gotten to the point where I can confront that yet.

    And I certainly can’t argue with the fact that some species get majorly overpopulated and cause problems that need to be handled… which is far preferable to them starving or being hit by cars. Unfortunately I know that not every situation ends in a way that’s good for both sides. I don’t hold anything against people who hunt appropriately, respect the creatures and nature they’re receiving from, and don’t waste the sacrifice being made.

  78. Katesux says:

    OMG, what whiny, sniveling, bitter, angry, spoiled, pampered, bitchy little Diva. Kudos to Sarah Palin; she’s so clearly 100 times the mother/woman than fake (boobs, teeth, lipo’d, hair, etc)/personality-lacking Kate will ever be. Kate doesn’t even truly care about her children and it was never more apparent than on this show. She acted like a pouty, spoiled bratty teenager; what a role model for her brood!

    It is no wonder that poor Jon left her. She is a total nobody who gained notoriety merely because she popped out some kids and now she thinks she is an A-Class celebrity. She is a pitiful representation of a mother, a woman and a Christian.

  79. Whattaride says:


    You obviously know nothing about hunting so please stop bashing it until you’ve actually tried it.

    I was so ashamed of Kate Goslin. I don’t know why I even watch her stupid show because every time I watch it I think even less of her and feel sorrier for her children.

    What on earth was she thinking…going camping…when she can’t even walk barefooted on a motel carpet or step in tiny bit of mud? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone (that wasn’t a teenager) who is quite as self-absorbed as she is. And she never even said “thak you” to the Palins for their hospitality. Just goes to show how rude she really is.

  80. Grim says:

    Can’t wait until they cancel Kate’s show…….please go away as you’re nothing but a miserable self-centered bitch.

  81. Rob says:

    I can’t wait til her show is over and all the glitter and glitz of fame fades away and she finally sees the situation she’s in. When the smoke clears she’ll find herself a lonely cunt who threw all her family and friends for the fame. Someone who prostituted her children for the money and fame. I couldn’t picture her doing anything more in television such as acting after her show ends. She’s has a terrible outlook on life and an even worse attitude. I wish she would lose custody of her children to Jon, they’re better off with him and have a chance at a normal life.

  82. why doesn’t everybody just shut the hell up about fucking moose-dogs.
    You all are overreacting.
    God, you all sound like Kate her-freakin-self.