Maury Povich to interview ’18’ year old auctioning off her ‘virginity’

In an attempt to boost ratings in an era where DNA tests are available at the local drug store, Maury Povich is allegedly planning to auction off an 18 year-old girl’s virginity on his lowest of the low talk show. Preview video on Maury Povich’s site (second video) confirms that this girl will appear on Thursday’s show and that she’s selling her virginity, but the brief clip makes it seem more like a scheme by the girl that Maury is just giving airtime to. The Enquirer presents it like Maury is in on it, though.

Chat show host MAURY POVICH caught in new scandal as he’s embroiled in a scheme to auction off the virginity of an 18 year old girl at notorious hooker palace – the Nevada Bunny Ranch, The ENQUIRER has learned!

“Jennifer” , 18, who is auctioning off her virginity told Maury (and his aud) that two years ago she had seen another Maury ep where a young woman “Natalie”, accompanied by Dennis Hof, owner of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, Carson City, Nevada brothel, attempted to auction off her “cherry”.

Raised in poverty, “Jennifer” said her mother, “Jill,” is okay with her choice.

“I heard my mom talking with her friends and they all said they wish they could go back in time and sell their virginity,” “Jennifer” said.

“This is an opportunity for me to make more money than people see in a lifetime.”

Prior to her appearance on Maury, “Jennifer” took a lie detector test, which according to polygraph experts – not gynecological – she appeared virginal.

Maury then pushed the envelope in his never-ending quest for TV notoriety asking, “Is she a sellable item?”

“Of course, there will be people from around the world who would show interest in her,” Bunny ranch kingpin Hof responded shockingly.

“She IS stunningly beautiful.”

Hof then confessed he would get a 50% commission out of ANY deal that might be consummated.

The “virgin” ep airs tomorrow — if it hasn’t been banned in Boston — AND elsewhere!

[From The National Enquirer]

There’s no way this chick is a) 18 or b) a virgin. We heard a similar story last year when a “22” year old girl auctioned off her “virginity” through The Bunny Ranch and supposedly had offers in the millions. This is a way for this brothel to get publicity and cash, and they’re probably using experienced hookers to do it. It’s not surprising that Maury is giving them a forum. Viewers just aren’t that interested in people pulling each other’s hair out over paternity issues. I’m surprised this “virgin” isn’t taping her “first experience” and using it as a selling point for her reality show.

17 November 2008 - New York, NY - Maury Povich and Connie Chung. Frost/Nixon New York Premiere held at the Ziegfeld Theater. Photo Credit: Paul Zimmerman/AdMedia Photo via Newscom Photo via Newscom

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29 Responses to “Maury Povich to interview ’18’ year old auctioning off her ‘virginity’”

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  1. Rita says:

    If one reads this thread carefully, it does not say the virtuous young lady is a virgin. She is auctioning off her virginity that has been kept in a climate controlled petri dish for 3 years after experiencing a coke induced sexual tryst. Where Charlie Sheen found a petri dish, I do not know.

  2. Jackson says:

    Ugh. Back to the shower I go…
    However, I can’t not say how incredibly skeevey of MP. Didn’t he used to be semi-respectable, back in the day? How low can he sink? I’m sure he’s going to present it as him being shocked that this ‘girl’ wants to do this however, he knows it’s just more free pub for her. Honestly, I didn’t even know his show was still on the air.

  3. Mae says:

    Well, she looks like a skankasaurus, would question wether shes still got her V plates as well.

  4. cici says:

    that’s silly. and even a gynecological “observation” couldn’t offer any guarantees.

  5. BReed says:

    This is so disgusting that I am rendered speechless. SOmebody else say something!

  6. happygirl says:

    @Rita – **wiping spittle from keyboard**…I guess I will now know to put the coffee DOWN while reading your posts. Thanks for the morning LOLs!

  7. bored says:

    Bahahaha this is hilarious. She gone git er money!!! Booyah!

  8. Javagirl1 says:

    I worked at the Bunny Ranch (as a door girl) and as far as brothels go, it wasn’t as skeevy as people think. Going in there, I expected to see a bunch of strung out druggies and alcoholics, but that was not the case. These girls need to be fairly intelligent and on top of their game, because it is all about negotiating. They were also tested for STDs once a week, and condoms were provided in truck loads and supposedly mandatory. A lot safer then a street prostitute or escort service.

    I don’t see how this girl is stunningly beautiful, but Hof is quite the businessman.

  9. Westcoaster says:


  10. Missy says:

    There is NO WAY that girl is only 18, Im guessing she’s more like 24-28.

  11. Crash2GO2 says:

    I see she got her boobs out for the occasion. *rolls eyes*

  12. bellaluna says:

    Hopefully she’ll use some of that money to get those tragic boobs fixed.

  13. Jesus Christ Superstar says:

    Ugh, Maury. Stick the out of control teens. Those are always the best episodes anyway.

  14. Rachael says:

    That’s disgusting.

  15. valerie says:

    this is gross and disgusting but…i can see her point of trying to give some value to something nobody seems to care about anymore..girls giving itup for no reason at all which in my opinion is also gross and disgusting

  16. REALIST says:

    There’s no way those boobs are real, either.
    Didn’t Maury have a decent show like-15 to 20 years ago? Some people will do anything-ANYTHING-to hang onto their tiny shred of fame (including throwing their credibility and reputation out the window).
    Jerry Springer was apparently a great politician in Cleveland years ago, I think-now he does his sleazy talk show-way more $$$$. Then again, being a politician and a sleazy talk show host aren’t that different-calling Sarah Palin!

  17. Delta Juliet says:

    Stunningly beautiful? Huh, I guess I am devastatingly gorgeous then because I sure as hell look better than her.

    As far as the story….*barf*

  18. devilgirl says:

    OMG! What the hell is wrong with people?

  19. hatsumomo says:

    If I had any sense when I was 16, i should have just auctioned off my virginity. Much better making some serious cash than giving it away for free to the loser who got it.

  20. TaylorB says:

    If she wants to be a hooker in a legal (hopefully safe) brothel that is fine, her body, her choice… but to give her pimp 50%?? well that is just awful.

    I don’t know her but she strikes me as one of those gals who says ‘I am saving my virginity for holy marriage, see my promise ring, so it is either oral or anal, you may fondle the taint but avoid the cherry’.

  21. Jaye E says:

    Maury dropped the pretense of being a serious journalist long ago. What floors me is that his one note show (his and Jerry Springer’s) is STILL on the air! How many paternity test and wild preteen shows can one do?

  22. The Bobster says:

    I’m betting this “virgin” has a tramp stamp.

  23. KateNonymous says:

    “I’m surprised this ‘virgin’ isn’t taping her ‘first experience’ and using it as a selling point for her reality show.”

    That still could happen!

  24. Alarmjaguar says:

    Yuck. How does this not break the prostitution laws in her state?

  25. irishserra says:

    @13 Jesus Christ superstar: I know you meant “stick ‘TO’ the out of control teens,” but your minor error combined with the nature of this blog – it was just too perfect!!!

    Eewww. The whole thing is just… blech.

  26. sicc says:

    Stern interviewed her about a month ago.


  27. original kate says:

    stunningly beautiful? no. stunningly skanky? yes.

  28. Hakura says:

    @Alarmjaguar (#24) – I’m pretty sure prostitution is actually legal in Nevada.

    I think it’s pretty obvious, and that we’d all bet money, that this ‘girl’ is in NO way a virgin, and is probably at *least* 20. Yeah, a ‘lie detector’ is an effective method. But whatever.

    But it just amazes me how much these men are willing to pay for a ‘virgin’… WTF? Millions of dollars, and for what? I just don’t get it. It’s not like there’s anywhere for them to ‘plant their flag’. They’d take one look at this girl and know they were just one of MANY….

  29. slymm27 says:

    i am thinking of opening some sort of legal brothel…..