Teen Mom’s Amber on Kim Kardashian: she made a sex tape and she’s bashing us?

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Kim Kardashian is now an expert on teen pregnancy, having briefly paid attention to something other than women’s foundation color and which toilet she’s supposed to attend the opening of this week. Kim posted a preachy missive on her blog about the case of 90 teen pregnancies in a high school in Memphis, Tennessee, which she claims to have learned about from a segment of The Today Show that aired on the same day she appeared on the show with her sister.

Kim blamed MTV’s Teen Mom for the spate of pregnancies in Memphis, which is strange considering that the teen pregnancy rate has been on the decline since Teen Mom started airing. If Kim had paid attention to the Today Show segment, she may have realized that all the pregnant teens at that one high school may have more to do with the fact that at least 3 dozen of them transfered to the school to get special services they offered to pregnant students. Today also mentioned in that segment that the birthrate for US teens is down 6% this year. There are still too many pregnant teens of course, and Kim blames MTV for it.

In response, Teen Mom’s notorious baby-daddy basher, Amber Portwood, pointed out that the teen pregnancy rate has declined. She also mentioned that Kim got famous for a sex tape and isn’t one to talk. I can’t stand Amber but she gets props for this:

After seeing a “sad and disturbing” report on Today about a high school in Memphis, Tenn., that counted 90 students who were pregnant or had given birth in the past year, the E! star took to her blog and Twitter Wednesday to tell her fans that getting pregnant at a young age is not something to aspire to.

“It seems that shows like Teen Mom are all of a sudden making teen pregnancy seem cool in the eyes of young girls,” she wrote on Celebuzz. “The kids from these shows are all over the news, even on the covers of magazines, and have been become almost like celebrities, but girls, these are not people you should idolize!”

So, what do Teen Mom’s Amber Portwood and Teen Mom 2’s Jenelle Evans have to say about that?

“There’s actually a study that shows since the original 16 and Pregnant aired, the number of teen pregnancies have gone down,” Portwood exclusively tells E! News.

“Last time I checked, Kim Kardashian had a sex tape floating around on the internet and I’m pretty sure she made a lot of money off of it,” says the mother of 2-year-old Leah. “She made a sex tape when she was younger and she wants to bash the girls on Teen Mom? If you read the articles about the show, they do nothing but talk about how the show reveals how hard it is for all of us. It doesn’t glamorize anything! It shows the heartache we’ve all gone through.

“We may be ‘celebrities’ because our face is out there, but it’s only because we’ve done some bad things. That’s not glamorous.”

Well, the paycheck is a little glamorous…

“When I think back to when I was 16, there is no way I would even have considered having a baby,” Kim continued in her blog. “That thought wouldn’t even have entered my head. Having a baby is one one of the biggest, and most life-changing decisions a person can make and while I’m not saying that no teen is in the position to raise a child, having a baby so young shouldn’t be seen as the trendy thing to do.”

[From E! News]

E! also asked the new bad mom on the block Janelle about this controversy, and she said simply “sh*t happens.”

See, Kim was once a teenager and she didn’t get pregnant so she should serve as a role model, not these Teen Moms who are stealing her reality show thunder. They don’t rate magazine covers, she does!

I agree with Amber that Teen Mom doesn’t glamorize what these girls go through. The money and tabloid covers they get glamorize it, though. It’s not that I agree with Kim Kardashian at all. She’s such a dimwit she missed the whole part of the story where they said that the teen pregnancy rate was down across the US. It’s just that these anecdotal stories arouse Kim’s feelings of frozen-faced superiority, and that’s so much more compelling than statistics or facts.

Kim is shown on 1/14/11 and 1/18/11. Credit: WENN. Amber is shown on 12/9/10. Credit: Fame



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69 Responses to “Teen Mom’s Amber on Kim Kardashian: she made a sex tape and she’s bashing us?”

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  1. Azreen says:

    Kim Kardashian being so incredibly stupid? Omg, who would have thought?

    Last time it was the breast feeding thing. I don’t know why she bothers writing anything on Celebuzz.

  2. Rita says:

    It will only be another year or so but I’m looking forward to the day when this chick looks like a pregnant bloated blowfish begging for attention.

  3. Anna says:

    One day cant go without Kim having to post her opinion about something. Give it a rest and shut up for once. We know you have to be in the news everyday but thing about your past before you bash someones else.

  4. Jules says:

    Pot meet kettle.

  5. Innocent says:

    It’s just that these anecdotal stories arouse Kim’s feelings of frozen-faced superiority,
    HA HA
    Jenelle’s response is hilarious and Amber’s response was great. Maybe being in jail for 24 hours has made her more mellow.

  6. judy swafford says:

    smart teens know better than this…

  7. LittleDeadGirl says:

    Right, girls should idolize a trashy whore that is famous for having some guy pee on her and she’s also famous for … hmmm … wait … I’ve almost got it … no it’s on the tip my tongue I swear.

    This is like Palin vs. Kate … just when I didn’t think I could agree with Amber on anything she slams Kim and makes me laugh.

  8. gabs says:

    karTRASHians need to go away!

    In what way is Kim’s show changing lives? I dont like watching teen mom but if it helped teen pregnancy rates go down then good job. Who is Kim to judge? I swear that girl is delusional. She really thinks she is some sort of real star that people should listen to and care about. So sick of these useless reality tv twats

  9. groan says:

    The only comment I can think of here is biotch please…..

  10. KJ says:

    I remember reading about her blog I believe on the Superficial, and the first thing I thought was “Didn’t this bitch launch her career with a sex tape? Pot, meet fat ass kettle.

  11. Squirrel says:

    1:0 for Amber. Though of course both ladies probably contribute to the decline in teenage pregnancy… One by being an insufferable young mother on a tv show and the other by being a overstyled, live and walking blow-up doll of a sex object whose video and magazine pictures teenage boys quite likely – aeh – spend quality time with and thus have less time to pester real girls. At least that’s a hope…

  12. lisa says:

    I don’t think the show is to blame. I think the issue is we have taken such a step back in the evolution of women that young girls think that being on a reality show is the next step after high school career wise. Many are not using the brains they have. They are in so many cases superficial and vain. All about what they wear and what they have. The Kardashians are a role model for NO ONE. But sad to say they have a big fan base of young women.

    There are so many women that have had rocky past and have actually turned there lives around and are successful and doing great things. Notice these women are attacked and slammed and we hold famewhores up as the standard and what should be copied.

    Hey you get what you pay for.

  13. njnick says:

    On a much lighter note – doesnt Kim look better in these two pics than she has in a while? I think she looks really really good.

  14. Franny says:

    I don’t think you can make the correlation between the decline in birth rate and the show teen mom. It seems more likely due to a new administration that doesn’t favor abstinence only education. Most teenagers aren’t getting pregnant because they think it will be fun but because they don’t know how to have safe sex. And although I know kim had that sex tape, its kind of time to let it go. I think hitting your childs father, going to jail and neglecting your daughter are far worse

  15. MSat says:

    I hate the Kardashians, but I hate Amber and these other idiot famewhore Teen Moms even more. At least Kim’s stupid decisions and selfish behavior isn’t hurting anyone but herself. Amber’s is ruining her little girl’s life.

    And now I hate Amber even more for making me be on a Kardashian’s side.

  16. Obvious says:

    why am i agreeing with amber? *sigh* not saying that 16 & pregnant is the reason teen pregnancy rates are dropping across the county, but it may have something to do with it. and amber is right some of these girls (hello amber) have done so pretty jacked up crap-which is why they’re in the tabloids.

    kim, stfu and read and listen to think. don’t just hear a topic and make crap up. anyone have a link to kim’s blog? i wanna go give her a piece of my mind, but don’t have the energy to look it up (just one of those nasty colds again so i apologize if i get super snarky and mean today =))

  17. kristin says:

    Ugh, Kim is right up there with Paris when it comes to vapid, slutty reality TV stars. The fact that she somehow differentiates herself from these teen moms demonstrates how delusional she is. Kim and her family teach young women to exist solely for attention and to be sexually attractive…but apparently because the 13 and 15 year olds in Kim’s family use birth control, they are superior??

  18. guesty says:

    Kim K…quite the role model. She’s probably super offended that Amber of all people would even address her.

  19. the original bellaluna says:

    What Kim ACTUALLY wrote was “The kids from these shows are all over the news, even on the covers of magazines, which is totally unacceptable, because I’M SUPPOSED to be on ALL THE COVERS” but it was edited.

    And sorry, but as a former teen-mom myself, this show glamorises being a teen mom by its VERY EXISTENCE. Show the teen-moms on welfare; no car; taking the bus or walking to well-baby check-ups & grocery stores; trying to exist on $625 per month, including foodstamps; and attempting to finish their education WITHOUT their family helping them. THAT’S drama. AND reality.

  20. Mimi says:

    Not a big fan of either girls but Amber wins this one as far as I’m concerned. Kim lives in a very large glass house and probably shouldn’t be throwing stones at anyone.

  21. HEB says:

    yeah Kim has obviously never watched Teen Mom.

  22. NayNay says:

    I think that Amber’s mom is on the right track. You shouldn’t throw stones at glass houses, when you are known to the world as a PIG WHORE.

  23. malachais says:

    Kim calling out shows/reality tv stars on being bad role models – “pot calling the kettle black”

    I guess someone should call Kim and remind her about Laurence Fishburne’s daughter since she decided to make a sex tape after ‘idolizing’ Kim.

  24. WTF says:

    Last week my two nieces were ‘arguing’ from their carseats about which one of them was a ‘big girl’….its cute when little kids do it.

  25. Jacquie says:

    I’m fairly certain I read at one point that most of the money goes into a trust that they can’t touch until they are older. I’m not sure what age but usually trust are set up to be attainable at 25.
    The show shows these girls making it on their own, the only one who has anything nice is Maci and I’m pretty sure that because of her parents not the show. If you watch the show you’d know how hard it is for them. You don’t just judge a show by the name and 16 and pregnant shows how many of the fathers walk away and how these girls have to do with school and having a baby, its nothing fun…
    Learn before judging people.

  26. garvels says:

    I never saw the show,I’ve only heard how it really discourages Teen Pregnancy but the gossip magazines are the ones that are creating this new type of celebrity. You can’t really blame the young girls from trying to cash in….after all, it is not like they are creating a sex tape.

    Kim Kardashian has some nerve casting stones at these girls. Good for Amber for calling Kim out on her stupidity. I would like to know when the media will call Kim out on her life of lies and hypocracy!

  27. Melanie says:

    It seems like all of the sudden people like Kim Kardashian made things like making sex tapes cool. Since she became famous for having a leaked sex tape, the rate of D list and F list celebrities have “leaked” sex tapes in an attempt to reach a higher level of fame has increased. These are not people you should idolize!

  28. Brittany says:

    How long has it been since Kim’s face was able to voluntarily smile?

  29. never thought I would type this *sigh*: Touche Amber

  30. the original bellaluna says:

    @ Jacquie – Your naivitee is sweet. Until you’ve survived on $625 per month (including food-stamps) in the state of CA, no less; without parental support; no compensation from MTV; and no child support, you have no say in what is “reality” and what is not. I’ve been there, done that. Trust me, what MTV is showing is NOT the reality of MOST teen-moms. PERIOD. FULL STOP. END OF STORY.

    Try an MTV series on teen-moms set in LA or GA, where the poverty level is high, as is the pregnant-teen quotient. Then we’ll talk about how “unlucky” these poor, poor girls on MTV are.

  31. Relli says:

    I am with celebitchy on this one, amber is no prize but she was incredibly spot on in this observation. I cannot stand the trashians but mostly because I think they perpetuate some very lame stereotypes about woman and kims signature pose with the parted lips and facial expression that seems to say “insert dick here,” does not help my opinions.

    I cannot wait for this bitch to go down ebola style

  32. original kate says:

    note to self: never take advice from someone who lets her boyfriend pee on her and tape it.

  33. TXCinderella says:

    What makes Kim think that all of these girls are getting pregnant on purpose? Sometimes birth control fails. What about her sister getting pregnant and having a baby out of wedlock?

  34. Franny says:

    @TXCinderella…while Kourtney did admit that they didn’t use any birth control that night, she was also 30+ years old, and has enough money to support 100 families, so while she doesn’t have a piece of metal around her finger, she has the financial and emotional stability to have and raise a child (even if the father is a bit crazy)

  35. the original bellaluna says:

    @ TXCinderella – If you’ve watched the show, you know these girls didn’t use birth control. Not regularly, not consistently, or not at all.

  36. DeE says:

    Kim’s face looks better, at least in the pic with the shiny orange dress. She really shouldn’t wear her hair tied back since all the work she has had done. She also looks best without the loads of makeup.

  37. Really Kim? says:

    “It seems that shows like ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’ are all of a sudden making ‘being a vapid whore with a sex tape and no redeemable skills or talents’ seem cool in the eyes of young girls,” she wrote on Celebuzz. “The ‘dumb whores’ from these shows are all over the news, even on the covers of magazines, and have been become almost like celebrities, but girls, these are not people you should idolize!”

  38. Isabella says:

    Didn’t Kim Kardashian also got secretly married when she was 18 or 19 years old and did not tell her family for months about it? I am sure it was, I think she mentioned it on her crappy show. Pot meet kettle indeed.

  39. rudy5 says:

    id rather have a baby than a sextape thats on the net

  40. daisyfly says:

    Kim made a sextape with her boyfriend. She was an adult at the time and if anyone was hurt by it, it was her.

    Amber made a baby with a guy and now is facing jail time for beating said guy up, not to mention doing it in front of said baby. Her actions have hurt herself, her child, and her baby’s father.

    As much as I can’t stand the Kardashians, there’s no making me go team “Teen Mom”.

    Both sides need to STFU, but Amber needs to GROW TFU.

  41. Kim says:

    They are right and i cant stand Kim K – she has no morals BUT ill give her credit here in that she was trying to say the trend of teen moms isnt cool. She wasnt bagging on these girls directly just encouraging young girls NOT to get pregnant on purpose.

  42. Str8Shooter says:

    “It seems that shows like Teen Mom are all of a sudden making teen pregnancy seem cool in the eyes of young girls,” she wrote on Celebuzz. “The kids from these shows are all over the news, even on the covers of magazines, and have been become almost like celebrities, but girls, these are not people you should idolize!”

    Exactly. However, she failed to mention that young girls should not aspire to be a media whore whose only claim to fame is taking one for the team in each hole.

    I hope she gets fat and ugly.

  43. Franny says:

    I find it hard to believe that rudy5 would rather have a child a 15,16 while in an unhealthy relationship with no degree or money rather than having a sex tape.

  44. kas says:

    Kim never had a baby. Did she get pregnant? Who knows.

  45. Steph says:

    Kim shouldn’t be saying anything at all.

    If she was is concerned with pregnancy rates, she should maybe say something to her younger sisters who might be more easily influenced

  46. devilgirl says:

    But being famous for having a man urinate on you IS something girls should aspire to????????

  47. Lemon Drops says:

    At least Kim isn’t an abusive woman bringing a child into this world that she can’t take care of. The sex tape hurt her, but Amber is hurting that child every day, emotionally or possibly physically.

  48. Isa says:

    38-LOVED that! You’re awesome.
    45–So true.

    Kim was sewn into that dress, right?

  49. JenJen says:

    Sounds like MTV wouldn’t give this Ho her own show.

  50. MNGIRL76 says:

    Dear Lord make kim go away! No she didn’t have a baby. she was to busy getting urinated on.

  51. Jacquie says:

    Uhm actually miss bellaluna I am a teen mom. I had my daughter when I was 17 and I lived off 440$ a month for 3 years with NO child support and all on my own without food stamps from the state. THANK YOU VERY EFFING MUCH!
    You have no right to talk to people like you know everything especially when you don’t know their story. Kinda like you didn’t know MINE.
    I really think you need to get off your “single teen mom” high horse because you are NOT the only one in the world whose done in before.
    In fact just an FYI so MY business is in full view for you and you don’t make the mistake of calling someone you don’t know a thing about naive . I’m still a single mom and while I have a full time job and make more than 440$ a month, I still don’t receive more than 55$ a month in child support so I still know what its like to NOT have it all and do everything my child needs ON MY OWN.

    • TC says:

      Go girl!!! I’m a teen mom too! 🙂 And b*tches, I’ve made it on my own and am a student at the UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA and am reaching all my goals. And I’m a better mom than half the adults I know! So anyone who wants to put being a teen mom down, can just go straight to hell with it! lol 🙂

  52. Camille says:

    🙄 Katface Kim is a stupid bitch. That is all.

  53. Sandy says:

    I will put up with ten thousand copies of every annoying fame whore on my computer screen, tv, etc.. PLEASE someone make the pop culture horror that is the Kardashians go away. Please. I would honestly waste one of three wishes.
    Its that important.

  54. moocowhead says:

    Dear Kim,

    Did you forget you have no particular talent or anything to offer the world? Being a talentless famewhore who does NOTHING isn’t something one should idolize a person for either.


  55. Dea says:

    Kim is really pathetic. Maybe she wants to launch an “Oprah” show and give advise to women. Believe me she is so delusional that thinks she can pull it off. This woman blamed a mom after she saw her breastfeeding her child in public; slapped her sister Courtney for her PDA with Scott on their show; now she blames teen pregnancy when in fact Kim released her sex tape and showed her vagina and how she got f..ked to the public. On the other hand is Competition people!! Kardashians will go after anyone that has reality shows so their shows have more audience and want to trash the competitors, not that Kim gives a shit about teen pregnancy. If she has morals she should release a statement saying “Girls: don’t do a sex tape to advance your career. It is wrong”. The Kardashians are freaky people.

  56. Eileen says:

    Kim should take interest in the large amount of young women who track down and sleep with famous or quasi-famous men so they can get in the news or make a sex tape and try to have a name for them self. I’m can’t even imagine how that came to be but its worth Kim checking out.

  57. Lala says:

    Girls dont idolize teen moms. Go re ord yourself having sex with ur boyfriends and hope youll get famous from it

  58. SuperSleuth says:

    How ironic having her dictate who shouldn’t be on the cover of magazines and be “almost like celebrities”. She is both delusional and narcissistic.

  59. angela says:

    Kim, you should think and know facts before you bash other people. If you would have really listened you would have known that since 16&pregnant aired the rate of teen pregnancies went down 6% and the reason there are 90 pregnant teens at that school is bc they have a special program for them. So once again think and know before you speak. Also the only reason why you got fame in the 1st place is bc of a sex tape wow that’s something young girls should idolize huh? I’m so sorry that the teen moms are in magazines and they took up space for you. Why are you in magazines? Bc you look good in bathing suits lol I know a 100 people that look good in bathing suits I think its time for you to get over yourself because sex sells kim and lucky for you it does bc if it didn’t you would be absolutly nothing, you can’t sing or act you just have a nice body and your pretty n btw there are millions of people that look better than you. Your a reality star you don’t do great things and you most definitly shouldn’t be idlolized by young girls. So once again think and know before you speak thanx!

  60. Bopa says:

    Actually I would think that Kims & Co’s lifestyle would cause more pregnancies than the teen moms. We all remember Dakota Fishburn saying she wanted to be famous like Kim because she did a sex tape and blew up. Now how many other young girls are doing sex tapes because of Kim?

  61. Sarah Jackson says:

    Hey, thanks for that Kim! I’ll be sure to take advice from a girl that lets some guy pee in her face and then licks the pee up off of the floor and then records it for a sex tape! Yes this really happened, it is in the original version of the tape, it has since been removed from the tape. I find it disturbing that this ho was invited to a White House dinner.

  62. Dea says:

    @sarah – wow that I had never heard before. I hate to accept that she is smart that she finds so many stupid people to give her so much attention and publicity. This country is going in the wrong direction in many ways. Very sad.

  63. jaye E says:

    @Jacquie and Bellaluna…are you two REALLY trying to out “poor teen mom” each other? LOL…stop it.

  64. Eva says:

    Kim should shout her f**ing mouth and do what she does best… Pose like a slut!

  65. Jacquie says:

    @jaye E
    Actually I felt as if I was being attacked for having an opinion by someone who thinks a bit to highly of their teen mom past. I was simply stating my opinion and sharing my side so that @bellaluna would understand that her first impression of my opinion was wrong and snide and rude. I felt she needed to be put in her place and I’ll be damned if anyone talks to me that way, even on the internet because she has no clue who I am and every time there is anything about being a mother on this site she goes off on a tangent.

  66. Briezy says:

    Yes the teen mom show can be looked at both in a positive & negative way. Positive for showing uneducated young girls & boys the hardship & impact of teen pregnancy can have. Negative for putting your business on national tv & criticized for it.
    Now as for Kim I don’t know why she voiced her opinion on this particular issue. Unless these teen mothers are stealing the spotlight from her in the celebrity magazine department. She plays the whole rolemodel card but lets not forget how you came to be in the Hollywood spotlight Kim! I personally wouldn’t allow a female such as her to be a role model in anyway shape or form. What does she have to offer? Hmm a sex tape?..posing naked for magazines?..oh yes maybe all the plastic surgery shes received & is still dipping into. She should really stick to what she knows best… sex tapes, posing naked & plastic surgery.
    C’mon Kim in sure you can use your “I’m famous for nothing & Ive dated most of Hollywood.. everyone look at my butt” celebrity persona towards something else besides bashing on these young teen moms. As for you teen moms on TV. Your in the spotlight for all the struggles & hardships of being a teen mother, not there because you shown the world how to have unprotected sex. Way to stand up for yourself against a no-talented, media Wh*re like Kim Kardashian!

  67. alyee says:

    Kim kardashian has no right to speak about teen pregnancy how ignorant of her to judge teen mothers if she has never been one. For one I myself got pregnant at 16 before I heard of the show I made a responsible decision and delt with the consequence. I now raise a wonderful e month old and yes it is difficult sometimes but what in life isn’t? I think all the girls who chose to have babies instead of abortions took responsibility and should be respected for that. I don’t know any of them personally but in this case I find them inspirational to have faced such a life changing thing. That’s what should be acknowlaged.

  68. Courtney says:

    I agree with Kim 100%. Everyone saying that she has no right to say the things she has, are completly wrong. Last time I checked everyone has the right to speach and she was just stating her opinion. Which, again, I sincerly agree with. No teen has the ability to raise a child. 16 and Pregnant? Your brain has not even been fully developed at this age, which prevents these children, (which i can call them because thats what they are)from having the ability to see future concequences. It is all wrong and notsomething I would idolize anyone for. I turn off the TV if i even hear the show come on, it’s a disgrace. Girls, get your act together. Sure they took responsibility for the actually bearing the child, but majority of these girls pond these children off to their parents, or are unable to give them the proper socialization that a child requires. These children have not even grown up yet, thats not someone I would consider mother material. You cant even babysit until a certain age, and that only requires 1/100th of what rasing a child actually does. think about it.