Brad and Angelina’s twins have colic; medical team called in

File photo of Angelina Jolie in Iraq on 2/7/08. Credit: Fame
The National Enquirer’s inset cover story about Brad and Angelina’s twins, which reads “Something is wrong with the twins! Medical team called in,” has to do with a common but often scary medical condition in newborns – colic. Both Knox and Vivienne, who turn two months old next week, are said to suffer from colic, in which babies cry for extended periods of time and appear in distress. Colic is often assumed to be caused by digestive trouble in babies, but medically it’s unknown what causes it exactly. Of course two colic-suffering newborns along with four other children at home is said to be causing Angelina countless stress and worry. She has a doctor staying at the family’s villa in France to ensure that everything is ok, and he has his own medical team. She also has another doctor and nurse on 24 hour call. According to the Enquirer she does have nannies, but she insists on caring for the twins herself.

“Both twins are suffering from colic, and Angelina is an absolute wreck from not getting enough sleep. Even though she’s raised four other children, the twins’ seemingly constant discomfort is stressing her out.

“She’s called in a doctor, who’s brought along his own medical team, and she has another doctor and nurse on 24-hour call.”

According to sources, the medical problems began shortly after the couple brought the twins home…

“Immediately after feedings, both babies start howling in pain, and Angelina has been running ragged trying to get them to sleep…

“She’s either trying to lull them to sleep in a rocking chair or pacing the floor with either Knox or Vivienne.

“Sometimes she puts the babies in their swings and sits nearby until they fall asleep. But when she gets them into their cribs, they’ll often wake up and start screaming all over again!

“Angelina says she can’t remember the last time she slept more than two hours straight.

“And even though she has a staff of nannies and assistants to help, the only other people she allows to handle the colicky babies are a doctor or nurse.”

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, September 15, 2008]

My son had colic for a few weeks after he was born, and I found that if I cut out all milk and bread/gluten from my diet he was much calmer and the colic went away. I limited my diet to just rice, turkey, chicken and only a few non-citrus fruits and non-gassy vegetables. It was difficult, but the improvement in his well being seemed worth it to me. That is just anecdotal evidence, and most doctors and even La Leche League will tell you that maternal diet has no effect on nursing babies, citing other cultures where mothers eat spicy foods. Some of my friends who nursed also told me that their babies were much calmer once they went on an elimination diet.

Nicole Richie has also touted the benefits of limiting her diet when nursing a newborn, saying after Harlow was born that “There’s just so much I can’t eat because she’s sensitive… I eat really bland [food].” Usually a newborn’s sensitivity to foods the mother eats goes away after a few months.

If Shiloh was a calm baby and wasn’t affected by Angelina’s diet maybe she’s not aware that the twins may be sensitive to the proteins from food that pass through into her milk. It’s also possible that something else is causing the twin’s colic and that it has nothing to do with what Angelina is eating. The babies are supposedly fussing right after they feed, though, which suggests that it has something to do with it.

The article also says that Angelina is upset that Brad had to go to the Venice and later the Toronto Film Festivals. It is said that she “resents that Brad pretty much comes and goes as he pleases,” but that she understands that he has work obligations and has to make appearances. They end with a funny story about how Brad called Angelina to tell her he loved her and she had to go because the babies were crying.

“On the festival’s final night [Brad] called in late just to tell Angie how much he missed her and to say, ‘You are the love of my life.’

“Angie was deeply touched and said she felt the same way. But a second later, she whimpered, ‘I’ve got to go – the babies are crying!'”

Brad and Angelina are shown below at the Beowulf Premiere on 11/5/07. Credit: Juan Rico/Fame Pictures

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80 Responses to “Brad and Angelina’s twins have colic; medical team called in”

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  1. SeVen says:

    I always thought it was because of gas.. that colic. My mom said I had it and after I farted I’d go right off to sleep. Cant comment on much else as Ive got no children.

  2. geronimo says:

    The only thing I believe here is that the twins have colic. ‘Sources’ my a*se.

  3. ann carter says:

    my daughter had colic…8 weeks of not sleeping and trying everything. you do go a little nuts!!! Our pediatrician was the best and recommmended a formula called “neutramagen” sp?? worked like a charm..cost a lot and worth every penny..something tells me money won’t be a problem for them 😀

  4. Baholicious says:

    Have anyone on this team of doctors and staff heard of Gripe Water? Just thought I’d mention that. Sometimes the best solutions are the simplest ones.

    I suspect she’s bottle feeding (I understand that not enough milk can be produced to feed twins)…babies swallow a lot more air on the bottle. A switch from breast milk to formula or cow’s milk?

    I hope it gets straightened out. Colic plays hell on the entire household, nevermind on moms and babies. It’s frightening to a new mom too when her babies are crying all the time. After reading this though, I guess it’s safe to say Angelina didn’t have this problem with Shiloh.

    I’m not a Brangelina fan by any means, but moms and babies are a different thing altogether. Every woman wants to see a happy new mom and happy,thriving babies and we do care when that’s not the case. Out of the various areas where we can disagree, I think all women are united on that front.

  5. Savannah says:

    How would anyone know what Brad said that to Angelina and vice versa? Do they have spies in their household? I think most of it is BS. Colic can be very difficult to cope with for both the baby and the mother. My friend’s colicy baby screamed for six hours straight every evening. By five months it was gone.

  6. Leandra says:

    Well at least she has help. It probably has to run it’s course and make the babies as comfortable as possible.

  7. Allabouteve says:

    Celebitchy you actually write this blog entries like you believe every word from this tabloids. Brad called late night to tell her how much he loved her, so Angelina or Brad must have called NE to tell them and since she was the only one that knew if she was touched, she has to be the one that told NE.

    Some days I feel stupid going on blogs because I feel like I lose some brain cells reading some of the drivel. Anytime that Angelina is not seen in public, the tabloids go rampant with their lies or maybe they have decided to increase the money they pay Zahara that way she is giving them scoops that are otherwise impossible to get either way I need to stay away from gossip blogs for a week at least.

  8. All Adither says:


    Colic will drive you batshit crazy, but it’s not all that “scary”.

  9. WarriorQueen says:

    First kid had it for four months straight – screamed and screamed. The neighbors would ask if he was ok, like we beat him. I did go “batshit crazy”… lol.

    She needs to get a grip and let someone else take a night or two. Colic isn’t cancer and she needs to get rest to deal.

  10. NicoleB. says:

    Baholicious, ITA! Not many americans know about gripe water, though. I bought a bottle before my daughter was born 16 years ago and although she wasn’t colicky, I gave it to her when she had any tummy discomfort, and it worked like a charm! I recommended it to all of my friends when they had their little ones.

  11. Jen WInd says:

    My first had Colic so bad for the first three months that I was so afraid to have a second, in fear of having to go through that again. I had to stop nursing the first and give her a special formula that cost a ton.

    The second just needed gripe water, which is a miracle worker for gassy babies.

    I don’t understand needing a doctor to move in with a medical team, it’s colic for christ sake, a lot of non celebs deal with that every day. We all go through the non sleep, and the heart ache of hearing the baby non stop cry, but we have gotten through on our own with out a doctor moving right on in.

  12. bros says:

    what is this gripe water?
    edit: nevermind-I just looked it up. it looks very helpful. my mom always took me to homeopathic doctors growing up.

  13. Baholicious says:

    Hi Nicole B,

    🙂 Glad to hear that. My mother & foremothers would always give a wee bit after each feeding just as a preventative measure too.

    It’s been popular in Canada for decades and I bet Angelina Jolie’s mom would’ve known about it since she was French Canadian.

    The biggest disadvantage AJ has with new babies is not having her mom to go to. It’s sad and I feel for her in that regard.

  14. alisha says:

    I love how some of you assume every case of “colic” is the same. Even the word colic can encompass many things.

    My son has severe acid reflux. He’s had a full GI workup and several sets of x-rays. Sometimes he coughs and chokes so much that I’m terrified he’s going to die right in front of me. He throws up more than half of what he eats some days, and keeping him healthy and in his target weight has been a real problem. We’ve tried literally DOZENS of things. Right now, he’s on a prevacid suspension that is incredibly expensive, and it doesn’t work as well for him as it does for some other babies. He is finally starting to outgrow it and I couldn’t be happier. I don’t think we could have gotten through it as well as we have if he wasn’t such a happy baby the rest of the time.

    For some other babies? Just holding them upright for half an hour after eating helps. For other babies, surgery is a necessity. I’m glad my son isn’t that bad.

    Colic is a misleading term and it doesn’t tell us much. I hope the twins are safe and healthy and that it’s not severe. GERD can be scary.

  15. Jen WInd says:

    alisha my daughter was the same as your son, she choked to the point where she stopped breathing, it was so scary. We had to take her to a GI specialist 3 times a month to monitor her weight and eating, plus examine her internally. It was scary, and made me so afraid to want another child. People said I was “colic scarred”. I don’t wish that one anyone, it is not fun to go through, but I still wouldn’t have needed a team of doctors to help me thgouh it, going once a week was fine, not having them live with me. Plus, I was stressed to the point of no return, I was unable to function because I had no sleep what so ever, just like any other mom that has been through it.

  16. Baholicious says:

    Hi Alisha,

    I see what you’re saying however I’m sure the x-rays and GI workup weren’t done by Drs. in your home. Nor, I’m sure, did they hang around on a stand-by basis. Part of the issue is abuse of privilege here by AJ (meaning, are these doctors pulled out of local hospitals and practices?).The coughing, choking and vomiting aren’t the symptoms that were reported. What was reported was the babies crying all the time. The symptoms you describe would have any parent in their right mind taking the child to the hospital and not installing a medical team in their house.

    We’re not armchair diagnosing anything, we are offering comment and potential solutions, based on our own experiences, to a very common situation with infants. AJ’s babies sound like they’re run-of-the-mill colicky aka ‘gassy’ babies and she’s over-reacting because she’s stressed and, quite frankly, bitten off way more than she can chew.

  17. Susan says:

    Must be nice to have a doctor live at your house and have a nurse on-call 24/7. Geez.

    I feel for all the mothers out there dealing with this ON THEIR OWN. Neither of my daughters had colic (thank God) but I’ve gone with no sleep, sick kids, etc. and had to be at work the next day at 8am.

    The life of the privileged.

  18. Kaiser says:

    Meh. I’m sure the Chateau isn’t as harried and crazy as the Enquirer is making it out to be.

  19. Syko says:

    My second one had colic and it is frustrating because no matter what you try to do for them, nothing really works. We ended up with a nasty formula made with Maltsupextract which is a tarry, thick syrup. Not to take you there, but she tended to be constipated and by upping the sugar it helped some. What helped most, though, in those days of taking diet pills while pregnant and having a smoke with the doctor after your examination, was that you could just walk up to the pharmacist and ask for paregoric, and go home and drug your kid.

  20. Elizabeth says:

    If I were Brad, I’d go a lot further than Venice. He’s got to be having a great time with Clooney.

  21. Diva says:

    Abuse of privilege? Seriously? She hired an employee, ffs. She’s not making them leave patients, she’s paying them in order to be their patient. That’s called a business transaction.

  22. geronimo says:

    Sigh. A bullshit story and now Ang is being accused of stealing medical staff away from needy patients. How predictable. 🙄

  23. ER says:

    Syko – I had horrible stomach issues as a child and my mom was always lamenting that Paregoric was taken off the market! Until now, I’ve never heard anyone besides her even mention it!

  24. alisha says:

    @baholicious – But you’re not there. You don’t know. I don’t know. I doubt anyone “quoted” in this story knows. It could be a very minor thing. It might not be true at all. Or, it could be serious, and as has already been stated, sorry if you don’t like it — but she has the right to hire employees. She shouldn’t spend money just because she’s rich? Come on.

    What got me about these comments, and drove me to respond in the first place, is that when I first started worrying about my son’s “colic,” everyone around me told me I was overreacting. All babies spit up, they said. I even switched pediatricians twice because the doctors wouldn’t take it seriously. When they saw him, he was happy. They said it was within normal bounds for a baby to be at the top of all the growth charts and then drop off. So long as he was above the 50th percentile, no one cared. Luckily, my insurance doesn’t require a referral to see a specialist, and now we have a pediatrician who works with us to make sure he’s getting what he needs.

    But to be told by everyone that nothing is wrong, when they don’t see your baby choking… that is maybe even worse than the actual sickness. For this family? It’s going to be THE ENTIRE WORLD telling them that they’re overreacting. Yeah, I feel a little sympathy for her. If I could have a doctor around on call all the time? I would.

    Jen Wind — sounds like you had it even worse. I’m so sorry. I hope everything turned out okay. My little one is just now seven months and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel… and every time he crawls across the floor (after something he can’t have, to be sure) without leaving a trail or stopping to cough, I feel like it’s a victory.

  25. Baholicious says:


    Your mother must be so proud, what with you referring to people as f*ckfaces and all.

    Privilege has everything to do with money. Money buys privilege or didn’t you know that, Einstein? It means ‘special entitlement’. How do people get that? By power or position of status which is usually a result of having all kinds of money, you frig-wit.

    Furthermore,how is a doctor not compromising other patients if they’re not there to receive appointments?

    Honest to God.

  26. bc says:

    oooh, colic sucks!!! constant crying, projectile vomiting, and NO SLEEP… oh, that sucks. two babies with it, ugh!
    i would check myself into a psych ward at that point!!! just to get some zzzzz’s!!

  27. Vern says:

    Digestive Issues can be a sign of Celiac Disease (gluten intolerance) or Milk or soy allergies depending on formula or breastmilk.
    Something as simple as changing one’s diet can help, and is way better than drugs.

  28. anony says:

    colic is just hard b/c the parents feel helpless. We did at least. And we finally got this expensive formula Alumenum or something (spelling?) that was thick and horrid looking as nothing else worked. How much gripe water? I heard water is not to be given to babies under 6 months as it can be highly toxic to their little bodies (sounds weird but even adults who consume too much water can die; babies are so much smaller so it’s easier)

    If this story IS true then I feel bad for her. Wouldn’t wish this on a soul, I had trouble with one having colic imagine 2 at once. She has the money for extra hands to assist her at least so that’s the bright side. Whether or not it’s speculation though it is totally normal if she resents brad seemingly coming and going at will. She is still dealing with all those hormones on top of it; I would want my partner alongside me too. This is all temporary though. She needs to enjoy that amazing villa.:)

  29. geronimo says:

    You really should google first if you don’t understand abbreviations since you’ve just accused someone of something they’re not guilty of:

    ffs = For fu*k’s sake, as in a term of impatience. Not fu*kface.

    Just saying.

  30. Syko says:

    @ER – it’s not available over the counter any more because it’s actually camphorated tincture of opium and somehow we’ve all decided it’s not a good thing to start our kids on heavy drugs at six weeks of age. It was really helpful, though, it calmed the intestines if you had a problem, and made colicky babies sleep.

    Also, Fukcface would be abbreviated ffc. Not ffs.

  31. Susan says:

    Furthermore,how is a doctor not compromising other patients if they’re not there to receive appointments?


    I read that they don’t use the nannies “at night” — riiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I SERIOUSLY doubt AJ is missing much sleep.

    I just don’t have much empathy for her — or any other rich actor who hires nurses, doctors, etc. to live with them. Give me a break. These people have NO CLUE what real people go through with babies, children. But, they like to pretend they do.

    It’s easy to be a parent to 4 young kids and 2 newborns – colic or not – when you have tons of hired help. 🙄

  32. Baholicious says:

    Hi Alisha,

    Where did I say she couldn’t spend money because she is rich? Please don’t put words in my mouth. All I said was where are the healthcare providers coming from. It’s an entirely fair question given that France has a socialized healthcare system and I’m assuming these are local doctors. If this is the case, no, I don’t think it’s right that they be installed in her villa because of who she is.

    Other than that, she can spend until her hands fall off for all I care.

  33. Baholicious says:

    Hi Geronimo,

    Noted and thanks. I don’t mind being corrected either it makes more of an impression sometimes: I honestly don’t mind if someone points out that I’ve been a d*ck or jumped to a conclusion.

    I admit sometimes I do feel a little picked on which can colour my responses sometimes. I don’t know if it’s because I’m new here or the way I write or what but there you have it.

    thx again

  34. Granger says:

    My first-born LIVED on gripe water for three months! Awesome stuff. 🙂

  35. geronimo says:

    Baholicious, no problem, just pointed it out as it’s misunderstandings like this than can cause comments to escalate into really nasty exchanges. And frankly, there have been way too many of those lately.

  36. Jessica says:

    I love SeVen’s comment… would fart then go right off to sleep! My kids did the same thing!! Too funny!

  37. Syko says:

    Baholicious, we all feel like that at times, especially when you first start posting. It’s sometimes hard to communicate irony or sarcasm via the written word, and people get their panties in a wad over it. And there are people who come here who are total goons and want everyone to join them in their goondom. I just back off awhile when I get my feelings hurt (often) and before long am right back to being my usual smart-ass self. Welcome, anyway!

  38. Diva says:

    Thank you, geronimo.

  39. Baholicious says:

    Thanks again to Syko and Geronimo.

    Diva, my sincerest apologies, I mean that. No hard feelings I hope.

  40. Diva says:

    OK… I think I’ve calmed down enough to post to the topic and not to the emotion…

    France may well have a socialized health care system, I don’t know, I’ve never looked into it, so I’ll go with your statement, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t private practice doctors.

    There are doctors who don’t work a hospital, a clinic, or even an office private practice. In–home or constant care for the wealthy is what they DO.

    While I may have been catty about it, my point was that by deeming it “privilege” you’re assuming that others were suffering because of who she is. It’s highly unlikely that this doctor had a receptionist call a bunch of French people and tell them they had to go find someone else because Angelina Jolie just stole the doctor.

    There is no “entitlement” in hiring an employee. It’s a luxury, yes, but it’s not something to make a villian out of someone for.

  41. Diva says:

    Bohalicious –

    It’s cool. No hard feelings at all.

    It’s just a gossip blog after all. 😀

  42. geronimo says:

    LOL! I am so much more successful at sarcasm-free peace-keeping than snarky political discussion! I think I’ve found my niche. 😀

  43. Kaiser says:

    So, obviously I don’t have kids, but I have a question for the mothers – what is croup (or crup or whatever)? Is it some sort of respiratory thing with babies?

  44. Susan says:

    Croup is a cough — supposedly sounds like a seal. So yeah, it’s a respiratory thing.

  45. Tina says:

    Everybody is an expert once it comes to Angelina Jolie.
    Angelina took police away from their jobs even though intruders evaded her private space, Angelina will be the death of social medicine in France because some unconfirmed probably a lie that she called in a doctor. It is amazing she has not been accused of causing Gustav for the audacity of breathing and I wonder how some of these judgmental, sanctimonious people who criticize her for breathing even have not thought of that yet, maybe CB has not done a blog on that yet.

  46. Elizabeth says:

    Do you think Brad’s having second thoughts about hooking up with Angie?

    I see a change in his body language. He seems to be looking away from her in photo opts.

    Curious, especially from all the guys out there.

    (Very busy but, I’ll try to check back)

  47. Kaiser says:

    @Susan – Thanks. That’s what I thought.

    @Tina – Funny. But everybody knows Princess Z caused Gustav. 😆

    @Elizabeth – The pic of the two of them is from nearly a year ago – around the time he was getting her pregnant. So, that theory is blown.

  48. Tina says:

    @ Elizabeth – Yes I see it too and he is totally hooking back up with Jen, you heard it here first.
    He is taking Shiloh and the twins and moving back in with Jen who is totally the love of his life and he has never really been into Angelina, all those babies were conceived with turkey basters cos you know he can’t have sex with Angelina cos he is totally still hung up on Jen, now go take a nap and wait for the pictures of the new happy family. 😆

  49. momoftwins says:

    I guess I’m lucky. I breastfed my twins until 6 months & they never suffered a bit of colic.

    What I am actually wondering, is why people get so worked up about comments on Brad & Angelina. It’s Brad & Angelina Jolie… not your family members!

  50. Diva says:

    WHAT???? I’m not a family member of Jolie OR Pitt????

    I don’t know how I will finish the day. I guess I have to go home early. 😀

  51. Bodhi says:

    No, I don’t think Brad is having second thoughts about creating a life with Angelina

  52. ff says:

    Give CB a break. She knows the tabs aren’t the gospel but she’s responding on the understanding they could they might have points of truth.

    Anyway, that advice about colic and dietary elimination is a good tip. I’m glad she replied as she did. I found it helpful.

  53. whatevs says:

    That sucks. I had colic as a baby and I drove my mother completely insane, I’m so scared I’ll pass it on to my kids someday (don’t know if that’s even possible).

    Baholicious-I thought that’s what “ffs” meant too! Glad it was cleared up, “for fu*ks sake” is pretty catchy.

  54. Ria says:

    I had a daughter with colic – it was about six months of HELL. Breast milk didn’t help – I was told I would have to eliminate all lactose products and certain grains from my diet. I switched around formulas and finally went to Neutramagen for $15 a CAN. Yes, A CAN. Twenty four dollars for a CAN of powder. I would buy it by the case to get a discount. Also, I tried letting her ride on the dryer, a hair dryer, radio on static… Nothing helped but my standing outside and swaying her back and forth. I finally foung gripe water (Baby’s Bliss), and that would make the gas pass.

  55. Elizabeth says:

    Thanks Bodhi. I sure hope I’m wrong.

    Somehow I still think he’s discovered he made an impulsive decision.

    And, I don’t think they’ll ever marry.

  56. fee says:

    Gee – I cant believe how emotional people get over the Jolie/Pitts (her in particular)…….as for babies with colic – I wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy, nothing does your head quicker than a screaming, inconsolabe baby for hours on end and your totally powerless to help.
    I cant believe my sister had 3 children – each one of them all had colic, reflux & chronic ear infections… that woman deserves a medal – or sedation 🙂

  57. Goddess711 says:

    I’ll bet Jennifer Aniston is laughing her a** off!
    Looks good on these two needy, spotlight hogging, home wrecking ho’s.
    The “in your face”ness of the infidelity and the buttercream icing on a bullsh** cake as they adopt a million kids and crank out a few for good measure – it’s sickening. I’m glad she’s exhausted and the babies are real enough to be real work like they are for us pions.
    Can Angelina go cold turkey on getting media attention for her vapid, shallow life? I’m sick of hearing about them! WHO CARES?

  58. Trashaddict says:

    Colic is so miserable. So no matter how privileged, I do feel for her. But with all that help around, what Angelina needs to do is let the nurse or the nanny handle the babies for 8 hours, go to bed and get some rest. Best thing she could possibly do. Because if it is colic, there’s not much you can do to stop them from crying. Not breast feeding, not mylicon. The swing helped mine a little when she was big enough. I thought I was a terrible mom. I would finally get the nerve to take her out, and “bloop” she threw up all over me so back to the house we went. I was so jealous of people with “easy” babies. I’m happy to say my daughter’s a beautiful 14 year old (read, “intelligent nonpregnant child of a democrat”) with a cast iron stomach now.
    But (and I would never do it myself) the experience led me to understand why someone would throw a baby against the wall. If you don’t believe me, read a book called “operating instructions” about a single mom who’s kid had colic. (the elimination diet worked for her apparently but that might have been when the child outgrew the colic!
    Alisha is right, if the baby is acting colicky you should see the pediatrician just to be sure the weight’s holding up and it’s not something else.
    Hang in there for those of you dealing with it.
    I really feel for you.

  59. Mairead says:

    Oh I do have such sympathy for the family on this – my mother still shudders at the memory of my colic. My friend’s baby had it and it was such a piercing cry. Poor little mite.

    As usual my head is scratching at the unthinking swipes that the Angelina detractors take at professionals – who probably do a job quite different from them and of which they only have a passing knowledge of. For example, events organisers are, by proxy, accused of being idiots for booking her to speak.

    Now doctors of some sort (either hospital staffers or General Practitioners) are being accused of being completely unprofessional by ignoring the needs of other patients to attend to the Jolie-Pitt twins.

    I’ve not lived in other countries, but surely Ireland can’t be the only place where GPs make scheduled house-calls after surgery? Or that has locum doctors to take up the slack? Or has agency nurses that don’t require kidnapping of nurses from hospitals?

    I could also be wrong on this, but I always thought that while comprehensive public healthcare was available in France, that there was also a provision for private healthcare for those who wanted it and could afford it?

    And isn’t it a good thing to provide employment for even one nurse (if that’s even true) when the world is powering towards a recession?

  60. daisy424 says:

    Goddess711, Why did you open this thread and comment? 🙄

    I am surprised that Ms. Z hasn’t fixed this problem by now 😉

    I’ve had colicy babies, I used Mylicon drops, worked like a charm.
    The twins being small might have a under developed lower esophageal sphincter. 3 of my Grand kids had this problem. As they got older, their LES matured and the reflux disappeared.

  61. gg says:

    … because somebody is a “pion”. 😆

  62. mammy says:

    i agree with Baholicious solution, i used that 4 my daughter and it worked perfectly. I lost hours of sleep myself until a family memeber recommened Gripe water. it can be found at a fruit/vegetable stand. Other solutions are rubbing their tummy,side, back because the gas can sit anywhere, bending their knees to their stomach is good 2 and that relieve gas.

  63. Bystander says:


    Can Angelina go cold turkey on getting media attention for her vapid, shallow life? I’m sick of hearing about them! WHO CARES?
    Err Ms. Goddess YOU havent’s seen Angelina Jolie since she gave birth to the twins that is if you’re not been living under a rock or something. Ok lets include the family a photo taken when they were inside their garden in France so basically Angelina is just taking care of the babies in France whatever “NEWS” you hear about her are all fabricated by tabloids who cannot seem to leave her alone it’s the tabs fault so blame them and not Angie. And I think you are not sick to hear about the Jolie-Pitt since you are here posting on the thread about the JP’s. If you are sick of somebody or something you’ll just ignore that person/something and not give them your precious time and energy. I guess the correct word would be you are sick because you cannot help yourself being obsess with the JP’s.

  64. Bystander says:


    Yeah i know all X fans still think with Brad’s 6 kids with Angelina and thinking of 2 more, Brad made an impulsive decision and will one day wake up and regret dumping the X bwahahahah… Crazy X fans.

  65. caribassett says:

    I have 4 children, and it is absolutely cracking me up that she has a whole medical team for colic. Seriously. To me it is insane. I hope she is breastfeeding ( generally most moms can produce enough for two) bc it can be better than formula for sensitive tummies. She should consider baby wearing, and as another person stated gripe water. But a whole medical team, I am sorry but IMO thats as absurd as her blood necklace. Poor kiddos.

    Meant to add, the colic may not be colic at all. They are described as crying all of the time. If the house is unusually noisy, bright, active etc. They could also be chronically overstimulated. Overstimulation is pretty common. I don’t know AJ or what happens in her house, just a thought.

  66. jacqueline says:

    Its very common- its trapped air (even very painful for adults if not “expelled”)- yeh, Angelina needs to use the gripe water or similar (fennel). It’s a nightmare time – my eldest was only ever NOT crying when she was in motion!!
    I think all of us would give any amount of money / anything to get more than 2hrs sleep at a time; it’s THE worse nightmare / sheer torture – I still remember it well 21 years later on.
    The rocking chair / swaying crib sounds good; or get the nanny to walk them in the stroller around the estate 24×7

  67. ibth says:

    Heroin withdrawal in babies can be very painful for them, that’s all I am saying.

  68. Bodhi says:

    Oh puh-lease. That bullshit again?

  69. daisy424 says:

    I know Bodhi, I saw that too. 😕 Probably a bored d-lister.

  70. Jeanne says:

    Colic is fairly common, and hardly a medical emergency. My little girl had it for a while, it’ll pass. Sure Angie is exhausted. Once you have kids you’ll never sleep the same again or get as many hours of sleep. I have three kids and for years one of them is always sick, getting hurt, etc. She’s lucky she’s rich. It’s not like she had to go back to work full-time after only 6 weeks off, (like many mothers) Nor does she have to grocery shop, cook, clean, etc. Boo Hoo Hoo. If I sound bitter maybe I am. I’m so tired of hearing about Jolie’s pregnancies and her kids.

  71. Bodhi says:

    So, because they have money, she & Brad should be villified for having colicy twins & 4 other kids to care for? Huh? AJ & BP knew damn well what they were in for & they have embraced their kids & their lives together wholeheartedly.

    People tend to forget that the vast majority of the stories about AJ & BP (& Jen A. for that matter) are based on random photos at best & pure lies at worst.

  72. Diva says:

    Yeah, Brad said yesterday at TIFF that everyone was happy and healthy… so ya’ll can dial down the hate that she could dare have had a doctor on her payroll.


  73. nmv says:

    that’s what you get trying to be a super woman and not a lady.A.J. get what she wants. 🙄

  74. Nina says:

    If you people don’t like Angelina, why read any entries about her and why comment? Personally I rather like reading about them, she and Brad make a beautiful couple and they do so much. Why is this such an issue? Wish I had a doctor on standby when my first boy had colic, he cried non-stop for six months!!!!

    We in South Africa use Gripe Water too and it did help to a degree, until I found that if you mix milk of magnesia and Coke cola, a spoon each, the gas comes up and the baby falls asleep. Desperate times calls for desperate measures. I had even gone holistic and tried various herbal remedies… nothing helped until i gave him that spoonful of Coke Cola. He had intestinal bleeding just after birth and we spent the first two weeks in the ICU, so his colic came from there.

    I feel sorry for her, and I’m glad she has help.

    I’d rather read about her than Tomkat and their little sci-offspring anyway. Brangelina and the kids seem more normal, and you know Angie actually smiles! The only one smiling in the Cruise family seems to be Tom…?

  75. Susan says:

    Jeanne! Awesome! Can I get an amen!!!

    I read somewhere that she is “suffering from exhaustion” and “lays in bed most of the time”.

    Uh — then WHY is she so “exhausted”??? Sounds like she’s laying in the bed getting rest to me. Unlike MOST of the planet who have young babies…

  76. Amy says:

    Colic is an old term used for Acid Reflux. I also have twins. My son from birth until about 4 months old was on medicine and Neutramagin formula. He also slept most in a swing or his car seat. The upright position is much more comfortable for babies with Acid Reflux. Like adults, when you have heartburn, it hurts worse when you lie down correct? Same with babies. I wish I had a dr on call and nannies with my twins!!

  77. Lisa says:

    From experience, “colic” is NOT fun. I have 5 kids, and they all had colic for a period of time. My last one was the worst. He actually slept about 2 hours out of 24, and that was on a good day! I was completely exhausted, and unlike some, I could not afford live in doctors, nurses, nannies, etc. First of all, maybe she should let the nannies help out with the twins. I seriously doubt that doctors are going to rock them to sleep. If she let someone else help out it would help more than just her. Colic can be a vicious cycle. If they have had colic for this long, AJ has to be going out of her mind. Babies can sense that. They sense when you are angry, sad, frustrated, etc. So if she is frustrated (how can she not be?) what kind of vibe are they getting when she is holding them, feeding them, rocking them, etc.? Not a gentle and soothing one, that is forsure! If she let someone else help out somehow, she could have time to re-group, and maybe they would feel more at peace. And IF she really is breastfeeding, stress does nothing positive for milk production. She might not be producing enough milk, and maybe they are crying after they eat because they are still hungry. It can be difficult keeping up your milk supply for one baby when you’re under stress like this, much less 2. Also, if the story is true, she really should leave them to sleep in their swing. It said they fall asleep in their swing, and wake up when they are put into bed. Maybe upright is one of the few positions that are comfortable to them. We can not sleep if we are uncomfortable, why should we expect babies to? It does not hurt them to sleep in a swing. I don’t think my son slept in his crib until he was 6 months old. It was a swing, bouncer, carseat, whatever made him the happiest! The doctors never said anything to the contrary. Whatever happens, I wish the Jolie-Pitt family all the luck. I hope BP can see that he needs to stay home and spend time with the other children. No matter who or how many people you pay to watch the kids, they still need mom and dad. And especially being adopted, they don’t need to start feeling like they are in the way, or mom and dad don’t have time for them anymore, or that they don’t love them anymore. They will start resenting the twins! Even if it was only grandparents watching them (which we know is not the case) they still need mommy and daddy! And note to BP and AJ….. buying them gifts does not make them feel loved. They would probably prefer 5 minutes sitting and reading a book with you, than to have a new bike, horse, or whatever. You don’t want them thinking you are going to give them away like their last parents did. “Damage is easier to control, before it is done.” Good luck to you both. +++ vibes being sent your way. (just not for another +++ pregnancy test ha!ha!)

  78. Famous or not, this has to be tough on both Brad and Angelina. My best to both of them during this time of concern.

  79. Colic Baby says:

    Yikes! I had 2 kids with colic, but 2.5 years apart. I can only imagine having two at the same time. Good to know that even celebrity babies can have colic 🙂